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Table tennis- an interesting sport

Are you a sports fan? Table tennis is an option if you like this kind of sports!
Table tennis is an Olympic Game which is also known as ping-pong. It is a very popular sport
in all of Asia, Europe and has started to set foot in America.

How it began?

In the 1880s, England was the first country that developed table tennis. Early versions
of table tennis used rackets.
As the game spreads, Ivor Montagu created the “International Table Tennis Federation(ITTF)
in 1926 and remains until today, the leaders of this game being China and Sweden.

How to play?

Tennis table can be played by two players or four players, who hit a light plastic ball
back and forward over the net using small rackets made of wood that are covered with rubber.
The object of this game is reaching eleven points before your opponent. If the score
becomes tied at ten points each, the first player that leads with two points wins.
Each player has two serves. If the score is tie at ten points, each player will serve one
point in turn instead of five.
A player scores a point when his opponent fails to return the ball on the table.

The Score
A point is won if:
• the opponent misses the service
• the opponent misses the retour
• ball reaches half of the field twice
• opponent strikes the ball twice
• the free hand of a player touches the table
• the ball leaves the playing area without touching the half of the player

It is very important for this game to have an arbiter because you can not concentrate at
the game if you try to be careful with fouls and points.

It is also very important to pay attention to your service because most of the time a
good service bring you a point.

Table tennis is an excellent game not only for championship players but also for
amateurs of all ages.

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