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I am a regular person just like you, I am 22 and going 23 this year (2011)… I go on with my life–-work—

home—have some fun—go to church. My friend (church buddy) was about to take the Board Exam last
November 2010, she got this pamphlet from one of her friends Mom and she handed it to me to read it. It
took me a week to finally open it since I was too busy and kinda argue why read it because I know for
sure my faith is intact. And reading the pamphlet made me feel something different…you’ll realize it too,
just read this. I don’t have the pamphlet anymore so I decided to search everything online (you know
these days hit And this is a no chain message, just wanted to share it to everyone, 5
minutes would not hurt you :)

Who is Stanley Villavicencio ?

In 1993 Bro. Stanley has died but came back to life on the third day. After his ordeal, Christ, in the image
of the Divine Mercy, started to regularly appear to him in his dreams putting him on the task of
witnessing to Christ’s mercy to the world. He has since then been going around sharing his story. In
Rome, according to the article, although speaking in Visayan dialect, was heard in Italian; Chinese when
he was in China, and in English at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
when he gave his testimony as a guest speaker with EWTN’s Mother Angelica.

Messages of Jesus the Divine Mercy to Bro. Stanley

As of this account, Stanley has had 34 encounters with Jesus of the Divine Mercy in his dream
where he has received several messages. Msgr. Cris Garcia, his spiritual director who has been
endowed with the gift of internal locution, is made aware of each encounter with Jesus,
whenever Jesus comes and speaks to Stanley in his dream- confirming the messages that
Stanley receives. Stanley writes down the message and submits it to Msgr. Cris who in turn
confirms the message and clears the message with Cardinal Vidal. The original messages are
written by hand to ensure no alterations are made.

No. 1 to 7

Stanley reports that Jesus remained silent before him and smiling during the 2nd to the 7th
encounter with him.

No. 8

In the 8th dream, Stanley was shown that Msgr. Cris was to be his spiritual director.

No. 9

Jesus blessed Stanly in the 9th dream before Stanley's first stint to Mindanao where he was
guided to go by boat. Before the trip, Cebu was under storm warning no. 3 yet from the time
they sailed from Cebu and arrived in Mindanao, the sea remained calm.

No. 10

In his 10th dream, Jesus brought Stanley to a beautiful garden. Jesus then flew him around the
world to see all races of people from different nations. This dream is now being realized as
Stanley has gone to different countries around the world and is currently being invited by
communities that have yet to hear his testimony.

No. 11

Stanley's 11th dream encounter happened early in the morning when due to the heat, he took
off his shirt and sleepily (almost falling asleep) said his 3:00 AM prayers. When Jesus appeared,
He spoke out loud, "Am I not worthy of respect?"Stanley apologized profusely, dressed up
and prayed attentively.

No. 12.

Place: Maribel, South Cotobato

Time: 3:40 a.m.
Date: 31 August 94
a. Please attend Mass everyday.
b. Please do not let Satan disintegrate your team.
c. My son, you will witness My Final Coming.

No. 13

Place: Kabasalan, Zamboanga del Sur

Time: 3:30 a.m.
Date: 09 October 94
a. Pray, pray, the Chaplet.
b. Don't worry, your sacrifice will not be for long.
c. I’m with you always.

No. 14

Place: Tabada, Mambaling, Cebu City

Time: 3:45 a.m.
Date: 15 January 95
a. Congratulations! For your team have already saved so many, so many that it
enrages Satan so much.
b. Multiply your effort because the time is coming so fast and so near.
c. I’m always with you.

No. 15

Place: Davao City

Time: 3:15 a.m.
Date: 14 July 95
a. I am so happy and satisfied, keep up, the field is ripe and the harvest is ready.
b. Healing needs deep and constant prayer not in a flash at all times.
c. Pray, pray, the Chaplet unceasingly.
d. I’m with you always.

No. 16
Place: Bantayan Island, Cebu (Benny Mata residence)
Time: 3:15 a.m.
Date: 26 October 95
My Lord, my God, I love you with all my soul with all my heart and mind.
v. He smiles. Thank you my Lord my God and please increase Your Mercy and
Compassion to the world my Lord.
v. My Mercy is immeasurable but still many do not trust in My Mercy. I love you my
My Lord, my God, so many bring and trust their problem to me. Please help.
v. Just let them pray the Chaplet without ceasing and they will be guided. People
who are dishonest, who take advantages of their positions and power, who do not
look for the interest of the poor, rarely go to heaven.
v. He smiles and hugs me.
v. I will be with you always.
And He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 17

Place: Tabada, Mambaling, Cebu City

Time: 3:50 a.m.
Date: 1 April 96
My Lord, my God, so many do not want the convention to be held this year, only Fr. Cris,
Sis. Mellie, and my team are in favor. What shall we do?
v. Go on with the gathering and proclaim My Mercy to all souls, the days of the
earth is so short now, so the duration of this devotion will soon come to end. The
thrust of this convention is "He who saves a soul, saves his own." And I will keep
that promise.
v. I love you my son and thank you for the sincerity you have shown to
accomplish your mission. Im with you always.
He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 18

Place: Tabada, Mambaling, Cebu City

Time: 3:10 a.m.
Date: October 4, 1996 (First Friday)
a. You do not have to worry, just do your best and I do the rest.
b. He who believes in you believes in me because it is I who sent you.
c. Blessed are those who take advantage of My Mercy while it is still the Day of
Mercy, but beware the Day of Judgment is sooner than everyone thinks.
d. Give the Chaplet with love and out of love, without a heavy heart as I have
given you all you have now, so it is proper for you to return some of My blessing.
e. Encourage the people to pray the Chaplet without ceasing.
f. I love you my son.
And He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 19

Place: Surigao City (Monico Asane residence)

Time: 3:05 a.m.
Date: January 27, 1997
My son, my son, thank you for being always obedient and consistent in doing
your mission.
But I tell you this, "Im your strength because this is My own personal crusade to
fulfill what is written."
Blessed are those who are pure in heart for the gates of heaven are so wide open
for them. So, now is the time for them to cleanse and reconcile because of them I
am prolonging the time of mercy, but I cannot hold it for long.
I love you my son.
He smiles and hugs me. He blesses me and he is gone.

No. 20

Place: Patinay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur

Time: 3:30 a.m.
Date: August 12, 1997
My Lord, my God, thank you for loving us.
I love you my son, as I have loved all that My Father created.
My Lord, my God, so many are in trouble about the building of the shrine, what shall I
My son, my son, build me a shrine in each and everyone's heart, I need a living
shrine, full of love with a trusting soul. Their trust should be how to save souls in
so short a time, not in a lifeless stone.
They can serve me better by promoting my unfathomable mercy to all souls with
Pray, pray, the Chaplet without ceasing, it will be their shield against the enemies.
He smiles and hugs me.
He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 21

Place: Cagayan de Oro City (Bro. Ali & Sis. Vicky Baguio res.)
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Date: March 2, 1998
My Lord, my God, thank you for giving me the privilege to serve you and help spread
your own personal devotion.
My son, my son, we have commissioned you for this task, and thank you for being
faithful in your mission before God. We have called so many, yet so few
responded. Attachment to the world hinders their confidence in Me. Sins of
distrust wound Me most painfully. If only they knew how to gather eternal
treasures, they will not be judged on Judgment Day.
Please include in your mission the importance of the Sacraments. The
significance of this Institution is so much abused and made useless. Pray, pray,
the Chaplet and recommend it to all, as the Last Hope of Salvation.
I love you my son.
He smiles and hugs me and He is gone.

