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1) List out the memory allocation functions ?

Ans: malloc(), calloc(),free(), realloc() etc..,

2) Define linked list ?
Ans: Linked list is list whose order is given by links from one item to the next
3) List out the advantages of linked list ?
Ans: i) Dyanamic data structure
ii) no waste memory space
iii) flexibility
1) what are the difference between structures and unions ?
Ans: Here the major difference is with in the structure all elements
must be allocated
memory. But in union highest memory allocation must be allocated the
all these

List out the ypes of linked lists ?

Ans: i) circular linked lists ii) doubly linked lists, iii) circular doubly linked list
2) What are the various operations performed on the linked lists ?
Ans: i) creating a list, ii) traversing the list iii) inserting an item etc..,
3) Another name for doubly linked list ?
Ans: two-way linked list.
1) Define Stack ?
Ans: A stack is a linear data structure in which a data item is inserted and deleted at one
2) Define data structure ?
Ans: A data structure is a collection of organized data that are related to each other
3) What are the various operation performed on the stack ?
Ans: push(), pop()
1) Define queue ?
Ans: A queue is a linear, sequential list of that are accessed in the oeder first in first
2) Define circular queues ?
Ans: A queue can also be circular in which case, it is called as a circular queue
3) What are the various stack oriented notations ?
Ans: i) infix ii) prefix iii) postfix
1) Define Binary tree ?
Ans: Binary tree is a bit special, because whan they are in the sorted
form, they facilitate
quick search, insertion, and deletion.
2) How many ways a tree can be traversed ?
Ans: In three ways. They are i) In-order ii) pre-order iii) post-order
3) define graph ?
Ans: A graph is a set of nodes(vertices) and a set of arcs(edges). A
graph is connected if
there is a path between any two nodes of the graph.
Ans: Additional space is required for building the tree
2) The complexity of the heap sort algorithm ?
Ans: O(n og n)

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