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or THI:





NOB. I. TO VII.-lS52 .

•• Ie _ill 8oan.ll.l ifDaturalilU.obemilla. aDtiqaariel. pbiloloren. ad IDea ohoieD~ • .. diANat pert. 01 ........ will comm!t their o~r:vatioDi to wriliD,. a~d lead them toth. A.-aie SoeieCY at C.lcatla. It wJlllaDJ1llSb If lueb commumcatioDl ,ball be IODIr iD __ iIUId i aDd it .. m die awaJ if theJ ,ball eDtireJJ _"-8.8 W •• Jo..... .


pBDrUD BY Z. TBOJUB, BAPTI8T )(11810. PUll.


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Note 011 Col. SttlCe1l', GAturai Coiu.


Note 011 Col. Sl"eq', GIuuai emu. !Jy E. THOMA.I, BIf. C. B.

ID the year 1848 the Boyal Asiatic Society of London, did me the honour of publishing in their Journal my EIlAY on It The Coins of the Iiugs of Ghani:' which had for its object the exhibitiou of a eJ.ified Catalogue of this particular eectiou of Mr. MUIOn·. mOlt IUCreutUl No.milmatic gleanings in Afgb6nil~n. Col. Stacey'B collectiou. of'GbuoaYi money, about to be described, will be found to furnish anerallupplementary dates and many unique and interesting additioDl to the geoeral Beri.., and as I have endeavoured te make thil notice

. • III lately puaiDi throlll. CaW1lpGnl I had ID oppol1aDitJ of OUIOl'ily uam .... lie the late Col. 8,-y'. uteDlin oollectioll 01 COW, IDd by the kiDd permlNioll .,the , .... , crner. Captaill WroqlatoD.1 waa eubJed to _. thia 1Iri .. lor palieado ..

.lpIn from the .lItoricallll __ t aDd typical DO~elty of maar 01 the IpeCiIlUllll .... to me. I am IDXiou to mat. k_ the _tlnta of thIa dmaioo of Col. S&!IoeJ'. Cablaet .. a lair _pie of the eadre OOlliletiOll, .. I _ cIeIirou of ..... Cleae .... UC -rr-rel promoted iDto lOme locality more -abl. to 0rimIal ADtiqaariel. thID thBJ at p_t OOCIUpylll a prin.te Cab_ III aD out of ... way IItMiGD III the N. W. Pro~iDoeI.

All opportanity 01 el'ectin& thie occun at tb. preant momat ... the whole col .. lectioa II DOW for ..... aDd it II ol'.red Oil the nry eqaitable term. that tb. :prioe IMI1 be d.tumiDed by lDy third party. belDg. oompetlDt j.dge 01 theae utiquitiel, "lao may be elected by the IIlteDdi.I purcbaMr aDd approncl of by the ..... !

A. c-al idea 01 the uteat ... character 01 the collectioll may be formed from die foIlowiDc cluli6ed oUliDe of ita _teDte.

QI'IIIt Del ~ •••••••••••••••••••• ". " ••• " •••

~, ~.................... 11


a-aiaD, .

()w, lliada, .

.... s.araahtraa, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18

IIIatora fII Kuoaj, •. •• •• •• • • •• ... •• ... •• •• •• •• •• II

IMl, • •• •• •• .. • "

1haIifat, GIaaDl, Ac.,.. ~7

Gruel Total... •• 103


SUnt. Copper,
187 161
10 ."
27 64
60 .,
375 487
29 4
2 2
55 875
677 1399
1362 3601
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10 far eomplete in itlelf, by inserting full tnDJeripta of the legmd. and engruinga of specimens of the leading c1auea, I tnut it will pro,., an ... ptable contribution to the Joomal of the Aaiatio 80eiety of Beagal, whose ,... I may remark, u yet hear no record of the eoioage of the ant Moslem Dy .... ty of Ubnliatau.

