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Matthew W. Rutherford, Paul F. Buller, and Patrick R. McMullen

This study uses a sample of 2,903 small to medium-sized firms to examine the manner in
which HR problems vary over the organizational life cycle. We found that a four-stage model
was appropriate. Interestingly, firm age did not emerge as a significant indicator of stage—the
firms’ HR problems varied across stages defined by growth. Training problems were highest in
high-growth firms and lowest in low-growth firms; compensation problems were highest in
moderate-growth firms and lowest in high-growth firms; and recruiting problems were high-
est in no-growth firms and lowest in low-growth firms. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Introduction management, and regulation. It is the gen-

eral “people” or “human resource” (HR)
It is widely held that new ventures experi- problems facing firms in various stages that
ence different kinds of problems as they grow we intend to examine. However, the specific
and mature. This so-called life cycle or stage types of people problems or issues are not
model of organizational growth has received well defined or well documented in previous
considerable empirical support (Dodge & research. This article adds to the literature by
Robbins, 1992; Hanks & Chandler, 1994; examining specific HR problems across the
Kazanjian, 1988; Kazanjian & Drazin, 1989). life cycle of small and medium-sized enter-
Most previous studies of the life-cycle model prises (SMEs).
have identified or examined different types of Another important feature of this work
problems based on the size, age, and/or is based on the fact that we address a pri-
growth rate of the firm. Examples of these mary weakness of other life-cycle studies.
problems include the following: strategic po- Researchers often decide upon a number of
sitioning, sales/marketing, product develop- stages and then “force” firms into a prede-
ment, production, accounting/financial man- termined stage. The problem with this is
agement, external relations, people/human that there has been no agreement upon the
resource management, organization, general correct number of stages in a life-cycle

Correspondence to: Matthew W. Rutherford, The Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, Gonzaga Uni-
versity, Spokane, WA 99258, 509-323-3406,

Human Resource Management, Winter 2003, Vol. 42, No. 4, Pp. 321–335
© 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Published online in Wiley InterScience (
DOI: 10.1002/hrm.10093

model—models range anywhere from three are unique problems (content factors) asso-
to ten stages depending upon the study ciated with various stages.
(Stubbart & Smalley, 1999). We will over- For example, Kazanjian’s (1988) study
come this problem by using a novel, power- based on four life-cycle stages in technology
ful exploratory classification analysis called new ventures–conception and development,
There is no a self-organizing map (SOM). Similar to a commercialization, growth, and stability–
clear evidence cluster analysis, the SOM approach will found differences in the types of dominant
regarding the group cases together based on their similar- problems across these stages. Six general sets
number of
stages a firm
ity to one another. However, when compared of problems were identified using a ques-
experiences... to cluster analysis, the SOM provides a more tionnaire methodology: strategic positioning,
rigorous grouping procedure through “learn- sales/marketing, people, organizational sys-
ing” iterations and does not bias the data by tems, production, and external relations.
assuming a certain number of groups (Jain, Some problems (e.g., strategic positioning
Mao, & Mohiuddin, 1996). and sales/marketing) were found to be domi-
First we will examine what we know nant across all stages, while other problems
about the SME organizational life cycle. We (e.g., external relations and organization)
will then investigate the limited research ad- were more important in some stages and less
dressing the intersection of life-cycle and so in others. People problems appeared to be
human resource problems. This will lead to moderately important across all stages.
specific propositions, which we will test Using a different research method
using the SOM and multivariate analysis of (open-ended classification rather than
variance. Finally, we will report results and forced-choice), Terpstra and Olson (1993)
provide a discussion for these results. identified ten different types of problems—
obtaining external financing, internal finan-
The SME Organizational Life Cycle cial management, sales/marketing, product
development, production, general manage-
Theory and research on the organizational ment, human resource management, eco-
life cycle (OLC) and stages of development nomic environment, and regulatory environ-
indicates that firms progress through vari- ment—over two stages (start-up and growth).
ous stages over time. Life-cycle models typ- Consistent with Kazanjian (1988), some
ically reflect a sequential progression problems (e.g., sales/marketing and internal
through stages such as birth or start-up, financial management) were dominant in
growth, maturity, and even decline. There is both stages. Other problems (e.g., obtaining
no clear evidence regarding the number of external funding and human resource man-
stages a firm experiences—scholars have agement) were more important in some
submitted models varying between three stages than others. Huang and Brown (1999)
and ten stages (Churchill & Lewis, 1983; conducted a follow-up to the Terpstra and
Dodge & Robbins, 1992; Greiner, 1972; Olson (1993) study using a sample of 973
Kazanjian, 1988; Kazanjian & Drazin, 1989; small Australian firms. Their results gener-
Kimberly & Miles, 1980; Miller & Friesen, ally supported the classification framework
1984; Quinn & Cameron, 1983; Scott, put forth by Terpstra and Olson (1993).
1971). The controversy regarding the
proper number of stages is made apparent Life-Cycle and Human Resource
by examining the overview of OLC studies Management Problems
presented in Table I.
There are, however, at least two observ- Several studies have examined human re-
able themes across models. The most com- source management (HRM) problems or ac-
mon theme is that, regardless of number, tivities related to the organizational life
each stage is determined by the contextual cycle. While the distinction between HRM
factors of age of firm, growth rate, and size. problems and activities is not always clear
The other common theme is that many of in the literature, we define HRM problems
these models or studies suggest that there as people-related issues or concerns per-
Problems over the Life Cycle of Small to Medium-Sized Firms • 323

