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Amazingly-In a way that cause surprise or wonder.

Celebration-A special activity that honors a person,activity,or idea.

Decorate-To make festive or beautiful.

Detain-To delay;to hold back.


Honor-To show respect;to accept.

Reluctant-Unwilling to take an action.

Spectator-A person who waches an event or performance.

Suspect-To imagine.

Volunteer-To offer to do something of one’s own free will,usualy

without being paid.

Title-Mariah Keeps Cool

Author-Mildred Pits Walter

Setting-Brandon’s house,Mariah’s house,days before and the day of

Lynn’s Birthday.

Main Characters-

1. Mariah
2. The friendly Five [Mariah friends]
Mariah and the Friendly five wanted to do a surprise birthday party
a secret.

1. Mariah does decoration for Lynn’s party.

2. The friendly five gets to Brandon’s house.
3. Lynn’s is upset and refuse to get up from bed.
4. Lynn is surprised with her birthday party.


The birthday party is a complete success and Lynn is gifted

donations for a shelter.


Short word add –er or –est.

1.Two things add –er.

2. Three or more add –est.

Long word add more or most

1.Two things add more.

2. Three or more add most.

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