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-dork (x dorky)- a stupid awkward person

-replace dork wif quirky- unusual in an attractive manner=he’s handsome and has a quirky, off-beat
sense of humour

-arduous – strenuous (needing lots of strength n energy) –adj – [arduous climb/task]

-clench- hold somethg very tightly (usually in an angry manner) – clench teeth, fist (pergelangan tgn)

- indicted=accuse [to say somebody has done something morally wrong)


-nuisance – annoying

-encroach (on/upon) stg: to gradually take away control of stg – my works started to encroach on my
life/ what she’s doing now encroaches on my right

- deteriorate : to become worse she was sent to the hospital after her condition suddenly deteriorated


- Immerse (in) : to completely involve in something/ rendamkn stg in liquid- she immerse in stg

-lucrative : produce a lot of money (esp in bisness ) the merger proves to be lucrative

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