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Copyright © 2009 by Tim Penyusun and PT Intan Pariwara.

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© Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang, 2009 pada Tim Penyusun dan hak penerbitan pada PT Intan Pariwara, Anggota IKAPI Nomor
016/JTE/79, Nomor Kode Penerbitan IP/80/2009.
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Penyusun: Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, Cicik Kurniawati, Yuniarti D. Arini; Editor: Marta Yuliani, Sugeng Aryanto; Ilustrator: Agung Suroso,
Andi Kurniawan, Aris Partomo, Nunung Suparna, Rio Kuswanto; Desainer kover: Aris Partomo; Perwajahan: M. Andina Risky D.,
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Bapak/Ibu Guru tentu sudah memahami bahwa Pemerintah telah menetapkan buku-buku yang
layak dipakai di dalam proses belajar mengajar. Buku-buku (BSE) itu dapat diunduh melalui internet
oleh siapa saja dan tidak dipungut biaya. Siapa pun bisa menggunakannya. Namun ternyata, itu saja
belum cukup. Siswa masih memerlukan bahan latihan agar kompetensi mereka benar-benar terukur.
Kenyataannya tidak banyak buku latihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dan guru. Salah satu
buku yang selalu ditunggu kehadirannya adalah buku PR Bahasa Inggris yang dilengkapi Pegangan
Guru (PG).
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris sudah terbit dalam beberapa edisi. Bapak/Ibu Guru yang sudah
menggunakan buku latihan ini beserta PG-nya mengakui kebergunaan materi yang ada dalam buku
ini pada saat mengajar. Mereka merasa sangat terbantu dengan adanya buku PR Bahasa Inggris
karena materinya selalu aktual dan mendukung tercapainya kompetensi. Dengan demikian, siswa
mempunyai banyak kesempatan berlatih mengembangkan kemampuan mereka, baik secara lisan
(spoken) maupun tertulis (written).
Kali ini buku PR Bahasa Inggris yang juga dilengkapi PG kembali hadir dengan beberapa
peningkatan mutu. Perubahan itu atas masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru yang sudah menggunakan buku
latihan ini. Salah satunya adalah disediakannya materi akhir unit di buku siswa (disebut Assessment)
dan juga di Pegangan Guru (disebut Review). Materi akhir unit di buku Pegangan Guru (Review)
tidak ada di buku siswa. Dengan demikian, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi bentuk latihan akhir unit
yang berbeda dengan yang ada di buku siswa. Kedua materi itu belum ada di buku Pegangan Guru
PR Bahasa Inggris edisi sebelumnya.
Penyusun sangat berharap buku latihan ini sesuai dengan keinginan Bapak/Ibu Guru. Buku ini
juga kami harapkan benar-benar dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kompetensi mereka dan
membantu Bapak/Ibu Guru menciptakan generasi penerus yang cerdas.
Penyusun tetap mengharapkan masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru guna penyempurnaan dan
pengembangan buku latihan ini.

Klaten, April 2009


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 iii

Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk
Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas VIII SMP/MTs

Minggu Efektif Waktu Pembelajaran Waktu Pembelajaran Jumlah Jam

Komponen Per Tahun Per Tahun Per Tahun Per Tahun
Ajaran (jam pembelajaran) (menit) (@ 60 menit)

A. Mata Pelajaran
1. Pendidikan Agama 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
2. Pendidikan
Kewarganegaraan 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
3. Bahasa Indonesia 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
4. Bahasa Inggris 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
5. Matematika 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
6. IPA 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
7. IPS 4 34–38 136–152 5.440–6.080 91–101
8. Seni Budaya dan
Keterampilan 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
9. Pendidikan
Jasmani, Olahraga,
dan Kesehatan 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51
10. Keterampilan/TIK 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3040 45–51

B. Muatan Lokal 2 34–38 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51

Jumlah 32 374–418 1.088–1.216 43.520–48.640 725–811

Diolah dari Lampiran Peraturan Mendiknas RI Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah:
Bab II Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum, Bab III Beban Belajar.
1. Satuan pendidikan dimungkinkan menambah maksimum 4 jam pelajaran per minggu secara keseluruhan.
2. Alokasi waktu satu jam pembelajaran adalah 40 menit.
3. Cara menghitung:
a. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (Jam Pembelajaran) = Alokasi Waktu × Minggu Efektif Per Tahun
b. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (JP) × 1 Jam Pembelajaran (menit)
c. Jumlah Jam Per Tahun = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) : 60 menit
4. Pengembangan diri bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang harus diasuh oleh guru. Pengembangan diri bertujuan memberikan
kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan dan mengekspresikan diri sesuai kebutuhan, bakat, dan minat setiap
peserta didik sesuai dengan kondisi sekolah.
5. *) Ekuivalen 2 jam pembelajaran.

Alokasi Waktu Kegiatan Tatap Muka Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Semester 1

Waktu Pembelajaran Waktu Pembelajaran Jumlah Jam

Alokasi Minggu Efektif
Mata Pelajaran Per Semester Per Semester Per Semester
Waktu Per Semester
(jam pembelajaran) (menit) (@ 60 menit)

4. Bahasa Inggris 4 17–19 68–76 2.720–3.040 45–51

iv Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas VIII SMP/MTs
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2006
tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
Lampiran 2 : Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
Kelas VIII, Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

1. Memahami makna dalam per- 1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)
cakapan transaksional dan dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
interpersonal sederhana untuk untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta,
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari
sekitar fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat
1.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji,
dan memberi selamat

2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan 2.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara
fungsional dan monolog pendek akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
sederhana berbentuk descriptive 2.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat,
dan recount untuk berinteraksi lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks
dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk descriptive dan recount

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam 3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
interpersonal lisan pendek secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
sederhana untuk berinteraksi yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi,
dengan lingkungan sekitar menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat
3.2 Memahami dan merespon percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/
tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat

4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam 4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan
teks lisan fungsional dan monolog menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk
pendek sederhana yang berbentuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
descriptive dan recount untuk 4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
sekitar lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount

5. Memahami makna teks tulis 5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis fungsional dan esei berbentuk descriptive dan
fungsional dan esei pendek recount pendek dan sederhana dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima
sederhana berbentuk descriptive yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
dan recount yang berkaitan dengan 5.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar
lingkungan sekitar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk
descriptive dan recount

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks 6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan
tulis fungsional dan esei pendek menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk ber-
sederhana berbentuk descriptive, interaksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
dan recount untuk berinteraksi 6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan
dengan lingkungan sekitar menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 v

– Unit 1 Descriptive
– Unit 2 Recount
– Unit 3 Descriptive
– Unit 4 Recount

UNIT 1 Descriptive 45–100

– Asking for and Giving Opinions
– Agreeing or Disagreeing
– Genre: Descriptive
– The Simple Present Tense
– Adjectives
– The Present Continuous Tense
– Short Descriptions and Labels

UNIT 2 Recount 101–162

– Asking for, Giving or Refusing to Give Help
– Complimenting
– Genre: Recount
– The Simple Past Tense
– The Present Perfect Tense
– Announcements and Letters

UNIT 3 Descriptive 163–236

– Admitting and Denying Facts
– Congratulating
– Genre: Descriptive
– Question Words
– Indefinite Pronouns
– Announcements and Advertisements

UNIT 4 Recount 237–292

– Asking for, Giving or Refusing to Give Things
– Inviting, Accepting or Declining an Invitation
– Genre: Recount
– The Past Continuous Tense
– Relating/Linking Verbs
– Reflexive Pronouns
– Spoken Messages and Invitation Cards

Latihan Ulangan Semester 293–302

Reading Materials 303–313

Daftar Pustaka 314

vi Kegiatan
Daftar Isi Tatap Muka
Unit 1 Descriptive
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 1
Genre : Descriptive
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

1.1 Merespons • Percakapan- 1. Memahami percakapan • Bereaksi atau • Non tes • Uraian • Read the dialog 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang percakapan dalam gambar serta merespons dengan objektif and understand Bahasa
terdapat dalam transaksional dan berbagai ungkapan benar terhadap the expressions. Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal yang yang dipelajari. tindak tutur: MTs VIIIA
transaksional memuat ungkapan meminta dan Intan
(to get things meminta dan 2. Menjawab pertanyaan memberi pendapat • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Pariwara
done) dan memberi pendapat yang berkaitan dengan serta menyetujui/ singkat questions below. hal. 1–4.
interpersonal serta menyetujui/ ungkapan yang tidak menyetujui. • Kamus
(bersosialisasi) tidak menyetujui. dipelajari. Inggris–
sederhana Indonesia
secara akurat, 3. Menyimak berbagai • Tes tulis • Dikte • Listen to your dan
lancar, dan ungkapan yang teacher. Write Indonesia–
berterima untuk dibacakan guru, lalu down the Inggris.
berinteraksi menulisnya. expressions you • Buku-buku
dengan have heard. lain yang
lingkungan relevan.
sekitar yang 4. Menyimak percakapan • Tes tulis • Benar/Salah • Listen to your
melibatkan yang dibacakan guru, teacher. State
tindak tutur: lalu menentukan whether the
meminta, pernyataan benar atau statements are
memberi, salah. true (T) or false
menolak jasa, (F) based on
meminta, what you have
memberi, heard.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

mengakui, 5. Melengkapi • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your

mengingkari percakapan teacher. Fill in the
fakta, dan berdasarkan blanks based on
meminta dan percakapan yang the dialog you

Silabus Unit 1 Descriptive

memberi dibacakan guru. have heard.
6. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Your teacher will
1.2 Merespons yang dibacakan guru singkat ask you some
makna yang berdasarkan questions about
terdapat dalam percakapan yang the dialog in Task
percakapan diperdengarkan pada C. Answer the
transaksional kegiatan sebelumnya. questions orally.
(to get things
done) dan
(bersosialisasi) 7. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your
sederhana tepat berdasarkan ganda teacher. Choose
secara akurat, percakapan yang A, B, C or D for
lancar, dan dibacakan guru. the correct
berterima untuk answer.
sekitar yang
tindak tutur:
menerima dan
memuji, dan
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

2.1 Merespons • Teks lisan 1. Memahami contoh dan • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional penjelasan tentang makna yang objektif understand the Bahasa
terdapat dalam pendek: short short description lisan. terdapat dalam teks explanation. Inggris SMP/
teks lisan descriptions. lisan fungsional MTs VIIIA
fungsional 2. Menjawab pertanyaan pendek sederhana • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Intan
pendek yang berkaitan dengan berbentuk short singkat questions below. Pariwara
sederhana short description. description secara hal. 15–16.
secara akurat, akurat, lancar, dan • Kamus
lancar, dan 3. Menyimak short berterima untuk • Tes lisan • Uraian • Listen to your Inggris–
berterima description yang berinteraksi dalam teacher. What is it Indonesia dan
untuk dibacakan guru, lalu konteks kehidupan about? Indonesia–
berinteraksi menjelaskan isinya. sehari-hari. Inggris.
dengan • Buku-buku
lingkungan 4. Menentukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • State whether the lain yang
sekitar. pernyataan benar atau benar/salah statements are relevan.
salah berdasarkan true (T) or false
short description pada (F) based on the
kegiatan sebelumnya. text in Task A.

2.2 Merespons • Monolog 5. Membaca dan • Merespons makna • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang descriptive. memahami contoh dan yang terdapat objektif monolog and Bahasa
terdapat dalam penjelasan teks dalam monolog understand the Inggris SMP/
monolog descriptive lisan. pendek sederhana explanation. MTs VIIIA
pendek secara akurat, Intan
sederhana 6. Menjawab pertanyaan lancar, dan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Pariwara
secara akurat, yang berkaitan dengan berterima dalam singkat questions below. hal. 6, 10–11.
lancar, dan teks descriptive. teks descriptive. • Kamus
berterima Inggris–
untuk 7. Menyimak monolog • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Listen to your Indonesia dan
berinteraksi descriptive yang singkat teacher. What Indonesia–
dengan dibacakan guru, lalu does he/she talk Inggris.
lingkungan menjelaskan isinya. about? • Buku-buku
sekitar dalam lain yang
teks berbentuk 8. Menentukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • State whether the relevan.
descriptive pernyataan benar atau benar/salah statements are
dan recount. salah berdasarkan true (T) or false
monolog yang disimak (F) based on the

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

pada kegiatan monolog you have
sebelumnya. heard in Task A.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

9. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Look at the

berdasarkan monolog singkat picture and listen
yang dibacakan guru. to the teacher.
Answer the

Silabus Unit 1 Descriptive

questions based
on the monolog
you have heard.

10. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Fill in the blanks

berdasarkan monolog while listening to
yang dibacakan guru. your teacher.

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

3.1 Meng- • Percakapan 1. Memperagakan • Melakukan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Read and practice 2 x 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan transaksional dan percakapan dengan berbagai tindak kerja the dialogs with Bahasa
makna dalam interpersonal yang lafal dan intonasi yang tutur dalam wacana proper Inggris SMP/
percakapan melibatkan tindak tepat. lisan transaksional/ pronunciation. MTs VIIIA
transaksional tutur meminta dan interpersonal Intan
(to get things memberi 2. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Pariwara
seperti: meminta
done) dan berdasarkan singkat questions based
pendapat serta dan memberi hal. 4–6.
menyetujui/tidak percakapan yang ada pendapat serta on the dialogs in • Kamus
menyetujui. di kegiatan menyetujui/tidak Task A. Inggris–
dengan meng- sebelumnya. menyetujui. Indonesia
gunakan dan
ragam bahasa 3. Melengkapi • Mengembangkan • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the Indonesia–
lisan secara percakapan dengan wacana dialog with the Inggris.
akurat, lancar, kata-kata dalam kotak. transaksional/ correct words in • Buku-buku
dan berterima 4. Memperagakan interpersonal • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja the box. Then, lain yang
untuk ber- percakapan tersebut kerja practice the relevan.
interaksi dengan teman. complete dialog
dengan with your friend.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

lingkungan 5. Menjawab pertanyaan pendek menjadi • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Answer the
sekitar yang berdasarkan sebuah obrolan singkat following
melibatkan percakapan yang ada atau interaksional questions based
tindak tutur: di kegiatan yang lebih on the dialog in
meminta, sebelumnya. panjang. Task C.
menolak jasa,
6. Membuat percakapan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make a dialog
memberi, berdasarkan panduan kerja based on the
menolak barang, yang tersedia, lalu guideline. Then,
mengakui, memperagakan practice the
mengingkari percakapan tersebut. dialog.
fakta, dan
meminta dan 7. Membuat percakapan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make dialogs
memberi berdasarkan situasi kerja based on the
pendapat. yang tersedia, lalu situations. Then,
memperagakan practice the
3.2 Meng- percakapan tersebut. dialogs.
makna dalam
transaksional (to
get things done)
dan interpersonal
dengan meng-
gunakan ragam
bahasa lisan
secara akurat,
lancar, dan
berterima untuk
sekitar yang
melibatkan tindak
menerima dan
menolak ajakan,

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

memuji, dan

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 1 Descriptive

4.1 Mengungkap- • Teks lisan 1. Mendeskripsikan • Mengungkapkan • Tes lisan • Uraian • Describe a thing 1 u 40' • Buku PR
kan makna fungsional sesuatu secara singkat makna/gagasan based on the data Bahasa
dalam bentuk pendek: short berdasarkan data yang dalam teks lisan below. Inggris SMP/
teks lisan descriptions. tersedia. fungsional pendek MTs VIIIA
fungsional berbentuk short Intan
pendek 2. Mendeskripsikan benda description dengan • Tes lisan • Uraian • Look at the Pariwara
sederhana dalam gambar secara lancar dan picture and find hal. 17.
dengan singkat. berterima. some references • Kamus
menggunakan about it. Describe Inggris–
ragam bahasa it briefly. Indonesia dan
lisan secara Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, Inggris.
dan berterima • Buku-buku
untuk lain yang
berinteraksi relevan.

4.2 Meng- • Monolog 3. Melakukan monolog • Melakukan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Read the text. 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkap-kan descriptive. berdasarkan teks yang monolog dalam teks kerja Deliver a monolog Bahasa
makna dalam tersedia. berbentuk based on the text. Inggris SMP/
monolog descriptive dengan MTs VIIIA
pendek 4. Melakukan monolog ragam bahasa lisan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Find the data Intan
sederhana descriptive tentang secara lancar dan kerja about this man, Pariwara
dengan tokoh yang ada dalam berterima. then describe him hal. 11–12.
menggunakan gambar. orally in front of • Kamus
ragam bahasa the class. Inggris–
lisan secara Indonesia dan
akurat, lancar, Indonesia–
dan berterima Inggris.
untuk • Buku-buku
berinteraksi lain yang
dengan relevan.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk
dan recount.
Standar Kompetensi : Membaca
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

5.1 Membaca • Teks tulis 1. Membaca contoh dan • Membaca nyaring • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 1 u 40' • Buku PR
nyaring fungsional memahami penjelasan secara bermakna objektif understand the Bahasa
bermakna teks pendek: label. tentang label. wacana pendek explanation. Inggris SMP/
tulis fungsional sederhana. MTs VIIIA
dan esei • Teks descriptive. 2. Membaca nyaring • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the text. Intan
berbentuk label dengan lafal dan nyaring State whether the Pariwara
descriptive ucapan yang benar. statements hal. 12,16, 17.
dan recount are true (T) or • Kamus
pendek dan false (F). Inggris–
sederhana Indonesia dan
dengan ucapan, 3. Membaca nyaring teks • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the text with Indonesia–
tekanan, dan descriptive dengan nyaring proper Inggris.
intonasi yang lafal, tekanan, dan pronunciation. • Buku-buku
berterima yang ucapan yang benar. Identify the lain yang
berkaitan 4. Mengidentifikasi • Tes tulis • Identifikasi structure of the relevan.
dengan struktur teks tersebut. text.

5.2 Merespons • Teks tulis 5. Menyatakan • Merespons makna • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Read the text. 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dalam fungsional pernyataan benar atau yang terdapat benar/salah State whether the Bahasa
teks tulis pendek: label. salah berdasarkan dalam teks statements are Inggris SMP/
fungsional teks yang ada. fungsional pendek true (T) or false MTs VIIIA
pendek berbentuk label (F). Intan
sederhana dengan benar. Pariwara
secara akurat, 6. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C hal. 16–17.
lancar, dan tepat berdasarkan ganda or D for the • Kamus
berterima yang teks. correct answer. Inggris–
berkaitan Indonesia dan
dengan Indonesia–
lingkungan Inggris.
sekitar. • Buku-buku
lain yang

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

5.3 Merespons • Teks descriptive. 7. Membaca contoh dan • Mengidentifikasi • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dan penjelasan tentang makna gagasan objektif understand the Bahasa
langkah • The simple teks descriptive. (ideasional) dan explanation. Inggris SMP/
retorika dalam present tense. informasi faktual MTs VIIIA

Silabus Unit 1 Descriptive

esei pendek 8. Mempelajari tata dalam teks, main • Non tes • Uraian • Read the dialog Intan
sederhana • Adjectives. bahasa yang terkait, ideas, supporting objektif and understand Pariwara
secara akurat, yaitu the simple ideas, details. the explanation. hal. 7–10,
lancar, dan • The present present tense, 12–14.
berterima yang continuous tense. adjectives, dan the • Kamus
berkaitan present continuous Inggris–
dengan tense, serta Indonesia dan
lingkungan memahami contoh- Indonesia–
sekitar dalam contohnya. Inggris.
teks berbentuk • Buku-buku
decriptive dan 9. Menentukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • State whether the lain yang
recount. pernyataan benar benar/salah statements are relevan.
atau salah berdasar- True (T) or False
kan teks yang ada di (F) based on the
kegiatan sebelumnya. text in Task A.

10. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Read the text and
berdasarkan teks. singkat answer the

11. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text

dengan kata-kata with the correct
dalam kotak, lalu words in the box,
membaca teks yang then read it aloud.
telah lengkap.

12. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C or

tepat berdasarkan ganda D for the correct
teks soal. answer.

13. Melengkapi kalimat • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the

dengan kata sifat yang sentences with
tersedia di dalam the correct
kotak. adjectives in the
Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

14. Mengoreksi dan • Tes tulis • Uraian • Correct the

membetulkan kalimat sentences below.
yang tersedia.

15. Mengubah kata-kata • Tes tulis • Isian • Change the

dalam kurung ke words in brackets
dalam bentuk the into the present
present continuous continuous tense.
tense untuk
melengkapi kalimat.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 1 Descriptive

6.1 Mengungkap- • Teks tulis 1. Menulis label produk • Menulis berbagai • Tes tulis • Uraian • Write the label of 1 u 40' • Buku PR
kan makna fungsional yang digunakan sehari- teks fungsional a product that you Bahasa
dalam bentuk pendek: label. hari. untuk komunikasi use daily, such as Inggris SMP/
teks tulis sehari-hari seperti shampoo, soap, MTs VIIIA
fungsional label dengan benar cosmetics, etc. Intan
pendek dan berterima. Pariwara
sederhana hal. 18.
dengan • Kamus
menggunakan Inggris–
ragam bahasa Indonesia dan
tulis secara Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, Inggris.
dan berterima • Buku-buku
untuk lain yang
berinteraksi relevan.

6.2 Mengungkap- • Teks descriptive. 2. Menulis teks descriptive • Menulis berbagai • Tes tulis • Esai • Write 2 u 40' • Buku PR
kan makna dan berdasarkan data. teks terutama yang a descriptive text Bahasa
langkah berbentuk based on the Inggris SMP/
retorika dalam descriptive dengan data. MTs VIIIA
esei pendek langkah retorika Intan
sederhana 3. Menulis teks descriptive dan struktur teks • Tes tulis • Esai • Write Pariwara
dengan berdasarkan gambar yang benar dan a descriptive text hal. 15.
menggunakan dan informasi yang berterima. based on the • Kamus
ragam bahasa diperoleh. picture. Find Inggris–
tulis secara some relevant Indonesia dan
akurat, lancar, resources to get Indonesia–
dan berterima the information Inggris.
untuk about him. • Buku-buku
berinteraksi lain yang
dengan relevan.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk
dan recount.
Unit 2 Recount
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 2
Genre : Recount
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

1.1 Merespons • Percakapan- 1. Membaca percakapan • Bereaksi atau • Non tes • Uraian • Read the dialogs 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang percakapan dan memahami merespons dengan objektif and understand Bahasa
terdapat dalam transaksional dan ungkapan-ungkapan benar terhadap the expressions. Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal yang tersedia. tindak tutur: untuk MTs VIIIA
transaksional untuk meminta, meminta, memberi, Intan
(to get things memberi, menolak 2. Mengingat ungkapan- menolak jasa, dan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Remember Unit Pariwara
done) dan jasa, dan memuji. ungkapan yang telah memuji. singkat 1, then answer hal. 21–24
interpersonal dipelajari pada unit the questions • Kamus
(bersosialisasi) sebelumnya, dan below. Inggris–
sederhana menjawab pertanyaan Indonesia
secara akurat, tentang ungkapan- dan
lancar, dan ungkapan tersebut. Indonesia–
berterima untuk Inggris.
berinteraksi 3. Menyimak percakapan • Tes lisan • Unjuk kerja • Listen to your • Buku-buku
dengan yang dibacakan guru, teacher and lain yang
lingkungan lalu menirukannya. repeat after him/ relevan.
sekitar yang 4. Memperagakan her.
melibatkan percakapan tersebut
tindak tutur: dengan teman.
memberi, 5. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Your teacher will
menolak jasa, yang dibacakan guru singkat ask you some
meminta, berdasarkan questions about
memberi, percakapan pada the dialogs in Task
menolak kegiatan sebelumnya. A. Answer the
barang, questions orally.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

mengakui, 6. Menyimak percakapan • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your

mengingkari yang dibacakan guru. teacher. Complete
fakta, dan 7. Melengkapi percakapan the dialog based

Silabus Unit 2 Recount

meminta dan soal sesuai dengan on what you have
memberi percakapan utuh yang heard.
pendapat. telah didengar.

1.2 Merespons 8. Menentukan pernyataan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Read the

makna yang yang tersedia benar benar/salah complete dialog in
terdapat dalam atau salah berdasarkan Task C. Then,
percakapan percakapan pada decide whether
transaksional kegiatan sebelumnya. the statements
(to get things are true (T) or
done) dan false (F).
secara akurat,
lancar, dan
berterima untuk
sekitar yang
tindak tutur:
menerima dan
memuji, dan
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

2.1 Merespons • Teks lisan 1. Membaca • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional pengumuman dan makna yang objektif understand the Bahasa
terdapat dalam pendek: keterangan mengenai terdapat dalam teks explanation. Inggris SMP/
teks lisan announcement pengumuman lisan fungsional MTs VIIIA
fungsional (pengumuman). tersebut. pendek sederhana Intan
pendek dalam bentuk Pariwara
sederhana 2. Menjawab pertanyaan pengumuman • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 35–36
secara akurat, yang tersedia secara akurat, singkat questions. • Kamus
lancar, dan berdasarkan lancar, dan Inggris–
berterima untuk pengalaman siswa. berterima. Indonesia dan
berinteraksi Indonesia–
dengan 3. Menyimak • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Listen to your Inggris.
lingkungan pengumuman yang singkat teacher and • Buku-buku
sekitar. dibacakan guru, lalu answer the lain yang
menjawab pertanyaan questions. relevan.

4. Mencari kata-kata • Tes tulis • Identifikasi • Find the words

dalam teks yang telah which have the
diperdengarkan following
sebelumnya yang meanings in the
sesuai dengan arti text in Task A.
yang disediakan.

5. Melengkapi kalimat • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the

dengan kata-kata yang sentences with
ada di kegiatan the correct words
sebelumnya. in Task B.

6. Menyimak • Tes lisan • Uraian • Listen to your

pengumuman yang teacher. What
dibacakan guru, lalu does he/she tell
menentukan topik you about?
pengumuman tersebut.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

7. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Your teacher will

berdasar singkat ask you some
pengumuman yang questions about

Silabus Unit 2 Recount

telah diperdengarkan the text you have
pada kegiatan heard in Task D.
sebelumnya. Answer the
questions orally.

2.2 Merespons • Monolog recount. 8. Membaca nyaring • Merespons makna • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang monolog yang yang terdapat objektif monolog and Bahasa
terdapat dalam tersedia dan dalam monolog understand the Inggris SMP/
monolog memahami pendek sederhana explanation. MTs VIIIA
pendek keterangan mengenai secara akurat, Intan
sederhana monolog tersebut. lancar, dan Pariwara
secara akurat, berterima dalam hal. 27, 30–
lancar, dan 9. Menjawab pertanyaan teks recount. • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Remember Unit 1 31.
berterima untuk mengenai genre yang singkat and answer the • Kamus
berinteraksi dibahas pada unit questions. Inggris–
dengan sebelumnya. Indonesia dan
lingkungan Indonesia–
sekitar dalam 10. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text Inggris.
teks berbentuk sesuai dengan teks while listening to • Buku-buku
descriptive dan yang dibacakan guru. your teacher. lain yang
recount. relevan.
11. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Your teacher will
yang dibacakan guru singkat ask you some
berdasarkan teks questions about
yang diperdengarkan the complete text
pada kegiatan in Task A. Answer
sebelumnya. the questions

12. Menyimak monolog • Tes lisan • Uraian • Listen to your

yang dibacakan guru, teacher. What
lalu menjelaskan isi does he/she tell
monolog tersebut. you about?

13. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C or

tepat berdasarkan ganda D for the correct
monolog yang telah answer based on
didengarkan pada the text you have
kegiatan sebelumnya. heard in Task C.
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

3.1 Mengung- • Percakapan- 1. Melengkapi • Melakukan • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna percakapan percakapan dengan berbagai tindak dialogs with the Bahasa
dalam transaksional dan ungkapan-ungkapan tutur dalam correct Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal yang tersedia. wacana lisan expressions in MTs VIIIA
transaksional (to yang memuat transaksional/ the boxes. Then, Intan
get things done) ungkapan untuk 2. Memperagakan interpersonal • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja practice the Pariwara
dan meminta, percakapan yang telah seperti: untuk kerja dialogs. hal. 24–26.
memberi, lengkap. meminta, memberi, • Kamus
sederhana menolak jasa, menolak jasa, dan Inggris–
dengan dan memuji. 3. Memilih jawaban yang memuji. • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose the Indonesia
menggunakan tepat berdasarkan ganda correct answer dan
ragam bahasa percakapan yang ada • Mengembangkan based on the Indonesia–
lisan secara di kegiatan wacana dialogs in Task A. Inggris.
akurat, lancar sebelumnya. transaksional/ • Buku-buku
dan berterima interpersonal lain yang
untuk 4. Menyusun kalimat- pendek menjadi • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Rearrange the relevan.
berinteraksi kalimat acak menjadi sebuah obrolan kalimat acak sentences into
dengan percakapan yang atau interaksional proper dialogs.
lingkungan. runtut. yang lebih panjang.

5. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the

berdasarkan singkat questions based
percakapan yang ada on the dialogs in
di kegiatan Task C.

6. Membuat percakapan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • In pairs, make

berdasarkan gambar kerja dialogs based on
dan situasi yang the pictures and
tersedia menggunakan the situations.
ungkapan-ungkapan Use expressions
yang telah dipelajari, of asking for/
lalu giving/refusing to
memperagakannya. give help and
Then, practice
the dialogs.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

sekitar yang 7. Membuat percakapan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make dialogs
melibatkan berdasar situasi. kerja based on the
tindak tutur: 8. Memperagakan situations below.

Silabus Unit 2 Recount

meminta, percakapan yang telah Then, practice the
memberi, dibuat dengan dialogs.
menolak jasa, bantuan teman.
menolak barang,
fakta, dan
meminta dan

3.2 Mengung-
kapkan makna
transaksional (to
get things done)
dan interpersonal
ragam bahasa
lisan secara
akurat, lancar
dan berterima
sekitar yang
tindak tutur:
menerima dan
menolak ajakan,
memuji, dan
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

4.1 Mengung- • Teks lisan 1. Membaca nyaring • Mengungkapkan • Tes lisan • Membaca • Say the 1 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna fungsional pengumuman yang makna/gagasan nyaring announcement Bahasa
dalam bentuk pendek: tersedia. dalam teks lisan below aloud. Inggris SMP/
teks lisan announcement fungsional pendek MTs VIIIA
fungsional (pengumuman). 2. Menentukan berbentuk • Tes lisan • Pernyataan • Decide whether Intan
pendek pernyataan yang pengumuman untuk benar/salah the statements Pariwara
sederhana tersedia benar atau tujuan komunikasi below are true (T) hal. 37.
dengan salah berdasarkan sehari-hari. or false (F) based • Kamus
menggunakan pengumuman yang on the Inggris–
ragam bahasa ada di kegiatan announcement in Indonesia dan
lisan secara sebelumnya. Task A. Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, Inggris.
dan berterima 3. Membuat • Tes lisan • Uraian • Tell your friends • Buku-buku
untuk berinteraksi pengumuman secara an announcement lain yang
dengan lisan berdasarkan based on each relevan.
lingkungan situasi yang tersedia. situation.

4.2 Mengung- • Monolog recount. 4. Membaca nyaring teks • Mengungkapkan • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the two 3 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna yang tersedia dengan makna/gagasan nyaring texts below with Bahasa
dalam monolog • Kosakata yang lafal dan ucapan yang dalam monolog proper Inggris SMP/
pendek terkait topik yang benar. bentuk recount pronunciation. MTs VIIIA
sederhana dipilih. dengan ragam Intan
dengan 5. Menceritakan kembali bahasa lisan secara • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Read the texts in Pariwara
menggunakan salah satu teks yang lancar dan kerja Task A once again. hal. 31–32.
ragam bahasa ada di kegiatan berterima. Then, retell one of • Kamus
lisan secara sebelumnya. them to the class. Inggris–
akurat, lancar, Indonesia dan
dan berterima 6. Menceritakan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Tell your Indonesia–
untuk pengalaman kerja experience based Inggris.
berinteraksi berdasarkan data yang on the following • Buku-buku
dengan tersedia. data in front of the lain yang
lingkungan class. relevan.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk 7. Menceritakan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Tell your friends
descriptive dan pengalaman masa kerja your childhood
recount. kanak-kanak. experience.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 2 Recount

5.1 Membaca • Teks tulis 1. Membaca surat dan • Membaca nyaring • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 1 u 40' • Buku PR
nyaring bermakna fungsional keterangan mengenai secara bermakna objektif following text and Bahasa
teks tulis pendek berbentuk surat tersebut. wacana pendek understand the Inggris SMP/
fungsional dan letter (surat). sederhana. explanation. MTs VIIIA
esei berbentuk Intan
descriptive dan • Teks recount. 2. Membaca teks yang • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the text with Pariwara
recount pendek tersedia dengan nyaring proper hal. 32, 35–
sederhana nyaring. pronunciation. 36.
dengan ucapan, • Kamus
tekanan dan Inggris–
intonasi yang Indonesia dan
berterima yang Indonesia–
berkaitan dengan Inggris.
lingkungan • Buku-buku
sekitar. lain yang

5.2 Merespons • Teks tulis 3. Membaca surat yang • Merespons makna • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the letter 1 u 40' • Buku PR SMP
makna dalam fungsional tersedia dan mencari yang terdapat nyaring below with proper VIIIA Intan
teks tulis pendek berbentuk arti kata-kata yang dalam teks • Tes tulis • Daftar kata pronunciation. Pariwara
fungsional letter (surat). dicetak tebal. fungsional pendek What do the bold- hal. 37–38.
pendek dengan benar. typed words • Kamus
sederhana secara mean? Inggris–
akurat, lancar, Indonesia dan
dan berterima 4. Membaca surat yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C or Indonesia–
yang berkaitan tersedia dan memilih ganda D for the correct Inggris.
dengan jawaban yang tepat answer. • Buku-buku
lingkungan berdasarkan surat lain yang
sekitar. tersebut. relevan.

5.3 Merespons • Teks recount. 5. Membaca teks dan • Mengidentifikasi • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 2 u 40' • Buku PR SMP
makna dan memahami keterangan makna gagasan objektif understand the VIIIA Intan
langkah retorika • The simple past mengenai teks (ideasional) dan explanation. Pariwara
dalam esei tense. tersebut. informasi faktual hal. 27–30,
pendek dalam teks, main 32–33.
sederhana secara • The present 6. Membaca dan ideas, supporting • Non tes • Uraian • Look at the • Kamus
akurat, lancar dan perfect tense. memahami keterangan ideas, details. objektif picture and read Inggris–
berterima yang mengenai the simple the dialog. Study Indonesia dan
berkaitan dengan past tense dan the the explanation. Indonesia–
lingkungan sekitar present perfect tense. Inggris.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

dalam teks 7. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose the • Buku-buku
berbentuk tepat berdasarkan teks ganda correct answer lain yang
descriptive dan yang ada di kegiatan based on the text relevan.
recount. sebelumnya. in Task A.

8. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text

dengan kata-kata yang with the words in
tersedia. the box.

9. Mengubah kata-kata • Tes tulis • Isian • Change the verbs

dalam kurung menjadi in brackets into
bentuk yang tepat. their correct forms.

10. Mengubah kata kerja • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text
dalam kurung ke with the correct
dalam bentuk yang forms of the verbs
benar untuk in brackets.
melengkapi teks.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 2 Recount

6.1 Mengung- • Teks tulis 1. Membaca kalimat- • Menulis berbagai • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Rearrange the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna fungsional kalimat yang tersedia teks untuk kalimat paragraphs into Bahasa
dalam bentuk teks pendek dan menyusunnya komunikasi sehari- acak a proper letter. Inggris SMP/
tulis fungsional berbentuk letter menjadi surat yang hari seperti surat MTs VIIIA
pendek (surat). runtut. dengan benar dan Intan
sederhana berterima. Pariwara
dengan 2. Menulis balasan surat • Tes tulis • Uraian • Suppose you are hal. 38–39.
menggunakan yang ada di kegiatan Putri. Write a reply • Kamus
ragam bahasa sebelumnya. to your friend’s Inggris–
tulis secara letter in Task A. Indonesia dan
akurat, lancar dan Indonesia–
berterima untuk 3. Menulis surat • Tes tulis • Uraian • Write a letter to Inggris.
berinteraksi berdasarkan topik your friend or • Buku-buku
dengan yang tersedia. family based on lain yang
lingkungan one of the topics relevan.
sekitar. below.

6.2 Mengung- • Teks recount. 4. Menyusun paragraf • Menulis berbagai • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Rearrange the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna menjadi teks yang teks yang paragraf paragraphs into Bahasa
dan langkah • The present tepat. berbentuk recount acak a proper text. Inggris SMP/
retorika dalam perfect tense. dengan langkah MTs VIIIA
esei pendek 5. Mengidentifikasi retorika dan struktur • Tes tulis • Identifikasi • Identify the Intan
sederhana struktur teks yang ada teks yang benar structure of the Pariwara
dengan di kegiatan dan berterima. proper text in hal. 34.
menggunakan sebelumnya. Task A. • Kamus
ragam bahasa Inggris–
tulis secara 6. Menulis kalimat • Tes tulis • Uraian • Write sentences Indonesia dan
akurat, lancar, berdasarkan gambar using the present Indonesia–
dan berterima menggunakan the perfect tense based Inggris.
untuk berinteraksi present perfect tense. on the picture. • Buku-buku
dengan lain yang
lingkungan sekitar 7. Melengkapi teks yang • Tes tulis • Esai • Continue the relevan.
dalam teks tersedia menjadi teks sentences below
berbentuk yang baik. to make a proper
descriptive dan text. Use your own
recount. words.

8. Menulis pengalaman • Tes tulis • Esai • Do you have

yang mengesankan. a memorable
experience? Write
a recount text
about it.
Unit 3 Descriptive
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 3
Genre : Descriptive
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

1.1 Merespon • Percakapan 1. Memahami • Bereaksi atau • Non tes • Uraian • Study the dialogs 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang transaksional dan percakapan yang ada merespons dengan objektif and understand Bahasa
terdapat dalam interpersonal yang dan mempelajari benar terhadap the explanation. Inggris SMP/
percakapan memuat ungkapan-ungkapan tindak tutur: MTs VIIIA
transaksional ungkapan: tentang mengakui dan memberi selamat, Intan
(to get things memberi selamat, mengingkari fakta. serta mengakui dan Pariwara
done) dan serta mengakui mengingkari fakta. hal. 43–47.
interpersonal dan mengingkari 2. Memahami • Non tes • Uraian • Study the dialogs • Kamus
(bersosialisasi) fakta. percakapan yang ada objektif and understand Inggris–
sederhana dan mempelajari the explanation. Indonesia
secara akurat, ungkapan-ungkapan dan
lancar, dan untuk memberi Indonesia–
berterima selamat. Inggris.
untuk • Buku-buku
berinteraksi 3. Melakukan tanya • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the lain yang
dengan jawab yang berkaitan singkat questions orally. relevan.
lingkungan dengan materi sebagai
sekitar yang apersepsi.
tindak tutur: 4. Menyimak ungkapan- • Tes tulis • Dikte • Listen to your
meminta, ungkapan yang teacher. Write the
memberi, dibacakan guru, lalu sentences you
menolak jasa, menuliskannya di buku have heard
meminta, kerja. correctly.
memberi, 5. Membacakan kalimat-
menolak kalimat yang ditulisnya
barang, dengan lafal dan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

mengakui, ucapan yang benar.
fakta, dan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

meminta dan 6. Menyimak guru • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the

memberi membacakan dialog while
pendapat. percakapan yang listening to your
lengkap. teacher.

Silabus Unit 3 Descriptive

1.2 Merespon 7. Melengkapi
makna yang percakapan soal
terdapat dalam berdasarkan
percakapan percakapan utuh yang
transaksional dibacakan guru.
(to get things
done) dan 8. Menentukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Decide whether
interpersonal pernyataan benar benar/salah the statements
(bersosialisasi) atau salah are true (T) or
sederhana berdasarkan isi false (F) based on
secara akurat, percakapan yang ada the dialog in Task
lancar, dan di kegiatan B. Correct the
berterima untuk sebelumnya. false ones.
dengan 9. Memahami • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Your teacher will
lingkungan percakapan- singkat ask you some
sekitar yang percakapan yang questions about
melibatkan tersedia. the following
tindak tutur: 10. Menyimak dialogs. Answer
mengundang, pertanyaan- them orally.
menerima dan pertanyaan yang
menolak dibacakan guru
ajakan, tentang isi
menyetujui/ percakapan-
tidak percakapan yang ada
menyetujui, di kegiatan
memuji, dan sebelumnya, lalu
memberi menjawab pertanyaan
selamat. tersebut secara lisan.

11. Menyimak • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C or

percakapan yang ganda D for the correct
dibacakan guru. answer.
12. Memilih jawaban yang
benar berdasarkan
percakapan soal yang
dibacakan guru.
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

2.1 Merespon • Teks lisan 1. Menyimak teks lisan • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Listen to your 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional pendek fungsional yang makna dan objektif teacher and Bahasa
terdapat dalam lisan: lost and dibacakan guru, lalu gagasan dalam teks understand the Inggris SMP/
teks lisan found announce- mempelajari lisan fungsional explanation. MTs VIIIA
fungsional ments. penjelasan tentang pendek berbentuk Intan Pariwara
pendek teks tersebut. lost and found hal. 59–61.
sederhana announcement. • Kamus
(misalnya 2. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Inggris–
undangan, apersepsi guru. singkat following Indonesia dan
pengumuman, questions. Indonesia–
pesan singkat) Inggris.
secara akurat, 3. Menyimak teks • Tes lisan • Uraian • Listen to your • Buku-buku
lancar, dan fungsional yang teacher. What lain yang
berterima dibacakan guru, lalu does he/she tell relevan.
untuk menjelaskan isinya you about?
berinteraksi secara garis besar.
lingkungan 4. Menyimak pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Your teacher will
sekitar. yang dibacakan guru singkat ask you some
tentang teks yang questions about
diperdengarkan pada the announce-
kegiatan sebelumnya, ment in Task A.
lalu menjawabnya Listen to him/her
secara lisan. carefully and
answer the
questions orally.

5. Menyimak • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to the

pengumuman yang ganda announcement
dibacakan guru, lalu and choose the
memilih jawaban yang correct answer.
tepat berdasarkan isi

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

2.2 Merespon • Monolog recount. 6. Menyimak teks • Merespons makna • Non tes • Uraian • Read the monolog 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang descriptive lisan yang gagasan secara objektif and study the Bahasa
terdapat dalam • Kosakata yang dibacakan guru serta akurat, lancar, dan explanation. Inggris SMP/
monolog terkait dengan memahami berterima dalam MTs VIIIA

Silabus Unit 3 Descriptive

pendek topik yang dipilih. penjelasannya. wacana monolog Intan
sederhana descriptive. Pariwara
secara akurat, 7. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the hal. 49–50,
lancar, dan apersepsi guru. singkat questions orally. 53–54.
berterima • Kamus
untuk 8. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the Inggris–
berinteraksi dengan kata-kata following text Indonesia dan
dengan sesuai dengan teks based on what Indonesia–
lingkungan lengkap yang you have heard. Inggris.
sekitar dalam dibacakan guru. • Buku-buku
teks berbentuk lain yang
descriptive 9. Menjawab • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Your teacher will relevan.
dan recount. pertanyaan- singkat ask you some
pertanyaan questions about
pemahaman yang the text in Task A.
dibacakan guru Listen to him/her
tentang teks yang ada carefully and
di kegiatan answer the
sebelumnya. questions

10. Menyimak teks yang • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your

dibacakan guru. teacher carefully.
11. Melengkapi Complete the
pernyataan- statements based
pernyataan soal on the text you
berdasarkan isi teks have heard.

12. Mengamati gambar, • Tes lisan • Unjuk kerja • Your teacher will
lalu menyimak teks tell you an
yang dibacakan guru. interesting place.
Retell it using your
own words.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

13. Menyampaikan teks

yang dibacakan guru
menggunakan kata-
kata yang tersedia
secara lisan.

14. Menentukan • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Decide whether

pernyataan yang benar/salah the statements
tersedia benar atau are true (T) or
salah berdasarkan false (F) based
teks yang dibacakan on the text in Task
guru pada kegiatan D. Correct the
sebelumnya. false ones.

15. Menyimak monolog • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your

yang dibacakan guru, ganda teacher and
lalu memilih jawaban choose A, B, C or
yang benar. D for the correct

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

3.1 Mengung- • Percakapan 1. Membaca percakapan • Melakukan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Read and practice 3 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna transaksional dan di buku dengan lafal berbagai tindak kerja the dialogs with Bahasa Inggris
dalam interpersonal yang yang benar, lalu tutur dalam wacana proper SMP/MTs
percakapan memuat memperagakannya lisan transaksional/ pronunciation. VIIIA Intan
transaksional ungkapan: dengan teman. interpersonal Pariwara
(to get things mengakui dan seperti: mengakui hal. 47–49.
done) dan mengingkari fakta, 2. Melengkapi dan mengingkari • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete each • Kamus
interpersonal percakapan- dialog with the Inggris–
serta memberi fakta, serta
percakapan soal correct expressions Indonesia dan
(bersosialisasi) selamat. memberi selamat.
dengan ungkapan- in the box. Then, Indonesia–

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

ungkapan yang practice the Inggris.
dengan complete dialogs • Buku-buku lain
tersedia di dalam

kotak. with a friend. yang relevan.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

ragam bahasa 3. Memperagakan • Mengembangkan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja

lisan secara percakapan- wacana kerja
akurat, lancar, percakapan yang transaksional/
dan berterima sudah lengkap dengan interpersonal

Silabus Unit 3 Descriptive

untuk teman. pendek menjadi
berinteraksi sebuah obrolan
dengan 4. Memilih jawaban yang atau interaksional • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose the
lingkungan benar berdasarkan yang lebih panjang. ganda correct answer
sekitar yang percakapan- based on the
melibatkan percakapan yang ada dialogs in Task B.
tindak tutur: di kegiatan
meminta, sebelumnya.
menolak jasa, 5. Mengurutkan kalimat- • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Rearrange the
meminta, kalimat acak menjadi kalimat sentences into
memberi, percakapan- acak proper dialogs,
menolak percakapan yang urut. then practice
barang, 6. Memperagakan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja them with
mengakui, percakapan- kerja a friend.
mengingkari percakapan yang
fakta, dan sudah urut dengan
meminta dan teman.
pendapat. 7. Menentukan apakah • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Decide whether
pernyataan-pernyataan benar/salah the following
3.2 Memahami soal benar atau tidak statements are
dan merespon berdasarkan true (T) or false
percakapan percakapan- (F) based on the
transaksional percakapan yang ada dialogs in Task D.
(to get things di kegiatan Correct the false
done) dan sebelumnya. ones.
(bersosialisasi) 8. Secara individu • Tes tulis • Uraian • Create a dialog
sederhana membuat percakapan based on of the
dengan berdasarkan salah situations below.
menggunakan situasi yang tersedia. Practice it with
ragam bahasa 9. Dengan bantuan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja a friend in front of
lisan secara teman, memperagakan kerja the class.
akurat, lancar, percakapan yang
sudah dibuatnya di
depan kelas.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

dan berterima
sekitar yang
tindak tutur:
menerima dan
menolak ajakan,
memuji, dan

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

4.1 Mengung- • Teks fungsional 1. Membaca dan • Mengungkapkan • Tes lisan • Uraian • Retell the lost and 1 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna pendek lisan: lost memahami lost and makna/gagasan found Bahasa Inggris
dalam bentuk and found found announcement dalam teks announcements SMP/MTs
teks lisan announcements. yang tersedia. fungsional pendek below using your VIIIA Intan
fungsional 2. Menceritakan kembali lisan berbentuk lost own words. Pariwara
pendek isi pengumuman and found hal. 61.
(misalnya tersebut dengan kata- announcements. • Kamus
undangan, kata sendiri. dengan benar dan Inggris–
pesan singkat, Indonesia dan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

• Buku-buku lain
dengan yang relevan.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

menggunakan 3. Mengidentifikasi • Tes tulis • Pernyataan • Decide whether

ragam bahasa pernyataan benar/ benar/salah the statements
lisan secara salah berdasarkan are true (T) or
akurat, lancar, pengumuman yang false (F) based on

Silabus Unit 3 Descriptive

dan berterima ada di kegiatan the text in Task A.
untuk sebelumnya. Correct the false
berinteraksi ones.
lingkungan 4. Membuat lost and • Tes lisan • Uraian • Suppose you
sekitar. found announcement have lost or found
tentang benda-benda the following
yang ada di gambar, things. How do
lalu membacakan you describe
pengumuman them? Make
tersebut. a lost or found
about each thing.

4.2 Mengung- • Monolog 5. Menyimak teks yang • Mengungkapkan • Tes tulis • Uraian • Listen to your 2 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna descriptive. dibacakan guru, lalu makna/gagasan teacher and Bahasa
dalam monolog menirukannya. dalam monolog repeat after him/ Inggris SMP/
pendek • Frasa yang 6. Membuat data tentang descriptive dengan her. Make a list of MTs VIIIA
sederhana berkaitan dengan topik utama teks ragam bahasa lisan data about the Intan
dengan topik teks yang tersebut. secara benar, description of Pariwara
menggu-nakan dipilih. lancar, dan Sydney Opera hal. 11–12.
ragam bahasa berterima. House. • Kamus
lisan secara Inggris–
akurat, lancar, 7. Menceritakan kembali • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Retell the text in Indonesia dan
dan berterima topik teks yang ada di kerja Task A based on Indonesia–
untuk kegiatan sebelumnya the data you have Inggris.
berinteraksi dengan kata-kata made before. • Buku-buku
dengan sendiri berdasarkan lain yang
lingkungan data yang telah dibuat. relevan.
sekitar dalam
teks berbentuk 8. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the text
descriptive dengan kata-kata with the correct
dan recount. yang tersedia di dalam words in the box.

9. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose the

benar berdasarkan isi ganda correct answer
teks yang ada di based on the text
kegiatan sebelumnya. in Task C.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

10. Bermonolog tentang • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Describe the

deskripsi tempat yang kerja place in the
ada di gambar. picture orally. Find
the reference
about it in the
Internet or your

11. Bermonolog tentang • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • What is the place
deskripsi tempat yang kerja that you have
baru saja dikunjungi visited recently?
siswa. Tell your friends
about it.

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

5.1 Membaca • Teks tulis 1. Membaca dan • Membaca nyaring • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 2 u 40' • Buku PR
nyaring fungsional pendek memahami teks tulis secara bermakna objektif understand the Bahasa
bermakna teks berbentuk: iklan fungsional, lalu teks fungsional explanation. Inggris SMP/
tulis fungsional (advertisement). mempelajari pendek (iklan) dan MTs VIIIA
dan esei penjelasan tentang wacana descriptive. Intan
berbentuk • Teks descriptive. bentuk teks itu. Pariwara
descriptive dan hal. 56–57,
recount 2. Membaca nyaring • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the text 60, 62–63.
pendek dan iklan tersebut dengan nyaring aloud with proper • Kamus
sederhana lafal dan intonasi yang pronunciation and Inggris–
dengan benar. intonation. Indonesia dan
ucapan, Indonesia–
tekanan dan 3. Membaca nyaring teks • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the text with Inggris.
intonasi yang descriptive yang ada nyaring proper • Buku-buku
berterima yang di buku dengan lafal pronunciation and lain yang
berkaitan dan intonasi yang baik intonation. relevan.
dengan dan benar.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

lingkungan 4. Membetulkan
sekitar. pelafalan siswa yang
masih salah.


Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

5.2 Merespon • Teks tulis 5. Membaca dan • Mengidentifikasi • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose the 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dalam fungsional pendek memahami iklan-iklan makna gagasan ganda correct answer Bahasa
teks tulis berbentuk: iklan soal. dalam teks tulis based on the Inggris SMP/
fungsional (advertisement). 6. Memilih jawaban yang fungsional pendek texts. MTs VIIIA

Silabus Unit 3 Descriptive

pendek tepat berdasarkan berbentuk: iklan Intan
sederhana iklan yang terkait. (advertisement). Pariwara
(misalnya hal. 62–63.
undangan, • Kamus
kartu ucapan, Inggris–
pesan singkat, Indonesia dan
pengumuman, Indonesia–
pesan tertulis) Inggris.
secara akurat, • Buku-buku
lancar dan lain yang
berterima yang relevan.

5.3 Merespon • Berbagai teks 7. Membaca teks • Mengidentifikasi • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dan descriptive. descriptive tulis dan makna gagasan objektif try to understand Bahasa
langkah mempelajari struktur dalam teks tulis its generic Inggris SMP/
retorika dalam • Tata bahasa yang serta penjelasannya. fungsional pendek structure. MTs VIIIA
esei pendek terkait dengan berbentuk: iklan Intan
sederhana jenis teks, yaitu: 8. Membaca dan (advertisement). • Non tes • Uraian • Read the Pariwara
secara akurat, Wh-questions dan mempelajari macam- objektif following dialog hal. 50, 52,
lancar dan indefinite macam question and understand 57–58.
berterima pronouns. words. the explanation. • Kamus
yang berkaitan Inggris–
dengan 9. Membaca dan • Non tes • Uraian • Read the Indonesia dan
lingkungan mempelajari bentuk objektif following dialogs Indonesia–
sekitar dalam indefinite pronouns. and understand Inggris.
teks berbentuk the explanation. • Buku-buku
descriptive dan lain yang
recount. 10. Menjodohkan • Tes tulis • Menjodoh- • Match each relevan.
deskripsi suatu tempat kan description with
dengan gambar the correct
tempat yang sesuai. picture, then write
11. Menyebutkan nama the name of each
tempat-tempat place.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

12 Melengkapi kalimat- • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the

kalimat soal dengan utterances with
Wh-questions yang correct
sesuai. Wh-questions.

13. Melengkapi kalimat- • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the

kalimat soal dengan sentences with
indefinite pronoun correct indefinite
yang benar. pronouns.

14. Membaca dan • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C or

memahami tek ganda D for the correct
descriptive yang answer.
15. Memilih jawaban yang
benar berdasarkan
teks yang terkait.

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis

6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

6.1 Mengung- • Teks tulis 1. Membaca dan • Menulis teks tulis • Tes tulis • Uraian • In pairs, make 2 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna fungsional pendek memahami situasi soal. fungsional pendek an attractive Bahasa
dalam bentuk berbentuk: iklan 2. Secara berpasangan berbentuk iklan advertisement Inggris SMP/
teks tulis (advertisement). membuat iklan yang (advertisement) based on the MTs VIIIA
fungsional menarik berdasarkan dengan baik dan situation. Intan Pariwara
pendek situasi tersebut. berterima. hal. 63.
(misalnya • Kamus
undangan, 3. Secara mandiri, Inggris–
kartu ucapan, membuat iklan yang • Tes tulis • Uraian • Create an Indonesia dan
pesan singkat, menarik tentang objek attractive Indonesia–
pengumuman, wisata yang ada di advertisement Inggris.
pesan tertulis) sekitar tempat tinggal • Buku-buku

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

about a tourist
sederhana siswa. spot in your lain yang
hometown. relevan.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

ragam bahasa
tulis secara

Silabus Unit 3 Descriptive

akurat, lancar
dan berterima

6.2 Mengung- • Berbagai teks 4. Menyusun kalimat- • Menulis teks-teks • Tes tulis • Menyusun • Rearrange the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
kapkan makna descriptive. kalimat acak menjadi berbentuk kalimat sentences into Bahasa
dan langkah paragraf yang runtut. descriptive dengan acak proper Inggris SMP/
retorika dalam langkah-langkah paragraphs. MTs VIIIA
esei pendek retorika yang benar Intan Pariwara
sederhana 5. Menulis kembali teks serta tata bahasa • Tes tulis • Esai • Rewrite the text in hal. 59.
dengan yang sudah urut yang yang benar dan Task A using your • Kamus
menggunakan ada di kegiatan berterima. own words. Inggris–
ragam bahasa sebelumnya dengan Indonesia dan
tulis secara kata-kata sendiri. Indonesia–
akurat, lancar Inggris.
dan berterima 6. Secara mandiri, • Tes tulis • Esai • Work individually • Buku-buku
untuk menulis teks to describe your lain yang
berinteraksi descriptive tentang hometown or your relevan.
dengan kota kelahirannya tau favorite place.
lingkungan tempat favoritnya Use the following
sekitar dalam menggunakan questions as
teks berbentuk pertanyaan panduan guidelines to
descriptive yang tersedia. prepare your
dan recount. description.
Unit 4 Recount
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . .
Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Unit : 4
Genre : Recount
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Bentuk Contoh Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

1.1 Merespons • Percakapan- 1. Memahami percakapan • Bereaksi atau • Non tes • Uraian • Read the dialog 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang percakapan dalam gambar serta merespons dengan objektif and study the Bahasa
terdapat dalam transaksional dan berbagai ungkapan benar terhadap explanation. Inggris SMP/
percakapan interpersonal yang yang dipelajari. tindak tutur: MTs VIIIA
transaksional memuat ungkapan meminta, memberi, Intan
(to get things meminta, 2. Menjawab pertanyaan menolak barang • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Look at the Pariwara
done) dan memberi, menolak yang berkaitan dengan dan mengundang, singkat picture and hal. 67–71.
interpersonal barang dan ungkapan yang menerima dan answer the • Kamus
mengundang, dipelajari. menolak ajakan. questions. Inggris–
menerima dan Indonesia
secara akurat,
lancar, dan menolak ajakan. 3. Menyimak dan • Non tes • Uraian • Read and dan
berterima untuk menirukan dua practice the Indonesia–
berinteraksi percakapan yang dialogs below. Inggris.
dengan dibacakan guru, lalu • Buku-buku
lingkungan memperagakannya lain yang
sekitar yang dengan teman. relevan.
tindak tutur: 4. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Your teacher will
meminta, yang dibacakan guru singkat ask you some
memberi, berdasarkan perca- questions about
menolak jasa, kapan yang telah di- dialogs in Task A.
meminta, perdengarkan pada Answer his/her
memberi, kegiatan sebelumnya. questions orally.
barang, 5. Melengkapi percakapan • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the
mengakui, berdasarkan dialogs while
percakapan utuh yang listening to your
fakta, dan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

dibacakan guru. teacher.
meminta dan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok dan Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Uraian Materi Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

1.2 Merespons 6. Memperagakan • Unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Practice the

makna yang percakapan di kegiatan kerja dialogs in Task C
terdapat dalam sebelumnya yang telah with your friend.

Silabus Unit 4 Recount

percakapan lengkap.
(to get things 7. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Listen to your
done) dan yang tersedia singkat teacher, and then
interpersonal berdasarkan answer the
(bersosialisasi) percakapan yang questions orally.
sederhana dibacakan guru.
secara akurat,
lancar, dan 8. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Listen to your
berterima untuk tepat berdasarkan ganda teacher and
berinteraksi percakapan yang choose A, B, C or
dengan dibacakan guru. D for the correct
lingkungan answer.
sekitar yang
tindak tutur:
menerima dan
memuji, dan
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

2.1 Merespons • Teks lisan 1. Memahami contoh dan • Mampu merespons • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 2 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang fungsional penjelasan tentang makna yang objektif study the Bahasa
terdapat dalam pendek: short short message lisan. terdapat dalam teks explanation. Inggris SMP/
teks lisan messages. lisan fungsional MTs VIIIA
fungsional 2. Menjawab pertanyaan pendek sederhana • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Intan
pendek yang berkaitan dengan berbentuk short singkat questions. Pariwara
sederhana short message. messages secara hal. 82–83.
secara akurat, akurat, lancar, dan • Kamus
lancar, dan 3. Menyimak short berterima untuk • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Listen to your Inggris–
berterima untuk message yang berinteraksi dalam singkat teacher and Indonesia dan
berinteraksi dibacakan guru, lalu konteks kehidupan answer the Indonesia–
dengan menjawab pertanyaan. sehari-hari. questions. Inggris.
lingkungan • Buku-buku
sekitar. 4. Membaca short • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Read the text, lain yang
message yang singkat then answer your relevan.
tersedia, lalu teacher’s
menjawab pertanyaan questions orally.
yang dibacakan guru
secara lisan.

5. Menyimak short • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your

message yang teacher and
dibacakan guru, lalu complete the
melengkapi kartu yang card.

6. Menyimak short • Tes tulis • Dikte • Listen to your

message yang teacher and write
dibacakan guru, down the
menulisnya, lalu message. Read
membacakan hasilnya. your work aloud.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

2.2 Merespons • Monolog recount. 7. Membaca dan • Merespons makna • Non tes • Uraian • Read the 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna yang memahami contoh yang terdapat objektif monolog and Bahasa
terdapat dalam • Kosakata yang dan penjelasan teks dalam monolog study the Inggris SMP/

Silabus Unit 4 Recount

monolog terkait topik yang recount lisan. pendek sederhana explanation. MTs VIIIA
pendek dipilih. secara akurat, Intan
sederhana 8. Mengamati gambar lancar, dan • Tes lisan • Uraian • Look at the Pariwara
secara akurat, dan menceritakan berterima dalam picture. Tell briefly hal. 73, 76–
lancar, dan riwayat hidup teks recount. about the man. 77.
berterima untuk pahlawan dalam • Kamus
berinteraksi gambar secara Inggris–
dengan singkat. Indonesia
lingkungan dan
sekitar dalam 9. Menyimak monolog • Tes lisan • Uraian • Listen to your Indonesia–
teks berbentuk recount yang teacher and make Inggris.
descriptive dan dibacakan guru, lalu some notes if • Buku-buku
recount. menjelaskan isinya. necessary. What lain yang
does he/she tell relevan.
you about?

10. Menjawab pertanyaan • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the

berdasarkan monolog singkat following
yang dibacakan guru questions based
pada kegiatan on the monolog in
sebelumnya. Task A.

11. Melengkapi teks • Tes tulis • Isian • Listen to your

dengan kata-kata teacher and
yang sesuai complete the text.
berdasarkan monolog Read your work
yang dibacakan guru. aloud.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

12. Menyimak kalimat- • Tes tulis • Dikte • Listen to your

kalimat yang teacher. Write
dibacakan guru, lalu down his/her
menulisnya. sentences.