TABLE I Table I Summary of OLC Works

No. of SME
Author Year Stages Empirical? Method Focus?
Adizes 1999 10 No No
Dodge et al. 1994 2 Yes Chi-square Yes
Gupta and Chin 1994 3 No Cluster analysis No
Hanks and Chandler 1994 4 Yes Chi-square Yes
Gupta and Chin 1993 3 Yes Factor analysis, Yes
Cluster analysis
Hanks et al. 1993 5 Yes Cluster, ANOVA Yes
Dodge and Robbins 1992 4 Yes Chi-square Yes
Drazin and Kazanjian 1990 4 Yes Del procedure No
Kazanjian and Drazin 1989 4 Yes Del procedure Yes
Adizes 1988 10 No No
Kazanjian 1988 4 Yes 1) Case study Yes
2) MANOVA, Factor
analysis, and ANOVA
Scott and Bruce 1987 5 No Yes
Flamholtz 1986 7 No Yes
Smith, Mitchell,
and Summer 1985 3 Yes 1) Field study, Cluster No
analysis, MANOVA
2) Simulation data,
Miller and Friesen 1984 5 Yes Case study (histories) No
Miller and Friesen 1983 5 Yes Case study (histories) No
Churchill and Lewis 1983 5 No Yes
Quinn and Cameron 1983 4 No No
Galbraith 1982 5 No Yes
Cameron and Whetten 1981 4 Yes Simulation, ANOVA No
Adizes 1979 6 No No
Kimberly 1979 4 No No
Katz and Kahn 1978 3 No No
Lyden 1975 4 No No
Torbert 1974 8 No No
Greiner 1972 5 No No
Scott 1971 3 No No
Steinmetz 1969 4 No Yes
Downs 1967 3 No No
Lippett and Schmidt 1967 3 No No

ceived by a manager or managers in the Even though Hess (1987) showed that
firm. HRM activities are specific human re- small-business owners rank human resource
source management practices used by the management as the second most important
firm. Our assumption is that HRM activities management activity next to general man-
are formal practices that are put in place to agement or organizational work, not much
deal with HRM problems. Thus, HRM has been written regarding the specific HRM
problems generally precede the develop- problems or the role of HRM activities in
ment of HRM activities. The present study SMEs. Yet the large-firm literature increas-
focuses on specific HRM problems as de- ingly has focused attention on the critical
fined by managers of SMEs. role of HRM practices to a firm’s success.

Barney (1991, 1995) and others (Boxall, needs differ depending on whether the firm is
1996; Pfeffer, 1994; Senge, 1990) have ar- in a start-up, fast-growth, controlled-growth,
gued that certain firm-specific intangible or mature stage. For example, they hypothe-
sources of advantage (such as organizational size that in a start-up phase HRM activities
history, culture, learning, and other human are loose and informal and most likely per-
... human dimensions of organizations) can be particu- formed by the owner/founder. In this first
resource larly important to sustaining competitive ad- phase, the owner/founder is focused on a nar-
management vantage precisely because they are valuable, row range of HR issues related to hiring and
and human
rare, and extremely difficult to imitate. Ac- firing. As the firm experiences high growth,
activities are cordingly, human resource management and the demand for new employees increases;
strategically human resource activities are strategically this demand exceeds the owner/founder’s ca-
important to important to creating and sustaining compet- pacity to manage effectively. The organization
creating and itive advantage. Further, we assume that this typically responds to these problems by
proposition should hold for firms of all sizes adding a more formal structure and func-
advantage. and for all stages of development. tional specialists, including HRM managers.
A related perspective on the relationship Further, Baird and Meshoulam (1988) argue
of human resource management to firm per- that the primary HRM tasks in the high-
formance is offered by Dess and Lumpkin growth stage shift from attracting and hiring
(2003). They use the term human capital to the right kinds of people to developing these
define the “individual capabilities, knowl- people, managing the paperwork associated
edge, skills, and experience of the company’s with employment, and compensation and
employees and managers” (Dess & Lumpkin, benefits. While employee training is begin-
2003, p. 118). Similar to the resource-based ning to become an issue in the high-growth
view, human capital is a resource that is po- stage, evaluation, labor relations, and affir-
tentially valuable, rare, and inimitable. Dess mative action activities are not viewed as crit-
and Lumpkin (2003) further argue that to be ical to the business at this early stage. As the
successful, organizations must continually organization matures, employee performance
enhance their human capital through three appraisal, labor relations, and EEO/affirma-
primary sets of HRM activities or practices: tive action issues become more important.
hiring/selection (including recruitment and Also, in the mature stage, top management
selection), development (including training, prescribes a broader role for the HR function
employee involvement, and performance ap- and HRM activities are more integrated with
praisal), and retention (including compensa- one another and with the business needs.
tion and a stimulating work environment). As noted above, a number of previous
Again, though not explicitly stated, we as- studies have found that people- or human re-
sume that these HRM activities apply to source-related problems or activities are as-
firms of all sizes and stages of development, sociated with the life cycle of the firm. For
including SMEs. In this study, we use an example, Kazanjian (1988) and Terpstra and
augmented version of the Dess and Lumpkin Olson (1993) classified “people” or “human
(2003) typology to investigate HR problems. resource management” as problems. Further,
The preceding discussion suggests that they found that the importance of these gen-
human resource management is important to eral HRM-related problems varied across
the success of SMEs. There is no well-devel- stages. Similarly, Dodge and Robbins (1992)
oped theory to describe the role that HRM found that “organizational design and per-
plays (or should play) in various stages over sonnel” problems differed by stage. Huang
the life of the firm. Based on interview data and Brown (1999) analyzed problems across
with 20 HR professionals, Baird and firm size and found that very small firms
Meshoulam (1988) have made the theoreti- (0–4 employees) were less likely to have HR
cal argument that HRM practices are related problems than medium-sized firms (5–19
to the firm’s stage of development. Their employees) and larger firms (20+ employ-
model suggests that HRM practices should fit ees). Dodge, Fullerton, and Robbins (1994)
the business needs and that the business found that “human resource” problems were
Problems over the Life Cycle of Small to Medium-Sized Firms • 325