I preb a Table shewing the order of sooceuion of the Gbunan 8olt6u, together with a lommary or the datea of acceaaion of tboee coDtemporaneolll Potentatea whote Dames find a place on their medala. 4. TCl6k 0/ tM GIttuamtl DyruMt" teo

---- K~i~--~i~a~--------

IDWffa of BqIllW. Date. of __ . of S.2 SUa6IU Emperon.

Ghuni. ~.

Al T6('!a lillah, •••••• 363

A.B. A.B. A.D.

Al MutMa lillah,...... 334

----1--- ------

366 976 Isbak,.... 366 NcSh biD Illu6r. S67 977 Sabaktip.

AI ~ ~ilIU, •• •• •• 381

387 997 lam.II,.. •• 387 MIllAr biD NOla II. S88 998 :M6hm6d, ••

'92 1099 108 1114 lt09 1115

AI Molltllnllld billala,.. 51t 112 1118 AI Buhid bil1t.h, • • •• 629

AI MoktaIJ 1-mIlt.h. 630

547 IU2 AI MOItaDjid billah,.. 555 166 1160

AI Moktacli beamerlilab, 467 Al MOituber bil1t.h,.. U7

HO 961 AJptepi, •• 850 IIae6r biD N6h I.

421 1030 Muhammad. 421 1030 Mua6d.

432 1040.1 Muhammad. 432 1041 M6d6d.

440 1048 M_ucl II.

440 1048 Ab61 Buan Ali. 440 1048 Abdal RulUd. 4" 1052 Topral.

4" 1062 PerokhaL

451 1059 Ib~m.


889 Abdal IIaIik Ilia NOla.

M_UdIII. SMrAd. AnlU.

BaIarUa 8h6b. }

Sujar, tile 8eJj6k Go.

ftnlor of lthoriAa.

KhuriSbQa. Khuri Malik.

The aeeond or reference nomber in .the lob joined list of Coina indicatel the heading, in th. original Mauon Catalogoe, * under which each pieee .boold be claued.

• I would take tilts, my .... n., opportaDity of nferrins to a Bniew 01 m, Ella,. b,. II. Dd'remery, wldda .ppearecl ill &be Bmae N,·;-'dc!- GI Pull ..

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Note 011 Col. Stacey', GlatUfli Coi ....



No. I. [ii.] SilYer, highest "t. 46 gr. Perno, 8iz Coi ....

Bnerw. Olnlno".

A1J ,. IJI ,

4.1"..)~ ~C,,; &lJI )~ ~


IIlrgio. Borah iL 33, and lxi. 9. Margin.

\:)~~ ~).,.,"~? Ai...

Average "eight 43.6 gr.

Non.-I ban IIOt D, boob of refereaoe at; baud to euble .... to determine ..... the two COW, whole l .. de are tranlCribed below, baYe beeD pabliahed •• , 01. Damerou coDtiamtlll _rb on S6mUf mon., I bat their UIOCiatiOD II date IDd ID prosimity 01 plaoe of iIIae with oertaia of the _Her COW of the ,,_t __ , .. WIll .. the iUllltratiOD they .word of the diltribudon of the territeriIl __ 01 the day, wiU, DDder UIJ aircamatlDcel, reader their iDIertIoD ID II1II .... appropriate.

Eur& No. A. Gold, WII. 67 aad 61 gr. Bent A. B. 360 aad 361.

RfHrtt. &11

~ &11,4.1"..) ..,~



liar. w;"_,..J!A1 &C. II 4.1"..) ~



" "1 , 10M. ~ dJ,

aJ 1o!.L4.r'


{)~.J"~"'" dJ, ~ Mar. Int. ~ ~ Ai... iJ.,tot [alt.~,Ai...]~WJS

Mar. Ext. &C. ~ wA ,.,.." AU AIJI ~ \:);...,."

lNt. I ... IIOC hen _ter into tbe ... eral qa .. ti~u raieed b, m, Critic, bat 1_, CIaIIidlJ , .... piIty to oae 01 &he two, I _ proud to II, the onl, two ..... taken aplut me. Por the reet the DOtiee illDoat _aragiDf for my hrtMr •• orll J ad II altoptller wrlUea ill 10 kiadly •• pirit.. to demand my ..... acbowledpeall.