No. 22

Place: Taytay, Rizal (Bro. Crispin & Jocelyn Misanes residence)

Time: 3:00 a.m.
Date: 19 October 1998
My son, my son, heaven rejoices as your team are leading so many souls to
salvation. It consoles My Mother. Keep up, be strong, it won't be long.
After this, Era of Peace comes, as what is written. But before it, struggle of great
magnitude unseen before, takes place. All the signs are already present. So now
is the time for them to choose between Mercy or Justice. Between Heaven or Hell
no other.
As the time comes let them pray the Chaplet and the Rosary unceasingly as their
last shield.
To those who propagate My Mercy I promise to be merciful to them as the time
comes, but they have to put mercy into action.
I love you my son.
He smiles and hugs me and He is gone.

No. 23

Place: Tin Lok Lane, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Sis. Cora Joya's flat)
Time: 3:15 a.m.
Date: 17 June 99
My son, my son, thank you for loving your mission. It gives you more strength and
stamina to preach the truth of My Infinite Mercy. But man loves so much the world
that so many refuse to return to Me, and repent for their sins.
If only they realize how it is to suffer in Hell, they will open their ears and listen to
They should trust My Mercy and be ashamed of their sins. And I will not remember
their sins anymore. They must repent now before it is too late.
But my son beware because Satan is now doing everything to destroy you, so
please be strong, because after this your happiness will be for eternity, it won’t be
I love you my son. I will be with you always.
He smiles and hugs me.
He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 24

Place: Daughters of St. Dominic, Tagaytay City

Time: 3:15 a.m.
Date: 19 Sept 99
My son, my son, you have been anointed to preach My Mercy and call sinners to
repentance, so you have to do My Will and I will work with you.
Yes, my Lord, my God, and thank you my Lord for the wonderful graces and blessing
you showered us especially to my family.
My son, my son, my generosity knows no limit to those who trust Me. But man
become lovers of themselves and preferred the lust of the flesh, much more than
the love of the Living God. As if they want to ignore the existence of Hell.
My Lord, my God, so many claimed receiving messages from Mama Mary yet refuse to
be controlled or studied by Your Church.
My son, my son, obedience is more than sacrifice. If you cannot obey those in
authority then all your efforts will be put into waste. Spiritual pride lead so many
to perdition, without even knowing it. So let them pray the Chaplet and the Rosary
unceasingly and ask for the gift of discernment for guidance. I love you my son. I
will be with you always.
He smiles and hugs me. He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 25

Place: Tabada, Mambaling, Cebu City

Time: 3:30 a.m.
Date: 30 June 00 (Feast of the Sacred Heart)

My son, my son, thank you for being always trustful and obedient to the Will of
Heaven. And please encourage the faithful to multiply their prayer for my beloved
priests, because they are my precious jewels, although some of them cause My
Heart to bleed. But still I will bless them abundantly, in time and in eternity. Much
more if they stay longer in the confessional. Because that is where mercy flows
greater than all the sins committed by any living creature.

So, please exert more effort to proclaim that Satan is real and that Hell really
exists. You cannot serve two masters at the same time. So, now is the time to turn
to My Mother and to My Unfathomable Mercy, there is no other choice, time is
running out.

I love you my son.

He hugs me. He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 26

Place: St. John the Evangelist, Dublin Ireland

Time: 3:30 AM
Date: July 3, 2001

My son, My son, thank you for being always faithful to your mission and obedient
to the will of heaven. My son if only man would realize the disastrous effect of sin,
which wreak havoc, suffering and threatens so many souls to damnation, they
would go back and unite with Me. Souls will never have peace until they turn to
the abyss of My Mercy, and it is only through My Mercy that they will find comfort
and feel the presence of My Love.

They should not be afraid to go back to me even if their sins be as plentiful as the
stars in the sky. All will be forgiven in the ocean of My Mercy because this
devotion is God's gift to mankind.

All they need is to trust Me.

I love you My son.

I will always be with you!

He hugs me, He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 27

Place: Tabada Mambaling, Cebu City

Time: 3:10 AM
Date: August 22, 2001

My Lord, my God, so many ask me, I pray the chaplet everyday, I pray the rosary
everyday, I attend mass everyday, but why is my family very far from the Lord.
Even if I force them, still they refuse. Even if I force the, still they refuse.

My son, my son, do not force them. Do not force them, because you cannot
change a person. Only God can change a person and only prayers can move God.
So, multiply your prayers for the sinners, because the sinners do not pray for
themselves anymore. And if you stop praying for them, it is as if you are throwing
them to fire. But if you continue praying for that person before that person dies,
he will go back to the Lord....before that person dies, he will go back to the Lord.

I love you my son

He hugs me

He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 28

Place: Tabada Mambaling Cebu City

Time: 3:30 AM
Date: July 23, 2002

My son, My son, please do not be upset. It is just an acid test. Because satan is so
afraid souls with hear about My Unfathomable Mercy. He is so afraid that so many,
so many would immerse in the ocean of My Mercy.

So please go on with the gathering and proclaim My Mercy to all souls. I am not
weighing on how successful your mission but on your loyalty to heaven. So, just
double your prayers, do your best and I do the rest.

I promise to be there. I will run that convention personally because this is My own
personal battle.

I love you my son.

He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 29

Place: Tabada, Mambaling, Cebu City

Time: 3:05 AM
Date: October 4, 2002

My son, my son, please proclaim to all souls that now is the time of mercy. Now is
the time for you to reconcile with the Lord. Now is the time for you to reconcile
with everybody. Not tomorrow, because when tomorrow comes, that is
today....when tomorrow comes, that is today. So why wait for tomorrow. You
should be ready now.

I love you my son.

He hugs me, He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 30

Place: BF Homes Paranaque City (Paul and Tricia Roxas Residence)

Time: 3:30 AM
Date: July 14, 2003

My son, My son, thank you being always obedient. Heaven is very happy with your
mission. They please My Heart and My Mother's. We can see your sincerity to
serve and save souls. So I not only work with you, but I work in you.

Please do more to help strengthen My Church, because many are just playing with
the Sacraments. How can they love Me is at the same time hurt Me? They should
and must correct their lives now, before it would be too late. The door of Mercy
won't be for long...I love you My son.

He blessed me and He was gone.

No. 31

Place: Shizuoka-Ken, Kinkugawa-Shi Narano, Japan (Bro. Toyoaki & Sis. Remy Suzuki, Residence)
Time: 3:15 A. M.
Date: Febuary 22, 2005

My Lord, my God, thank you for being always merciful. But my Lord, my God, why it is
so hard to sell your devotion? So many can't just accept your mercy. And even some
commented, "It is just too good to be true." And it hurts me very much everytime I hear it.

My son, My son, just go on proclaiming My Mercy. Time is so ripe, it wont be

long. They can refuse or reject My Mercy, but I assure you, nobody, nobody, can
escape my justice. So, please persevere..... I Love You my son.

He blesses me, He hugs me and He is gone.

No. 32

Place: Banette Shinohara Adachi-Ku Umejima 3-28-4 Rm 103 Tokyo

Time: 3:15 AM
Date: Sept 2, 2006

My son, my son, please tell your (Japan) team, "thank you very very much for
helping spread my own personal devotion." It leads so many sould back to
salvation....Heaven is so I promise to be merciful to them when the time
comes...As I said before, "He who saves a soul saves his own." Please beg them
to persevere. Time is so short now. I love you my son.

He hugs me

He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 33

Place: Paul/Tricia Roxas Residence / BF Paranaque

Time: 3:33AM
Date: December 5, 2007

My Lord, my God, it is a privilege and an honor to serve you.


He embraces me.

He blesses me and He is gone.

No. 34

Place: Charles and Marita Morgan Residence, 810 Schirra Drive Oradell New Jersey 07649
Time: 3:45 AM
Date: March 8, 2009

My Lord, My God, so many are begging me to ask you if what is the difference between
the healing mass and an ordinary mass?



He embraces me,
He blesses me and He is gone.