identified as a moderate concern but did not the questionnaire approach to job analysis,
vary across stages. In a related study, Hanks application blanks and drug tests in the se-
and Chandler (1994) examined patterns of lection process, and more sophisticated ben-
specialization in various functions over life- efits packages and performance appraisal ... a 50-
cycle stages based on the assumption that processes as they increase in size. However, employee firm
that is two years
such specialization is an organizational re- the three categories of companies did not old and
sponse to specific dominant problems. This vary significantly with respect to the per- growing at 20%
study, focusing on technology firms, found ceived importance of future HRM issues sales growth
that specialization of specific organizational (problems) and trends. would face
functions varied across stages. In particular, The Hornsby and Kuratko (1990) study is different HRM
problems from
specialization of the personnel (HR) func- important because it is one of the few that has those faced by
tion was associated with the maturity stage. examined specific HRM problems and prac- a firm of 50
This stage was characterized by firms that tices in terms of the life cycle. Firms of differ- employees that
were 16 years old, had 495 employees, $45 ent sizes do apparently have different HRM is 95 years old
million in sales, and sales growth of 37%. Fi- problems and practices. However, the mea- and stagnant.
nally, in a rare study of family business and sures-of-size categories used in the study are
HR issues, McCann, Leon-Guerrero, and problematic because they appear to be arbi-
Hailey Jr. (2001) examined 231 family firms trarily assigned. All firms in the sample had
in the state of Washington. They found that less than 150 employees and, by definition, are
growth firms ranked general HR issues sig- small businesses. It is important to examine
nificantly higher on a scale of importance differences in HRM issues in firms over a
than firms that where not growing. greater range of employee size. Further, nei-
While general people/HRM problems ther growth nor age was considered in this
have been identified in previous research on study. It is reasonable to assume that a 50-em-
the organizational life cycle, few studies ployee firm that is two years old and growing
have focused on specific SME HRM prob- at 20% sales growth would face different HRM
lems. Consequently, we know very little problems from those faced by a firm of 50 em-
about the specific kinds of HRM problems ployees that is 95 years old and stagnant.
associated with various stages. Hornsby and With respect to the latter issue, Buller
Kuratko (1990) conducted a benchmark and Napier (1993) examined the nature and
study of the important HRM problems in a integration of strategy and HRM practices
sample of small businesses. The sample was and their effects on firm performance in two
divided into three groups based on firm size groups of mid-sized firms: fast-growth firms
(i.e., number of employees) based on the as- and a random sample of similarly sized ma-
sumptions that the kinds of issues facing ture firms. Size in this study was defined in
firms and their sophistication in dealing terms of annual sales, not employees. All
with these issues will vary as the firms grow firms in both samples ranged in size from
in size. The three size categories ranged $5 million –$150 million in annual sales. Six
from 1–50 employees (small), 51–100 em- kinds of HRM practices were examined:
ployees (medium), and 101–150 employees human resource planning, recruitment/selec-
(large). Five specific HRM areas were exam- tion, compensation/benefits, training/devel-
ined: job analysis/job description, recruit- opment, labor relations, and EEO/affirmative
ing/selection, compensation/benefits, train- action. The two groups were compared in
ing, and performance appraisal. Using a terms of the HRM activities deemed to have
survey methodology, respondents were asked the most strategic importance to the firm.
to indicate the kinds of HRM practices they The random-sample firms placed a higher
currently used and also rate the importance strategic importance on HRM activities
of several HRM problems to be dealt with based on a composite measure including all
over the next ten years. The results showed six HRM areas. The random-sample firms
that the size of the firm was related to the placed significantly more importance on the
sophistication of some HRM practices. For specific areas of human resource planning,
example, small businesses increasingly use labor relations, and EEO/affirmative action.