13. Menulis kalimat- • Tes tulis • Uraian • Label the pictures

kalimat yang telah below using the
diperdengarkan pada proper sentences
kegiatan sebelumnya in Task D.
di bawah gambar yang

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 4 Recount

3.1 Meng- • Percakapan yang 1. Memperagakan • Melakukan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Practice the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
ungkapkan melibatkan tindak percakapan dengan berbagai tindak kerja dialogs below Bahasa
makna dalam tutur meminta, lafal dan intonasi yang tutur dalam with your friend. Inggris SMP/
percakapan memberi, tepat. wacana lisan MTs VIIIA
transaksional menolak barang transaksional/ Intan
(to get things dan 2. Menjawab pertanyaan interpersonal • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Answer the Pariwara hal.
done) dan mengundang, berdasarkan seperti: meminta, singkat questions based 71–72.
interpersonal menerima dan percakapan yang ada memberi, menolak on the dialogs in • Kamus
(bersosialisasi) menolak ajakan. di kegiatan barang dan Task A orally. Inggris–
sederhana sebelumnya. mengundang, Indonesia
dengan meng- menerima dan dan
gunakan ragam 3. Memilih jawaban yang menolak ajakan. • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C Indonesia–
bahasa lisan tepat berdasarkan ganda or D for the Inggris.
secara akurat, percakapan yang ada. • Mengembangkan correct answer. • Buku-buku
lancar, dan wacana lain yang
berterima untuk 4. Melengkapi transaksional/ • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the relevan.
berinteraksi percakapan dengan interpersonal dialogs with the
dengan kata-kata yang pendek menjadi suitable
lingkungan tersedia di dalam sebuah obrolan expressions in
sekitar yang kotak. atau interaksional the boxes.
melibatkan 5. Memperagakan yang lebih panjang. • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja Practice them
tindak tutur: percakapan tersebut kerja with your friend.
meminta, dengan teman.
menolak jasa, 6. Membuat percakapan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Make dialogs
meminta, berdasarkan situasi kerja based on the
memberi, yang tersedia, lalu situations below.
menolak memperagakannya Practice them.
barang, bersama teman.
fakta, dan
meminta dan
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

3.2 Meng-
makna dalam
transaksional (to
get things done)
dan interpersonal
dengan meng-
gunakan ragam
bahasa lisan
secara akurat,
lancar, dan
berterima untuk
lingkungan sekitar
yang melibatkan
tindak tutur:
menerima dan
menolak ajakan,
memuji, dan
memberi selamat.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

Silabus Unit 4 Recount

4.1 Mengungkap- • Teks lisan 1. Membaca pesan lisan • Mengungkapkan • Tes lisan • Uraian • Read the texts 1 u 40' • Buku PR
kan makna fungsional yang tersedia dengan makna dalam with proper Bahasa
dalam bentuk pendek: spoken ucapan yang benar. bentuk spoken pronunciation. Inggris SMP/
teks lisan message. message dengan MTs VIIIA
fungsional 2. Membaca pesan lisan lancar dan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Read the text with Intan
pendek yang tersedia dengan berterima. kerja proper Pariwara
sederhana ucapan yang benar, pronunciation. hal. 83–84.
dengan lalu bertanya jawab Then, ask and • Kamus
menggunakan berdasarkan teks answer questions Inggris–
ragam bahasa tersebut. based on the text. Indonesia dan
lisan secara Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, 3. Membuat pesan lisan • Tes lisan • Uraian • Make simple Inggris.
dan berterima berdasarkan situasi messages based • Buku-buku
untuk yang tersedia, lalu on the situations lain yang
berinteraksi membacakannya di below. Deliver relevan.
dengan kelas. your messages in
lingkungan front of the class.

4.2 Mengungkap- • Monolog recount. 4. Melakukan monolog • Melakukan • Tes unjuk • Unjuk kerja • Read the text. 2 u 40' • Buku PR
kan makna berdasarkan teks yang monolog dalam teks kerja Deliver a monolog Bahasa
dalam monolog tersedia dengan kata- berbentuk recount based on the text. Inggris SMP/
pendek kata sendiri. dengan ragam MTs VIIIA
sederhana bahasa lisan secara Intan
dengan 5. Membuat kalimat lancar dan • Tes lisan • Uraian • Tell about the Pariwara
menggunakan tentang suatu berterima. pictures using hal. 78–79.
ragam bahasa peristiwa lampau sentences in the • Kamus
lisan secara berdasarkan gambar past continuous Inggris–
akurat, lancar, secara lisan. tense. Indonesia dan
dan berterima Indonesia–
untuk 6. Membuat kalimat • Tes lisan • Uraian • Tell about the Inggris.
berinteraksi tentang suatu kegiatan pictures using • Buku-buku
dengan berdasarkan gambar sentences with lain yang
lingkungan secara lisan. suitable relating relevan.
sekitar dalam verbs.
teks berbentuk
descriptive dan
Standar Kompetensi : Membaca
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

5.1 Membaca • Teks fungsional 1. Membaca contoh dan • Membaca nyaring • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 1 u 40' • Buku PR
nyaring pendek tulis: memahami penjelasan secara bermakna objektif study the Bahasa
bermakna teks invitation cards. tentang invitation wacana pendek explanation. Inggris SMP
tulis fungsional cards. sederhana yang VIIIA Intan
dan esei • Teks recount. 2. Membaca nyaring berbentuk kartu • Tes lisan • Membaca Pariwara
berbentuk kartu undangan undangan dan teks nyaring hal. 80, 82.
descriptive dan dengan lafal, tekanan, recount dengan • Kamus
recount pendek dan ucapan yang lafal, tekanan dan Inggris–
dan sederhana benar. ucapan yang lancar Indonesia dan
dengan ucapan, dan berterima. Indonesia–
tekanan, dan 3. Membaca nyaring teks • Tes lisan • Membaca • Read the Inggris.
intonasi yang recount tentang nyaring biography of • Buku-buku
berterima yang pahlawan nasional Muhammad lain yang
berkaitan dengan lafal, tekanan, Yamin and answer relevan.
dengan dan ucapan yang the questions.
lingkungan benar.

5.2 Merespons 4. Menjawab pertanyaan • Merespons makna • Tes lisan • Jawaban • Read the text and 1 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dalam berdasarkan kartu yang terdapat singkat answer the Bahasa
teks tulis undangan yang dalam teks questions. Inggris SMP
fungsional tersedia. fungsional pendek VIIIA Intan
pendek berbentuk invitation Pariwara
sederhana 5. Memilih jawaban yang cards dengan • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C or hal. 84–85.
secara akurat, tepat berdasarkan benar. ganda D for the correct • Kamus
lancar, dan teks. answer. Inggris–
berterima yang Indonesia dan
berkaitan Indonesia–
dengan Inggris.
lingkungan • Buku-buku
sekitar. lain yang

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

5.3 Merespons • Teks recount. 6. Membaca contoh dan • Mengidentifikasi • Non tes • Uraian • Read the text and 3 u 40' • Buku PR
makna dan penjelasan tentang makna gagasan objektif study the Bahasa
langkah retorika • The past teks recount. (ideasional) dan explanation. Inggris SMP/
dalam esei continuous informasi faktual

Silabus Unit 4 Recount

pendek tense. 7. Membaca percakapan dalam teks, main • Non tes • Uraian • Read the dialogs Intan
sederhana dan memahami ideas, supporting objektif and pay attention Pariwara
secara akurat, • Relating/linking penjelasan tentang ideas, details. to the bold-typed hal. 73–76,
lancar, dan verbs. the past continuous sentences. Study 79–81.
berterima yang tense, relating/linking the explanation. • Kamus
berkaitan • Reflexive verbs, dan reflexive Inggris–
dengan pronouns (-self). pronouns (-self). Indonesia dan
lingkungan Indonesia–
sekitar dalam 8. Mengamati gambar- • Tes tulis • Menjodoh- • Look at the Inggris.
teks berbentuk gambar pahlawan, lalu kan pictures of the • Buku-buku
decriptive dan mengidentifikasi Indonesian lain yang
recount. nama-nama mereka heroes. Who are relevan.
berdasarkan nama- they?
nama yang tersedia di
dalam kotak.

9. Menjawab • Tes tulis • Jawaban • Read the history

pertanyaan- singkat of Muhammad
pertanyaan yang Yamin and
tersedia berdasarkan answer the
teks soal. questions.

10. Melengkapi kalimat • Tes tulis • Isian • Complete the

dengan bentuk kata dialogs with the
kerja yang tepat words in brackets
berdasarkan kata-kata in correct forms.
kerja yang telah
tersedia di dalam
tanda kurung.

11. Memilih jawaban yang • Tes tulis • Pilihan • Choose A, B, C

tepat. ganda or D for the
correct answer.
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

6.1 Mengungkap- • Teks tulis 1. Membuat surat • Menulis berbagai • Tes tulis • Uraian • Make invitation 1 u 40' • Buku PR
kan makna fungsional undangan teks untuk cards based on Bahasa
dalam bentuk pendek: invitation berdasarkan situasi komunikasi sehari- the situations Inggris SMP/
teks tulis cards. yang tersedia. hari seperti below. MTs VIIIA
fungsional invitation cards Intan
pendek dengan benar dan Pariwara
sederhana berterima. hal. 85.
dengan • Kamus
menggunakan Inggris–
ragam bahasa Indonesia dan
tulis secara Indonesia–
akurat, lancar, Inggris.
dan berterima • Buku-buku
untuk lain yang
berinteraksi relevan.

6.2 Mengungkap- • Teks recount. 2. Membuat kalimat • Menulis berbagai • Tes tulis • Uraian • Look at the 2 u 40' • Buku PR
kan makna dan menggunakan relating teks terutama yang pictures. Make Bahasa
langkah retorika • Relating verbs. verbs berdasarkan berbentuk recount sentences using Inggris SMP/
dalam esei gambar-gambar yang dengan langkah suitable relating MTs VIIIA
pendek • Reflexive tersedia. retorika dan struktur verbs and the Intan Pariwara
sederhana pronouns. teks yang benar words provided. hal. 81.
dan berterima.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1

Kompetensi Materi Pokok/ Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Sumber Belajar
Dasar Pembelajaran Bentuk Contoh Waktu
Instrumen Instrumen

dengan 3. Membuat lima kalimat • Tes tulis • Uraian • Make five • Kamus
menggunakan menggunakan sentences using Inggris–
ragam bahasa reflexive pronouns, reflexive Indonesia

Silabus Unit 4 Recount

tulis secara lalu membacanya pronouns. Read dan
akurat, lancar, dengan pelafalan your work with Indonesia–
dan berterima yang benar. proper Inggris.
untuk berinteraksi pronunciation. • Buku-buku
dengan lain yang
lingkungan 4. Menulis teks recount • Tes tulis • Esai • Write the life of relevan.
sekitar dalam tentang salah satu one of the
teks berbentuk pahlawan Indonesia, Indonesian
descriptive dan lalu membacanya heroes. Read
recount. nyaring. your work aloud.
At the end of this unit you will
be able to:
1. ask for and give opinions,
2. agree and disagree about
3. create short functional texts
(short descriptions),
4. describe a particular person
using spoken English,
5. write short functional texts
(labels of products),
6. write descriptive texts about
particular people, and
7. use the simple present tense,
adjectives and the present
continuous tense.

All people must have their own idol. What about you? Who is
your idol? What will you say to describe him/her? Of course, there are
many things you can describe, such as his/her physical appearances,
characteristics, hobby, family, etc.
Then, what type of texts should you use to describe him/her?
The answer is a descriptive text. In this unit you will learn about
descriptive texts, completed with the generic structure and

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 45

1.1 Expressions

Asking for and Giving Opinions

Read the dialog and understand the expressions.

What do you think

of this book?

Well, it seems

You’re right.

The sentence “What do you think of this book?” is the expression of asking for
an opinion. Meanwhile, the sentence “Well, it seems interesting.” is the expression of
giving an opinion.

Here are some other examples of asking for and giving opinions.

Asking for Opinions Giving Opinions

What do you think of/about . . .? I think . . . .
What’s your opinion about . . .? Well, in my opinion, . . . .
Please tell me your opinion about . . . . In my view, . . . .
What about . . .? I just can say . . . .
Do you have any opinion about . . .? I suppose . . . .
Do you think it’s a good idea? I guess . . . .

46 UNIT 1 Descriptive
Agreeing or Disagreeing

Read the dialog and understand the expressions.

Do you agree if we go to
the bookstore by bus?
Sorry, I disagree
with you.

What about
going by taxi? O.K.

The sentence “Sorry, I disagree with you.” is the expression of disagreeing.

Meanwhile, the sentence “O.K.” is the expression of agreeing.
Here are some other expressions of agreeing and disagreeing.

Agreeing Disagreeing
I think so. I don’t think so.
I agree completely. I’m sorry, but I have to disagree.
I do agree with you. Sorry. I disagree with you.
It’s a good idea. Sorry. I think it’s not a good idea.
I’m with you. I don’t agree with you.
I have the same opinion. Sorry, I have another opinion.
That’s just what I am thinking. I couldn’t agree less.
In my opinion, you’re right. I refuse to believe that.
I couldn’t agree more. I’m sure I cannot agree that.
You are right./Exactly!/Sure. I wonder if there is a mistake.

Answer the questions below.

1. Is there one of your friends who has a new hair style?

Contoh jawaban: Yes, there is.
2. What will you say to show your opinion about his/her new hair style?
Contoh jawaban: I will say, “I think your new hair style makes you prettier.”
3. Is there a new rule in your classroom or school? What is it?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, there is. It is a rule of wearing black shoes every day.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 47

4. Do you agree with the rule?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do.
5. What will you say to show your agreement?
Contoh jawaban: I will say, “I agree with the rule.” to show agreement.

A. Listen to your teacher.

Write down the expressions you have heard.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

1. I agree with your plan.
2. I totally agree with your opinion.
3. I don’t agree with you in this case.
4. I think we should warn the boy.
5. I can’t agree with your ridiculous idea.
6. I don’t think Beni will join us.
7. What do you think of my new shoes?
8. In my opinion, Sandra is the best student.
9. What’s your opinion about my new dress?
10. What about climbing a mountain next holiday?

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut.
Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
1. What do you think of my presentation?
2. I think you did it well.
3. I think you need to be more confident.
4. Do you agree if we make a study club?
5. Absolutely, I agree with your idea.

B. Listen to your teacher.

State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Indah : Have you done the math assignment, Vina?
Vina : No, I haven’t. I think it’s very difficult. What about you?
Indah : Me neither. Um . . . what about doing the assignment together?
Vina : That’s a good idea. When will we do it?
Indah : What if we do it this afternoon at about four?
Vina : No problem. Where?
Indah : I’ll wait for you in my house.
Vina : O.K.

48 UNIT 1 Descriptive
1. ______ Vina and Indah have done the math assignment.
2. ______ Vina thinks that the math assignment is easy.
3. ______ Vina and Indah are going to do the math assignment together.
4. ______ Vina agrees to do the assignment at about five.
5. ______ They will do the assignment at Indah’s house.
1. F. They haven’t done the math assignment.
2. F. She thinks that the math assignment is difficult.
3. T
4. F. She agrees to do the assignment at about four.
5. T

C. Listen to your teacher.

Fill in the blanks based on the dialog you have heard.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

Reta : Indra, (1) what do you think of the drama performance last night?
Indra : Do you mean the drama at the farewell party?
Reta : Yeah.
Indra : Well, (2) in my opinion, it was great. The actors gave their best performance.
Reta : But, I think (3) the performance was not perfect.
Indra : Why?
Reta : Did you notice the sound system? (4) It did not work well, you know.
Indra : (5) You are right. The sound sometimes was so loud that we couldn’t hear the dialogs

A. Match the words with their correct meanings in the box.

a. kadang-kadang b. dengan jelas c. perpisahan d. memperhatikan

e. aktor/pemain f. percakapan g. pendapat h. sempurna
i. pementasan j. keras

1. performance 2. farewell 3. opinion 4. actor 5. perfect

6. notice 7. sometimes 8. loud 9. dialog 10. clearly
1. i 2. c 3. g 4. e 5. h 6. d 7. a 8. j 9. f 10. b
B. Make sentences using the words in Task A.
Contoh jawaban:
1. The children gave their best performance on their first show.
2. Adinda arranges a farewell party before she moves out.
3. Everyone agrees the opinion that the test is very difficult.
4. Tora Sudiro is a multi-talented actor.
5. Mother has checked everything to make sure the party will be perfect.
6. Did you notice the girl passed by a minute ago?
7. Sometimes Linda and I see a film together.
8. The music is too loud and it’s really annoying.
9. We practiced hard for the dialog because it is the climax of the drama.
10. Can you explain your reason clearly?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 49

D. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the dialog in Task C.
Answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. What are Reta and Indra talking about?
2. In what occasion was the drama performed?
3. What is Indra’s opinion about the performance?
4. Reta said, “But, I think the performance was not perfect.” What does it mean?
5. What happened with the sound system in the performance?

1. The drama performance at the farewell party.
2. At a farewell party.
3. He thinks that it was great. The actors showed their best performance.
4. She gives her opinion/She shows her disagreement.
5. Sometimes the sound was so loud that audience couldn’t hear the dialogs.

A. Listen to your teacher.
Fill in the blanks based on the dialog you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Mr. Ardi : Listen, all! The football competition is only one month left. (1) What do you think if
we practice it three times a week?
Andi : (2) I agree, Sir. There are some skills we need to improve if we want to win the
Mr. Ardi : (3) You’re right, Andi. I think we need to improve our defense. Any other opinions?
Dodi : (4) We all agree with this idea, Sir. Three times a week is not a big deal. Right, guys?
Others : (5) Absolutely.
B. Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.
1. What are the speakers talking about?
Jawaban: They are talking about practicing football for the competition.
2. When will the competition be held?
Jawaban: Next month.
3. Mr. Ardi said, “What do you think if we practice it three times a week?”
What does it mean?
Jawaban: He asks for an agreement.
4. According to Andi, what skill do they need to improve?
Jawaban: They need to improve their defense.
5. The others said, “Absolutely.” What does it mean?
Jawaban: They agree with Dodi’s opinion.

50 UNIT 1 Descriptive
E. Listen to your teacher. 3. Why does Putri like the mall? It is ________.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct A. big
answer. B. modern
C. big and modern
D. big and beautiful
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Jawaban: C
Dewa : Putri, do you like shopping in the Putri menyukai mal tersebut karena mal itu
mall? besar dan modern. Hal itu diketahui
Putri : Yeah. I like it. berdasarkan kalimat terakhir Putri, ”It’s big
Dewa : Anyway, there’s a new mall near the and modern. I like the place.”.
town square. Have you ever been 4. Putri said, “I like the place.”
there? What does it mean?
Putri : Do you mean Mutiara Mall, Dewa? A. She agrees with an idea.
Dewa : That’s right. B. She disagrees with an idea.
Putri : Yes, I’ve been there. C. She asks for an opinion.
Dewa : What do you think of it? D. She gives an opinion.
Putri : It’s big and modern. I like the place. Jawaban: D
Kalimat Putri tersebut artinya ”Saya
1. What are the speakers talking about? menyukai tempat itu.”. Kalimat tersebut
A. A new shop. merupakan ungkapan memberi pendapat
B. A new mall. (giving an opinion).
C. A town square. 5. Dewa said, “What do you think of it?”
D. A mail. What does it mean?
Jawaban: B A. He asks for an opinion.
Dalam percakapan tersebut Dewa dan B. He gives an opinion.
Putri membicarakan tentang sebuah mal C. He agrees with an opinion.
baru di kota mereka (a new mall). Pilihan D. He disagrees with an opinion.
jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan Jawaban: A
merupakan hal yang dibicarakan. Kalimat ”What do you think of it?” artinya
2. Where is the new mall? ”Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang mal
A. Near the town park. tersebut?”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan
B. Near the town hall. ungkapan meminta pendapat (asking for
C. Near the town square. an opinion).
D. Near the town market.
Jawaban: C
Mal yang baru terletak di dekat alun-alun
kota. Hal itu disimpulkan berdasarkan
kalimat Dewa, ”Anyway, there’s a new mall
near the town square.”. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan isi percakapan.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 51

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Tomi : Rika, Dion, our school will celebrate its anniversary soon. In your opinion, what if
we hold a school bazaar?
Rika : I agree with the idea. You know, some of our friends are good at making handicrafts.
I believe many students will be interested in buying their crafts.
Dion : Moreover, we can use the event for fund raising. We can donate the money to the
flood victims. What do you think?
Rika : I like your idea. Let’s propose our program to the Principal.

1. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Celebrating the school anniversary.
B. Arranging a fund raising program.
C. Helping the flood victims.
D. Holding a school bazaar to celebrate the school anniversary.
Jawaban: D
Kalimat soal menanyakan tentang apa yang dibicarakan dalam percakapan tersebut.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari frasa kunci ’celebrating the school anniversary’ yang artinya
’merayakan hari jadi sekolah’ dan ’holding a school bazaar’ yang artinya
’menyelenggarakan bazar sekolah’. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa percakapan tersebut
tentang penyelenggaraan bazar sekolah untuk merayakan hari jadi sekolah (holding
a school bazaar to celebrate the school anniversary).
2. Tomi said, “In your opinion, what if we hold a school bazaar?”
What does it mean?
A. He expresses his opinion. B. He asks for someone’s agreement.
C. He asks for other’s help. D. He expresses his agreement.
Jawaban: B
Kalimat ”In your opinion, what if we hold a school bazaar?” artinya ”Menurut pendapatmu,
bagaimana kalau kita mengadakan bazar sekolah?”. Kalimat tersebut diucapkan untuk
meminta persetujuan seseorang (asking for someone’s agreement).
3. Rika said, “I agree with the idea.” What does it mean?
A. She shows her agreement. B. She shows her disagreement.
C. She asks for an opinion. D. She gives something.
Jawaban: A
Kalimat ”I agree with the idea.” artinya ”Saya setuju dengan gagasan itu.”. Ungkapan
tersebut digunakan untuk memberi persetujuan (showing an agreement). Pilihan jawaban
yang lain salah karena bukan ungkapan untuk memberi persetujuan.
4. What is Dion’s opinion about the school bazaar?
A. They can use the event for entertainment.
B. They can use the event for education.
C. They can use the event for fund raising.
D. They can use the event for practicing.
Jawaban: C
Menurut Dion, kegiatan bazar sekolah dapat digunakan untuk mengumpulkan dana (fund
raising). Hal itu sesuai dengan ucapan Dion, ”Moreover, in my opinion, we can use the
event for fund raising.”.

52 UNIT 1 Descriptive
5. Tomi said, “Rika, Dion, our school will celebrate its anniversary soon.”
The underlined word can be best replaced by ________.
A. respect B. perform
C. commemmorate D. provide
Jawaban: C
Kata ’celebrate’ artinya ’merayakan’. Kata ini dapat diganti dengan kata ’commemmorate’
yang artinya memperingati. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya
menghormati, (B) artinya mementaskan, dan (D) artinya menyiapkan.

A. Read and practice the dialogs with proper pronunciation.

Dialog 1
Butet : Fishing is a boring activity, Mirza.
Mirza : I don’t think so, Butet. It is boring if you don’t know the secret.
Butet : What do you mean?
Mirza : Actually, fishing is interesting. Just enjoy the calm situation and possibly with the scenery.
Butet : In that case, I think you are right. But, it probably takes much time to get only one fish,
doesn’t it?
Mirza : It does, but don’t you know something? In fact, fishing teaches us about patience.
Butet : How can?
Mirza : When fishing, you cannot be in a hurry. In other words, to achieve your goal, you can’t do it
Butet : Is that so? I think I’ll try your advice then.
Adapted from: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII Edisi 4

Dialog 2
Maya : Didit, I heard that we will have a modeling contest to commemorate our anniversary. What
do you think of it?
Didit : Well, actually I don’t agree. In my opinion, that’s useless. We’d better arrange other useful
Maya : What do you mean by other useful contests?
Didit : We can have English speaking contests, cooking contests or sports competition.
Maya : But I think a modeling contest is also useful. Those boys or girls, who are interested in
modeling, can show their talents.
Didit : It can be. However, as students, it’s better for us to compete more in educational skills.

B. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1
1. What is Butet’s opinion about fishing?
Jawaban: He thinks that fishing is boring.
2. Mirza said, “I don’t think so, Butet.” What does it mean?
Jawaban: He disagrees with Butet’s opinion.
3. According to Mirza, what is the secret of making fishing interesting?
Jawaban: Just enjoy the calm situation and possibly with the scenery.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 53

4. Why can fishing teach us about patience?
Jawaban: Because when fishing, we cannot be in a hurry.
5. Does Butet decide not fishing anymore? How do you know?
Jawaban: No, he doesn’t. He said, “I think I’ll try your advice then.” It means he will try to
enjoy fishing.
Dialog 2
1. What are Maya and Didit talking about?
Jawaban: They are talking about a modeling contest.
2. What will the modeling contest be held for?
Jawaban: It is held to commemorate their school anniversary.
3. What kinds of contests does Didit think are better than the modeling contest?
Jawaban: English speaking contests, cooking contests or sports competition.
4. Why does Maya think that a modeling contest is also beneficial?
Jawaban: Because those boys or girls, who are interested in modeling, can show their talents.
5. What is Didit’s opinion about the better competition for students?
Jawaban: Students are better to compete in educational skills.

A. Find the words in the box vertically, horizontally and diagonally based on their

1. not interesting, dull

2. a thing that other people must not know
3. holding the attention 1. boring 2. secret
4. to get pleasure from something 3. interesting 4. enjoy
5. the natural features of an area 5. scenery 6. patience
6. the ability to accept suffering without 7. hurry 8. exciting
complaining 9. anniversary 10. talent
7. the need or wish to get something done
8. causing great interest or enthusiasm
9. a date that is exactly a year or a number
of years after an event
10. a natural skill or ability at something

54 UNIT 1 Descriptive
B. Complete the sentences with the words in Task A.
1. Waiting is really a ________ thing. No one likes it.
2. Everyone has their own ________, like singing or painting. All we have to do is to
develop it into something valuable.
3. We need to have more ________ if we have a complicated problem. Never take any
decision in a hurry.
4. The movie is not ________. The plot is awful.
5. This is a ________. Please don’t tell it to anyone.
6. I like staying in a village. I can ________ the fresh air.
7. My school will celebrate its 50th ________ this month.
8. Many tourists like to go to Bali. It really has a beautiful ________.
9. It seems you look in a ________. Where are you going?
10. Diving in Bunaken is really ________. I feel so happy and want to go there again.
1. boring 2. talent 3. patience 4. interesting
5. secret 6. enjoy 7. anniversary 8. scenery
9. hurry 10. exciting
C. Read the dialog with proper pronunciation.
Answer the questions based on the dialog.
Tiara : Listen, next month is a long holiday. What if we go camping?
Soni : I think that’s a good idea. O.K., no problem. What about you, Rina?
Rina : Well, in my opinion, it will be better if we arrange a study tour to museums or other
historical places. I think that it is more beneficial to broaden our knowledge.
Tiara : Hm, I think we have different opinions about spending the holiday. We’d better
discuss it with the class.
1. When will the children have a long holiday?
Jawaban: Next month.
2. What’s Soni’s opinion about going camping?
Jawaban: He thinks camping is a good activity.
3. Does Rina agree with Tiara’s opinion? Why?
Jawaban: No, she doesn’t. Because she thinks that it is better to have a study tour to
museums or other historical places.

C. Complete the dialog with the correct words in the box.

Then, practice the complete dialog with your friend.

a. I agree with it
b. What’s your opinion about it
c. I think it can reduce the traffic jam
d. Have you heard that we will start our lesson earlier
e. In my view, everything will be easy if they are used to do it

Candra : Hi, Dinda. (1) ________?

Dinda : Yeah. We will start our lessons at 6:30 a.m.
Candra : (2) ________?
Dinda : Well, (3) ________.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 55

Candra : What’s your reason?
Dinda : (4) ________. Moreover, people say that students will be fresh and fit to learn.
Candra : Do you think so? What about the students who live far from here? It will be very difficult
for them.
Dinda : Of course, they must wake up earlier than usual. (5) ________.
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. e

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut.
a. I see b. Really
c. What do you think d. do you know what time it is
e. What about its book collections
Rika : Dian, (1) ________?
Dian : Um . . . it’s almost two o’clock. Why?
Rika : Well, I’m afraid I will arrive home late. You know, I need to go to the bookstore first.
Dian : (2) ________. Wait a minute! I know the nearest bookstore.
Rika : (3) ________?
Dian : Despite it is small, I think the store has many collections of books. I’m sure you will find
the book you need.
Rika : (4) ________?
Dian : No doubt. I’ll take you there. (5) ________?
Rika : O.K., then. Thanks.
Dian : Anytime. All right, let’s go then.
Rika : O.K.
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c

D. Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task C.

1. What are Candra and Dinda talking about?
Jawaban: They are talking about the new rule of starting lessons earlier.
2. Does Dinda agree with the rule?
Jawaban: Yes, she does.
3. What did she say to show her agreement or disagreement?
Jawaban: She said, “I agree with it.”
4. Why does Dinda agree with the rule?
Jawaban: Because it can reduce the traffic jam, and students will be fresh and fit to learn.
5. Why does Candra disagree with the rule?
Jawaban: Because it will be difficult for the students who live far from school.

56 UNIT 1 Descriptive
E. Make a dialog based on the guideline.
Then, practice the dialog.

Student A Student B

asks B’s opinion about living in a village. says that it’s interesting.

asks why. tells that living in a village is peaceful.

The air is clean and fresh.

says his/her disagreement. Argues that asks the reason.

living in a village is boring.

explains that living in a village is far from says that people can reach public places
public places. easily by public transports.

Contoh jawaban:
Mira : What do you think of living in a village?
Neni : Living in a village? Well, it’s interesting.
Mira : Why do you have such an opinion?
Neni : You know, living in a village is peaceful. The air is also clean and fresh.
Mira : But, I disagree. In my opinion, living in a village is boring.
Neni : Do you think so? But why?
Mira : Living in a village is far from public places. It’s lack of facilities.
Neni : I think it’s not a big deal. People can reach the public places easily by public transports.

Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog.
Then, practice the dialog.
Percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
3 Dino : So, do you agree if we have a school band?
6 Hendy : Why?
1 Dino : Hendy, I heard that we will have a school band. What do you think of it?
8 Hendy : I think it won’t happen if they can manage their time well.
5 Dino : Maybe you’re right, but I have a different opinion. I disagree with it.
2 Hendy : School band? Wow! It’s great!
7 Dino : In my opinion, joining a band will make students forget their study. They will
spend most of their time playing music.
4 Hendy : Sure. Students who have talent in music can play in the band.
9 Dino : I hope you’re right.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 57

F. Make dialogs based on the situations.
Then, practice the dialogs.
1. There is a park in your town. The park is dirty. You ask your friend’s opinion about it. What
would both of you say?
2. You have an idea to collect some donation for the victims of flood. Your friend agrees with the
idea. What would both of you say?
Contoh jawaban:
1. You : Do you like spending your time in the park?
Your friend : No, I don’t. What about you?
You : Neither do I. I don’t like to go there because it’s dirty. People litter everywhere.
Your friend : Yeah. I think it’s all because many rubbish bins are broken. They cannot be
used anymore.
You : Well, I think the government must pay attention to the cleanliness of the park.
Your friend : You’re right. However, the visitors are also responsible for keeping the park clean.
2. You : You know, floods happen in many areas recently.
Your friend : You’re right. Floods always cause some destructions. Many people suffer from
You : That’s right. Listen, I have an idea. What about collecting some donation for the
Your friend : It’s great!
You : Will our friends agree with our idea?
Your friend : I think they will. Why don’t we talk about it with our teacher?
You : A good idea.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut.
1. Your father got a promotion. He was promoted to be a production manager. However, it
means he has to move and work in another town. Your father asks for your opinion if all of
you move out to the town. What would your father say? How would you respond to it?
2. The Principal has an idea that all students must join the scouts. You and your friends are
discussing about the idea. Some of you agree, but the others don’t. How would the
conversation happen?
3. You want to buy a mobile phone. You ask your brother’s opinion about which mobile phone
you should buy, the new or used one. What would the two of you say?
4. You and your family have moved into a new house. You want to make a small pond in front
of the house. Your sister agrees with your idea. What would the two of you say?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Father : Dear, you know, I’ve got a promotion as a production manager in Bandung. What
do you think if we move there?
Lani : I have no problem, Dad. For me, the important thing is we are still a family, no
matter where we are.
Father : Thank you, dear.
2. Principal : Students, what if you all join the scouts? It is a good activity for you, isn’t it?
Student 1 : It is, Sir. I agree with you. This activity can train us to be more confident and
Student 2 : That’s right, Sir.
Student 3 : I’m sorry, Sir. I disagree with you. Not all of us like to be scouts. Please give
us freedom to join the activity we like. We have different interests.

58 UNIT 1 Descriptive
3. You : I want to buy a mobile phone, but I’m confused.
Your brother : Why?
You : I’m confused whether I will buy the new one or the used one. What is
your opinion about it?
Your brother : In my opinion, it’s better to buy a new one.
You : But I don’t have much money to buy a new one.
Your brother : You can choose a new mobile phone which you can afford.
You : Will you help me choose it?
Your brother : No big deal.
4. You : Dian, do you agree if we make a small pond?
Your sister : A small pond? It’s great! But, where will we make it?
You : In the front yard. You know, we still have some space there.
Your sister : O.K. Can I keep some fish in the pond?
You : Of course, you can. But I think we must discuss it with father and mother
Your sister : O.K. I hope they will agree with our idea.

1.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the monolog and understand the explanation.

Hello, everybody. Now, I’m going to tell you about my neighbor.
Well, . . . I have a new neighbor, Mr. Rendra. He lives next to my house. He lives with his
wife and his two sons, Andi and Dodik. Mr. Rendra is a civil servant and Mrs. Rendra is
a housewife. Um . . . Mr. Rendra is a hard worker. Besides working as a civil servant, he also
runs a small business. His wife often helps him run the business.
Mr. Rendra’s family is always happy. They love each other. They always share
everything together. Mrs. Rendra takes good care of her sons. Although Mr. Rendra is busy,
he never forgets to give attention to his two sons.
Mr. Rendra’s family is friendly. You know, . . . they get on well with their neighbors. They
are also helpful. They often help the poor. Of course, all people here know and like them.

The text above is a descriptive text in spoken form. In spoken form, we use some fillers,
such as you know, well, um . . ., er . . ., etc.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 59

Written Text

Read the text and understand the explanation.

My New Neighbor

Identification I have a new neighbor named Mr. Rendra.

Mr. Rendra lives next to my house. He lives with his wife and
two sons, Andi and Dodik. Mr. Rendra is a civil servant and
Mrs. Rendra is a housewife. Besides, Mr. Rendra also runs
a small business. His wife often helps him run the business.
Mr. Rendra’s family is always happy. They love each other.
Description They always share everything together. Mrs. Rendra takes good
care of her sons. Although Mr. Rendra is busy, he never forgets
to give attention to his two sons.
Mr. Rendra’s family is friendly. They get on well with their
neighbors. They are also helpful. They often help the poor. All
people here know them and like them.

The text above is a descriptive text in written form.

A descriptive text is a text which describes a particular person, place or thing.
The structure of a descriptive text consists of:
● Identification: identifies the person, place or thing to be described.
● Description : describes parts, qualities and characteristics of the person, place or thing.
The language features of a descriptive text are: use mostly the simple present tense and
use adjectives to describe the person, place or thing.

Grammar Section

The Simple Present Tense

Read the dialog and understand the explanation. What do you usually
do on Sunday
I usually jog with
some of my friends.

May I join?


60 UNIT 1 Descriptive
The sentences “What do you usually do on Sunday mornings?” and “I usually jog with
some of my friends.” are in the simple present tense.
You use the simple present tense to talk about habitual actions and facts, or say something
you know about a person or thing.

(+) Subject + verb(-s/es) + object

● Plants need water and sunlight to grow.
● Diah cleans her room every morning.

(–) Subject + don’t/doesn’t + verb base + object

● Cows and goats don’t eat meat.
● The Sun doesn’t go round the Earth.

(?) Do/Does + subject + verb base + object + ?

● Do penguins live in Antarctic?
● Does the river flow into the sea?


Read the dialog and understand the explanation.

What do you
think of these
flowers? I think they are
beautiful and fragrant.

The words beautiful and fragrant are adjectives.

An adjective describes nouns (people or things).

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 61

There are many kinds of adjectives.
1. Adjectives that tell us the color of things.
● white ● black ● red ● blue
● orange ● yellow ● green ● pink
2. Adjectives that tell us about the size of people or things.
● large ● huge ● tall ● long
● thin ● little ● tiny ● narrow
3. Adjectives that tell us the quality of people or things.
● beautiful ● handsome ● warm ● popular
● important ● young ● anxious ● strange
4. Adjectives that tell us the place or country where a person or thing comes from or
belongs to (adjectives of origin).
● Chinese ● Italian ● French ● Dutch
● Indonesian ● Javanese ● English ● Malay
5. Adjectives that tell us what type of thing something is, or what material it is made of
(classifying adjectives).
● financial ● medical ● chemical ● mathematical
● wooden ● electric ● gold ● steel

Adjectives often come before the noun they describe.

● a small boy ● a brave knight
● cheerful children ● sharp scissors
If a noun phrase has more than one adjective, look at the order below.

Article Thing
Size Age Color Material
a small old black iron chair
a big new white plastic spoon
a huge brown wooden cupboard
a large gray box

Adjectives can come after the person or thing they describe later in the sentence.
● The flowers are fragrant.
● The math test is difficult.
● The car is expensive.
● The wife is very faithful.

62 UNIT 1 Descriptive
The Present Continuous Tense

Read the dialog and understand the explanation.

What are you

looking at?
I am looking at the
brochure. It is
informative, right?

The sentences “What are you looking at?” and “I am looking at the brochure.” are in the
present continuous tense.
You use the present continuous tense to talk about actions in the present, or things that are
going on or happening at the moment of speaking.
The adverbs of time that you can use in the present continuous tense are: now, at the
moment, at present, right now.

(+) Subject + is/am/are + verb-ing + . . . .

● I am listening to the music now.
● The girls are discussing their problems.

(–) Subject + is/am/are + not + verb-ing + . . . .

● Delia is not swimming in the swimming pool.
● The children are not doing their homework now.

(?) Is/Am/Are + subject + verb-ing + . . .?

● Is Mr. John teaching in Class VIIID now?
● Are Neta and her friends visiting a museum at the moment?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 63

Answer the questions below.

1. What is your favorite thing?

Contoh jawaban: A computer.
2. Describe your favorite thing briefly.
Contoh jawaban: Well, . . . I like my computer so much. I have one at home and I often use it
to do my assignments. Besides, I often use it to play games. You know, it is
a desktop, so I can’t bring it everywhere. Let me tell you what. The CPU is
big with white casing. There is a DVD writer on it. It has 17 inch monitor, so
I can see my work on the monitor quite clear and easy. One thing I like
about my computer is that it has a rubber keyboard. It’s so flexible, you
know. Besides, it’s waterproof.

A. Listen to your teacher.

What does he/she talk about?

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Do you like collecting stickers? If you do, how many stickers do you have?
Well, Rio’s hobby is collecting stickers. He has many stickers in different shapes, sizes,
colors and designs. Do you know when he started his hobby? He started collecting stickers
after his uncle gave him a set of dinosaur stickers. Since then, he likes to collect stickers.
Um . . . to add his stickers collection, Rio often buys interesting stickers which he likes.
He also often exchanges some of his stickers with his friends’. On his birthdays, he usually gets
stickers or sticker albums for presents. Guess what his favorite sticker is! His favorite one is the
sticker which has the face of a bear. The bear has eyes that can move. Well, he got this sticker
from his brother who studies abroad.
Adapted from: Week by Week English Practice Papers

The monolog is about Rio’s hobby, that is collecting stickers.

Read the words aloud and find out their meanings.
1. collect 2. shape 3. size 4. design
5. add 6. exchange 7. face 8. bear
9. move 10. abroad
1. mengumpulkan 2. bentuk 3. ukuran
4. pola, bentuk 5. menambahkan 6. menukarkan
7. wajah 8. beruang
9. bergerak-gerak 10. ke luar negeri

64 UNIT 1 Descriptive
B. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the monolog you have
heard in Task A.
1. ______ The monolog is about Rio’s hobby.
2. ______ Rio’s hobby is collecting stamps.
3. ______ Rio started to collect the stickers after his uncle gave him a set of flower stickers.
4. ______ To add his collection, Rio often buys stickers which are interesting.
5. ______ Rio never exchanges his stickers with his friends’.
1. T
2. F. His hobby is collecting stickers.
3. F. He started to collect stickers after his uncle gave him a set of dinosaur stickers.
4. T
5. F. He often exchanges his stickers with his friends’.

Guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut.
1. ______ On his birthdays, he often gets stickers or sticker albums.
2. ______ Rio’s favorite sticker is the one which has the face of a bear.
3. ______ The bear in the sticker has a mouth that can move.
4. ______ Rio got the bear sticker from his brother.
5. ______ Rio’s brother lives in another town.
1. T
2. T
3. F. The bear in the sticker has eyes that can move.
4. T
5. F. Rio’s brother studies abroad.

C. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher.

Answer the questions based on the monolog you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Do you know Daniel Radcliffe? You know, he acts as Harry
Potter in Harry Potter’s films.
Well, . . . Daniel Radcliffe is my idol. His full name is Daniel
Jacob Radcliffe. However, he is usually called Dan. He was born in
Fulham, London, July 23, 1989. He has dark straight hair. The color
of his eyes is blue. Um . . . he is about 168 cm tall. Many people like
him because he is an interesting and a humorous person.
Actually, I know him since his first appearance in “Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer Stone’’. I think he is a good actor.
Adapted from: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

Picture source:

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 65

1. What is the monolog about?
Jawaban: It is about the description of Daniel Radcliffe.
2. What is Daniel Radcliffe’s role in Harry Potter’s films?
Jawaban: He acts as Harry Potter.
3. What is his complete name?
Jawaban: His complete name is Daniel Jacob Radcliffe.
4. Where was he born?
Jawaban: In Fulham, London.
5. When was he born?
Jawaban: On July 23, 1989.
6. How is his hair?
Jawaban: He has dark straight hair.
7. What is the color of his eyes?
Jawaban: His eyes are blue.
8. How tall is he?
Jawaban: He is 168 cm tall.
9. Why do people like him?
Jawaban: Because he is an interesting and a humorous person.
10. When does the speaker first know him?
Jawaban: Since his first appearance in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone’’.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Last week my father bought a horse. He said that it is a female Arabian horse. He also
said that Arabian horses are intelligent and have great stamina. That’s why he decided to
buy one. You know, it is large and slender. The horse is about 1.5 m tall, and can run very
I really like the horse. It has large nostrils, big eyes, but a small head and muzzle. And
you know, it has a silky, flowing mane, a short back and broad shoulders. And about its legs
. . . er . . . it has long ones. No wonder it can run fast.
Adapted from:
(December 11, 2006)

1. What kind of horse is it?

Jawaban: It is a female Arabian horse.
2. Why did the speaker’s father want to buy the horse?
Jawaban: Because Arabian horses are intelligent and have great stamina.
3. How tall is it?
Jawaban: It is 1.5 m tall.
4. How are the horse’s nostrils?
Jawaban: They are large.
5. How do you describe its mane?
Jawaban: The horse has a silky, flowing mane.

66 UNIT 1 Descriptive
D. Fill in the blanks while listening to your teacher.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Well, look at this! It is my new (1) backpack. It is a (2) birthday
present from my sister. It is quite big, right?
As you see, my backpack has red and black (3) colors. It is made of
(4) nylon. Um . . . it has two main (5) zipper pockets and one pocket at the
front side. I put my books in the main zipper (6) pockets. Meanwhile,
I usually put my (7) stationery in the pocket at the front side.
Er . . . my backpack is (8) quite big. Although it is not (9) handy, I like
to bring it to school every day. To make it (10) different from others, I put
a sticker on the back.

A. Read the text.

Deliver a monolog based on the text.
Anggun Cipta Sasmi is an Indonesian singer and songwriter with
French citizenship.
Anggun was born in Jakarta, April 29, 1974. She is the second
child of Darto Singo, a Javanese artist, and Dien Herdina, a housewife
who was from a noble Javanese family. Although she was born in
Jakarta, she was raised in Yogyakarta. During her early years, she
was influenced by the rock music of native Javanese artists and rock
& roll singers and bands, such as Elvis Presley, Metallica and The
Police. Anggun began performing at age 7 and recorded her child
Picture source:
album two years later.
Anggun reached her great career in Indonesia. She was known as a singer with a hat because
she always wore it on her performance. She had a dream to take her talent to an international
level. Then, she decided to move to London with his first husband, Michel de Gea. She started her
international career since then.
In her career, Anggun has released many albums. Some of them are Dunia Aku Punya, Anak
Putih Abu-Abu, Nocturno, Anggun C. Sasmi . . . Lah!!!, Yang Hilang, Snow on the Sahara, Au nom
de la lune, Anggun and Elevation.
Adapted from: (December 20, 2008)

Contoh jawaban:
Hello, friends. Do you know Anggun Cipta Sasmi? Well, you may know her as Anggun.
Her first international debut album, Snow on the Sahara, was highly appreciated in Europe, as well
as in Indonesia. You know, Anggun is a very talented young woman. She is not only a singer, but
also a songwriter. She wrote most of her songs. It’s amazing, isn’t it?
Anggun was born on April 29, 1974 as a second child. She comes from an artist family since
her father, Darto Singo, was a Javanese artist. Meanwhile, her mother, Dien Herdina who came
from a Javanese family, was only a housewife. Though Anggun was born in Jakarta, she was
raised in Javanese cultural city, Yogyakarta.
Let me tell you. Anggun has shown her talent in music since her early ages. Her first
performance was at age 7 and two years later she recorded her child album. She liked to listen to
rock music of native Javanese artists and also rock & roll singers and bands, such as Elvis Presley,

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 67

Metallica and the Police. All the artists and bands have influenced her music genre and character
up to now.
Some years later Anggun appeared as one of the most promising singers in Indonesia. People
recognized her as a singer with a hat on every performance. Frankly, she had a great career in our
national music industry. However, she had a dream to be an international singer. So, she moved to
his first destination European city, London to pursue her dream with her husband, Michel de Gea.
Well, she started her international career since then. Now, Anggun lives in Paris, French and holds
French citizenship.
Up to now, Anggun has released national and international albums. There are Dunia Aku
Punya, Anak Putih Abu-Abu, Nocturno, Anggun C. Sasmi . . . Lah!!!, Yang Hilang, Snow on the
Sahara, Au nom de la luna, Anggun and Elevation.

A. What are the words based on the definitions below?
Find the answers in the text.
One dash (_) represents one letter.
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ = a person who sings
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = a person who composes songs as a profession
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = being a citizen, especially of a particular country
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ = a person who draws or paints pictures, produces sculptures, etc.
5. _ _ _ _ _ = having a high social rank, especially from birth
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ = associated with the place and circumstances of one’s birth
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ = a job or profession, especially one with opportunities for
progress or promotion
8. _ _ _ _ _ = an ambition or ideal
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = happening or existing between two or more nations
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = to make something available to the public
1. singer 2. songwriter
3. citizenship 4. artist
5. noble 6. native
7. career 8. dream
9. international 10. release
B. Make sentences using the words in Task A.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Rihanna is a very popular singer now.
2. Dewiq is a talented songwriter as well as a singer.
3. A foreign person can get Indonesian citizenship if he/she has lived in Indonesia for at
least five years permanently, right?
4. Many artists are involved in the art performance.
5. My grandfather comes from a noble Javanese family.
6. I join the English course because it is taught by a native speaker.
7. Linda pursues her career as a journalist.
8. My brother has a dream to be an astronaut someday.
9. The international art festival is followed by 35 countries.
10. Sheila on 7 has just released their new album.

68 UNIT 1 Descriptive
B. Find the data about this man, then describe him orally in front of the class.

Picture source:

Contoh jawaban:
The data:

Birth name : Barack Hussein Obama II

Born : August 4, 1961
Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Achievement : The first African American President
Spouse : Michelle Obama (m. 1992)
Children : Malia Ann (b. 1998), Sasha (b. 2001)
Residence : White House, Washington D.C.
Alma mater : Occidental College, Columbia University,
Harvard Law School
Interests : Playing basketball, writing, spending time with kids
Favorite singers : Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder,
Johann Sebastian Bach (cello suites) and The Fugees
Favorite Movies : Casablanca, Godfather I & II, Lawrence of Arabia and
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Favorite Books : Song of Solomon (Toni Morrison), Moby Dick, Shakespeare’s
Tragedies, Parting the Waters, Gilead (Robinson), Self-Reliance
(Emerson), Lincoln’s Collected Writings
Favorite TV Shows : Sports center
Favorite Quotations : “The Arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
Source: – (December 19, 2008)
– (December 19, 2008)

The monolog:
Do you know Barack Obama? Yeah, . . . he is the 44th President of the United States of
Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, the United States of America on
August 4, 1961. He is the first African American to be elected President of the United States.
As we know, Barack Obama is married to a woman named Michelle. He has two daughters
named Malia Ann and Sasha. Do you know where they live now? Of course, they live in the
presidential house called the White House, Washington D.C.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 69

Obama is very interested in playing basketball, writing and spending his time with kids. Um . . .
he is also fond of music. Some of his favorite singers are Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bob Dylan,
Stevie Wonder, Johann Sebastian Bach (cello suites) and The Fugees. Besides, he is interested in
seeing films and reading books. His favorite movies are Casablanca, Godfather I & II, Lawrence of
Arabia and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Meanwhile, his favorite books are Song of Solomon
by Toni Morrison, Moby Dick, Shakespeare’s Tragedies, Parting the Waters, Gilead (Robinson),
Self-Reliance (Emerson), Lincoln’s Collected Writings. Talking about television programs, he is
keen on sports center program.
Well, do you know what his favorite quotation is? It is “The Arc of the moral universe is long,
but it bends towards justice.” O.K. That’s all about Barack Obama. Thank you for listening.

A. Deliver a monolog based on the data provided.

Name : Mandy Moore

Birth Date : April 10, 1984
Birth Place : Nashua, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Birth Name : Amanda Leigh Moore
Education : Bishop Moore Catholic High School in Orlando, Florida
Nationality : American
Occupation : Actress, singer
Claim to fame : Her route to fame started when she was named the National Anthem Girl
because she sang The Star-Spangled Banner for all major sports teams.
Source: (July 25, 2007)
Contoh jawaban:
Hi, friends, I guess you know the person I’m going to talk about. Although not much maybe.
Well, she is Mandy Moore. She is a well-known actress and also a singer. This girl was born on
April 10, 1984 in Nashua, New Hampshire, U.S.A. Older than you, of course. Her birth name is
Amanda Leigh Moore. She used to study in Bishop Moore Catholic High School in Orlando,
Florida. Do you know her origin? Well, she is an American. And . . . you know what. She became
famous because she was named the National Anthem Girl. She got it because she sang The
Star-Spangled Banner for all major sports teams. Well, . . . that’s all about her. Thank you for
B. Create a monolog based on the picture.
Contoh jawaban:
Look at my T-shirt! What do you think of it? It’s nice, isn’t it?
Well, it is my new T-shirt. It is dark blue, my favorite color.
As you see, it has short sleeves.
Er . . . I like the T-shirt very much. Can you guess the
reason? Yeah. There’s a picture of Spiderman on the front side.
You know, Spiderman is my idol. He is my super hero. Since
I was a child, I have always adored him. Once I dreamed of
becoming Spiderman. Actually, it is only one of my collection
which deals with Spiderman. This T-shirt is special. Do you know
why? It’s a birthday gift from my pen pal.

70 UNIT 1 Descriptive
A. Read the text with proper pronunciation.
Identify the structure of the text.

My Barbie Doll
I have a Silkstone Barbie Doll. It is a birthday present from my mother.
My Silkstone Barbie Doll is made of a very hard vinyl that mimics porcelain. The doll seems just
a bit taller than other Barbie dolls. It has a permanent model’s pose. Its right arm is bent for placement
on the hip. Its left leg is bent at the knee. The doll has joints at the neck, shoulders, hips and waist.
The knees do not bend on the doll: the position is permanent. The bent “on the hip” arm can make the
dolls a bit difficult to dress.
The outfits for my Silkstone Barbie Doll are full of details and are made of fine fabrics. The doll
is completed with extra clothing and accessories.
The doll is very beautiful. I like playing with it. It always accompanies me when I am lonely.
When I sleep, I always put it beside me. It is really my best friend.
Adapted from: (December 18, 2008)

My Barbie Doll

Identification I have a Silkstone Barbie Doll. It is a birthday present from my mother.

My Silkstone Barbie Doll is made of a very hard vinyl that mimics

porcelain. The doll seems just a bit taller than other Barbie dolls. It has
a permanent model’s pose. Its right arm is bent for placement on the
hip. Its left leg is bent at the knee. The doll has joints at the neck,
shoulders, hips and waist. The knees do not bend on the doll: the
position is permanent. The bent “on the hip” arm can make the dolls
Description a bit difficult to dress.
The outfits for my Silkstone Barbie Doll are full of details and are
made of fine fabrics. The doll is completed with extra clothing and
The doll is very beautiful. I like playing with it. It always
accompanies me when I am lonely. When I sleep, I always put it beside
me. It is really my best friend.

Read the words and find out their meanings.
1. doll 2. present 3. mimic 4. permanent 5. pose
6. bent 7. hip 8. knee 9. joints 10. shoulder
11. waist 12. outfit 13. fabric 14. accompany 15. lonely
1. boneka 2. hadiah 3. meniru 4. tetap, kekal
5. sikap, lagak 6. bengkok 7. pinggul 8. lutut
9. persendian 10. bahu 11. pinggang 12. pakaian
13. kain, barang tenunan 14. menemani 15. sepi, kesepian

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 71

B. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A.

1. ______ The doll has joints at the necks, shoulders, hips and arms.
2. ______ The bent “on the hip” arm can make it difficult to dress.
3. ______ The doll’s outfits are made of harsh fabrics.
4. ______ The doll has no accessories.
5. ______ The doll always accompanies the writer when she is lonely.
1. F. It has joints at the necks, shoulders, hips and waist.
2. T
3. F. They are made of fine fabrics.
4. F. It is completed with some accessories.
5. T

Guru dapat memberikan tambahan soal sebagai berikut.
1. ______ The text talks about the writer’s Barbie doll.
2. ______ The doll is a birthday present from the writer’s father.
3. ______ The doll is made of soft vinyl.
4. ______ The doll has a permanent model’s pose.
5. ______ Its right arm is bent for placement on its hip.
1. T
2. F. It is a birthday present from the writer’s mother.
3. F. It is made of hard vinyl.
4. T
5. T

C. Read the text and answer the questions.

My Best Friend
My class is moving to the ground floor this year. This is because we have a new classmate.
Her name is Chen Chen. She uses a wheelchair to get about.
Two of my friends and I have volunteered to help Chen Chen. We help to carry her bag and
push her wheelchair. We help her to the canteen and the toilet. The four of us are often together.
Some people call us the gang of four.
Chen Chen is very good at her studies. She often helps us with our homework. My friends and
I learn a lot from her. As a result, our grades in school have also improved. I feel that Chen Chen is
a very special girl. Although she is handicapped in her movements, she never complains. In fact,
she is always cheerful.
When she sees us playing games during P.E. lessons, she would cheer us on. She says she
likes to watch basketball and football. She thinks it is a pity she cannot play the games. Sometimes
she has dreams that she is a champion basketball player.
However, she says she can do something else even though she cannot play basketball.
She wants to be a scientist when she grows up.
Source: Primary English Cloze Passages 4

72 UNIT 1 Descriptive
1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: The writer’s friend named Chen Chen.
2. What is the purpose of the text?
Jawaban: To describe a particular person.
3. Why does the writer’s class move to the ground floor?
Jawaban: Because they have a new handicapped classmate.
4. What does Chen Chen use to get about?
Jawaban: She uses a wheelchair.
5. What do the writer and her friends do to help Chen Chen?
Jawaban: They help to carry her bag and push her wheelchair. They also help her to the
canteen and the toilet.
6. What do people usually call the writer and her three friends?
Jawaban: People usually call them the gang of four.
7. How is Chen Chen?
Jawaban: She is handicapped, but she is good at her studies.
8. Why is Chen Chen a special girl?
Jawaban: Because she is handicapped in her movements but she never complains. She is
always cheerful.
9. What does Chen Chen do when she sees the writer and her friends do P.E. lessons?
Jawaban: She cheers her friends on.
10. What does Chen Chen want to be when she grows up?
Jawaban: She wants to be a scientist.

A. Find the antonyms of the following words in the text in Task C.
Then, make sentences using the answers.
1. old >< ________ 2. bad >< ________
3. common >< ________ 4. sad >< ________
5. hate >< ________
1. new 2. good 3. special
4. cheerful 5. like
Contoh jawaban (kalimat):
1. My father bought me a new bicycle.
2. Your paper work is very good and neat.
3. On Donna’s birthday, I will give her a special gift.
4. Lina looks cheerful because today is her birthday.
5. I like cooking and gardening very much.
B. Read the text and answer the questions.
In the water around New York City is a very small island called Liberty Island. On Liberty
Island there is a very special statue called the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous
sights in the world.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United
States. The statue was made by a French sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The
inner support system was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same man who made the famous
Eiffel Tower in Paris.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 73

Liberty, of course, means freedom and the Statue of Liberty was given to the United
States to celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of the U.S. Independence from England.
The statue was built in France, taken apart piece by piece, and then rebuilt in the United
States. It was opened for the public on October 28, 1886.
As you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the ground
to the bottom of the statue. If they want to, they can then walk up the 168 steps to reach the
head of the statue where they can look out and enjoy the beautiful sight of the city of New
Source: Intermediate Reading Practices
1. Where is Liberty Island located?
Jawaban: In the water around New York City.
2. What is special about the island?
Jawaban: There is a very special statue called the Statue of Liberty.
3. Who gave the statue?
Jawaban: The people of France.
4. Who made the statue?
Jawaban: A French sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
5. Who designed the inner support system?
Jawaban: Gustave Eiffel.
6. What does liberty mean?
Jawaban: It means freedom.
7. Why was the statue given to the U.S. people?
Jawaban: To celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of the U.S. Independence from
8. How was the process of building the statue? Explain it.
Jawaban: The statue was built in France, taken apart piece by piece, and then rebuilt in
the United States. It was opened for the public on October 28, 1886.
9. How many steps should visitors walk to reach the head of the statue?
Jawaban: Up to 168 steps.
10. How is the statue like?
Jawaban: It is big and has an elevator from the ground to the bottom.

D. Complete the text with the correct words in the box, then read it aloud.

a. medals b. degree c. authored d. officer e. married

f. overseas g. blessed h. army i. excellent j. retired

General (Ret.) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, or SBY, is an Indonesian

(1) ________ military general and the sixth President of Indonesia.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was born in Pacitan, East Java, on
September 9, 1949. He is the son of Raden Soekotjo and Siti Habibah.
His father, Raden Soekotjo was also an Indonesian army (2) ________.
Since SBY was a child, he always wanted to be in the (3) ________.
During his 27-year distinguished military service, President Yudhoyono took
an extensive range of training, education and courses, both in Indonesia and Picture source:
(4) ________. President Yudhoyono also held numerous important posts and
positions as troop and territorial commander, staff officer, trainer and lecturer.

74 UNIT 1 Descriptive
For his outstanding service, the President was decorated with 24 (5) ________ and awards,
including the Bintang Dharma, the Bintang Mahaputera Adipurna and the Bintang Republik
Indonesia Adipurna, the highest national medal for (6) ________ service beyond the calls of duty.
President Yudhoyono is a keen reader and has (7) ________ a number of books and articles
including: Transforming Indonesia: Selected International Speeches (2005), Peace Deal with Aceh
is just a Beginning (2005), The Making of a Hero (2005), Revitalization of the Indonesian Economy:
Business, Politics and Good Governance (2002) and Coping with the Crisis–Securing the Reform
(1999). Taman Kehidupan (Garden of Life) is his anthology published in 2004.
President Yudhoyono is (8) ________ to Madam Ani Herrawati. The couple is (9) ________
with two sons. The oldest is First Lieutenant Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, who graduated top in his
class from the Military Academy in 2000 and is now serving at the elite 305th Airborne Battalion of
the Army Strategic Reserves Command (KOSTRAD). The youngest, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono,
earned his (10) ________ in Economics from Curtin University, Australia.
Source: (December 19, 2008)
1. j 2. d 3. h 4. f 5. a
6. i 7. c 8. e 9. g 10. b

A. Answer the questions based on the text in Task D.
1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: The description of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
2. Who is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono?
Jawaban: He is an Indonesian retired military general and the sixth President of Indonesia.
3. Where was SBY born?
Jawaban: In Pacitan, East Java.
4. When was SBY born?
Jawaban: On September 9, 1949.
5. What are SBY’s parents’ names?
Jawaban: They are Raden Soekotjo and Siti Habibah.
6. What did Raden Soekotjo do?
Jawaban: He was an Indonesian army officer.
7. What was SBY’s dream since he was a child?
Jawaban: He always wanted to be in the army.
8. What did SBY do during his 27-year distinguished military service?
Jawaban: He took an extensive range of training, education and courses, both in
Indonesia and overseas. He also held numerous important posts and positions
as a troop and territorial commander, a staff officer, a trainer and a lecturer.
9. According to the text, how many medals has SBY got?
Jawaban: He has got 24 medals.
10. What is the Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna medal?
Jawaban: It is the highest national medal for military service beyond the calls of duty.
11. How many books and articles has SBY written?
Jawaban: He has written six books and articles.
12. When was SBY’s anthology entitled Taman Kehidupan published?
Jawaban: It was published in 2004.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 75

13. Whom is SBY married to?
Jawaban: He is married to Ms. Anni Herrawati.
14. Where did Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono graduate from?
Jawaban: He graduated from the Military Academy.
15. Where did Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono get his degree?
Jawaban: He got his degree from Curtin University, Australia.
B. Read the words below.
Find out their synonyms in the text in Task D.
1. written = ________ 2. abroad = ________
3. very good = ________ 4. army = ________
5. famous = ________ 6. large = ________
7. top = ________ 8. enthusiastic = ________
9. got = ________ 10. title = ________
1. authored 2. overseas 3. excellent 4. military
5. distinguished 6. extensive 7. highest 8. keen
9. earned 10. degree

E. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Jawaban: A

answer. Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat
pertama paragraf satu, ”Peter is the
Peter is the youngest in our family. He is youngest in our family.” yang artinya ”Peter
fourteen years old and four years younger adalah anak bungsu di keluarga kami.”.
than me. He has long, straight hair, bright 3. “Peter is interested in sports very
eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is much, and at school he plays football
rather naughty at home, but he usually does and tennis.” The underlined phrase can
what he is asked to do. be replaced by ________.
Peter is interested in sports very much, A. dislike sport
and at school he plays football and tennis. B. really likes sport
He is the best badminton player in our family. C. hates sport very much
1. What is the text mostly about? D. finds sport not really entertaining
A. Peter. Jawaban: B
B. Peter’s hobby. Frasa ’is interested in sports very much’
C. Peter’s family. artinya ’sangat tertarik pada bidang
D. Peter’s elder brother. olahraga’. Frasa tersebut memiliki makna
Jawaban: A yang sama dengan frasa ’really likes sport’
Teks tersebut merupakan teks descriptive yang artinya benar-benar menyukai
yang mendeskripsikan Peter. Dalam teks olahraga.
tersebut dijelaskan usia Peter, ciri-ciri fisik, 4. Based on the text we know that the
watak, serta hobinya. writer is ________ years old.
2. From the text we know that Peter is A. fourteen
________. B. sixteen
A. the writer’s youngest brother C. eighteen
B. the writer’s elder brother D. nineteen
C. a naughty boy Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
D. a friendly boy

76 UNIT 1 Descriptive
Jawaban: C 5. ”He is fourteen years old . . . than me.”
Dalam kalimat kedua paragraf satu The underlined word refers to ________.
terdapat kalimat ”He is fourteen years old A. Peter
and four years younger than me.” yang B. the writer
artinya ”Dia (Peter) berusia empat belas C. the writer’s brother
tahun dan empat tahun lebih muda D. the writer’s family
daripada saya.”. Jadi, usia penulis 14 + 4 = Jawaban: B
18 (eighteen). Kata ganti orang ’me’ artinya ’saya’, yang
merujuk pada orang pertama tunggal, yaitu
penulis (the writer) teks itu sendiri.

F. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives in the box.

a. poor b. expensive c. deep d. far e. cold

1. The weather is very ________ here. We must wear our jackets or sweaters.
2. The river is not ________. We can see the bottom clearly.
3. Mr. Anwar’s family lives in a very ________ condition. They often have nothing to eat.
4. This watch is very sophisticated. It must be ________.
5. Iwan lives ________ from here. We can reach his house by bus.
1. e 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. d

A. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives in the box.

a. kind b. sad c. fat

d. generous e. beautiful

1. Eddy is ________. That’s why, everyone likes him.

2. The princess is very ________. No wonder many princes want to propose her.
3. Didi is ________. He really wants to reduce his weight.
4. Rara is ________. She’s just got 5 in her test.
5. Mr. Herman is very ________. He likes to help others in need.
1. a 2. e 3. c 4. b 5. d
B. Find the antonyms of the adjectives below.
Then, make sentences using the answers.
1. big >< ________ 2. dark >< ________
3. heavy >< ________ 4. long >< ________
5. diligent >< ________ 6. dull >< ________
7. clean >< ________ 8. low >< ________
9. noisy >< ________ 10. difficult >< ________
1. small 2. bright 3. light 4. short 5. lazy
6. sharp 7. dirty 8. high 9. quiet 10. easy

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 77

Contoh jawaban (kalimat):
1. We live in a small house.
2. The room is very bright after I switch on some lamps.
3. This suitcase is light. I only put a few things in it.
4. The students only have short time to finish their assignments.
5. Tony is a lazy boy. He rarely does his homework. What a naughty boy!
6. Please take me a sharp knife to chop this meat.
7. The park is very dirty. People litter everywhere.
8. David and his friends climbed a high mountain last year.
9. I prefer living in a village to living in a town because it is quiet.
10. The test was easy. I could answer all questions well.

G. Correct the sentences below.

Ice is hot.
o Ice is not hot. It is cold.

1. Salt is sweet.
2. A teller works in a hospital.
3. Americans speak Indonesian.
4. A fish can fly.
5. Oceans are shallow.
1. Salt is not sweet. It is salty.
2. A teller doesn’t work in a hospital. He/she works in a bank.
3. Americans don’t speak Indonesian. They speak English.
4. A fish cannot fly. It can swim.
5. Oceans are not shallow. They are deep.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut.
1. The earth is square.
2. Cows eat meat.
3. A shark is small.
4. A nurse works at school.
5. Canadians speak Chinese.
1. The earth is not square. It is round.
2. Cows do not eat meat. They eat grass.
3. A shark is not small. It is big.
4. A nurse doesn’t work at school. She works at hospital.
5. Canadians do not speak Chinese. They speak French and English.

78 UNIT 1 Descriptive
H. Change the words in brackets into the present continuous tense.
1. Mirna (sit) on the chair now.
2. The boys (learn) to make a paper craft.
3. I (read) a Harry Potter novel.
4. We (raise) our money to help the victims of Situ Gintung.
5. The man (clean) the yard at the moment.
1. Mirna is sitting on the chair now.
2. The boys are learning to make a paper craft.
3. I am reading a Harry Potter novel.
4. We are raising our money to help the victims of Situ Gintung.
5. The man is cleaning the yard at the moment.

Choose the correct words or phrases in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. I ________ (am playing/play) chess with my friend now.
2. Devi ________ (is taking/takes) a math course twice a week.
3. Hesti and her brother ________ (are going/go) to school on foot every day.
4. The teachers ________ (are discussing/discusses) the school problems in their room
right now.
5. Dodi and his sister usually ________ (are watching/watch) television in the evening.
6. Now the little girl ________ (is singing/sings) some beautiful songs on the stage.
7. The rich man always ________ (is helping/helps) the poor.
8. Nirina ________ (is practicing/practices) her English every day.
9. Hendra ________ (is making/makes) a kite now.
10. Karen and Silva ________ (are studying/study) in their room at the moment.
1. am playing 2. takes 3. go 4. are discussing 5. watch
6. is singing 7. helps 8. practices 9. is making 10. are studying

A. Write a descriptive text based on the data.

Birth Name : Robyn Rihanna Fenty
Famous Name : Rihanna
Born : February 20, 1988
Origin : Saint Michael, Barbados
Father : Ronald Fenty
Mother : Monica Fenty
Brothers : Rorrey Fenty, Rajad Fenty
Genre(s) : Pop, R&B, reggae
Occupation(s) : Singer, model, fashion designer
Years active : 2005–present
Albums : Music of the Sun (2005), A Girl like Me (2006),
Good Girl Gone Bad (2007) Picture source:
Source: (December 19, 2008)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 79

Contoh jawaban:
Robyn Rihanna Fenty, known as Rihanna, is a Barbadian singer, model and fashion designer.
She was born in Saint Michael, Barbados, on February 20, 1988 to parents Ronald Fenty and
Monica Fenty. She has two brothers named Rorrey Fenty and Rajad Fenty.
People know Rihanna as a pop, R&B and reggae singer. Rihanna started her career in 2005
with her album Music of the Sun. She has released three albums. They are Music of the Sun
(2005), A Girl like Me (2006) and Good Girl Gone Bad (2007).
If you’re interested to know more information about Rihanna, you can visit her website at

B. Write a descriptive text based on the picture.

Find some relevant resources to get the information about him.

Contoh jawaban:
Yohannes Christian John, known as Chris John, is an Indonesian famous
boxer. He is the WBA featherweight boxing champion.
Chris John was born in Jakarta, September 14, 1979. Now, he stays in
Semarang. He started boxing in his early childhood and was trained by his
father Johan Tjahjadi (a k a Thjia Foek Sem), a former amateur boxer.
Picture source: He is the third Indonesian to win a boxing world title, following Ellyas Pical and Nico Thomas. John turned professional in 1997 and is known as
“Thin Man” before he proclaimed his new nick name “The Dragon” that he
uses until today.
Besides a professional boxer, Chris John is also a member of the
national wushu team. He often represents Indonesia in some multi-event
games, like the South East Asian Games or the Asian Games.
Source: – (December 19, 2008)
– (December 19, 2008)

Write a descriptive text about one of your belongings.
Contoh jawaban:
I have an interesting dictionary. I think it is interesting because it is a visual dictionary. I can
see the parts of things and their names in English.
My dictionary is very thick. It is hard covered and has about 3000 pages. To keep it, I give it
a plastic wrap.
I like reading the dictionary. Sometimes, I color the pictures with crayons or color pencils.
It makes the dictionary colorful. To make it different from my friends’, I also put a sticker on the
first page and put my signature on the last page.

80 UNIT 1 Descriptive
1.3 Short Functional Texts: Short Descriptions and Labels

Spoken Text

Read the text and understand the explanation.

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to show you a new magic com. It is special. Do you know
why? Besides cooking rice, we can make porridge at the same moment. It can also be used
to cook some vegetables. It’s economical, right?

The text above is a short description about something. It uses the simple present tense.

Written Text

Read the text and understand the explanation.

Facial Cotton

Made of selected absorbent cotton,

SELECTION facial cotton is gentle and soft to delicate skin
and provides extra absorbency and retains wetness

For your beautiful, healthy

and natural skin care

Source: Selection Facial Cotton

The text above is a label of a product.

A label is a piece of paper etc. that is attached to something and gives information about
it. The purpose of a label is to describe or give information about something briefly.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 81

Answer the questions below.

1. Suppose you want to sell a product. Describe the product briefly.

Contoh jawaban: Look! We have a new product. It’s a mobile phone with new style and
modern technology.
2. Have you ever noticed the label of a product?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
3. Do you think that the product has an interesting label?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

A. Listen to your teacher.

What is it about?

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Now, I’ll tell you about this set of computer. It is a computer with its memory of one
gigabytes and 80 gigabytes in capacity. This computer is completed with some parts. They are
a monitor, a CPU, a black keyboard, a yellow optical mouse, two speakers and a printer. The
computer has been installed with some programs, especially Windows Office.

Jawaban: It’s about the description of a set of computer.

B. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in task A.

1. ______ The purpose of the text is to describe or give information about something.
2. ______ The capacity of the computer is one gigabytes.
3. ______ The optical mouse is yellow.
4. ______ The computer is completed with one speaker.
5. ______ The computer has not been installed with some programs.
1. T
2. F. Its capacity is 80 gigabytes.
3. T
4. F. It is completed with two speakers.
5. F. It has been installed with some programs, especially Windows Office.

82 UNIT 1 Descriptive
A. Describe a thing based on the data below.

Massaco Blender
Voltage 220 V
Wattage 200 W
Capacity container 1000 ml
Capacity mill 50 gr
Container material plastic
Weight 2 kg

Contoh jawaban:
Now, I’ll show you a new blender. It is Massaco Blender. It is 220 V and 200 W. The capacity
container is 1000 ml, while its capacity mill is 50 grams. The container is made of plastic.
Therefore, this blender is not heavy. It’s about two kilograms in weight.

B. Look at the picture and find some references about it.

Describe it briefly.

Contoh jawaban:
We have a new product. It is an LCD monitor. This monitor is
black. It is 17 inch wide. It is completed with a user’s guide CD,
a power cord and a 15-pin D-Sub Signal cable. Don’t worry about the
setting. This monitor is easy to set up.

Picture source:

A. Read the text.

State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

With almond milk
Natural Care Soap
Cares & Protects
Specially formulated to clean baby’s soft and smooth skin.
Enriched with Almond Milk, a natural moisturizer, its rich and soft
lather helps care for baby’s delicate and healthy skin.

Source: Cussons Baby Soap

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 83

1. ______ The text is a label of baby powder.
2. ______ The product is enriched with almond milk.
3. ______ Almond milk is a natural moisturizer.
4. ______ The product is specially made to clean baby’s hair.
5. ______ Its powder helps care for baby’s delicate and healthy skin.
1. F. It’s a label of baby soap.
2. T
3. T
4. F. It is specially made to clean baby’s skin.
5. F. Its soft lather helps care for baby’s delicate and healthy skin.

Read the text.
Answer the questions.

Modified corn starch and water
How to Cook:
1. Put vermicelli into boiling water about 2–3 minutes.
2. Drain the vermicelli.
3. Vermicelli is ready to be cooked, stir fried or made soup.
Best Before: 311009
Batch Number: 1234560

Source: Tanam Jagung Vermicelli

1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: It is about the label of vermicelli.
2. What is the product made of?
Jawaban: It is made of modified corn starch and water.
3. How long do we put vermicelli into boiling water?
Jawaban: About 2–3 minutes.
4. What can we do with the vermicelli?
Jawaban: We can fry it or make it into soup.
5. When should we use the vermicelli?
Jawaban: Before October 31, 2009.

84 UNIT 1 Descriptive
B. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Jawaban: C
answer. Pernyataan pada pilihan jawaban
(C) artinya kita memerlukan banyak
minyak panas untuk menggoreng kerupuk.
Pernyataan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan
kalimat ”Easy to fry, quickly expand and
Easy to fry, quickly expand and save the save the oil usage.” yang artinya ”Mudah
oil usage. Easy to serve, sun-drying is digoreng, cepat mengembang dan hemat
not needed. Fried crackers can be stored penggunaan minyak.”. Pilihan jawaban
in a jar. Can be served as a snack and yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan
topping of many various dishes. teks.
Ingredients: 3. The crackers contain the following
Fresh garlic, selected tapioca flour, fresh ingredients, except ________.
vegetables, sugar, egg and salt. A. egg
Pour enough frying oil into a pan and B. salt
wait until the oil is sufficiently hot. Then, C. fresh garlic
drop the crackers in, after a while turn D. corn flour
them over until they fully expand. Take Jawaban: D
them out from the pan and lay them on Kerupuk tersebut menggunakan bahan-
absorbent paper. bahan seperti bawang segar, tepung
tapioka pilihan, sayuran segar, gula, telur,
dan garam. Jadi, yang tidak termasuk
bahan pembuatan kerupuk tersebut adalah
1. What is the text about? tepung jagung (corn flour).
A. Frying oil.
B. Fresh garlic. 4. When should we drop the crackers into the
C. Fried crackers. frying pan?
D. Various dishes. A. When the oil is sufficiently hot.
Jawaban: C B. When we pour the oil into the pan.
Teks tersebut merupakan label kerupuk C. When the oil hasn’t been hot yet.
goreng (fried crackers). Hal itu ditunjukkan D. When we turn on the stove.
dengan kalimat ”Fried crackers can be Jawaban: A
stored in a jar.” yang artinya ”Kerupuk Kita seharusnya memasukkan kerupuk ke
goreng dapat disimpan di toples.”. Pilihan dalam panci penggorengan ketika minyak
jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan goreng cukup panas. Hal itu disimpulkan
merupakan benda yang dimaksud dalam berdasarkan kalimat ”. . . and wait until the
label. oil is sufficiently hot. Then, drop the
crackers in, . . . .”.
2. Which statement is NOT correct
according to the text? 5. “. . . and lay them on absorbent paper.”
A. These crackers can be served as The word ‘them’ refers to ________.
a snack. A. the oil
B. It is not difficult to serve fried B. the vegetables
crackers. C. the garlic
C. We need a lot of hot oil to cook D. the fried crackers
these crackers. Jawaban: D
D. The crackers will expand fast when Kata ’them’ pada kalimat tersebut
the frying oil is hot. mengacu pada kerupuk goreng (fried
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008 crackers).

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 85

Write the label of a product that you use daily, such as shampoo, soap, cosmetics, etc.
Contoh jawaban:

with citrus-cream
Netto 90 ml

Source: Sunsilk Shampoo

A. Rearrange the sentences into a proper label.

With Essential Oil Caution:

Avoid from eye contact. Keep away
from children.
Available in 2 categories:
Danger! Pressurized content, may explode
Energizing & Refreshing:
at temperature of above 50 degrees
for Lemon, Orange & Apple fragrance
Relaxing & Soathing:
Keep in a cool and dry place.
for Rose & Jasmine fragrance
Do not puncture and expose to open
flame or incinerate.
Aroma therapy
STELLA Aromatherapy,
A room freshener with aromatherapy
Direction: that brings the invigorating scent,
Shake well before spraying. relaxation and long lasting freshness.

Source: Stella Room Freshener

86 UNIT 1 Descriptive

Aroma therapy
With Essential Oil
STELLA Aromatherapy,
A room freshener with aromatherapythat brings the invigorating scent,
relaxation and long lasting freshness.
Available in 2 categories:
Energizing & Refreshing:
for Lemon, Orange & Apple fragrance
Relaxing & Soathing:
for Rose & Jasmine fragrance
Shake well before spraying.
Avoid from eye contact. Keep away from children.
Danger! Pressurized content, may explode at temperature of above 50 degrees Celcius.
Keep in a cool and dry place. Do not puncture and expose to open flame or incinerate.

B. Look at the pictures.

Make labels for the products.

1. 2.

Contoh jawaban:

with Delta Bristles
New technology Delta Bristles can reach and remove the stain
and plaque effectively.
The handle is specially designed for the better grip and control of brushing movement.
More effective for removing plaques on teeth even to reach wisdom teeth.
Customer service
(Free of charge)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 87


Cajuput Oil

Cajuput oil 100%
Good for relieving stomachache, flatulence, nausea, insect
bites/mosquito and itches.
Rub at the affected areas.

Write a descriptive text about your idol.

Use some illustrations to support your writing.

Read and memorize the words. handicapped : cacat

Use them whenever you speak English. incinerate : membakar
pressurized : yang diberi tekanan udara
absorbent : pengisap puncture : menusuk, membocorkan
civil servant : pegawai negeri retain : menahan
delicate : lembut, sulit scent : bau, wangi-wangian
distinguished : terhormat, terkenal starch : tepung, kanji
expose : membuka volunteer : tenaga sukarela

88 UNIT 1 Descriptive
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct 3. Why do many people love Joyce’s
answer. hometown? Because ________.
A. it’s big
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 3. B. it’s so pretty
C. it’s modern
Lou : Tell me about your hometown, Joyce. D. it’s small
Joyce : It’s a small town. And I think it’s a very Jawaban: B
boring place. Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat
Lou : Why? terakhir Joyce, ”Yeah, but lots of people
Joyce : Well, there’s nothing exciting to do. love it because it’s so pretty.”. Jadi, alasan
No good restaurants. No nightlife of mengapa banyak orang menyukai kota
any kind. I really get bored there. tersebut adalah karena kota tersebut
Lou : Oh, that’s too bad. sangat indah.
Joyce : Yeah, but lots of people love it
because it’s so pretty. Read the dialog and answer questions 4 to 6.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Mita : Shelly, we will have a camping on the
Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII Edisi 4 next holiday. Do you agree with the
1. What is the dialog about? idea?
A. A small town. Shelly : That’s great! Where will we camp?
B. A very boring place. Mita : In Puncak.
C. Lou’s hometown. Shelly : It’s nice. Anyway, how do we go there?
D. Joyce’s hometown. Mita : By car. Andi will ask his father to
Jawaban: D drive us to the camping area.
Dalam percakapan tersebut Lou berkata Shelly : I see. Um . . . what about the tents?
”Tell me about your hometown, Joyce.”. Mita : Don’t worry. We can borrow my
Dalam kalimat-kalimat selanjutnya Joyce brother’s.
menjelaskan bahwa menurut pendapatnya, 4. Shelly said, “That’s great!” What does it
kota kelahirannya sangat membosankan mean?
meskipun banyak orang mengatakan A. She shows her agreement.
bahwa tempat tersebut indah. B. She shows her disagreement.
2. Joyce said, “And I think it’s a very boring C. She asks for an opinion.
place.” What does it mean? D. She denies an offer.
A. She gives her opinion. Jawaban: A
B. She asks for an opinion. Kalimat Shelly ”That’s great!” artinya ”Itu
C. She asks for an agreement. bagus!”. Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan
D. She gives an agreement. bahwa Shelly menyetujui ide Mita untuk
Jawaban: A berkemah (Shelly shows her agreement).
Kalimat ”And I think it’s a very boring 5. What will they do next holiday?
place.” artinya ”Dan menurut saya tempat A. They will borrow tents.
kelahiran saya adalah tempat yang sangat B. They will go to Puncak.
membosankan.”. Kalimat tersebut C. They will camp in Puncak.
merupakan ungkapan memberi pendapat D. They will camp in a camping area.
(give an opinion). Pilihan jawaban yang Jawaban: C
lain salah karena bukan merupakan Dalam percakapan tersebut Mita
maksud ungkapan yang sesuai. mengajak Shelly untuk berkemah di
Puncak dan Shelly menyetujuinya. Jadi,
yang akan dilakukan Mita dan Shelly pada

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 89

liburan mendatang adalah berkemah di continuous tense adalah (B) I’m arranging
Puncak (they will camp in Puncak). Pilihan some stamps yang artinya saya sedang
jawaban yang lain salah karena kurang menata prangko-prangko ini. Pilihan
spesifik. jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
menggunakan bentuk tense yang tepat.
6. How will they go to the camping area?
Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya saya mengatur
A. By Mita’s car.
prangko-prangko ini, (C) artinya saya telah
B. By Shelly’s car.
mengatur prangko-prangko ini, dan (D)
C. By Andi’s car.
artinya saya akan mengatur prangko-
D. By bus.
prangko ini.
Jawaban: C
Saat Shelly bertanya bagaimana mereka 8. A. are you collecting some stamps
akan berangkat ke Puncak, Mita B. what about collecting some stamps
menjawab, ”By car. Andi will ask his father C. what do you like to collect
to drive us to the camping area.” yang D. do you like collecting them
artinya ”Dengan naik mobil. Andi akan Jawaban: D
meminta ayahnya untuk mengantar kita ke Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan
tempat kemah.”. Jadi, mereka akan pergi kalimat respons Linda yang mengatakan,
ke Puncak dengan naik mobil Andi. ”Yes, I do.”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan
jawaban pertanyaan ya/tidak (yes/no
For questions 7 to 12, choose the correct
question). Di antara keempat pilihan
expressions to complete the dialog.
jawaban, kalimat yang merupakan yes/no
Rizal : Linda, what are you doing? question adalah pilihan jawaban (A) dan
Linda : (7) ________ in this stamp album. (D). Karena jawaban menggunakan
Rizal : By the way, (8) ________? auxiliary ’do’, kalimat tanya yang tepat
Linda : Yes, I do. I have collected some. Look adalah (D) do you like collecting them
at these! (9) ________, right? yang artinya apakah kamu suka
Rizal : Yes. Anyway, why do you like collecting mengoleksi prangko-prangko itu.
9. A. They are nice
Linda : (10) ________. I have many stamps
B. They aren’t nice
from around the world. (11) ________?
C. Are they nice
Rizal : I don’t like it.
D. It is nice
Linda : But why?
Jawaban: A
Rizal : Well, I don’t get many letters from my
Dalam kalimat sebelumnya Linda
mengatakan, ”Look at these!”. Kalimat
Linda : (12) ________ by exchanging your
tersebut menunjukkan banyak prangko.
stamps with your friends’.
Jadi, subjek yang sesuai untuk kalimat
7. A. I arrange these stamps sesudahnya adalah they. Sementara itu,
B. I’m arranging some stamps kalimat yang tepat berbentuk afirmatif.
C. I have arranged these stamps Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah
D. I will arrange these stamps (A) They are nice.
Jawaban: B
10. A. Yes, I do
Dalam kalimat sebelumnya Rizal bertanya,
B. I keep them in this stamp album
”Linda, what are you doing?” yang artinya
C. It’s very interesting, you know
”Linda, apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?”.
D. I have collected them
Kalimat tersebut menggunakan bentuk the
Jawaban: C
present continuous tense. Jadi, respons
Dalam kalimat sebelumnya Rizal bertanya
yang tepat juga harus menggunakan
dengan menggunakan kata why yang
bentuk the present continuous tense. Di
artinya mengapa. Kata tersebut
antara keempat pilihan jawaban, kalimat
menanyakan alasan. Di antara keempat
yang menggunakan bentuk the present

90 UNIT 1 Descriptive
pilihan jawaban, kalimat yang 13. What is the text about?
menunjukkan alasan adalah pilihan A. Mr. Warsidi.
jawaban (C) yang artinya hal itu sangat B. Mr. Warsidi’s garden.
menarik. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah C. Mr. Warsidi’s children.
karena tidak menunjukkan alasan. D. Mr. Warsidi’s yard.
Jawaban: B
11. A. What are you doing
Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut
B. What do you collect
membahas tentang kebun Pak Warsidi
C. Do you agree with the idea
(Mr. Warsidi’s garden). Dalam teks
D. What about you
tersebut dijelaskan bahwa kebun Pak
Jawaban: D
Warsidi terletak di halaman depan. Ada
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan
pohon mangga di kebunnya. Dalam teks
kalimat respons Rizal, ”I don’t like it.”.
tersebut dijelaskan pula bahwa Pak
Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan
Warsidi selalu merawat kebunnya. Dia
memberi informasi. Jadi, kalimat Linda
juga menyuruh anak-anaknya untuk ikut
yang tepat adalah pilihan jawaban (D)
merawat kebun tersebut.
What about you yang artinya bagaimana
dengan kamu. Kalimat tersebut 14. What is the purpose of the text?
merupakan ungkapan meminta informasi. A. To retell an event.
B. To entertain the readers.
12. A. That’s the problem
C. To tell the steps of doing something.
B. I think you can collect them
D. To describe a particular place.
C. I think you’re right
Jawaban: D
D. You’re right
Teks tersebut merupakan teks descriptive.
Jawaban: B
Tujuan dari teks descriptive itu adalah
Arti dari kalimat soal adalah ”. . . dengan
mendeskripsikan suatu tempat, dalam hal
saling bertukar prangko dengan teman-
ini kebun Pak Warsidi. Pilihan jawaban
temanmu.”. Kalimat yang paling tepat
yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A)
untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah
merupakan tujuan teks recount, (B)
I think you can collect them yang artinya
merupakan tujuan teks narrative, dan
Saya pikir kamu dapat mengoleksinya
(C) merupakan tujuan teks procedure.
15. The following are what Mr. Warsidi does to
Read the text and answer questions 13 to 17.
take care of his garden, except ________.
Mr. Warsidi has a garden in his front yard, A. he makes the fence for his garden
and he likes to work there. He says it is fun. B. he involves his children in taking care
Today he is planting flowers in the garden. of the garden
There is also an old mango tree in the yard. C. he makes his flowers get more sun
He always cuts the leaves and the branches in D. he cuts the leaves and branches
taking care of it. He said that the flowers must Jawaban: A
get more sun. Mr. Warsidi often involves his Dalam teks tersebut dijelaskan bahwa
children to take care of the garden together. usaha Pak Warsidi untuk merawat
By doing this, they will understand how to take kebunnya adalah dengan cara
care of their environment. Many people tell memangkas daun-daunan dan batang,
Mr. Warsidi how beautiful his garden is. membuat bunganya mendapat lebih
Adapted from: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High banyak sinar matahari (dengan cara
School (SMP/MTs) memangkas daun dan batang), serta
mengajak anak-anaknya untuk merawat
kebun tersebut. Jadi, hal yang tidak
dilakukan Pak Warsidi untuk merawat
kebunnya adalah dengan memasang
pagar di kebunnya.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 91

16. “He says it is fun.” (Sentence 2) 18. How long should we beat the ice cream at
What does the word ‘it’ refer to? high speed?
A. The front yard. A. For three minutes.
B. The garden. B. For three hours.
C. Working in his garden. C. For five to ten minutes.
D. Planting flowers. D. For four to five hours.
Jawaban: C Jawaban: C
Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu Kita seharusnya mengaduk campuran es
pada kalimat sebelumnya ”. . ., and he krim selama 5–10 menit (for five to ten
likes to work there.”. Jadi, yang dianggap minutes). Hal itu disimpulkan berdasarkan
menyenangkan adalah bekerja di kebun kalimat pada langkah pertama ”Beat at
(working in the garden). Pilihan jawaban high speed for 5–10 minutes (or using
yang lain salah karena bukan merupakan a hand whisk) until the mixture is foamy
kata acuan yang tepat. and thick.”.
17. “By doing this, they will understand how to 19. Where should we keep the ice cream?
take care of their environment.” A. In a wet place.
The bold-typed words have a similar B. In a cool place.
meaning to ________. C. In a dry place.
A. keep B. clean D. In a moist place.
C. make D. wash Jawaban: D
Jawaban: A Jawaban diketahui berdasarkan kalimat
Kata ’take care of’ artinya merawat. Kata terakhir ”Store in a cool dry place.” yang
tersebut memiliki makna yang sama artinya ”Simpan di tempat yang sejuk dan
dengan kata ’keep’ yang artinya menjaga. kering.”.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena 20. “Add choco chips . . . .” (Step 2)
tidak memiliki makna yang sama. Clean The word ‘add’ has an opposite meaning to
artinya membersihkan, make artinya ________.
membuat, dan wash artinya mencuci. A. increase
Read the text and answer questions 18 to 20. B. reduce
C. mix
Pondan Magic Ice Cream D. remove
Jawaban: B
Chocolate Flavor Choco Chips Kata ’add’ artinya ’menambahkan’. Kata
How to Prepare: tersebut memiliki makna berlawanan
1. Mix Pondan Magic Ice Cream with dengan kata reduce yang artinya
precisely 300 cc ice water. Beat at high mengurangi. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
speed for 5–10 minutes (or using salah karena bukan merupakan antonim
a hand whisk) until the mixture is kata add. Increase artinya meningkatkan,
foamy and thick. mix artinya mencampurkan, dan remove
2. Add choco chips (found inside the box) artinya memindahkan.
and mix well. Pour ice cream mixture
into plastic container.
3. Freeze for 4–5 hours in freezer.
4. Ready to serve.
Store in a cool dry place. Avoid sunlight.

Source: Pondan Magic Ice Cream

92 UNIT 1 Descriptive
register to calculate the cost of the groceries.
B. Change the words in brackets to
Then, she ________ (10. collect) the money
complete the text.
from the customers.
Adaped from: Easy Does It
I ________ (1. have) an aunt. Her name
________ (2. be) Aulia Mayasari. She and her
husband ________ (3. live) in Yogyakarta.
1. have 2. is
Although their house ________ (4. be) small,
3. live 4. is
they ________ (5. be) always happy.
5. are 6. works
My aunt ________ (6. work) as a checker
7. works 8. is
in a grocery store. She ________ (7. work) five
9. uses 10. collects
days a week, eight hours a day. Her job
________ (8. be) to charge the customers for
their groceries. She ________ (9. use) a cash

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 1:

● Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi pada Unit 1. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model.
Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 93

4. What is the dialog about?
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
A. A new rule at school.
B. A new classmate.
C. A new classroom.
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 3.
D. A new teacher.
Budi : It’s a very exciting day.
5. Rio said, “Do you think it’s a good idea?”
Dani : Yes, it is. I’m having so much fun.
What does it mean?
Budi : Which is the most exciting game for you
A. He gives an opinion.
B. He asks for an opinion.
Dani : Well, I must say that roller coaster is the
C. He shows his agreement.
most exciting game in Dufan.
D. He shows his disagreement.
Budi : Yes, I agree. The roller coaster gave me
an unforgettable experience. I think I 6. Why does Andra disagree with the new
want to ride it again. rule?
Dani : Me too. A. Because he will be tired.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII B. Because he cannot go outside.
Junior High School (SMP/MTs) C. Because he cannot be free.
D. Because he will be bored.
1. Where does the dialog happen?
Read the dialog and answer questions 7 to 9.
A. At home.
B. In Dufan. Reni : Look at the car! What do you think of
C. At school. it?
D. In the park. Maya : Well, it’s very beautiful.
Reni : You’re right. There are some
2. What does Dani think about the roller
accessories on the car that make it
colorful and . . . amazing.
A. It is the most exciting game.
Maya : Do you think it is difficult to decorate
B. It is a challenging game.
the car?
C. It is a boring game.
Reni : I think so. People who worked on it
D. It is the worst game.
might take some days to decorate it.
3. Budi said, “Yes, I agree.” Maya : I see. It must be a hard work.
What does it mean?
A. He asks for an opinion. 7. What are the speakers talking about?
B. He gives his opinion. A. A beautiful car.
C. He shows his agreement. B. Reni’s car.
D. He asks for an agreement. C. Maya’s car.
D. A car decoration.
Read the dialog and answer questions 4 to 6.
8. Maya said, “Well, it’s very beautiful.”
Rio : Andra, our school will have a new rule.
What does it mean?
Andra : Really? What is the rule?
A. She expresses her wish.
Rio : We mustn’t go out of school during the
B. She expresses her plan.
break. Do you think it’s a good idea?
C. She shows her agreement.
Andra : No, I don’t think so.
D. She gives her opinion.
Rio : Why?
Andra : It will be boring if we just stay in our
school at the break.
Rio : I see.

94 UNIT 1 Descriptive
9. What makes the car colorful and amazing? 16. A. I agree with your opinion
A. The bright color of the car. B. She is also beautiful
B. The decorations on the car. C. I think it’s not interesting
C. The accessories on the car. D. I disagree with your opinion
D. The beautiful shape of the car.
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 21.
For questions 10 to 16, choose the correct Frank Lampard is a famous football player.
sentences to complete the dialog. He is a football player from Chelsea FC.
Hedi : Hey, (10) ________? Frank Lampard is an English. This number
Kiki : Well, I am listening to Umbrella. 8 player plays football as a midfielder. He was
Hedi : I see. Is it Rihanna’s song? born on June 21, 1978 in Romford, England.
Kiki : (11) ________. He is 183 cm tall and 79 kg weight. He is cute
Hedi : Do you like the song? and very talented in playing football. Because
Kiki : Yeah. (12) ________. The song is of his excellent play, this man is also a member
energetic. of the Three Lions England National squad.
Hedi : (13) ________? Even, now he holds the position as a captain.
Kiki : She is one of my idols. Adapted from:
Hedi : Why do you like her? Giocatore.aspx?IdPersona=1642 (January 30, 2007)
Kiki : (14) ________. Don’t you think so? 17. What is the purpose of the text?
Hedi : (15) ________. Besides, her dance A. To tell the steps of doing or making
while singing is attractive. something.
Kiki : (16) ________. B. To describe a particular person.
C. To describe a particular thing.
10. A. what do you listen to D. To entertain the readers.
B. what will you listen to
C. what are you listening to 18. What is Frank Lampard?
D. what have you listened to A. He is an artist.
B. He is a football coach.
11. A. You’re beautiful C. He is a referee.
B. You’re diligent D. He is a football player.
C. You’re clever
D. You’re right 19. How old is he?
A. Thirty one years old.
12. A. I don’t like it. B. Thirty two years old.
B. It’s one of my favorite songs. C. Thirty three years old.
C. It’s not a good song. D. Thirty four years old.
D. I dislike it.
20. What is Lampard’s position in the Three
13. A. Do you like Rihanna Lions England National squad?
B. Do you know Rihanna A. A striker. B. A midfielder.
C. What is your favorite song C. A captain. D. A goalkeeper.
D. What is the title of Rihanna’s latest album
21. “Frank Lampard is a famous football player.”
14. A. She is cruel The synonym of the word ‘famous’ is
B. Her songs are not interesting ________.
C. Her songs are boring A. talented
D. She has a beautiful voice and sings B. familiar
beautifully C. handsome
15. A. You’re not certain D. skillful
B. She’s great
C. I think so
D. I like her

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 95

Read the text and answer questions 22 to 26. 25. What does the Candy Woman do to attract
The Candy Woman is an elderly woman. the passers-by?
I call her the Candy Woman because she sells A. She sits on a low stool.
candies. However, she sells a special kind of B. She rings her bell.
candy that is not usually found in shops. Hers is C. She places her pail of candies in front
a homemade sticky, golden-brown and of her.
translucent substance. It looks and tastes like D. She comes at around one o’clock.
honey, although it is harder and can be twined 26. The following are the characteristics of the
round a stick. Candy Woman, except ________.
The Candy Woman usually comes at A. she is cheerful
around one o’clock in the afternoon and stays B. she is quite neat
until evening. She sits on a low stool that she C. she is well-groomed
brings along and places her pail of golden- D. she looks poor
brown sweet in front of her. Now and then, she
rings her bell to attract passers-by. Read the text and answer questions 27 to 30.
I wonder where she comes from. She looks
cheerful and is quite neat and well-groomed.
I do not think that she needs to earn a living by
selling sweets. Maybe it is the way of passing CUSSONS
time. She may be bored sitting at home and Baby
doing nothing. Perhaps she enjoys the hustle With Pro-vitamin B5
and bustle of the place. Gentle care
Adapted from: Primary English Cloze Passages 4 Powder
Cares and protects
22. Why does the writer call the woman the
Candy Woman? Cussons Baby Powder is enriched with
A. Because the woman likes candies. Pro-Vitamin B5
B. Because the woman often buys which is beneficial for healthy skin,
candies. leaving skin soft, smooth and comfortable.
C. Because the woman sells candies. Ingredients: Talc, perfume, panthenol
D. Because the woman makes candies.
23. How do her candies taste?
A. They taste like sugar.
B. They taste like mangoes.
Source: Cussons Baby Powder
C. They taste like salt.
D. They taste like honey. 27. The text is about ________.
24. When does the Candy Woman usually go A. baby’s soap
home? B. baby’s shampoo
A. In the morning. C. baby’s powder
B. In the afternoon. D. baby’s toothpaste
C. In the evening. 28. What is the purpose of the text?
D. At night. A. To inform about something.
B. To persuade someone to do something.
C. To tell a procedure of doing something.
D. To gain the readers’ attention.

96 UNIT 1 Descriptive
29. Why is the product beneficial for healthy skin? B. Complete the text with the words in
A. Because it is gentle. brackets.
B. Because it is soft. Tika ________ (1. be) a diligent girl. She
C. Because it is smooth. usually ________ (2. get up) at five o’clock in
D. Because it is enriched with Pro-Vitamin the morning. Then, she ________(3. take
B5. a bath). After that, she ________ (4. wear) her
30. “. . . which is beneficial for healthy skin, uniform. Next, she ________ (5. have) her
. . . .” breakfast and goes to school.
The bold-typed word has the opposite Tika ________ (6. get) lessons at school
meaning to ________. from seven to about a quarter past twelve. After
A. useless school, she ________ (7. have) lunch with his
B. useful sister. After taking a nap for a while, she
C. good ________ (8. recall) what she has studied at
D. bad school. No wonder she always ________
(9. get) the first rank in her class. Her parents
________ (10. be) proud of her.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 97

Jawaban Review Unit 1 awal Reni, ”Look at the car! What do
you think of it?”. Pilihan jawaban yang
A. Pilihan Ganda lain salah karena bukan merupakan
topik yang dibahas dalam percakapan
1. B. Dalam percakapan tersebut Dani
berkata ”Well, I must say that roller
coaster is the most exciting game in 8. D. Kalimat ”Well, it’s very beautiful.”
Dufan.”. Dalam kalimat sebelumnya artinya ”Mobil tersebut sangat
Budi bertanya dengan menggunakan bagus.”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan
kata here. Kata tersebut mengacu ungkapan memberi pendapat (give
pada Dufan. Jadi, percakapan an opinion).
tersebut terjadi di Dufan. Pilihan 9. C. Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak kalimat Reni, ”There are some
sesuai dengan konteks percakapan. accessories on the car that make it
2. A. Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan colorful and . . . amazing.” yang
kalimat Dani, ”Well, I must say that artinya ”Ada beberapa asesoris pada
roller coaster is the most exciting mobil itu yang membuat mobil
game in Dufan.”. Jadi, menurut Dani, tersebut kelihatan berwarna dan . . .
roller coaster merupakan permainan mengagumkan.”.
yang paling menyenangkan di tempat 10. C. Dalam kalimat selanjutnya Kiki
tersebut. Pilihan jawaban yang lain berkata, ”Well, I am listening to
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi Umbrella.” yang artinya ”Saya sedang
percakapan. mendengarkan lagu Umbrella.”.
3. C. Kalimat ”Yes, I agree.” artinya ”Ya, Kalimat tersebut menggunakan
saya setuju.”. Kalimat tersebut bentuk the present continuous tense.
menunjukkan ungkapan persetujuan Jadi, kalimat tanya sebelumnya juga
(show an agreement). menggunakan the present
continuous tense. Di antara keempat
4. A. Secara keseluruhan, percakapan
pilihan jawaban, yang menggunakan
tersebut membahas tentang peraturan
bentuk the present continuous tense
baru di sekolah (a new rule at school),
adalah pilihan jawaban (C) yang
yaitu peraturan bahwa siswa dilarang
artinya apa yang sedang kamu
keluar sekolah saat jam istirahat.
dengarkan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
5. B. Kalimat ”Do you think it’s a good salah karena tidak menggunakan
idea?” artinya ”Apakah kamu tense yang sesuai.
berpendapat bahwa itu ide bagus?”.
11. D. Dalam kalimat sebelumnya Hedi
Kalimat tersebut merupakan
menanyakan apakah Umbrella adalah
ungkapan meminta pendapat (asking
judul lagu Rihanna. Jadi, respons
for an opinion).
yang tepat adalah mengiyakan
6. D. Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, yaitu you’re right.
kalimat terakhir Andra, ”It will be
12. B. Saat Hedi bertanya apakah Kiki
boring if we just stay in our school at
menyukai lagu Umbrella, Kiki
the break.” yang artinya ”Akan sangat
menjawab dengan mengucapkan
membosankan jika kita hanya berada
”Yeah.”. Kalimat tersebut
di sekolah saat jam istirahat.”.
menunjukkan bahwa Kiki menyukai
7. A. Secara keseluruhan percakapan lagu tersebut. Jadi, dapat dipastikan
tersebut membicarakan tentang bahwa Umbrella merupakan salah
sebuah mobil yang bagus (a beautiful satu lagu favorit Kiki.
car). Hal itu dikuatkan oleh kalimat

98 UNIT 1 Descriptive
13. A. Dalam kalimat berikutnya sebagai seseorang secara khusus (describe
respons dari kalimat tersebut, Kiki a particular person), yaitu Frank
berkata, ”She is one of my idols.”. Lampard.
Jadi, ungkapan yang tepat untuk
18. D. Jawaban dapat disimpulkan
diucapkan Hedi adalah ungkapan
berdasarkan kalimat pertama paragraf
meminta pendapat Kiki tentang
satu ”Frank Lampard is a famous
Rihanna. Di antara keempat pilihan
football player.”. Jadi, Frank Lampard
jawaban, yang merupakan ungkapan
adalah seorang pemain sepakbola
yang sesuai dengan konteks adalah
(a football player).
pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya
apakah kamu menyukai Rihanna. 19. A. Frank Lampard lahir pada tahun 1978.
Jadi, usia dia saat ini adalah 31 tahun
14. D. Kalimat soal merupakan respons Kiki
(2009–1978 = 31).
terhadap pertanyaan Hedi tentang
alasan mengapa Kiki menyukai 20. C. Jawaban diketahui berdasarkan
Rihanna. Karena menyukai Rihanna, kalimat keenam dan ketujuh paragraf
dapat dipastikan bahwa Kiki dua, ”. . . this man is also a member of
menunjukkan kelebihan Rihanna. Di the Three Lions England National
antara keempat pilihan jawaban yang squad. Even, now he holds the
merupakan alasan logis mengapa Kiki position as a captain.”.
menyukai Rihanna adalah karena 21. B. Kata ’famous’ artinya ’terkenal’. Kata
Rihanna mempunyai suara yang tersebut memiliki makna yang sama
bagus dan bernyanyi dengan bagus. dengan kata familiar, yang juga berarti
15. C. Dalam kalimat sebelumnya Kiki terkenal. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
bertanya, ”Don’t you think so?”. salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya
Kalimat tersebut merupakan berbakat, (C) artinya tampan, dan
ungkapan meminta persetujuan (D) artinya mahir.
bahwa Rihanna mempunyai suara 22. C. Alasan mengapa penulis memanggil
yang bagus dan bernyanyi dengan wanita tersebut dengan sebutan
bagus. Berdasarkan kalimat Candy Woman adalah karena wanita
sesudahnya yang menunjukkan tersebut menjual gula-gula. Hal itu
kelebihan Rihanna lainnya, ungkapan diketahui berdasarkan kalimat kedua
yang tepat diucapkan Hedi adalah paragraf satu, ”I call her the Candy
ungkapan menyetujui pendapat Kiki, Woman because she sells candies.”.
yaitu I think so.
23. D. Pada kalimat terakhir paragraf satu
16. A. Hedi menyetujui pendapat Kiki terdapat kalimat ”It looks and tastes
tentang Rihanna dan dia like honey, . . . .”. Jadi, dapat
menambahkan kalau tariannya saat disimpulkan bahwa gula-gula tersebut
menyanyi itu menarik. Karena Kiki memiliki rasa seperti madu.
mempunyai pendapat positif tentang
Rihanna, dapat disimpulkan kalau Kiki 24. C. Wanita penjual gula-gula tersebut
setuju dengan pendapat Hedi tentang biasanya pulang pada petang hari.
musik Rihanna. Jadi, ungkapan yang Hal itu disimpulkan berdasarkan
tepat diucapkan Kiki adalah I agree kalimat pertama paragraf dua, ”. . .
with your opinion. and stays until evening.” yang artinya
”. . . dan berjualan sampai petang
17. B. Teks tersebut merupakan teks hari.”. Jadi, wanita penjual gula-gula
descriptive yang mendeskripsikan tersebut pulang pada petang hari.
Frank Lampard. Jadi, tujuan teks
tersebut adalah mendeskripsikan

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 99

25. B. Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan 28. A. Teks tersebut merupakan label
kalimat terakhir paragraf dua, ”Now sebuah bedak bayi. Tujuan label
and then, she rings her bell to attract tersebut adalah memberi tahu tentang
passers-by.”. Jadi, yang dilakukan sesuatu, dalam hal ini bedak bayi
wanita tersebut untuk menarik orang- tersebut. Pada label tersebut
orang yang lewat adalah dengan cara dijelaskan keunggulan bedak bayi itu.
membunyikan loncengnya. 29. D. Alasan mengapa produk tersebut
26. D. Ciri-ciri yang tidak sesuai untuk wanita berguna untuk kulit yang sehat adalah
penjual gula-gula tersebut adalah dia karena produk tersebut diperkaya
tampak miskin (she looks poor). dengan pro-vitamin B5. Hal itu sesuai
Pilihan jawaban yang lain merupakan dengan kalimat ”Cussons Baby
ciri-ciri penjual permen itu, yang Powder is enriched with Pro-Vitamin
sesuai dengan kalimat-kalimat dalam B5 which is beneficial for healthy skin,
paragraf tiga, ”She looks cheerful and leaving skin soft, smooth and
is quite neat and well-groomed. I do comfortable.”.
not think that she needs to earn 30. A. Kata ’beneficial’ artinya ’bermanfaat’.
a living by selling sweets.” yang Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang
artinya ”Dia tampak riang dan cukup berlawanan dengan kata useless
rapi dan berpakaian bagus. Saya pikir yang berarti tidak bermanfaat.
dia tidak perlu mencari nafkah dengan
menjual gula-gula.”.
B. Isian
27. C. Dalam teks tersebut terdapat frasa
’Cussons Baby Powder’. Jadi, dapat 1. is 2. gets up
disimpulkan bahwa teks tersebut 3. takes a bath 4. wears
adalah tentang bedak bayi (baby’s 5. has 6. gets
powder). Pilihan jawaban yang lain 7. has 8. recalls
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan 9. gets 10. are

100 UNIT 1 Descriptive

At the end of this unit you will
be able to:
1. ask for, give and refuse to
give help,
2. compliment someone,
3. create short functional
texts (announcements),
4. tell past experiences using
spoken English,
5. write short functional texts
6. write recount texts about
past experiences, and
7. use the simple past tense
and the present perfect
tense in spoken and written
recount texts.

You just experienced a wonderful or terrible thing or event. Then,

you want others to know about it. How do you tell or compose your
What type of texts should you use? You will find the answer in
this unit. Further, learn more about the text and the grammar used in
the text.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 101

2.1 Expressions

Asking for and Giving or Refusing to Give Help

Read the dialogs and understand the expressions.

Hey! What Ugh . . . ugh . . . !

happened? It seems you are in
trouble. Need any
1 2
Please . . . help
me. There is
a mouse!
Yeah. Would you
O.K., don't help me find my
worry. I'll ruler? I lost it!
chase it away.


The sentence “Please . . . help me” and “Would you help me find my ruler?” are used to
ask for help. Meanwhile, the sentence “O.K., don’t worry.” and “O.K.” are the responses.
To ask for help you can use the word ‘could’ or ‘would’ in order to be more polite.
Here are some other expressions you can use to ask for help and their responses.
Asking for Help Giving Help Refusing to Give Help
Can you help me, please? No problem. Sorry, I can’t.
Please do me a favor? Sure. What should I do? I’m afraid I can’t.
Could you help me? Of course. Sorry. I have things to do.
Do me a favour, will you? O.K. Sorry. I’m busy right now.


Read the dialogs and understand the expressions.

You have a large

and comfortable
1 house. 2
You look beautiful in
that dress. Let me take
a picture of you.
Do I? Thanks. What
pose is good for
Thanks. me?

Yeah, . . . just
like that.

102 UNIT 2 Recount

The sentences “You have a large and comfortable house” and “You look beautiful in that
dress” are used to compliment something or someone.
Here are some other expressions you can use to compliment and the responses.
Complimenting Responding
What a nice dress! Thank you.
What a clever girl/boy! It’s nice of you to say so.
How delicious! I’m glad you like it.
Terrific!/Marvelous!/Glamorous! Thanks.

Remember Unit 1, then answer the questions below.

1. What expressions have you learned in Unit 1?
Contoh jawaban: The expressions of asking for and giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.
2. Suppose you want to know your friend’s opinion on the composition you have made.
What would you say?
Contoh jawaban: I would say, “What do you think of my composition?”
3. You and your friend are planning to have a trip. You suggest a trip to Danau Batur, Bali.
Your friend disagrees. What does he/she say?
Contoh jawaban: He/she says, “Sorry, I have to disagree with you. It is too far.”

A. Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her.

1. Eka : You look so stressful. What happened?
Lucy : You know, we are going to have an English test
tomorrow. And . . . I lost my book! Can you help
me look for it?
Eka : Oh, I’ve seen one. It is plastic wrapped. Wait
a minute! I’ll take it for you.
(A moment later . . . .)
Eka : Here it is. Is it yours?
Lucy : Yes, it is. Where did you find it?
Eka : On the bench at the school park.
Lucy : Oh, my! Yeah, I have put it there. Thank you very much, Eka.
Without your help, I don’t know what will happen to me
Eka : Don’t mention it.
2. Eka : This is really difficult. I think I need some references.
Puput : Do you need some books? I’m going to the library.
Eka : No, thank you. I’ll go there and get the books myself.
Puput : O.K., then.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 103

B. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the dialogs in Task A.
Answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

Dialog 1
1. Why did Lucy feel stressful?
2. What book was lost?
3. Where did Eka find the book?
4. Who had put it there?
5. Lucy said, “Can you help me look for it?” What does it mean?
Dialog 2
1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. Who had a problem with the work?
3. What did he/she think of his/her work?
4. What did he need to do his work?
5. Who was going to the library?

Dialog 1
1. Because she was going to have a test and she lost her book.
2. Lucy’s English book.
3. On the bench at the school park.
4. Lucy herself had.
5. She asks for someone’s help.
Dialog 2
1. In the classroom.
2. Eka did.
3. He thought it was difficult.
4. Some references.
5. Puput was.

A. Listen to your teacher.
Repeat after him/her.
Dialog 1
Shinta : What mark did you get, Ratno?
Ratno : Um . . . eight. What about you?
Shinta : Seven. May I see your work? I just want to compare it with mine.
Ratno : Sure. Here you are.
Shinta : Wow, what a good handwriting! Yeah, . . . it is good and easy to read.
Ratno : Thanks.
Dialog 2
Diah : What happened to you, Mom? You look very tired.
Mother : You’re right. You know, I couldn’t sleep well last night and I had to wash many clothes
this morning.
Diah : What can I do to make you feel better, Mom?
Mother : Oh, you’re really a good child of mine. O.K., just make me a cup of coffee, please.

104 UNIT 2 Recount

Diah : Here you are, Mom.
Mother : Thank you, dear.
Diah : You’re welcome.
Dialog 3
Halim : Finally, I finish this project successfully.
Udin : Well done! You deserve to get the best.
Halim : Thanks.
Dialog 4
Mrs. White : Fantastic! Your house is so comfortable.
Mrs. Riz : Thank you.
Mrs. White : I think your kids will enjoy playing in the yard.
Mrs. Riz : I think so.
B. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.
Dialog 1
1. Why did Shinta want to see Ratno’s work?
Jawaban: Because she wanted to compare Ratno’s work with hers.
2. Shinta said, “Wow, what a good handwriting.” What did she want to express?
Jawaban: She wanted to compliment Ratno for his work.
Dialog 2
1. What is the dialog about?
Jawaban: It is about Diah’s mother who is feeling tired.
2. Who are talking in the dialog?
Jawaban: Diah and her mom (mother and daughter).
3. Where does the dialog take place?
Jawaban: At home.
4. Why does mother feel tired?
Jawaban: Because she couldn’t sleep well last night and had to wash many clothes this
5. Mother said, “O.K., just make me a cup of coffee, please.” What does it mean?
Jawaban: She asks for Diah’s help to make her a cup of coffee.
Dialog 3
1. What did Udin say to appreciate Halim’s success?
Jawaban: He said, “Well done! You deserve to get the best.”
2. Udin said, “You deserve to get the best.”
What does the word ‘deserve’ in Indonesian mean?
Jawaban: It means ‘pantas’.
Dialog 4
1. Where does the dialog happen?
Jawaban: In Mrs. Riz’s house.
2. What did Mrs. White say to appreciate Mrs. Riz’s house?
Jawaban: She said, “Fantastic! Your house is so comfortable.”
3. Do you think Mrs. White has come to Mrs. Riz before?
Jawaban: No, I don’t think so.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 105

C. Listen to your teacher.
Complete the dialog based on what you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Raka : You look very tired. What (1) happened?
Bagas : Oh, I’m really busy for the coming camping activity.
There are many (2) things to do.
Raka : I see. You’re the (3) leader of the camping, aren’t you?
Bagas : Yeah, . . . I didn’t know that I would be as busy as this.
Raka : Is there no one to help you?
Bagas : Yes, there is. But, see, Clara, Handoyo and Umar are
now in the ninth grade. They are busy with their
(4) lessons. While Nia, Adi and Ria are still in the seventh
grade. They still need my assistance.
Raka : No wonder you’re so busy. If you want, I can (5) help you.
Bagas : Really? Thanks a lot.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberikan soal yang lain sebagai berikut.
Percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
Mathilda : Morning, Cathya.
Cathya : Morning, Aunt Mathilda. Want to meet mom?
Mathilda : Yeah. We’ve had (1) an appointment to go to Mr. Hans’ party together.
Cathya : Please sit down. I think mother is still (2) preparing herself.
Mathilda : O.K.
Cathya : By the way, you look (3) nice in that dress, Auntie.
Mathilda : Do I? Thank you.
Cathya : Did you make the dress (4) yourself?
Mathilda : No, I have it made.
Cathya : Well, here she comes. Have a (5) good day to you both.
Mathilda : Thanks.

D. Read the complete dialog in Task C.

Then, decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. ______ Raka is busy because he is the leader of the camping.
2. ______ Bagas at first didn’t think that a camping leader would be very busy.
3. ______ There is no one to help Bagas.
4. ______ The seventh grade students still need Bagas’ help.
5. ______ Raka is willing to help Bagas.
1. F. It is not Raka, but Bagas who is busy with the camping activity.
2. T
3. F. Some ninth and seventh grade students helped Bagas.
4. T
5. T

106 UNIT 2 Recount

A. Listen to your teacher.
Complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Andre : (1) Excuse me, are there any English stories in this library?
Librarian : Yes, there are many. (2) What do you need, short stories, novels or stories for
Andre : Children stories, please. Could you tell me where I can find them?
Librarian : O.K., please wait a minute. (3) I’ll look for the data. Oh, here it is. They are on
shelf B-37. Over there, near the reading corner.
Andre : (4) Thank you.
Dialog 2
Mr. Fred : How was your school today?
Larry : (5) Great, Dad!
Mr. Fred : Would you tell me?
Larry : Um . . . I got 9.8 in English. It’s the highest score, you know!
Mr. Fred : (6) Well done! I’m very proud of you.
Larry : Thanks, Dad.
Dialog 3
Mona : Hey! (7) You have a new bag.
Winny : Yeah. My uncle gave it to me. He just arrived from Bandung.
Mona : (8) It’s beautiful!
Winny : It is. Thank you.
Dialog 4
Greg : When will you hand in your report?
Allan : Today. (9) I have finished it. Look!
Greg : (10) Nice work!
Allan : Thank you.

B. Answer the questions based on the complete dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1
1. What did Andre look for?
Jawaban: English stories for children.
2. Where are the books?
Jawaban: On shelf B-37.
Dialog 2
1. What is the relationship between the speakers?
Jawaban: They are father and son.
2. Mr. Fred said, “Well done!” What does it mean?
Jawaban: He compliments his son.
Dialog 3
1. Who gave the new bag?
Jawaban: Winny’s uncle.
2. What did Mona say to compliment Winny’s bag?
Jawaban: She said, “It’s beautiful!”

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 107

Dialog 4
1. When would Allan hand in his report?
Jawaban: That day.
2. Greg said, “Nice work!” What does it mean?
Jawaban: He compliments Allan’s report.

A. Complete the dialogs with the correct expressions in the boxes.

Then, practice the dialogs.

Dialog 1

a. Well, it is my turn now b. Nice to meet you here

c. By the way, I heard that you just won a speech contest d. See you
e. You are so clever

Eka is queuing at the bank while he meets Andre, his friend.

Eka : Hey, Andre! (1) ________.
Andre : Oh, hi, Eka. How are you?
Eka : Fine, thanks. (2) ________.
Andre : I did.
Eka : Congratulations! (3) ________.
Andre : Thank you. (4) ________. See you.
Eka : (5) ________.
1. b 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d

Dialog 2

a. You’re welcome b. Great

c. What can I do for you d. I am going to buy some flour to make cakes
e. Well, actually I’m just helping my mom f. We need some help to pack the cakes

On her way to a supermarket, Lucy meets Puput.

Lucy : Hi, Puput, where are you going?
Puput : Oh, hi, Lucy. (1) _________.
Lucy : You’re going to make cakes? (2) _________!
Puput : (3) _________. She has just got some order.
Lucy : (4) _________?
Puput : (5) _________. If you don’t mind, you can help us.
Lucy : O.K. I’ll be at your house soon.
Puput : Thanks beforehand.
1. d 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. f

108 UNIT 2 Recount

Complete the dialogs with the correct expressions.
Then, practice the dialogs.
Dialog 1
a. Over there, in the corner. b. You’re welcome.
c. What can I do for you, Ma’am? d. Thank you.
Shop assistant : (1) ________
Mrs. Karlina : Well, I need a night gown. Where can I find it?
Shop assistant : (2) ________
Mrs. Karlina : (3) ________
Shop assistant : (4) ________
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
Dialog 2
a. Wow! Their fur is very soft.
b. They are, aren’t they? Thanks.
c. You’re welcome.
A : Hi! Your rabbits are cute.
B : (1) ________
A : May I touch them?
B : Please.
A : (2) ________
B : Yeah!
1. b 2. a

B. Choose the correct answers based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1 is for questions 1 and 2. C. He is complimenting Andre.
D. He is telling Andre the fact about him.
1. What happened to Andre?
Jawaban: C
A. He just got a scholarship.
”You are so clever.” yang artinya ”Kamu
B. He just won a speech contest.
sangat pandai.” adalah ungkapan untuk
C. He just won a writing contest.
memuji (compliment).
D. He just got the first rank in his class.
Jawaban: B Dialog 2 is for questions 3 to 5.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”I heard
3. What was Puput going to buy?
that you just won a speech contest.” yang
A. Some flour. B. Some sugar.
artinya ”Saya dengar kamu baru saja
C. Some milk. D. Some cakes.
memenangkan lomba pidato.” dan jawaban
Jawaban: A
Andre ”I did.” yang artinya ”Ya, betul.”.
Dalam percakapan tersebut Puput
2. Eka said, “You are so clever.” mengatakan, ”I am going to buy some flour
What does it mean? to make cakes.” yang artinya ”Saya akan
A. He is congratulating Andre. membeli tepung untuk membuat roti.”.
B. He is telling Andre information.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 109

4. How did Lucy compliment Puput? 5. Puput said, “We need some help to pack
A. By saying, “O.K. I’ll be at your house the cakes.”
soon.” What does it mean?
B. By saying, “You’re going to make cakes?” A. She is asking for help.
C. By saying, “What can I do for you?” B. She is giving help.
D. By saying, “Great!” C. She is refusing an offer of help.
Jawaban: D D. She is accepting an offer of help.
Kalimat yang diucapkan Puput, yaitu Jawaban: A
”Great!” yang artinya ”Bagus!”, adalah Ungkapan yang dikatakan Puput tersebut
ungkapan untuk memuji. artinya ”Kami perlu bantuan untuk
mengepak kue-kue itu.” dan kalimat Puput
sesudahnya adalah ”If you don’t mind . . . .”
artinya ”Jika kamu tidak keberatan . . . .”.
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat
Puput tersebut mengungkapkan
permintaan bantuan (asking for help).