Testimony of Stanley Villavicencio

Stanley’s words:

Before I will give my testimony, I just want to inform you that after what happened to me, I was
just going round giving my testimony in my own dialect. You see, the Philippines is composed of
more than seven hundred islands and almost every island has different dialect. The Philippines
is divided into three major parts; Luzon, Mindano and Visayas. I belong to Visayas because I
am living in Cebu. So I was giving my testimony in Visayas only, until one time Father Seraphim
Mekalanco, the Spiritual Director of the Divine Mercy nationwide invited me to give a talk in
Manila. At first, I am happy because I can go to Manila, but then a day before I was so worried
because I do not know how to speak the dialect, because in Manila the dialect is Tagalog and I
do not know how to speak Tagalog. I was worried and so I asked the Lord ‘What shall I do?’
Then the following day, early in the morning Jesus appeared to me, to my dream and said: “Do
not worry. Just do your best and I shall do the rest.”

So I went to Manila and when I am holding the microphone to give my testimony, I am thinking
my testimony in my own local dialect, and it came out in Tagalog. So they understand me.

And now comes Father Seraphim, the Head of the Divine Mercy International based in
Stockbridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. He invited me to give a series of talks in the United States,
Canada and Mexico and the problem is I do not know how to speak the English. So again I was
worried and because in Cebu, the owner of the University is a Divine Mercy devotee, so he
instructed the English Department to translate my testimony from our local dialect to English
and after several months they finished the translation.

They give it to me and it is as thick as this! And they said to me, ‘Stanley you memorize that’.
And, I said ‘No. I cannot memorize it anymore’. Then they said ‘Ok you just read it’ and I said, ‘I
cannot read it also because it is my testimony, if I will read it, it will be lifeless.’ So I went to
America leaving behind the translation and upon reaching the States I confided to Father
Seraphim everything, so Father Seraphim was so worried because my first testimony will be at
the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. And I will be speaking
together with Mother Angelica, the audience is almost seven thousand. Father Seraphim was so
worried, so I told him, ‘Father don’t worry. Anyway, I did not come to America to proclaim my
mercy, I am here to proclaim God’s Mercy’. So when I was holding the microphone, I am
thinking of my own local dialect, but then it came out English and after that I already know how
to speak English.

What I am going to tell you is what happened to me. About my own personal encounter with
Jesus Christ of the Divine Mercy. When you hear my testimony, I hope it will increase your faith,
and that you know that there really is a God and that God is a living God. What happened to
me, happened on March 2, 1993. That was a Tuesday and a birthday of one of my children. By
the way, I had ten children, but now I have thirteen. And by the way, I am a member of the
Perpetual Dawn Rosary.
It is our practice that whenever there is an occasion at our house, we invite the statue of the
Blessed Virgin Mary and it is also our practice that whenever the Virgin comes into our house it
is I who has to receive the Virgin. But on that day, when the Virgin is already in our house,
whatever they do to wake me up, I cannot be awaken, so it is my mother-in-law who received
the Virgin.

At eight o’clock that morning, my mother-in-law said, she heard me moaning and moaning. So
she tried to look at me in my room and she found me lying in bed. Trembling vigorously, blood
coming out of my mouth forcefully. And it was the sister of my father-in-law, who is a nurse, was
present, so attended to me immediately. And as she touches my pulse, she cannot find any
pulse anymore - and as she touches my chest, my heart beat is already very slow. And when
they open my eyes, both eyes are already in white, so they asked help from our neighbors and
they brought me to Chong Hua Hospital. At Chong Hua Hospital, we have four specialist doctors
and the doctor said that my chance of survival is one in a million, because my heart beat is
already slow.

As I enter the Emergency Room I cannot breathe anymore, even with the help of oxygen, so
they transferred me to I.C.U. or the Intensive Care Unit, so my breathing can be aided, or
forcing oxygen inside. At the I.C.U. my trembling did not stop and the blood was still coming out
from my mouth, so the doctor injected me with Valium to control everything.

Because Negros Island and Cebu are just very near, so that day my relatives arrive. Among
them is my father who is a doctor and my sister who is also a doctor and the cousin of my wife
were already present. By the way, my wife is also a nurse.

The following day, the doctors called up my wife and asked her permission to take me off of all
the life support apparatus. So my wife called up our house and asked that my long sleeve shirt,
for my burial be prepared. And my mother-in- law says she has a memorial plan and that her
memorial plan is transferable. So she had it transferred to my name. Meaning! I will be the one
using her coffin. And it also happened we had a reservation at the Queen City Garden
Cemetery in Cebu, because when my father-in-law died in 1987, we bought three lots, so they
process all the papers so they can bring me to the Queen City Garden. Meaning, everything is
already ready. I have the long shirt to wear for my burial, I have already a coffin to sleep in, I
have already a cemetery to live in.

But God had a different plan, because my wife did not agree to remove the life support
apparatus attached to my body. In fact my relatives, they take in turns to watch over me. But it is
only my body present at Chong Hua Hospital, because I saw a light, a very big bright light, but
not glaring. You can stare at it. It is like a fountain. It is like a fog as it slowly evaporates, until I
notice someone is standing in front of me. And when I look at His face, I recognize Him as

As we are looking at each other, He raised His left hand and when He raised His left hand, the
clouds above were sucked downwards and when they reach just above us, the clouds keep on
turning and changes in color and when it stops it becomes like a video screen. And He showed
me the film of my life, from my childhood up to my present. And I notice that every time I do
good, it just goes on normally and I also notice that every time I commit a sin, suddenly it would
go into slow motion as if He wants to show us that what we have done is wrong, as if He wants
to show us that what we have done is a sin. And because I have also committed bigger sins,
sins like what we call the mortal sin.
Every time it shows up, suddenly it would stop, came closer and enlarged it. Then I said to
myself, ‘Why should this be included? There must be no word of sin saw in Heaven, because it
is just too bad to look at, but even if I closed my eyes I could still see it.

Also I notice that every time I commit a sin, I could feel the heaviness. I could feel the weight.
The more I commit a sin, the more the heaviness, the more the weight. And I also notice that
every time I do good, for example, if I give something to the poor, I could feel as if I were
floating. So it is really true what is written in the Bible, ‘That what so every you do to the less of
your brethren, that you do unto Me.” “And I also notice that the sins I did not confess to a Priest
it is too heavy, and also I notice that the sins that I confessed to a Priest, it is lighter. And we
cannot deny anything because the screen is so big and very clear and also the pictures are also
big and below the pictures are written the day, the month, the date and the year. And below that
it is also written the hour, the minutes and the seconds. So, we cannot deny anything, even the
seconds are recorded. In fact, He reviewed my film three times and after our long conversation,
He tapped my shoulder and as He was tapping my shoulder, He said to me, ‘You go back now,
because you still have so many things to do. You still have so many things to finish. If I have
something for you or if I have a message for you, I will just appear to you in your dream.’

After He say that, I was at the I.C.U. of the Chong Hua Hospital. Suddenly I got up. I could feel
my body so light and my head suppressed. That when I got up, I removed the oxygen from my
nose. After removing oxygen, there is a tube going down into my intestine, so I slowly remove
the tube because it tickles me. And after removing the tube, I slowly remove the I.V. from my
hand and because there is a nurse who saw everything, and that she was so afraid that she ran
away. In fact, she said, one of the heels of her shoes was broken.

When the nurse returns she has other nurses, doctors and the technicians, they are all running
and when they reach me, they put me to bed again. And one of the doctors put on his telescope
and examined me and after a short examination, the doctor put off his telescope, put it beside
him and he asked for another. Meaning! He did not believe his telescope. He was given another
telescope and he put it on and re-examined me again and after a long examination, the doctor
looked at my E.C.G. because every bed in the I.C.U. has its own E.C.G. And he said, since I
was admitted at the I.C.U. my E.C.G. was just a straight line, but now they were so surprised
because my E.C.G. was working normally and because the technicians were already present,
so they subjected me to X-rays, laboratory tests and brain scan. And now, all the results are in
negative, meaning, I am not sick.