In addition, the random-sample firms were the birth stage of the life cycle. Williamson
found to have higher strategy-HRM integra- (2000) proposes that small, young, and
tion than the fast-growth firms. There was no slowly growing firms will have trouble find-
conclusive evidence regarding the relation of ing and selecting adequate human resources
HRM activities and/or strategy-HRM integra- because prospective employees do not view
... problems tion to firm performance. However, there was the firm as viable or “legitimate.” This leads
facing some evidence that the level of strategy-HRM to our first subproposition:
organizations integration was related to firm size (i.e., an-
differ across
stages of
nual sales), firm age, and the number of years Proposition 2a: Hiring problems will be
development. the firm had been engaged in strategic plan- most prevalent in the birth stage of the or-
ning. These findings lend some support to the ganizational life cycle.
life-cycle model; similarly sized mature firms
emphasized different specific HRM practices After overcoming the liabilities associ-
than fast-growth firms. ated with age and size to attract a base level
of human resources, we propose that the
Research Propositions SME owner/manager will primarily en-
counter challenges associated with develop-
In summary, previous research shows con- ing that employee base. This proposition,
siderable support for the life-cycle model of too, is based on the work of Baird and
organizations and that problems facing or- Meshoulam (1988), but also on the idea of
ganizations differ across stages of develop- managerial capacity. In this context, manage-
ment. While there is some indication that rial capacity essentially asserts that a firm’s
HRM is one set of general problems that growth is limited by the ability of managers
occur in the various stages of the life cycle, to handle the communication problems that
there is little definitive examination of how are associated with training a growing num-
the specific HRM problems or activities dif- ber of employees (Barringer, Jones, & Lewis,
fer across stages. The present study con- 1998). Thus, our second subproposition is:
tributes to our understanding of specific
HRM problems associated with the life cycle Proposition 2b: Development problems will
in a sample of family firms. be most prevalent in the growth stage of
Based on the work by Dess and Lumpkin the organizational life cycle.
(2003), we group HR problems into three
categories: hiring, development, and reten- The fact that the organization has
tion. We have selected the most simplistic reached the maturity stage implies that it
life-cycle model—the three-stage model—for has overcome the liabilities of smallness and
the purposes of making propositions. This newness and has developed its managerial
point is noteworthy because, until we run acumen to adequately address development
our SOM, we will not know how many stages problems. Following our line of reasoning,
(if any) are present in our sample. Therefore, we believe that once employees are attracted
we first propose: and developed, the concern moves to retain-
ing those employees. This situation is com-
Proposition 1: Firms will organize in an or- pounded by the tendency of “growth” em-
ganizational life-cycle model. ployees to become bored with the less
dynamic environment of the larger, older,
Next we look at our specific HRM prob- and more slowly growing firms (Muse,
lems and their place in the OLC. As stated, Rutherford, Oswald, & Raymond, in press).
there is a dearth of literature looking at this re- This leads to our third subproposition:
lationship. However, the work of Baird and
Meshoulam (1988), combined with the recent Proposition 2c: Retention problems will be
literature on legitimacy, leads us to believe that most prevalent in the maturity stage of the
hiring problems will be most pronounced in organizational life cycle.
Problems over the Life Cycle of Small to Medium-Sized Firms • 327

