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Tell us the facts about your product and how you shared it

I shared my product using a presentation format. I showed photos, videos and music using
PowerPoint. I presented my story by talking and I think most people liked the way I shared my story.
I shared it in a room where other people were presenting there to. I had to do things while others
were presenting in my room. After each presentation we had to get audience which was quite hard.

How do you feel about your work and the reaction of the audience?
I feel my final performances were really good and the audience gave me support and very good
advice which I am using. I feel my work got understood well by little kids as well as adults. I feel
presentation was a little bit too long so in the next few days I will try and shorten my presentation.

What are the good points about your product and the way it was shared?
The good points about my product are that it can be shared easily and lots of people understand the
format of presenting. You can present it in different places without difficulty. It can be shared using
internet to a wider audience.

What are the bad points about your product and the way it was shared?

The bad points about it are that it can have mechanical problems. It can’t be shared without me
with it so I am going to make a video of me presenting with it, put it on YouTube and share it using
blogs, facebook, twitter, my space and flicker. I also want to do something without using mechanics
so I don’t always have to look at a computer.

How could you improve your product and/or the way you share it?

I could improve my product by so making a video of me presenting my power point, download it

then put it on YouTube and share it using blogs, facebook, twitter, my space and flicker. I could also
do something without using mechanics so I don’t always have to look at a computer. I also need to
try the things I said reality, I also could try to change my photo frames into new drawings.

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