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We never thought that we would sell a product which did not belong to me and
we would be selling the books in public places. I still remember how I ignored the
salesman when they use to approach me. Initially we felt very shy to sell the
books and that also of Gandhiji however a member from our group was very
confident about selling, in fact she told us that we would sell more than 40 books.
This gave us more confidence, and we started selling the books.

We started with our activity of achieving the target of selling 40 books on THE

Me along with my group started our journey of MPS activity at ___________,
initially the few people we approached were not apprehensive about buying the
book they ignored us.

A member from my group approached a person standing nearby, he started with

his pitch which he had prepared, the person listened to him and told that he don’t
follow Gandhian principle.

The next person rejected us by saying he already has 1.

Some people also asked us for some other freedom fighter’s book n so on.

There we felt like we are rejected by people around. We then had a small break,
where a member from our group told us that the way we approach the people
was wrong, he explained the right way to approach the people as he had a
experience in sales earlier. Then we got the complete idea of what to talk about,
whom to target etc.

My happy memories
Selling Gandhi’s autobiography was in itself a good experience. A member from
my group sold the first book we was very happy, that single selling actually
boosted our confidence. Then we came to know that its not the Gandhiji’s book
that we were selling, it was ourselves. As Gandhiji famously quoted “Be the
change you want to see in the world.”
Later in less than 4 hours we sold almost 90 books. Slowly our confidence
started rising and the shyness started decreasing. The humiliation that we faced
was vanished.

Reading this book was such an experience, selling it was another.

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