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Not. Oft Col. Stilt.,', Gluuni Ooi,...


No.2. [vii.] Silver, wt. 43 gr. B"n.

Beeer, e, aJJ

J"..)~ )_,..;...o all I

c,; ~ ~I


0"".,., e, » "1 ,

• .,.., J AlII

IJ ~.,rt.' AIJ ~WI

Margins illegible.

No, 3. [torollow xvii.] Gold. wt. 52 gr. Hertt A. H. 413. N.., 7YJI ••



a.UIJ"..)~ iJ~o)Jl ~ .u..n ~I ~ ~ 0)/1 r Irai ,-IJry'1

Margin. Sarah ix. 33, and lxi. 9.

06"".111, J ..

» &II ,

IM.~ &111 &I~~' alJ ~ )0) 1111

Mar. Int. • );+1...,11 ~~ &JA ,._, ~~)I~ '''':'- ~~ Mar. Ext. Surah xu. 4, 5.

No.4. [to follow xviii.] Gold. wt. 62 gr. Ghun( A. H. 415. U .....

Bee.,., e, &11

~ alJl J.J"") i.J,,4JI~ .tI.J1~!J ,-All>! I

Margin. Sarah ix. 33, and lsi. 9.

0611.,., e, » &II ,

'M.~ IlJI IJ ..c"..,:. ,

&.IJ ~ ),)1111

Mar. into )li:!o)Jl I~~ a.U! ,..., ~)I~'~~ii...~ Mar. ext. Sarah SU. 4. 5.

Mr. Bareloe Elliot po...... • .lmilar Coin of the Ghami Mlat.p, lletlll ~.)I~ ~ ~)I I. e., 414, A. H.


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1852.] Nole 011 Col. S'4eeJ'. Gluazai CoUu. 119

No.5. [m.] SilYer, 1ft. 53 gr. "e •

.JJ ,. Al' ,

aJ.,.-J""" ."..".0,

J _,..;.- alJI .., o.!l:!-'"

C~ 4¢ .aJJ ~\IaJt

iI.J.)JI~ ~ w


MargiDl illegible.

No.6. [UT.] SilYer, bigbe.t wt. 64 gr. ~erage 46.5 gr. Eig'" 8pecitlUM.


• AU • 41_"'.)~ ".w, ~ .aJJt 4lJ1~~iJ ~~

lIarpI illegible.



" &II' I,)A..J a1Jt

IJ 0.!11~' AlJ~))\lI,


Mar. &c. ""J~"~.,,..&JJ! r-!

No. 7. [urn.] SilYer, 1ft. 44 gr. Ghuni A. H. 395. {ollr Specimen ••

Ret1er.e. OIJHr.e.


" &I, ,

1~,&lJI &l1!.II~~ ~ ~

lIargin. ,...?1t ,~,.,.. &11, ~

~WJS" ~" u-A. Ai.. &i~ No.8. [No. xu. &c.] There are 18 CoiDi in Col. Stacey'. col- 1eaion criFering yarioUl .uborclinate modUicatioDl of tbe general type 01 the clau jut deacribed. The leading trilinear legend of either area JemaiDI cooatant, but the monograms vary in their atyle and position -It tim .. the word 41.» iI introduced at the top of the obverse field, IIId the ~ &gum at the foot of the main iDICription, dJ alao iI _ to bead tbe legend on the revene-and the character., in which


&lJt41,..~ &lJ ~ ,J.) W,

il.J'" ~ .,_"....

lIepa. 8. xu. 4, 5.

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Not. 011 Col. BItIeq'. Qknei CoUw.

[No. 2.

the DUlle of MahmM ill npreaed. dift'er coasiderably ia the lMITeral .pecimeu, graduatiog from the formal letters of the old Ko6c to the interlaced tlourish of more modem writing. ID lOme eumplea again. the titles ,....,lIf' and in othen i1.J,~, are eograved in fiDe Iio. within the ar .... but the position they occupy is indeterminate.