Method growth and perceptions of future growth

(McMahon, 2001). This categorical variable
Data is coded as follows:
... it is
The data for this study were taken from the 1  decreased more than 5% the owner/
1997 Arthur Andersen/Mass Mutual Ameri- 2  decreased 1%–5% ability to
can Family Business Survey. The survey is a 3  no change solve a set of
comprehensive survey that analyzes family 4  increased 1%–5% problems
business on a host of issues. The survey polled 5  increased 6%–10% brought on by
a broad cross-section of family businesses rep- 6  increased 11%–15% past levels of
growth that
resenting 12 industries (agriculture, construc- 7  16% or more allows the
tion, financial services, biotech, manufactur- firm to survive
ing, mining, real estate, retail, services, Content Measures and grow.
telecommunications, transportation, and
wholesale) throughout the country. The Another set of variables, which are situa-
questionnaire was mailed to more than tional in nature, is also commonly used to
37,000 family businesses and 3,033 were re- define stage. In the literature, these have
turned for a response rate of 8.2 %. For the been termed organizational problems, mana-
purposes of this survey, family businesses gerial concerns, crises, and important issues
were defined as businesses with at least two (Adizes, 1979; Kazanjian, 1988; Smith et al.,
officers or directors having the same last 1985). This set of variables (called organiza-
name. Following the definition put forth by tional HR problems here) has received in-
the Small Business Administration, we ex- creased attention in the OLC literature espe-
cluded firms larger than 500 employees, leav- cially when SMEs are considered (Dodge &
ing a final sample size of 2,903 firms. Robbins, 1992; Dodge et al., 1994; Terpstra
& Olson, 1993). Here the content portion of
Contextual Measures the OLC is made up of three areas of HR
problems. OLC researchers (Greiner, 1972;
The contextual variables used here are the Kazanjian, 1988; Kazanjian & Drazin, 1990;
same as those used in nearly every OLC study McMahon, 2001) generally hold that it is the
(Dodge et al., 1994; Kazanjian & Drazin, owner/manager’s ability to solve a set of
1988; Smith, Mitchell, & Summer, 1985). problems brought on by past levels of growth
These variables are essentially those that that allows the firm to survive and grow. As a
speak to the interrelated conditions in which result, we are interested in knowing how
the OLC exists, and are implicit in the OLC. owners or managers feel now regarding the
problems that they need to solve to move to-
Age. This is the number of years since ward continued survival and/or growth. The
the company was founded. following question was asked: What are the
Size. This is the number of full-time em- most significant challenges to the future
ployees employed by the organization. growth and survival of your business?
Growth. This is the level of sales growth
achieved in the past year. Hiring Problems. We operationalize this as
recruiting. This is a categorical variable
Following the advice of Hoy, McDougall, ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 repre-
and Dsouza (1992), we utilized a historical senting that recruiting problems are the
measure of growth rather than a perception most significant challenge and 5 represent-
of future growth. This provides the benefit of ing a minor challenge.
objectivity, as it is easier to measure past fi-
nancial results than future opinions of Retention Problems. We operationalize this
growth. Furthermore, past growth has been as compensation. This is a categorical vari-
shown to be highly correlated with future able ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 rep-

resenting that compensation is the most sig- in nature—they can be complex, subjective
nificant challenge and 5 representing a functions (Jain et al., 1996).
minor challenge. The SOM, proposed by Kohonen (1990),
is a topologically organized neural network
Development Problems. We operationalize (TONN). TONNs are based on biological
TONNs are this as training. This is a categorical variable neurons in the manner that they recognize
based on ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 represent- complex patterns. A common example is the
biological ing that training problems are the most sig- human brain’s ability to recognize a person’s
neurons in the
nificant challenge and 5 representing a face in a very short time period. The brain
manner that
they recognize minor challenge. takes in a large number of inputs about a per-
complex son (e.g., nose, lips, complexion) through the
patterns. Dependent Measure senses and organizes them to recognize the
person. The SOM takes inputs in the form of
Life-Cycle Stage. For the multivariate analy- data and organizes the data into a group, or
sis of variance (MANOVA), this is a categor- groups, based on common characteristics.
ical variable—ranging from 1 to 4—derived The same way the brain will recognize a per-
from the SOM. son more efficiently each time that person is
encountered, the SOM goes through itera-
Analysis tions and recognizes data as belonging to
some group more efficiently with each itera-
Because the OLC has critics who cast doubt tion. Eventually the brain will perfectly iden-
on its existence (Stubbart & Smalley, 1999; tify a person at each encounter and, similarly,
Tichey, 1980), and because the contextual the SOM will reach a point where all inputs
characteristics (age, size, and growth rate) are “correctly” classified at each iteration.
have not been sufficiently substantiated in the The SOM uses unsupervised learning to
literature, we use an exploratory technique to accomplish its goal of classification. In the
develop an “appropriate” life-cycle model. context here, unsupervised learning refers to a
Dodge et al. (1994) note that a significant procedure where there is no prior knowledge
drawback of many empirical OLC studies is of how the data should be classified. It is in-
the possible misclassification of firms by forc- tended, then, to use this unsupervised learn-
ing them into predetermined groups. To ing for classification so that there are no clas-
counter this, we use Kohonen’s (1990) self- sification biases of any type (Kohonen, 1990;
organizing map (SOM) to address these issues Mehrotra, Mohan, & Ranka, 1997). This is
and identify the appropriate life-cycle model contrasted with supervised learning where a
before testing differences for significance. neural network is trained to recognize the
The SOM is similar, but analytically superior input as belonging to the correct group. This
to, a traditional cluster analysis when classify- type of analysis—called backpropogation—is
ing large amounts of data (Mangiameli, Chen, not suited for the type of data classification
& West, 1996).1 While the SOM is a relatively used in this study (Mangiameli et al., 1996).
recent development, it is particularly useful SOMs are frequently discussed in rela-
for analyzing the OLC (Rutherford, Mc- tion to other statistical clustering techniques
Mullen, & Oswald, 2001). Rather than force (i.e., cluster analysis) used in statistical analy-
the firms into ill-defined stages, we allow the sis; however, there are several keys that sepa-
data to organize naturally into stages that rate the SOM from other clustering tech-
more accurately depict the data under study. niques. Mangiameli et al. (1996) conducted a
study comparing Kohonen’s SOM with hier-
Analysis and SOM Description archical cluster techniques, and showed that
SOMs have “superior accuracy and robust-
A SOM is a special type of artificial neu- ness” when classifying large amounts of data.
ral network (ANN). An ANN emulates neural Specifically, cluster analysis has two primary
activity of an intelligent organism to perform weaknesses that stem from the lack of an ef-
functions that are not necessarily objective ficient optimal solution methodology:
Problems over the Life Cycle of Small to Medium-Sized Firms • 329

