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Washing-Off Process

Disperse Dyes On Polyester

 By reduction clearing process with

 Sodium dithionite
 Sodium hydroxide
 Non ionic or cationic surface active agent
 At low temperature of 60 to 65 °C
Efficiency Test

 Extraction with acetone.

Acid Dyes On Nylon
Washing Precautions

 Use slightly alkaline conditions.

 Adding cationic agent like Dispersol.
 Restrict the temperature at 60 °C or below.
Washing Process

 Rinse with cold sodium carbonate solution

for 10 minutes.
 Treat it with sodium carbonate and dispersol
1 g/l and 1.5 g/l simultaneously for 10 min at
35 °C
 Treat in fresh bath at 35 °C for 10 minutes.
 Then wash in cold water until neutral.

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