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Name: ______________________ Per.

__ Date: __________________

Descriptive Writing Assignment


For this writing assignment, you will select a topic from the following three

• A newly discovered species of animal

• A villain wanted for a crime
• A newly discovered area on Earth (on ground or underwater)

Your assignment is to write an essay that VIVIDLY describes your topic of choice
and paints a picture for the reader with words. You must include words that
describe the five senses as they apply to your topic – sight, touch, taste, sound,
and smell. You may refer to your handouts for word choice.

Regardless of your topic choice – you are to write about someone, something, or
someplace that is new and unique. You cannot write about a real animal that has
ever existed, a criminal in the real world, or a real place on Earth. You are to
create this in your mind and then describe it to your readers.

In addition to your essay, you will create a visual of your topic – it should be on
construction paper that is at least 9 x 12 and be in full color with a title or caption
explaining what/who/where it is.

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