C. Rearrange the sentences into proper dialogs.

Percakapan-percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

Dialog 1

3 Dian : Yeah, . . . you were really like a miserable

6 Angelina : Of course. Here it is.
1 Dian : Your acting was very good, Ms. Angelina.
2 Angelina : Was it? Thank’s. I’m glad you like it.
5 Dian : May I have your signature, please?
4 Angelina : Sure.
7 Dian : Thank you.

Dialog 2
7 Ayu : Sure. Here you are.
4 Eka : Hmm . . . for me, this tea is rather bitter.
5 Ayu : Sorry.
8 Eka : Thanks. What about you? Do you need some
sugar for your tea?
3 Ayu : How does it taste?
6 Eka : It’s all right. Can you please pass me
some sugar?
1 Ayu : Eka, here is your tea.
2 Eka : Thank you.
9 Ayu : No, thanks.

110 UNIT 2 Recount

D. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task C.
Dialog 1
1. What did Dian think of Ms. Angelina’s acting?
Jawaban: It was very good.
2. What did Dian say to express her compliment?
Jawaban: She said, “Your acting was very good, Ms. Angelina.”
3. What role did Ms. Angelina take?
Jawaban: As a miserable woman.
4. What did Dian ask from Ms. Angelina?
Jawaban: Her signature.
Dialog 2
1. When does the dialog take place?
Jawaban: During the meal time.
2. Who are talking in the dialog?
Jawaban: Brother and sister.
3. How is Eka’s tea?
Jawaban: It is rather bitter.
4. Eka said, “Can you please pass me some sugar?” What does it mean?
Jawaban: He asks for help.

A. Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a proper dialog.
5 Shop assistant : I see. Hmm . . . try this. I think this
product is good for your cat.
2 Eka : Yeah, . . . I just want to buy some
vitamins for my cat.
7 Shop assistant : You’re welcome.
4 Eka : Well, it hasn’t had any appetite for
a few days.
1 Shop assistant : Can I help you?
6 Eka : All right. I’ll take it. Thanks.
3 Shop assistant : Oh, what’s wrong with your cat?

B. Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. Where does the dialog take place?
Jawaban: In a pet’s food shop.
2. What did Eka buy?
Jawaban: He bought vitamins for his cat.
3. What was wrong with his cat?
Jawaban: It hadn’t had any appetite for a few days.
4. Did Eka mention certain vitamins?
Jawaban: No, he didn’t.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 111

E. In pairs, make dialogs based on the pictures and the situations.
Use expressions of asking for/giving/refusing to give help and complimenting.
Then, practice the dialogs.

1 2

In a party, suddenly your friend spilled out Your friend is making a composition although
her tea. She needs something to clean her his teacher hasn’t asked him to. Compliment
shirt. his diligency.

Contoh jawaban:
1. Bunga : Ouch! Oh no, my shirt is dirty. Arman, do you have something to clean this mess?
Arman : Well, I have some tissue paper.
Bunga : Can you get me some, please?
Arman : Sure. Please wait.
Bunga : O.K., thank you.
2. Ida : What are you doing, Son?
Soni : Well, I’m making a composition. It is about my holiday experience.
Ida : Should you submit it tomorrow?
Soni : No, I don’t need to submit it. Our teacher just asked us to practice writing.
Ida : You are a dilligent boy! No wonder your English is very good.
Soni : Thanks.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberikan gambar-gambar soal lain
sebagai berikut.

1 2

112 UNIT 2 Recount

Contoh jawaban:
1. Mr. Sarju : Wow, what books are you bringing?
Ms. Diana : Well, I am bringing students’ books. I have just finished correcting them.
Mr. Sarju : I see.
Ms. Diana : Excuse me, Sir. Could you please help me open the door?
Mr. Sarju : Sure.
Ms. Diana : Thank you.
2. Irma : Your party is great, Anto! The food is delicious and so is the drink.
Rianto : Yeah . . . and we were also satisfied with the dances. They were very attractive.
Anto : Oh, thank you very much. I feel relieved because you enjoy this party.
By the way, I really want both of you to sing.
Irma : We’d like to, but . . . sorry, we are not confident in such a great party.
Rianto : Irma’s right, Anto. Maybe another time.
Anto : O.K., then.

F. Make dialogs based on the situations below.

Then, practice the dialogs.
1. Suppose you need to go to your friend’s house to borrow something, but you don’t know how
to go there. You ask your brother to drive you there. What would both of you say?
2. Your friend seems unwell. He/she asks you to accompany him/her to the sick bay. What would
the two of you say?
3. Maya has nice new shoes. Give a compliment for her shoes.
Contoh jawaban:
1. You : Don, are you free this evening?
Your brother : Yeah, . . . what’s up?
You : Can you drive me to Irna’s house, please? I need to borrow her math book.
Your brother : O.K. What time?
You : Er . . . what about after dinner?
Your brother : O.K.
2. You : Lina, you look different today, not as cheerful as usual. Are you sick?
Your friend : I am. Can you help me, Clara?
You : Sure. What should I do?
Your friend : Would you accompany me to the sick bay?
You : Of course. Let’s go.
3. You : What nice shoes!
Maya : Thank you.
You : Where did you buy them?
Maya : In Teens shoestore.

Dengan perintah yang sama, guru dapat memberikan situasi-situasi soal yang lain.
1. You are doing the dishes. Suddenly someone knocks at the door. You ask your sister to
continue your work. You want to see who he/she is. What would the two of you say?
2. Shirley has a cute new pencil sharpener. You like it. Give a compliment for her pencil

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 113

Contoh jawaban:
1. You : Erna, someone is knocking at the door. I want to see who he/she is. Can you
help me do the dishes? I haven’t finished it yet.
Your sister : No problem.
You : Thank you.
2. You : Wow, a cute pencil sharpener! May I have a look?
Shirley : Sure.
You : Thank you. Anyway, did you buy it yourself?
Shirley : No, it’s a gift from my brother.

2.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the monolog and understand the explanation.

Hi, friends. I want to tell you about Calvin and Martin. Well, they are classmates. Last week
they were going to visit a shoe factory with their teacher and other classmates. You know, they
were very excited about the excursion. They were interested in seeing how shoes are made.
The day of having the excursion came. Arriving at school, they saw their classmates
crowding around their teacher, Mrs. Ong. Both of the boys ran to her with their bags. Their bags
contained some sandwiches and drinks.
I tell you what! Mrs. Ong told them, “Students, it’s a pity that the bus has broken down.
I don’t know how long it will take for the bus to be repaired or for another bus to replace it.”
Hearing this, Calvin and Martin were disappointed.
Mrs. Ong and the students waited for two hours at the school canteen. Finally, Mrs. Ong
decided to postpone the trip. Of course, Calvin and Martin were sad. They ate their food
before going home.
Source: Week by Week English Practice Papers.

The text above is a recount text. It is in spoken form. A recount text functions to tell about
past events.

Written Text

Read the text and understand the explanation.

Calvin and Martin are classmates. Last week they were going
to visit a shoe factory with their teacher and other classmates.
They were very excited about the excursion. They were interested
in seeing how shoes are made.

114 UNIT 2 Recount

When they reached school, they saw their classmates
crowding around their teacher, Mrs. Ong. They ran to her with their
bags. Their bags contained some sandwiches and drinks.
Mrs. Ong told them that the bus which was supposed to bring
Event them to the factory had broken down. She didn’t know how long it
would take for the bus to be repaired or for another bus to replace
it. Calvin and Martin were disappointed.
Mrs. Ong and the students waited for two hours at the school
canteen. Finally, Mrs. Ong decided to postpone the trip.

Re-orientation Calvin and Martin were sad. They ate their food before going home.

Source: Week by Week English Practice Papers.

The text above is a recount text in written form. A recount text tells us about past events.
It could be someone’s experiences, someone’s life in the past, the history of something, etc.
The main feature of a recount text is the use of the simple past tense.
A recount text has certain elements as follows.
● Orientation: tells about what happened, where the story happened, who was involved
in the story, when it occured, or why it happened.
● Series of events: tell the story. These are usually described in time order.
● Re-orientation: is the closure of events (usually optional).

Grammar Section

The Simple Past Tense

Look at the picture and read the dialog.
Study the explanation.

What did you do

last weekend?

Well, I visited my

The bold-typed sentences use the simple past tense. You use the simple past tense to talk
about actions or situations in the past.
Adverbs of time:
● yesterday ● just now ● last . . .
● a few minutes ago ● this morning ● . . . ago

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 115

1. If a sentence uses a verb, use Vpast for the positive form and did for the negative and
interrogative sentences.
● Affirmative sentences : Subject + Vpast + object + (adverb of time)

● Negative sentences : Subject + did not + Vbase + object + (adverb of time)

● Interrogative sentences : Did + subject + Vbase + object + (adverb of time) + ?


Subject Vpast Object (Adv. of Time)

(+) I watched TV an hour ago.
Indra studied English last night.
Subject Did not Vbase Object (Adv. of Time)
(–) I did not watch a football match an hour ago.
Indra did not study math last night.
Did Subject Vbase Object (Adv. of Time)
(?) Did you watch a football match an hour ago?
Did Indra study English last night?

2. If a sentence uses a noun, an adjective or an adverb, use to be: was/were.

● Affirmative sentences : Subject + was/were + N/adj./adv. + (adv. of time)

● Negative sentences : Subject + was/were + not + N/adj./adv. + (adv. of time)

● Interrogative sentences : Was/Were + subject + N/adj./adv. + (adv. of time)?

Subject Was/Were N/Adj./Adv. (Adv. of Time)
(+) Lina was a nurse two years ago.
The boys were at school yesterday.
Subject Was/Were + not N/Adj./Adv. (Adv. of Time)
(–) Lina was not a secretary two years ago.
The boys were not at the hospital yesterday.
Was/Were Subject N/Adj./Adv. (Adv. of Time)
(?) Was Lina a nurse two years ago?
Were the boys at school yesterday?

116 UNIT 2 Recount

The Present Perfect Tense

Look at the picture and read the dialog.

Study the explanation.
The dialog uses the present perfect tense.
Have you lived here You use the present perfect tense to show:
for a long time? 1. a recently completed action,
Example: He has just gone out. (Meaning: He is still out.)
2. past actions whose time is not definite,
Example: I have seen it. (Meaning: So I know it.)
3. an action beginning in the past and still continuing to
the present,
Example: He has worked with us for more than a year.
Yes. Since I was
a child. (Meaning: He still works with us.)
4. a repeated action in the past.
Example: I have visited them several times.
(Meaning: Possibly, I will visit them again.)
(+) Subject + have/has + (adverb*) + past participle + object + (adverb*)

(–) Subject + have/has + not + past participle + object + (adverb*)

(?) Have/Has + subject + past participle + object + (adverb*)?

*) A sentence using the present perfect tense usually has only one adverb of time, either in the
middle or at the end of the sentence.
Here are adverbs in the present perfect tense.
Before the Past Participle At the End of Sentences
● already (+, ?) ● already (+, ?)
● just (+) ● yet (–, ?)
● ever (?) ● recently, lately
● never (+) with negative meaning ● in the last few days/weeks/months
● since + a particular time (+, –, ?);
e.g. since yesterday/last week/you came
● for + a duration of time; e.g. for two months

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 117


Subject Have/Has Past Participle Object (Adv. of Time)

(+) My father has conducted a meeting for an hour.
The students have discussed the task since nine o’clock.
Subject Have/Has not Past Participle Object (Adv. of Time)
(–) My father has not conducted a seminar for an hour.
The students have not discussed the proposal since nine o’clock.
Have/Has Subject Past Participle Object (Adv. of Time)
(?) Has your father conducted a meeting for an hour?
Have the students discussed the task since nine o’clock?

Remember Unit 1 and answer the questions.

1. What is a descriptive text?
Jawaban: It is a text which describes a particular person, place or thing.
2. What elements does it have?
Jawaban: It has identification and description.
3. What tense is used in a descriptive text?
Jawaban: Present tenses.
4. Give an example of a descriptive text.
Jawaban: For example: my rabbit, the frogs in my pond, my father.

A. Complete the text while listening to your teacher.

Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Only a short time after I (1) celebrated my 13th birthday, everything was changing for me.
One day I (2) learned that my voice was becoming deeper and sounding (3) rough. The next few
days, I was (4) surprised to see hair growing on my face. Then, I found out that my (5) height
was increasing (6) rapidly. I grew about 10 centimeters in just two months. These changes
(7) made me feel awkward and clumsy. The most annoying thing was that I (8) noticed acne
starting to (9) appear on my face. I was (10) wondering, what happened to me.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/Mts)

118 UNIT 2 Recount

Find the meanings of the words below.
Then, make sentences using the words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. deeper = lebih dalam 2. rough = kasar, parau
3. increase = meningkat 4. find out = mengetahui
5. annoying = mengganggu 6. awkward = aneh, janggal
7. clumsy = kikuk 8. acne = jerawat
9. appear = muncul 10. rapidly = dengan cepat

Contoh jawaban:
1. This swimming pool is deeper than the other one.
2. The road in my village is rough.
3. The need of gazoline increases day by day.
4. Finally, I found out the answer of question 2.
5. The loud music is very annoying. I cannot concentrate on my study.
6. The man’s attitude looks awkward. Is he new here?
7. I felt clumsy on my first experience of being a host.
8. My little sister is upset about the acne on her face.
9. Slowly but sure, the sun appears behind the horizon.
10. The ants population grows rapidly during the wet season.

B. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the complete text in Task A.
Answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. How old was the speaker?
2. How was his voice?
3. How tall did he grow in two months?
4. What made the speaker very annoyed?
5. What did he feel knowing the changes?

1. 13 years old.
2. It was becoming deeper and sounding rough.
3. About 10 centimeters.
4. The acne which appeared on his face.
5. He felt awkward and clumsy.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 119

A. Listen to your teacher.
What does he/she tell you about?
Teks yang dibacakan guru:
Let me ask you something. Where did you spend your holiday last Sunday? Did you go to
the beach, to the swimming pool, to the park or to the zoo? Or, . . . did you just stay at home?
Um . . . I myself went to the Ragunan Zoo last Sunday. I went there with my family. We
left home at 9 a.m. It took an hour to get there. Well, it was crowded when we arrived.
You know, Ragunan Zoo held some attractions during the holiday. There were pony cart
and elephant rides. I enjoyed them both. Have you ever enjoyed elephant ride? You’d better try.
Well, we spent two hours there. We saw some animal attractions. They were amazing!
That day I not only felt relaxed but also learned a lot of things.
The monolog tells us about the writer’s experience during his/her holiday in the Ragunan zoo.

B. Complete the statements below based on the monolog in Task A.

1. The speaker told his/her experience in ________.
2. The speaker went there with ________.
3. The speaker arrived at the tourist spot at about ________.
4. The situation was ________ when he/she arrived there.
5. He/she learned a lot of ________.
1. Ragunan Zoo 2. his/her family 3. 10 a.m.
4. crowded 5. things

C. Listen to your teacher.

What does he/she tell you about?

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Eva was sad. Do you know why? Well, she wanted to go to the movies with her friends.
However, she had a high fever. She also had a slight cough and runny nose. Quite suffering,
right? So, her mother took her to the clinic immediately. The doctor prescribed some medicines
for her. He also told her to stay in bed and not go out for a week.
Eva looked out to the window. She saw many people outside. They all seemed to be
having fun. You know, she got more upset. Just then, the bell rang. Her mother opened the
door. Er . . . just as Eva entered the living room, she saw her friends at the door. They told her
that they chose to visit her and did not go to the movies. They said, “We can always go to the
movies when you get well.” Eva smiled broadly. Well, she was glad to have such good friends.
They spent the afternoon with her. Eva didn’t feel so sad anymore.
Adapted from: Week by Week English Practice Papers

Jawaban: The monolog is about Eva’s experience when she was sick.

120 UNIT 2 Recount

A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

1. fever a. menderita
2. slight b. pilek
3. runny nose c. terganggu, sedih
4. have fun d. demam
5. suffering e. bersenang-senang
6. prescribe f. sembuh
7. upset g. agak, ringan
8. broadly h. menulis resep
9. enter i. dengan lebar
10. get well j. masuk

1. d 2. g 3. b 4. e 5. a
6. h 7. c 8. i 9. j 10. f

B. Complete the sentences with the correct words in Task A.

1. For sick people, we usually send a ________ card.
2. Dino was ________ because he got a bad mark.
3. The little girl smiled ________ when she received a box of chocolate.
4. When we ________ the house, we saw some antique things of high value.
5. Mr. Karno was absent because he had a ________ headache.
1. get well 2. upset 3. broadly 4. entered 5. slight

D. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer based on the text you have heard in Task C.

1. What is the purpose of the monolog? 3. What made Eva happy finally?
A. To tell past experience. A. She got a gift from her friends.
B. To describe something. B. Her friends visited her.
C. To entertain the listeners. C. Her mom was always by her side.
D. To report something. D. She recovered from her sickness soon.
Jawaban: A Jawaban: B
Monolog tersebut berbentuk recount yang Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
bertujuan untuk menceritakan pengalaman ”. . . her friends at the door. They told her
masa lalu (to tell past experience). that they chose to visit her and did not go
to the movies . . . . Well, she was glad to
2. Below are what Eva suffered from, except
have such good friends.” yang artinya ”. . .
teman-temannya berdiri di pintu. Mereka
A. a high fever B. a slight cough
mengatakan kepadanya bahwa mereka
C. a headache D. a runny nose
memilih mengunjunginya dan tidak pergi ke
Jawaban: C
bioskop . . . . Ya, dia senang mempunyai
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat,
teman-teman seperti itu.”.
”However, she had a high fever. She also
had a slight cough and runny nose.” yang
artinya ”Namun, dia demam tinggi. Dia
juga agak batuk dan pilek.”.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 121

4. What did the doctor advice her? 5. “You know, she got more upset.”
A. To stay in hospital and not go out for The synonym of the underlined word is
a few days. ________.
B. To stay in bed and not go out for a few A. unfit
days. B. unfair
C. To stay in hospital and not go out for C. unhappy
a week. D. unhealthy
D. To stay in bed and not go out for Jawaban: C
a week. Kata ’upset’ sama artinya dengan kata
Jawaban: D unhappy, yaitu sedih.
Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan
kalimat ”The doctor . . . told her to stay in
bed and not go out for a week.” yang
artinya ”Dokter . . . mengatakan
kepadanya untuk istirahat dan tidak keluar
selama seminggu.”.

A. Read the two texts below with proper pronunciation.

Text 1
Once I lived in a dormitory with some Australian students. There were about twenty of us on
the same floor and there were only two fridges available. Our neighbors were so friendly but
problems first emerged when my Singaporean neighbor put her chopped garlic in the fridge. All
the Australians complained about the garlic. But the Asians complained about the smell of pasta
(noodles) which to us, smelled like a toilet! At last, we decided to wrap garlic and pasta before
placing them in the fridge. This taught us to understand and respect each other’s cultures. So, it is
not good to fry ‘ikan asin’ or ‘sambal terasi’ if you live very near Australians!
By: Daniel
Text 2
When I first came to Bali I knew no Indonesian, but I was keen on speaking it. Therefore, usually
I experimented with sentences by guessing and putting words together. One day I was sitting on
the beach and a lady came up to me offering to sell me a sarong. I wanted to tell her that I had no
money but I didn't know how, so I decided to guess. “Saya tidak orang,” I said. The lady stared at
me in horror and touched me on the arm! Realizing I wasn’t a ghost, she started to laugh and told
me that it was ‘uang’ and that the word for ‘to have’ was ‘punya’. I’ll never forget my Indonesian
lesson that day. So the moral is don’t be afraid to make mistakes–it’s a great way of learning!
(Sarah Wood, an Australian exchange teacher working at IALF Bali)
Source: (January 3, 2009)

122 UNIT 2 Recount

A. Read the bold-typed words in the texts you have just read.
Which of the words have the following meanings?
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. menyukai = keen
2. melakukan percobaan = experimented
3. asrama = dormitory
4. menebak = guessing
5. menawarkan = offering
6. muncul = emerged
7. lemari es = fridge
8. bawang putih = garlic
9. mengeluh = complained
10. menyentuh = touched
11. membungkus = wrap
12. menghormati = respect
13. memutuskan = decided
14. menyadari = realizing
15. menatap = stared

B. Complete the sentences with the answers in the previous task.

Change the form of the words if necessary.
1. My sister who studies in Yogyakarta lives in a ________.
2. Although the man didn’t always have food to eat, he never ________.
3. We must ________ our parents and other people.
4. Some people believe that ________ is a herb that can heal some kinds of sicknesses.
5. The boy didn’t ________ that someone had been following him.
6. Can you ________ whom I met today? Mr. Jackson!
7. Mr. Andre is smart, no wonder the company has ________ him a high salary.
8. Are you ________ on eating hamburgers?
9. The problem ________ when there was a new secretary.
10. Would you please ________ the gift using the colorful paper?
1. dormitory 2. complained 3. respect 4. garlic 5. realize
6. guess 7. offered 8. keen 9. emerged 10. wrap

C. Read the two texts before once again.

Then, answer the questions.
Text 1
1. Where did the writer live with some Australian students?
Jawaban: In a dormitory.
2. How many people lived with the writer in the same floor?
Jawaban: Twenty people.
3. How many fridges are available for them?
Jawaban: Two.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 123

4. What did the writer think of his neighbors?
Jawaban: They were friendly.
5. Who put a chopped garlic in the fridge?
Jawaban: The writer’s Singaporean neighbor.
6. What did the Australians complain about?
Jawaban: The garlic.
7. What did the Asians complain about?
Jawaban: The pasta.
8. Why did the Asians complain about it?
Jawaban: Because it smelled like toilet.
9. What did the students do to avoid the smell?
Jawaban: They wrapped the garlic and pasta before placing them in the fridge.
10. What did the experience teach them?
Jawaban: To understand and respect each other’s cultures.
Text 2
1. Is the writer an Indonesian?
Jawaban: No, she isn’t.
2. How do you know?
Jawaban: From her statement that she didn’t know Indonesian.
3. What did she do to be able to speak Indonesian?
Jawaban: She experimented with sentences by guessing and putting words together.
4. What was the writer doing when a seller came to her?
Jawaban: She was sitting on the beach.
5. What did a lady sell?
Jawaban: A sarong.
6. Did the writer buy it?
Jawaban: No, she didn’t.
7. What did she say to the seller?
Jawaban: She said, “Saya tidak orang.”
8. What did she actually mean?
Jawaban: She wanted to tell the seller that she didn’t have money.
9. What was the seller’s reaction when the writer told her this?
Jawaban: The seller stared at her in horror and touched her on the arm.
10. Why did the seller laugh?
Jawaban: Because she knew that the writer was not a ghost and that she just made
mistakes in saying the Indonesian words.

B. Read the texts in Task A once again.

Then, retell one of them to the class.
Contoh jawaban:
Text 1
Hi, friends! Let me tell you about my experience when I studied in Australia. I lived in a dormitory
with my Australian friends. I lived with about nineteen people on the same floor. Unluckily, we only got
two fridges here.
At first we lived peacefully, because we all were friendly. One day, we faced a problem. You
know, I had a Singaporean who love eating chopped garlic. She put it in the fridge. I tell you what! my
Australians friends complained about it. On the other hand, . . . my Asian friends complained about
the smell of pasta. We thought it smelled like a toilet! To overcome the problems, we decided to pack
the garlic and pasta before we put them into the fridge. This experience taught us to understand and

124 UNIT 2 Recount

respect each other’s cultures. So my friends, let me tell you this. Suppose you want to study in
Australia, don’t fry ‘ikan asin’ or ‘sambal terasi’ when you have Australian neighbors!
Text 2
Hello, my name is Sarah Wood. You know, on my first trip to Bali I knew nothing about Indonesian.
However, I was interested to talk with the native in Indonesian. So, I tried to talk by guessing and
arranging words together.
One day, I sat on the beach to enjoy the scenery. A lady approached me. She sold a sarong.
You know what. I had no money at all. I wanted to tell her about it, but I didn’t know what to say.
Then I decided to say, “Saya tidak orang.” Guess what! The lady looked confuse. Then, she
touched my arm! She thought I was a ghost. Suddenly she laughed and understood that I was not
a ghost. After that, she told me that it was ‘uang’ not ‘orang’ and the English word for ‘punya’ is ‘to
have’. That experience is still in my mind. That’s my story. Funny, isn’t it?

A. Read the text aloud.
Retell it using your own words.
Mind your pronunciation and intonation.
When Arvan was in hospital, he stayed in the children’s ward. It was a long room with lots
of beds. There were other children in all the beds. Some of them smiled and waved to him.
There were lots of things for Arvan to do. First of all, he had a blood test. A nurse took a little
blood from him. She used a needle–it did sting a bit, but it wasn’t too bad. The nurse told Arvan
that the blood test would help the doctor find out how to take care of him.
Then, Arvan was taken to a special room in the X-ray department. A nurse helped him to
get up on a table, and asked him to lie there without moving. A giant-sized camera took
a photograph, called an X-ray, of Arvan’s insides. It didn’t hurt at all.
Arvan stayed in hospital for a few days. He made some new friends there, and his mother
came to visit him every day. A teacher came to the ward every day too, and she brought along
something for all the children to do. In the afternoon Arvan liked to draw pictures with the other
Contoh jawaban:
Well, today I will tell you about Arvan’s experience in hospital. Here is the story.
Last week, Arvan was sick and he had to stay in the hospital. In hospital he stayed in the
children’s ward with many other children. Do you know a children ward? Yeah, it was a long
room for children with many beds.
Guess what things Arvan did in the hospital! Well, firstly he had a blood test. A nurse took
a little blood from him using a needle. Actually it did sting a bit, but it wasn’t too bad. You know,
the blood test would help the doctor find out how to take care of Arvan.
After that, the nurse took Arvan to the X-ray room. She helped him to get up on a table and
asked him to lie there. Then, a giant-sized camera took a photograph of Arvan’s insides.
Um . . . Arvan stayed in hospital for several days. He had some new friends there. His
mother visited him every day. His teacher visited him too and brought along something for all
the children. Every afternoon Arvan usually drew pictures with his friends there.

B. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in
Task A.
1. ______ Arvan stayed in a long room for children when he was in hospital.
2. ______ There were few beds in the children’s ward.
3. ______ Arvan stayed in the room alone.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 125

4. ______ The first thing Arvan should do was that he had to be taken to the X-ray department.
5. ______ A nurse took his blood using a needle.
6. ______ The doctor used the result of the blood test to tell his disease.
7. ______ Every day a teacher came to Arvan’s room and brought something for him and his friends.
8. ______ Arvan was very fond of drawing.
1. T
2. F. It was a long room with lots of beds.
3. F. There were other children in all the beds in the children’s ward.
4. F. First of all, Arvan had a blood test.
5. T
6. F. The doctor used the result of the blood test to find out how to take care of him.
7. T
8. T

C. Tell your experience based on the following data in front of the class.

Camping at Paradise Mountain

10 a.m. Arrive at Paradise Mountain, then build tents.
11 a.m. Prepare lunch.
12 a.m.–1 p.m. Have lunch.
1 p.m. Walk through the forest.
5 p.m. Arrive at the camp base and cook fried rice.
6 p.m. Have dinner around the campfire.
7 p.m. Enjoy the evening and have a bonfire.
11 p.m. Go sleeping.

Adapted from: American Breakthrough 2

Contoh jawaban:
Well, last week we went camping at Paradise Mountain. You know, we went there by bus.
We arrived there at about ten o’clock. Then, we took a rest for about half an hour. After that, we
built tents. It was enjoying because we did it together. Then, the girls prepared lunch and the boys
helped them. At about twelve p.m. we had lunch. Then, our activities began. At about one p.m. we
had to walk through the forest. We all know that we should keep the forest. We may not scratch or
take any exotic flowers. Moreover, we should not litter.
At first, we still had conversations and made jokes. However, when we arrived at the deeper
part in the forest, some girls shouted because they were afraid. They felt relieved after we finally
went out of the forest. Then, we had to cross a river. We did it hand in hand and we were happy
doing this. We also played in the water. At about five p.m., we arrived at our camping area. Then,
we cooked fried rice. This time, all boys cooked it. Guess what happened! Some were overcooked!
At six p.m., we had dinner. Then, we enjoyed the evening and had a bonfire. Some friends sang
songs, and some others had jokes. I myself played the guitar to accompany those who sang. At
about eleven p.m., we went sleeping.

126 UNIT 2 Recount

A. Rearrange the paragraphs into a proper text.
Kalimat-kalimat yang diurutkan siswa dan jawaban:
5 The cat was still alive.
8 Soon the cat’s leg healed.
4 Ratna and her father rushed out of the car.
7 There, the veterinarian washed and bandaged the cat’s injured leg.
1 Mr. Basudewa was driving Ratna home from school.
10 Now, Ratna and the cat have become good friends.
2 Suddenly, a white cat dashed across the street.
6 So, they took it to the veterinarian.
3 Mr. Basudewa’s car hit the cat.
9 Ratna decided to keep the cat as her pet.

B. Retell the proper text in Task A using your own words.

Mind your pronunciation and intonation.
Contoh jawaban:
Have you ever hit a cat? If you have, what happened then? Now, I’ll tell you Ratna’s
One day, Ratna and her father was driving home from school. Suddenly, a cat crossed the
street and Ratna’s car hit it. Of course, Ratna and her father rushed out of the car. Fortunately,
the cat wasn’t dead. Can you guess what they did then? They took the cat to the veterinarian.
The veterinarian washed and bandaged the cat’s injured leg. The cat’s leg healed. Then, Ratna
kept the cat as her pet. They became good friends.
O.K., that’s all about Ratna and her cat. Thank you for listening.

D. Tell your friends your childhood experience.

Contoh jawaban:
Well, my mother ever told me that when I was a kid, just around about two years old, I was
nearly drowned. At that time I was playing by the pond in my house, and apparently I slipped and
fell in. However, somehow I stood up just enough so my mouth was sticking out above the water.
And I didn’t cry out. I was apparently too busy trying to breathe. Eventually, my mother came out.
Well, she found me standing in the pond with my head just above the water. Then, she pulled me
out before anything bad happened. Luckily, there was nothing serious about me.
Adapted from: Language in Use Intermediate

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 127

A. Read the text with proper pronunciation.

My family likes the sea very much. When we had a holiday last year, we went to a place at the
seaside and borrowed a boat from one of our friends. Then, we sailed and fished on the sea all
day. We also had races against other boats.
When the sea was rough, we sailed on a small lake near the sea instead. We were very
careful on this lake because there were a lot of sharp rocks there, and the water was shallow. We
did not want to damage our friend’s boat.
There were not many fish in the lake, but in the sea we caught a lot with a hook, line and small
pieces of bread. The fish were not very big, but they tasted very good. When the weather was fine,
we sailed to the land at lunch time, collected pieces of dry wood and fried or grilled our fish over
them on the beach.
There is an island about a mile from our friend’s house, and we sailed to it. The water was
very clear there, and there was a beautiful beach with white sand and no rocks. We bathed there.
It was a lot of fun.
Source: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

A. Match the words in column A with their suitable meanings in column B.
1. d
1. seaside a. dangkal 2. f
2. race b. mengumpulkan 3. g
3. rough c. merusakkan 4. a
4. shallow d. tepi laut 5. h
5. hook e. memanggang 6. b
6. collect f. perlombaan 7. e
7. grill g. kasar, keras 8. j
8. sharp h. kail 9. c
9. damage i. pulau 10. i
10. island j. tajam

B. Make sentences using the words in Task A.

Contoh jawaban:
1. My trip to the seaside yesterday was enjoyful.
2. Would you like to see a horse race with me?
3. Be careful of the rough wave on the beach.
4. We like to play in the river near my house because it is clear and shallow.
5. Let’s go fishing. Don’t forget to bring your hook.
6. Ms. Irna likes to collect pins from wherever country she goes.
7. Please grill the fish after I spread the seasoning on it.
8. Please take me a sharp knife to chop this meat.
9. The earthquake damaged many houses in the village.
10. The people who live in the remote island are isolated.

128 UNIT 2 Recount

C. Identify the structure of the text in Task A.

My family likes the sea very much. When we had a holiday last
year, we went to a place at the seaside and borrowed a boat from
Orientation one of our friends. Then, we sailed and fished on the sea all day. We
also had races against other boats.

When the sea was rough, we sailed on a small lake near the
sea instead. We were very careful on this lake because there were
a lot of sharp rocks there, and the water was shallow. We did not
want to damage our friend’s boat.
There were not many fish in the lake, but in the sea we caught
a lot with a hook, line and small pieces of bread. The fish were not
Series of Events very big, but they tasted very good. When the weather was fine,
we sailed to the land at lunch time, collected pieces of dry wood and
fried or grilled our fish over them on the beach.
There is an island about a mile from our friend’s house, and we
sailed to it. The water was very clear there, and there was a beautiful
beach with white sand and no rocks. We bathed there. It was a lot of

B. Choose the correct answer based on the text in Task A.

1. How did the writer get a boat? Jawaban: A

A. By renting it. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
B. By buying it. kalimat, ”When the sea was rough, we
C. By borrowing it from a friend. sailed on a small lake near the sea
D. By borrowing it from a fisherman. instead.”.
Jawaban: C
3. Below are what the writer used to catch
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat kedua
fish, except ________.
paragraf satu, ”When we had a holiday last
A. hook
year, we went to a place at the seaside and
B. line
borrowed a boat from one of our friends.”
C. bread
yang artinya ”Saat kami liburan pada tahun
D. worm
lalu, kami pergi ke sebuah tempat di
Jawaban: D
pinggir pantai dan meminjam perahu dari
Pilihan jawaban ini tepat karena worm
salah seorang teman.”.
(cacing) tidak disebutkan dalam teks,
2. What did the writer and his family do khususnya pada kalimat ”There were not
when the sea was rough? many fish in the lake, but in the sea we
A. They sailed on a small lake. caught a lot with a hook, line and small
B. They sailed on a small river. pieces of bread.” yang artinya ”Tidak
C. They stopped sailing. banyak ikan di danau itu, tetapi di laut kami
D. They went to the harbor. menangkap banyak ikan dengan pancing,
tali pancing, dan potongan-potongan roti.”.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 129

4. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the dan airnya dangkal.”. Pilihan jawaban (D)
lake? sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf
A. There were a lot of sharp rocks there. tiga, ”There were not many fish in the
B. The water was shallow. lake, . . . .” yang artinya ”Tidak ada banyak
C. It was near the writer’s friend’s house. ikan di danau itu, . . . .”.
D. There were not many fish in the lake.
5. How was the fish in the sea?
Jawaban: C
A. It was big.
Pernyataan ini benar karena tidak
B. It tasted good.
dijelaskan dalam teks. Pilihan jawaban (A)
C. It was black and white.
dan (B) sesuai dengan kalimat kedua
D. It wasn’t easy to catch.
paragraf dua, ”We were very careful on
Jawaban: B
this lake because there were a lot of sharp
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”The
rocks there, and the water was shallow.”
fish were not very big, but they tasted very
yang artinya ”Kami sangat hati-hati di
good.” yang artinya ”Ikan-ikan itu tidak
danau ini karena ada banyak batu tajam,
begitu besar, tetapi rasanya enak.”.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut.

Read the text and answer questions 1 to 4. 2. How many people go to Prapat?
Ali and Ani had a vacation. They went to A. Two.
Prapat. They wanted to visit their uncle B. Three.
Mr. Hadi and his family. Mr. Anwar, Ali and C. Four.
Ani’s father, went together with them. They D. Five.
went there by bus. They left Medan at six Jawaban: B
o’clock in the morning and arrived in Prapat Berdasarkan kalimat pertama ”Ali and
at nine. Edi and Tati, Mr. Hadi’s children, had Ani had a vacation. They went to
been waiting for them at the bus station. Prapat.” dan kalimat keempat ”Mr.
Anwar, Ali and Ani’s father, went
Source :
together with them.”, dapat disimpulkan
1. What is the main idea of the paragraph bahwa ada tiga orang yang pergi
above? berlibur ke Prapat, yaitu Ali, Ani, dan
A. Ali and Ani’s vacation. ayah mereka.
B. The Hadi family wanted to visit
3. “They wanted to visit their uncle Mr. Hadi
and his family.”
C. The Anwar family went to Prapat to
The bold-typed word refers to ________.
visit the Hadi’s.
A. Hadi’s family
D. Edi and Tati had been waiting for
B. Mr. Anwar, Ali and Ani
them at the bus station.
C. Edi and Tati
Jawaban: A
D. Ali and Ani
Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan
Jawaban: D
kalimat pertama dalam teks, ”Ali and Ani
Kata ’they’ dalam kalimat soal mengacu
had a vacation.”. Pilihan jawaban
pada subjek kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu
lainnya hanya sebagai kalimat
”Ali and Ani had a vacation.”. Jadi, kata
pendukung dari gagasan utama.
’they’ tersebut mengacu pada Ali dan Ani.

130 UNIT 2 Recount

4. Edi and Tati are ________. Jawaban: B
A. Mr. Anwar’s children Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan
B. Ali and Ani’s friends kalimat sesudahnya, yaitu ”Within one
C. Ali and Ani’s cousins hour, we were all ready and settled
D. Ali and Ani’s uncle and aunt ourselves in the car.”. Berdasarkan
Jawaban: C kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan
Pak Hadi adalah paman Ali dan Ani, bahwa penulis dan saudara laki-lakinya
sedangkan Edi dan Tati adalah anak melakukan sesuatu dengan cepat
Pak Hadi, maka Edi dan Tati adalah (hurriedly). Lazily artinya dengan
sepupu (cousin) Ali dan Ani. malas, slowly artinya dengan lambat,
dan diligently artinya dengan rajin.
For questions 5 to 7, choose the correct
words to complete the paragraph. Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.
It was a public holiday. We did not have I had never thought of climbing
anything to do, so father suggested Mt. Kerinci. I hesitated when some
(5) ________ us to Safari Park in Cisarua. friends of mine asked me to join them on
All of us got very (6) ________. Mother a one-night camping and mountaineering
quickly prepared some drinks and snacks for activity. I could not really refuse because
the trip. My brothers and I (7) ________ got I had a lot of spare time in my semester
dressed and brought a camera. Within one holidays. I went there with five of my
hour, we were all ready and settled ourselves friends–Antok, Rio, Angga, Danang and
in the car. Indra. We started to walk upwards
through the bushes first and then into
5. A. taking B. getting the real jungle. As we moved on, we
C. telling D. keeping heard wild animal noises and we saw
Jawaban: A monkeys jumping from one branch to
Dalam teks dijelaskan bahwa karena tidak another. Judging from the plants, we
ada kegiatan saat liburan, ayah membawa were sure that we were in a rainforest
(taking) penulis dan keluarganya ke Taman area.
Safari di Cisarua. Kata yang tepat At midday, we came to the peak of
melengkapi kalimat berbentuk V-ing form, the mountain and saw the large crater.
yaitu taking. Getting artinya memperoleh, There was a white flag there to remind
telling artinya memberi tahu, dan keeping visitors about the dangers. We took our
artinya menjaga/merawat. photos and then we began to rush down
6. A. excited the mountain.
B. annoyed
C. disappointed 8. When did the writer find the mountain
D. upset so beautiful?
Jawaban: A A. At night.
Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa mereka B. At midday.
pergi ke Taman Safari di Cisarua. Oleh C. In the morning.
karena itu, dapat dipastikan mereka D. In the afternoon.
merasa senang (excited). Annoyed Jawaban: B
artinya terganggu, dispointed artinya Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan
kecewa, dan upset artinya bingung. kalimat pertama paragraf terakhir, ”At
midday, we came to the peak of the
7. A. lazily
mountain and saw the large crater.”, yaitu
B. hurriedly
pada keterangan waktu ’at midday’.
C. slowly
D. diligently

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 131

9. Which statement is NOT TRUE based 10. What is the most suitable title for the
on the text? text?
A. The writer’s hobby is climbing A. Climbing a mountain is
mountains. a dangerous activity.
B. The writer felt reluctant to climb B. My first experience in climbing
mountains. a mountain.
C. The writer found excitement on C. Camping on the mountain is
the peak of the mountain. exciting.
D. The writer climbed down the D. My hesitating time on holidays.
mountain soon after taking picture. Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
Jawaban: A Jawaban: B
Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut
adalah (A) yang artinya hobi penulis adalah menceritakan tentang pengalaman
mendaki gunung karena teks tersebut penulis naik gunung. Jadi, judul yang
menceritakan tentang pengalaman pertama paling tepat untuk teks tersebut adalah
penulis mendaki gunung. Jadi, mendaki (B) yang artinya pengalaman pertama
gunung bukan hobi penulis. saya saat naik gunung.

C. Complete the text with the words in the box.

a. fun b. pictures c. stayed d. scenery e. closer

f. scary g. colorful h. rest i. garden j. tired

My Holiday
Last week I went to Mount Bromo. I (1) ________ in my friend’s house in Probolinggo, East
Java. The house has a big (2) ________ with (3) ________ flowers and a small fish pond.
In the morning, my friend and I saw Mount Batok. The (4) ________ was very beautiful. We
rode on horseback. It was (5) ________, but it was fun. Then, we went to get a (6) ________ look
at the mountain. We took (7) ________ of the beautiful scenery there. After that, we took a
(8) ________ and had lunch under a big tree. We went home in the afternoon.
We were very (9) ________. However, I think it was really (10) ________ to have a holiday
like this. I hope my next holiday will be more interesting.
Adapted from: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

1. c 2. i
3. g 4. d
5. f 6. e
7. b 8. h
9. j 10. a

132 UNIT 2 Recount

Answer the questions based on the text.
1. When did the writer go to Mount Bromo?
Jawaban: Last week.
2. Where did he/she stay?
Jawaban: In his/her friend’s house in Probolinggo, East Java.
3. What does the house have?
Jawaban: It has a big garden with colorful flowers and a small pool.
4. What did the writer see in the morning?
Jawaban: He/she saw Mount Batok.
5. What is the writer’s opinion about the scenery there?
Jawaban: It was beautiful.
6. What did the writer feel when he/she rode on horseback?
Jawaban: It was scary, but it was fun.
7. What did he/she do before taking a rest?
Jawaban: He/she took pictures of the beautiful scenery.
8. Where did the writer have lunch?
Jawaban: Under a big tree.
9. When did the writer and his/her friend go home?
Jawaban: They went home in the afternoon.
10. What did the writer think of the holiday?
Jawaban: It was fun.

D. Change the verbs in brackets into their correct forms.

1. Eva : ________ (Do) you go on the picnic to the beach last Sunday?
Mufid : Yes, it ________ (be) great. Why didn’t you come?
2. Eva : I ________ (have) to stay at home and study for an exam. So tell me about it.
Mufid : Well, the bus ________ (pick) us up around seven o’clock in the morning.
3. Eva : And what time did you arrive at the beach?
Mufid : At nine thirty. First, we ________ (walk) along the beach, and after that we ________
(play) volleyball until lunchtime.
4. Eva : Did you buy lunch at the beach?
Mufid : At first we ________ (decide) to have lunch there, but a friend ________ (inform) us
that there was a good restaurant near the beach. We ________ (agree) to go there.
5. Eva : So what time _______ (do) you come home?
Mufid : Around four o’clock in the afternoon.

1. Did, was
2. had, picked
3. walked, played
4. decided, informed, agreed
5. did

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 133

A. Complete the dialogs with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Practice the dialogs with your friend.
Lena : Where ________ you ________ (go) yesterday? I ________ (call) you twice but no
one ________ (pick up) the phone.
Ery : Oh, sorry. Yesterday was my father’s birthday. We ________ (have) dinner outside.
Lena : Where did you go yesterday? I called you twice but no one picked up the phone.
Ery : Oh, sorry. Yesterday was my father’s birthday. We had dinner outside.

1. Tessa : ________ (Do) you ________ (feel) something?

Elly : No, I didn't.
Tessa : I ________ (feel) the earth shaking.
Elly : Oh, no! Don’t say that again. You’ve scared me.
2. Dani : Who ________ (turn) on the TV?
Willy : I did. What’s up?
Dani : Turn it off when you don’t watch it.
Willy : O.K.
3. Tevi : I ________ (watch) Fantastic 4 yesterday evening.
Inung : ________ (Do) you?
Tevi : Yeah. It ________ (be) really fantastic!
Inung : You ________ (go) to the movie with your brother, didn't you?
Tevi : No. I ________ (go) there with my cousin.
1. Tessa : Did you feel something?
Elly : Oh no! I didn’t.
Tessa : I felt the earth shaking.
Elly : No. Don’t say that again. You’ve scared me.
2. Dani : Who turned on the TV?
Willy : I did. What’s up?
Dani : Turn it off when you don’t watch it.
Willy : O.K.
3. Tevi : I watched Fantastic 4 yesterday evening.
Inung : Did you?
Tevi : Yeah. It was really fantastic!
Inung : You went to the movie with your brother, didn’t you?
Tevi : No. I went there with my cousin.

B. Make sentences using the words below.

Read your sentences with proper pronunciation.
1. not stay/yesterday
2. eat/this morning/?
3. visit/before you came here/?
4. live/two years ago
5. study/last night/?

134 UNIT 2 Recount

6. not watch the news/a few minutes ago
7. go to the museum/last vacation
8. not go shopping/last Sunday
9. visit grandma/last week
10. not perform the dance/last night
Contoh jawaban:
1. We didn’t stay home yesterday.
2. What did you eat this morning?
3. Whom did you visit before you came here?
4. I lived with my uncle’s family two years ago.
5. What subject did you study last night?
6. We didn’t watch the news about the government’s policy a few minutes ago.
7. My friends and I went to the museum last vacation.
8. We didn’t go shopping last Sunday.
9. Dita visited her grandma last week.
10. We didn’t perform the dance last night.

E. Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Hi, guys. Have you ever traveled around Indonesia? Not yet? Well, I have. And I didn’t
________ (1. spend) much money. Don’t you believe it?
I ________ (2. go) to Jakarta last holiday. I ________ (3. stay) for four days in my uncle’s
house. Uncle Tri, Aunt Rita and my cousin ________ (4. take) me to some tourists resorts in
Jakarta, like Ancol the Wonderland, the National Monument, and of course the Indonesia’s
Miniature Park or TMII. I ________ (5. spend) almost five hours there. This park is really amazing.
I could go around Indonesia just from one place.
I went from one province to another in few minutes. I could ________ (6. see) all the islands
in Indonesia from above when I ________ (7. ride) the skylift. I also ________ (8. see) some
beautiful animals and flowers. It ________ (9. be) really fun.
The last thing I ________ (10. do) was having lunch. What a nice holiday! I will never forget it.

1. spend 2. went 3. stayed 4. took 5. spent
6. see 7. rode 8. saw 9. was 10. did

A. Rearrange the paragraphs into a proper text.

Paragraf-paragraf acak yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
3 As the transfusion progressed, his face grew pale and began crying. Then, he looked at
the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away?”
2 The doctor asked Liz’s 5-year old brother, “Young boy, your sister is suffering now, and
she needs your blood. Are you willing to give your blood to your sister?” I saw him hesitate
for a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, “Yes, I’ll do it if it will save her.”

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 135

5 Then, because the doctor felt curious, he asked the little boy, “If you thought that you would
die, why did you give your blood to your sister?” And the boy’s answer was “Because . . . I love
4 The doctor answered him, “Of course not, young boy. You will not die because you give
your blood to someone. Don’t worry.”
1 Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl
named Liz. She was suffering from a serious disease and needed a blood transfusion.

Adapted from: (May 26, 2007)

A. Find the meanings of the words below.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. curious = ingin tahu
2. transfusion = transfusi
3. save = menyelamatkan
4. volunteer = sukarelawan
5. trembling = gemetar
6. progress = berlangsung
7. suffer = menderita
8. hesitate = ragu-ragu
9. willing (to) = bersedia
10. breath = nafas

B. Complete the sentences with the correct words in Task A.

1. Nina : What did you ________ from?
Andi : Diarrhea.
2. At first the child ________ to approach the woman, but after he knew that she was his
mother, he immediately ran to her.
3. The boy’s voice was ________ when he confessed that he had stolen the money.
4. Mr. Aji : Are you ________ to do overwork in this office?
Mr. Sanusi : Sure, Sir.
5. The man worked as a ________ to take care of the tsunami victims.

1. suffer 2. hesitated 3. trembling 4. willing 5. volunteer

B. Identify the structure of the proper text in Task A.


Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to

Orientation know a little girl named Liz. She was suffering from a serious disease
and needed a blood transfusion.

136 UNIT 2 Recount

The doctor asked Liz’s 5-year old brother, “Young boy, your sister is
suffering now, and she needs your blood. Are you willing to give your
blood to your sister?” I saw him hesitate for a moment before taking
a deep breath and saying, “Yes, I’ll do it if it will save her.”
As the transfusion progressed, his face grew pale and began crying.
Series of Events Then, he looked at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I
start to die right away?”
The doctor answered him, “Of course not, young boy. You will not
die because you give your blood to someone. Don’t worry.”
Then, because the doctor felt curious, he asked the little boy, “If you
thought that you would die, why did you give your blood to your sister?”
And the boy’s answer was “Because . . . I love her.”

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A.
1. ______ The young boy thought that he would die because he had given his blood.
2. ______ The writer was the boy’s sister.
3. ______ The boy gave his blood because he had to do it.
4. ______ The boy was five years old.
5. ______ At that time the writer was suffering from a serious disease.
1. T
2. F. The writer was a volunteer at the hospital where Liz stayed.
3. F. The boy gave his blood because he loved his sister.
4. T
5. F. At that time Liz was suffering from a serious disease, not the writer.

C. Write sentences using the present perfect tense based on the picture.

Tina’s Room

You can use the verbs below.

● play ● draw ● take
● read ● collect ● listen to

Example: Tina has kept some packs of noodles.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 137

Contoh jawaban:
1. Tina has played the guitar. 2. Tina has drawn some animals.
3. She hasn’t taken pictures. 4. She has read books about science.
5. She has collected some animal dolls. 6. Tina has listened to the radio.

In pairs, ask your partner these questions.
You may add additional questions.
Write the result fo your interview on a sheet of paper.
If your partner answer “Yes”, put a tick (✔) in the ‘Yes’ column. If he/she says “No”, put a tick
(✔) in the ‘No’ column.

No. Have you ever . . . ? Yes No

1. had a penfriend
2. broken your arm or leg
3. forgotten to do your homework
4. met a famous person
5. won a prize in a composition
6. been in a foreign country
7. sung an English song
8. had a terrible nightmare
9. played in a drama
10. cheated in an exam

This is about Mirdad. He has never had a penfriend. Once he has broken his arm/leg. It
was in 2003 when he got a motorcycle accident with his father. He has never forgotten to do
his homework. Quite diligent, right?

D. Continue the sentences below to make a proper text.

Use your own words.

Heavy rains hit my place few days ago. It didn’t stop for five hours. Suddenly, water flowed up
from the river. It spread everywhere. People tried to save their things, so did my family.

Contoh jawaban:
Heavy rains hit my place two days ago. It didn’t stop for five hours. Suddenly, water flowed up
from the river. It spread everywhere. People tried to save their things, so did my family.
Actually, we often get flood every year, especially in the rainy season. However, it always
comes in sudden. It makes everyone panicked. This time I heard many babies and children cried.
All people rushed to higher places. They walked in a hurry. Water inundated the houses and streets
in a few days. Cars and other vehicles couldn’t pass the street. It was really horrible.

138 UNIT 2 Recount

E. Do you have a memorable experience?
Write a recount text about it.

Contoh jawaban:
I have a younger sister. I love her very much. However, one day, when she and I were eating
together, suddenly I broke the glass beside me. I felt surprised, and so did my sister. Suddenly,
mother came. She asked us, “Oh, no. Who broke the glass?”
I was really afraid to tell her the fact because the glass was one of my mother’s favorites,
I guessed. I said, “Not . . . me. It was Ela.”
Ela felt shocked hearing this. I could see it from her face. She tried to defend hersef, “No. It
was Eka . . . .” But mother believed me more than her.
Then, mother asked her, “If you have made a mistake, confess it bravely. Now, sweep the floor
and clean it from the broken glass. Eka, please help your sister.” I helped her. But I saw there were
some tears in her big eyes. I kept silent. In my heart, I felt that I won over her.
However, since that time, she didn’t want to be with me anymore. She played with her doll and
directly left when I approached her. She also didn’t come to my class during the break as she
usually did before. And, she kept locking herself in her room. I felt really lonely, and realized that it
was my fault actually. I felt guilty.
Then, one day, I approached her when she was playing. She was almost leaving. However,
I grasped her hand and said, “Forgive me, dear sister. It was my fault.” At first she still didn’t want
to see me. However, I kept apologizing. Then, she finally said, “O.K.” She cried. I embraced her
and promised I would never do it anymore.

2.3 Short Functional Texts: Announcements and Letters

Spoken Text

Read the text and understand the explanation.

Attention, please.
We’ve found some keys in the hall. If you have lost them, please meet Mr. Bambang at the
teacher room during the break. Thank you.

The text above is an announcement. It is used to give information about something in

a public place. An announcement can be spoken or written.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 139

Written Text

Read the following text and understand the explanation.

Jalan Menara Bunga 12 August 14, 2009


Dear Mirima,
My brother and I are in Bukittinggi now. We arrived here on Sunday morning at five.
It was already busy probably because of the holidays. We went directly to the remains of
De Kock Fortress and found a lot of people jogging along this area. We took a rest here,
sat under the tree and enjoyed the fresh air.
It was almost 6:30 a.m. We went to a famous warung, called “Pical si Kai”. Here we
had coffee, pical, ketupat gulai, etc. Because all hotels had been full, we rented a room in
a house nearby. The room was quite nice and clean. The rent was not too expensive.
At about eight we went to Sianok Valley. It is such a very beautiful valley. On the
bank of the valley there is a long cave, called Japanese cave. It is very long. It goes
deeply into the ground with an entrance at one end, and an exit at the other end. The
people here said that a long time ago the cave was used by the Japanese army to protect
themselves from the Dutch attack. At that time it seemed that there was nothing in the
ground. Both the entrance and the exit were covered by plants.
That’s our first day in Bukittinggi. We are going to visit Lake Maninjau, Lembah Anai
Falls, etc. the following day. Hope to be here with you someday. Please reply soon.


Vena Junita

The text is a letter. A letter has a certain structure as follows.

1. Date. It shows the date when the letter is written on.
2. Inside address. It shows whom the letter is sent to or the recipient and the address.
It usually mentions the recipient’s full name and address.
3. Greeting. It is also known as the “salutation”. It says “Dear (name of recipient)”.
4. Body. This shows the content or the subject matter of the letter.
5. Closing. This is the farewell phrase, such as: “Cheers”, “Love”, “Best regards”,
“Yours truly” or “Sincerely”.
6. Signature. Signature is important for formal letters. It is seldom mentioned in informal
letters. The full name of the writer is often printed below the signature.

140 UNIT 2 Recount

Answer the questions.

1. What announcements have you heard recently?

Contoh jawaban: Announcement about a math test.
2. Where did you hear the announcement?
Contoh jawaban: In the classroom.
3. Do you often send letters?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do.
4. Whom do you usually send the letter to?
Contoh jawaban: To my aunt or penfriend.

A. Listen to your teacher and answer the questions.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Attention, please. The show will start in a few minutes. Please sit down on the seats
provided and please do not approach the fence surrounding the stage. Although the animals
which are going to perform are trained well, they are dangerous. Thank you.

1. Where can you hear such an announcement?

Jawaban: In a circus.
2. What should the audience do?
Jawaban: They should sit on the seats provided.
3. What shouldn’t audience do?
Jawaban: They should not approach the fence surrounding the stage.
4. Why shouldn’t they do that?
Jawaban: Because the animals which are going to perform are dangerous.
5. What do you know about the performers?
Jawaban: They are animals which are trained well, but dangerous.

B. Find the words which have the following meanings in the text in Task A.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

1. tempat duduk = seat
2. pagar = fence
3. disediakan = provided
4. sekitar = surrounding
5. terlatih = trained

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 141

C. Complete the sentences with the correct words in Task B.
1. The animals are ________ well by Mr. Sanjaya.
2. You can choose your own ________ here.
3. The environment ________ my village is very clean.
4. A high ________ protects the plantation from animals.
5. Is the snack ________ for us?
1. trained 2. seat
3. surrounding 4. fence
5. provided

A. Your teacher is going to read a text.
Listen to him/her carefully.
Then, answer the questions.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Attention, please,
There will be a flag ceremony next Monday. Don’t forget to wear your hats and ties. The students
on duty will be the students of Class VIIIA.

1. Who do you think the speaker is?

Jawaban: A teacher.
2. Who do you think the listeners are?
Jawaban: The students.
3. Where can you hear such an announcement?
Jawaban: At school.
4. What is the announcement about?
Jawaban: A flag ceremony.
5. What is the purpose of the text?
Jawaban: To announce something.

B. Continue the statements below based on the text you have heard in Task A.
1. Next Monday there will be a ________.
2. Don’t forget to wear ________.
3. The students on duty will be ________.
4. “Don’t forget to wear your hat, . . . .” The opposite meaning of the underlined word is
5. The word ‘you’ in the announcement refers to ________.
1. flag ceremony
2. your hats and ties
3. the students of Class VIIIA
4. remember
5. the students

142 UNIT 2 Recount

D. Listen to your teacher.
What does he/she tell you about?

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

For all performers, you all have performed very well. So, it is difficult for us to choose which of
you should win the contest. Finally, after a long discussion, we come to the conclusion that
Anggara’s group is the third winner, Ina’s group is the runner up and . . . the first winner is . . .
Nita’s group. For these groups, please come forward to receive trophies from the principal.

It’s an announcement about the winners of a contest.

E. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the text you have heard in Task D.
Answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. How did the performers perform themselves?
2. What should the winners do?
3. Which group is the third winner?
4. Who will give them the trophies?
5. In your opinion, who is the speaker?

1. Very well.
2. Come forward to receive trophies from the principal.
3. Anggara’s group.
4. The principal.
5. One of the juries or the host.

A. Say the announcement below aloud.

To celebrate our Independence Day, we will hold some activities. One of them is blood donation.
A drop of your blood is very meaningful for those who need it. If you want to donate your blood,
please contact Renny in the OSIS room. Thank you.

Read the following announcement aloud.
Then, retell it using your own words.
Attention, please.
The end of this semester is approaching.
We will conduct an end semester party as usual.
Each class should prepare an attractive attraction to be performed.
Please be prepared.
Thank you.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 143

Contoh jawaban:
Attention, please,
We will end this semester soon. As usual, we will hold an end semester party. All classes should
prepare interesting performances such as dramas, singing, dancing, etc. Please be prepared.
Thank you.

B. Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the announcement
in Task A.
1. ______ The announcement is about blood donation at school.
2. ______ The blood donation is to celebrate the Independence Day.
3. ______ The blood donation is the only activity for the Independence Day.
4. ______ A little blood is useful.
5. ______ Students who want to donate their blood can go to the sickbay.
1. T 2. T
3. F. It is just one of the activities. 4. T
5. F. Students who want to donate their blood can contact Renny in the OSIS room.

Read the announcement aloud.
Then, state whether the following statements are true (T) of false (F).
Attention, please. We’ve found a wallet with some money in it in the parking area. If you are the
one who has lost it, please go to the security office to confirm the wallet. Thank you.
1. ______ The announcement is about a lost wallet.
2. ______ The wallet contains money.
3. ______ The person who lost the wallet should go to the cashier.
4. ______ The person who lost the wallet should confirm what the wallet looks like.
5. ______ The wallet was found in the parking area.
1. F. The announcement is about a found wallet.
2. T
3. F. He/she should go to the security office.
4. T
5. T

C. Tell your friends an announcement based on each situation.

1. One of your teachers is absent. However, he gives you an assignment. Tell the class about
his/her absence and what the assignment is.
2. Suppose you are a teacher in your school. Because there have been many students who
come late, make an announcement about the thing the late comers should do.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Attention, please.Mr. Anwar cannot come today. However, he has given us an assignment to
do. Please write down a recount text about your childhood experience. Then, submit it to the
teacher on duty. Thank you.
2. Attention for all students.
Many students have been late recently. Therefore, from now on students who come late must
make a composition for about two pages. They should submit it exactly on the day they come
late after the second break. Thank you.

144 UNIT 2 Recount

Deliver some announcements based on the situations.
1. Suppose you have found a purse in the school library. Make an announcement about it.
2. Suppose you are a teacher in your school. Make an announcement that there will be
a school bazaar next month. State the exact date/day and what the students should
Contoh jawaban:
1. Attention, please. I have found a purse in the school library. It is red, small and contains
some money. For the student who has lost it, please contact me: Lucia, Class VIIIA.
2. Attention for all,
To celebrate our school anniversary, we will conduct a school bazaar next month, starting
from October 5 to October 10. I hope all classes can participate. You can sell many kinds of
things, such as food, books or products you create yourselves. If you are interested, you can
meet me to get the requirement and registration forms during the break. Thank you.

A. Read the letter below with proper pronunciation.

What do the bold-typed words mean?

123 Geylang Road

March 20, 2009
Dear Bob,
I was awfully sorry to hear that you were hurt in an accident last week. It was
only this morning that I knew that you were taken to General Hospital. Fortunately,
you were not seriously injured. I do hope that you are getting well by now.
However, I am sure that you would like to know that many of your classmates
are concerned about you. They want to send you their best wishes for your early
Anyway, with your mother staying with you most of the time, I hope that you will
not feel lonely at the hospital. I do hope that you will recover soon.