The doctors were all surprised and they asked permission to have another set of examinations,
because they said there might be something wrong with the apparatus. We consented, and they
subjected me again to another ultra sound, laboratory tests and brain scan, all except the X-ray.
And again, all the results were in negative: meaning, I am not really sick. So the doctors said
‘There is nothing now that we can really do, it is already a miracle.’

When I woke up, I woke up at eight o’clock in the morning of Friday. If you will count from eight
‘clock in the morning of Tuesday, to eight o’clock in the morning to Friday, that is exactly three
days. And because of that, the media was alerted. The television, the radio and newspaper. And
because our Church, the Roman Catholic Church do not easily believe in miracles, so it has to
be investigated and the investigation was led by Cardinal Vidal of Cebu.
Cardinal Vidal leads the investigation in March. At the middle of September, Cardinal Vidal
released a letter confirming what happened to me. And he gives me an endorsement letter, so
that I could give testimony around the world.

One of the doctors who was assigned to me at the I.C.U. , he is not just an ordinary doctor
because when he took his medical examinations, he got the highest score all over the country
and when he entered the Chong Hua Hospital, he was awarded as the most outstanding P.G.I.
doctor. He was assigned to me at the I.C.U. from the very beginning, until I woke up. And
because he cannot sleep anymore, so he entered the Seminary to become a Priest, and now he
is already a Priest.

From March 1993 up to now, Jesus keeps appearing to me to my dream. That is also accepted
by our local Church. Because my Spiritual Director is Msgr Chris Garcia. He is one of the most
holiest Priests in Cebu and he is also gifted. He has the gift of inner locution (inner telepathic
voice), meaning he can also talk to Jesus. But he cannot see Jesus. But Jesus appears to me,
to my dream, where I can see Him, where I can talk to Him, where I can touch Him, where I can
even embrace Him. And what is best for us! Every time Jesus appears to me, He also tells my
Spiritual Director, so there is a confirmation. That is why, where ever I go, it is embraced by the

Also during my investigation, the doctors asked the Priest, ‘Where does all that blood come
from? ‘ The blood coming out from my mouth is with force and continuously for several hours
and why there was no blood transfusion. (Blood count showed no reduced level of blood). So
the Priest prayed and after praying the answer that this blood coming out from my mouth is for
cleansing. I have to be cleansed because I have to face the Lord - and they also said that is it
also said in the Bible, that whoever sees the Lord will have to die, so I have to die. But because
I have a mission, so I have to live again.

Also they ask me: ‘Why you? Why did Jesus choose you?’ So I answered them. ‘May be
because I am nothing. May be because I have nothing to be proud of except for my sins.’ So,
when I have a chance to talk with Jesus, I ask the Lord, ‘My Lord, my God, why me? I am a
sinner. I am a sinful man.’ And Jesus answered, “You cannot appreciate the beauty of My mercy
unless you experience the misery of sin.’ And so I accepted my mission.

Also so many are coming to me, so I ask the Lord: ‘My Lord, my God! So many are coming to
me and entrust their problems to me, what shall I do?’ And Jesus answered: Just let them pray
the chaplet unceasingly and they will be guided.’

That is why now, in the Philippines, the chaplet is very popular, not only among the Catholics
but also the other Church dominions because there are so many miracles that have been
attributed to the chaplet. For example: Several months ago, my Spiritual Director, Msgr Chris
Garcia, he had a slight stroke. So he was admitted at the Hospital, and the doctor said that he
had a brain tumor and that there is a virus in his brain and that he cannot open his eyes
because it is too painful. We went to the Hospital and we prayed the chaplet of Divine Mercy,
together with Msgr Chris, and after we prayed the chaplet, several minutes later, he asked for
his lap top computer. So you see the power of the chaplet. The miracle of the chaplet.

The following day, we prayed again the chaplet. The doctors re-examined him and found him
negative of everything. So on the third day he checked out of the Hospital as if nothing had
happened. Do you see the power of the chaplet?
Also, one of our Divine Mercy leaders in the Philippines, his wife was ill early in the morning. So
they brought his wife to Hospital. The doctors gave him a prescription to buy the medicine and
because he has no money, so he has to sell his pig. And the buyer paid him for the pig, but the
buyer said that he would get the pig the following day.

But that afternoon of that very day, the pig refused to stand up and refused to eat. So, he was
so worried, because if something happens to the pig, they will be in trouble because, they buy
the medicine. So he called all his children and explained to them everything; that they have to
pray the chaplet for the pig. So they prayed the chaplet for the pig. But at the middle of praying
the chaplet the children were laughing. They were all laughing because they said it was better to
pray the chaplet for a human being, but not for a pig.

He explained it again to them. He explained it again and again. And on the third time that they
prayed the chaplet, the children prayed intensely and they finished praying the chaplet. After
they finished praying the chaplet, the pig suddenly stood up and one of the children ran and got
some food for the pig and the pig consumed everything. And the lesson is, if Jesus answered
our prayers for a pig, how much more if we pray the chaplet for a human being.

We have another leader of the Divine Mercy in the Philippines. He has several acres of rice
fields and because he is poor he cannot afford to buy fertilizer, he cannot afford to buy
insecticide. So, what he did every morning, he would roam around his rice field and pray the
chaplet of Divine Mercy, everyday! Every morning! And also every afternoon. During the harvest
time, his neighbors were all surprised, because during harvest time his harvest is much more
than those using fertilizer and insecticide. So you see the miracle of the chaplet!

Where ever I go, so many would ask me how soon is Jesus coming back? Or is the three days
of darkness really true? Is the chastisement really true? So I answered them. Jesus said to me
‘Don’t be afraid’. Jesus said to me, ‘Don’t be afraid because I will take care of your future.
Blessed are those taking advantage of My mercy while it is still the day of mercy but beware,
because the day of Judgment is nearer than everyone thinks.’

I asked the Lord, ‘What are the sins that You cannot forgive?’ Jesus said, ‘All sins can be
forgiven except if you refuse to believe that your sin can be forgiven.’ That is the sin He cannot
forgive, because Jesus said by refusing His mercy you are also refusing to believe that He is a
God. (That is a sin against the Holy Spirit). That is why Jesus said, Before I come as Just Judge
I will open wide the doors of My mercy’. But Jesus continued that it is also written in the Diary of
St. Faustina, that ‘he that refuses to pass through the doors of My mercy will have to pass
through the doors of My Justice.’

Now, after a long while that Jesus is opening this door of mercy and after a long while He will
close that door of mercy. Then He will open that door of Justice. And if He will open the door of
His Justice who can enter Heaven? When Heaven is only for the pure, when Heaven is only for
the clean. And who are the clean? And who are the pure? All of us are sinners. All of us are
unclean. We can only enter Heaven through His mercy, through His love. Without God’s mercy,
without His love, it is too difficult to enter Heaven. That is why Jesus now is begging us to go out
now and proclaim His mercy. Jesus also said, ‘Proclaiming My mercy is not enough, you have
to put mercy into action, by living as an example of My mercy.’ He said, ‘He who will save a soul
will save his own.’
I am not allowed by the Church to pray or to do healing or lay hands on anybody because
Cardinal Vidal said I would just do my evangelization, (tell people what happened to me),
because he said, ‘there are some who are given the gift of healing, they will also continue their
healing.’ But then it cannot be avoided that during my talk so many sick people are attending, so
Cardinal Vidal arranged a veneration to the image of Divine Mercy, so the sick people will ask
directly to Jesus their healing, not through me because I am only a human being. After that, this
image becomes a miraculous image, because there are so many instant healings and also
sometimes when I give my testimony, people see lights. Lights coming out from His body. That
is why there are some ripples in His body (of the image). The light has a heat and the heat
destroyed the plastic. Because so many people will say Jesus is emanating lights and
sometimes they say that Jesus gets out from the frame, and He will transfer right behind me and
they say He is taller than me. And they said each time Jesus gets out from the frame, the frame
is empty. And it not only happens in the Philippines. It also happened in Hong Kong, China, in
Rome, in New York, New Jersey, all over the States and in Canada and Mexico. So it also
happened in Ireland and so during veneration, (showing respect and appreciation), you have to
ask Jesus what favor you want. Because, if what you are asking for is not against His will, He
will give it to you. Especially, if what you are asking for comes from the depth of your heart.”