1. The inability to identify the number so that these values are “closer” to the ith
of clusters present in the data in an a record. This weight adjustment is done ac-
priori manner, and cording to the following:
2. The manner in which in observations ... our first
are assigned to mutually exclusive wwinner,h (t) = wwinner,h (t  1)   (xi,hwwinner,h), proposition—
that HR
clusters. where 0    1. problems will
(2) vary over the
Kohonen (1990) developed an efficient OLC—is only
methodology to overcome these problems The value  is referred to as the learning partially
(this is described in detail below). Essentially, rate, and controls the rate at which the newly supported,
because a
because of the iterative process used in self- adjusted weights converge to the values of xi,h.
traditional life
learning, the a priori identification becomes a After this adjustment is complete, the cycle was not
nonissue because the researcher can set the next record in the database is processed in the evident.
number of initial clusters very high. Upon ex- same way. Once all records have been
ecution of the SOM procedure, however, processed in this way, the learning rate is ad-
fewer groups may be formed if the database justed according to the following relationship:
does not exhibit enough “separation” to jus-
tify the specified number of groups.     Adjustment Rate,
The SOM procedure solves the second where 0  Adjustment Rate  1.
problem by allowing observations in the (3)
SOM to “switch” groups from iteration to it-
eration as the neural network “learns.” After the SOM indicates an adequate
The data were first standardized for all k grouping, we then test our proposition by ex-
attributes so that scaling differences do not amining the differences between life cycle
bias classification. Standardization, of stages using MANOVA.
course, is done prior to SOM classification
so that each of the k attributes has a mean Results
of zero and a standard deviation of unity.
The data were then introduced to the The descriptive statistics and correlations for
SOM. As stated, an unsupervised learning al- all variables are presented in Table II. The
gorithm is employed here to classify the data SOM indicated that the firms in this sample
into j groups, when the database uses k vari- do not follow a traditional OLC with respect
ables for classification. The self-organizing to HR problems, because the age variable
map classification procedure works as follows: was not significant. An examination of Table
A j  k matrix of weights is generated III shows that the size and growth variables
(w(j  k))—each value in the matrix is a uni- do define stage. As a result, our first proposi-
formly distributed random number on the in- tion—that HR problems will vary over the
terval [0,1]. Also, an iteration counter, t, is OLC—is only partially supported, because a
initialized to zero. The database is converted traditional life cycle was not evident.
to i  k matrix form with the identification Because our initial proposition was not
of x(i  k). For the ith record in the database, upheld, our following hypotheses are likewise
the dissimilarity, or squared distance between not supported by the data. Without the sig-
itself and the jth weight, is determined: nificance of the context variable age, we can-
not discuss stage in the traditional OLC man-
k ner. The HR problems did, however, vary
di,j  冱 (xihwjh)2, for each of the j groups.
significantly over growth and size. Table III
(1) shows means, standard errors, and MANOVA
statistics for the four-group solution. The
This distance calculation is made for all MANOVA analysis shows that the SOM
j groups. The group having the smallest dis- grouping approach was effective in finding
tance from the ith record is deemed the differences between groups, and has a signif-
“winner,” and has its weight values adjusted icant multivariate effect on the five variables

TABLE II Descriptive Statistics and Correlations

N Mean Std. Error 1 2 3 4 5

1. Age 2,903 50.25 0.61
2. Size 2,903 87.59 2.08 0.06
3. Growth 2,903 4.03 0.03 0.05 0.15
4. Training 2,903 3.06 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.04
5. Compensation 2,903 3.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07
6. Recruiting 2,903 2.84 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.12


Stage A Stage B Stage C Stage D F p-value

n = 482 n = 731 n = 268 n = 1,422
Size 72.61 (3.46) 76.96 (4.26) 91.16 (2.48) 109.62 (5.71) 13.63 0.00***
Growth 2.08 (.04) 3.80 (.05) 4.97 (.03) 5.28 (.07) 1,068.36 0.00***
Training 3.10 (.02) 3.29 (.03) 3.22 (.02) 2.62 (.04) 30.84 0.00***
Compensation 2.98 (.03) 2.97 (.04) 2.94 (.02) 3.26 (.06) 9.38 0.00***
Recruiting 2.48 (.03) 3.79 (.04) 2.49 (.02) 2.60 (.05) 335.26 0.00***