Yours sincerely,
Adapted from: Composition Letter Writing Comprehension Structure and Usage

1. hurt = luka
2. fortunately = untungnya
3. seriously injured = terluka parah
4. getting well = sembuh
5. concerned about = menaruh perhatian

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 145

6. wishes = harapan
7. early recovery = penyembuhan/pemulihan yang segera
8. lonely = kesepian

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the letter in Task A.
1. ______ The letter is about a wish to visit Bob soon.
2. ______ John stayed in General Hospital.
3. ______ John knew the news about Bob two days before he wrote the letter.
4. ______ Bob’s classmates didn’t pay attention to him.
5. ______ Bob’s mother always stayed with him.
1. F. The letter is about a wish that Bob is getting well.
2. F. It was Bob who stayed in General Hospital.
3. F. John knew the news in the morning before he wrote the letter.
4. F. Bob’s classmates were concerned about him.
5. T

B. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

1. The text is a letter of ________.

A. application
The Manager of KEN TOUR B. invitation
Jalan Ahmad Yani 12 C. introduction
Surabaya D. complaint
Jawaban: D
Dear Sir, Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat
We are sorry to complain about the awal surat, ”We are sorry to complain
service that your travel agency provided about the service that your travel agency
on our school holiday Bali Tour on July provided on our school holiday Bali Tour
8–10. First, on our arrival we had to stay on July 8-10.”. Jadi, isi surat itu tentang
outside the hotel despite our tiredness keluhan (complaint) atas jasa yang
after 12 hours journey. The people in diberikan.
charge said that all the rooms were still 2. The writer feels disappointed with the
occupied by another group. We were followings, except ________.
welcomed to check in after waiting for 5 A. the dinner provided
hours. That means our tour was two B. canceling to visit one object
hours delayed. Consequently we C. being late to check in
missed one of the places to visit. At the D. the traveling
dinner time, many of us found no food Jawaban: D
left, so we had to buy some food Penulis merasa kecewa dengan pelayanan
outside. We look forward to receiving agen perjalanan yang berkaitan dengan
your response. makanan untuk makan malam dan
Thank you. keterlambatan check in yang
menyebabkan batalnya rencana
Yours faithfully, mengunjungi salah satu tempat wisata.
Jadi, yang tidak termasuk hal yang
Andi mengecewakan penulis adalah (D)

146 UNIT 2 Recount

3. How long was the tour? Jawaban: D
A. 2 days. B. 3 days. Dalam surat tersebut Andi menyatakan
C. 5 hours. D. 12 hours. keluhan. Karena mengajukan keluhan,
Jawaban: B dapat dipastikan bahwa tour tersebut tidak
Dalam surat disebutkan bahwa tour berjalan sukses. Jadi, pernyataan yang tidak
liburan ke Bali mulai tanggal 8 sampai 10 sesuai teks adalah the tour was successful.
Juli. Jadi, tour tersebut berlangsung 5. The sentence “We missed one of the
selama 3 hari (three days). places to visit.” means ________.
4. Which is NOT TRUE based on the text? A. they enjoyed their visit
A. The travel agent is Ken Tour. B. they did not visit one of the arranged
B. The travel agency did not arrange tourist objects
the tour well. C. they were happy on their holiday
C. The students spent their holiday in D. they wanted to stay longer
Bali. Jawaban: B
D. The tour was successful. Kalimat tersebut mempunyai arti ”Kami
Ujian Nasional melewatkan salah satu tempat wisata
untuk dikunjungi.”. Dari kalimat tersebut
dapat diketahui bahwa mereka tidak
mengunjungi satu tempat wisata (they did
not visit one place).

A. Rearrange the paragraphs into a proper letter.

Surat yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
6 Finally, I went to a cafe nearby to have lunch. I spent three days in Bandung and that was
really fun.
4 First, I visited Tangkuban Perahu. The place is just wonderful. After that, I went to Dago
Street. I bought some T-shirts there.
1 Denpasar, July 20, 2009
3 By the way, I want to tell you about my holiday. Last month, I went to Bandung. I was so
happy because it was my first time to visit the place. There are many interesting places to
8 Sincerely,

Ketut Tantri
5 Then, I went to Cibaduyut. I bought many things like shoes, dolls, and some souvenirs.
I also did not forget to buy ‘peuyeum’. You know, Bandung is famous for it.
2 Hi, Putri, how are you? I hope you are fine.
7 Anyway, I will write to you again next time. Write to me as soon as you can.
Adapted from: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 147

Read the proper letter in Task A once again.
Then, decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
1. ______ The letter is about the writer’s holiday last week.
2. ______ The writer had been to Bandung twice before writing the letter.
3. ______ First, the writer went to Tangkuban Perahu.
4. ______ The writer bought some T-shirts in Cibaduyut.
5. ______ The writer’s last activity was having lunch.
1. F. It is about the writer's holiday last month.
2. F. It was the first time the writer went to Bandung.
3. T
4. F. He bought some T-shirts in Dago Street.
5. T

B. Suppose you are Putri.

Write a reply to your friend’s letter in Task A.

Contoh jawaban:

Jalan Sudirman 20

August 15, 2009

Dear Tantri,
It’s nice reading the story about your last holiday. I am interested in going to
Bandung some day. Will you go there again together with me?
Well, talking about my holiday, I spent it with my friends. We had a camping in
a hill about seven kilometers from my house. We spent two days there. It was really
a nice experience, you know. Moreover, we all who joined the camp are girls! So,
we did what boys usually do when we were camping, like bringing our heavy stuff,
carrying pails of water from the river nearby, etc. We also built our tents ourselves.
It was really enjoyable for us. It was like we had our own home. Wanna try with me?
O.K., that’s all about my holiday. See you soon.



148 UNIT 2 Recount

Read the letter below.
Then, write a reply of the letter.

Jalan Pujangga 29
August 15, 2009

Dear Putri,
Putri, I’m so glad knowing that you and your family will come here next holiday. We
haven’t met each other for a long time. I miss you so much. If you come here, I will show
you a new park in my town. It is a nice place.
You said you and your family would go by train. However, I don’t know when you will
come here exactly. Please tell me the time, so I can pick you up at the railway station.
O.K., that’s all for now. Please reply soon. My love to Auntie, Uncle and Raka.



Contoh jawaban:

Dear Diana,
I’m happy receiving your letter. It seems that I will have a nice holiday in your town.
I want to go sightseeing around your town. I have never enjoyed your town yet since my
last visit there five years ago.
Well, we will arrive at your town on Saturday, this week, at about 5 p.m. I hope you
can pick us up at the railway station. Thank you.

See you,


C. Write a letter to your friend or family based on one of the topics below.

● Your experience when you were an elementary school student.
● Your sad/embarrassing experience.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 149

Contoh jawaban:

Dear Ida,
How have you been? I really miss you because we haven’t met since we graduated from
elementary school.
I remember when we first got to be close to each other. When we were in the fourth grade,
in the art lesson. Mr. Gunawan asked us to sing a national song. When it was my turn to come
forward, I felt really afraid. I didn’t want to do it. All our friends encouraged me, including you.
Finally, I stepped forward, but I didn’t know what to sing. Even Mr. Gunawan sang a song
himself and asked me to repeat after him. However, his attempt was useless. I still didn’t sing.
Then, I went to my seat. He got angry with me. Later, during the break, you approached me
and encouraged me. You said that I had a good voice. You also said that not all our friends
were better than me. I felt courageous because of your encouragement. Then, after the break,
I told Mr. Gunawan that I would sing, and I made it. Since that time, you always encouraged
me whenever I felt down. Thanks, mate.
Now, it’s been more than a year we have separated from each other. I believe you have
stories to tell. I look forward to hearing from you.

With love,

Write a letter about your experience when going to a tourist place.

Contoh jawaban:

Dear Anita,
How was your holiday? Did you have any interesting experience during your holiday?
Well, I want to tell you my experience. Last holiday my friends and I went to the zoo.
It is a new zoo in my town. Many people are interested to visit it, including us.
Actually, the zoo is not far from our houses. That’s why we just rode our bikes.
Arriving there, we bought the tickets. Entering the zoo, we could see many animals in their
own shelters or cages. Firstly, we saw the elephants shelter. There were four elephants in
the shelter. Wow! They were really big!
Then, we went to the monkey cage. Actually I wanted to throw some peanuts to the
monkeys, but we were not allowed to do it. We just smiled and laughed looking at the
monkey’s behavior.
After that, we walked around the zoo and saw many other animals. We were in the
zoo for about two hours. We really enjoyed our holiday there. Will you come and see the
zoo some day with me?


150 UNIT 2 Recount

Write your memorable experience when you were a child.

Read and memorize the words. pass : memberikan

Use them whenever you speak English. pediatrician : dokter anak
prescribe : menulis resep obat
appetite : selera replace : menggantikan
breathe : bernapas runner up : nomor dua
broad : lebar slight : sedikit
broken down : rusak submit : mengumpulkan
cheat : mencontek suffer : menderita
compliment : memuji touch : menyentuh
embarrass : memalukan turn : giliran

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 151

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Read the dialog and answer questions 3 and 4.
answer. Anang : Would you please help me? We
need to buy more cakes for the party.
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 Candra : Sure. Where should we buy them?
and 2. Anang : In the bakery on Jalan Kenari.
Ms. Sandy : Excuse me, but I was just Candra : O.K. Let’s go.
admiring your bag. It’s really nice. 3. What is the dialog about?
Mrs. Hans : Oh, thank you. A. A party.
Ms. Sandy : Could you tell me where you B. A bakery.
bought it? I have been looking C. Buying cakes.
for one like that for a long time. D. Holding in a party.
Mrs. Hans : I bought it in the Luggage Store Jawaban: C
in Plaza Indonesia. Dalam percakapan tersebut Anang
Ms. Sandy : Oh, thank you very much. meminta bantuan Candra untuk bersama-
Adapted from: Contextual Teaching and Learning: sama membeli kue dan Candra
Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII menyetujuinya. Jadi, topik pembicaraan
Edisi 4 mereka mengenai membeli kue.
1. Ms. Sandy said, “Excuse me, but I was 4. Anang said, “Would you please help me?”
just admiring your bag. It’s really nice.” What does it mean?
What does it mean? A. He is asking for information.
A. She expresses her gratitude. B. He is giving information.
B. She expresses her happiness. C. He is asking for help.
C. She compliments Mrs. Hans’ bag. D. He is giving help.
D. She asks for Mrs. Hans’ help. Jawaban: C
Jawaban: C Kalimat yang dikatakan Anang artinya
Kalimat yang dikatakan Bu Sandy artinya, ”Bersediakah Anda membantu saya?”.
”Maaf, tetapi saya hanya mengagumi tas Kalimat ini merupakan ungkapan untuk
Anda. Tas itu sangat bagus.”. Kalimat ini meminta bantuan (ask for help).
merupakan ungkapan untuk memuji. Read the dialog and answer questions 5 and 6.
2. What can you conclude from the dialog? Ryan : Ari, where will you go?
A. Ms. Sandy wants to buy the bag. Ari : To the shop over there. I need some
B. Mrs. Hans and Ms. Sandy have the toothpaste.
same bag. Ryan : Would you also buy me a bar of soap,
C. Ms. Sandy wants to go to Indonesia. please? I’m running out of it.
D. Mrs. Hans and Ms. Sandy want to Ari : Sure.
buy a bag together.
Jawaban: A 5. From the dialog we know that ________.
Dari kalimat-kalimat yang dikatakan Bu A. Ryan is asking for help
Sandy mengenai tas Bu Hans, ”It’s really B. Ryan is giving help
nice.” yang artinya ”(Tas itu) sangat bagus.” C. Ryan is refusing help
dan juga ”Could you tell me where you D. Ryan is accepting help
bought it?” yang artinya ”Bersediakah Anda Jawaban: A
memberi tahu tempat Anda membelinya?”, Dalam percakapan tersebut, Ryan meminta
dapat disimpulkan bahwa Bu Sandy Ari untuk membelikannya sabun dengan
menyukai tas Bu Hans dan ingin membeli mengatakan, ”Would you also buy me a bar
tas seperti itu. of soap?” yang artinya, ”Maukah kamu

152 UNIT 2 Recount

membelikan saya sabun?”. Kalimat itu 7. How long did Kevin live in Southern
menunjukkan bahwa Ryan meminta Cross, West Australia?
bantuan (asking for help). Pilihan jawaban A. For 3 years. B. For 4 years.
yang lain salah karena bukan merupakan C. For 5 years. D. For 6 years.
jenis ungkapan yang sesuai. Jawaban: B
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ” . . . ,
6. What does Ryan want Ari to do?
I went back to Southern Cross in West
A. To buy him toothpaste.
Australia. Well, I was born there and lived
B. To buy him detergent.
there for the first four years of my life.”
C. To buy him soap.
yang artinya ”. . . , saya kembali ke
D. To buy him towel.
Southern Cross di Australia Barat. Saya
Jawaban: C
lahir di sana dan tinggal di sana empat
Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat
tahun pertama kehidupan saya.”.
Ryan, ”Would you also buy me a bar of
soap? I'm running out of it.” yang artinya 8. What was surprising for Kevin?
”Maukah kamu membelikan saya sabun? A. He could go back to both of the towns.
Saya kehabisan sabun.”. B. Narrogin and Southern Cross didn’t
change at all.
Read the text and answer questions 7 to 10. C. The house his grandfather had built
wasn’t destroyed.
D. He remembered the town he was
born and the town he grew up.
Dear Kusumawardhani, Jawaban: D
Have you still lived in the town where Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan
you were born or where you grew up as kalimat ”I was surprised that I actually
a young child? Last June I went back to the remembered both towns . . . .” yang
town where I was born and to the two towns artinya ”Saya merasa terkejut karena saya
where I grew up. Together with my parents masih ingat kedua kota itu . . . .”. Pilihan
and my brother, I went back to Southern jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
Cross in West Australia. Well, I was born terdapat dalam teks.
there and lived there for the first four years
of my life. Then, my family and I moved to 9. Who went to see both of the towns with Kevin?
Narrogin, about a four hour drive away. A. His father and his mother
I was surprised that I actually B. His father and his brother.
remembered both towns, although of course C. His parents and his brother.
Narrogin was clearer in my memory. You D. His parents and his sister.
know, I lived in Narrogin for 6 years and I Jawaban: C
even went back to see the house that my Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat,
grandfather built in the late 1950s. It was still ”Together with my parents and my brother,
there. Then, I went to see my old primary I went back . . . .” yang artinya ”Bersama-
school too–it hasn’t changed much at all. sama dengan orang tua dan saudara laki-
Yeah, I just like the old days really. laki saya, saya kembali ke . . . .”.
This is all my story. Please share your 10. Which statement is TRUE according to the
interesting story with me. I look forward to it. text?
Yours sincerely, A. Kevin was born in Narrogin.
B. Kevin could see the house his
Kevin August grandfather built.
C. Kevin saw his secondary school in
Adapted from: KangGuru Radio English
D. Kevin lived in Narrogin for four years.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 153

Jawaban: B jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena sesuai (A) artinya memenangkan, (B) artinya
dengan kalimat ”. . . and I even went back memperoleh, dan (C) artinya bekerja.
to see the house that my grandfather built
13. A. cried B. sang
in the late 1950s. It was still there.” yang
C. shouted D. cheered
artinya, ”. . . dan saya bahkan kembali
Jawaban: D
untuk mengunjungi rumah yang dibangun
Kalimat soal artinya ”Siswa kelas VIII . . .
oleh kakek saya pada tahun 1950-an
untuk regu kami.”. Kata yang tepat
akhir. Rumah itu masih ada di sana.”.
melengkapi kalimat ini adalah cheered
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
yang artinya bersorak-sorak.
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
Read the text and answer questions 14 and 15.
For questions 11 to 13, choose the correct
words to complete the following text.
Hi, everybody. Let me tell you something.
Yesterday Grade VIII students went to Dear Mrs. Handoko,
a swimming competition at Banyubiru I am very grateful because you have
swimming pool. taken care of my mom tenderly and
The first race I entered was the freestyle. carefully with all your heart. You are so kind
I (11) ________ the third place and got a blue to my family. May God always bless you
ribbon. The next race was backstroke. I came with health and riches because of your
fifth. kindness.
Later on, my friend swam in the butterfly Now, my mother is in good condition.
race and won. After lunch, we (12) ________ in She even can make jokes with her
the relays. Grade VIII students (13) ________ granddaughter. I’m happy because of this.
so hard for our team.
Finally, my mom arrived to take me home. Sincerely yours,
I was very tired but happy.
Mrs. Sanjaya
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning
Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII
14. Why did Mrs. Sanjaya send Mrs. Handoko
11. A. won B. got a letter?
C. swam D. competed A. To express her complaint.
Jawaban: A B. To express her compliment.
Kalimat soal artinya ”Perlombaan pertama C. To ask for her help.
yang saya ikuti adalah gaya bebas. Saya D. To express her gratitude.
. . . peringkat ketiga dan mendapatkan Jawaban: D
pita biru.”. Kalimat ini cocok dilengkapi Jawaban ini benar sesuai dengan kalimat ”I
dengan kata ’won’ yang artinya am very grateful because . . . .” yang artinya
’memenangkan’. ”Saya sangat berterima kasih karena . . . .”.
12. A. won B. got 15. “ . . . you have taken care of my mom
C. worked D. competed tenderly . . . .”
Jawaban: D The underlined word means ________.
Kalimat soal berarti ”Setelah makan siang, A. mature B. lovingly
kami . . . dalam estafet.”. Karena yang C. calmly D. emotionally
diikuti oleh penulis adalah perlombaan, kata Jawaban: B
yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat adalah Kata ’tenderly’ yang artinya ’dengan
competed yang artinya berlomba. Pilihan lembut’ mempunyai arti yang hampir
sama dengan ’lovingly’ yang artinya
’dengan kasih sayang’.

154 UNIT 2 Recount

Read the text and answer questions 16 to 20. Jawaban: D
Paspor, visa, dan izin keluar merupakan
Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour to
dokumen (document) imigrasi.
Europe. They were traveling on a guided
tour to five countries. They were going to 19. What is paragraph three about?
travel through the Netherlands, Belgium, A. Shopping in big towns.
Germany, Switzerland and France for two B. Staying in famous places.
weeks. The guide for the tour was a Swiss. C. Visiting famous places.
On the first day of the travel the guide told D. Eating in big restaurants.
them to check their passports, their traveler Jawaban: C
cheques and their foreign cash. He told Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan
them to keep them safely. kalimat ”The guide stopped the coach at
They traveled in a comfortable coach many famous places.” yang artinya
with a toilet, music and video. The guide ”Pemandu itu menghentikan kereta di
stopped the coach at many famous places. banyak tempat terkenal.”.
He explained the cultural importance of the
20. ”They enjoyed the two-week tour.”
places. They stayed in big hotels for the
The underlined word has the same
night and ate in the restaurants.
meaning as ________.
On the way, they stopped at small
A. got bored with
restaurants to eat lunch. In big towns, they
B. got pleasure from
went for shopping. They bought many
C. became addicted to
souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed
D. became amazed at
the two-week tour.
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
16. The text is about ________.
A. traveling B. shopping Jawaban: B
C. tracking D. visiting Kata ’enjoyed’ yang artinya ’menikmati’
Jawaban: A sama artinya dengan got pleasure from
Dari kalimat-kalimat awal teks, yaitu yang artinya memperoleh kesenangan dari.
”Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour to
Europe. They were traveling on a guided B. Complete the text with the correct
tour to five countries.” yang artinya ”Bapak words in the box.
dan Ibu Charly sedang berwisata ke Change them into the correct form.
Eropa. Mereka pergi dengan wisata
terpandu ke lima negara.”. Jadi, teks ● buy ● have ● get
tersebut tentang bepergian (travelling). ● go ● make ● see
● sit ● take
17. Where were Mr. and Mrs. Charly touring?
A. Africa. B. Europe. Shirley’s Day Off
C. America. D. Australia.
Jawaban: B Shirley enjoyed her day off yesterday. She
Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan (1) ________ up late, (2) ________ jogging in
kalimat, ”Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour the park, (3) ________ a long shower, and
to Europe.” yang artinya ”Bapak dan Ibu (4) ________ a big breakfast. In the afternoon,
Charly sedang berwisata ke Eropa.”. she (5) ________ a film with her sister. Then,
she (6) ________ groceries at the supermarket,
18. The guide told them to check their and she (7) ________ a big dinner for her
immigration ________, such as parents. After dinner, Shirley and her parents
passport, visa and exit permit. (8) ________ in the living room and talked.
A. papers B. letters Shirley had a very nice day off yesterday.
C. records D. documents
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa
Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas VIII Edisi 4

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 155

Jawaban: 5. saw
1. got 6. bought
2. went 7. made
3. took 8. sat
4. had

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 2:

● Sebelum berpindah ke Unit 3, guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi. Bagian ini bisa
dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkan kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

156 UNIT 2 Recount

4. What will Rio do?
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
A. Take the cups on the table.
B. Put some cups on the table.
C. Take some cups in the kitchen.
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 3.
D. Give the cups to Donna.
Ronnie : Happy birthday, Ed! Wow, what a cool 5. Donna said “If you don’t mind, please take
watch you have! Is it a present? the cups on the table.”
Eddy : Thanks. Yes, it’s a birthday present What does it mean?
from my aunt. She bought it in A. She is greeting Rio.
Singapore. B. She is giving attention to Rio.
Ronnie : Lucky you! I wish I had a watch like C. She is asking for Rio’s help.
that. D. She is offering her help.
Eddy : I hope you’ll get a watch like this on
your next birthday. For questions 6 and 7, choose the correct
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa answer based on the following sentences.
Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII Edisi 4 1. Shop assistant : Here it is.
2. Shop assistant : Can I help you?
1. What is the dialog about? 3. Shop assistant : Which one? The red
A. A birthday present. one or the the pink one?
B. Eddy’s watch. 4. Anna : Yes. Would you take me
C. Eddy’s birthday. the dress over there?
D. Eddy’s aunt. 5. Anna : Thank you.
2. Which statement is NOT TRUE about 6. Anna : The red one, please.
Eddy’s watch?
A. He got it as a birthday present. 6. The correct arrangement of the sentences
B. He bought it in Singapore. is ________.
C. He wore it on his birthday. A. 1–6–2–4–3–5
D. He got it from his aunt. B. 2–4–3–6–1–5
C. 2–6–1–4–3–5
3. Ronnie said, “Wow, what a cool watch you
D. 3–6–2–4–1–5
have!” What does it mean?
A. He is greeting Eddy. 7. Anna said, “Would you take me the dress
B. He is giving information to Eddy. over there?” What does it mean?
C. He is complimenting Eddy’s watch. A. She is asking for information.
D. He is offering his help. B. She is giving information.
C. She is giving something.
Read the dialog and answer questions 4 D. She is asking for help.
and 5. 8. Andra : Please taste the soup I’ve made.
Rio : You look busy. Want a hand, Donna? Paula : Sure, thanks.
Donna : If you don’t mind, please take the Andra : What do you think?
cups on the table. Then, bring them Paula : _______.
to the kitchen. A. Um . . . it’s delicious
Rio : O.K. B. Please don’t bother
C. That’s right
D. Certainly

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 157

Read the text and answer questions 9 to 13. 13. ”The Borobudur Temple is really magnificent.”
(Paragraph 1) The word ‘magnificent’ has
the same meaning as ________.
A. fabulous B. unbelievable
Dear Mellyani,
C. attractive D. strange
On my last school holiday, my
classmates and I went to Borobudur. The
Read the text and answer questions 14 to 18.
Borobudur Temple is really magnificent.
The hugeness of the temple really
impressed me. How could our ancestors
build such a big temple? It was amazing. In Kupang, May 7, 2009
the temple, we went upstairs step by step. Dear Paula,
Walking around the temple, we saw Hello, Paula. How are you? It’s been
many reliefs on the temple walls. Some a month since I last heard from you. Well,
foreigners seemed interested in them. I just wanted to tell you that I was in hospital
I overheard their conversation with the last week. According to the doctor, I got
guide. Actually, the reliefs tell a story. a dengue fever.
It was really a nice experience! I hope At first, I felt my body became weak,
you can go there someday. then I fainted when I was studying in the
classroom. Soon, I was taken to the
Cheers, hospital because of the high fever. At the
hospital, I was brought into the emergency
Renny unit. The doctor immediately gave some
treatment. Finally, I had to stay there for
9. Whom did Renny go to Borobudur with? one week. Every day the doctor kept me on
A. Her tour guides. a drip. At the seventh day, my condition
B. Her classmates. was getting better. After the final check, the
C. Renny’s friends. doctor gave me permission to go home.
D. Some foreigners. Now, I’m feeling much better. Because
of my illness, I am now more careful about
10. Renny admired the temple because of its keeping in my house clean, especially my
________. room. I don't want to get the same illness
A. visitors B. reliefs again.
C. stones D. size O.K., I think that’s all from me. Please
11. Which of the following statement is NOT write to me soon. Bye.
TRUE about Renny?
A. She is a student. Regards,
B. Mellyani is one of her friends.
C. She didn’t enjoy the holiday. Nadira
D. She really enjoyed visiting the Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII
Borobudur Temple. Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
12. “In the temple, we went upstair step by
step.” (Paragraph 2) 14. What is the purpose of the letter?
The word ‘we’ refers to ________. A. To tell about a dengue fever.
A. Renny B. To tell about the doctor’s treatment in
B. the foreigners hospital.
C. Renny and her classmates C. To tell about the writer’s daily activities
D. Renny and Mellyani in hospital.
D. To tell the writer’s experience when
she was hospitalized.

158 UNIT 2 Recount

15. When was the writer taken to the hospital? 20. What did the workmen find?
A. Yesterday. A. An 8-meter long phyton.
B. Last week. B. An 8-meter long cobra.
C. Last month. C. A 9-meter long phyton.
D. Two days ago. D. A 9-meter long cobra.
16. How long did the writer stay in hospital? 21. How was the snake when a workman was
A. Two days. B. Five days. approaching it?
C. A week. D. Two weeks. A. It didn’t move.
17. “The doctor immediately gave some B. It approached the man.
treatment.” (Paragraph 2) C. It was dead.
What does the underlined word mean? D. It poked its head.
A. Straightly. 22. What was the man doing when he saw the
B. Finally. snake?
C. Carefully. A. He was cleaning the drain.
D. Formally. B. He was going to climb the tree.
18. What can the writer learn from her C. He was going to start to work.
experience? D. He was going to sit under the tree.
A. Doctor always gives immediate 23. Which statement is TRUE according to the
treatment. text?
B. She should keep her house clean. A. The workmen were building a new
C. Her classmates love her. factory.
D. She should study harder. B. The snake might belong to the zoo.
C. The workmen brought the snake to
Read the text and answer questions 19 to 24. the owner.
The workmen who were building the new D. The police were trying to find the
hospital in my town caught a snake last month. owner.
It was in the drain near the building 24. “Then, they caught the 8-meter long
construction site. phyton and brought it to the authority of
Early in the morning, a workman was just the zoo in this town.” The word ‘authority’
going to sit under the tree when suddenly he has the similar meaning to ________.
saw a long creature lying in the drain. It did not A. writer B. control
move when he was approaching it. Then, he C. attention D. autonomy
shouted to the other workmen who were going
to start to work. Then, they caught the 8-meter Read the text and answer questions 25 to 30.
long phyton and brought it to the authority of the
When I was an elementary school student,
zoo in this town.
I had a bad experience which I still regret up to
The diameter of its body was about
now. At that time I really liked the lesson about
25 centimeters. They believed that the snake
social studies. We had the lesson two times
might belong to someone living in the area. The
a week, on Tuesday and Friday. On Fridays,
police were trying to find the owner.
before the lesson began, we always had
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa a small test or quiz about the previous lessons.
Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII Edisi 4
We did the quiz on our test books.
Because I liked the lesson very much,
19. What is the structure of the story?
I always studied hard a few days before, even
A. Orientation–Complication–Resolution.
a week before the quiz. The result was I always
B. Orientation–Events–Re-orientation.
got very good marks in the quiz. The teacher
C. Identification–Description.
was proud of me and always praised me before
D. Goal–Materials–Steps.
other students.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 159

One day, because I had many things to do, 29. Why did the writer cheat?
I hadn't studied before the test. And because A. Because he/she hadn’t studied.
the day before the lesson was a holiday, I went B. Because the quiz was difficult.
on a trip with my family. It was enjoyable. We C. Because he/she had a trip the day
went to go to the trip in the morning and came before.
back home in the evening. D. Because he/she wrote the quiz on his
I didn’t want my mark to be lower than test book.
before. So, I decided to cheat. On Thursday
30. What was the teacher’s opinion according
evening, I wrote the lesson material on a piece
to the writer?
of paper and put it on my test book.
A. The writer just cheated once.
When I did the quiz, I could do it easily.
B. The writer never studied hard.
I just looked at the lesson material and write it
C. The writer couldn’t do his/her quiz.
all. However, my deskmate knew this. Then, he
D. The writer got good marks because
reported it to my teacher.
he/she cheated.
I was very embarrassed and regretful.
Although the teacher didn’t get angry with me,
B. Change the words in brackets into
I knew that all the hard effort which I had done
their correct forms.
was useless. You know why? Yeah, he had to
think that I had got good marks because
1. I (be) here since last week.
I cheated.
2. (Do) Sinta (sweep) the floor this morning?
3. Sinta and Farida (be) in the canteen a few
25. What is the text about?
minutes ago.
A. The writer’s experience when he/she
4. Ellyana (be–not) absent yesterday.
5. (you, have) breakfast already?
B. The writer’s experience when he/she
6. I (not–sleep) well last night.
did a task in social studies.
7. Mrs. Gunawan (prepare) the party since
C. The writer’s experience when he/she
8:00 a.m.
got a low mark.
8. Mr. Arman (teach) here for four years.
D. The writer’s experience when he/she
9. Susi was watering the flowers when the
had a trip with his family.
telephone (ring).
26. When did the writer have a trip? 10. My father was reading a newpaper when
A. On Tuesday. somebody (knock) at the door.
B. On Wednesday.
C. On Thursday. C. Write a recount text about your trip
D. On Friday. experience.
27. How many times a week did the writer
have the quiz?
A. Once.
B. Twice.
C. Three times.
D. Four times.
28. How did the teacher know that the writer
A. He saw when the writer was doing it.
B. The writer’s deskmate reported it to
C. The writer’s attitude made him
D. He saw the writer’s lesson material.

160 UNIT 2 Recount

Jawaban Review Unit 2 (asking for help). Pilihan jawaban yang
A. Pilihan Ganda lain salah karena bukan merupakan
jenis ungkapan yang tepat.
1. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat awal
8. A. Dalam percakapan tersebut Andra
Ronnie, ”Wow, what a cool watch you
meminta pendapat Paula mengenai
have! Is that a present?” yang artinya,
sup masakannya. Respons yang tepat
”Wow, sungguh sebuah jam yang bagus!
adalah ungkapan untuk memberi
Apakah itu hadiah?”. Kalimat-kalimat
pendapat/memuji, yaitu (A) yang
selanjutnya juga menyatakan bahwa
artinya um . . . (masakan) ini lezat.
percakapan tersebut mengenai jam
9. B. Di awal surat, Renny menulis ”On my
Eddy (Eddy’s watch).
last school holiday, my clasmates and
2. B. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena
I went to Borobudur.”. Jadi, dia pergi
sesuai dengan kalimat Eddy mengenai
bersama teman sekelasnya.
jam itu, ”Yes, it’s a birthday present
10. D. Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan
from my aunt. She bought it in
kalimat ”The hugeness of the temple
Singapore.” yang artinya ”Ya, ini
really impressed me.”. Kata ’hugeness’
adalah hadiah ulang tahun dari bibi
yang artinya ’kebesaran’ menunjukkan
saya. Dia membelinya di Singapura.”.
ukuran (size) candi Borobudur.
Jadi, yang membeli bukan Eddy, tetapi
11. C. Dalam surat Renny mengungkapkan
bibi Eddy.
bahwa mengunjungi Borobudur adalah
3. C. Kalimat yang dikatakan Ronnie
pengalaman yang manis, yang berarti
artinya ”Wow, sungguh sebuah jam
dia menikmati liburannya di Borobudur.
yang bagus!”. Kalimat ini merupakan
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) salah karena
ungkapan untuk memuji
bertentangan dengan hal ini.
12. C. Kata ’we’ dalam kalimat tersebut
4. A. Dalam percakapan, Donna
mengacu pada Renny dan teman-
mengatakan, ”If you don’t mind, please
teman sekelasnya yang pergi ke Candi
take the cups on the table.” yang
artinya ”Jika kamu tidak keberatan,
13. A. Kata ’magnificent’ mempunyai arti yang
tolong ambil cangkir-cangkir di atas
sama dengan ’fabulous’, yaitu ’megah’.
meja.”. Rio menjawabnya, ”O.K.” yang
14. D. Dari keseluruhan isi surat diketahui
artinya ”Baiklah.”. Jadi, Rio akan
bahwa surat tersebut mengenai
mengambil cangkir-cangkir di atas
pengalaman penulis saat dirawat di
meja untuk dibawa ke dapur.
rumah sakit (when she was
5. C. Ungkapan tersebut yang artinya ”Jika
kamu tidak keberatan, tolong ambilkan
15. B. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
cangir-cangkir di atas meja.” adalah
kalimat kedua paragraf pertama, ”Well,
ungkapan untuk meminta bantuan (ask
I just wanted to tell you that I was in
for help).
hospital last week.” yang artinya ”Ya,
6. B. Percakapan diawali dengan pelayan
saya hanya ingin memberi tahu bahwa
toko yang menanyakan apakah ada
saya dirawat di rumah sakit minggu lalu.”.
yang dapat dibantu (2), lalu Anna
16. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat,
meminta agar pelayan toko itu
”Finally, I had to stay there for one
mengambilkannya baju (4), pelayan
week.” yang artinya ”Akhirnya, saya
toko menanyakan baju yang dimaksud
harus dirawat di sana selama satu
(3), dan Anna menjawabnya (6).
Selanjutnya, pelayan toko memberikan
17. A. Kata ’immediately’ memiliki makna
baju tersebut (1) dan Anna berterima
’segera’. Kata ini memiliki makna yang
kasih kepadanya (5).
sama dengan straightly yang artinya
7. D. Kalimat soal artinya ”Maukah Anda
mengambilkan baju di sana?”. Dari
18. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
kalimat tersebut diketahui bahwa Anna
”Because of my illness, I am now more
meminta pelayan toko untuk
careful about keeping my house clean
membantunya mengambilkan sesuatu
especially my room.” yang artinya

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 161

”Karena sakit itu, saya sekarang lebih keluarga saya.”. Dari kedua kalimat ini,
hati-hati menjaga rumah tetap bersih, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis
terutama kamar saya.”. bertamasya pada hari Kamis (Thursday),
19. B. Teks tersebut merupakan teks sehari sebelum quiz pada hari Jumat.
recount, yang strukturnya adalah 27. A. Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan
Orientation–Events–Re-orientation. kalimat ”On Fridays, before the lesson
20. A. Dalam teks disebutkan ”Then, they began, we always had a small test or quiz
caught the 8-meter long phyton.” yang . . . .” yang artinya ”Setiap Jumat, sebelum
artinya ”Kemudian, mereka menangkap pelajaran dimulai, kami selalu
ular piton sepanjang 8 meter.”. mengerjakan tes kecil atau kuis.”,
21. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat sehingga hanya sekali (once) seminggu.
”It did not move when he was 28. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat,
approaching it.” yang artinya ”Ular itu ”However, my deskmate knew this.
tidak bergerak saat dia Then, he reported it to my teacher.”
mendekatinya.”. yang artinya ”Namun, teman sebangku
22. D. Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan saya mengetahui hal ini. Kemudian, dia
kalimat, ”A workman was just going to melaporkannya kepada guru.”.
sit under the tree when suddenly he 29. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat, ”. . .
saw a long creature lying in the drain.” I hadn’t studied before the test. . . .
yang artinya ”Seorang pekerja akan So, I decided to cheat.” yang artinya,
duduk ketika tiba-tiba dia melihat ”. . . saya belum belajar sebelumnya.
makhluk panjang yang tergeletak di . . . . Jadi, saya memutuskan untuk
saluran.”. mencontek.”.
23. D. Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena 30. D. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
sesuai dengan kalimat akhir teks, yaitu terakhir teks, ”Yeah, he had to think
”The police were trying to find the that I had got good marks because
owner.” yang artinya ”Polisi berusaha I cheated.” yang artinya ”Ya, guru pasti
menemukan pemiliknya.”. Pilihan berpikir bahwa saya mendapat nilai
jawaban yagn lain salah karena tidak baik karena saya mencontek.”.
sesuai isi teks.
B. Isian
24. B. Kata ’authority’ yang artinya ’pihak
1. have been 2. Did, sweep
berwenang’ memiliki arti yang hampir
3. were 4. was not
sama dengan control atau pengawasan.
5. Have you had 6. did not sleep
25. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat
7. has prepared 8. has taught
”I didn’t want my mark to be lower than
9. rang 10. knocked
before. So, I decided to cheat.” yang
artinya ”Saya tidak ingin nilai saya lebih C. Esai
rendah daripada sebelumnya. Jadi, Contoh jawaban:
saya memutuskan untuk mencontek.”. Last week, my brother and I spent our
Pilihan jawaban yang lain hanya holiday in Jakarta. We stayed in Uncle Tonny’s
sebagai gagasan pendukung. house. We went there by bus. We left from
26. C. Dalam teks terdapat kalimat ”On Fridays, Yogyakarta on Friday. Before we left, we
before the lesson began, we always had prepared some things. First, we booked two
a small test or quiz about the previous tickets at the ticket agency.
lessons.” yang artinya ”Setiap Jumat, On the departure day, we got on the bus
sebelum pelajaran dimulai, kami selalu from Giwangan terminal at about 3:00 p.m. After
mengerjakan tes kecil atau quiz tentang that, we stopped to have dinner at Ajibarang.
pelajaran sebelumnya.” dan juga kalimat After having dinner, we continued our travel. We
”And because the day before the lesson arrived at Lebak Bulus terminal early morning.
was a holiday, I went on a trip with my From the terminal, we took a bus no. C 09. Then,
family.” yang artinya ”Dan karena hari we arrived at our uncle’s house. It was a long trip,
sebelum pelajaran itu adalah hari libur, but we enjoyed it.
saya pergi bertamasya bersama Source: Scaffolding English for Junior High School
Students Grade VIII

162 UNIT 2 Recount

At the end of this unit you will
be able to:
1. admit and deny facts,
2. congratulate someone,
3. create short functional
texts (lost and found
4. tell descriptions of certain
places using spoken
5. write short functional texts
6. write descriptive texts
about certain places, and
7. use question words and
indefinite pronouns.

You heard that your friend’s brother became the first winner in
the regional athletic competition. When you met him, you asked about
the fact. Your friend admitted the fact. Then, you sent your
congratulations for him.
Do you know kinds of expressions of admithing and denying
facts as well as congratulating? Don’t worry, you’ll find them in this
unit. You can also practice those expressions in the form of

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 163

3.1 Expressions

Admitting and Denying Facts

Study the dialogs and understand the explanation.

Listen! There will be Our football team failed to join

a music festival next month! the coming competition because
of the financial matter.
1 2

No way! We had
That’s right. I’ve done fund raising and
read the brochure. it got a lot of money,
you know.

Pay attention to the bold typed sentences in the dialogs above. The sentences “There will
be a music festival next month!” and “Our football team failed to join the coming
competition because of the financial matter.” are the expressions of stating facts.
Meanwhile, the response “That’s right.” is the expression of admitting a fact and “No way!”
is the expression of denying a fact.

Here are some other expressions you can use to admit and deny facts.

Statements Admitting Facts Denying Facts

● Rina won the speech ● Yes, she did./ ● No, she didn’t. You have
contest, didn’t she? That’s true. got wrong information.
● You got ten in physics, ● I did./You’re right. ● I wish. In fact, I didn’t.
● The students are doing ● Right. ● Are they? I don’t think so.
an experiment in the lab,
aren’t they?
● You told me that Lina ● I did. ● No, I didn’t say that.
would move to Bandung.

164 UNIT 3 Descriptive


Study the dialogs and understand the explanation.

Congratulations! Well done! Your

1 You deserve to win. 2 work is the best.
Thank you.
Thank you.

You say “Congratulations!” or “Well done!” to appreciate someone’s work or success. Say
“Thanks.” or “Thank you.” when someone congratulates you.

Here are some other expressions of congratulating and their responses.

Congratulating Responding
Fantastic!/Terrific! Thank you.
I must congratulate you on your success. Thanks.
Happy birthday! Thank you for saying so.
Happy marriage for both of you!
Happy Mother’s Day!

Answer the questions orally.

1. When your friend tells you a fact, which you know is true, how will you respond to it?
Contoh jawaban: I will say, “It is.” or “That’s true.”
2. When your friend tells you something, but you know that it isn’t true, what will you say?
Contoh jawaban: I will say, “No, it is not true.”
3. When your friend won a swimming competition, what would you say to him/her?
Contoh jawaban: I will say, “Congratulations! You’re really excellent!”
4. What other expressions do you know to congratulate someone?
Contoh jawaban: – Nice work!
– Well done!
– Excellent!

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 165

A. Listen to your teacher.
Write the sentences you have heard correctly.
Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
1. Terrific!
2. You did a great job!
3. Absolutely right!
4. Happy birthday!
5. That is not true.
6. Yes, it is confirmed.
7. Do you? That’s great!
8. Long life and healthy!
9. That’s absolutely wrong!
10. Happy marriage for both of you!

Copy the table below.
Classify the sentences in Task A into their correct groups.
Share your work with the class.

Congratulating Admitting Facts Denying Facts

_______________________ ___________________ ______________________

_______________________ ___________________ ______________________
_______________________ ___________________ ______________________
_______________________ ___________________ ______________________
_______________________ ___________________ ______________________
_______________________ ___________________ ______________________


Congratulating Admitting Facts Denying Facts

– Terrific! – Absolutely right! – That is not true.

– You did a great job! – Yes, it is confirmed. – That’s absolutely wrong!
– Happy birthday!
– Do you? That’s great!
– Long life and healthy!
– Happy marriage for both
of you!

166 UNIT 3 Descriptive

B. Complete the dialog while listening to your teacher.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

Benny and Jaka are on their way to the Bogor Botanical Garden.
Jaka : I’ve never seen a Rafflesia flower in my life before. (1) I wonder what it looks like.
Benny : You’ll be surprised when you see it.
Jaka : Why? (2) Is it beautiful?
Benny : It is.
Jaka : It’s beautiful. So, it must smell good, right?
Benny : No, it is not.
Jaka : (3) Are you sure?
Benny : Well, you’ll find it out yourself when we’ve got there.

A few minutes later, they arrive at the place where the Rafflesia flower is.
Benny : Can you smell something?
Jaka : What smell? (4) I don’t smell anything. (Pointing at the Rafflesia flower.) Is that the
Benny : (5) Yes, it is.
Jaka : Wow, it is beautiful!
Benny : (6) Just like what I’ve said. Now, let’s get closer. Do you smell something?
Jaka : Yeah. (7) The smell is really bad. Where does it come from?
Benny : The Rafflesia!
Jaka : (8) No way!
Benny : Well, if you don’t believe me, get close to it and smell it. What do you think?
Jaka : (9) You’re right. It smells really bad.
Benny : O.K., we’ve seen enough. Let’s get away from here. I can’t help the smell.
Jaka : O.K. (10) Let’s go.

A. Listen to your teacher.
Complete the dialogs with proper sentences based on what you have heard.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Frank : I heard you got the highest score in math. Is that right?
Liz : Yup.
Frank : (1) Congratulations! You deserved to get it for your hard work.
Liz : (2) Thanks, Frank.
Dialog 2
Tika : You broke the radio, didn’t you?
Dito : (3) No, I didn’t.
Tika : Didn’t you?
Dito : (4) Positive. It had been broken before I used it.
Tika : (5) I’m sorry.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 167

B. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the dialogs in Task A.
Answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

Dialog 1
1. What is the dialog about?
2. Why did Frank congratulate Liz?
3. What did Frank say to congratulate Liz?
4. What did Liz say to respond the congratulation?
Dialog 2
5. What is the speakers’ relationship?
6. Where does the dialog take place?
7. What had been broken?
8. Dito said, “No, I didn’t.” What does it mean?

1. About congratulating someone for her achievement.
2. Because Liz got the highest score in math.
3. He said, “Congratulations!”
4. She said, “Thanks, Frank.”
5. They are brother and sister.
6. At home.
7. It’s a radio.
8. He denies the fact.

C. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the dialog in Task B.
Correct the false ones.

1. ______ Jaka and Benny are going to see a Rafflesia flower.

2. ______ It is the first time for Benny to see a Rafflesia flower.
3. ______ From the beginning Jaka knows that Rafflesia has a terrible odor.
4. ______ Both Jaka and Benny agree that Rafflesia is beautiful.
5. ______ Benny is comfortable to smell the odor.
1. T
2. F. It is the first time for Jaka, not Benny, to see a Rafflesia flower.
3. F. Jaka doesn’t know that Rafflesia has a terrible odor, but Benny knows it.
4. T
5. F. Benny can’t help the bad odor.

168 UNIT 3 Descriptive

A. Listen to your teacher.
Complete the dialog while listening to your teacher.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Dito : Vera, it seems that (1) you have no plan for this afternoon. Do you?
Vera : No, I don’t. What’s up?
Dito : Hm . . . I want to go to Lisa’s house (2) to study together. What if you join us?
Vera : What will you study?
Dito : Math. (3) We will have a math test tomorrow, right?
Vera : A math test! (4) Are you sure about it?
Dito : You must have forgotten. (5) Mr. Ardi announced it a week ago. You can read it also
on our class announcement board.
Vera : Oh, no! O.K., I’ll go with you.
Dito : Fine, I’ll pick you up at two p.m.

B. Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. Who are talking in the dialog?
Jawaban: Classmates.
2. Where will the people go this afternoon?
Jawaban: They will go to Lisa’s house.
3. What will they do there?
Jawaban: They will study together.
4. Why do they need to study together?
Jawaban: To face the coming a math test.
4. What time will Dito pick Vera up?
Jawaban: At two p.m.

C. Listen to the dialog in Task A once again.

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ Vera has already had a plan for this afternoon.
2. ______ Dito will go to Lisa’s house to study together.
3. ______ Vera remembers that there will be a math test tomorrow.
4. ______ The teacher informed about the test to the students last week.
5. ______ The students can read the test information on the school wall magazine.
1. F. Vera has not had a plan to go this afternoon.
2. T
3. F. Vera forgets that there will be a math test tomorrow.
4. T
5. F. The students can read the test information on the class announcement board.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 169

D. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the following dialogs.
Answer them orally.
Dialog 1
Teacher : Ariel, here’s your report.
Ariel : Thank you, Sir.
Teacher : Congratulations! You’re the smartest student in this class.
Ariel : Am I, Sir?
Teacher : Yes, you are.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. Who are talking in the dialog?
2. What is the dialog about?
3. Why does the teacher congratulate Ariel?
4. When do you think the dialog occurs?

1. Teacher and student.
2. About congratulating someone.
3. Because he is the best student in his class.
4. When students receive their reports.
Dialog 2
Mr. Tio: How is your art work so far?
Halim : Finally, I finish it successfully, Dad.
Mr. Tio: May I see it?
Halim : Sure. Here it is.
Mr. Tio: Um, it’s just perfect. Well done! You deserve to get the best.
Halim : Thanks.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. Who are talking in the dialog?
2. Where do you think the dialog takes place?
3. What did Mr. Tio say to respond to Halim’s success?
4. Mr. Tio said, “You deserve to get the best.”
What does the word ‘deserve’ in Indonesian mean?

1. Father and son.
2. At home./In Halim’s house.
3. He said, “Well done! You deserve to get the best.”
4. It means ‘pantas’ or ‘layak’.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberikan variasi soal ini, sebagai berikut.
Dino : You look so cheerful today. What happened?
Tia : Guess what! The teacher asked me to represent our school for the story telling
competition next month.
Dino : Is it true?
Tia : It is!
Dino : I’m happy for you then.

170 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:
1. Where does the dialog probably take place?
2. What did the teacher ask Tia to do?
3. What competition will Tia join to represent her school?
4. When will the competition be held?
5. Dino said, “Is it true?” What does it mean?

1. At school (in a classroom).
2. The teacher asked her to represent her school for the story telling competition.
3. The story telling competition.
4. It will be held next month.
5. He wants to confirm the news.

E. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Jawaban: C

answer. Dalam percakapan tersebut Dion
memanggil wanita tersebut dengan
Listen to the dialog and answer questions sebutan ”Mom”. Jadi, yang bercakap-
1 to 3. cakap adalah ibu dan anak laki-laki
(mother and son).
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: 2. Dion succeeded in becoming the
Dion has arrived home. He has just joined ________ winner.
an English story telling competition. He is A. first
the runner up. B. second
Mother : Hello, dear. You look so tired. Just C. third
sit down and I’ll get you a glass of D. fourth
orange juice. Jawaban: B
Dion : Thanks, Mom. Dalam percakapan tersebut, Dion
Mother : Here is the juice. Now, tell me. mengatakan, ”I’m the runner up.” yang
How was the competition? artinya “Saya juara kedua.”. Jadi, pilihan
Dion : It was tiring, but I felt great, Mom. jawaban yang benar adalah (B) second
Guess what! I’m the runner up. yang artinya kedua.
Here is the certificate. 3. “It was tiring, but I felt great, Mom.”
Mother : Congratulations, dear! You really The underlined word has a similar
make me proud. meaning to ________.
Dion : Thanks, Mom. A. worrying
Mother : Father should know about this. I’ll B. exhausting
call him now. And . . . you’d better C. interesting
take a rest. D. boring
Dion : O.K., Mom. Jawaban: B
Kata ’tiring’ artinya ’melelahkan’. Kata ini
1. Who are talking in the dialog? memiliki makna yang hampir sama dengan
A. Two friends. kata exhausting. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
B. Father and son. salah. Worrying artinya mengkhawatirkan,
C. Mother and son. interesting artinya menarik, dan boring
D. Teacher and student. artinya membosankan.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 171

Listen to the dialog and answer questions Jawaban: D
4 and 5. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”I heard
she wanted to borrow a novel.” yang
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: artinya ”Saya dengar dia (Saskia) ingin
Fira : Lily, are you going to have lunch at meminjam sebuah novel.”. Jadi, alasan
the canteen? Saskia pergi ke perpustakaan adalah
Lily : No. I’m going to the library. I need untuk meminjam novel (to borrow a novel),
some books. Want to go there too? bukan (A) yang artinya untuk
Fira : I’d like to, but I can’t. I have an mengembalikan novel, (B) yang artinya
appointment with Dina to have lunch untuk membaca novel, dan (C) yang
together. Why don’t you go with artinya untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan
Saskia? I heard she wanted to rumah.
borrow a novel. 5. “Lily said, “Did she?”
Lily : Did she? O.K., I’ll ask her. Thanks The underlined word refers to ________.
for the info, Fira. A. Dina B. Saskia
Fira : You’re welcome. C. Fira D. Fira’s friend
Jawaban: B
4. Why did Saskia want to go to the library? Kalimat tersebut diucapkan Lily untuk
A. To return a novel. merespons informasi yang disampaikan
B. To read a novel. Fira sebelumnya bahwa Saskia juga akan
C. To do her homework. pergi ke perpustakaan untuk meminjam
D. To borrow a novel. novel. Jadi, kata ’she’ merujuk pada

Variasi: Jawaban: C
Dengan percakapan-percakapan yang sama, Kalimat yang diucapkan ibu Dion untuk
guru dapat memberikan soal-soal lain sebagai memberi selamat kepadanya adalah
berikut. ”Congratulations!”.
Listen to the dialog and answer questions Listen to the dialog and answer questions
1 and 2. 3 to 5.
1. What competition did Dion participate in? 3. Who are talking in the dialog?
A. An English story telling competition. A. Playmates. B. Pen friends.
B. An English speech contest. C. Classmates. D. Two strangers.
C. An English debate competition. Jawaban: C
D. An English competition. Kalimat soal tentang siapa yang
Jawaban: A bercakap-cakap. Jawaban disimpulkan
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat dari kata kunci ’canteen’ yang artinya
kedua pengantar percakapan tersebut, ’kantin’ dan ’library’ yang artinya
”He has just joined an English story ’perpustakaan’, dan ruangan-ruangan
telling competition.”. Pilihan jawaban tersebut biasa ditemukan di sekolah.
yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai Jadi, percakapan tersebut kemungkinan
dengan isi percakapan. besar terjadi antara teman sekelas
2. What did mother say to Dion for his (classmates). Pilihan jawaban yang lain
success? salah. Playmates artinya teman bermain,
A. Well done! pen friends artinya sahabat pena, dan
B. Good work! two strangers artinya dua orang asing.
C. Congratulations!
D. Fantastic!

172 UNIT 3 Descriptive

4. Who are going to have lunch together in 5. “I heard she wanted to borrow a novel.”
the canteen? What is the opposite meaning of the
A. Fira and Dina. underlined word?
B. Fira and Lily. A. use
C. Lily and Saskia. B. lend
D. Lily and Dina. C. keep
Jawaban: A D. take
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat yang Jawaban: B
diucapkan Fira, yaitu ”I have an Kata ’borrow’ artinya meminjam. Kata
appointment with Dina to have lunch ini berlawanan makna dengan kata
together.” yang artinya ”Saya punya janji ’lend’ yang artinya meminjamkan.
dengan Dina untuk makan siang Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Use
bersama.”. Jadi, yang akan pergi makan artinya memakai atau menggunakan,
siang bersama di kantin adalah Fira dan keep artinya menyimpan, dan take
Dina. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah artinya mengambil.
karena tidak sesuai dengan isi

A. Read and practice the dialogs with proper pronunciation.

Dialog 1
Dina heard her brother, Setya, got a job as an executive purchasing manager of a publishing
Dina : Mom told me that you got a job. Is it right?
Setya : That’s right. I work as an executive purchasing manager now.
Dina : Wow, great! Congratulations, then!
Setya : Thank you.
Dialog 2
Vera : I heard our homeroom teacher will be retired next month, won’t he?
Dino : That’s what I heard. Well, we need to confirm it.
Vera : You’re right. Let’s ask him.
Dino : Let’s go.

A. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs before.
Dialog 1
1. Where does the dialog take place?
Jawaban: In Dina and Setya’s house.
2. Why did Dina congratulate her brother?
Jawaban: Because he got a new job.
3. What did she say?
Jawaban: She said, “Wow, great! Congratulations, then!”
4. What is Dina’s brother now?
Jawaban: He is an executive purchasing manager.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 173

Dialog 2
1. What is the dialog about?
Jawaban: It is about the news that the homeroom teacher will be retired next month.
2. Who are involved in the dialog?
Jawaban: Classmates.
3. Where does the dialog take place?
Jawaban: At school.
4. What expressions can you find in the dialog? Give examples.
Jawaban: It is the expression of admitting the fact. Example: Vera said, “You’re right.”
B. Read the dialog with proper pronunciation, then answer the questions.
Today is Lika’s birthday, but she looks upset. She thinks everyone forgets it.
Lika : Mom, what date is it today?
Mother : It’s October the fifth. What’s up, dear?
Lika : Don’t you remember something, Mom?
Mother : Do I promise you something?
Lika : No, Mom, but today is my birthday. No one gives me a wish. (Lika begins to cry.)
Mother : Gotcha! Look! We are ready for your birthday party.
Father : Happy birthday, dear. Here’s something for you.
Lika : Thanks, Dad, Mom. I thought you forgot my special day.
1. Why did Lika look upset that day?
Jawaban: Because she thought that everyone forgot her birthday.
2. “She thinks everyone forgets it.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
Jawaban: It refers to Lika’s birthday.
3. Did everyone in Lika’s family forget her birthday?
Jawaban: No, they didn’t.
4. What did Lika’s father give her?
Jawaban: He gave her a birthday present.
5. When does Lika celebrate her birthday?
Jawaban: On October the fifth (October 5).
C. Complete the following sentences with correct answers based on the dialog in
Task B.
1. “Today is her birthday, . . . .” The word ‘her’ refers to ________.
2. “ . . . , but she looks upset.” The word ‘she’ refers to ________.
3. “She thinks everyone forgets it.” The word ‘everyone’ refers to ________.
4. “Don’t you remember something, Mom?” The word ‘you’ refers to ________.
5. “No one gives me a wish.” The word ‘me’ refers to ________.
6. “We are ready for your birthday party.” The word ‘we’ refers to ________.
7. “Here’s something for you.” The word ‘you’ refers to ________.
8. “I thought you forgot my special day.” The word ‘you’ refers to ________.
1. Lika’s 2. Lika
3. Lika’s family members 4. Lika’s mother
5. Lika 6. Lika’s parents
7. Lika 8. Lika’s parents

174 UNIT 3 Descriptive

B. Complete each dialog with the correct expressions in the box.
Then, practice the complete dialogs with a friend.

Dialog 1

a. Here you are

b. You can do it better next time
c. Thank you
d. What score did you get
e. Congratulations

Vega : Hardi, have you received your work paper?

Hardi : I have. Linda gave it to me a few minutes ago.
Vega : Tell me. (1) ________?
Hardi : Well, I got 95.
Vega : Did you? May I see it?
Hardi : Sure. (2) ________.
Vega : You’re right. (3) ________! You must have done it very carefully!
Hardi : (4) ________. So, what about yours?
Vega : I only got 75. Not bad, I guess.
Hardi : Well, (5) ________.
Vega : I hope so.
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b
Dialog 2

a. I see
b. Really
c. What do you think
d. do you know what time it is
e. What about the Internet access

Shinta : Ajeng, (1) ________?

Ajeng : Um . . . it’s almost four o’clock. Why?
Shinta : Well, I’m afraid I will arrive home late. You know, I need to go to the Internet cafe first.
Ajeng : (2) ________. Wait a minute. I know the nearest one.
Shinta : (3) ________?
Ajeng : Although it is small, the access is fast enough and the fare is reasonable.
Shinta : (4) ________?
Ajeng : No doubt. I’ll take you there. (5) ________?
Shinta : O.K., then. Thanks.
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 175

Complete the statements based on the dialogs in Task B.
1. According to dialog 1, Hardi got his work paper ________ ago.
2. Hardi received his work paper from ________.
3. Knowing Hardi’s score, Vega said, “________”
4. Hardi’s score is 95 while Vega’s is 75. It means Hardi’s score is ________ than Vega’s.
5. “You must have done it very carefully.” The opposite meaning of the underlined word is
6. Dialog 2 takes place in ________.
7. Shinta and Ajeng are going to the ________.
8. The nearest one is ________, but the access is ________.
9. Ajeng has no ________ that Shinta won’t spend much money to pay the fare.
10. “I know the nearest one.” The opposite meaning of the underlined word is ________.
1. a few minutes 2. Linda
3. Congratulations! 4. higher/better
5. carelessly 6. the afternoon
7. Internet cafe 8. small; fast enough
9. doubt 10. farthest

C. Choose the correct answer based on 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE
the dialogs in Task B. according to the dialog?
A. Vega got lower score than Hardi did.
Read dialog 1 and answer questions 1 to 3. B. Hardi and Vega were doing homework.
C. Vega knew Hardi’s score before.
1. What is the dialog about? D. Hardi received his work paper from his
A. Expressing certainty on something. teacher.
B. Congratulating someone. Jawaban: A
C. Requesting someone to do something. Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi
D. Inviting someone. percakapan adalah Vega memperoleh nilai
Jawaban: B (75) lebih rendah dibanding Hardi (95).
Secara keseluruhan, percakapan tersebut Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya Hardi dan
tentang memberi selamat (congratulating Vega sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan
someone) kepada seseorang atas rumah mereka salah karena mereka
prestasinya, yaitu mendapat nilai bagus. sedang bercakap-cakap tentang nilai tugas
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena mereka. Pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya
tidak sesuai dengan konteks percakapan. Vega mengetahui nilai Hardi sebelumnya
Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya mengungkap- salah karena Vega tidak tahu sehingga dia
kan kepastian terhadap sesuatu, bertanya kepada Hardi. Pilihan jawaban
(C) artinya meminta seseorang untuk (D) yang artinya Hardi menerima kertas
melakukan sesuatu, dan (D) artinya tugasnya dari guru salah karena dia
mengundang seseorang. menerimanya dari Linda.

176 UNIT 3 Descriptive

3. Where do you think the dialog takes place? Jawaban: A
A. On the street. B. At home. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Well,
C. At bus station. D. In a classroom. I’m afraid I will arrive home late.” yang
Jawaban: D artinya ”Saya khawatir saya akan tiba di
Dalam percakapan tersebut kedua tokoh rumah terlambat.”. Pilihan jawaban yang
berbicara tentang nilai tugas mereka yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi
baru saja mereka terima. Dengan percakapan.
demikian, kemungkinan besar percakapan
5. “I’ll take you there.” The underlined word
tersebut terjadi di kelas. Pilihan jawaban
refers to ________.
yang lain salah karena bukan tempat yang
A. Shinta’s house
tepat untuk membicarakan nilai yang baru
B. Ajeng’s house
saja mereka ketahui.
C. the Internet cafe
Read dialog 2 and answer questions 4 and 5. D. their school
Jawaban: C
4. Why does Shinta feel upset? Kata keterangan tempat ’there’ mengacu
Because ________. pada nama sebuah tempat yang telah
A. she will be at home late disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu the nearest
B. she has no companion Internet cafe. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
C. she doesn’t bring enough money salah karena bukan tempat yang
D. she doesn’t know the nearest dimaksud.
Internet cafe

D. Rearrange the sentences into proper dialogs, then practice them with a friend.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Mr. and Mrs. Reno hold a house-warming party this evening for their new house.
5 Mr. Wilson : Sure.
4 Mr. Reno : Thank you. Please enjoy the drink. Make yourself comfortable.
3 Mr. Wilson : Thanks, and congratulations for the new house!
2 Mrs. Reno : Good evening, Mr. Wilson. Thank you for coming. Please come in.
1 Mr. Wilson : Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Reno.

Dialog 2
8 Sekar : He is.
7 Viona : You’re right. How lucky Firman is.
4 Sekar : Listen! Firman is going to join the student exchange program to Australia. He will
be there for about three months.
1 Viona : Sekar, what’s going on here?
6 Sekar : I’m not. If you don’t believe me, read the news on the announcement board yourself.
3 Viona : What news?
2 Sekar : Viona, haven’t you heard the news?
5 Viona : You’re not joking, are you?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 177

E. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the dialogs
in Task D.
Correct the false ones.
Dialog 1
1. ______ Mr. Wilson was holding a house-warming party.
2. ______ Mr. and Mrs. Reno have a new house.
3. ______ The party was held in the afternoon.
4. ______ Mr. Wilson congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Reno for their new house.
5. ______ Mr. Wilson came to the party with his wife.
1. F. They were Mr. and Mrs. Reno who were holding a house-warming party.
2. T
3. F. The party was held in the evening.
4. T
5. F. He came to the party alone.
Dialog 2
1. ______ Sekar didn’t know what was going on.
2. ______ There wasn’t any news about Firman on the announcement board.
3. ______ Their school has a announcement board.
4. ______ Viona hadn’t heard the news that Firman would join the student exchange program.
5. ______ Firman will stay in Australia for about two months.
1. F. She knew what was going on. We know it from what she said, “Listen! Firman will join the
student exchange program to Australia.”
2. F. The news about Firman was written on the announcement board.
3. T
4. T
5. F. Firman will stay there for about three months.

