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Identify and underline all the verb in the sentences below.

1. She plays hokey at the field.

2. I walk to school every morning.
3. Akim brushes his teeth after he ate dinner.
4. She did her homework yesterday.
5. They talk a lot in the class room.

Fill in the blank with suitable auxiliary verb and main verb.

Is walking were talking has eaten are going

Is going was cleaning

1. She ___ ______ apple yesterday. So today she ___ ______ to eat oranges.
2. My mother ____ _________ the room when the door bell rang.
3. Ahmad ___ _______ down the street to a store.
4. We ____ _____ for a picnic this weekend.
5. They ____ _______ to a new student at school.

Add a suitable prefix to the verb in the brackets to complete the sentences.

1. After all the years they have _________(appear), the band has
________(appear) for their new album.
2. I always _________(place) my things and now I’m ________(able) find my keys.
3. They always _______(form) me if something happen.
4. Susan always __________(reacting) when it comes to fashion.
5. She likes to make people _______(fuse) on new things.

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