* p < .10p; ** p < .05; *** p < .001

TABLE IV Human Resource Problems and Growth Stages

(MP = most problematic; LP = least problematic)

Stage A Stage B Stage C Stage D Pairwise Significance
No- Low- Moderate- High-
Growth Growth Growth Growth
Training LP MP All stages but B-C
Compensation MP LP D-All other stages
Recruiting MP LP B-All other stages
Average 2.85 3.35 2.88 2.83

* p < .10. ** p < .05. *** p < .001

All pairwise comparisons were run with Scheffe contrasts to ensure that the probability of type 1 error was held to .

shown here (Wilks’   .32, F  225.02, p  no-growth, moderate-growth, and low-

.00). This omnibus (overall) model, however, growth; however, the low-growth and moder-
does not tell us about differences between ate-growth stages did not differ significantly
stages. To accomplish this goal we ran pair- from one another—all other stages did vary
wise analysis of variance comparisons. significantly from one another. The only sig-
The results of the pairwise ANOVA nificant relationships among compensation
analyses are shown in Table IV. We have bro- problems existed between high-growth and
ken the stages down by growth, because size all other stages—the problems were lowest in
was significant in the omnibus model, but the high-growth stage. Recruiting problems
not significant between all stages (i.e., pair- showed significance between the low-growth
wise comparisons). Training problems were stage and all others—they were highest in
highest in the high-growth stage, followed by the no-growth stage.
Problems over the Life Cycle of Small to Medium-Sized Firms • 331

Discussion and Conclusions The differences between growth stages

and HR problems also present several inter-
The goal of this work was to test one propo- esting observations. The highest-growth
sition: that HR problems in small firms var- firms demonstrated the most challenges with The highest-
ied over the OLC. The proposition was par- development. This is not surprising given the growth firms
tially supported. We employed an exploratory fact that high-growth firms generally experi- the most chal-
technique to derive an appropriate number ence communication problems because the lenges with
of stages. Like Hanks, Watson, Jansen, and owner/manager can no longer easily train development.
Chandler (1993) and Drazin and Kazanjian every employee. Instead the firm must move
(1990) we found support for a four-stage toward formalizing development and this is
model. However, the age variable proved not often a painful transition (Hanks & Chan-
to be significant. The finding contradicts re- dler, 1994). In contrast, these high-growth
searchers who submit that age is a discrimi- firms reported the lowest levels of retention
nating factor in stage identification (Kazan- problems. This is likely caused by the fact
jian & Drazin, 1989; Smith et al., 1985). that high-growth environments tend to at-
Instead, the stages were defined by size tract employees who enjoy the fast-paced at-
and—to a larger extent—growth. As a note, mosphere and may be willing to accept less
the size variable should be treated with cau- money to be involved (Muse et al., in press).
tion. Even though it was significant across Of the four groups, moderate-growth
most stages, the small F statistic and lack of firms reported that retention issues were the
variability between stages indicate that this most problematic. As noted above, individu-
variable has less explanatory power than als may accept less money for a high-growth
growth. That fact that growth is the key con- environment; however, if the environment is
text variable here supports previous studies not sufficiently stimulating, these individuals
that found growth to be the impetus for firms will not make the same trade-off. This would
moving through organizational development leave cash-strapped owner/managers with
stages, regardless of the problem being stud- slowly increasing workloads and little to offer
ied (Kazanjian & Drazin, 1989; Scott, 1971). the employee in terms of excitement (Ka-
While not the primary intention of this nungo & Mendonca, 1992).
work, the lack of support for an OLC-like con- Low-growth firms reported the lowest
figuration is an interesting finding. This sup- levels of both training problems and recruit-
ports researchers (Stubbart & Smalley, 1999; ing problems. It may be that the stable envi-
Tichey, 1980) who cast doubt on the practical ronment makes it ideal for the owner/manger
effectiveness of the OLC as organizational de- to develop employees at his or her own pace
velopment theory. Alternative explanations for without having to adopt a formalized ap-
the evolution of HRM problems and activities proach. In addition, low levels of growth
might also exist. For example, the research of likely make it less necessary to add new em-
Baron, Hannan, and Burton (1999) suggests ployees, greatly reducing recruiting problems.
that HRM problems and activities are largely a No-growth firms reported the highest lev-
function of the “mental” blueprints held by els of recruiting problems. This is slightly
company founders and the gender mix of em- counterintuitive, as one would think that a
ployees during the first year of operations. firm that is not growing would not have a
Their findings support a path-dependent need to attract many new employees. How-
model of organizational evolution that does ever, this finding may be the result of these
not explicitly include the OLC. It should, how- low-performing firms never being able to at-
ever, be noted that inserting different content tract an adequate base of effective employees.
variables may yield a different configuration.
For example in a similar analysis using a self- Study Limitations and Directions for
organizing map, Rutherford et al. (2001) used Research
different variables (financing and manage-
ment issues), and found the age variable to be Some limitations should be mentioned here.
significant in discriminating between stages. First, the cross-sectional nature of the data