Guru dapat menulis percakapan acak dan pertanyaan berikut di papan tulis, lalu siswa
menyalinnya di buku masing-masing.
A. Rearrange the sentences into proper dialogs.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Tiara and Seno are in Uncle Robby’s wedding party. They congratulate him.
4 Uncle Robby : Thank you very much, Seno. Please enjoy yourselves in this party.
3 Seno : Good luck, Uncle. May God bless you and your new family.
2 Uncle Robby : Thank you, Tiara.
1 Tiara : Congratulations on your wedding, Uncle!

178 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Dialog 2
5 Linda : Good idea! Let’s go.
4 Vira : Well, that’s what I’m thinking of too. Let’s ask the others.
1 Linda : Vira, haven’t you heard any news about Tia? I wonder why she has been
absent for two days.
2 Vira : Well, Vino told me that her mother is sick and she has to take care of her.
3 Linda : I see. Listen, what if we go to her house today after school?

B. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1
1. What does the dialog tell you about?
Jawaban: Congratulating someone on his wedding.
2. Who involves in the dialog?
Jawaban: Tiara, Seno and Uncle Robby.
3. Tiara said, “Congratulations on your wedding, Uncle!” What does it mean?
Jawaban: She congratulates her uncle on his wedding.
4. What did Uncle Robby say to respond to Tiara’s sentence?
Jawaban: He said, “Thank you, Tiara.”
5. “They congratulate him.” What does the underlined word refer to?
Jawaban: It refers to Uncle Robby.
Dialog 2
1. What are Linda and Vira talking about?
Jawaban: They are talking about Tia who has been absent for two days.
2. Why was Tia absent?
Jawaban: Because she had to take care of her sick mother.
3. Who told Vira about Tia’s condition?
Jawaban: Vino did.
4. What does Linda and Vira plan to do after school?
Jawaban: They plan to visit Tia and her sick mother.
5. “Let’s ask the others.” What do you think the underlined words refer to?
Jawaban: Linda and Vira’s friends.

F. Create a dialog based on one of the situations below.

Practice it with a friend in front of the class.

1. Today is your father’s birthday. Congratulate and say your wishes to him.
2. Lia, your little sister, comes to you and shows you her mark in mathematics. She got 10.
Congratulate her.
3. Your friend tells you that one of the biggest fashion stores in your place is offering a big
discount up to 75%. Just by chance, you need to buy a new dress for your birthday party.
Then, you ask your friend to confirm the fact. What would the two of you say?
Contoh jawaban:
1. You : Happy birthday, Dad. May God bless you with a long life.
Your father : Thank you, dear.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 179

2. Lia : Look! I’ve got ten for math!
You : Congratulations! You’re really my brilliant sister.
Lia : Thank you.
3. Rina : Listen! The Silhouette fashion store is offering a big discount up to 75%!
Dewi : Really?
Rina : I am sure.
Dewi : What a coincidence! I just want to buy a new dress for my coming birthday party.

A. Write suitable responses for the following expressions.
Share your work with the class.

1. A : Look! I’ve got an A for my biology paper!

B : ______________________________________________________________
2. A : Listen! Dono is accused of stealing Rina’s money.
B : ______________________________________________________________
3. A : The government will build some new freeways.
B : ______________________________________________________________
4. A : Mother, happy Mother’s Day. I love you.
B : ______________________________________________________________
5. A : It’s unbelievable that our team lost the game yesterday.
B : ______________________________________________________________
Contoh jawaban:
1. That’s great! Well done!
2. That’s a mistake. Dono is an honest person. I’m sure he didn’t do such a bad thing.
3. It is. I’ve read about it in the newspaper.
4. Thank you, dear. I love you too.
5. It is, but that’s the fact.
B. Make two dialogs based on the guidelines below.
Then, practice the dialogs in front of the class with your friend.
1. Sita Handi

greets Handi. She asks where responds to the greeting. He tells Sita
Handi will go. that he will go to the market.

tells Handi that the market was says that the fact is true. He explains
caught on fire last night. that he is going to check his uncle’s stall
in the market.

responds to Handi’s explanation. accepts the offer and expresses his

She offers to join him. gratitude.

180 UNIT 3 Descriptive

2. Nia Ari

tells Ari that the teacher has chosen her responds to the news. Then, he
to represent the school in the computer congratulates Nia.

expresses her gratitude. reminds Nia to practice more so

that she will win the competition.

expresses her promise. She asks Ari to says his willingness.

help her whenever she is in trouble.

Contoh jawaban:
1. Sita : Hi, Handi? Where are you going?
Handi : I’m going to the market.
Sita : What? Listen, the market was caught on fire last night!
Handi : I know that. I’m going there to check my uncle’s stall whether it was burnt down
or not.
Sita : I see. If that’s so, may I join? Who knows I can help something.
Handi : Of course. Thanks.
2. Nia : Listen! The teacher has chosen me to represent the school in the computer
Ari : Has he? That’s great! Congratulations!
Nia : Thank you.
Ari : Remember! From now on, you have to practice more and more.
Nia : Surely I will. But, will you help me whenever I need help?
Ari : Of course, I will help you and support you.

3.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the monolog and study the explanation.

Listen, all, I want to tell you about a very interesting place from the eastern part of our
archipelago, Papua. This place is Baliem Valley. Have you ever heard this name before?
O.K., listen to me carefully.
Well, the Baliem Valley, which is sometimes known as the Grand Valley, is one of the
highlands of Papua province. The valley is about 80 km in length and 20 km in width and lies
at an altitude of about 1,000 m, with a population of 100,000. This place is occupied by the
Dani people. And . . . the main town in the valley is Wamena. It has very beautiful scenery
with the blue sky above it.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 181

You know, as far as the outside world was concerned, the Baliem Valley along with the
unexpected presence of its large agricultural population was discovered by Richard Archbold
on his third zoological expedition to New Guinea in 1938. Since then the valley has gradually
been opened up to a limited amount of tourism. Now, the Baliem Valley becomes one of the
major tourist spots in Papua. Many tourists, domestics and overseas, have visited the place.
O.K., that’s my description about the Baliem Valley. Thanks for listening.
Adapted from: (Desember 28, 2008)

The text above is a spoken descriptive text. In spoken texts, there is usually interaction
between speakers and listeners. Therefore, in such texts, you can find some fillers, such
as well . . ., um . . ., you know . . . and listen, all.

Written Text

Read the text and try to understand its generic structure.

Title Thousand Islands

Thousand Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Seribu) is the

Identification only regency of Jakarta, Indonesia. It lies on the Java Sea,
precisely on the north of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

The entire area consists of a string of 105 islands which

stretch 45 kilometers north into the Java Sea, with the closest
lying in Jakarta Bay only a few kilometers off mainland Jakarta.
With a total land area of 8.7 km2, the population of the
entire islands is about 20,000. Pramuka Island is the regency
seat of the Thousand Islands; although, the most populated
Description island is Panggang Island.
The area itself is a marine national park; although,
development is allowed on 37 of the islands. Some others are
uninhabited and some of them are developed to become resort
islands, such as Bidadari, Ayer, Laki, Putri, Pelangi, Sepa and

Adapted from: (December 28, 2008)

182 UNIT 3 Descriptive

The text is a written descriptive text.
A descriptive text focuses on the characteristic features of a particular thing, e.g.
a person, an animal or a thing. Descriptions are usually organized to include:
● Identification to the subject of the description;
● Description, presenting the characteristics or the features of the subject, e.g.
physical appearance, qualities, habitual behavior, significant attributes.
Grammatical characteristics of descriptive texts are:
● use of particular nouns, e.g. Thousand Islands
● use of the simple present tense, e.g. The entire area consists of a string . . . ., Some
others are uninhabited and . . . .
● use of detailed noun phrases to provide information about the subject, e.g. With
a total land area of 8.7 km2 the population of the entire islands is about 20,000
● use of a variety of types of adjectives, e.g. entire, uninhabited
● use of relating verbs to provide information about the subject, e.g. Thousand Islands
(Indonesian: Kepulauan Seribu) is the only regency of Jakarta, Indonesia

Grammar Section

Question Words

Read the following dialog and understand the explanation.

Rika : Sani, what does your brother do?
Sani : He is an architect.
Rika : Where does he work?
Sani : He works in a constructing company in Jakarta.

Pay attention to the bold-typed words above. They are called question words. You use
question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). You often call
them as WH words because they include the letters WH, such as Why and HoW.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 183

Here are some questions words you can use and their examples.

WH Word Function Example Answer

What asking for information What is your name? My name is Andi.
about something
asking for repetition or What? I can’t hear you. I said that I couldn’t go to
confirmation You did what? your house.
What . . . for asking for a reason, What do you take an To improve my English
asking why English course for? skills.
When asking about time When did Lina leave? An hour ago.
Where asking in or at what Where do your cousins They live in Denpasar.
place or position live?
Which asking about choice Which color do you I want green.
Who asking what or which Who opened the door? Arman did.
person or people

Whom asking what or which Whom did you see? I saw our Principal.
person or people
asking about Whose are these keys? These keys are mine.
ownership Whose turn is it? It is your turn.
asking for reasons, Why did you come late Because I woke up late.
Why asking what . . . for this morning?
asking about manner How did the man do this He did it carefully and
How work? correctly.
asking about How was your exam? It was rather difficult.
condition or quality

184 UNIT 3 Descriptive

The question word how can be combined with an adjective and an adverb. It functions to
ask about extent and degree. See the examples below.

WH Word Function Example Answer

How far asking about distance How far is your house from Around two kilometers.
How long asking about length How long will it take to About three days.
(time or space) finish the craft?
How many asking about quantity How many cars are there? There are 25 cars.
How much asking about quantity How much money do you I have Rp50,000.
(uncountable) have?
How old asking about age How old are you? I am twenty years old.
How come asking for reasons, How come I can’t see her? Because you came
(informal) asking why late.

Source: (April 4, 2008)

Indefinite Pronouns

Read the following dialogs and understand the explanation.

1. Vita : Linda, what’s wrong with you? You look sad.
Linda : Someone has broken my calculator.
Vita : I’m sorry to hear that.
2. Tito : Henny, did you see anything on the table?
Henny : No, I didn’t see anything. Did you lose something?
Tito : Yes. I lost my pin.
Henny : I’ll tell you when I find it.
The bold-typed words in the dialogs above are called indefinite pronouns. You use
an indefinite pronoun to refer to a person, thing or place that is not specific. Usually indefinite
pronouns use some and any. Some is used in affirmative/positive sentences, any in questions
and negatives. However, some is also used in questions when you want an affirmative answer.
Example: Did you buy something in the market? Yes, I did. Here are indefinite pronouns.

Function Positive Negative Interrogative

To refer to a non- someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, anyone, anybody

specific person/ everyone none (of . . .), no
people one, nobody
To refer to non- something, everything anything, nothing anything
specific thing(s)
To refer to non- somewhere, anywhere, nowhere anywhere
specific place(s) everywhere

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 185

Answer the questions orally.
1. You have learned recount texts in Unit 2. What is the purpose of a recount text?
Jawaban: To tell past experiences.
2. What elements does it have?
Jawaban: Orientation, event, re-orientation.
3. What are the differences between recount and descriptive texts in general?
Jawaban: A recount text is to tell past experiences while a descriptive text is to describe
something in particular. A recount text has orientation, event, re-orientation.
A descriptive text has identification and description.

A. Complete the following text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

Do you know the biggest market in Jakarta?
I guess, it should be Tanah Abang Market.
Tanah Abang Market is precisely (1) situated on
Jalan Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta. It is true that this
market is one of the biggest and busiest (2) shopping
spots in Indonesia. You know, Tanah Abang Market
started off about 300 years ago as an (3) animal
market. As time goes by, now it (4) occupies
a three-storey commercial building. It also spills over to
the hundreds of (5) street vendors sprawling in the
area. They take up not just the (6) sidewalks but also
part of the road. No wonder the traffic there is often
Picture source: http://www.news_okezone_com
The market opens (7) daily, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The stalls there sell mainly textiles, apparel,
carpets and draperies. However, one can also find imaginable (8) merchandises, such as home
accessories, (9) kitchenware, shoes, firecrackers and even rifles! Fruits, soft drinks and snacks
abound. Like other markets, buyers can (10) bargain the prices offered by sellers.
Adapted from:
(December 28, 2008)

186 UNIT 3 Descriptive

A. Read the following words.
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B.

A B Jawaban:
1. g
1. occupy a. barang dagangan 2. e
2. street vendor b. bahan gorden 3. d
3. stall c. trotoar 4. b
4. draperies d. kios, kedai 5. a
5. merchandise e. pedagang kaki lima 6. i
6. kitchenware f. bertebaran 7. c
7. sidewalk g. menempati, menduduki 8. j
8. crawling h. menawar 9. h
9. bargain i. perkakas dapur 10. f
10. sprawling j. merayap

B. Make sentences using the words in Task A correctly.

Contoh jawaban:
1. The government has occupied the bankrupt bank for two months.
2. The street vendors have caused traffic jams in front of the market.
3. My aunt has two stalls that sell fruits and snacks.
4. There are many attractive motifs of the draperies in the shop.
5. All guests of the exhibition can find any wooden and rattan merchandise.
6. My aunt needs to buy some kitchenware for her new house.
7. It is a common thing that many vendors build their stalls on the sidewalk.
8. My little brother likes crawling here and there.
9. If you shop in traditional market, try to bargain the offered price.
10. You can find many attractive stalls sprawling in the area of night fair.

B. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the text in Task A.
Listen to him/her carefully and answer the questions correctly.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. What is the text about?
2. When did the market open for the first time?
3. What was actually the market on its first opening?
4. Where is the market situated?
5. Why is the traffic there often crawling?
6. What time does the market open?
7. What do most stalls in the market sell?
8. What kind of imaginable merchandises are mentioned in the text?
9. Can we find kitchen utensils in the market?
10. Do the sellers offer fixed prices for all items? How do you know?

1. The description of Tanah Abang Market.
2. 300 years ago.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 187

3. An animal market.
4. On Jalan Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.
5. Because hundreds of street vendors sprawling in the area take up not just the sidewalks but
also part of the road.
6. It opens daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
7. They sell mainly textiles, apparel, carpets and draperies.
8. There are home accessories, kitchenware, shoes, firecrackers and rifles.
9. Yes, we can.
10. No, they don’t. From the statements, “. . . buyers can bargain the prices offered by sellers.”

Dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sama, guru dapat memberikan teks berikut sebagai latihan.
A. Listen to your teacher carefully.
Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Hi, guys. Have you ever been to Madura Island? Not yet? Well, I’m going to tell you about
this (1) island.
Madura Island is part of East Java that consists of four (2) regencies. It has excellent
quality of (3) agriculture outputs and beautiful tourist resorts and more. Well, Madura is about
160 km in (4) length and about 40 km across at its widest point. You know, Maduranese
(5) population is about 3 millions, most of them are farmers or fishermen.
The most famous (6) attraction of this island is the annual bull racing (kerapan sapi), which
takes place during the (7) dry season in August – September. Um . . . the bull racing is
a race between two pairs of (8) bulls, each team pulling a rider and sled. Then, the (9) final
race is held in Madura’s capital, Pamekasan on October.
Last but not least, Madura has been well-known for its batik textile (10) production, you
know. The most popular batik is at Tanjungbumi, Bangkalan. Well, that’s all about Madura Island.
Adapted from: (June 26, 2007)

B. Listen to your teacher carefully.

Answer his/her questions based on the text in Task A correctly.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. What is the text about?
2. In which part of Java is the island located?
3. How wide is Madura Island?
4. How many inhabitants are in the island?
5. What do most of the inhabitants do for a living?
6. What is the most famous attraction in Madura?
7. When does the attraction usually take place?
8. What is the bull racing?
9. Where does a final race usually take place?
10. Where can we find the most popular batik textile production in Madura?

1. The text is about the description of Madura Island.
2. East Java.
3. It is 40 km wide.

188 UNIT 3 Descriptive

4. There are 3 millions.
5. Farmers and fishermen.
6. A bull racing.
7. During the dry season in August to September.
8. A race between two pairs of bulls, each pairs pulling a rider and sled.
9. In Pamekasan.
10. At Tanjungbumi, Bangkalan.

C. Listen to your teacher carefully.

Complete the statements based on the text you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Let me tell you about our neighbor country Singapore. Singapore is an island city of about
4 million people. It’s a beautiful city with lots of parks and open spaces. It’s also a clean city.
Most of the people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island. The business district
is very modern, with lots of tall new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older
sections. In Chinatown there are rows of old shop houses. The government buildings in
Singapore are very beautiful and dated from the colonial days.
Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping
centers. Most of the goods are duty free. Singapore’s restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay
and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi 4

1. Singapore is our ________ country.

2. Singapore is a very ________ and ________ city.
3. There are many ________ and ________ in the city.
4. The Singapore’s business district is ________.
5. The island city has also some nice ________.
6. There are many good ________ in Singapore.
7. Most of the goods in Singapore are ________.
8. The Singapore’s ________ sell many kinds of food.
1. neighbor 2. beautiful; clean
3. parks; open spaces 4. very modern
5. older sections 6. shopping centers
7. duty free 8. restaurants

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 189

Answer the following questions based on the text you have heard in Task C.
1. What is Singapore like?
Jawaban: It is a beautiful island city with lots of parks and open spaces. It’s also a clean
2. How big is the population of Singapore?
Jawaban: It is about 4 million people.
3. Where do most people live?
Jawaban: Most people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island.
4. Is the business district old fashioned? Why do you say so?
Jawaban: No, it is not. The statement explains that the business district is very modern,
with lots of tall new office buildings.
5. What can we find in Chinatown?
Jawaban: We can find rows of old shop houses.
6. Are the Singapore’s government buildings old ones? Why/Why not?
Jawaban: Yes, they are because they are dated from the colonial days.
7. What is Singapore most famous for?
Jawaban: It is most famous for its shops and restaurants.
8. How are the food prices in the restaurants?
Jawaban: They are reasonable.

D. Your teacher will tell you an interesting place.

Retell it using your own words.

You may use the following words.

● glorious ● Navy officer
● honor sword ● confidence
● seriousness ● sustained
● diorama ● masterpiece
● devotion

Picture source: www.photobucket_com

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Let me tell you about Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument. You may call it Monjaya. Anyway, do
you know the meaning of “Jalesveva Jayamahe”? Well, it means “in the sea we are glorious”.
The Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument describes a figure of a middle rank TNI- AL or
Indonesian National Navy officer. He wears a complete uniform with his honor sword
upstanding. The officer stares toward the sea with fully confidence and seriousness ready to
dash against the wave and go through storm.
This monument was built in Ujung Surabaya, East Java and the first stone was set on
December 5, 1990. It is a statue as high as 30.8 meters, which sustained by a building as high
as 26.1 meters. On some parts of the building, there is a diorama of heroic history of the navy
since the era of physical pre-revolution up until the 90’s. The creative sculptors and architects

190 UNIT 3 Descriptive

of the building are Drs. Nyoman Nuarta and his co-workers. They are joined in The Nyoman
Nuarta Group.
The monument is great evidence and a very amazing suborder masterpiece. It has a high
historic value, as the reflection of the highness of Indonesian nation as the maritime nation
one. The other meaning of this statue figure is as the readiness symbol to receive the
devotion from generation to the next generation.

Adapted from:

tourobj/monjaya.htm (December 28, 2008)
Contoh jawaban:
Listen, friends. I’d like to tell you a very interesting place. It is Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument
or usually called Monjaya. Before I tell you further, can you to tell me the meaning of Jalesveva
Jayamahe? Raise your hand, please. Very good! It means in the sea we are glorious.
As you can see from the picture, this monument describes a figure of a middle rank TNI- AL or
Indonesian National Army-Navy officer. Look! The officer wears a complete uniform with his honor
sword upstanding. He also stares toward the sea with fully confidence and seriousness ready to
dash against the wave and go through storm.
You can find this monument in Ujung Surabaya, East Java. The construction of the monument
began on December 5, 1990. Do you know the height of the monument? Well, the statue itself is as
high as 30.8 meters, which sustained by a building as high as 26.1 meters. Quite tall, isn’t it?
Besides, on some parts of the building, you can see a diorama of heroic history of the navy since
the era of physical pre-revolution up until the 90’s. Acting as the creative sculptors and architects
are Drs. Nyoman Nuarta and his co-workers who are joined in The Nyoman Nuarta Group.
Well, the monument is truly great evidence and a very amazing suborder masterpiece. It has
a high historic value, for reflecting the highness of Indonesian nation as the maritime nation one.
Further, this statue figure also functions as the readiness symbol to receive the devotion from
generation to the next generation.
O.K., that’s about the Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument. I hope we can visit it someday.

Dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sama, guru dapat memberikan soal lain seperti berikut.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

I’m going to tell you about Tawangmangu. Wells, . . . Tawangmangu is a recreational
resort offering cool weather, scenic views, swimming pools, bungalow style hotels and
restaurants. Tawangmangu is located 40 km east of Solo. This place lies on the slopes of
Mount Lawu, with an elevation of 1,300 m above sea level. It’s quite cool, you know.
This place has some temples in ruins, a national park and the beautiful 40 m high waterfall
of Grojogan Sewu.
Adapted from: java/guides/sightseeing.htm (January 30, 2007)
Contoh jawaban:
Hello, friends. Let me tell you about Tawangmangu. You know, . . . Tawangmangu is
a very popular recreational resort in Central Java. This place offers cool weather, scenic views,
wonderful waterfalls and swimming pools. For accommodation, there are many bungalow style
hotels and restaurants around the resort.
The place is located 40 km east of Solo. This place lies on the slopes of Mount Lawu, with an
elevation of 1,300 m above sea level. I tell you that it’s quite cool. This place has some temples in
ruins and a national park. Besides, you can find the beautiful 40 m high waterfall of Grojogan
Sewu. So, if you like to have a trip close to nature, Tawangmangu is one of the choices.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 191

E. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task D.
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ “Jalesveva Jayamahe” means “on the land we are glorious”.
2. ______ The monument describes a figure of a general Indonesian National Navy.
3. ______ The statue of the Navy officer wears a complete uniform.
4. ______ The monument lies in East Java.
5. ______ The monument consists of three parts.
1. F. “Jalesveva Jayamahe” means “in the sea we are glorious”, not “on the land”.
2. F. The monument describes a figure of a middle rank officer of Indonesian National Navy
(general is the highest rank in an army).
3. T
4. T
5. F. The monument consists of two parts, i.e. the statue itself and the sustained building.

Guru dapat menambah pernyataan-pernyataan yang lain sebagai berikut.
1. ______ The monument has no historic value at all.
2. ______ The monument reflects our country as a maritime nation.
3. ______ We can see dioramas in all parts of the building.
4. ______ The diorama is about the heroic history of the navy since the era of physical
pre-revolution up after the 90’s.
5. ______ The statue functions as the readiness symbol to receive the devotion from
generation to the next generation.
1. F. It has a high historic value.
2. T
3. F. We can see a diorama only in some parts of the building.
4. F. The diorama is about the heroic history of the navy since the era of physical
pre-revolution up until the 90’s.
5. T

F. Listen to your teacher and choose A, Kayoon Market also provides all public
B, C or D for the correct answer. needs from various certifiable bundle
flowers, start from fresh interest, dried
Teks yang dibacakan guru: flower and artificial flower both local and
Kayoon Park is located along the also imported.
western bank of Kayoon River. It is an index.php?Page=298 (December 28, 2008)
evening recreation park and specific East
Java food center. A variety of water sports 1. What is the monolog about?
are performed here, such as sailing, A. The description of a particular person.
swimming, motor boat and even canoe B. The description of a particular thing.
races. To the north of Kayoon Park is the C. The description of a particular place.
Kayoon Market, selling beautiful orchids and D. The information of a public place.
tropical decorative. Jawaban: C
Monolog tersebut menjelaskan tentang
deskripsi suatu tempat tertentu (the
description of a particular place), yaitu

192 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Taman Kayoon (Kayoon Park) dan Pasar Jawaban: A
Kayoon (Kayoon Market). Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ” . . . the
2. The Kayoon Park is situated along the Kayoon Market, selling beautiful orchids
________ of Kayoon River. and tropical decorative.”. Jadi, pilihan
A. eastern bank B. western bank jawaban yang benar adalah (A).
C. northern bank D. southern bank 5. Which of the following statements is NOT
Jawaban: B TRUE about Kayoon Park and Market?
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Kayoon A. The park is a morning recreation park.
Park is located along the western bank of B. The park offers specific East Java food.
Kayoon River.”, sehingga Taman Kayoon C. The market is on the north of Kayoon
terletak di tepi barat sungai Kayoon (the Park.
western bank of Kayoon River). D. The market provides various certifiable
3. There are some water sports available in bundle flowers.
the park, except ________. Jawaban: A
A. sailing B. swimming Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya taman itu
C. canoe races D. parasailing adalah taman rekreasi pada pagi hari tidak
Jawaban: D sesuai dengan kalimat ”It is an evening
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat recreation park . . . .” yang artinya ”Tempat
”A variety of water sports are performed ini adalah taman rekreasi pada petang hari
here, such as sailing, swimming, motor . . . . ”. Pilihan jawaban (B) sesuai dengan
boat and even canoe races.”. Dari sini kalimat ”It is . . . specific East Java food
diketahui bahwa olahraga air yang tidak center.”, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ”To the
tersedia di Taman Kayoon adalah north of Kayoon Park is the Kayoon
parasailing. Market, . . . .”, dan (D) sesuai dengan
kalimat ”Kayoon Market also provides all
4. What does the Kayoon Market sell? public needs from various certifiable
A. Beautiful orchids and tropical bundle flowers, . . . .”. Jadi, pernyataan
decorative. yang salah (not true) adalah pilihan
B. Imported orchids. jawaban (A).
C. Beautiful jasmines.
D. Low-qualified flowers.

A. Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her.

Make a list of data about the description of Sydney Opera House.

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is a large performing art place. It becomes an Australian icon.
The Sydney Opera House was established in 1973. It is located in Sydney, New South Wales,
Australia. It covers 1.8 hectares of land and has 183 m long and about 120 m wide. The building
can load 25,000 people.
The Opera House is a place for large theatrical productions. It is the home of Opera Australia,
the Sydney Theater Company and the Sydney Symphony. There are five theaters in Sydney Opera
House. There are also five rehearsal studios, two main halls, four restaurants, six bars and many
souvenir shops. The design of the Opera House is very unique. The roof looks like giant shells.
Besides for theatrical productions, the Opera House is also used for other functions. It is used
for weddings, parties and conferences.
Adapted from: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 193

Contoh jawaban:

Point Fact of the Sydney

1. Established In 1973.
2. Location Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
3. Size It covers 1.8 hectares of land and has 183 m long and about 120 m wide.
4. Capacity 25,000 people.
5. Design It is very unique. The roof looks like giant shells.
6. Functions For theatrical productions as well as for weddings, parties and
7. Home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theater Company and the Sydney
8. Rooms Five theaters, five rehearsal studios, two main halls, four restaurants, six
bars and many souvenir shops.

A. Read the text with proper pronunciation.
Answer the following questions.
Have you ever been to Bogor? Let me tell you about it. Bogor was previously known as
“Buitenzorg” meaning “without worries” during the Dutch colonial era. The Dutch chose Bogor to
be the first palace of the Dutch Governor General in 1745. It was restored in 1832. The Bogor
Palace still stands solid and elegant today with its large gardens. Here deer roam freely on the
green grass under tall old trees.
Further, Bogor is also famous for its Botanical Garden. It covers an area of 87 hectares
with thousands of species of plants from all over the world. Here, you can see the world’s
largest flower, the Rafflesia. It really has bad odor.
Adapted from: (June 26, 2007)

1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: The description of Bogor.
2. What does the word “Buitenzorg” mean?
Jawaban: It means “without worries”.
3. What was Bogor in 1745?
Jawaban: It was the first palace of the Dutch Governor General.
4. What can visitors see in the garden?
Jawaban: Deer roam freely on the green grass under tall old trees.
5. What has bad odor?
Jawaban: The Rafflesia.

194 UNIT 3 Descriptive

B. Fill in the table based on the text in Task A.
Compare your work with your friend’s.
Tabel yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

Point Fact of Bogor

1. Previous name Buitenzorg
2. The meaning of the name Without worries.
3. The famous places Bogor Palace and Bogor Botanical Garden.
4. Brief description of Bogor The Bogor Palace still stands solid and elegant today
Palace with its large gardens. Here deer roam freely on the
green grass under tall old trees.
5. Brief description of Bogor
Botanical Garden:
– size It covers an area of 87 hectares with thousands of
– collection species of plants from all over the world, including the
world’s largest flower Rafflesia.

B. Retell the text in Task A based on the data you have made before.
Contoh jawaban:
I’d like to tell you about the Sydney Opera House. You now, this building has become an icon
of Australia. It was established in 1973. As its name, this building is situated in Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia.
Now, talking about its size, this building covers 1.8 hectares of land, it is 183 meters long and
around 120 meters wide. No wonder, it can load 25,000 people. One thing that makes this building
famous is the design itself. You know, its roof looks like giant shells.
At the moment, this building functions mainly for large theatrical productions. Besides, it’s also
used for weddings, parties and conferences. Concerning the theatrical productions, this building is
the home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theater Company and the Sydney Symphony. To support
all the activities there, the Sydney Opera House has five theaters, five rehearsal studios, two main
halls, four restaurants, six bars and many souvenir shops.
Well, that’s all what I can tell you about the Sydney Opera House. Thanks for listening.

Sebelum menyuruh siswa melakukan retelling, guru dapat memberi latihan kosakata sebagai
A. Find the meaning of the following words according to the text in Task A.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. cover = meliputi, mencakup 2. design = rancangan
3. establish = mendirikan 4. hall = aula
5. icon = lambang 6. load = menampung
7. performing = pementasan 8. rehearsal = latihan, gladi bersih
9. shell = kerang 10. souvenir = cinderamata

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 195

B. Find the synonyms of the following words and their meanings.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

Word Synonym Meaning

1. icon mark lambang/tanda
2. established founded didirikan/dibangun
3. located situated terletak
4. home base rumah/pangkalan
5. design architecture rancangan/arsitekstur
6. unique special unik/istimewa
7. giant huge sangat besar
8. function use fungsi/kegunaan
9. load contain menampung/berisi
10. production outcome produksi/hasil

C. Complete the text with the correct words in the box.

The Small Hotel

a. beds b. accommodation c. receptionist

d. spend e. located f. holiday
g. comfortable h. friendly i. bathroom
j. lodging k. the room l. luggage
m. expensive n. breakfast o. cost

Dino and Arya are going to (1) ________ their (2) ________ in Semarang. They are going to
spend one night there. For (3) ________, they usually choose a hotel on Jalan Majapahit. It is
small, but clean and tidy.
The hotel is (4) ________ near a bus station, and some angkot vehicles pass the main road in
front of the hotel. These vehicles make them easier to go to many places. This hotel provides
(5) ________ and (6) ________. Every time they come to the hotel, a friendly (7) ________ helps
them choose a (8) ________ room with two (9) ________. There is a (10) ________ in the room.
Then, the bellboy carries their (11) ________.
The (12) ________ of a room in this hotel is not too (13) ________. This covers the cost of
(14) ________ and the breakfast. The bellboy and the workers of the hotel are kind and
(15) ________.
Adapted from: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
1. d 2. f 3. b 4. e 5. j
6. n 7. c 8. g 9. a 10. i
11. l 12. o 13. m 14. k 15. h

196 UNIT 3 Descriptive

D. Choose the correct answer based on 4. “This hotel provides . . . .” (Paragraph 2)
the text in Task C. The synonym of the underlined word is
1. What does the hotel provide? A. reaches
A. Lunch. B. offers
B. An extra bed. C. presents
C. Free transportation. D. obtains
D. Lodging and breakfast. Jawaban: C
Jawaban: D Kata ’provides’ dalam kalimat tersebut
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”This berarti ’menyediakan’. Kata ini memiliki
hotel provides lodging and breakfast.”,. makna yang sama dengan kata presents
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena yang artinya mempersembahkan. Pilihan
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. jawaban yang lain salah. Kata reaches
artinya mencapai, offers artinya
2. What is the purpose of the text? menawarkan, dan obtains artinya
A. To tell something in general. mendapatkan.
B. To entertain the listeners.
C. To describe a particular place. 5. “These vehicles will make them easier to
D. To tell past experiences. go to many places.” (Paragraph 2)
Jawaban: C The underlined word refers to ________.
Teks tersebut berbentuk descriptive A. Dino and Arya
karena menjelaskan tentang deskripsi B. the receptionist and the bellboy
suatu tempat tertentu (describe C. angkot vehicles
a particular place), yaitu hotel di D. the hotel’s workers
Semarang tempat Arya dan Dino biasa Jawaban: A
menginap. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah Kata ganti orang (pronoun) ’them’
tujuan teks report, (B) adalah tujuan teks mengacu kepada orang berjumlah lebih
narrative, dan (D) adalah tujuan teks dari satu dan telah disebutkan di kalimat
recount. sebelumnya, yaitu Dino dan Arya. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
3. How is the hotel staff? They are ________. sesuai dengan isi teks.
A. kind B. friendly
C. comfortable D. kind and friendly
Jawaban: D
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir
teks, yaitu ”The bellboy and the workers of
the hotel are kind and friendly.”. Subjek
The bellboy and the workers merupakan
karyawan hotel (hotel staff).

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 197

State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task C.
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ Dino and Arya are going to spend their holiday in the capital city of West Java.
2. ______ They usually choose a hotel on Jalan Majapahit.
3. ______ The hotel is big and luxurious.
4. ______ The bus station is quite far from the hotel.
5. ______ There aren’t any public vehicles that pass in front of the hotel.
6. ______ There is a bellboy who carries the guests’ luggage.
7. ______ The hotel bellboy will help the guest choose a proper room for him.
8. ______ The hotel’s price is quite expensive.
9. ______ The cost includes the room and breakfast.
10. ______ All the hotel’s staff are kind and friendly.
1. F. They are going to Semarang, the capital city of Central Java.
2. T
3. F. The hotel is small, but cleand and tidy.
4. F. The bus station is near the hotel.
5. F. There are angkot vehicles that pass in front of the hotel.
6. T
7. F. It is a hotel receptionist who will help the guest choose his room.
8. F. The hotel’s price is quite cheap or not too expensive.
9. T
10. T

E. Describe the place in the picture orally.

Find the reference about it in the Internet or your book.

Contoh jawaban:
Do you know the building in the picture? Well, it is called
Eiffel Tower. It is one of the most favorite places in the world to
visit. We can see the tower in Paris, France, the world’s fashion
The tower is designed by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel for the
World Fair. Guess what! There are 2,500,000 rivets and 18,038
steel pieces that make up the Eiffel Tower. It first opened on
March 31, 1889. And . . . every seven years workers repaint it
with fifty tons of dark brown paint. During the renovation of the
Eiffel Tower 1,000 tons were removed from it.
You know, the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,000 tons. The base is
412 square feet or 2.5 acres. The tower itself is about 1,052
feet high including the television antenna at the top.
Picture source:http://www.pbase_com Otis Elevator Company had designed glass-walled
elevators, which climbed the legs of the tower to get to the first
and second platforms. From the second floor to the third
platform, which is near the top, four balanced elevators go up
and down in the area. If you looked on a clear day, from the top
platform, the view stretches for 50 miles, around 80 kilometers.

198 UNIT 3 Descriptive

The Eiffel Tower consists of three levels. On the first level are three-glass-confined structures.
Next is the second level. They both contain one restaurant: Le Parisien on the lower level and La
Belle France on the upper level. The third part is the Salle (hall) Gustave Eiffel, where there is
space for business, conferences, expositions, cultural events, and social meetings. There is
a souvenir shop and a snack bar located on the smaller second floor. Even from this level, it is very
possible that an excellent view of Paris can be seen without having to go to the top.
Source:; htm,
(December 28, 2008)

Do the task in pairs.
The procedure:
1. Student A reads and understands Text 1, while Student B reads and understands Text 2.
2. Student A asks any information about Text 2 and Student B answers all Student A’s
questions correctly.
3. Change the role. Student B asks any information about Text 1 and Student A answers all
Student B’s questions.
Text 1 (for Student A)
Nusa Tenggara
Nusa Tenggara is the name for the chain of islands which lies to the east of Bali. Including
the islands of Komodo, Lombok, Flores and Timor, Nusa Tenggara spans a variety of
landscapes, from tropical forests, high volcanic lakes and dry savannahs. The largest islands
are Lombok and Sumbawa, with hundreds of smaller islands between. East Nusa Tenggara has
566 islands. The long northern arch of the island chain is the result of volcanic activity, whilst
the southern islands are formed from coral deposits.
Most of the eastern islands are arid, due to hot winds blowing from the continent of
Australia and sparsely vegetated. The Western half of Nusa Tenggara is moister and has
denser vegetation. The Northern part of the chain is known for deep lakes contained in the
craters of extinct volcanoes, the most famous of which are the colored mineral lakes on Gunung
Keli Mutu in Flores.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

Text 2 (for Student B)

Kya-Kya Surabaya
Kya-Kya Kembang Jepun is in the shopping center, Kembang Jepun Street that is the
center of eastern Indonesia trade and economy. This place is a spacious outdoor eating place
which opens at night. It is a center of local, national, even international foods. Local foods like
lontong balap, empek-empek Palembang, nasi Padang and also Chinese foods and European-
American foods.
It presents the warm situation feeling of dinner recreation by providing unlimited food and
beverage with the typical food/beverage of the local area (cookery Tionghoa, the middle east
cookery, Indonesia cookery) even invite the youngsters victuals; included of western snacks
(burger, pizza, etc.) and traditional snacks
Source: (December 28, 2008)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 199

Contoh jawaban:
Student A : Where is Kya-Kya located?
Student B : In the shopping center, Kembang Jepun Street in Surabaya.
Student A : What is the place actually?
Student B : It is an outdoor eating place.
Student A : When does this place open?
Student B : At night.
Student B : What is the name of Nusa Tenggara for?
Student A : It is the name for the chain of islands which lies to the east of Bali.
Student B : What are the largest islands?
Student A : Lombok and Sumbawa.
Student B : How is the geographical condition of Nusa Tenggara?
Student A : It spans a variety of landscapes, from tropical forests, high volcanic lakes and dry

F. What is the place that you have visited recently?

Tell your friends about it.
Contoh jawaban:
Last month I visited my grandparents in Surabaya. They took me to the Surabaya Zoo. From
its name, you must know that the zoo lies in Surabaya, East Java.
You know, the zoo was founded based on Dutch General Governor’ 40th policy on August 31,
1916. At the beginning it was named Soerabaiasche Planten-En Dierentuin or in English it means
Botanical and Animal Garden of Surabaya.
Well, the zoo opens daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Talking about the ticket price, it’s not expen-
sive, only Rp8,000. There you can enjoy beautiful animals and a plant garden in the middle of the
city. You can see scarce animals, like Sumatran tigers, komodos, Kalimantan crocodiles and
O.K., that’s my description about Surabaya Zoo. Thank you for listening.
Source: (December 28, 2008)

A. Read the text with proper pronunciation and intonation.

National Museum
National Museum is known among Indonesians as ‘Museum Gajah’ or ‘Elephant Museum’
because of a small, sculpture of an Asian elephant which is mounted in front of it. The elephant,
like the bulk of the museum’s collection, dates back to colonial times. This colonial building with its
Doric columns keeps one of the most astounding collections of artifacts in all Southeast-Asia.
The building is designed around a central courtyard that is the museum’s sculpture garden.
The presentation of the exhibits is very simple. Here you can find exhibits from all of the major
kingdoms of Indonesia’s rich Hindu-Buddhist past. Highlights include Sanskrit inscriptions from
Sumatra’s Sriwijaya kingdom and beautiful Hindu statues from East Javanese dynasties. Best of
all is a massive fourteenth century statue of King Adityavarman standing on human skulls. This
statue holds pride of place at the end of the courtyard and is one of the most important statues
ever made in Indonesia.

200 UNIT 3 Descriptive

The museum also has a huge and impressive collection of Chinese porcelain.They frame
every dynasty of Chinese history. A whole porcelain stool collected in Aceh is said to be absolutely
unique. You will struggle to find a better collection of antique ceramics anywhere in Southeast-
Asia. Ceramic lovers will also enjoy displays from ancient Thailand and Vietnam.
There are also extensive displays of ethnographic materials from all around the archipelago.
You will find artifacts from most of Indonesia’s varied and colorful ethnic groups. These displays
will appeal to both art lovers and people wanting to get an insight into Indonesia’s cultural diversity.
Jakarta_Java.html (December 28, 2008)

A. Answer the following questions based on the text before.
1. What does the text tell you about?
Jawaban: The description of National Museum or Museum Gajah.
2. Why is the museum called Museum Gajah?
Jawaban: Because there is a small, sculpture of an Asian elephant in front of the museum.
3. What is the role of the museum related to preserving artifacts?
Jawaban: It keeps one of the most astounding collections of artifacts in all Southeast-Asia.
4. How is the museum designed?
Jawaban: It is designed around a central courtyard that is the museum’s sculpture garden.
5. What can we find in the museum?
Jawaban: We can find exhibits from all of the major kingdoms of Indonesia’s rich Hindu-
Buddhist past.
6. What is the best of all collections in the museum?
Jawaban: It is a massive fourteenth century statue of King Adityavarman standing on
human skulls.
7. Besides all the artifacts, what other things does the museum display?
Jawaban: A huge and impressive collection of Chinese porcelain, a whole porcelain stool
collected in Aceh, ceramics displays from ancient Thailand and Vietnam and
extensive displays of ethnographic material from all around the archipelago.
8. “You will struggle to find a better collection of . . . .”
What does the word ‘you’ refer to?
Jawaban: The readers.
9. “ . . . one of the most astounding collections of artifacts in all Southeast-Asia.”
What does the word ‘astounding’ mean?
Jawaban: It means ‘mengejutkan’.
10. “As well as these exhibits, there are also extensive displays of ethnographic . . . .”
What is the opposite meaning of the underlined word?
Jawaban: Narrow.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 201

B. Match the following words with their correct meanings the box.
Then, make sentences using the words.

a. sebagian besar b. tengkorak manusia c. kembali ke zaman

d. menarik e. prasasti f. keragaman
g. hasil kecerdasan manusia h. pameran i. halaman gedung
j. menjaga

1. appeal 2. artifact 3. bulk 4. courtyard 5. date back

6. exhibit 7. human skull 8. inscription 9. diversity 10. mount
1. d 2. g 3. a 4. i 5. c
6. h 7. b 8. e 9. f 10. j
Contoh jawaban:
1. The computer fair will appeal most students in the city.
2. Archeology experts may study the prehistoric age from the found artifacts.
3. The statue, like the bulk of the shop’s collections, is five hundred years old.
4. Some old buildings have large courtyards.
5. The pictures date back to my childhood in Surabaya.
6. More than a thousand people have visited the art exhibit.
7. In Tana Toraja, we can see many human skulls in a cave.
8. Most of the inscriptions found in our country are written in Sanskrit.
9. The diversity makes our country rich of valuable culture and customs.
10. There are some security officers in the housing complex to mount and protect the
residents from robbery and such things.
C. Find the words related to National Museum vertically or horizontally.
Then, find their meanings.











202 UNIT 3 Descriptive












● ceramic = keramik ● statue = patung

● inscription = prasasti ● collection = koleksi
● porcelain = porselen ● elephant = gajah
● ethnic = etnis, kesukuan ● sculpture = pahatan
● ancient = kuno, antik ● dynasty = dinasti

B. Match each description with the correct picture.

Then, write the name of each place.

a b c

Picture source: http:// WALLlibrary_ Picture source: http:// Picture source: http://
thinkquest_org www.omega_files_wordpress_com www_nationalgeographic_com

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 203

1. Borobudur is a Buddhist monument in Central Java. It was built in the ninth century. Borobudur
has 2,672 reliefs and 504 Buddha statues. The reliefs illustrate the journey of pilgrims to three
levels in Buddhist cosmology. Those three levels are Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and
Arupadhatu. Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage.
Adapted from: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII

2. To the northwest and north of Beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags its way to the east and
west along the undulating mountains. It is said to be visible from the moon. With
a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the Jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the
west and to the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east.
Source: (January 7, 2009)

3. This is a statue of a reclining lion with a human head that stands on the Giza Plateau on the
west bank of the Nile, near modern-day Cairo, in Egypt. It is the largest monolith statue in the
world, standing 73.5 m long, 6 m wide, and 20 m high. It is the oldest known monumental
sculpture, and is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians in the third
millennium BC. It faces due east and houses a small temple between its paws.
Source: (January 7, 2009)

1. c Borobudur Temple 2. a The Great Wall of China
3. b Sphinx in Giza

A. Do the tasks.
Untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa tentang teks-teks deskriptif sederhana di atas, guru
dapat memberi soal-soal atau latihan-latihan pengayaan sebagai berikut.
Text 1
State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ Borobudur is a holy place for the Hindust people.
2. ______ Borobudur is located in Central Java.
3. ______ Borobudur was built in the tenth century.
4. ______ There are three levels in Buddhist cosmology.
5. ______ Borobudur has 2,672 statues.
1. F. It is a holy place for the Buddhist people.
2. T
3. F. It was built in the ninth century.
4. T
5. F. It has 2,672 reliefs and 504 statues.
Text 2
Complete the following statements based on the text.
1. The Great Wall lies on ________ of Beijing.
2. The Great Wall is ________ long.
3. The fabulous building extends to ________ and to ________.
4. The wall was built along ________.
5. “With a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the Jiayu Pass . . . .”
The underlined word refers to ________.

204 UNIT 3 Descriptive

1. the northwest and north
2. over 6,000 kilometers
3. the Jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west; the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning
Province in the east
4. the undulating mountains
5. the Great Wall
Text 3
Answer the following questions correctly.
1. Where is the statue located?
Jawaban: It was situated on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile, near
modern-day Cairo, in Egypt.
2. What is the size of the statue? Explain it.
Jawaban: It has 73.5 m long, 6 m wide, and 20 m high.
3. When was the statue built?
Jawaban: In the third millennium BC.
4. Who built the monumental statue?
Jawaban: Ancient Egyptians did.
5. What does the statue look like?
Jawaban: It looks like a reclining lion with a human head.
B. Match each description with the correct picture and name it.

a b

Picture source: http:// Picture source: http://

www.bensguide_gpo_gov www_drreissner_de

1. Thousands of people visit Pisa’s famous tower in Italy each year and wonder just how
much longer it can exist without falling. Millions of dollars have been spent to stop the
tower crashing to the ground. Soft, shifting soil has always been the tower’s problem.
Recently, it was discovered that the tower had moved two millimeters.
Adapted from: Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi 4

2. The building is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. It is a huge

house where the president of the United States of America stays and works during his
term. People first recognized the building as the Presidential Palace and Theodore
Roosevelt gave the name White House in 1901.
Adapted from: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 205

1. b The leaning tower of Pisa
2. a The While House
C. Do the following tasks based on the texts in Task B.
Text 1
Answer the following questions correctly.
1. How much has been spent to save the tower?
Jawaban: Millions of dollars.
2. Where can you see the tower?
Jawaban: In Italy.
3. What has always been the tower’s problem?
Jawaban: Soft, shifting soil.
4. What was the recent discovery?
Jawaban: It was that the tower had moved two millimeters.
5. How many people visit the famous tower each year?
Jawaban: Thousands of people.
Text 2
Complete the following statements based on the text.
1. The White House is in Washington D.C., precisely at ________.
2. The building is the place where ________.
3. Firstly, people called the building ________.
4. The name of the building changed into the White House in ________.
5. The president of the U.S.A who gave the name White House was ________.
1. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
2. the president of the United States of America stays and works during his term
3. the Presidential Palace
4. 1901
5. Theodore Roosevelt

C. Complete the utterances with correct Wh-questions.

1. A : ________ are the architects of the Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument?
Q : Drs. Nyoman Nuarta and his co-workers.
2. A : ________ money do we need to renovate the old house?
Q : More than ten million rupiah, I guess.
3. A : ________ can you see the big Jam Gadang?
Q : In Padang, West Sumatra.
4. A : ________ do you like to visit museums?
Q : Because the museum collection tells a story about certain past events.
5. A : ________ city do you want to spend your long holiday in?
Q : Sydney, of course.
1. Who 2. How much
3. Where 4. Why
5. Which

206 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut.
1. A : ________ is the beach from your hometown?
Q : About ten kilometers far.
2. A : ________ does your father usually ride a motorcycle?
Q : Around 60 kilometers per hour.
3. A : ________ was the old house built?
Q : A hundred years ago.
4. A : ________ do you see in front of the Nasional Monument?
Q : A small, sculpture of an Asian elephant.
5. A : ________ house is on the corner of the street?
Q : It is Mr. Sanjaya’s house.
1. How far 2. How fast 3. When 4. What 5. Whose

D. Complete the sentences with correct indefinite pronouns.

1. Adi : Did you see (a) ________ in this room an hour ago?
Tiara : No, I saw (b) ________.
2. Dion : Have you planned to go (a) ________ next holiday?
Rika : Yes. I have decided to go to Bali. What about you?
Dion : I don’t go (b) ________. My uncle’s family is going to visit us.
3. Tesa : Who will join the rafting activity next week?
Rika : ________ of us. It’s dangerous for those who are less experienced.
4. Tika : Did you buy (a) ________ in the bazaar?
Rani : Yeah, I bought this desk lamp. But, my sister bought (b) ________.
5. Dita : Hi, Dita! Are you going (a) ________?
Flo : Hi, Flo! Yes, I am. I’m going to the supermarket. I want to buy (b) ________.
1. a. anyone/anybody b. no one/nobody
2. a. somewhere b. anywhere
3. None
4. a. anything b. nothing
5. a. somewhere b. something

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut.
1. I don’t know ________ in this room. I feel I am a stranger here.
2. My mother went to the supermarket to buy ________.
3. Luckily, ________ got seriously injured in the accident this morning.
4. I lost my wallet this morning. I dropped it ________ on my way to work.
5. ________ has stolen my motorcycle.
1. anyone/anybody 2. something 3. nobody
4. somewhere/Somebody 5. Someone/Somebody

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 207

tujuan teks narrative, dan (D) yang artinya
E. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara
umum adalah tujuan teks report.
Bandung 2. The following places are situated near the
Bandung is the provincial capital of West city’s main square, except ________.
Java, Indonesia. It is situated in the Java Island A. many banks
on a highland plateau about 768 meters above B. 5-starred hotel
sea level. The city is surrounded by mountains C. tourist offices
and located in the middle of prehistoric lake. D. the Old Dutch suburbs
The main part of Bandung lies to the south Jawaban: D
of the railway line that crosses the city from Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat “Most of
east to west. Most of the banks, airlines, tourist the banks, airlines, tourist offices and
offices and five-star hotels are located here, five-starred hotels are located here, along
along with the alun alun, as the main square in with the alun alun, . . . .”. Jadi, yang tidak
Indonesian cities is called. The principal terdapat di dekat alun-alun kota adalah
thoroughfare, Jalan Asia Afrika, is in this part of pilihan jawaban (D) the old Dutch suburbs.
town. There is also Jalan Braga, which was the
3. Where is the shopping area in Bandung?
up-market shopping area in colonial times and
A. Along Jalan Asia Afrika.
is now the center of Bandung’s nightlife. Most
B. Along the alun-alun.
of the city’s budget accommodation and many
C. Along Jalan Braga.
of its huge shopping malls are also in this area.
D. Between Jalan Setiabudi and Jalan
On the other side of the railway are the
elegant residential areas of the old Dutch
Jawaban: C
suburbs with their wide tree lined streets,
Berdasarkan kalimat “There is also Jalan
gardens and parks. The urban area stretches
Braga, which was the up-market shopping
north along two parallel arterial roads, Jalan
area . . . and many of its huge shopping
Setiabudi and Jalan Juanda, to the hills of Dago.
malls are also in this area.” yang artinya
The offices of the West Java provincial
”Ada juga Jalan Braga, yang dulu
government, the Bandung Institute of
merupakan kawasan belanja . . . dan
Technology and the zoo are located in this area.
banyak mal perbelanjaan besar juga
Although Bandung is only about 200 years
terdapat di kawasan ini.”, kawasan
old, it has many places of historic and cultural
perbelanjaan terletak di sepanjang Jalan
interest, not least its museums and art deco
Braga (along Jalan Braga). Pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
Source: sesuai dengan isi teks.
home_brief_e.php (December 28, 2008)
4. Which statement is NOT TRUE according
1. What is the purpose of the text? to the text?
A. To tell a past event. A. The Old Dutch suburbs have narrow
B. To describe a certain place. tree lined streets.
C. To amuse the readers. B. Bandung lies in a mountainous area.
D. To describe something in general. C. The West Java provincial government
Jawaban: B is situated in Dago.
Teks tersebut berbentuk descriptive D. Bandung has many historical places.
karena berisi tentang deskripsi atau Jawaban: A
gambaran kota Bandung. Jadi, tujuan teks Pernyataan yang salah (not true) adalah
tersebut adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya kawasan
tempat tertentu (to describe a particular pemukiman Belanda Tua memiliki jalan
place). Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya dengan pepohonan yang sempit. Hal ini
untuk menceritakan peristiwa lampau bertentangan dengan kalimat awal
adalah tujuan teks recount, (C) yang paragraf tiga, yaitu ” . . . the Old Dutch
artinya untuk menghibur pembaca adalah suburbs with their wide tree lined streets

208 UNIT 3 Descriptive

. . . .” yang artinya ” . . . kawasan artinya Bandung memiliki beberapa tempat
pemukiman Belanda Kuno dengan jalan- bersejarah, sesuai dengan kalimat ” . . . it
jalan dengan pepohonan yang lebar, . . . .”. has many places of historic and cultural
Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya Bandung interest.”.
terletak di kawasan pegunungan, sesuai
5. “On the other side of the railway are the
dengan kalimat akhir paragraf satu, ”The
elegant residential areas of . . . .”
city is surrounded by mountains . . . .” yang
(Paragraph 4)
artinya ”Kota ini (Bandung) dikelilingi oleh
The underlined word has a similar
pegunungan . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban (C)
meaning to ________.
yang artinya pemerintahan propinsi Jawa
A. enchanting B. interesting
Barat terletak di kawasan Dago, sesuai
C. awful D. ugly
dengan kalimat ”The offices of the West
Jawaban: A
Java provincial government, . . . are
Kata ’elegant’ mempunyai arti yang sama
located in this area.” dengan ’this area’
dengan kata ’enchanting’, yaitu
mengacu pada perbukitan Dago (the hills
memesona. Interesting artinya menarik,
of Dago yang disebutkan pada kalimat
sedangkan awful dan ugly artinya jelek/
sebelumnya). Pilihan jawaban (D) yang

A. Complete the following texts with the correct words in the box.
Text 1

a. very friendly b. named after a British Governor

c. fresh air and clean water d. a small town in South of Bengkulu
e. its strange flower, Rafflesia

Manna, an Unforgettable Small Town

Manna is (1) ________. It lies between Bukit Barisan Hills and the Hindi Ocean. It has
(2) ________. The people there are (3) ________. The houses are mostly in white and blue.
Manna city is also known for (4) ________. It is the biggest flower in the world. Its size is
1.40 m in diameter. It blooms only once a year. Rafflesia is (5) ________, Sir Thomas Stamford
Source: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. b
Text 2

a. there is no sound of traffic b. has tall buildings and broad streets

c. in the same way as their ancestors d. Water sellers and herdsmen wander
e. magnificent views across the river Nile
Egypt’s Capital
Cairo is the largest city in Egypt. Here you can always roll back the centuries. Modern
Cairo (1) ________, equal to any in the capitals of Europe or Australia. From the top floors of
impressive blocks of flats you can gaze at (2) ________.
However, behind the modern buildings are narrow alleys where (3) ________. The only
sounds that come to your ears are the calls of the stall-holders. (4) ________ through the
streets as their forefathers did thousands of years ago. Many of the poorer people still dress
(5) ________.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi 4

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 209

1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. c

B. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct sesuai dengan kalimat ”Rafflesia is

answer. named after a British Governor, Sir
Read Text 1 and answer questions 1 to 3. Thomas Stamford Raffles.”.

1. What is the main idea of the text? 3. How often does Rafflesia bloom?
A. The biggest flower in the world. A. Once a month.
B. The small town Manna. B. Twice a month.
C. The Bukit Barisan Hills. C. Once a year.
D. The white and blue houses. D. Twice a year.
Jawaban: B Jawaban: C
Jawaban disimpulkan dari judul teks, Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”It
yaitu ”Manna, an Unforgettable Small blooms only once a year.” yang artinya
Town”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah ”Bunga itu (Rafflesia) mekar hanya
karena merupakan gagasan pendukung. sekali dalam setahun.”. Pilihan jawaban
yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
2. Which of the following statements is dengan isi teks.
NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The town lies in Sumatra Island. Read Text 2 and answer questions 4 and 5.
B. We can find Rafflesia in the town 4. What can we hear in narrow alleys?
every year. A. The sounds of car horns.
C. A few of the houses in Manna have B. The calls of fruit sellers.
white and blue colors. C. The sounds of vehicles.
D. The name of Rafflesia is taken from D. The calls of the stall-holders.
the name of the British Governor. Jawaban: D
Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”The
Pernyataan yang salah (not true) adalah only sounds that come to your ears are
pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya sedikit the calls of the stall-holders.” yang
rumah di kota Manna yang berwarna artinya ”Satu-satunya suara yang bisa
putih dan biru karena bertentangan kalian dengar adalah seruan dari
dengan kalimat ”The houses are mostly pemilik-pemilik kios.”. Pilihan jawaban
in white and blue.” yang artinya ”Rumah- yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
rumah kebanyakan berwarna putih dan dengan isi teks.
biru.”. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya
5. “However, behind the modern buildings
kota ini terletak di Pulau Sumatra” benar
are narrow alleys . . . .” (Paragraph 1)
disimpulkan dari kalimat ”It lies between
The underlined word has an opposite
Bukit Barisan Hills . . . .”. Bukit Barisan
meaning to ________.
adalah suatu wilayah di Pulau Sumatra.
A. big B. wide
Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya kita
C. long D. short
dapat menemukan bunga Rafflesia di
Jawaban: B
kota itu setiap tahun, sesuai dengan
Kata ’narrow’ artinya ’sempit’, sehingga
kalimat ”It blooms only once a year.”
kata ini mempunyai makna yang
yang artinya ”Bunga Rafflesia mekar
berlawanan dengan kata wide yang
sekali dalam setahun.”, sehingga setiap
artinya lebar. Big artinya besar, long
tahun kita dapat melihatnya. Pilihan
artinya panjang, dan short artinya pendek.
jawaban (D) yang artinya nama Rafflesia
diambil dari nama Gubernur Inggris,

210 UNIT 3 Descriptive

A. Rearrange the sentences into proper paragraphs.
Kalimat-kalimat yang diacak dan jawaban:
1. c The gardens of the palace have an area of 284,000 square meters (28.4 hectares).
a Istana Bogor is one of the 6 Presidential Palaces in Indonesia.
b The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural, historical features, as well as the
adjoining botanical gardens.
2. b The main palace contains private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room,
a ministers’ meeting room, a theater room and the Garuda room (for welcoming State
c The two wings are used as the guest residences for State guests. Kebun Raya Bogor
(“Royal Gardens of Bogor”) or the Bogor Botanical Gardens are also part of the palace
a The grounds of the estate contain several buildings–the largest of which is the main
palace and its two wings.
3. b A herd of spotted deer still range within the palace grounds; a group of these had
originally been brought there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.
a The palace houses an extensive art collection which had been accumulated by Soekarno.
Source: (December 28, 2008)

A. Answer the following questions based on the text above.
1. How many presidential palaces are there in Indonesia?
Jawaban: There are six (6).
2. What makes the palace special compared to the other palaces?
Jawaban: Its distinctive architectural, historical features, as well as the adjoining botanical
3. What is the largest building on the ground of the palace?
Jawaban: The main palace and its two wings.
4. What can you find in the main palace?
Jawaban: Private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room, a ministers’
meeting room, a theater room, and the Garuda room.
5. What is the function of the two wings?
Jawaban: As the guest residences for State guests.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 211

B. Identify the structure of the text in Task A.

Istana Bogor is one of the 6 Presidential Palaces in Indonesia.

The palace is noted for its distinctive architectural, historical
features, as well as the adjoining botanical gardens. The gardens of
the palace have an area of 284,000 square meters (28.4 hectares).

The grounds of the estate contain several buildings–the

largest of which is the main palace and its two wings. The main
palace contains private offices for the head of state, a library,
a dining room, a ministers’ meeting room, a theater room and the
Garuda room (for welcoming State guests). The two wings are
used as the guest residences for State guests. Kebun Raya Bogor
Description (“Royal Gardens of Bogor”) or the Bogor Botanical Gardens are
also part of the palace grounds.
The palace houses an extensive art collection which had been
accumulated by Soekarno. A herd of spotted deer still range within
the palace grounds; a group of these had originally been brought
there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.

