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How to download pdf file in scribd

Step 1: Download and install any PDF Creator

I assume that you have MS Office (compatible or latest version) installed in your system already.
Now, download PDF Creator which ofcourse available for free in internet. Here some commonly
used PDF Creators (PrimoPDF , PDF Creator , doPDF and many more…). Do remember, that
Google is your best friend. doPDF is one of my favorite.

Step 2: Open the Scribd Document which is protected and download or “save option” not

As shown in the above screen shot, now open the document which has no “Save Document”
option enabled. Now select “Print” which is next to that. Remember, you must select print only
after confirming that the full document loaded on the scribd ipaper page. Else there is a
possibility of getting last few pages blank in your document.

Step 3: Now, select print and click ok to proceed saving the document in your local hard drive

We use the PDF Creators to convert any .doc, .docx format files to .pdf . Here i am converting it
using doPDF tool and the above screen cap shows that.

When it prompts to save the document, you may locate the desired path. However the file name
should be as it is. Changing in file name result in blank document many times. Once the
document download completed you may change the document name as you wish. In 3 simple
steps you have your document downloaded to read at your convenience. Happy Reading…

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