End of Stanley’s words.

Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are a few of the questions asked during Stanley's testimony. The answers below are
transcribed/ excerpted from Stanley's own answers.

Q: What are the sins that can't be forgiven?

A: Jesus Christ said "All sins can be forgiven except when you refuse to believe that your
sins can still be forgiven." When you refuse to believe in His mercy, you are also refusing to
believe that He is a God.

Q: Do we need to be catholic to practice the devotion to the Divine Mercy

A: The mercy of God is for everybody. Example if you are a protestant, then you must be a
good protestant. And a good protestant does not argue, especially with the mother of God.

Q: What makes Jesus happiest?

A: What makes Jesus happiest is when you can love your enemies. For, how can you beg
for mercy, if you are not also merciful to others.

Q: I pray and attend mass religiously, but why is my family far from God?

A: Do not force them. Just pray for them because only God can move them and only
prayers can move God. You have to keep praying for sinners because sinners no longer pray
for themselves. If we stop praying for them, it will be as if we are pushing them to hell.
Jesus promised that if you keep praying for them, they will go back to Him before they die.
Q: What is the importance of the Feast of the Divine Mercy or Divine Mercy

A: Jesus promised that on the feast of His mercy (which is the first sunday after Easter)....
"The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete
forgiveness of sins and punishments."

Q: Is salvation reserved only for Catholics? How about other religions?

A: Jesus Christ said that God wants all to enter heaven. But some men avoid a righteous
life. There are many lanes but the Catholics’ lane is the “Express Way” ~ the shortest lane
to heaven. The Sacraments make clear that lane. For instance too: Other religions have no
indulgences, no Mass, no Eucharist, no Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession), no
Rosary, etc.

The Plenary indulgence totally erases the punishment of sins that are already forgiven.
When a man sins, he goes to confession. When he dies he still passes Purgatory for
purification. But when plenary indulgence is acquired, as in the Feast of the Divine Mercy,
the soul goes straight to heaven.

Cardinal Vidal says that venial sins offered at consecration are forgiven.

Q: Many of us are delighted to hear that Jesus has chosen a Filipino to relay his
Divine Mercy message. Does God have a special plan for the Philippines?

A: There is a bright future for the Philippines because Jesus loves us. He says we should not
lose hope. There is a special plan for us: Filipinos around the world are being used by the
Lord. They are not only there to work but they are also being used to evangelize.

Q: What is Jesus’ stance on artificial contraception?

A: Jesus is very sad because our Church also has family planning, but it should be natural
family planning. It’s not the family-planning problem which makes children live in the
streets: it’s the parents’ irresponsibility. God will find a way to feed the children. It is not us
who will feed them, it is the Lord. We just have to trust Him but we also have to work. We
can’t just sit and waste time by gambling, drinking…

Q: Do you have any clues as to when Jesus’ Second Coming will be?

A: He said that I will witness His Final Coming but He did not say how or when.

Q: What can you say to people who deny the existence of hell?

A: There is a hell because Jesus mentioned to me that there are only two choices: heaven
or hell. There is also purgatory but then purgatory is part of heaven; it is just a cleansing
area because heaven is only for the clean and the pure and nobody is clean. All of us are
sinners so we have to pass through purgatory for cleansing. Jesus has mentioned hell to me
several times. The souls there suffer much, and it’s for eternity. You can never get out.
Q: How exactly does Jesus look like?

A: You cannot totally describe the Lord. You cannot just totally describe your feeling, your
happiness, and your satisfaction. He is everything. As I see it He’s taller than me and if you
look at Him from a distance His hair is blonde because of His golden aura and its reflection
on Him.

But when He is just in front of you, His hair is black, straight, but wavy. He’s very
handsome: eyes are blue, skin is pinkish, sharp nose, and his teeth are all white and even.
He has a moustache and when He smiles you can see His dimples. He is more polite than
me because in every conversation He always says “Please”. So I say to myself, “How
humble is our Lord!”

Q: When Our Lord appeared to you, did He appear to you just as in the Divine
Mercy Image. How did He look?

A: When you are in front of Jesus, you cannot just totally describe Him, because He is
everything. When you are looking at Him, you cannot describe your happiness, your
satisfaction, the peace and everything. In fact, you forget your family when you are in front
of Him. All of the pictures of Jesus, there is likeness, but not totally, not exactly, but there is
likeness, but you cannot just totally describe Him when you are in front of Him."

Q: Will rich people be able to make it to heaven?

A: Yes, rich people can also make it to heaven because it is not in wealth or poverty but in
how good your heart is. If God were given the chance He would want everyone to enter
heaven but we have free will which is why we make our own destinations. Without free will
we all become robots.

Q: Will the Divine Mercy message help those who have already died?

A: Jesus explained to me that Mercy is only possible when you are alive; justice takes over
when you are dead. While you are still living, breathing, Mercy is still possible. When you
die, there is no more Mercy. When you pray for someone who has already died, your
prayers will help him if he is in purgatory but if he is in hell, there is nothing that you can

Q: How will we know if we are saved?

A: In truth, we do not know because salvation is a free gift from God. If God were to have a
choice, He wants all of us to be saved but because of free will, man chooses where to go.
Religion cannot save us. Religion will only guide us to salvation; however, among all the
religions, it is only the Catholic Church which has plenary indulgences. When Jesus
explained the Feast of the Divine Mercy, He said that if you are in a state of grace and
receive Holy Communion that day, there is a complete forgiveness of sins and punishments.
That grace is also called a plenary indulgence by the Church.

Q: Is it a sin when people claim that they are saved?

A: Yes, it is a sin. They think they are righteous. That’s pride.

Q: Many feel that it is not necessary to confess to a priest when they can confess
directly to God Himself. What can you say about this?

A: It’s written in the Bible, “Whatever sins you forgive on earth will be forgiven in heaven
and whatever sins you retain on earth will be retained in heaven.” If we believe that the
Bible is the Word of God then we have to obey the Bible. Whenever we go to confession, we
should see the priest through his vocation as a priest and not through his sins. It is our Lord
sitting there listening to us as we confess. If the priest is a sinner, it is he who will answer
to God, not us. Whenever we attend Mass, don’t we receive graces from the Mass through
the priest, too? If we keep on thinking of the priest as a sinner, how can we obtain graces
from the Mass? Don’t we use a broom to clean our homes before a visitor comes?

Isn’t a broom dirty yet why do we use something dirty to clean our homes? In the same
way, we should receive the Sacraments through the priest (a sinner ordained by God) who
is God’s instrument and view him through his priesthood, not through his sins to receive the
graces our Lord wants us to receive.

Q: Can you share your thoughts on the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist?

A: We should prepare ourselves before taking Holy Communion. Jesus mentioned that He
observed that during the Mass, most people receive Communion but are they prepared? I
often ask my audiences what they do before a visitor comes over. They reply that they
clean their homes and prepare. If Christ were to enter our bodies, we also have to prepare
by going to Confession. We don’t just keep receiving the Holy Host without proper
preparation because by doing so, we are just adding to our sins. It is not ordinary bread
that we are taking. It is the Body and Blood of our Lord. Look at the Divine Mercy image.
During the time of St. Faustina it was explained that the white rays represented water and
the red rays represented blood. When Jesus and I spoke, He said that the white rays
represented the Sacrament of Confession, the cleansing of our soul while the red rays
represented the Holy Eucharist. He is really present in the Eucharist. What we are truly
receiving is His Body and Blood.

