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Hiding Behind Smiles

By: Deborah Moors

Confused, displaced, and a white dot on a black background,

All my feelings contradict each other.
Love and hate,
Poured into my life,
Sad and glad
Just to be here.
Lonely and surrounded
By everyone who cares.
But you’re nowhere near.
I guess I guessed wrong
Deciding whether or not to be your friend,
Decision poorly decided
I feel like a fool,
Being myself around you
Did it make your feelings…
Knowing I loved you,
Did I know that you loved me, too?
There’s no telling,
When you’re a contradiction yourself?
You display a smile,
But behind it,
You’re sad, and lonely,
Depressed, mischievous, and clever,
As am I,
Everyone hides behind their smiles.
No matter for how long,
Or for what purpose,
I hide, and I admit it
So do you, won’t you admit too?

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