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£ame: £ethra £atural Resource: Water
c ´Use the leftover water which is used to wash dishes to water plantsµ

Did I meet my 1 From the day, I heard that water which is a very important resource is
goals? polluted everyday and in future will become less, I made a pledge that
I will ´ Save Water ´
2 To meet my goals for this pledge ´Save Waterµ I started conserving
water using many ways.
3 One way that I followed is,
´Use leftover water which is used for washing dishes to water plantsµ
4 I think I made a start to meet this goal and will keep on doing it. I
have achieved my goal in these few days by following my pledge.

What evidence 1 The evidence that I shared is by taking photos wherever I saved
did I share? water.
2 To help me reach the goal ´Use the leftover water which is used for
washing dishes to water plantsµ I asked my mother to take photos.
3 These photos can show how people can save water and by doing
different things of using leftover water and recycle them.
4 This evidence that I shared is a proof that I met my goals.
What did I learn 1 I learnt that water is very important for our day-to-day life.
about my 2 Water is more precious than gold as we cannot live without it and if
we waste water then one day we will not have water at all.
choices and
3 I learnt from my pledge that from my choice was right because I
behaviours? saved a lot of water, did not waste water and from my behavior, I tried
my level best in conserving water.

What is next? The next steps after taking the pledge are,
1 I should always remember the pledge ´Save Waterµ
2 I should spread this message to whoever I meet.
3 As my pledge started from my house, I will create awareness in my
school, neighborhood, relations, friends etc.
4 I should try to follow my pledge everyday in my house, school and
my neighborhood etc.

c O  

I think that she met her goals because she did it every day.
Did they meet
their goals?
What evidence I think that her evidence was very good because she showed us what
did they share? she did in her pledge.

What is next? I think that work on it more because she saved a lot of water.

Completed by: Riddhi, Catherine, Daniel, Solveig

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