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1 Coca-Cola - US$45.4 billion

2 Microsoft - US$44.5 billion

3 Google - US$43.1 billion

4 Wal-Mart - US$39 billion

5 IBM - US$37.9 billion

6 GE - US$36.1 billion

7 HSBC - US$35.5 billion

8 Hewlett-Packard - US$34.1 billion

9 Nokia - US$33.1 billion

10 Citi - US$27.8 billion


1 Sony (Asia)

2 Coca-Cola (U.S.)

3 Nokia (Europe)

4 Nestle (Europe)

5 Pepsi (U.S.)

6 Colgate (U.S.)

7 McDonald’s (U.S.)

8 Nike (U.S.)

9 BMW (Europe)

10 Samsung (Asia)


1 Coca-Cola (U.S.)

2 Nokia (Europe)

3 Colgate (U.S.)

4 Sony (Asia)

5 Philips (Europe)

6 McDonald’s (U.S.)

7 Pepsi (U.S.)

8 Kodak (U.S.)

9 Nike (U.S.)
10 Nestle (Europe)

I trusted u more than any girl in my life..!!! considered u ideal girl...a complete package...who has no bad
quality in her..!! u was close to perfection...!! bt u disappointed me badly..!! u broke my proud
that i had in u..!! The moment u engaged urself in boys at that moment u lost me...!!

Y..?? Y...??? Y...?? It hurts worstly....!! y do i stll love u..!! y ...?? y...??? y..?

Y still i trust u...y still i need u....y still i have faith in u..!!! Make the pain stop..!! (Rai)

This world knows to hurt others..

If we feel something special for someone the only gift what we get is pain...

True feelings have no value....!!

One night watching tv i felt you,For a moment i thought i see you,But you were neither here nor there,I
found myself everytime in you,Sometime i didn't know what to do,Busy in my talkings i admired
you,While ready for prayers i prayed you,If you felt me i was always behind you,If you loved me i was
always besides you,Time passed by and you went away from me,Now i am very far away from you,And i
wrote these few words for you,To show that how much i miss you...!! (Rai)

U were a proud of mine jst as i have a proud on my family..!!

Even still i wana trust you bt i cann't....!! i want to hate u bt i am unable to succeed in it..!! ur happiness
is nt if u r happy with someone else..!! U hurt me more than i deserve..!! whom will u deceive
after me..??? who is ur next target?Dont cheat someone else..! Em ready...Come n betray me once
again..!! There is a pleasure in the pain given by u..!! Come n hurt me worstly..!! I lost u..Bt DONT WANA

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