B. Rewrite the text in Task A using your own words.

Contoh jawaban:
We have six Presidential Palaces, one of them is Istana Bogor. The palace is noted for its
distinctive architectural, historical, features. Besides, it also has wide botanical gardens adjoining
the palace. The width of the gardens itself is 284,000 square meters or 28.4 hectares.
The palace area has some buildings. On the grounds of the estate, there are several
buildings. Among them, the main palace with its two wings is the largest. The main palace has
private offices for the head of state, a library, a dining room, a ministers’ meeting room, a theater
room, and the Garuda room. The last room especially functions to welcome State guests.
Meanwhile, the two wings are used as the guest residences for State guests. Further, the Bogor
Botanical Gardens, also known as Kebun Raya Bogor, are also part of the palace grounds.
In the palace you can find an extensive art collection which had been accumulated by
Soekarno. Outside, you will see a herd of spotted deer walking around the palace grounds.
Originally, a group of these had been brought there by the Dutch for hunting and sport.

C. Work individually to describe your hometown or your favorite place.

Use the following questions as guidelines to prepare your description.
● What is your hometown/favorite place?
● Where is your hometown/the place situated?
● How big is your hometown/the place?
● How is the weather there like?
● What is it famous for?
● What’s interesting about your hometown/the place?

212 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Contoh jawaban:
San Fransisco
San Francisco is my favorite city in the United States. It is beautiful, clean, not too big, and it
has something for everybody. I love the streets and buildings in San Francisco. The streets wind
up and down the hills, with beautiful old brick and wooden houses on either side.
One of my favorite things to do in San Francisco is to ride a cable car. It takes you to most
parts of the city. It’s not a very comfortable ride, but it’s exciting and the views you see from the car
are wonderful.
Besides, I like the weather in San Francisco. It never gets too cold or too hot. The summers
are pleasant. The fresh breezes blow off the ocean and the sky is always blue. It rains quite a lot in
the winter, but it never gets very cold.
Another thing I enjoy about the city is the restaurants. The seafood restaurants, with crabs
and lobster, are my favorites. You can also get great Chinese, Japanese, American and European
food in San Francisco.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Grade VIII Edisi 4

3.3 Short Functional Texts: Announcements and Advertisements

Spoken Text

Listen to your teacher and understand the explanation.

Listen. This announcement comes from Amelia. She has just lost her purse. It is a brown
leather purse with a written initial “SM”. Its size is 15 x 10 cm. Inside the purse are her
student card on the name of Amelia Kartikawati, her ATM card and a hundred thousand note.
She probably lost it along Jalan Sriwijaya. If you find it, please call her soon on 788532.
There will be a reward to anyone who finds it. Thank you.

The text above is an example of lost or found announcements. People make such
announcements whenever they have lost or found something valuable. In the announcements,
they have to say a clear description about the person/thing they have lost or found.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 213

Written Text

Read the text and understand the explanation.

Please welcome to the first nature park in the town

Safari Nature Park
● Flying fox ● Jungle trekking ● Bicycle trekking
● Horse riding ● Games and quiz about nature
And many more . . . .
Ticket: Rp25,000 (adult); Rp15,000 (child)
Opening hours: 9.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m. from Monday–Sunday
So, what are you waiting for? Bring all of your family members to enjoy the exciting
and challenging activities here.
Safari Nature Park
Jalan Kemuning 35 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 6789922

The text is called an advertisement. One of the functions of an advertisement is to

promote something. When you make an advertisement, you have to give clear information
about the promoted products/events and invite people to use the products/to come to the
event. Besides, you should design the advertisement attractively.

Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever heard a lost or found announcement before?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have.
2. If you have, what is the announcement about? Where did you hear the announcement?
Contoh jawaban: About someone who was looking for her little sister after separating for
fifteen years. I heard it on the radio.
3. Do you like to read an advertisement on newspapers or magazines?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do.
4. What kind of advertisements do you like to read?
Contoh jawaban: Advertisements about the high technology products, such as mobile
phones or notebooks.

214 UNIT 3 Descriptive

A. Listen to your teacher.
What does he/she tell you about?

Pengumuman yang dibacakan guru:

May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement for you. One of your friends has just
found a Quartz automatic girl’s watch. It was found in the school yard. To anyone who has it,
please claim the thing in the teacher office during the break. Thank you.

It’s an announcement about a watch found at school.

Find the meanings of the following words.
Then, make sentences using the words.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. attention = perhatian 2. watch = jam tangan
3. silver = perak 4. automatic = otomatis
5. claim = mengklaim
Contoh jawaban:
1. The couple pays lot of attention to their first child.
2. My father has just bought me a new watch.
3. This pretty handicraft is made of silver.
4. Mr. John has an automatic car.
5. The man claims that the wallet is his.

B. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the announcement in Task A.
Listen to him/her carefully and answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. What kind of announcement is it?
2. Where do you think you can hear the announcement?
3. Who do you think says the announcement?
4. What thing is found?
5. What does it look like?
6. Where was the thing found?
7. If you are the owner of the found thing, what should you do?
8. When can you do it?

1. A found announcement. 2. At school.
3. The teacher. 4. A watch.
5. It is Quartz girl’s watch. It’s automatic. The color is silver. 6. In the school yard.
7. I should go to the teacher office to claim the watch. 8. During the break.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 215

C. Listen to the announcement and 3. Where did she lose it?
choose the correct answer. A. In her house.
B. In her school.
C. In the city park.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: D. On the street.
All right, listeners. It’s time to read some Jawaban: C
announcements. The first one comes from Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat, ” . . .
Miranda. O.K., Miranda has just lost her cat. when she was taking a walk in the city
It is a Turkish female cat. It has white and park.” yang artinya ”. . . ketika dia
grey fur. She put a necklace with her name mengajaknya jalan-jalan di taman kota.”.
on it. She lost it on Sunday afternoon at 4. When did Miranda lose it?
about 4 p.m. when she was taking a walk in A. On Sunday morning.
the city park. To anyone who has found it, B. On Monday morning.
please contact Miranda on 081326577321. C. On Sunday evening.
A reward is waiting for you, guys. O.K., D. On Sunday afternoon.
that’s our first announcement. Before I read Jawaban: D
you the second one, please enjoy the song Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat, ”She
from Yovie and the Nuno. lost it on Sunday afternoon . . . .” yang
artinya ”Dia kehilangan kucingnya pada
1. Where can you hear such an announcement? hari Minggu sore . . . .”.
A. On the TV.
5. These are the characteristics of the lost
B. On the radio.
thing, except ________.
C. In a market.
A. it is a female cat
D. At the airport.
B. it has white and grey fur
Jawaban: B
C. it belongs to Angora family
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat sapaan,
D. it has a necklace with the writer’s
”All right, listeners.” yang artinya ”Baiklah,
para pendengar.” dan kalimat terakhir ”. . .
Jawaban: C
please enjoy the song from Yovie and the
Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan
Nuno.” yang artinya ”. . . silakan menikmati
kalimat, ”It is a Turkish female cat. It has
lagu dari Yovie and the Nuno.”.
white and grey fur. She put a necklace with
2. What is the lost thing in the announcement? her name on it.” yang artinya ”Kucing itu
A. A cat. adalah kucing keturunan Turki. Kucing itu
B. A bird. memiliki bulu warna putih dan abu-abu.
C. A rabbit. Dia (Miranda) memberinya kalung dengan
D. A hamster. inisial namanya.”. Jadi, yang bukan ciri-ciri
Jawaban: A kucing itu adalah (C) yang artinya
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”O.K., termasuk keluarga Angora.
Miranda has just lost her cat.” yang artinya
”O.K., Miranda baru saja kehilangan
kucingnya.”, sehingga yang hilang bukan
(B) yang artinya burung, (C) yang artinya
kelinci, dan (D) yang artinya hamster.

216 UNIT 3 Descriptive

A. Retell the lost and found announcements below using your own words.

1. A novel was found at Strawberry Café, Jalan Teratai number 30 Bandung. The novel is
entitled Perfume by Patrick Süskind. There is also a photograph inside the pages. Please
contact Andika (022-7655675) at Strawberry Café during the working hours.
2. A cat was lost in the park near the stadium yesterday morning. The cat is a cute white Persian
female. Her weight is about 8 kg and her height is 40 cm. She has a white ribbon around her
neck. Please contact Wulandari (024-5456111). A nice reward has been waiting for you.
Contoh jawaban:
1. Attention, all. I’ve just found a novel at Strawberry Café, Jalan Teratai number 30 Bandung.
The title of the novel is Perfume by Patrick Süskind. Inside the book, I’ve also found the
photograph of a girl. If you are the owner, please contact Andika on 022-7655675 at
Strawberry Café during the working hours. Thank you.
2. Listen, everyone. A Persian cat was lost. I lost it in the park near the stadium yesterday
morning. It is female and has white fur. It weighs about 8 kg and its height is 40 cm. There is
a white ribbon around her neck. If you see or find it, please contact Wulandari on 024-
5456111. There will be a nice reward for you. Thank you.

B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the texts in Task A.
Correct the false ones.
1. ______ Andika found a bottle of perfume at Strawberry Café.
2. ______ The novel is written by Patrick Süskind.
3. ______ Andika found nothing inside the book.
4. ______ Wulandari lost her Persian cat yesterday afternoon.
5. ______ The lost cat has a ribbon around its neck.
1. F. Andika found a novel entitled Perfume.
2. T
3. F. Andika found the photograph of a girl inside the book.
4. F. Wulandari lost her Persian cat yesterday morning.
5. T

C. Suppose you have lost or found the following things. How do you describe them?
Make a lost or found announcement about each thing.

1 2 3

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 217

Contoh jawaban:
1. May I have your attention, please? Listen, I need your favor. I’ve just lost an English-
Indonesian dictionary. The last time I saw it was on my desk. The book is very thick. I think it
consists of more than two hundreds pages. It has green, red and yellow strips on its cover.
One more thing, I write my initial “NS” on the left corner of the first page. To anyone who sees
or finds it, please contact me Riana Class VIIIA. Thank you.
2. Attention, please. I left my wallet in this café an hour ago. But now, it’s gone. It is black and its
size is around 13 x 10 cm. It has some pockets, for cards and money. Inside the wallet are my
ATM card, ID card, driving license and some money. Please contact the café attendant if you
see or find it. Thanks beforehand.
3. Listen, everyone. I’m looking for my backpack. I left it in the canteen this morning. It is black.
There is a small pocket at the front, and a pin is attached to the pocket. Please call me Ronald
Class VIIIF when you find it. Thank you.

A. Read the text aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation.

Wonderland Park
Jalan Pemuda 34 Surabaya
● Roller coaster rides ● Doll house ● Water games ● Playground
Ticket: Rp25,000 (adult); Rp15,000 (child)
Opening hours: 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Saturday–Sunday only
There’s a special offer at the end of every month.
The place is your ideal choice of relaxing and having fun with your family.

A. Answer the following questions based on the text before.
1. What is the purpose the text?
Jawaban: To promote Wonderland Park.
2. When does the park open?
Jawaban: It opens on Saturdays and Sundays only at 10 a.m.–8 p.m.
3. When do visitors get a special offer?
Jawaban: At the end of every month.
4. What facilities are available there?
Jawaban: There are roller coaster rides, water games, doll house and playground.
5. What is the place for?
Jawaban: For relaxing and having fun with our families.

218 UNIT 3 Descriptive

B. Read the text and answer the questions.

Trip to Bandung

To spend your holiday, we offer you a trip package to Bandung. You will go to many
interesting destinations, such as Mount Papandayan, where you can see the
sunrise, Asia-Africa Museum and the shopping centers on Jalan Braga
Cost per peer including transportation, free pass, food and lodging: Rp300,000
Length of stay : 3 days and 2 nights
Place to stay : Jasmine Chalet

Those who wish to go please contact us at:

Flamboyan Travel Agent
Jalan Melati number 12 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 5567432

1. What is the purpose of the text?
Jawaban: To promote a trip package.
2. How much is a participant charged for the trip?
Jawaban: Rp300,000.
3. Where will the participants of the tour stay?
Jawaban: In Jasmine Chalet.
4. How long will the trip last?
Jawaban: It will last for three days and two nights.
5. What are some places included on the trip?
Jawaban: Mount Papandayan, Asia-Africa Museum and the shopping centers on Jalan

B. Choose the correct answer based on Minuteman’s MPV*

the texts. Multi-Purpose Vacuum maximum
Read the text and answer questions 1 to 3. performance in a changeable, lightweight,
dual motor vacuum lightweight with added
bag capacity for longer, more effective
cleaning power
Excellence Meets Clean Self contained, Lightweight, Portable, Spot
CARPET MACHINES Removal System. Minuteman’s Gotcha!* is
One Stop Cleaning Solution designed for spot removal and carpet
maintenance operations that require good
Minuteman’s Ambassador*
skill, efficiency, power and hassle-free,
Carpet Extractors – are the ideal choice for
one-person operation
effective carpet and upholstery

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 219

1. What is the advertisement about? Jawaban: C
A. Carpet Machines. Kata ’require’ dan ’need’ artinya hampir
B. Minuteman Carpet. sama, yaitu memerlukan atau
C. Multi Purpose Carpet. membutuhkan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
D. Excellent Meets Clean. salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) take artinya
Jawaban: A mengambil, (B) have artinya mempunyai,
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan judul/heading dan (D) make artinya membuat.
iklan tersebut, yaitu ”MINUTEMAN
Excellence Meets Clean CARPET Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5.
MACHINES One Stop Cleaning Solution”.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena Come and join us on:
hanya sebagai data pendukung/penjelas. City Fun Bike
2. Which statement is TRUE based on the Start and Finish: The city hall
text? Date : Sunday, February 22, 2009
A. Only one person may operate the Time : 6 a.m.
machine. Fee : Rp25,000, including snack and T-shirt
B. It’s hard for one person to
empower the machine. There are many door prizes you can win, like
C. It can be operated by one person 3 motorcycles, 10 mountain bikes, 10
easily. televisions and many more. So, don’t miss it.
D. The machine cleans the power of Contact person: Dika (081234557654),
the person.
Jawaban: C 4. What is the text about?
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat A. The information about door prizes.
terakhir iklan tersebut, ”efficiency, power B. The invitation to get door prizes.
and hassle-free, one-person operation”. C. The advertisement of a fun bike event.
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan D. The description of a certain event.
jawaban (A) salah karena pilihan jawaban Jawaban: C
itu menjelaskan bahwa hanya satu orang Berdasarkan keseluruhan isi teks dapat
yang boleh mengoperasikan alat itu. disimpulkan bahwa isi teks tersebut
Pilihan jawaban (B) salah karena pilihan tentang iklan kegiatan sepeda santai (the
jawaban itu menjelaskan bahwa sangat advertisement of a fun bike event). Pilihan
sulit bagi satu orang untuk jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
mengoperasikan alat itu. Penjelasan ini (A) artinya informasi mengenai hadiah-
bertentangan dengan kalimat terakhir iklan hadiah sebuah kegiatan, (B) artinya
tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (D) jelas salah undangan untuk mendapatkan hadiah-
karena pilihan jawaban itu menjelaskan hadiah, dan (D) artinya deskripsi kegiatan
bahwa alat itu membersihkan kekuatan tertentu.
seseorang. 5. Which of the following statements is NOT
3. “. . . and carpet maintenance TRUE about the event?
operations that require good skill, . . . .” A. It will be held on February twenty-
The underlined word can be best second, 2009.
replaced by ________. B. The registration fee does not include
A. take B. have a T-shirt and snack.
C. need D. make C. It will start and finish at the same place.
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008 D. Some of the door prizes are motor
cycles, bikes and televisions.

220 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya kegiatan itu
Pernyataan yang salah adalah (B) yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22
artinya biaya pendaftaran termasuk T-shirt Februari 2009, (C) artinya kegiatan itu
dan snack karena bertentangan dengan akan mulai dan berakhir di tempat yang
kalimat ”Fee: Rp25,000 including snack sama, dan (D) artinya beberapa dari
and T-shirt”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain hadiah-hadiah itu adalah sepeda motor,
salah karena sesuai dengan isi teks. sepeda, dan television.

A. In pairs, make an attractive advertisement based on the situation.

Suppose you work in a marketing division in a publishing company. Your company is going to
launch a special offer of selling a package of children’s story books in English and Bahasa
Indonesia with low price. There is also a special discount on the first week of selling. The packages
are available in all bookstores.
Contoh jawaban:

We offer you . . .
A set of the most read children’s stories in English and Indonesian languages
Get fifteen books for only Rp400,000.
Available at all bookstores.
There is a special discount on the first week of January.
So, don’t miss this great offer!

B. Create an attractive advertisement about a tourist spot in your hometown.

Contoh jawaban:

Welcome to Happy Lake Garden

Open : Monday to Friday : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday : 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Monday to Friday : Free
Saturday and Sunday : Adults Rp5,000
Children under 12 Rp3,000

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 221

What is the place you want to visit on your holiday?
Write the description of the place.

Read and memorize the words. heroic : sifat kepahlawanan

Use them whenever you speak English. historic : bersejarah
inhibited : didiami
budget : anggaran lost : kehilangan
built : dibangun matter : masalah
capital : ibu kota occur : terjadi, berlangsung
display : pajangan odor : bau
entire : seluruh outdoor : luar ruangan
establish : mendirikan statue : patung
evidence : bukti stretch : membentang
found : ditemukan wonder : heran

222 UNIT 3 Descriptive

C. Because Mrs. Doddy leaves her at
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct home.
answer. D. Because she wakes up late.
Jawaban: A
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 5. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat yang
Mother : Dear, what time is it now? diucapkan ibu, yaitu ”Oh no, I will be late
Rika : Um . . . it’s ten to two p.m. What’s the again.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
matter, Mom? You look in a hurry. karena tidak sesuai dengan isi
Mother : Well, I have an appointment with percakapan. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya
Mrs. Doddy to join her in the karena dia tidak memiliki teman untuk
cooking contest. Oh no, I will be late pergi ke kontes itu, (C) artinya karena Bu
again. Doddy meninggalkannya di rumah, dan
Rika : What time is the contest, Mom? And (D) artinya dia bangun terlambat.
. . . where is it held? 3. Mother said, “You’re right.”
Mother : It’s at half past three and it’s held in What does it mean?
the city hall. A. She denies a fact.
Rika : If that’s so, why don’t you meet her in B. She expresses her doubt.
the contest? It will save time, right? C. She admits a fact.
Mother : You’re right. But taking a public D. She congratulates someone.
transport takes a long time. Jawaban: C
Rika : It is. I have a good idea. I’ll ask Doni, Ungkapan tersebut artinya ”Kamu benar.”.
our neighbor, to take you there by Ungkapan tersebut diucapkan untuk
motorcycle. I’m sure you won’t be mengakui sebuah fakta (admitting a fact),
late. But you should contact Mrs. bukan (A) yang artinya dia mengingkari
Doddy that you’ll meet her there, fakta, (B) yang artinya dia
Mom. mengungkapkan keraguan, dan (D) yang
Mother : That’s a great idea! O.K., I’ll call artinya dia memberi selamat.
Mrs. Doddy. Thanks, dear.
Rika : You’re welcome. 4. Which statement is NOT TRUE according
to the dialog?
1. When does the conversation happen? A. Doni is Rika’s neighbor.
A. In the morning. B. The contest is held in the city hall.
B. In the afternoon. C. Mrs. Doddy is going to join a cooking
C. In the evening. contest.
D. At midnight. D. Rika’s mother will be late to the
Jawaban: B contest if she rides a motorcycle.
Percakapan tersebut terjadi pada pukul Jawaban: D
13:50 siang hari (in the afternoon), yang Pernyataan yang salah adalah bahwa ibu
disimpulkan dari kalimat yang diucapkan Rika akan terlambat tiba di perlombaan
Rika, ”Um . . . it’s ten to two p.m.”. apabila dia naik motor. Pernyataan ini
bertentangan dengan kalimat ”I’m sure by
2. Why is Rika’s mother in a hurry? riding a motorcycle you won’t be late.”
A. Because she thinks that she will be yang artinya ”Saya yakin dengan naik
late to the contest. motor ibu tidak akan terlambat.”. Pilihan
B. Because she has no companion to go jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat yang
to the contest.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 223

dikatakan Rika, ”I’ll ask ask Doni, our 8. Tommy : Last night, you went to the mall
neighbor, . . . .”, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat with a girl, didn’t you?
” . . . it’s held in the city hall.”, dan (C) Angga : I did. She is my cousin.
sesuai dengan kalimat ” . . . Mrs. Doddy to What is the function of the underlined
join her in the cooking contest.”. sentence?
A. For giving information.
5. Mother said, “But taking a public transport
B. For expressing certainty.
takes a long time.” The opposite meaning
C. For admitting a fact.
of the underlined word is ________.
D. For denying a fact.
A. general B. open
Jawaban: C
C. private D. strange
Ungkapan tersebut yang artinya ”Ya
Jawaban: C
benar.” adalah ungkapan untuk mengakui
Kata ’public’ artinya ’(untuk) umum’. Lawan
fakta, bukan (A) yang artinya memberi
kata tersebut adalah private yang artinya
informasi, (B) yang artinya mengungkap-
pribadi, bukan general yang artinya umum,
kan kepastian, dan (D) yang artinya
open yang artinya terbuka, dan strange
mengingkari fakta.
yang artinya aneh.
9. Mother : Farah, ________ will you go for
6. Linda : Tell me, how was the final result?
a study tour?
Tio : We beat our opponent 2-0.
Farah : For five days, Mom.
Linda : That’s great! ________
A. how many B. how long
Tio : Thank you.
C. how much D. how far
A. It’s amazing!
Jawaban: B
B. No way!
Respons Farah, ”For five days, Mom.”
C. No doubt!
artinya ”Selama lima hari, Bu.”. Kalimat ini
D. Congratulations!
menyatakan lamanya Farah pergi study
Jawaban: D
tour, sehingga kata tanya yang tepat
Ungkapan yang tepat untuk merespons
melengkapi kalimat pertanyaan adalah how
suatu kemenangan adalah ungkapan
long yang artinya berapa lama. Pilihan
selamat, yaitu Congratulations! Pilihan
jawaban (A) menanyakan jumlah benda
jawaban (A) adalah ungkapan kekaguman,
yang dapat dihitung, (C) menanyakan
(B) adalah ungkapan mengingkari fakta,
jumlah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung,
dan (C) adalah ungkapan keraguan.
dan (D) menanyakan jarak yang ditempuh.
7. Seno : Lola will move to Jakarta after the
10. Vika : Where will you go this weekend?
Dina : I will go ________. I have a lot of
Tika : ________ She never tells me that
things to do at home.
she’ll move out.
A. somewhere B. nothing
A. No way! B. I’m sure of it.
C. nowhere D. anywhere
C. That’s right. D. I’ll be alright.
Jawaban: C
Jawaban: A
Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat
Berdasarkan kalimat berikutnya yang
berikutnya yang berarti ”Saya mempunyai
berarti ”Dia tidak pernah memberi tahu
banyak hal yang harus dikerjakan di
saya kalau dia mau pindah.” dapat
rumah.”. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang
disimpulkan bahwa ungkapan yang tepat
tepat untuk merespons pertanyaan Vika
adalah ungkapan mengingkari fakta, yaitu
yang artinya ”Ke mana kamu akan pergi
”No way!” yang artinya ”Tidak mungkin!”.
akhir minggu ini?” adalah saya tidak pergi
Pilihan jawaban (B) adalah ungkapan
ke mana-mana (I will go nowhere).
kepastian, (C) adalah ungkapan mengakui
fakta, dan (D) adalah respons ungkapan
untuk menanyakan kabar.

224 UNIT 3 Descriptive

11. “Attention, please. A biology book was found 12. What does the text mainly provide us?
in the library. There’s no name on it, only A. Hotel staff.
an initial TN. If you are the owner, you can B. Horse riding.
go to the library to claim it. Thank you.” C. Insurance cover.
Where do you think you can hear such D. Professional guides.
an announcement? Jawaban: B
A. At school. Dalam teks tersebut terdapat judul ”The
B. In a bookstore. Ultimate Riding Experience” yang artinya
C. In a book fair. ”Pengalaman Berkuda yang Paling
D. In a bus stop. Mewah”. Selanjutnya, dalam teks tersebut
Jawaban: A terdapat kalimat-kalimat yang menjelaskan
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat kedua tentang kegiatan berkuda, peralatan yang
yang artinya ”Sebuah buku biologi diperlukan, harga menyewa kuda, serta
ditemukan di perpustakaan.” sehingga contact person (orang yang bisa
pengumuman tersebut tepat diucapkan di dihubungi). Jadi, secara umum teks
sekolah, bukan (B) yang artinya di toko tersebut tentang naik kuda. Pilihan
buku, (C) yang artinya di pameran buku, dan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
(D) yang artinya di halte bus. (A) artinya staf hotel, (C) artinya
Read the text and answer questions 12 and 13. perlindungan asuransi, dan (D) artinya
pemandu profesional.
The Ultimate Riding Experience 13. Ponies are prepared for ________.
We have quiet horses and ponies for every A. every rider
rider and professional guides to escort you. B. guides
Children are most welcome and can be C. adults
led as required. D. kids
We recommend wearing long pants, Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
sensible show and plenty of sunscreen. Jawaban: D
Helmets are provided but not compulsory. Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat
A ride with us, whether on the beach or ”Pony Ride (under 5 yrs.) . . .” yang artinya
throughthe lush green rice field of Canggu ”Naik Kuda Poni (di bawah umur 5 tahun)
will complete your Bali Holiday Experience. . . .”. Jadi, kuda poni disediakan untuk
penunggang kuda yang berumur di bawah
Price List
♦ 1 hour ride ........................ US$30,00 5 tahun atau yang masih anak-anak (kids).
♦ ½ hour ride ....................... US$15,00 Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan
♦ Pony Ride (under 5 yrs.) .. US$10,00 jawaban (A) artinya setiap penunggang
♦ 1½ hour ride ..................... US$40,00 kuda, (B) artinya pemandu, dan (C) artinya
orang dewasa.
Rides include Hotel Transfers, Safety
Equipment and Insurance Cover. Read the text and answer questions 14 to 18.
Bookings Taronga Zoo
For more information and bookings
please ask your hotel tour desk, travel agent Taronga Zoo is the major zoo in Australia.
or It lies in Sydney, New South Wales. It occupies
contact us direct: a 33-hectare location. The name ‘taronga’ is an
Aboriginal name. It means ‘water view’.
Tarukan Equestrian Centre The Zoo has Australia’s finest collection of
Jl. Nelayan No. 63 native Australian animals and many exotic
Br. Canggu Tua species. It has kangaroos, wallabies, and
koalas. Those animals can be seen from
Tel/Fax: (0361)7470644

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 225

a close distance. There are platypuses, ’pemandangan air’ karena sesuai dengan
echidnas, and New Zealand kiwis in the kalimat terakhir paragraf satu, yaitu ”The
Nocturnal House. There are also gorillas in the name ’taronga’ is an Aboriginal name. It
new Gorilla Tropical Forest. All the animals in means ’water view’.”. Pilihan jawaban (A)
the zoo are kept very well. They are kept in the yang artinya kegiatan Kebun Binatang
environment that is like their natural habitat. Taronga adalah satu-satunya kebun
Taronga is usually used as a site for binatang di Australia salah karena
scientific research, conservation, and bertentangan dengan kalimat ”Taronga
education. It also offers a range of educational Zoo is the major zoo in Australia.” yang
and special interest tours. artinya ”Kebun Binatang Taronga adalah
Source: Scaffolding English Junior High School kebun binatang utama di Australia (bukan
Students Grade VIII satu-satunya).”. Pilihan jawaban (B) yang
artinya binatang-binatang di Kebun
14. Where is Taronga Zoo located? Binatang Taronga tidak dapat dilihat dari
A. In Sydney, Australia. jarak dekat salah karena tidak sesuai
B. In New Zealand. dengan kalimat ”Those animals can be
C. In New York. seen from a close distance.”. Pilihan
D. In the Aboriginal site. jawaban (D) yang artinya Kebun Binatang
Jawaban: A Taronga hanya memiliki binatang-binatang
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat kedua asli Australia salah karena terdapat juga
paragraf satu, yaitu ”It is located in binatang-binatang eksotis lainnya (kalimat
Sydney, New South Wales.”. Pilihan ”The Zoo has Australia’s finest collection of
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak native Australian animals and many exotic
sesuai dengan isi teks. species.”).
15. Where in Taronga Zoo can you find New 17. “Taronga Zoo is the major zoo in Australia.”
Zealand kiwis? (Paragraph 1)
A. In the Tropical Forest. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
B. To the south of the zoo. A. Inferior. B. Secondary.
C. In the Nocturnal House. C. Significant. D. Ordinary.
D. In New Zealand. Jawaban: C
Jawaban: C Kata ’major’ artinya ’utama’. Kata ini
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ketiga memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata
paragraf dua, yaitu ” . . . and New ’significant’ yang artinya ’penting/utama’.
Zealand kiwis in the Nocturnal House.”. Kata inferior artinya rendah mutunya,
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena secondary artinya tambahan, dan ordinary
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. artinya biasa/umum.
16. Which of the following statements is TRUE 18. “They are kept in the environment that is
according to the text? like their natural habitat.” (Paragraph 3)
A. Taronga Zoo is the only zoo in What does the underlined word refer to?
Australia. A. Gorillas.
B. The animals in Taronga Zoo cannot B. Kangaroos.
be seen in a close distance. C. All the zoo’s animals.
C. The name ‘taronga’ is Aboriginal D. New Zealand kiwis
which means ‘water view’. Jawaban: C
D. Taronga Zoo only has native Kata ganti orang ketiga jamak ’they’ artinya
Australian animals. ’mereka’. Kata ini merujuk pada subjek
Jawaban: C jamak yang disebutkan dalam kalimat
Pernyataan yang benar adalah (C) yang sebelumnya, yaitu ’all the animals in the
artinya nama ’taronga’ berasal dari zoo’ dalam kalimat ”All the animals in the
bahasa Aborigin yang berarti

226 UNIT 3 Descriptive

zoo are kept very well.”. Pilihan jawaban (2) He lives in a dormitory; (7) There are
yang lain salah karena bukan kata yang ten people, including my brother, living
dimaksud. there; (1) The dormitory is situated not far
from his campus; (4) Therefore, he always
19. your–dear–birthday,–Emily!–on–
goes to campus on foot; (3) It means that
1 2 3 4 5
he doesn’t need to spend money for bus
fifteenth–congratulations fare; (6) Surely, he can save his money for
6 7 something else.
The correct arrangement of the sentence
is ________. B. Complete the text with the correct
A. 2–4–1–7–5–6–3 words in the box.
B. 2–4–5–1–3–6–7
C. 7–5–1–2–4–6–3 a. Samba b. on the beach
D. 7–5–1–6–3–2–4 c. anything d. outgoing
Jawaban: D e. love to sing f. great players
Kata-kata tersebut akan membentuk g. largest country h. darker
kalimat bermakna, yaitu ”Congratulations i. anybody j. located
on your fifteenth birthday, dear Emily!”
yang artinya ”Selamat ulang tahun yang Brazil
kelima belas, Emily sayang!”. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah karena Do you know (1) ________ about Brazil?
membentuk kalimat yang tidak bermakna. Yes, the football team is one of the best in the
world. It has (2) ________ like Ronaldo,
20. (1) The dormitory is situated not far from Ronaldinho, Adriano. Now let me tell you more
his campus. about Brazil. You know, Brazil is the
(2) He lives in a dormitory. (3) ________ in South America. It’s also the
(3) It means that he doesn’t need to fifth largest country in the world. Does
spend money for bus fare. (4) ________ know where Brazil is? The
(4) Therefore, he always goes to campus country is (5) ________ in the eastern part of
on foot. South America.
(5) My brother is a college student. Now what about the people? They are
(6) Surely, he can save his money for friendly, (6) ________, and they also like to
something else. have fun. They’re fun-loving people. Well, . . . if
(7) There are ten people, including my you’ve heard about (7) ________, then you
brother, living there. must know that the Samba dance is from Brazil.
The proper arrangement of the text is The people (8) ________ and dance the
________. Samba. They also love to sunbathe, lying
A. (5)–(2)–(7)–(1)–(3)–(6)–(4) (9) ________ to have their skin tanned. It
B. (5)–(2)–(7)–(1)–(4)–(3)–(6) means, they want to make their skin
C. (5)–(2)–(7)–(1)–(6)–(3)–(4) (10) ________.
D. (5)–(2)–(7)–(4)–(6)–(1)–(3) Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning
Jawaban: B Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi 4
Urutan kalimat yang benar untuk Jawaban:
membentuk teks descriptive yang benar 1. c 2. f 3. g 4. i 5. j
adalah (5) My brother is a college student; 6. d 7. a 8. e 9. b 10. h

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 227

C. Answer the following questions 3. How do you describe the people of Brazil?
based on the text in Task B. Jawaban: They are friendly, outgoing and
fun-loving people.
1. Where is Brazil located? 4. What do Brazilians like to do?
Jawaban: It is located in the eastern part Jawaban: They like to sing and dance
South America. the samba, as well as to
2. How large is Brazil? sunbathe on the beach.
Jawaban: It is the largest country in 5. Why do they like to sunbathe?
South America. It is also the Jawaban: Because they want to have
fifth largest country in the their skin tanned or darker.

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 3:

● Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi pada Unit 3. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model.
Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

228 UNIT 3 Descriptive

5. “Oh, no. It should be an expensive pen,
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
The opposite meaning of the underlined
word is ________.
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 5.
A. sophisticated B. sharp
Tejo : Don, what are you looking for here? C. narrow D. cheap
Doni : Well, I’m looking for the pen you have
lent me. Sorry, I have dropped it. For questions 6 to 8, choose the correct
Tejo : What? That’s my father’s pen! expressions to complete the following
Doni : Oh, no. It should be an expensive pen, dialog.
then. Rena : Auntie, (6) ________ on your newborn
Tejo : Yes, it is. Besides, my father just bought baby!
it last week. Aunt : (7) ________, dear.
Doni : That’s a disaster! What if I can’t find it? Rena : What’s her name, Auntie?
I don’t even have money to buy the new Aunt : We haven’t decided yet. Any
one at this moment. suggestion?
Tejo : Are you sure you have dropped it here? Rena : What about Rose? She is very
Didn’t you leave it in class? beautiful. And . . . look at her red
Doni : I’m sure of it. I have looked it in my bag cheeks which look like blossoming
and desk over and over, but it isn’t roses.
there. Aunt : (8) ________. O.K., I’ll think about the
Tejo : Don’t panic. I’ll help you look for it. name. Thank you.
Doni : Thanks, Jo. Sorry for trouble you. Rena : You’re welcome.
1. What is the dialog about? 6. A. well done
A. Buying a new pen. B. thank you
B. Losing a friend’s pen. C. welcome
C. Borrowing a friend’s pen. D. congratulations
D. Returning a friend’s pen.
7. A. Thank you
2. Where does the dialog take place? B. I’m sorry
A. In Doni’s house. C. You’re welcome
B. In Tejo’s house. D. I’ll be all right
C. In a bus station.
D. At school. 8. A. No, they don’t
B. You’re right
3. Who are talking in the dialog? C. That’s impossible
A. Playmates. D. I hope you are fine
B. Classmates.
C. Brothers. 9. Lila : Listen, Mr. Rahardian will be retired
D. Teacher and student. at the end of this month!
Soni : That’s right. Our homeroom
4. Tejo said, “Sorry, I have dropped it.” teacher told me about it yesterday.
What does it mean? What is the function of the underlined
A. Admitting a fact. sentence?
B. Denying a fact. A. For denying a fact.
C. Giving information. B. For expressing certainty.
D. Agreeing something. C. For admitting a fact.
D. For congratulating someone.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 229

10. Seto : ________ does your father usually 14. What is the purpose of the text?
drive his car? A. To describe a particular place.
Dina : Around 80 kilometers/hour. B. To tell about a past event.
A. How long C. To amuse the readers.
B. How far D. To describe something in general.
C. How much 15. The following statements are TRUE,
D. How fast except ________.
11. Nita : I have some fruits. ________ do A. Keukenhof Flower Park lies in
you like, apples or oranges? Netherlands
Dion : Apples, please. Thank you. B. Keukenhof Flower Park is more than
A. What 150 years old
B. Which C. Keukenhof Flower Park is open from
C. How the last week of March to mid-May
D. When D. for six weeks about 800,000 people
have visited Keukenhof Flower Park
12. Lisa : Where were you going yesterday
afternoon? 16. “Its first grounds were founded around
Siska : I was going to a computer fair. 1840.” (Paragraph 1)
Lisa : What did you buy? The underlined word has a similar
Siska : ________. I just accompanied my meaning to ________.
elder sister. She bought a new A. found B. destroyed
flash disk. C. created D. established
A. Nothing B. Anything Read the text and answer questions 17 and
C. Everything D. Something 18.
13. Teacher : O.K., students, who is absent Good afternoon, all the visitors of the book fair.
today? We have a very important announcement for
Student : ________ of us, Sir. Everyone you. We have Dinda here. She informed us that
is here. she lost her purse in the fair. She couldn’t
A. No one B. Nothing remember where she left it. The purse is
C. None D. Nobody square and pink. Inside of it are her student
Read the text and answer questions 14 to 16. card on the name of Dinda Maharani, ATM card
and some money. We do hope your favor, if you
Keukenhof Flower Park see it, please report it to the information desk
Keukenhof Flower Park is also known as immediately. Thank you.
the Garden of Europe. It is situated near Lisse, 17. These statements are TRUE about Dinda’s
Netherlands. It is the world’s largest flower purse, except ________.
garden. Keukenhof is more than 150 years old. A. its color is pink
Its first grounds were founded around 1840. B. it is square
Everyone who loves flowers knows C. there are two cards in it
Keukenhof Flower Park. There are so many D. there is no money in it
kinds of beautiful flowers. There are
approximately 54,520 acres of parkland planted 18. “We do hope your favor, if you see it . . . .”
with tulips and other bulbs. Keukenhof is open The underlined word refers to ________.
from the last week of March to mid-May. The A. the listeners
best time to view the tulips is around mid-April. B. the book fair’s visitors
However, it depends on the weather. In seven C. all the customers
weeks Keukenhof has about 800,000 visitors. D. the book fair’s committee
Source: Scaffolding English for Junior
High School Students Grade VIII

230 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Read the text and answer questions 19 and Strategically positioned in the archipelago,
20. the city is also the principal gateway to the rest
of Indonesia. From the Capital City,
sophisticated land, air, and sea transport is
Are you looking for a convenient place to available to the rest of the country and beyond.
buy fruits with reasonable prices? It has the largest and most modern airport in
the country, the most important harbor in
Green Fruit Shop is the best choice Indonesia and is well-connected by rail of good
You can find all kinds of fresh fruits here, roads to other destinations in Java, Sumatra,
both local and imported. and Bali.
We guarantee the quality and the freshness Over the last several decades, Jakarta has
of our fruits. proudly developed into one of Asia’s most
prominent metropolitan centers. With a current
Soft opening: Sunday, February 15, 2009 population of nearly nine millions, Jakarta has
undergone dramatic growth. Today, Jakarta’s
The best quality and best service is our skyline is covered by modern high-rises. The
commitment. many shopping centers, recreation complexes
So, come and prove yourselves. and toll-roads have become hallmarks of the
city. Jakarta’s cultural richness and dynamic
19. What is the text about? growth contribute significantly to its growing
A. The finding of the best fruit shop. importance as one of the world’s leading capital
B. The description of a new fruit shop. cities.
C. The advertisement of a new fruit shop. Jakarta has become a major destination in
D. The information of a fruit center. its own right. Visitors come for Jakarta’s
complete facilities and attractions that are in
20. “Are you looking for a convenient place to
many ways unique and not available
buy fruits . . . ?”
elsewhere. In the field of tourism Jakarta offers
The similar meaning of the underlined
four and five star hotels, convention facilities,
word is ________.
amusement parks, shopping centers, historical
A. important
buildings, museums, tours and many other
B. appropriate
tourist attractions.
C. boring
D. primary
Jakarta/JakartaNow.asp (December 29, 2008)
Read the text and answer questions 21 to 25.
21. What is the text about?
Jakarta Now A. Informing the history of Jakarta.
Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of B. Describing Jakarta in the past.
Indonesia, a country composed of more than C. Informing the best place in Jakarta
300 ethnic groups speaking 200 different D. Describing the capital city of
languages. As the capital city, Jakarta is Indonesia.
a melting pot of representatives from each of 22. What is the political position of Jakarta in
these ethnic groups. our country?
Jakarta is the center of the nation’s A. As the seat of national and regional
industrial, political and cultural life. It is home to government.
many of the country’s finest research institutes, B. As a major destination in tourism.
educational facilities, and cultural C. As the center of the national’s
organizations. Jakarta is uniquely the seat of industry.
both the national as well as the regional D. As the principal gateway to the rest of
government. Indonesia.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 231

23. What is the main idea of paragraph 4? 27. A. its B. his
A. Jakarta in the past era. C. their D. your
B. The cultural life in Jakarta.
28. A. little B. many
C. Jakarta as one of Asia’s most
C. much D. less
prominent metropolitan centers.
D. Jakarta as the principal gateway to 29. to finish–it–night–is–the task–on–
the rest of Indonesia. 1 2 3 4 5 6

24. In the tourism field, Jakarta offers the impossible–one.

following, except ________ 7 8
A. convention facilities The correct arrangement of the words is
B. four and five-star-hotels ________.
C. skyline buildings A. 2–4–7–1–5–6–8–3
D. historical buildings B. 2–4–7–5–6–1–8–3
25. “From the Capital City, sophisticated land, C. 8–3–4–5–2–1–6–7
air, and sea transport is available . . . .” D. 8–3–4–5–7–6–2–1
(Paragraph 2) The underlined word means 30. (1) They share mountains and waterfalls,
_________. rainforests, and long beaches.
A. unique B. modern (2) There are eight islands of different
C. different D. awkward sizes which form the Hawaiian
For questions 26 to 28, choose the correct Islands.
words to complete the following text. (3) Their waters are filled with colorful
fish, dolphins, and giant sea turtles.
The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is one (4) While they differ from each other in
of the Old Seven Wonders of the World some ways, they share many
Attractions. It (26) ________ by the Egyptian features, like their natural beauties.
Pharaoh Khufu around 2560 BC. It was (5) The Hawaiian Islands are located in
constructed to serve as a tomb for the pharaoh the middle of the Pacific Ocean, far
after his death. The pyramid is an architectural away from any other lands.
landmark, and the technique used for
The correct arrangement of the sentences
(27) ________ construction has been a topic of
is ________.
discussion among archaeologists and
A. (5)–(1)–(3)–(2)–(4)
architects throughout the world.
B. (5)–(2)–(4)–(1)–(3)
One of the most sought after tourist spots
C. (5)–(3)–(1)–(4)–(2)
in the world, this monument has (28) ________
D. (5)–(4)–(2)–(3)–(1)
attractions. The famous Sphinx, a part of the
monument, attracts tourists in numbers.
B. Write a descriptive text about
Adapted from: a historical building you know.
Mind the structure of the text.

26. A. built B. builds

C. is built D. was built

232 UNIT 3 Descriptive

Jawaban Review Unit 3 salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) biasanya
diucapkan karena keberhasilan
A. Pilihan Ganda melakukan sesuatu, (B) adalah
ungkapan terima kasih, dan (C)
1. B. Keseluruhan percakapan tentang
artinya selamat datang.
Doni yang mencari pulpen yang dia
pinjam dari Tejo, dengan kata lain dia 7. A. Ungkapan yang benar untuk
telah menghilangkan pulpen itu. merespons ucapan selamat adalah
(losing Tejo’s pen). Pilihan jawaban terima kasih (thank you). Pilihan
yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai jawaban (B) adalah ungkapan
dengan isi percakapan. Pilihan permintaan maaf, (C) adalah
jawaban (A) artinya membeli pulpen ungkapan untuk merespons ucapan
baru, (C) artinya meminjam pulpen terima kasih, dan (D) adalah respons
teman, dan (D) artinya mengembali- atas ungkapan untuk menanyakan
kan pulpen teman. kabar atau keadaan seseorang.
2. D. Berdasarkan kata keterangan tempat 8. B. Ungkapan yang tepat melengkapi
’in class’ dari kalimat yang diucapkan percakapan tersebut adalah ”You’re
Tejo, yaitu ”Didn’t you leave it in right” yang artinya ”Kamu benar.”. Hal
class?”, percakapan tersebut terjadi di ini disimpulkan dari kalimat
sekolah (at school), bukan di (A) sesudahnya yang artinya ”Baiklah,
rumah Doni, (B) rumah Tejo, dan (C) saya akan memikirkan nama itu.”
di terminal bus. yang berarti dia mengiyakan
pernyataan Rena sebelumnya. Pilihan
3. B. Berdasarkan kata keterangan tempat
jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan
’in class’ yang berarti percakapan
jawaban (A) dan (C) untuk
tersebut terjadi di sekolah (at school),
menyangkal fakta, sedangkan (D)
orang yang melakukan percakapan
merupakan kalimat pengharapan.
tersebut adalah teman sekelas, bukan
(A) teman sepermainan, (C) saudara 9. C. Kalimat soal artinya ”Itu benar.”
laki-laki, dan (D) guru dan siswa. merupakan ungkapan mengakui
sebuah fakta (admitting a fact) bahwa
4. A. Kalimat soal artinya ”Maaf, saya telah
Pak Rahardian akan pensiun pada
menjatuhkannya.” merupakan
akhir bulan.
ungkapan mengakui sebuah fakta
(admitting a fact) bahwa dia telah 10. D. Kalimat soal menanyakan kecepatan
menjatuhkannya (pulpen itu). ayah Dina mengendarai mobil. Hal ini
disimpulkan dari jawaban Dina yang
5. D. Kata ’expensive’ artinya ’mahal’. Kata
menyebutkan kecepatan mobil itu,
ini berlawanan makna dengan kata
yaitu sekitar 80 km/jam. Kata tanya
’cheap’ yang artinya murah.
yang benar untuk menanyakan
Sophisticated artinya canggih, sharp
kecepatan laju mobil adalah how fast
artinya tajam, dan narrow artinya
yang artinya seberapa cepat. How
long untuk menanyakan durasi suatu
6. D. Ungkapan yang tepat diucapkan kegiatan dilakukan, how far untuk
Rena atas kelahiran seorang bayi menanyakan jarak suatu tempat dari
adalah ucapan selamat. Jadi, kata tempat lain, dan how much
yang tepat melengkapi soal adalah menanyakan jumlah benda yang tidak
’congratulations’ yang artinya dapat dihitung.
’selamat’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 233

11. B. Kalimat soal artinya ” . . . yang kamu Keukenhof has about 800,000
suka, apel atau jeruk?”. Kalimat ini visitors” yang artinya ”Dalam tujuh
mengungkapkan suatu pilihan. Kata minggu Keukenhof dikunjungi kurang
tanya yang tepat melengkapi lebih 800.000 orang.”. Pilihan jawaban
pertanyaan pilihan tersebut adalah (A) sesuai dengan kalimat ”It is
which yang artinya yang mana. Pilihan situated near Lisse, Netherlands.”,
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ”Keukenhof
tepat digunakan untuk menanyakan is more than 150 years old.”, dan (C)
pilihan. sesuai dengan kalimat ”Keukenhof is
open from the last week of March to
12. A. Berdasarkan kalimat selanjutnya yang
artinya ”Saya hanya menemani kakak
saya. Dia membeli sebuah flash disk 16. D. Kata ’founded’ artinya ’didirikan’. Kata
baru.”, disimpulkan bahwa Siska tidak ini memiliki makna yang sama dengan
membeli apapun. Indefinite pronoun kata ’established’ yang juga berarti
yang tepat melengkapi soal bermakna didirikan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
negatif, yaitu nothing. salah karena memiliki arti yang
berbeda. Found artinya ditemukan,
13. C. Dalam percakapan tersebut, guru
destroyed artinya dihancurkan, dan
bertanya siapakah siswa yang absen.
created artinya diciptakan.
Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan
kalimat terakhir yang diucapkan siswa 17. D. Hal-hal yang benar tentang dompet
yang artinya ”Everyone is here.” yang Dinda adalah (A) berwarna merah
artinya ”Setiap orang di sini.”. Dengan muda dan (B) berbentuk persegi yang
demikian, tidak ada siswa yang absen. sesuai dengan kalimat ”The purse is
Indefinite pronoun yang tepat square and pink.”, serta di dalamnya
melengkapi percakapan bermakna terdapat dua kartu, yaitu kartu siswa
negatif dan tepat dipasangkan dengan dan kartu ATM (kalimat ”Inside of it
’of us’, adalah none. are her student card on the name of
Dinda Maharani, ATM card . . . .”).
14. A. Teks tersebut berbentuk descriptive
Jadi, jawaban yang benar untuk soal
yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan
pengecualian adalah (D) yang artinya
suatu tempat tertentu (to describe a
di dalam dompet itu tidak ada
particular place), yaitu Taman Bunga
uangnya karena bertentangan dengan
Keukenhof. Pilihan jawaban (B) yang
kalimat ”Inside of it are . . . and some
artinya untuk menceritakan peristiwa
lampau merupakan tujuan teks
recount, (C) yang artinya untuk 18. B. Kata ganti orang ’you’ mengacu
menghibur pembaca merupakan kepada siapa pengumuman tersebut
tujuan teks narrative, dan (D) yang dibacakan, yaitu pengunjung pameran
artinya untuk mendeskripsikan buku (the book fair’s visitors). Hal ini
sesuatu secara umum merupakan disimpulkan dari salam pembuka
tujuan teks report. pengumuman, yaitu ”Good afternoon,
all the visitors of the book fair.”.
15. D. Pernyataan yang benar untuk soal
Pilihan jawaban (A) dan (C) salah
pengecualian (pernyataan yang salah)
karena terlalu umum. Pilihan jawaban
adalah (D) yang artinya selama enam
(D) salah karena bukan orang-orang
minggu Taman Bunga Keukenhof
yang dimaksud.
telah dikunjungi kurang lebih 800.000
orang. Pernyataan ini tidak sesuai
dengan kalimat ”In seven weeks

234 UNIT 3 Descriptive

19. C. Teks tersebut berbentuk iklan yang salah karena tidak disebutkan dalam
bertujuan untuk mempromosikan teks. Pilihan jawaban (B) terdapat
sesuatu, yaitu toko buah Green yang dalam paragraf satu dan
baru dibuka. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D) terdapat dalam paragraf tiga.
iklan toko buah baru. Pilihan jawaban
24. C. Hal-hal yang ditawarkan oleh kota
yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A)
Jakarta dalam bidang pariwisata
artinya penemuan toko buah terbaik,
terdapat dalam paragraf lima, yaitu ”In
(B) artinya deskripsi toko buah baru,
the field of tourism Jakarta offers four
dan (D) artinya informasi tentang
and five-star-hotels, convention
pusat buah.
facilities, amusement parks, shopping
20. B. Kata ’convenient’ artinya ’tepat’. Kata centers, historical buildings,
ini memiliki makna yang sama dengan museums, tours, and many other
kata appropriate yang juga berarti tourist attractions.”. Jadi, pilihan
tepat. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah jawaban yang benar untuk soal
karena memiliki arti yang berbeda. pengecualian adalah (C) yang artinya
Important artinya penting, boring bangunan pencakar langit.
artinya membosankan, dan primary
25. B. Kata ’sophisticated’ artinya ’canggih’.
artinya utama.
Kata ini juga berarti modern. Pilihan
21. D. Keseluruhan teks membahas tentang jawaban yang lain salah karena
deskripsi Jakarta sebagai ibu kota memiliki arti yang berbeda. Unique
Indonesia, dengan gagasan-gagasan artinya unik, different artinya berbeda,
pendukung tentang fasilitas dan dan awkward artinya aneh.
atraksi yang mendukung kota Jakarta.
26. D. Kalimat soal yang artinya ”(Piramida
Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya
Besar) Itu . . . oleh Firaun Khufu di
memberi informasi tentang sejarah
Mesir sekitar tahun 2560 SM.”
Jakarta, (B) yang artinya
memerlukan kata kerja. Berdasarkan
mendeskripsikan Jakarta pada masa
makna, kalimat tersebut berbentuk
lalu, dan (C) yang artinya memberi
pasif, sehingga kata kerja yang benar
informasi tentang tempat terbaik di
berpola be + past participle dengan
Jakarta salah karena tidak sesuai
tense berbentuk past tense, yaitu was
dengan teks.
built. Pilihan jawaban (A) untuk
22. A. Kedudukan Jakarta dalam bidang kalimat aktif berpola the simple past
politik terdapat dalam paragraf dua tense, (B) untuk kalimat aktif
kalimat ”Jakarta is uniquely the seat of berbentuk the simple present tense,
both the national as well as the dan (C) untuk kalimat pasif berpola
regional government.”. Pilihan the simple present tense.
jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan
27. A. Kalimat soal memerlukan kata ganti
kedudukan Jakarta dalam bidang
kepemilikan (possessive adjectives).
Karena kata ganti kepemilikan merujuk
23. C. Pokok pikiran utama paragraf empat pada benda tunggal mati (the pyramid),
terdapat di kalimat awal, yaitu ”Over possessive adjective yang benar adalah
the last several decades, Jakarta has its yang artinya (konstruksi)-nya. Pilihan
proudly developed into one of Asia’s jawaban (B) dan (D) salah karena
most prominent metropolitan centers.” merupakan possessive adjective untuk
yang diikuti dengan gagasan benda hidup, sedangkan (C) salah
pendukung pada kalimat-kalimat karena merupakan kata ganti
selanjutnya. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang kepemilikan untuk benda jamak.
artinya Jakarta pada masa lampau

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 235

28. B. Kata benda ’attractions’ merupakan B. Esai
kata benda jamak yang dapat
Contoh jawaban:
dihitung, sehingga kata keterangan
jumlah yang benar untuk The Must-see Ambarawa Railway Museum
menerangkan kata benda tersebut You can easily be accused of committing
adalah many yang artinya banyak. a tourism sin if you’re in Semarang and failed to
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah visit the Ambarawa Railway Museum.
karena merupakan kata keterangan This museum is situated less than
jumlah untuk benda-benda yang tidak an hour’s drive from the capital of Central Java.
dapat dihitung. During the Dutch colonial days, Ambarawa was
29. A. Kata-kata tersebut akan membentuk a military zone and the railway station was used
kalimat: ”It is impossible to finish the to transport troops to Semarang through
task on one night.” yang artinya Kedungjati. It is at 474m above sea level, giving
”Mustahil menyelesaikan tugas ini you unpolluted fresh air to breathe.
dalam waktu semalam.”. Pilihan The Ambarawa Railway Museum is
jawaban yang lain salah karena well-maintained. It is a medium-sized building.
membentuk kalimat yang tidak The railway route is offered to visitors. You can
bermakna. enjoy the beautiful panorama during the route.
All in all, this is a truly exciting treasure to visit.
30. B. Urutan kalimat yang benar untuk
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa
membentuk teks descriptive yang Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Edisi 4
benar adalah (5) The Hawaiian
Islands are located in the middle of
the Pacific Ocean, far away from any
other lands; (2) There are eight
islands of different sizes, which form
the Hawaiian islands (4) While they
differ from each other in some ways,
they share many features, like their
natural beauties; (1) They share
mountains and waterfalls, rainforests,
and long beaches; (3) Their waters
are filled with colorful fish, dolphins,
and giant sea turtles.

236 UNIT 3 Descriptive

At the end of this unit you will
be able to:
1. ask for, give and refuse to
give things,
2. invite, accept and decline
an invitation,
3. deliver short functional
texts (spoken messages),
4. tell past events using
spoken English,
5. write short functional texts
(invitation cards),
6. write recount texts, and
7. use the past continuous
tense, relating/linking
verbs and reflexive
pronouns (-self).

Soekarno said, “The great nation is the one that respects the
heroes.” What about you? How do you appreciate the heroes?
You will learn a lot of things about Indonesian heroes through
recount texts in this unit. You will understand how they fought to gain
and defend our nation from colonizations of other countries.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 237

4.1 Expressions

Asking for, Giving or Refusing to Give Things

Read the dialog and study the explanation.

Vicky : Hi, Fred. Please come in.
Jimmy : Fred, I’m having breakfast.
Do you want to have breakfast with me?
Fred : No, thank you. I’ve already had breakfast.
But may I have a cup of tea, please?
Vicky : Sure. Wait a minute.
Fred : Thank you.

The sentence “But may I have a cup of tea, please?” is the expression of asking for
a thing while its response “Sure.” is the expression of giving the thing. Here are some other
expressions of asking for, giving and refusing to give things.

Asking for Things Giving Things Refusing to Give Things

Can I have a bit? Sure. Here you are. No, you can’t. Sorry.
May I have a bit? Please serve yourself. I’m sorry you may not.
Do you mind if I taste it? Not at all, please do so. Sorry, not this time.
Is it O.K. if I try it? Sure, please have a go. Don’t be like that.

Inviting, Accepting or Declining an Invitation

Read the dialogs and study the explanation.

1. Ramon : Are you free next Sunday morning?
Lee : Um . . . yeah. What’s up?
Ramon : Let’s go to my grandparents’ house.
We can pick some ripe rambutans.
Lee : Really? I’d love to.
Ramon : Great! I’ll pick you up at 9:00 a.m.
The bold-typed sentences are the expression of inviting and accepting an invitation.
Here are some expressions you can use to invite someone and respond to it.

Inviting Someone Accepting an Invitation

● Let’s go to my house. ● Let’s go./Sure./O.K.
● What if we ask Jannice to join us? ● That’s a good idea./That sounds great.
● How about seeing a film this afternoon? ● That would be very nice.
● Will you come to my party? ● I’d like to, thank you.

238 UNIT 4 Recount

2. Lisa : Please come to my house after school.
Manda : Any business?
Lisa : Hmm . . . I will have a barbeque party in the
Manda : That sounds great, but I have to do
something else. Sorry.
Lisa : That’s a pity.

You can use the bold-typed sentences in the dialog to

decline an invitation. Here are some other expressions you
can use to decline an invitation and respond to it.

Declining an Invitation Responding

● Thank you for your invitation, but ● It’s a pity./That’s O.K.
I don’t think I can manage it. Sorry.
● I’m really sorry about that. I have ● Oh, I see. Maybe some other time.
something else to do that day.
● I’d like to, but I have to baby-sit my ● No problem, really./Please reschedule.
little brother. Maybe some other time.

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. The girl in the picture needs chili sauce. What do you think she
will say to her friend?
Contoh jawaban: She will say, “Can you pass me the chili
sauce, please?”
2. What do you think her friend will say to respond to it?
Contoh jawaban: She will say, “Sure. Here you are.”

A. Read and practice the dialogs below.

1. Diana is going to go out with her friends, Nella, Merlyn and Sasha. They decide to meet at
Diana’s house. Diana is having a small chat with Nella and Merlyn before Sasha arrives.
Diana : Hello, everyone. Please come in. Wow, you are sweaty!
Nella : Yeah, it’s very hot outside.
Merlyn : Nella’s right. Diana, can I have a glass of water, please?
Diana : Sure. And you, Nella?
Nella : I’d like iced-tea, please.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 239

Diana : Sorry, I ran out of the ice.
Nella : O.K., a glass of water, then. Thanks.
Diana : Wait a second, please. I’ll get them for you.
2. Ajeng meets Detty to deliver an invitation.
Ajeng : Detty, I’m having a get-together in my house on Saturday night. Would you like to come?
Detty : Well, I’d love to, but I’m going out with my family. We’ve promised to accompany Aunt
Anissa on Saturday night.
Ajeng : That’s O.K. How is your aunt by the way?
Detty : She’s still in hospital, but she’s getting better, thanks.

Guru menyuruh siswa memperagakan percakapan berikut.
Mr. Hermawan just arrived home from Bandung. Unfortunately, he forgot to take his suitcase. He
left it in the wagon. He meets the travel agent now.
Mr. Hermawan : Excuse me, I left a suitcase in the wagon from Bandung yesterday morning.
Travel agent : Let me see. Um . . . is this case yours?
Mr. Hermawan : No, that’s not mine. It’s a small brown case. There’s a tag of my name on it.
Travel agent : What about this one?
Mr. Hermawan : That’s right. Hermawan, Jl. Aceh No. 246 Bandung. Thank you.
Travel agent : You are welcome.

B. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the dialogs in Task A.
Answer his/her questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. For dialog 1. Where does the dialog happen?
2. What is the dialog about?
3. Who hasn’t come?
4. What did Diana’s friends say to ask for some drink?
5. What did Diana say to respond to it?
6. For dialog 2. Who are talking in the dialog?
7. What will Ajeng do on Saturday night?
8. Will Detty come? Why/why not?

1. In Diana’s house.
2. About Diana’s friends who ask for drink.
3. Sasha hasn’t.
4. They said, “Diana, can I have a glass of water, please?” and “I’d like iced-tea, please.” to ask
for something.
5. Diana said, “Sure.” to give the thing and “Sorry, I ran out of the ice.” to refuse to give the thing.
6. Two good friends, Ajeng and Detty.
7. She will hold a get-together in her house.
8. No, she won’t. She will accompany Aunt Anissa in hospital.

240 UNIT 4 Recount

C. Complete the dialogs while listening to your teacher.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Soni : You’re working hard, Dad. What are you doing?
Father : I’m fixing this table. (1) Give me that nail, please.
Soni : Which nail? This one?
Father : (2) No, not that one. The small one.
Soni : (3) Here you are.
Father : Thanks.
Dialog 2
Aling : I’m bored. I think I’m going to the game zone. (4) Want to join?
Windi : I would love to, but I have to attend a math course at 4:00 p.m.
Maylan : Don’t worry. I’ll drop you there.
Dewi : Is that so? (5) I’ll come with you, then. Let’s go.

Guru mengucapkan lima ungkapan pendek berikut dua atau tiga kali. Siswa disuruh
meresponsnya dengan ungkapan yang benar. Guru dapat menyuruh siswa melakukan hal
seperti ini secara berkelompok.
Listen to your teacher.
Respond to him/her with proper expressions.
Teacher said, “Do you want a story book? I have some.”
Student said, “That would be great, thanks. I love reading, you know.”