Q: The Catholic Church has many traditions which are being questioned by other
religious sects. What are your thoughts on this?

A: Actually they say that we worship images. In the Old Testament when Moses went up the
mountain the people left down below made images of animals and birds and worshipped
them. When Moses came down he destroyed all the idols. It was because they made images
of animals.

In the New Testament, though, Jesus became flesh and many people saw Him which was
why they were able to make images of Him; however, those are images of our Lord, not
images of animals. Also, we are not worshipping the pictures. Those are just our guides in
worshipping the Lord. In the same way, we are not worshipping Mama Mary. We are just
asking for her intercession like we ask for help from the saints. The saints are similar to our
lawyers here on earth. When the judge gives you a subpoena, you don’t go directly to the
judge; you look for lawyers to accompany you to the judge. It’s the same way when you
die. The saints are our lawyers and they really help especially the saints you’re devoted to.
The saints are our good examples because they sacrificed so much.

Q: I pray and attend Mass and do other spiritual works. But why is my family far
from God?

A: A revelation of Jesus Christ: Don’t force them because only God can move them with His
Grace. You have to pray for sinners because some families have stopped praying for them.
If we stop praying for them we will be pushing them to Hell. If you continue to pray for
them, God will give them the grace of conversion before death.

Q: A Protestant woman argued with me over this question: How can you prove
that hell really exists?

A: I could not answer that because I’ve not really gone to hell. So I looked at Jesus eye to
eye in the Divine Mercy image and He said “Tell her: You will remember me when you are
there!” She was very angry. Later, she calmed down, sat down and cried.

Before I left the place, she came to me saying: “I saw Jesus in a vision. My mind opened
and I realized I am sinful. I was humbled.”

Q: I heard that Jesus has intimated to you the meaning of the Joyful mysteries of
the Rosary. Will you explain it?

A: The Joyful Mystery is connected with the first and the awaited Parousia or the Second
Coming of Jesus.

The Sorrowful Mystery is for the world now in its situation of suffering.

The Glorious Mystery is for heaven when our sojourn on earth is finished.

Jesus said: “The 1st Joyful Mystery is the Annunciation of My coming. In my first coming to
the world, Mary said ‘yes’ to God to be My Mother. If she refused, there would not have
been salvation.” Now, we in the world also have to say ‘yes’ to the will of God in our lives.

The 2nd Joyful mystery is the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Mary came to assist her
cousin, pregnant in her old age, and so the Spirit may also announce the coming of the
Savior, Jesus Christ through Mary. Now, I visit you here in Zamboanga City to proclaim
God’s Mercy and preach the Good News. You also have to do the same to other people. God
is calling you to be active proclaimers of His Mercy.

The 3rd Joyful mystery: Jesus was born to us. Let us not ignore Him; we have to call Him to
our hearts for our conversion.

The 4th Joyful mystery: The Presentation of the Baby Jesus at the Temple: The Temple is
the heart of man. Present Jesus to all people as God and Savior, so He will be accepted as
their God and Savior.
The 5th Joyful Mystery: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple. When we have invited Jesus to
come to our hearts and we have allowed Him to transform our lives, He will see Himself
inside our hearts when He comes back.

Jesus will be accepted and be welcomed gloriously in His Second Coming.

Q: Is it true that in your evangelization tour, there were instances during the
veneration of the image that Jesus came out of the picture?

A: Yes, it is true. When Jesus comes out of the frame, He sometimes stands at my back. I
notice that He is taller than my 5’8” height. During the veneration, many miracles happen.
Example Tony Fiello’s story. (The Radiating Rays of the Divine Mercy Instantly Healed Tony
of Illinois.)

Q: You allow veneration of images after your talks. Are images not contrary to the
first commandment?

A: Jesus Christ said to St. Faustina: “This images is a vessel of My graces and blessings.
Those who venerate this image will not perish for I will stand between him and My Father on
Judgement Day.”

Q: Why does God allow suffering?

A: Suffering is a way of cleansing. Suffering draws us closer to God. The more we suffer,
the more we pray. Jesus wants us to know between sadness and happiness. You can’t
appreciate happiness when you don’t undergo sadness.

If we accept our suffering and offer it in union with the suffering of Jesus on the Cross, it
becomes a redemptive suffering ~ our purgatory here on earth, so when we die, we will
have less purification or stay less in Purgatory.

God also allows suffering to a chosen “victim soul” that she may partake a bit of His Passion
for the conversion of sinners.

Q: Have you experienced encountering the devil?

A: Yes, several times. If God appears to you, the devil will also show himself to you. The
closer you are to God, the more the devil will try to get you by tempting you. But Satan’s
offering is temporary ~ only here on earth.

Example: Satan offered to me to be well known in the world, to have all the beautiful
women I want, and have everything in life. But I refused him and said ‘No!’

Q: We in Jolo, Sulu are 3% Christians only. The Muslims want to ease us out of the
place. Will it happen?

A: Unite, pray the Chaplet with your heart. God will be with you.

Q: In what language does Jesus talk to you?

A: In English, sometimes in Visayan, Jesus is always polite using the world ‘Please’ all the
time and He speaks with His love radiating on you. There was a time He was angry with me.
That was when I prayed sleepily at 3:00 a.m. and I was in my sleeping underwear. He said:
“Don’t I deserve respect?” I ran to my room, changed clothes and prayed ardently.

When I told my chaplain Msgr. Cris Garcia about this, he felt regretful for he sometimes did
this too. Ricardo Cardinal Vidal of Cebu remarked: “That struck me too!” So when we pray,
we have to feel it in our bones.

I also asked the Lord about anger for I sometimes get angry. Jesus answered:
“That’s normal because you are alive. But control it. If it creates damage, you sin.”

Q: What are the sins that can’t be forgiven?

A: Jesus Christ said that all sins can be forgiven, except of those who don’t believe that
their sins can be forgiven.

Q: How would Jesus like our future? What would He like us to be, a part from the
Commandments? How would He like our future to progress as years go on? What
does He want us to do with our lives?

A: That is why He said that now is the time for mercy.

Q: Yes, but with all the problems we have had in Society, with contraception and

A: Contraception and abortion! All that is a sin. That is why Mary is crying with blood all
ready. That's a sin. That's why for example, last night, four ladies approached me and they
said after my testimony, they said they are planning for an abortion, but after hearing my
testimony, they changed their mind, because they said they do not want to see their films,
that the other one killing their own child.

Q: Could I ask you, did you actually see Jesus as the gates of Heaven or did you
actually see Heaven?

A: Cardinal Vidal said that it is the Garden of Eden, because, it's a garden and in it all
beautiful flowers. That is why Cardinal Vidal described it as the Garden of Eden.

Q: Did you actually see that yourself, or just the clouds and the light?

A: I see it yes. It is the Garden of Eden. By the way, Jesus said to me that we have to pray
for His beloved Priests, because He said: "They are My precious jewels and some of them
cause My Heart to bleed. But I will bless them abundantly, in time, and in eternity; much
more if they will stay longer in the Confessional, because it is in the Confessional that My
mercy flows greater than all the sins committed by any living creature.
Q: How do we ask our Priest to promote the Divine Mercy? Should we do it very
quietly or should we implore him to promote Divine Mercy?"

A: Give the Priest some real stuff he can learn, because some of the Priests do not promote
Divine Mercy because they do not understand Divine Mercy. You have to inform them, and
give them some literature that will guide them. And, you have to pray and ask Our Lord's
assistance because we cannot change a person, only God can change a person, so we have
to pray".

Q: Stanley, because of this Divine Mercy, especially in the Islands of the

Philippines, is there a great change in the Philippines? Do they now keep the
Sabbath Holy?