Where decipherable, the obverse marginal legends uoally purport that the piece was coined at Gbun{ in A.. H. 395 d •• , ; but in many of these Coin. the marginallpaces are filled in with mere unmeaoiag repetitions of short perpendicular Iioes and small circles, which lut in imperfectly formed Kufic legeads aDSwer for either r. or"

No.9. [to follow xliii.] Silver, 1ft. 37 gr. Uaiqu.

Bner •••


&lJ'J,,-)~ ,;-,,~ &lJJ ~ &lit, lilt .~


i.WI~I" .,,,..-0

Margins illegible.

06f1n' •••


~ "1 , 1oN." &111

&1~"'" .~o

NOTS.-[No. liv.] While last year at JhellllD. I met with. variuat 01 tile elaborately dellped copper mOlleY of Mahmud delCribed ad 'I1lred UDder No. li'v. of my lilt In the Jour. Royal AI. Soc. The Jbelum apeei_ p- the JNIC'llIarity 01 bamal tile word i)"r iDaerted before the _. of tile city of GhuDf

[,lau liyih] Thli • tbe ODly inItUloe within my know....,. 01 &lie _ of ... preh In thil --.

1 am indebted to Sir H. M. Elliot for the reference to the IObjoined Dotice of the impoaitioDl practised by certain Hiodlll, which led to an estenlive deterioration in the local standard of MahmM'. Silver coinage.

The Persian text appears defective, 1 bowe'fer give it, as it etaad .. merely iDlerting variants from a second copy. without at· preseat eDwring into aDy further remarks.

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1852.) Nol~ 011 Col. Sltle~', GAfUAi eoi,... 121

~\.t"=-'I ~~ yLi$ JI ~

=\.tIJ)1 ~1,.rJ

~ )b!J ~ ~&.:.o\4-! o.::.J.1~1 ~ 1,:)".1$ ~, I,)),,' o.l:o:!\(a,

~ ~.1 [oW,) J ] .Mi.a..r~l..1! lt1~.w.. U'~ ~ J( 1!11 .... )"", 41J.J'!)_"!j ~.1 )YrW~,))"f ~[),)].,..),) J.1'J~).1f r~~,) ~W.,=,~J,)L.':.) [J] I,:):,,=" oWiJ! U'~ I,:)",".~,)y '1J'¥,.r ~.1 ,)J,),;f ~ I~,).J"'" ~li~)j4 [ ~ J) G ,)J,)..If )4)~ ~, ~"'" ~~"so ~ l_}j r~ ~~ U'W' jl [-»ol.:!'»] .,.;~ \:I' ~J'~ U'J) ..:.-.:..i ~~,)~ aJ.J~' sL.1 ~~ ~ jI;t..; ~'''..I ~lt ~)r~ aj_;'; ~ ~ I$,)j U'~ I,:)lilt).}!4J ,))J1 ~ 1lIo)I~ ~~ !"itjlt)J~.1 ')),,1 ~4 Ai!iA-J' J~!>,,}U ~, 1$ "';",;f ";~dlJ,1 ~,.)'))~)!.iA)lf oW aj!)A. j' u ,)_"'.;8!&I.J~'_L [,,1., ol.:!4] ~~~'.J ,),;f u_r'.)1ai U"wi. ~~~ ~~.JoW,)J. 'f''''''')'~.1

• .::..£1 ~.J) ~~ )LlUr),).1'

Dr. A. Fleming in his Diary of 'a Trip to Pi~d Dadun' Khan, and tile Salt Range, publiaJied in a previous number of the lournal Asiatic Society (Vol. 18th p. 661) gives a ~ery ,eo~plete description of the method of eoining in use iii the Mint at Pind Dadun Khan in J 848. The proceM indeed is the eaenti&I eonnterpart of that' described by

AbUl Fu'l as obtaining in Akber'! time. "

If we may allO auame that limilar mechanical mean! were resorted to in the earlier days to which the above tale refers, we may .. tisfy ounel,. of how euy it wonld have been to have had a mint in ~ery houee uul how difficult it would be to pre~ent the issue by private iadividuals of money of an inferior !tandard.


