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Latin America Project

The Latin America Project will be the final project of the year. It will be
split into various graded assignments as well as having a presentation
and final project evaluation.

Your Task: You are a web designer hired by the government of a Latin
American country to inform English speaking people about your
assigned country. The website must be well researched and all
information must be cited. You must document your progress for your
employers (Mr. Knepp) by keeping a blog (more information on the blog
to follow). You may design your website any way you desire, but it must:
1. Be organized
2. Look professional (no silly pictures or unrelated content)
3. Contain correct information
4. Meet deadlines for certain pages

Your website must have all the following pages:

1. Home page (Welcome Page)
2. Basic country statistics (population, languages, religions,
imports/exports, etc.)
3. Basic country information (foods, sports, activities, holidays,
technology, etc.)
4. History
5. Geography
6. Tourism (you may need to be creative here if there isn’t a lot of tourism
in your country)
7. Information for missionaries (are there any missionaries working
there? How can people pray for these countries? Etc.)
8. Works Cited page (bibliography)
You may include any other pages you may find relevant. This could
include things like picture pages (if they don’t fit into one of the other
categories) or anything else, as long as it fits. Each page will have a
“check-up” date where a grade will be given. After the pages are
graded, you are expected to fix any problems and resubmit for the final

Due dates:

Assignment Points Due Date

Geography draft 15 5/13

Stats/basic info drafts 5 each 5/17

History draft 15 5/20

Tourism/Missionary info 10 each 5/24


Cited/Welcome drafts 5 each 5/27

Blog progress reports 15 points throughout --

Final published site 100 6/1

Presentation 20 6/2-6/3

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