A: In the Philippines, at three o'clock in the afternoon, all the television stations, pray the
three o'clock prayer, and also all the radio stations. And, not only the Catholics are ringing
their bells, but also the other Church dominions, because I have also given my testimony to
other Church dominions, so at 3 o'clock everybody is ringing their bells and also I find it
surprising that the Malls especially in Cebu and Manila, at three o'clock, they would stop and
pray that 3 o'clock prayer. The Feast of Mercy will be celebrated throughout the universal
Church. Jesus promised that the souls who are in a state of grace (been to Confession) who
receive Holy Communion on that day, at the Feast of His Mercy, will be granted complete
forgiveness of sins including their punishment, meaning after the Feast of Mercy, whatever
happens to you, you will go straight to Heaven. Because even the punishment is forgiven.
Because, when we go to Confession, when we go to a Priest, our sins are forgiven, but the
punishment remains. That is why when we die we cannot go straight to Heaven, we have to
pass through Purgatory to pay for the punishments of our sins. But during the Feast of
Mercy, all the sins and the punishments are forgiven, so that's a very wonderful grace.

Q: Does Jesus want us to approach people in our work places; strangers, non-
Christians, to tell them about Divine Mercy? If so, how does He want us to do it?
Because it is very difficult to go up to a stranger who does not believe in God or
does not know Jesus and try to tell him about Divine Mercy.

A: We can do it. We can do it by being an example. We have to show them, that's why
Jesus said: Put mercy into action. For example, you visit the prisoners and you explain to
them God's mercy. And also at hospital, tell them and you give them the chaplet and you
teach them how to pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy. You can do it, because the chaplet is
welcomed by other religions, because God's mercy is for everybody, not only for Catholics.
That's why Jesus said that we have to multiply our prayer for the sinners because Jesus said
that the sinners do not pray for themselves anymore. So we have to increase our prayer for
the sinners because their salvation depends on us.

Q: If those of us who have celebrated the Divine Mercy Sunday, in a state of grace,
if our video is shown to us when we die, would it go back earlier or would it begin
at the last Divine Mercy Sunday?

A: Others would also ask me, if your sins are forgiven, it is also forgotten with the Lord,
that is true! But during the shooting of the film, you will see everything, because Jesus
wants us to see how sinful we are. But then He will forgive us and that is a sign of mercy
and it is mercy itself, shooting our film, showing us how sinful we are, then forgiving us.
That it mercy itself!

Q: Does Jesus speak to you about His Mother?

A: Yes! He always do. That's why He said we have to pray the chaplet and the rosary
unceasingly, as our last weapon against the enemies.

Q: One of the problems is the difference between the devotion to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, and having the image over our fire places, and Our Lord asking for
the image of Divine Mercy. Sometimes, the two seem to be in conflict and some
prefer the Sacred Heart and some prefer the Divine Mercy?

A: For me it is not conflict. Before what happened to me, since I was a kid I am already a
devotee to the Sacred Heart, until I grew up, until I got married. In fact I built Sacred Heart
Chapel, just in front of our house. That's why Jesus said, because I ask Him the difference:
Love: Love is the Sacred Heart. Love is the flower. Mercy is the fruit. Because you do not
have mercy if you do not have love. So love and mercy go together.

Q: You talked about the time of mercy and there is obviously a time table, because
seventy-years ago on February 22, this image was seen for the first time by Saint
Faustina. The Holy Father himself is special because his mission on life is to bring
in the time of mercy. Is there a time table that Jesus has for mankind? Because I
have heard from radio shows in America, that's not to say prediction, because the
time and the place is known only to God, but we are obviously in these final times.
What is expected of society when the Holy Father decreed Divine Mercy Sunday in
the year 2000, and the Bishops are indifferent to it, because the decree has gone
out to the Bishops and therefore they are the ones to instruct the Priests and they
won’t. We people are basically having to listen to the Bishops and the Priests, but
if they don't speak of Divine Mercy or follow the Feast for us to celebrate, how do
we raise that up?

A: We raise it up by giving more information to the Priests. Because some of the Priests do
not understand Divine Mercy because they have not read about Divine Mercy, so we have to
inform them. We can give them some leaflets, but before giving them information, we have
to pray for them, that they will accept it, because, as I said, we cannot change a person.
That's why we have to pray harder. And also, you see, Divine Mercy devotion is for
salvation, saving life, saving souls. That is why the other side is also working the wolf. The
other side, will also work double time because what you are doing is saving souls.

Q: Does Jesus say anything about the Scriptures?

A: He did not mention it to me.

Q: Stanley, how long were you dead?

A: I was clinically dead for three days. "By the way, because I am often asked about that 3
o'clock prayer in the morning and the 3 o'clock prayer in the afternoon. Because last year,
when I give my testimony at the Vatican in front of all the Cardinals and Bishops, there
were twenty-six Cardinals and fifty odd Bishops. One of the Cardinals asked me, 'What is
the significance of the three o'clock prayer in the morning. Because there are so many
answered prayers at three o'clock in the morning.' And I answered, 'That is the time of His
Resurrection. 'And the Cardinal stood up and said that this was true, that in the Book, Jesus
and Mary met at four o'clock in the morning. So they said, He must have resurrected at 3

Q: Can you tell me, what was your illness? What did it consist of?

A: Before what happened to me, I am just going good. I have no illness. I am very strong.
This is why, after what happened to me, when I woke up, my wife was so stunned. She
cannot believe it. So I went down to the billing section and paid the bill. Then I drive the car
in going home. That's why one of the Bishops in the Philippines commented that what
happened to me was just an emergency meeting with the Lord.

Q: Stanley, when you were at the Vatican talking to the Bishops and Cardinals,
was the Holy Father there as well?

A: No! He was scheduled to attend, but he was so tired and ill at the time.

Q: With the Cardinals and Bishops from all over the world, what language did you
speak in? Italian?

A: English.

Q: Italian?

A: No, I said English.

Q: When Jesus was preparing you for this trip to England, did He say anything to
you about the people of England?

A: Yes. People of England are very dear to Him, but then much of them cause His Heart to
bleed, because England is losing faith. That is why I am here, to increase faith. And now
you heard from me. Do not keep to yourself, you have to multiply. Jesus said that if you
save a soul, you save your own."


Zamboanga City, August 25-26, 2001
Stanley told us in an open forum that when he is not sure of the answer to the questions, he
turns to Jesus the Divine Mercy and he is surprised by the Lord’s answer as dictated to him.

Given the privilege to do a world evangelization

Q: How were you discovered and given the privilege to do a world evangelization?
A: After I was proclaimed clinically dead on March 3, 1993, and then I woke up 3 days after, my
case was brought to the attention of Cebu’s Ricarso Cardinal Vidal. He created a committee to
investigate my case. After 6 months, the committee authenticated what happened to me, and my
records were forwarded to the Vatican.

The Divine Mercy Apostolate of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, the biggest Divine Mercy Center in
the whole world headed by Rev. Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, M.I.C. heard about my case and became very
interested in it. He sent doctors to Chong Hua Hospital in Cebu City where I was confined in that 3 days
deathly coma. The Center was convinced that I was really brought to life by God to be used for His great
purpose: to witness my encounter with Christ in the other life.

In 1999, the Stockbridge, MA Divine Mercy Center through Fr. Michalenko invited me to go on a
world tour evangelization to give my witness of that encounter with Christ. So my papers were
processed for visa purposes.

However, during my interview, the U.S. Embassy upon examining my financial status denied my
entry to the U.S.A. They asked how I survived without a permanent employment.
When I told them, my family survived through the grace of God, the Hindu woman interviewer
said, “No, I don’t believe in your God. You have to have a gainful employment.” So they stamped
“denied” to my application for a U.S. visa.

The Manila business club to whom I had given my testimony called me, and they told me they
would lend me a million pesos as “show money”. But I refused it because I did not want to tell a lie. I
told myself, if God wants me to go, then, He would facilitate my trip legally.

