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some o fthe topics which would be useful for your internship project...

1. T&D 
2.Performance Management System 
3.Employee Welfare Measure 
4.360 degree Appraisal 
5.Quality of Work life 
6.HRD Practices 
7.Factors determining Job Satisfaction of Employees 
8.Stress Management 
9.Employee retention Techniques 
10.Settlement of Grievance(Do it in Manufacturing concern) 
11.Workers Participation in Management. 
12. Effectiveness of Training (Do it as Research Project)
1. All HR Activities 
2. Social Responsibility 
3. Training and Development 
4. Performance appraisal 
5. Organizational Culture 
6. International Organizational Behavior 

3. Emotional Intelligence How it effects the interpersonal relations 

Behavioral Event Interviews, their Prominence in Selection 
Knowledge Management 
Talent Management Linking to Succession Planning 
Online training its effect on Employees Productivity 
ROI on Behavioral Training. 

4. . OD 
2. 0% attrition 
3. JD & KR for performance Management 
4. Staff Succession 
5. Change Management 

5. competency management 
employee satisfaction 
company corporate responsibility (CR) 
work environment

6. Knowledge Management & Organizational development

i came accross some of the above mentioned topics by the virtue of esteem members of
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