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Property Sets are the most flexible object types available in Siebel.

* They can act as arrays.

* They can act as simple variable types
* They can act as Hierarchies.
* A Property Set can contain other propertysets

The general syntax to declare a property set object type is

var ps = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

and as with any other object type you have to make the object null to free up the memory being
used by that object so at the end of the code or where you don’t need the property set you should
always do

ps = null;

Property sets are mostly used in EAI scripts to create XML hierarchy or Siebel Message
Hierarchies or so to say any type of hierarchy.

They can be used to pass mulitple values using just one argument in a function.

Here is an example of creating hierarchy with help of Property Set

var ps = TheApplication().PropertySet();
var ps1 = TheApplication().PropertySet();
var ps2 = TheApplication().PropertySet();

//properties are just like variables they can store values.


//Adding a property set as a child of another propertyset.


ps = null;
ps1 = null;
ps2 = null;

Various other functions available to manipulate property sets are

* Copy: Return a copy of the property set

* GetChild: returns the child of the specified property set

The syntax of GetChild method is ps.GetChild(0);

* GetChildCount: Returns the number of children a property set has
* GetFirstProperty: Returns the first property of the property set

Details of these functions and several other functions are available in the bookshelf you can read
it from there.

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