Several days after, the EWTN, a Catholic and worldwide TV Station interviewed me on the air
regarding my encounter with the Lord. Part of the interview was a question if I now go around the world
to give my testimony about my encounter with the Lord. I answered, that for more than a thousand
times, I have gone around the Philippines and to the Asian countries but not to the USA. I was denied a
U.S. visa due to my financial status.

Fortunately, at that moment of the TV interview, U.S. Senator Richard Lugar of the Indiana
heard me. Immediately, he called me up saying, “I heard your testimony and I was touched. Fax to me
all your papers.”

The following Friday at 3:00 p.m., the telephone rang. An employee of the U.S. Embassy was on
the phone asking me to report to the U.S. Embassy on Monday at 3:00 p.m.!

When I arrived at the U.S. Embassy, the line of people was long. But the guard upon recognizing
me escorted me directly to enter the U.S. Consul’s office. After a short wait, the kind Consul handed me
back my passport with the U.S. insignia granting me “10 years Multiple Entry!”

Lesson: If you trust the Lord, He will lead to you to where He wants you to go. Indeed,
He is in charge of the events in our lives. All we need to do is to obey His will and be available when
He calls.

Stanley’s Experiences during the Canonization of St. Faustina in Rome

Q. Will you tell us your experience during the canonization of St. Faustina on April
30, 2000 in Rome?

A. In that canonization, His Holiness, Pope John Paul II was the Chairman, and Rev.
Fr. Seraphim Michealenko of the Stockbridge MA Divine Mercy Center was the vice-
chairman. Thirty-six (36) Cardinals, 38 Bishops and 300 priests were present.

After I gave my testimony, I wanted a picture taken with the religious, but I was shy
to approach any of them. So I just prayed.

An open forum followed. Cardinals and Bishops were laughing, knowing me to be just
a mere Filipino layman. Who was I compared to them? I prayed for the right answers.

When the questions came, I felt my head expand and before the questions was
finished, the Lord taught me the answer.

On the 4th question they stopped laughing for they realized my answers were all
correct and beyond their belief of me! They knew Jesus gave me the answers!

A Cardinal asked: “Our God is a God of mercy, can we then rumble the requirements
of a plenary indulgence?”

My answer: Only those in grace can receive plenary indulgence.

Despite this answer, that cardinal kept repeating the same question and I repeated
the same answer. Meaning, he was not satisfied with my answer.

So I looked at Jesus in the Divine Mercy image. He told me the answer as follows:

“Although He is a God of Mercy, He is also a God of Order.”

Everybody clapped his hands! The cardinal was satisfied!

After the question and answer portion, many cardinals approached me. Some
embraced me. Others kissed my hand telling me: “Jesus is really in you!” I was

One cardinal introduced himself as coming from Mexico. Then he asked me, “Tell me
what my name is.”
“I don’t know.”

He asked me three times and I repeatedly answered “I don’t know.”

Finally he said, “Ask Jesus.”

Prayerfully, I looked at him for a few seconds and I answered: “Oscar.”

He was stunned! He embraced me and raised me up on the air!

He asked again three times, “What is my family name?”

I repeated also three times that I did not know.

Again he said, “Ask Jesus.”

I looked at his eyes ponderingly and Jesus dictated to me “Delgado!”

He knelt down tearfully and embraced my feet knowing that Jesus dictated the
answers to me!

He also realized that he was not testing me, but God and God knows us.




Since the schedule of my testimony was announced several weeks prior to it, so
many priests attended the Divine Mercy gathering in every church. I was surprised at the
reaction of many priests who asked for a one-on-one talk with me.

One of the notable happenings was that of the parish priest of a particular church. I
was told that he did not approve of my giving a testimony of my encounter with Christ in his
church, however, the parishioners pressured him to approve it. He told the people “OK, you
can have it by yourselves. I have an appointment that time.”

When I was about to begin, the telephone rang and the parish priest was told his
appointment was cancelled! I thought, God really wanted him to stay.

After my talk and the question and answer forum, the people lined up to venerate
the image. The parish priest called me to his office.

There, he took my hand and related this to me: “I was greatly touched by your
testimony. There were so many questions, yet you answered them very well according to
the teachings of the Church.”

Then with tears in his eyes, he said: “I have to tell you this. I did not believe in
God anymore! All the things I did were just rituals, hence, my life was full of
emptiness. With this happening today, my heart was touched! Thank you, for reviving my
faith! Thank you for sharing!”

I told him: “Let go of all your doubts. Just trust Him!”



There were several letters of commendations thanking Cardinal Vidal for sending Stanley
to them to give his testimony. I will mention two only.

In July 12, 2001 from Dublin, Ireland, the Rev.Fr. Cathal Price, PP of the Church of
St.John the Evangelist and Mr. Phillip Illsley of Cardiff, South Wales, England (July 21-22,
2001) wrote some immediate results of Stanley’s visit there:
•Each church where Stanley spoke were fully packed despite the limited
announcement of his coming due to visa problems.
•Many people wept, many others reported seeing various paranormal lights
and movement around the Image that Bro. Stanley brought.
•Many expressed a deep desire to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation
after a lapse of 20, 30, even 50 years!
•At each venue, a number of women approached Stanley to convey their
intention to cancel abortion ~ truly good news!
•Stanley spoke to prisoners, and recovering addicts who were deeply
moved, thanking him for bringing them hope.
•A live-in couple committed themselves to returning to their original
spouses despite being still “in love”.
•The priests at Mount Charles Church spoke of how eight of his confreres
and some seminarians were deeply inspired to return to hear confessions
in the evening.
•After many years of enmity, mother and daughter reconciled after the
Image veneration.
•A Divine Mercy Prayer Group in prisons will be started with an Image I

Fr. Cathal Price said:

“ Each report confirmed that Ireland has been given a special grace through Stanley’s
coming. As a couple of prisoners put it ‘thank you for giving us light.’ ”
Stanley continues to travel around the world, telling of the amazing event that happened to
him and fulfilling the mission that Jesus sent him back to earth to complete, that is, to teach
the message of Divine Mercy. To His apostle, Saint Marie Faustina, Jesus made a promise in
regard to both the image and the praying of the Divine Mercy chaplet. He gave conditions.
What is prayed for, is prayed with a contrite heart. That it is not against His Will, in other
words, it is doubtful this promise could be used to gain power and riches, which would be an
abuse of His gift. He tells us that when the chaplet is prayed for a dying soul, that soul will
receive His mercy and not His Justice. In away, when a promise is given to us from Heaven,
then God because He is Just, is obliged to keep it.

"Blessings always look small if we hold them in our hands. But if we learn to share
them, we realize how great & precious they are!"


Using ordinary rosary beads, say one Our Father, Hail Mary and The Creed.

On the large Our Father beads pray the following: “Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for
our sins and those of the whole world.”
On each of the small beads pray the following: “For the sake of His sorrowful passion have
mercy on us and on the whole world.”

Conclude the fifth decade with: “Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have
mercy on us and on the whole world.” (3x)

“Jesus, King of mercy, we trust in You.”

Important Note:

We would like to emphasize that the messages or copies of these messages found in the
internet are not for sale and are not intended for sale. Sadly, we have found many websites
and online publications promoting and selling these messages for a fee. Similary, many
websites also recount and narrate the experience of Stanley Villavicencio with some
inaccuracy and without proper permission from him where and when necessary. We
advocate due caution and discretion to be exercised. We would also appreciate if you could
notify us should you encounter one so we can correct the information as needed with the

As Stanley has aptly emphasized in his many talks, The Mercy of our Lord is for free and not
for sale. His mercy is for everybody.

In goodwill, love and service, we remain yours,

---- and here ends the story I wanted to share, but the story did not actually end yet. It continues because
you and I are still here and we got this faith, our Faith. It is really up to you now what to do with it. Thank
you for your time reading the whole page. God Bless us all :D

P.S amazingly I finished compiling this exactly 3:59am, 3 o’clock huh. Wow! With 30 pages.

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