No. B. [To precede No. lviii.] Gold-Mr. B.rdIH EUiol.

RnI!f"'6. ill

.JJ'J.J""')~ All, ~"rli &J.J r ,)~ l1ai l.

aJ.h ~.r.tA "_"_ hpa (uqual.)


W, ('!.

alJr,. ,aJ, ~

:a 4J o.!l:!"":'V ~.J ). aU ~ ,)" WI

I~ V" Margin, illegible.

Margin Ext. (as usual).


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Not. 011 Col. Staeey'. GAfUfli eoiu.


NOT •• -The above Coin displays with unusual completen_ the various honorary titles by which MuaWl was designated.

As connected with the subject I transcribe from the copy prese"ed by Blliaki a detail of Mua6d'. recognised titular deaignatioDi U accepted by the KhaUr. Ambasaador, in 423 A. H.

t-IW, "~"';"" ,,' .u ~ ~, AU, ~ I:l'"' ~.JI ~..r" tl1Jt (-! &:J"O ~,alI, "4a1.a..;~, AU, ~_rtljJ,.), ~_,.J!ft'O' &.lI,..,.- ~

&:Y-~' rUU ~ ~""'I~' .}re ~ .. yf' oUJl ~ r.tA &.IJI-I~' Again in another place (under A. H. 424), our author entitles the Sultan

.,,,._... ~ Yo' a.IJt -,~, ~, 41J, .,~ .tail. ~ AlJI ~~~

Alb{nini.' enumeration. as found in the unique copy of his IUntin·j· MasaUdl which haa lately come into the possession of Sir H. M. Elliot, varies but slightly, being to the following effect :

AU,., If.- Iai \a..J &1.11 ~,)_rtll~ W, ~,...." ~, u.-" I!oI1.h

",,_ ~ "" &1.h -t.-, ~ No. 10. [to follow 58.] Gold, wt. 57 gr. Ghum, A. H.423. Ullipe.

R..,er, e, All

AlJ, J,..,)~ ~ALI'';'' &1.11 ~ _rtliJ,


Margin. Surah ix. 33 and lxi. 9.

ObHf" e, " "" 1M..J&1J,

&J~..,:.' AlII."-,, t-I WI

Mar. into )~ ,.s."..,.. AlII ~ 4:!l.aI,h ~_':".J .:.Jj iL. ~ jAt Mar. ext. Surah ux. 4, 5.

No. II. [to follow 58.] Gold, wt. 54 gr. Ghunf," A. H. 423. U"UJu.

R..,er... •••



&lJI J.,..) ,.w, a¥-

"_"'-Margin. S. ix. &c.

Area as in the last Coin.

Margina, as in the laat Coin.


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Note 011 Col. Stauy'. Gltufti Coiu.


No. 12. Llviii.] Gold, wt. 69 gr. Ghunf, A. H. 428. U .. iqKe.



&lAJ_"")~ &lJI;o~ rPJl &1.1, ~,)..,..-li


1Iugin. Surab ix. 33 and lxi. 9.



&II,~~' aJ~J I"_.J ~~,),._

Margin. ~,;t ~_,Jt &IJJ (-l w c.s Ai... ~ji.? )~c)Jt '¥~ i:!~ )1.1 ~~ .J

Mr. B. EDiot baa • Coin 01 tbia t1Jl8 elated Ghamf .27, A. H.

I would draw attention to the modification that is seen to occur in the characten in whicb tbe legends of this Coin are expreued. u contnIted with thOle in prerioUl use.

The chauge from the .tifF oatlinea of the Kufic in Nos. 10 ad II, to the Penian writing in No. 12 is moet marked, and illUltratea el'eetively the lost mpremacy of the Arabic tongue and tbe complete neopitioD of the more intelligible Penian u the Court language. Bfbaki indeed shew. tbat 10 early u A. H. 423 Mawid's ministen hid BOIDe cW&culty in corresponding witb tbe Coart of Bagbd£d. ad apparently ItiJl more in selectiog fit speaken for tbe rid voce intercourae of Embauiea, &c.

