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you look on the back of the bottle you can see the words "contains a source of phenylalanine l"

Phenylalanine is in large doses an effective nerve gas. In Pepsi, theories suggest this may be a cause of

Pepsi has basically nothing good for you in it, its all made up of chemicals there's nothing pure in it (like
most fizzy drinks.) The caffeine in it is just over a cup of teas worth in every glass, caffeine is a nerve
stimulant that can cause headaches, hyperactivity and a crash, same as sugar.

Phosphoric acid over time can lead to heart palpitations. Your heart rate goes up when you drink it and
all other fizzy juice instead of going down like it does with water, pure fruit juice and even tea.

I get headaches and a dry throat when I drink this coke and any other horribly chemical based drinks and
try to stay away from them most of the time.

Tissues and our forests

Yep, even the humble tissue can be very harmful to the environment. I had a huge shock the other day
to discover that the manufacturer of the tissues we usually purchase gains the pulp from old growth

Imagine that; the destruction of virgin forests, just so that we can blow our noses. It's pretty disgusting.
Aside from the source of the material used for making tissues, some manufacturers also use dangerous
and highly toxic bleaching processes.

The problem is, you can't always trust what's written on the box. In the instance I mentioned above, the
manufacturer stated that they source materials from renewable plantings and "sustainably managed
forests" - it seems that they were using the term rather loosely.

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