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Sending Phone Orders

To send a Phone Order the following steps need to be performed:

1. Connect one instance of the FixTester as the Simple Buyside with the normal Connection

2. Connect another instance of the FixTester as PhoneOrder BuySide with the below
mentioned Connection settings.

3. Send a Buy order from the Simple BuySide.

4. Obtain the ClOrderId, OrderId of the order along with the Qty.
5. Now inorder to send an Execution from the PhoneOrder Buyside, select the message type as
Execution from the Drop down menu.
6. The message sent should contain the following Tags:

Tag Value(Desription)
1 Account
6 AvgPx
11 ClOrderId
14 CumQty
17 ExecId
20 ExecTransType
32 LastShares
35 MsgType=8(Exec)
37 OrderId
38 OrderQty
39 OrderStatus
40 OrderType
54 Side
55 Symbol
56 TargetCompId
57 TargetSubId

7. Sending the Msg with all these tags will result in a popup being displayed in FIXTrader.
8. Accept the order to the Blotter.

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