No. 13. [lxi. ] Silver, broken Coin. Balkb A. H. [4] 22.

llnn-,e. &II ~ &111 J"...) ,.wl~

.,~ Karp. Sarah xu. 4, 5.

Oln1t!f'.e. , aJl ,

1"".1 &lJt IJ ~';:'J &lJ" UaA


~"'~I----~",:... .J .;sf AA...

A second specimen bearing similar legends 'f&riea in baring the lbaltr. naDle engraved in full.ised letten. Tbe Coin retainl the imperfect date of At ~)'.J ""~ 420 f

Il 2

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Note 0" Col. Stacey', Glum Coi,.,. No. 14. [bit] Silver, broken Coin.




AlJI J,..)

&1J ~~ /'II rAlr

"'-Margin. Surah xxx. 4, 5.


III "'r , • .,.._, &JJr

IJ ~..r"

Margin. &:n -- AJJI ~ i:!~JI,

Before closing this notice of tbe Coins of Mualid, I am amoD to make known an important variety of bis Silver money, which hu lately come into the possession of Mr. E. Bayley. Tbe piece in its general outline and leading types corresponds closely with tbe common Boll and Horseman Coins of Samanta neva (Jour. As. Soc. Vol. IV. pl. 36, figs. 3, 4. &c.) but it oft'en the peculiarity of displaying the Dame 01.,,-- engraved in well defined Kufic characters, on the field in front 01 the Honeman's face. or in the space usually held by the "ordJ~

A second similar specimen retains traces of the name 01 ~ occupying tbe ame position.

I consider these pieces to be the produce of tbe metropolitan mint of the Hindu kingdom 01 Kabul. the lite 01 which ia not II yet satisfactorily determined-and it is in conlOnance with the 11IUl policy of Mohammedan conquerors to suppose that the local mint .... allowed to maintain its old style 01 illlue, modified only by the impra of the name of tbe ruling Sult'n.

This explanation may poIIIibly account lor the previously felt dUIi· culty of there being no extant GhuUri Kuflc Coina iDlcribed u atruck at Kabul.

In my previous paper on the Coins 01 the Kinge of Ghunf (p. '17) I quoted a puuge Irom AbU! Fed' regarding Maulid's territorial pOlllClllioDl-u lOme of the names are imperfectly determined I anou the following pallll8e Irom Brhaki in further elucidation of the aubjecL

.1 j.1J~.1 rjJ~.1 I:IL.'~ 4l.."'; IjG YJ~ ~"'" ,HI_,

, ., ." • '.1 I' ,"

''''';.1 ~';J ~~4i_'UllU...J \tiw...1 ~J~~J~~!j

, ~ , ,

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Note 011 Col. Stacey'. Gllaz"i Coi"..


