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Objective: To The Last Man

The Space Marine player is attempting to stop the Orks from rampaging through th
e Arachnis Pass and onwards towards the Hive itself. The Ork player is seeking t
o burst through the hastily thrown up cordon and advance on the Hive City beyond
The Ultramarines are victorious if there are any Space Marines left alive at the
end of the game.
The Orks are victorious if all the Ultrarmarines are destroyed by the end of the
1. Set up a 6' by 4' table. The Space Marine player deploys his forces anywhere
within 12" of the centre of the board. He may then nominate one of the long boar
d edges for the Ork player to deploy on - the Ork models must be placed within 6
" of that board edge.
2. The Space Marine Scouts and Ork Deffkoptas may make their scout moves.
3. Both players roll a D6, the player who scores the highest may choose to go fi
rst or second.
Game length
The game lasts for six turns, at which point either the Orks have smashed throug
h the Space Marine picket line and can advance unmolested towards Arachnis Hive,
or additional Imperial reinforcements arrive to bolster the Space Marine positi
on and drive the Orks fall back to see easier prey.
Special Rule: Relentless Tide
The longer the battle rages in the Arachnis Pass, the greater the chances that m
ore Orks will be drawn in to the action. Whenever an Ork unit (except for the Wa
rboss) is destroyed, the Ork player may move it back into play at the start of h
is following turn. Units that re-enter play in this way may move onto the board
from either the Ork starting edge or one of the short board edges.
Note: This scenario can be added to the Black Reach Campaign introduced in White
Dwarf (US issue 344).

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