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In this lesson, we studied one of the further school of thought in

psychology. It is the humanism. Humanistic approaches give
importance of a person’s inner world,his feelings,thoughts, and
emotions. Erik Erikson, Abraham Maslow and Carl Roger are the
supporters of humanistic approaches. According to Erikson, there are
eight stages which he calls epigenetic principle. And he views the
person as a whole person. These stages can help us to see the real life
and its challengings and we can get help from others to deal them.
Another person is Abraham Maslow, he thinks that basic needs of
people must be met if we want to learn or teach something. There is a
hierarchy of Maslow. Deficiency includes physiological needs,safety
needs,belonging needs,esteem needs and being includes self-
actualization. The last person in humanistic approach is Carl Rogers.
He thinks human beings have natural potential for learning. Personal
relevance and active participation are two important things for Roger.
I think I understood everything very well about humanistic
approaches. But I need to focus on humanism in ELT a bit more. 
I sincerely believe that it can be useful both for my students and for
me to use these humanistic approaches in my teaching.
Because,clearly,it is seen from its name, it is humanistic.  I see my
students as a whole person and pay attention their feelings, thoughts,
and emotions. I try to meet the needs of my students according to
Maslow’s hierarchy. Because as it’s known, no matter how I try to
materialize my best, there can not be learning if the basic needs are
not met. And also I try to help my students to personalize the
information which I give, using some humanistic method such as
suggestopedia and CLT.

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