." .,.

~~~U~ ~IA~.J J~.J ,!).J ~lA ~.J ~~I".J ~!.JM.J

~ ~

.w.~ ~ "-' ~lW''; ~li 16.~.J ~4 ~"., ~ll.o~.J ~~J J



No. 15. [hili.] Silver, wt. 46 gr.


AlJIJ,-;~ AlJ, .J'" ~ f!1JJ1 .., .J"'" ":' It-'


lIIr. illegible.



~I .., Ill"" I~.J all, cal ~..,:. II



No. 16. (luxiii.] Silver,..t. 55 gr.

Jlftno.lI. . ~. a1J'J.JA)~ IJ J 4J I ",,+,

Al.J1~J oU"_'"

Ohoer.e • J~

" .." II ~ .J dJ, rt

&J~~~ dJ!,rOL! ~liJi

Margins illegible.


No. 17. [to foUow cU.] SUnr, weight 48 gr. U"ipe.

. " .

&u, J"..)~ ".10).11 ftfI ~I ..... ;.,


Obf1er.e. &1J

&1.1, lit &11 , .., c.!U~lIl~ J aJ..II JO ~ ~1AJ1 y~

Margilll illegible.

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Note Oft Col. Stacey" G,"""i Coiu.


No. 18. [eniii.] Silver, weight 42 gr. Two speeimeoa.


• __,6Li •

~tJ,...)~ ~,. wUJ..Jt W' _,J..J t _,Ali

~W'*'" ~..rll


AlJI '1 &JI ,

"~I~.1 &lJ1_'" ~ ~lA1t ,.ld~


~argina ille~ble.

No. 19. [alit] Silver, weight 44 gr. [Ghunf].

BnerM. w&1... &11tJ_"')~ ~»w~1 iJ.1,),/1 ~ Iu...~


Ofnler ... &lJ

ill, '1 41, , &lJ~~~1 i.J s ,),/1 oW.


~argin8 illegible.

(Under No. exl.) Sinee the publieation of the Catalogue of Mr. ~uaon'a Ghuo( CoiDJ. I have met with a specimen of AnUn'. mon,.,. of the Lahore Mint Type. * The Obverae bean the uaual BuD or Siva with the legend ~ ~

The Revene display. the worda wl.;tlo!1Lo ~~t w~t

No. 20. [exlix.] Silver. weight 46 gr. Two apecimelll.

Bner.e. I 06"er.e.


&111;0 , yW+Jt 41.1,)./t oW.


~argin8 contain no legends, but are filled in with dota.


&11'J,....) ~

~'t wU:J..J1 iJ.1.,)'JoAA

Sie. -----

* Jour. AI. Soc. Beng. Vol. IV. PI. uni. Pig. 23 and uuii. Pig. 46.

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Nortlw-A 4l1tiqudiu.


Among otber specimena of minor value Col. Stacey's cabinet contains :

IlL Two (mixed Silver aDd Copper) Coin. of Khuani MAlik No. e1iii.-baving tbe imperfect imitation of the Bull Nandi in Toghra GQ the Obverse,. with the King'l name prefaced by the title of aJ .J ~I [Ii OIl the Reverse.

2nd. Fourteen Coins of tbe common Type, No. eliv. (Pl. u. Fig. 16, Ariana Antiqua).

3rd. One specimen of No. clv.

Col. Stacey' I collection is likewise ricb in Khwumm Coina, wbicb have been forwarded to me with tbe Ghaman aeriel. However .. I do Dot propose to take up thia elll. of money at preaent, I confine my DOtice to a lingle Coin, whicb is remarkable aa bearing the name of a new Mint, ~,.. The piece is of mixed Silver and Copper, in weigbt 48 graiDl. The Obverse and Reverse read through, W, aiDgular to .y the marginal legends being completed thus -~ ~1r.1 Revene. &:rl~I.J Iti~, L ""'ll:/lbWl Obverse.

The iDlCl'iption, in the Reverse Cireular Area, commeneea the word t*-j and tbe obvene centre giVel the completion of tbe name ),1')


0. tle Orifttal c1Gr"cttr 0/ ctrtai .. Nort~ 4f&tiguitiu.-By G.oaG. BUilT, E,'1' LL. D.

I lOme time lino. received from Mr. Chalmers, of Auldbar, three cop_ of his Iplendid worlt on tbe Croll Stones of Forfarabire, ODe for my own use. the other two to be diapoaed of as I thougbt beat. I have given one of them to tbe Bombay Branch of tbe Royal Asiatic Society. and cannot better bestow the other than on the oldest and moat diatingaiahed learned body amongat 111, the Bengal Asiatic Society. The I1lbjeet treated of by Mr. Chalmers, is, .. will presently appear, decidedly Oriental, and the remarkl I am about to make may probably have lOme intlueno. in ltimulating to enquiry on tbe lubject: perhaps thia .. y for the irat time make lome of your readers aware of tbe aia&enee of a much closer relationlhip betwixt Oriental and Hyperborea Antiquities tban they might be altogether prepared (or.

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