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Created by : Nur Amaliah

Once upon a time, in Luwu, South Sulawesi, there lived a King named La Togeq Langiq or
better known as Batara Lattu’. The King had two wives, one of them was from ordinary people
named We Opu Senggeng and another wife comes from the jinn. From his marriage with We
Opu Senggeng, he had twins, a boy named Sawerigading and a girl named We Tenriabeng.
Based on Batara guru’s forecast (father of The King), Sawerigading and We Tenriabeng would
fall in love and get married. While in Luwu, it was forbidden to marry their own brother or sister.
In order not to violate these customs, The King of Luwu raised his twins separately. He hid his
daughter (We Tenriabeng) above the palace attic since she was a baby.

Time passed. Sawerigading had grown to be a handsome young man, while We Tenriabeng
had become a beautiful girl. But none of them knew each other. On one day, Sawerigading
along with some guards’ palace were sent by his father to sail to Taranati (Ternate) to represent
Luwu’s Kingdom in a meeting for all of the princes. But actually, the main reason why did The
King send Sawerigading to Ternate was because his twin would be sworn into monk, which of
course he might not attend.

On the way to Ternate, Sawerigading got news that he had a twin sister who was very
beautiful. Sawerigading was very surprise to hear the news. After coming back to Ternate, he
went to find his twin sister who was hidden in the palace attic. After finding his twin sister, he
immediately fell in love with We Tenriabeng and decided to marry her. The King of Luwu who
knew that the family secret of the palace had been uncovered, immediately called Sawerigading
to tell the truth.

However, his father’s persuasion couldn’t change his mind to marry his sister. But, finally
Sawerigading give up after We Tenriabeng told him that in China Kingdom (it’s not China in
Bangkok, but it’s China in Tanete, Bone, South Sulawesi) they had a cousin who was very
similar with We Tenriabeng. To prove her words, We Tenriabeng gave a hair, a bracelet, and a
ring to Sawerigading as proofs that their cousin was really similar with her. She also promised
that if her words were not true, she would marry Sawerigading.

Finally, Sawerigading was willing to go to China, and met with We Cudai, his cousin, who
was really similar with his twin. He married her and back to his kingdom to live together.

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