precludes us from making definitive cause- In light of these limitations, there are
and-effect statements. For example, it would some clear recommendations for future re-
be interesting to know if HR problems search. In an ideal setting, one would study
caused the firms to move from one stage to the OLC with a time-series sample, as a tem-
the next. Related to cross-sectional issues, a poral component is inherent in the phenom-
Some research- weakness of the survey is that historical enon. Even though it would be time-consum-
ers have posited growth rates were only collected for one year ing and costly, an examination of the variables
that the life prior. This may not be enough time to expe- studied over several periods may lead to dif-
cycle of the
rience a change in HR problems, and while ferent and interesting findings. Also, there
family may
interact with highly correlated, past growth rates are no have been several classification schemas sub-
the life cycle guarantee of future growth rates. mitted for human resource problems; we
of the firm. Second, the fact that we utilized a family- have chosen a broad schema put forth by
business data set may limit implications for Dess and Lumpkin (2003), but others may be
nonfamily SMEs. Some researchers have valid. As a result, future research may want to
posited that the life cycle of the family may in- consider different problem sets.
teract with the life cycle of the firm (Gersick, For owner/managers (and those who as-
Davis, Hampton, & Lansberg, 1997). Specifi- sist them) our results provide guidance re-
cally, small family firms may be more likely to garding human resource management issues
engage in lifestyle ventures, which may over the life cycle of the SME. As firms
“stunt” growth. Also, Bjuggren and Sund achieve increasing levels of growth, HR is-
(2002) put forth the idea that family idiosyn- sues seem to shift from attracting to retain-
cratic knowledge will make for smoother stage ing, and finally to training. As a result we
transitions and therefore family firms would would recommend that SME owner/man-
display lower levels of all content variables agers prepare themselves for these changes if
(i.e., problems) throughout the life cycle. and when growth occurs. On the other hand,
However, based on the fact that in the United if an SME is consistently achieving very low
States, family firms represent between levels of growth, the owner/manager should
90–95% of all firms and the large majority of focus on improving his or her recruiting and
small firms are, in fact, family firms, general- selection skills. Finally, it appears that the
izability should be possible (Gersick et al., low-growth stage is the least problematic
1997; Rosenblatt, De Mik, Anderson, & John- with regard to all HR issues. Firms with
son, 1990). Additionally, some researchers growth rates in approximately the 1%–5%
have found support for the notion that family range seem to be able to adequately address
firms adopt strategies similar to small firms in their HR problems. Outside of these ranges,
general, which suggests that differences be- the level of problems escalates, so the
tween the two may be minimal (McCann et owner/manager will want to closely monitor
al., 2001; Upton, Teal, & Felan, 2001). growth to prepare for this escalation.
A final caveat relates to the fact that we Future research should continue to exam-
studied firms over 12 industries, but did not ine HRM issues in SMEs. This article has laid
control for industry effects. Our primary goal some empirical groundwork for the relation-
in this research was to lay an initial founda- ship between HR problems and the organiza-
tion for examining HR issues over the small- tional development of SMEs—a heretofore
firm life cycle; as such, we chose a data neglected area. It is hoped that researchers
analysis method—the self-organizing map— can use these results to more effectively guide
that accomplished that goal most effectively. SME owners and managers as they navigate
The drawback of this choice was that it is not uncertain business environments.
effective for handling control variables. As a
result, it is possible that the results reported The authors would like to thank The
here may be confounded by industry mem- Arthur Anderson Center for Family Business
bership. We submit that studying firms and Mass Mutual, Loyola University-Chicago
across industries is fertile ground for a future Family Business Center, and the Family Busi-
work on SME HR issues. ness Center at Kennesaw State University.
Problems over the Life Cycle of Small to Medium-Sized Firms • 333

Matthew W. Rutherford is an assistant professor of management at Gonzaga Uni-

versity’s College of Business. He received his PhD in management from Auburn Uni-
versity. He has also served as an independent management consultant for numerous
organizations. His research interests lie in the area of small-firm performance/growth.

Paul F. Buller holds the Kinsey M. Robinson Chair in Business Administration at

Gonzaga University, where he teaches courses in strategic management and entre-
preneurship. Dr. Buller has authored or co-authored over 50 articles in a variety of
academic and practitioner journals. He is co-editor, with Randall S. Schuler, of Man-
aging Organizations and People: Cases in Management, Organizational Behavior, and
Human Resource Management (7th Edition), South-Western Publishing, 2003. Dr.
Buller has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of World Business and Human
Resource Management Journal and is past president of the Western Academy of Man-
agement. He is currently director of the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program
at Gonzaga.

Patrick R. McMullen is an associate professor at Wake Forest University’s Bab-

cock Graduate School of Management. His PhD is from the University of Oregon.
He has held prior teaching positions at the University of Oregon, the University of
Maine, Auburn University, and Harvard University. His research interests lie in the
areas of artificial neural networks, applied optimization, and search heuristics.

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