Ungkapan-ungkapan yang diucapkan guru:

1. I’m hungry.
2. I have nothing to do next holiday.
3. There’s a book fair in the town hall.
4. Marini, our friend, is in hospital for two days.
5. I have to go to Fajar’s house, but my bike is broken.
Contoh jawaban:
1. ● I have some cookies. You can have some.
● Let’s go to the canteen.
● Sorry. I have nothing to share.
2. ● What if we go hiking/camping?
● I want to spend my holiday in my grandparents’ house. Want to join?
● Let’s go swimming.
3. ● Let’s see it this afternoon.
● What if we go there together after school?
4. ● What if we see her after school?
● Let’s see her this afternoon.
5. ● Don’t worry. You can use mine.
● Let me take you there.
● I want to go out. Let’s go together, then.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 241

D. Practice the dialogs in Task C with your friend.

E. Listen to your teacher, and then answer the questions orally.

Dialog 1

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:

Ferry : While waiting for the others, may I have something to drink?
Tata : Of course. Hot or cold?
Ferry : Er . . . cold, please.
Tata : I have many choices, soft drink, juice, iced tea or iced water. What do you like?
Ferry : Sorry for asking. Is this a restaurant?
Tata : Yes, it is. No, just kidding.
Ferry : Well, give me soft drink if it does not trouble you.
Tata : Not at all. I’ll be right back.

1. Who are talking in the dialog?

Jawaban: Two friends.
2. Where do you think the dialog happens?
Jawaban: In Tata’s house.
3. Ferry said, “. . . , may I have something to drink?” What does it mean?
Jawaban: He asks for something.
4. How did Tata respond to it?
Jawaban: By saying, “Of course.”
5. What does Ferry finally have?
Jawaban: He has soft drink.
Dialog 2
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:
Nita : It’s very hot today.
Lesly : That’s right.
Nita : It makes me thirsty. Let’s go to the food stall to have something to drink.
Lesly : Sorry, I’m broke.
Nita : Don’t worry. I’ll treat you.
Lesly : Really?
Nita : Yup!
Lesly : Thanks. O.K., let’s go.

1. How is the weather that day?

Jawaban: It is very hot.
2. How does Nita feel?
Jawaban: She feels thirsty.
3. Where will the girls go?
Jawaban: They will go to the food stall to buy something to drink.
4. Who will pay the drink? How do you know?
Jawaban: Nita will. She said, “Don’t worry. I’ll treat you.”
5. What did Lesly say to express her gratitude?
Jawaban: She said, “Thanks.”

242 UNIT 4 Recount

F. Listen to your teacher and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Listen to the dialog and answer questions 3. What does Angel ask Lilly to do?
1 and 2. A. To read books in Paradise bookstore.
B. To browse in Paradise bookstore.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: C. To spend the night together.
Yanti goes home from school with Teguh. D. To go out together.
They go by bikes. Jawaban: B
Yanti : Oh, my! It’s really hot! Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat pertama
Teguh : Look! There’s an ice cream stand. dan kedua pada percakapan yang
Let’s get something to drink. dibacakan guru, yaitu ”Angel likes to browse
Yanti : That sounds lovely. Let’s go. in bookstores. She asks Lilly whether she
Teguh : Let’s. wants to go there with her that afternoon.”.
4. Why does Lilly decline Angel’s invitation at
1. Who invites to stop at the ice cream stand?
first? Because ________.
A. Yanti does.
A. she has no time
B. Teguh does.
B. she has a little money
C. No one does.
C. she has no companion
D. Teguh and Yanti do.
D. she has to do something else
Jawaban: B Jawaban: B
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan ucapan Pilihan jawaban ini benar yang
Teguh, ”Look! There’s an ice cream stand. disimpulkan dari kalimat Lilly, yaitu “I’d
Let’s get something to drink.”. love to, but I only have a little money left.”
2. Teguh said, “________” to invite to drink. yang artinya ”Saya ingin pergi, tetapi uang
A. Look! There’s an ice cream stand. saya tinggal sedikit.”.
B. That sounds lovely! Let’s go.
Listen to the dialog and answer question 5.
C. Oh, my! It’s really hot!
D. Let’s get something to drink. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru:
Jawaban: D David invites Helena for lunch next Sunday
Dalam percakapan tersebut, Teguh afternoon.
mengajak Yanti minum dengan David : Are you free next Sunday afternoon?
mengatakan ”Let’s get something to drink.”. Helena : Yes. What’s up?
David : Why don’t we have lunch in
Listen to the dialog and answer questions Merapi Restaurant?
3 and 4. Helena : I’d love to. Thanks.
David : Well, I’ll pick you up at one, O.K.?
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Helena : That would be great! I look
Angel likes to browse in bookstores. She forward to it.
asks Lilly whether she wants to go there David : See you, then.
with her that afternoon. Helena : See you.
Angel : Lilly, do you want to come to
Paradise bookstore with me? 5. When will David and Helena go out for
Lilly : I’d love to, but I only have a little lunch together?
money left. A. Last Sunday afternoon.
Angel : So do I, but I just want to browse. B. Last Saturday afternoon.
Lilly : Are you sure you just want to browse? C. Next Sunday afternoon.
Angel : Yeah. I like to read new magazines D. Next Saturday afternoon.
or comic books there. I don’t have Jawaban: C
enough money to buy them, but I can Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat di awal
go there and read, right? percakapan yang dibacakan guru, yaitu
”David invites Helena for lunch next
Sunday afternoon.”.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 243

A. Practice the dialogs below with your friend.
1. Woman : I want some envelopes, please.
Assistant : Which size do you want, Madam? The large, medium or the small one?
Woman : The medium size, please. By the way, do you have any writing-paper?
Assistant : Yes, we do.
Woman : Give me some, also a small pad and a bottle of black ink.
Assistant : O.K. Here you are. Is that all?
Woman : That’s all, thank you.
2. Rendi gave a ride to Selma. They are in Selma’s house yard now.
Selma : Thanks for the ride, Ren.
Rendi : No problem.
Selma : Won’t you come in for a drink or something?
Rendi : No, thanks. Maybe some other time.
Selma : Well, then. See you.
Rendi : See you.

Guru membaca kata-kata berikut. Siswa disuruh menulisnya di selembar kertas dan kemudian
mencari artinya. Setelah selesai, mereka disuruh mengumpulkan hasilnya.
What do the words below mean?
Kata-kata yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:
1. envelope = amplop 2. ink = tinta
3. size = ukuran 4. writing-paper = kertas tulis
5. ride = tumpangan 6. come in = masuk
7. house yard = halaman rumah 8. medium = sedang

B. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A orally.

Dialog 1
1. Who are talking in the dialog?
Jawaban: A customer and a shop assistant.
2. Where does it occur?
Jawaban: In a stationery shop.
3. What does the woman need?
Jawaban: She needs envelopes, writing-paper, a pad and a bottle of black ink.
Dialog 2
1. Who are talking in the dialog?
Jawaban: Two friends, Selma and Rendi.
2. What did Selma say to invite Rendi?
Jawaban: She said, “Won’t you come in for a drink or something?”
3. Did Rendi accept it? What did he say?
Jawaban: No, he didn’t. He said, “No, thanks. Maybe some other time.”

244 UNIT 4 Recount

Read the dialogs in Task A once again.
Then, write down the expressions that we use to invite someone, to ask for something,
and to respond to them.
Say those expressions with proper pronunciation.
1. I want some envelopes, please. (asking for something)
2. Which size do you want, Madam? (responding to asking for something)
3. Give me some, also a small pad and a bottle of black ink. (asking for something)
4. O.K. Here you are. (giving the things)
5. Won’t you come in for a drink or something? (inviting someone)
6. No, thanks. Maybe some other time. (declining an invitation)

C. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Read the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2. Jawaban: D

Respons Lena ”No, I don’t feel like it. I’m
Dina : Lena, Super Jumbo Mall is having a big
tired.” yang artinya ”Saya tidak ingin pergi
sale in four days only. Do you like to
ke sana. Saya lelah.” digunakan untuk
join me to go there?
menolak ajakan atau undangan.
Lena : No, I don’t feel like it. I’m tired.
Dina : You can refresh your mind by doing
Read the dialog and answer questions 3 to 5.
window shopping, right?
Arum : What do you have for lunch break?
Lena : Nope! I prefer staying at home to going
Karlina : I have five pieces of dorayaki.
out at this time.
Arum : Dorayaki? What is that?
1. What does Dina and Lena talk about? Karlina : It’s a cake that tastes delicious.
A. About Lena’s feeling that day. Arum : May I have it?
B. About Lena’s intention to go out. Karlina : Sure. Here you’re.
C. About a big sale in Super Jumbo Mall. Arum : Thanks. Hmm . . . delicious.
D. About Dina’s invitation to see a big
3. Where do you think the dialog happens?
sale in Super Jumbo Mall.
A. At home. B. At school.
Jawaban: C
C. In the yard. D. On the bus.
Dalam percakapan tersebut, Dina
Jawaban: B
mengajak Lena pergi ke Mal Super Jumbo
Pada awal percakapan Arum mengatakan,
karena di sana ada obral. Jadi, Dina dan
”What do you have for lunch break?” yang
Lena membicarakan tentang obral
artinya ”Apa yang kamu punya untuk
tersebut (a big sale in Super Jumbo Mall).
makan siang pada jam istirahat ini?”.
2. Lena declines the invitation by saying, Ucapan Arum tersebut menunjukkan
“________” bahwa percakapan terjadi di sekolah
A. Do you want to join me to go there? (at school) pada saat jam istirahat.
B. Lena, Super Jumbo Mall is having
4. Arum said, “May I have it?”
a big sale in four days only.
It means ________.
C. You can refresh your mind by doing
A. she asks for something
window shopping, right?
B. she receives something
D. No, I don’t feel like it. I’m tired.
C. she rejects something
D. she offers something

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 245

Jawaban: A 5. The word ‘it’ in “May I have it?” refers to
Dalam percakapan tersebut Karlina ________.
membawa lima potong kue dorayaki. A. the school B. the lunch break
Pada saat itu Arum belum tahu apa itu C. the food D. the cake
dorayaki. Dia pun memintanya. Jadi, Jawaban: D
ucapan Arum tersebut digunakan untuk Kata ’it’ mengacu pada kata benda yang
meminta sesuatu (ask for something). telah disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya.
Berdasarkan ucapan sebelumnya, yaitu
ucapan Karlina, ’it’ tersebut mengacu pada
the cake (kue dorayaki).

D. Complete the dialogs with the suitable expressions in the boxes.

Practice them with your friend.

1. ● Here you are. Officer : Good morning. (a) ________

● No, thanks. Tourist : (b) ________
● Passport, please? Officer : Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?
Tourist : I’m a tourist.
Officer : That’s fine. Have a nice stay!
Tourist : Thank you.
2. ● I’ll call her later. Luna :
My cousin will be coming here next week.
● Why don’t you come over Coki :
Is she your cousin from Perth?
to meet her? Luna :
Right! (c) ________
● Let me know if you can Coki :
(d) ________ I have to finish my paper report. Anyway,
come. how long will she be here?
● I’d love to, but I can’t. Luna : She’ll be here for a week. (e) ________
Coki : O.K. I will be very interested in meeting her.
a. Passport, please? b. Here you are.
c. Why don’t you come over to meet her? d. I’d love to, but I can’t.
e. Let me know if you can come.

Guru menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang percakapan-percakapan di atas. Siswa
disuruh menjawabnya secara lisan.
A. Listen to your teacher.
Answer his/her questions based on the dialogs in Task D orally.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:
1. Where do you think dialog 1 takes place?
2. What do the people talk about?
3. What does the officer ask the tourist to do?
4. In dialog 2, who will come to Luna’s house?
5. What did she say to invite Coki to meet her?
1. In a boarding pass desk in an airport.
2. A passport and the tourist’s business.
3. To show his passport.
4. Her cousin from Perth.
5. She said, “Why don’t you come over to meet her?”

246 UNIT 4 Recount

B. Rearrange the sentences into proper dialogs.
Practice them with your friend.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
Dialog 1
Eka will have a boy scout activity at school this afternoon. He is unwilling to go there alone. He
calls Ari to ask him to go together.
3 Eka : What if we go together?
6 Ari : Sorry. Maybe some other time.
1 Eka : Ri, will you go to the boy scout this afternoon?
4 Ari : I’m really sorry, but my brother will take me there.
5 Eka : That’s too bad.
” Ari : Yup!

Dialog 2
Galang and Yoyok are invited to Jasmine’s house to have a party. But, her house is quiet when
they arrive. Then, they decide to try the back door. They find out that the party is in the garden.
6 Galang : Is it, Jas?
3 Jasmine : Hi, guys! Everybody wants to have the party in the garden. Please come and
have something to drink.
5 Yoyok : Water? There’s none left.
1 Galang : Look! Everyone’s in the garden.
7 Jasmine : Don’t believe him, Galang. He’s only joking. I’ll get you some water.
4 Galang : Thanks, Jas. May I have a glass of water, please?
2 Yoyok : Yeah. Hi, Jasmine!

E. Make dialogs based on the situations below.

Practice them.
1. You visited your friend last week. He/she has never visited you before. Invite him/her to your
house. He/she accepts your invitation. How would the dialog go?
2. It rains heavily today. There is a woman taking shelter in the veranda. You invite her to come
inside. She declines it, but you insist her to come inside. You tell the reason. Finally, she
accepts it. How would the dialog go?
3. Your friend invites you to attend her sister’s birthday party. Unfortunately, you can’t come. You
have to prepare for your test. How would the dialog go?

Contoh jawaban:
1. You : It’s time for me to leave.
Your friend : Why do you leave so soon?
You : It’s 4:00 p.m. already.
Your friend : O.K. then.
You : What if you come to my house next Saturday afternoon?
Your friend : O.K. I’ll come!
2. You : Why don’t you come inside, Ma’am?
Woman : No, thanks. Thank you for offering me, but I’m all right.
You : Look! It rains heavily and the wind blows hard. You’ll be safe if you stay inside.
Come inside, please?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 247

Woman : You’re right. May something happen.
You : Right. Please enjoy your stay.
Woman : Thank you very much.
3. Your friend : Hi!
You : Hi!
Your friend : My sister, Wilda, will have a birthday party this afternoon. She invites you to come.
You : I’d like to, but I can’t.
Your friend : Why? She’ll be upset if you don’t come.
You : I hope not. You know, I have two tests tomorrow. So, I must prepare myself.
Your friend : I see.
You : Please ask her to forgive me. I’ll meet her tomorrow after school.
Your friend : O.K., I will.

A. Work individually.
Make dialogs based on the situations below.
Practice the dialogs with your friend.
1. Your friend lost her purse. She looks worried how she goes home. She asks you to lend
her some money. How would the dialog go?
2. Your friend has some cookies. He/she made them himself/herself. You ask him/her to try
some. How would the dialog go?
Contoh jawaban:
1. You : You look so worried. What happened?
Your friend : Um . . . I lost my purse and now I have no money at all.
You : I’m sorry to hear that.
Your friend : I don’t know how to go home. Could you lend me some money to pay the
bus fare?
You : Of course. Here you are.
Your friend : Thank you. Sorry to trouble you.
You : No, not at all.
2. You : What are you eating?
Your friend : Cookies. You know, I made them myself.
You : Really? Can I try some?
Your friend : With pleasure. Taste it. What do you think?
You : It taste to good. I think you’ll be a great baker someday.
Your friend : Thanks.

248 UNIT 4 Recount

4.2 Genre

Spoken Text

Read the monolog and study the explanation.

Look! This is a music band named Koes Plus. You know,
Koes Plus was a well known pop music group in the seventies
until the eighties. At that time most Indonesian people were
crazy about their songs because they were nice and simple.
Every radio station broadcast their songs and always put them
in the top of pop music. Their music shows were always full of
Well, you can still enjoy their songs by buying their CD’s.
You can also listen to them in certain television stations. Picture source:
Adapted from: Ujian Nasional 2004/2005

The text above is a recount text in spoken form. A recount text tells about past events.
They can be people’s experiences, certain events such as traffic accidents, historical events
such as the Indonesia’s independence or biographies such as the life of Indonesian heroes.

Speaking Tips:
Don’t be afraid to repeat what you’re saying, especially if you can do it in a slightly
different way. If you forget the word you want to use, you can say:
● “What I want to say is . . . .”
● “I can’t find the word I’m looking for . . . .”
● “I’m not sure this is the right word, but . . . .”

Written Text

Read the text and study the explanation.

Title Mohammad Ali

Mohammad Ali is still one of the most recognizable men on earth.

And decades after he burst upon the scene as a gold medal winner at
Orientation the 1960 Olympics in Rome, Italy, Muhammad Ali remains a magical
figure, known and loved throughout the world.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 249

Ali brought new speed and grace to his sport, and his charm and
wit changed forever what we expect a champion to be. His
accomplishments in the ring were the stuff of legend: two fights with
Sonny Listen, where he proclaimed himself “The Greatest” and proved
he was; three ambitious wars with Joe Frazier; the stunning victory over
George Foreman in Zaire; and dethroning Leon Spinks to become the
heavyweight champion for the third time.
But there was always far more to Muhammad Ali than what took
place in a boxing ring. His early embrace of the Nation of Islam and his
insistence on being called Muhammad Ali instead of his “slave name”,
Cassius Clay, introduced a new era in black pride. His refusal to be
inducted into the United States army anticipated the growing antiwar
movement of the 1960s. And his willingness to stage his fights in different
countries such as Kinshasa, Zaire; Manila, the Philippines; and Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, signaled a shift away from super power dominances
toward a growing awareness of the importance of the third world.

Today Ali is a deeply religious man who causes feeling of love

Re-orientation and respect wherever he travels.
Adapted from: An official biography by Tom Hauser

The text is also a recount text, but in written form. The main feature of a recount text is
the use of the simple past tense.
A recount text has certain elements. Those are orientation, a series of events and
sometimes re-orientation.
● Orientation tells about what happened, where the story happened, who was involved
in the story, when it occured, or why it happened.
● A series of events tell the story. These are usually described in time order.
● Re-orientation is the closure of events (usually optional).

Grammar Section

The Past Continuous Tense

Read the dialogs and pay attention to the bold-typed sentences.
Study the explanation.
1. Lelly : Where were the girls?
Dion : They were singing in the veranda when I was here.
2. Jarot : Have you met your cousin?
Vina : Not yet. I was taking a nap when she arrived.
The bold-typed clauses use the past continuous or the past progressive tense. You use it
to indicate that an action was going on at a certain time in the past.

Pattern: Subject + was/were + V-ing + complement

1. Dina : What were you doing at 2:00 p.m. yesterday?
Metta : I was doing my homework.
2. Tuti was watching TV at about 9:00 p.m last night.

250 UNIT 4 Recount

The past continuous tense is also used to indicate that two actions happened at the same
time in the past. The past continuous tense is used for a longer action.
Subject (1) + be (was/were) + V-ing + complement + when + subject (2) + Vpast +
1. Mother was cooking when the children went home.
2. Dita and Eka were chatting when we met them.

Subject (1) + be (was/were) + V-ing + (complement) + while + subject (2) + be (was/

were) + V-ing + complement
1. Mother was cooking while my sister was cleaning the dining table.
2. While I was having breakfast, mother was making a cup of coffee for father.

Relating/Linking Verbs
Read the sentences and pay attention to the bold-typed words.
Study the explanation.

The rain seems unstoppable. The melon syrup tastes sweet and nice.
The bold-typed words are called relating verbs or also well-known as linking verbs. Relating
verbs are verbs that connect subjects with adjectives (complements) that describe the subjects.
Here are some common relating verbs.
● feel ● turn ● look ● seem
● smell ● become ● taste ● get

Pattern: Subject + relating verb + complement (adjective)

1. The rocking chair looks comfortable. 2. The children feel happy.
3. Ayu and Gea seem disappointed. 4. These roses smell good.

Reflexive Pronouns
Read the dialogs and study the explanation.
1. Tiara : Wow! It’s a beautiful drawing. Who made it?
Siska : I did it myself.
2. Tefi : Do you know what that band is?
Inug : The band call themselves “Heaven”.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 251

The bold-typed words are called reflexive pronouns. You use them when the subject and the
object of a sentence are the same. You use those words when you want to emphasize the
subject, like the examples above. You also use reflexive pronouns to mean alone, such as
“I walked home by myself last night”.
Here are the reflexive pronouns.
Subject Reflexive Subject Reflexive
Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns
Singular Plural

1st person I myself we ourselves

2nd person you yourself you yourselves
3rd person he himself they themselves
she herself
it itself

1. That boy hurt himself when he tried to cut the branches.
2. Ririn often talks to herself when she is nervous.

Look at the picture.

Tell briefly about the man.

Picture source:
This man is the late General (Anumerta) Ahmad Yani. He is one of the Heroes of the Revolution.
He died on September 30, 1965 on the tragedy of September 30th Movement.

252 UNIT 4 Recount

A. Listen to your teacher and make some notes if necessary.
What does he/she tell you about?

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

This is the early life of Ahmad Yani. He was born in Jenar, Purworejo, Central Java on June
19, 1922. His family, Wongsoredjo family, worked at a sugar factory. In 1927, Yani moved with his
family to Batavia. At Batavia, Yani worked his way through primary and secondary education. In
1940, Yani left high school to undergo compulsory military service in the army of the Dutch East
Indies colonial government. He studied military topography in Malang, East Java. Unfortunately,
this education was interrupted by the arrival of the invading Japanese in 1942.
In 1943, he joined Peta (Defenders of the Motherland) army. He underwent further training
in Magelang. After completing this training, Yani enlisted himself to be trained as a Peta platoon
commander. He was transferred to Bogor, West Java to receive his training. Upon completion,
he was sent back to Magelang as an instructor.
In the early hours of October 1, 1965, he was kidnapped by kidnappers who came to Yani’s
house. They killed the general. His body was taken to Lubang Buaya and was hidden in a disused
well. Yani’s body was recovered on October 4. He was given a state funeral the following day
before being burried at the Hero’s Cemetery at Kalibata. On the same day, Yani was officially
declared the Hero of the Revolution.
Today, many Indonesian cities have roads named after him, and his former house, at Jalan
Latuhahary No. 6, Menteng, Jakarta is a museum.
Adapted from: (January 1, 2009)

Jawaban: It tells about the late General (Anumerta) Ahmad Yani, one of the Revolutionary Heroes.

Rewrite the words and find their meanings.
1. sugar factory = ________ 2. move = ________
3. through = ________ 4. undergo (underwent) = ________
5. compulsory = ________ 6. unfortunately = ________
7. interrupted = ________ 8. arrival = ________
9. defender = ________ 10. motherland = ________
11. enlist = ________ 12. platoon = ________
13. commander = ________ 14. transferred = ________
15. kidnapped = ________ 16. hidden = ________
17. disused = ________ 18. well = ________
19. burried = ________ 20. officially = ________
1. pabrik gula 2. pindah 3. melalui 4. melaksanakan
5. wajib, kewajiban 6. sayangnya 7. terganggu 8. kedatangan
9. pembela 10. tanah air 11. mendaftarkan diri 12. peleton
13. komandan 14. dipindah 15. diculik 16. disembunyikan
17. tidak terpakai 18. sumur 19. dimakamkan; dikubur 20. secara resmi

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 253

B. Answer the following questions based on the monolog in Task A.
1. When was Ahmad Yani born?
Jawaban: On June 19, 1922.
2. How old was he when his family decided to move to Batavia?
Jawaban: Five years old.
3. What is Batavia now called?
Jawaban: Jakarta.
4. According to the text, when did Japanese troops arrive in Malang?
Jawaban: In 1942.
5. Where did he got the Peta training?
Jawaban: In Magelang.

Your teacher will ask you more questions about the monolog in Task A.
Answer the questions orally.
1. Who killed Ahmad Yani?
Jawaban: Kidnappers did.
2. How old was he when it happened?
Jawaban: Forty-three years old.
3. Where was his dead body hidden?
Jawaban: In a disused well in Lubang Buaya.
4. Where was he burried?
Jawaban: At the Hero’s Cemetery, Kalibata.
5. What honor did her received from the government?
Jawaban: The Hero of the Revolution.

C. Listen to your teacher and complete the text.

Read your work aloud.

Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

Donald Izacus Panjaitan, born on June 9, 1925 and died on October 1, 1965, was one of the
Heroes of the Revolution. He was an Indonesian general who was (1) killed during a kidnap
attempt by members of the September 30th Movement.
D.I. Pandjaitan was (2) born in Sitorang, Balige in the Tapanuli region of North Sumatra. After
completing elementary and high school, he underwent Japanese Giyugun military education. He
was then posted to Pekanbaru. He was there when Indonesian (3) independence was declared
on August 17, 1945.
In November 1945, Pandjaitan, together with other youths, helped (4) set up a local branch of
the People’s Security Army (TKR), initially serving as a battalion commander. In March 1948, he
was appointed commander of the commander for organization and education of XI/Banteng
Division at Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Not long after, he (5) became the fourth deputy commander
(supplies) for the Sumatran Army Command. When the Dutch launched their second “police
action” against the Republic, he was put in charge of supplies for the Emergency Government of
the Republic of Indonesia.
Adapted from: (January 1, 2009)

254 UNIT 4 Recount

A. Answer the questions based on the text in Task C orally.
1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: About Donald Izacus Panjaitan, one of the Heroes of the Revolution.
2. Where was the man born?
Jawaban: In Sitorang, Balige in the Tapanuli region of North Sumatra.
3. When did he die?
Jawaban: On October 1, 1965.
4. How old was he when he died?
Jawaban: He was forty years old.
5. According to the text, what was his role when the Dutch launched their second “police
action” against the Republic?
Jawaban: When the Dutch launched their second “police action” against the Republic,
Panjaitan was put in charge of supplies for the Emergency Government of the
Republic of Indonesia.

B. Listen to the story of Supriyadi, then choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Teks yang dibacakan guru: 1. Suppose Supriyadi is still alive now. He

will be ________ years old.
Supriyadi was born in Trenggalek, A. 27 B. 68
East Java on April 13, 1923. In October C. 86 D. 98
1943, the Japanese established a militia, Jawaban: C
PETA (Defenders of the Motherland) to Supriyadi lahir pada tahun 1923.
assist Japanese forces against the Allies. Sekarang tahun 2009. Jadi, andaikan
Supriyadi joined PETA. After training, he sekarang Supriyadi masih hidup, dia akan
was posted to Blitar, East Java. He had berusia 86 tahun (2009 – 1923 = 86).
to oversee the work of the Romusha
forced laborers. The plight of these 2. What is PETA?
workers inspired him to rebel against the A. The Japanese army.
Japanese. B. A militia to assist Japanese forces
In the early hours of February 14, against the Allies.
1945, rebels attacked Japanese troops. C. A militia which was set up by Supriyadi
This caused heavy casualties. However, to fight against Japanese troops.
the Japanese defeated the rebellion. D. Supriyadi’s troops who fought
On October 6, 1945 in a government against the allies.
decree issued by the newly independent Jawaban: B
Indonesia, Supriyadi was named minister Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat kedua
for public security in the first cabinet. bacaan tersebut, yaitu ”In October 1943,
However, he failed to appear. Then, he the Japanese established a militia, PETA
was replaced on October 20, by ad (Defenders of the Motherland) to assist
interim minister Muhammad Japanese forces against the Allies.”.
Soeljoadikusuma. To this day his fate 3. “To this day his fate remains unknown.”
remains unknown. (Paragraph 3)
Adapted from: The word ‘his’ refers to ________.
Supriyadi (January 1, 2009) A. Supriyadi
B. Muhammad Soeljoadikusuma
C. a minister for public security
D. Romusha forced laborer

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 255

Jawaban: A menang (won). Fought artinya berjuang;
Kata ’his’ tersebut menggantikan subjek berperang; berkelahi. Freed artinya
kalimat sebelumnya. Subjek kalimat membebaskan. Conquered artinya
sebelumnya adalah ’he’ yang mengacu menaklukkan; mengalahkan.
pada Supriyadi. Jadi, kata tersebut
5. What position would he have in the first
mengacu pada Supriyadi.
4. “However, the Japanese defeated the A. PETA commander.
rebellion.” (Paragraph 2) B. Minister for National Security.
The underlined word has the opposite C. Minister for Public Affairs.
meaning to ______________. D. Minister for Public Security.
A. fought B. freed Jawaban: D
C. won D. conquered Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
Jawaban: C pertama paragraf tiga, yaitu ”Supriyadi
Kata ’defeated’ artinya ’mengalahkan’. was named minister for public security in
Lawan kata mengalahkan adalah the first cabinet.”.

D. Listen to your teacher.

Write down his/her sentences.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

1. Lisa was going to the market when I called her.
2. Was the mechanic fixing the computer?
3. When Dayu arrived home, his brother was making a kite.
4. My brother was doing his homework when I asked him to have dinner.
5. When Hanung and Agung came, Bowo was cleaning his motorcycle.
6. There were two mobile phones in the drawer when I entered Yeni’s room.
7. Itang was giving some money to the porter when his father picked him up.
8. The sun was shining brightly when we arrived at the beach last Sunday.
9. My brother was operating the computer when the light was suddenly off.
10. Was Mr. Ketut Nuarta having a conversation with the principal when Jaya was in the
teacher’s office?

E. Label the pictures below using the proper sentences in Task D.

Gambar-gambar soal dan jawaban:

1 2 3

When Dayu arrived home, his When Hanung and Agung Itang was giving some money
brother was making a kite. came, Bowo was cleaning his to the porter when his father
motorcycle. picked him up.

256 UNIT 4 Recount

4 5 6

My brother was operating the My brother was doing his There were two mobile
computer when the light was homework when I asked him phones in the drawer when
suddenly off. to have dinner. I entered Yeni’s room.

A. Read the text.

Deliver a monolog based on the text.
Halim Perdana Kusuma is an Indonesian hero. This man, born in Sampang, November 18,
1922, died in Malaysia, in Desember 14, 1947. This occurred during the Indonesian struggle
against the Dutch colonalization. That time he was assigned to buy and carried weapons, such as
sten-guns, pistols, bombs and karbin, using airplane. He flew “Enderson” airplane from Thailand.
He did this duty with his colleague, Marsma Ismayudi.
On their way home, their plane crashed. Nobody knew why it happened. Some said this was
caused by bad weather or sabotage. Their crashed airplane was found in a forest not far from
Lumut, Perak, Malaysia. Yet, only Halim’s dead body was evacuated by the rescue team. Ismayudi
remains unknown up to now. Neither do all the weapons they carried. Halim’s dead body was firstly
interred in Mount Mesah, near Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. Some years later, his body was taken
back to Indonesia and was interred in Kalibata, Jakarta.
Indonesian government bestowed him as an Indonesian National Hero. International airport in
Jakarta was named after him, Halim Perdana Kusuma.
Source: (December 23, 2008)

Good morning, friends. I would like to tell you the story of Halim Perdana Kusuma. You are
quite familiar with him, don’t you? International airport, Halim Perdana Kusuma is for his name.
One day, he and his colleague Ismayudi got a duty to buy and carried many weapons, such as
sten-guns, pistols, boms and karbin. On their way home, something happened. _______________
Contoh jawaban:
Good morning, friends. I’d like to tell you about Halim Perdana Kusuma. Sound familiar, doesn’t it?
Well, Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport is named after him. Here’s the story.
One day, he and his colleague Ismayudi got a duty to buy and carried many weapons, using
airplane. He flew an airplane named “Enderson” from Thailand. However, on the way home, a bad thing
happened; his plane crashed. The cause is still a mystery. Some people said that his plane was due to
bad weather or sabotaged. The rescue team found the plane in a forest not far from Lumut, Perak,
Malaysia. They only evacuated Halim’s dead body while Ismayudi remains unknown. They even couldn’t
find the weapons which Halim bought and carried. Firstly, Halim’s dead body was burried in Mount
Mesah, near Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. Some years later, his body was taken back to Indonesia and
was burried in Kalibata, Jakarta. Later, the government bestowed him the Indonesian National Hero.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 257

A. Find the meanings of the words below and find their synonyms in the text before.

No. Word Meaning Synonym

1. woods hutan forest
2. arm senjata weapon
3. brought membawa carried
4. entitled diberi nama named after
5. passed away meninggal dunia died

B. Complete the sentences with your answers in Task A correctly.

1. What does that woman ________ in the basket? It looks heavy.
2. Indonesian heroes had to flee to the ________ to save their lives.
3. Pangeran Diponegoro ________ in Makassar during his exiled.
4. Indonesian heroes only used sharp bambooes as their ________ to fight against the
Dutch troops.
5. The international airport Soekarno-Hatta was ________ our founding fathers.
1. carry 2. forest 3. died
4. weapons 5. named after
C. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the story of Halim
Perdana Kusuma.
1. ______ Halim Perdana Kusuma was a pilot.
2. ______ He died because the Dutch troops shot his plane down.
3. ______ Halim’s dead body was evacuated from Mount Mesah, Malaysia.
4. ______ The rescue team only found the weapons Halim brought from Thailand.
5. ______ The international airport Halim Perdana Kusuma was named after him.
1. T
2. F. He died because his plane crashed and nobody knew how or why it happened.
3. F. “The crashed airplane was found in a forest not far from Lumut, Perak, Malaysia. Yet,
only Halim’s dead body was evacuated by the rescue team.” So, his dead body was
evacuated from Lumut, Perak. Mount Mesah was the first place where he was burried
after the evacuation.
4. F. Based on the sentence “Neither do all the weapons they carried.”, it means they didn’t
find any weapons.
5. T
D. Complete the monolog with the suitable words in the box.
Read your work with proper pronunciation.
Hans Bague Yassin
a. declared b. passed away c. interred d. made e. second
f. loved g. magazines h. born i. excellent j. diligent

H.B. Yassin was (1) ________ in Gorontalo, North Sulawesi on July 31, 1917. He was the
(2) ________ child of six children. He (3) ________ reading books when he sat in elementary
school. He said, “That time, the way teachers motivated the students to read was (4) ________.”

258 UNIT 4 Recount

He learned how to write and understand poetry there. He began to write literature criticism and his
works were published in some (5) ________ when he moved to Medan with his father.
H.B. Yassin had great effects on the Indonesian literature. He was the man who
(6) ________ Chairil Anwar as the pioneer of ‘Angkatan 45’. He was (7) ________ in
documenting literary works and some other works relating to work of arts. He had
(8) ________ about twenty original works and did ten translations. Some of them were Gema
Tanah Air, Tifa Penyair dan Daerahnya, Kesusasteraan Indonesia Baru Masa Jepang,
Kesusasteraan Indonesia Modern dalam Kritik dan Esai (four volumes, 1954–1967) and Tafsir
Al Quran in the book of Qur’an Bacaan Mulia.
H.B. Yassin (9) ________ on Saturday morning, March 11, 2000 when he was nursed in
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital because of a heart attack (stroke) he suffered from. He was
(10) ________ in Kalibata, Jakarta
Adapted from: (December 27, 2008)

1. h 2. e 3. f 4. i 5. g
6. a 7. j 8. d 9. b 10. c
E. Your teacher will ask you some questions about H.B. Yassin.
Answer his/her questions orally.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:
1. When was H.B. Yassin born?
2. Suppose he is still alive today, how old is he now?
3. How many siblings did he have?
4. What did he like on his childhood?
5. How many works had he made?
6. What were some of his works?
7. According to H.B. Yassin, who was the pioneer of ‘Angkatan 45’?
8. When did he pass away?
9. Where was he interred?
10. “That time, the way teachers motivated the students to read was excellent.”
What do the words ‘that time’ refer to?

1. On July 31, 1917.
2. 92 years old.
3. Five.
4. He liked reading books.
5. He had made about twenty original works and did ten translations.
6. Some of them were ‘Gema Tanah Air’, ‘Tifa Penyair dan Daerahnya’, ‘Kesusasteraan Indonesia
Baru Masa Jepang’, ‘Kesusasteraan Indonesia Modern dalam Kritik dan Esai’ (four volumes,
1954–1967) and Tafsir Alquran in the book of Qur’an Bacaan Mulia.
7. Chairil Anwar was.
8. On March 11, 2000.
9. In Kalibata, Jakarta.
10. It refers to the time when he sat in elementary school.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 259

B. Tell about the pictures using sentences in the past continues tense.

1 2

I was taking a walk when _________________________ _________________________

I saw Ardian open the door.

3 4 5

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Contoh jawaban:
1. Father was watching TV when Ade turned on the lamp.
2. I was cleaning the white board when the teacher called my name.
3. Ida was sweeping the floor when her friends arrived.
4. Bagus was doing his homework when his father went home.
5. Were you taking a nap when Ipung phoned you?

Remember the events you saw or experienced during this week.
Tell your friends about them using the past continuous tense.
Do it in turns.

I saw your sister ride a bike with

her friend when I went to school
this morning.

260 UNIT 4 Recount

C. Tell about the pictures using sentences with suitable relating verbs.


The students look happy

playing together.

1 2 3

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

4 5

_________________________ _________________________

Contoh jawaban:
1. My mother seems busy cooking for the party.
2. It appears difficult for my brother washing his jeans.
3. The boy seems respectful to older people.
4. Doni gets hungry after having PE lesson.
5. Doni looks diligent doing his homework.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 261

A. Look at the pictures of the Indonesian heroes.
Who are they?

● Imam Bonjol ● Pattimura ● Cut Nyak Meutia

● Teuku Umar ● Hasannudin ● Christina Marta Tiahahu
● Cut Nyak Dien ● Ki Hajar Dewantara ● Sisingamangaraja

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Picture source: (December 22, 2008)

1. Ki Hajar Dewantara
2. Imam Bonjol
3. Cut Nyak Dien
4. Sisingamangaraja
5. Cut Nyak Meutia
6. Hasannudin
7. Pattimura
8. Christina Marta Tiahahu

B. Read the biography of Muhammad Yamin and answer the questions.

Muhammad Yamin (1903–1962) was born in Talawi, Sawahlunto, Sumatra. He was the son of
Oesman Gelar Baginda Khatib the Penghulu (Prince) of Indrapura. In 1937, Yamin married Siti
Sundari, daughter of a nobleman from Surakarta, Central Java, by whom he had one child, a son,
Dang Rahadian Sinayangsih Yamin (“Dian”).
Muhammad Yamin was a historian, poet, playwright and politician. He was educated at the
Algemene Middelbare School (AMS) in Yogyakarta, majoring in history and far eastern languages,
including Malay, Javanese and Sanskrit.

262 UNIT 4 Recount

In 1928, Yamin participated in the Second Congress of Indonesian Youth, which issued the Sumpah
Pemuda. Through the organization Indonesia Muda, Yamin became an active proponent for Malay to
become the national and unifying language. It has since been renamed “Indonesian” and made the official
language of the Republic of Indonesia and the principal vehicle for innovative literary expression.
Yamin was active in the Jong Sumatranen Bond in one of whose forums he befriended
Mohammad Hatta, Indonesia’s first Vice President. He earned his living through writing and reporting.
On May 29, 1945 in one of Preparatory Committee’s sessions, Yamin rose to deliver a speech
on certain philosophical and political foundations and enumerated five principles for the nation that
would emerge after independence. Those five principles Pantja Sila were later incorporated in the
Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.
Most histories credit Soekarno for the creation of Pantja Sila. Pantja Sila, in modern spelling
Pancasila, is the state ideology of the Republic of Indonesia and consists of the following: (1) Belief
in the God Almighty; (2) Just and civilized humanity; (3) The unity of Indonesia; (4) Democracy
guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives;
(5) Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia.
Adapted from: (January 1, 2009)

1. What is the text about?
Jawaban: About Muhammad Yamin.
2. What does paragraph one tell you about?
Jawaban: It tells about the early life of Muhammad Yamin.
3. When did he make friends with the Indonesia’s first Vice President?
Jawaban: When he was active in the Jong Sumatranen Bond.
4. What did he do?
Jawaban: He was a writer and reporter.
5. When was the Youth Pledge issued?
Jawaban: In (October 28,) 1928.

A. Rearrange the sentences into a good recount text.
Then, read your work aloud
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
Alfred Simanjuntak
3 Here is his song, ‘Bangun Pemudi Pemuda’ by A. Simanjuntak
Bangun pemudi pemuda Indonesia
Tangan bajumu singsingkan untuk negara
Masa yang akan datang kewajibanmu lah
Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa
Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa
1 Alfred Simanjuntak was the man who created a national song entitled ‘Bangun
Pemudi Pemuda’. It seems the song was the obsession of this Bataknese. He was born
on September 8, 1920 in Parlombuan, North Tapanuli, North Sumatera.
4 In his early life, Alfred Simanjuntak had a simple and happy life. He was the son of
Lamsana Simanjuntak and Kornelia Silitonga. He remembered when he had to eat rice
with cassava leaves and a tiny fish. However, he was very grateful for the grace of God
and he lived happily with his family. This grateful was reflected on his daily life, singing.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 263

His musical skill developed when he studied in Hollands Inlandsche Kweek School
(a kind of teacher school) in Margoyudan, Solo, Central Java, 1935–1942.
5 Now, Alfred Simanjuntak has already had eleven grandchildren of his four children,
Aida, Toga, Dorothea and John.
2 Alfred Simanjuntak who was a song creator dedicated his life to become a teacher.
He was twenty-three years old (in 1943) when he created ‘Bangun Pemudi Pemuda’. That
time, he was a teacher in Sekolah Rakyat Sempurna Indonesia in Semarang, Central
Java. Talking about this song, he said, “I was taking shower when the God whispered the
song. Then, I finished my shower and wrote the song.”
Adapted from:
(December 27, 2009)

B. Read the words.

Find their synonyms.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:

Word Meaning Synonym

blue-blooded man bangsawan nobleman
participated ambil bagian took part
released mengeluarkan issued
made membuat created
made friend berteman befriended
session pertemuan meeting
arose bangkit got up
law hukum principle
faith keyakinan belief
entire keseluruhan whole

C. Complete the sentences with the answers in Task B.

Read your work aloud.
1. Finally, the government ________ the rule to reduce the price of petroleum.
2. The Board of Directors has an end-year ________. It is in progress now.
3. Prince William is a ________. He is the son of Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
4. Mr. President ________ from his chair and walked to the stage.
5. We want to know if Lidya and Masayu ________ in the charity.
1. issued
2. meeting
3. nobleman
4. got up
5. took part

264 UNIT 4 Recount

C. Complete the dialogs with the words in brackets in correct forms.
1. Anjar : Have you called Yuyun and Faqih?
Devi : Yes, I have. When I ________ (phone) them, they ________ (get on) the bus.
2. Mr. Sarjana : What ________ (happen) to Mr. Aris?
Mr. Istamar : He ________ (cultivate) his field when suddenly a lightning ________ (strike)
3. Father : What were the boys doing yesterday afternoon?
Mother : Aeron ________ (search) the materials in the Internet while Ganang ________
(type) the paper report.
4. Salsa : Poor people. They ________ (lose) their wealth in a second.
Jimmy : Yeah. They ________ (go) out of the town when the flood ________ (hit) their
house. They didn’t have much time to save their wealth.
5. Vivi : ________ you ________ (take a nap) when Rosa ________ (call)?
Etta : Right. Sorry, I ________ (not/hear) it.
1. phoned; were getting on 2. happened; was cultivating; struck
3. was searching; was typing 4. lost; were going ; hit
5. Were (you); taking a nap; called; did not hear

D. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

1. No one likes Agus. He only thinks of 4. The mother dove keeps her chicks by
________. ________.
A. herself B. ourselves A. herself B. themselves
C. himself D. themselves C. yourselves D. itself
2. Your sister loves dressing up. She often 5. It was Eva and Rianti ________ who met
looks at ________ in the mirror. the Principal in the office.
A. herself B. yourselves A. yourself B. herself
C. himself D. themselves C. ourselves D. themselves
3. Alvin has big confidence. He does all his
work by ________. Jawaban:
A. yourselves B. himself 1. C 2. A 3. B
C. yourself D. itself 4. A 5. D

Variasi: 4. That old tiger can’t take care of

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru ________. Poor animal.
dapat memberikan soal-soal latihan berikut. A. himself B. itself
1. It’s late at night. Don’t let Marcelina goes C. yourselves D. yourself
________. 5. Yuda always goes to school by bike
A. by himself B. by yourself alone. It means ________.
C. by itself D. by herself A. he prepares his bike itself
2. I saw no one near the opened door. Do you B. he goes to school by himself
think the door was opened ________? C. he himself goes to school
A. by itself B. by ourselves D. he does his work by himself
C. by myself D. by yourself
3. This mathematics exercises are difficult.
1. D 2. A 3. C
I can’t solve them ________.
4. B 5. B
A. itself B. themselves
C. myself D. yourselves

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 265

A. Look at the pictures.
Make sentences using suitable relating verbs and the words provided.

1 2

Be careful! The knife taste/delicious become/crowded

seems very sharp.

3 4 5

look/untidy seem/wild get/dark

Contoh jawaban:
1. The satay tastes very delicious. 2. The street becomes crowded during the peak hours.
3. Your room looks untidy. 4. The monkey seems wild.
5. The sky gets dark and dark.

B. Make five sentences using reflexive pronouns.

Read your work with proper pronunciation.
Contoh jawaban:
1. I fix the printer myself. 2. Galih mops the floor himself.
3. Did you paint the fence by yourself? 4. The girls made the crafts by themselves.
5. We prepare ourselves to face the midterm test.

C. Write the life of one of the greatest Indonesian people.

Read your work aloud.
Contoh jawaban:
Tribhuwanattunggadewi Jayawishnuwardhani was the empress of Majapahit who reigned
1328–1350 AD. She was the daughter of Raden Wijaya, the first king of Majapahit from his
consort; Dyah Gayatri Rajapatni. She was the mother and predecessor to Hayam Wuruk, the
emperor of the Majapahit. She also bore the title Bhre Kahuripan meaning Duchess of Kahuripan.
According to “Nagarakretagama”, Tribhuawana comes to throne by the order of her mother Gayatri
in the year of 1329. She replaced Jayanagara who was killed in 1328. Tribhuwana’s reign ended as
Gayatri passed away in 1350. Tribhuwana governed with the help of her husband, Kertawardhana.
Adapted from: (January 27, 2009)

266 UNIT 4 Recount

4.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Messages and Invitation Cards

Spoken Text

Read the text and study the explanation.

Aswar, Aldi called The text is a spoken message.

when you were out. Aswar’s mother received
He will come to do the
homework together. a message from Aldi. Then, she
delivered it to Aswar. The
message should be delivered
clearly and immediately. So, the
Thanks, Mom.
person who gets the message
can understand it easily.

Written Text

Read the text and study the explanation.

To: Brad
You are invited to Kevin’s birthday party.
He will be twelve!
The BIG party will be held: The text is an invitation card. Kevin
Sunday, October 18 at 10:00 a.m. wrote it in order to invite Brad to his
in Kelapa Hijau Restaurant, Jl. Radio No. 2
birthday party. He gave it to Brad so that
See you there! he would remember it.

Answer the questions.

1. When do you celebrate your birthday?
Contoh jawaban: On February 5.
2. If you hold a party for it, who are invited?
Contoh jawaban: All of my classmates, friends and relatives.
3. Will it be merry? Why/why not?
Contoh jawaban: Yes, it will. Because we will have a barbeque in the yard. Everyone will
have a lot of fun.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 267

A. Listen to your teacher and answer the questions.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Mom, Ms. Emy called you when you were in the toilet.
She would bring your order this afternoon.
1. Who delivered the message?
Jawaban: A son/daughter did.
2. Who received the message?
Jawaban: His/her mother.
3. Who just called?
Jawaban: Ms. Emy did.
4. What is it about?
Jawaban: About Ms. Emy’s information that she would bring the speaker’s mother’s order.
5. Where was the speaker’s mother that time?
Jawaban: In the toilet.

B. Read the text, then answer your teacher’s questions orally.

Burhan, father is looking for you.

He wants you to take his letter to Mr. Rivai.
He’s in the living room now.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru:

1. In your opinion, who said the message?
2. What is the message about?
3. Where should Burhan go?
4. Why should he go there?
5. Where should he meet his father?
1. Burhan’s sister or brother.
2. Asking for someone’s help to send a letter to Mr. Rivai.
3. To Mr. Rivai’s house.
4. To give his father’s letter.
5. In the living room.

268 UNIT 4 Recount

C. Listen to your teacher and complete the card.

Kartu undangan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

October 19, 2009

To: Kukuh
You are (1) invited to a (2) monthly meeting. It will be (3) held:
● on (4) Saturday, October 24, at 4:00 p.m.
● in Johnson’s house, Perum Sidomukti Blok F Jalan Kemanggisan No. 59 Sidoarjo.
Please come (5) on time!


Listen to your teacher and write down his/her words.
What do they mean?
Kata-kata yang dibaca guru dan jawaban:
1. monthly meeting = pertemuan bulanan
2. held = dilaksanakan, diselenggarakan
3. come = datang
4. on time = tepat waktu
5. chairperson = ketua

D. Listen to your teacher and write down the message.

Read your work aloud.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban:

Dad, Mr. Smith sent a warm greeting to you.

He would have a summer holiday.
He asked you to call him whenever you need him.

A. Answer your teacher’s questions based on the text in Task D.
1. Who sent the greeting?
Jawaban: Mr. Smith did.
2. Where would he go?
Jawaban: A summer holiday.
3. What was his message?
Jawaban: He asked the spreaker’s father to call him whenever he needed him.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 269

B. Listen to your teacher and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Listen to the text and answer questions 3. Who came by to the speaker’s house?
1 and 2. A. Mr. Sabirin did.
B. Mr. Arifin did.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: C. Mr. Garin did.
Doni, your mobile phone rang three times. D. Mr. Ponirin did.
You should bring it with you. Jawaban: B
Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
1. The message is about ________. kalimat pertama pesan tersebut, yaitu
A. information that Doni should bring ”Dad, Mr. Arifin just came by.”.
his mobile phone 4. Where would he go?
B. information that the speaker had A. To the hospital.
called Doni three times B. To the speaker’s house.
C. information that Doni’s mobile C. To his house.
phone rang three times D. To the office.
D. information that Doni had called the Jawaban: A
speaker three times Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan
Jawaban: C kalimat ketiga pesan tersebut, yaitu ”He
Jelas bahwa pesan itu berisi had to go to the hospital.”.
pemberitahuan bahwa telepon genggam
Doni berdering tiga kali. Kalimat Listen to the text and answer questions 5.
berikutnya hanya sebagai informasi
tambahan. Teks yang dibacakan guru:
2. “You should bring it with you.” Erlin, Mimi asked you to call her.
The word ‘it’ refers to ________. She tried to reach you, but she couldn’t.
A. Doni’s mobile phone
B. three times 5. Who got the message?
C. mobile phone's ringtone A. Mimi did.
D. you B. Maya did.
Jawaban: A C. Erwin did.
Kata ‘it’ adalah kata ganti benda yang D. Erlin did.
telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Kata Jawaban: D
benda yang disebutkan dalam kalimat Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
sebelumnya adalah Doni’s mobile phone. pertama pesan tersebut, yaitu ”Erlin,
Meme asked you to call her.”. Jadi,
Listen to the text and answer questions pesan itu ditujukan kepada Erlin.
3 and 4.

Teks yang dibacakan guru:

Dad, Mr. Arifin just came by.
He said he couldn’t go with you.
He had to go to the hospital.
He would send you an SMS.

270 UNIT 4 Recount

A. Read the texts with proper pronunciation.
1. Oki, Sandy was here this morning. He has a message for you. I put it in your message box.
2. Excuse me, Sir. Mr. Bernard asks for an apology. He can’t attend the meeting due to out of the
town now.

Answer the following questions based on the texts in Task A.
Text 1
1. Who left a message for Oki?
2. Where can Oki find the message?
3. The speaker said, “I put it on your message box.”
What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
Text 2
4. Who can’t attend the meeting?
5. Why can’t he attend it?
1. Sandy did. 2. In his message box.
3. Sandy’s message. 4. Mr. Bernard.
5. Because he’s out of the town.

B. Read the text with proper pronunciation.

Then, ask and answer questions based on the text.

Adapted from:

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 271

A : What is the text about?
B : It's about an online invitation. By the way, who are invited?
A : Anyone who reads the invitation.
Contoh jawaban:
A : When will the meeting take place?
B : On Tuesday, December 15.
A : And what time is it?
B : It’s at 8 o’clock in the evening.

C. Make simple messages based on the situations below.

Deliver your messages in front of the class.
1. Your mother is out for business. She got a phone call from Ms. Yenny. She didn’t leave any
messages. So, she asked your mother to call her. What would you say to your mother?
2. Nana, your best friend, borrowed your bike this morning. She returned it when you were out.
She only met your mother. She expressed her gratitude. What would your mother say to you?
3. You and your sister are at home. You just got an SMS from your mother. She told you that
they (your father and mother) will be home late. She wanted you and your sister to stay at
home. What would you say to your sister?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Mom, Ms. Yenny called you when you were out.
She didn't leave any messages.
She asked you to call her back.
2. Nana has returned your bike.
She said thank you.
3. Mother and father will be home late.
They want us to stay at home.

Dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sama, guru dapat memberikan tambahan situasi soal.
1. You were out when someone came to your house. He wanted to meet you. He met your
brother. Then, he left a message. He said that he would send an SMS. What would your
brother say to you?
2. You have a neighbor named Elvis. He lost his lovely cat. He has tried to find it for two
days, but he hasn’t found it yet. He came to your house when you were out. He met your
mother. He asked you to tell him when you saw his cat around. What would your mother
say to you?
Contoh jawaban:
1. Fenty, someone wanted to meet you when you were out.
He gave you this message.
He will send an SMS.
2. Elvis was looking for his lovely cat.
He has lost it for two days.
He asked you to tell him if you see his cat around.

272 UNIT 4 Recount

A. Read the text and answer the questions.

To: Tiara
1. What is the invitation about?
Jawaban: About the New Year celebration party.
Let’s have fun on my party!
2. Who sent it?
Please join us in the
Jawaban: Freddy did.
New Year celebration.
3. Whom was the letter for?
Thursday, December 31
Jawaban: Tiara.
Starting at 10:00 p.m.
4. When would the party be held?
Jawaban: On Thursday, December 31, starting at 10:00 p.m.
Hollywood Cafe,
5. Where would it be held?
Jl. Soekarno No. 26
Jawaban: In Hollywood Cafe, Jl. Soekarno No. 26.
Don’t miss it!


Read the text below.
What do the words mean?
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban:
1. mate = teman karib
2. come aboard = naik ke kapal
3. pirate = perompak
4. bounty = hadiah
5. scavenger = burung pemakan bangkai
6. hunt = memburu, berburu
7. ghostly = remang-remang, seperti
8. reply = menjawab
9. wear = mengenakan, memakai
10. plank = papan penyeberangan dari
kapal ke dermaga.

Adapted from:

invite-pirate01.jpg (January 1, 2009)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 273

B. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Read the card and answer questions 1 to 3. dengan tema acara tersebut, yaitu ”The
Nightmare on the Ash Street” yang artinya
”Mimpi Buruk di Jalan Ash”. Jadi, kostum
yang dikenakan harus menggambarkan
mimpi buruk atau sesuatu yang
Read the card and answer questions 4 and 5.

(January 1, 2009)
1. The word ‘nightmare’ in Indonesian means
A. menakutkan B. mimpi buruk
C. neraka D. heboh
Jawaban: B Source:
Kata ’nightmare’ artinya ’mimpi buruk’. valentines04.jpg (January 1, 2009)
Pilihan jawaban (A) dalam bahasa Inggris 4. What is the invitation about?
adalah scary, (C) adalah hell atau inferno, A. A Valentine party.
dan (D) adalah sensational. B. A graduation party.
2. The text is called ________. C. A farewell party.
A. a brochure B. an advertisement D. A house-warming party.
C. a leaflet D. an invitation Jawaban: A
Jawaban: D Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
Teks tersebut disebut undangan karena pertama undangan tersebut, ”Happy
diawali dengan kalimat ”Your presence is Valentine’s Day”. Jadi, undangan itu
requested at:” yang artinya ”Kehadiran tentang undangan pesta Valentine.
Anda diharapkan pada:”.
3. Which of the following guests cannot 5. Where will the party be held?
attend the party? A. On February 7.
A. Nola wears a witch costume. B. At 7:30–10:30 p.m.
B. Dellon wears a mummy costume. C. In 714 Lover’s Lane Heartsville, MD.
C. Deddy wears a casual T-shirt and D. On February 14.
sneakers. Jawaban: C
D. Galang wears a costume as if he Pertanyaan itu menanyakan tempat
were on fire. pelaksanaan pesta. Jadi, jawaban yang
Jawaban: C tepat adalah pilihan jawaban (C) yang
Deddy tidak boleh ikut pesta karena dia menjelaskan alamat. Pilihan jawaban lain
salah kostum. Sesuai undangan, setiap salah karena merupakan keterangan
tamu harus mengenakan kostum sesuai waktu.

274 UNIT 4 Recount

Variasi: Jawaban: A
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Pada undangan terdapat keterangan
RSVP (Respondez s’il cous platt) yang
maksudnya adalah undangan tersebut
Read the card and answer questions 1 to 3. supaya direspons. Itu berarti tamu
undangan bisa menghubungi 555-555-
3644 untuk konfirmasi apakah mereka
akan datang atau tidak.
3. There is a sentence that says “No gifts
please.” It means ________.
A. Marilyn and Jeffs will give souvenirs
to the attendants
B. the guests shall give presents to
Marilyn and Jeffs
C. any presents are warmly welcomed
by Marilyn and Jeffs
D. Marilyn and Jeffs won’t accept any
presents from the guests
Jawaban: D
Kalimat ”No gifts please.” artinya mohon
jangan memberi hadiah. Itu berarti
Marilyn dan Jeffs tidak akan menerima
hadiah apa pun dari para tamu (won’t
accept any presents).
Read the card and answer questions
4 and 5.
invitation-sample.jpg (January 1, 2009)

1. Who would have the party?

A. Jeremy and Melissa.
B. Marilyn and Jeffs.
C. Scot and Amy.
D. Amy and Sam.
Jawaban: B
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”Help
us Celebrate Marilyn and Jeffs 35th
Anniversary and 60th birthdays”. Jadi,
yang mengadakan pesta adalah Marilyn
dan Jeffs.
2. Anyone who were invited should confirm
whether they will attend the party or not.
What should they do?
A. They should call 555-555-3644 for
B. They should call the hosts.
Adapted from:
C. They should come to the party on time. _27utwH4jPDY/R89NJQXraHI/
D. They should inform Marilyn dan Jeffs. AAAAAAAAACI/HCv-bYbyjyU/s400/
wedding-d.jpg (January 1, 2009)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 275

4. What is the invitation about? Jawaban: B
A. A birthday party. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan keterangan
B. Dave and Joann’s birth. waktu yang tertera pada undangan itu,
C. A wedding party. ”Date: March 22, 2005”. Pilihan jawaban
D. A house-warming party. (A) salah karena tidak menjelaskan
Jawaban: C waktu pelaksanaan perayaan tersebut,
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”To (C) tidak sesuai dengan waktu
our wedding ceremony at . . . .” pada pelaksanaan perayaan, yaitu ”12 Noon”,
undangan tersebut. dan (D) menunjukkan waktu terakhir
para tamu undangan untuk memesan
5. When was the occasion held?
A. At 335 Tanglin Road Singapore
B. On March 22, 2005.
C. On 2:00 p.m.
D. On May 8, 2005.

Make invitation cards based on the situations below.

1. You will celebrate your fifteenth birthday next Saturday afternoon. You invite your friends to
come. The party will be held in Nikmat Rasa Restaurant, Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 124
Kebayoran. The party will begin at 3:00 p.m. till end. You really look forward to their coming.
2. You invite the members of the students committee to have a monthly meeting. It will be held in
Class VIIID, on Wednesday, 2:00 p.m after school. The agenda is the preparation to join in the
Science and Math Olympiad and the students’ music band competition. You ask the members
to come on time.

Contoh jawaban:
Birthday Party, Guys!
It’s my party!
I will be 15th next Saturday.
I invite you all to come to:
● Nikmat Rasa Restaurant, Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 124 Kebayoran.
● At 3:00 p.m. till end.

Let’s enjoy the merriest party ever held!

Be there!


276 UNIT 4 Recount

SMP N 2, Jalan Sumpah Pemuda No. 28
Dear Toto,
We invite you to attend our monthly meeting.
It will be held:
● on Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. after school
● at Class VIIID
Agenda: Science and Math Olympiad and the students music
band competition preparation.
Please be there on time.
We are looking forward to your participation.


Make invitation cards based on the situations below.
1. You are in charge to manage the school English magazine. You intend to hold a meeting to
discuss the next edition. It will be held the day after tomorrow after school at 2:00 p.m. You
will use the school hall to hold the meeting. You ask your friends to come on time.
2. You just moved to a new house at Jalan Kuda Sembrani No. 59 Sidoarjo. It has a big
garden. Your parents want to have a barbeque house-warming party. They ask you to
make the invitation. The party will be held next Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m. Any varieties
of drink and food are served. You tell your guests that they will have a fun and cheerful
party. You ask the guests to call Ade (081329016437) to confirm.
3. Your sister just graduated from Indonesia University. She wants to have a small party to
celebrate it. She asks you to make the invitation. The party will be held in Star Restaurant,
Jalan Bengawan Timur No. 323 Samarinda. It will be held next Sunday at 12 noon.
Contoh jawaban:
Dear Saraswati,
We invite you to the routine meeting:
● on Monday at 2:00 p.m. after school
● in the school hall
We will discuss about the next edition of our English Magazine.
We do appreciate your contribution and ideas. It won’t be
complete without your presence.
Be on time! Thank you.


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 277

Mark your day and date!
Please come and join us in:
A barbeque house-warming party
Place: at Jalan Kuda Sembrani No. 59 Sidoarjo.
Time : next Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m.

This will be a fun and cheerful party.

Please contact Ade (081329016437) for confirmation.

Be there! Don’t miss any moment.

Mr. and Mrs. Hartawan

Your presence is requested at:
Melinda’s graduation celebration!
In Star Restaurant, Jalan Bengawan Timur No. 323 Samarinda.
Next Sunday at 12 noon.
Let’s laugh, sing and dance together!
Don’t miss it.


Do this task as instructed.

1. Browse the Internet and find the history of an Indonesian hero. Tell his/her life and his/her
contribution to the country. You may add his/her photograph.
2. Read and share your work with your friends’. Then, put your work on the wall magazine.

278 UNIT 4 Recount

Read and memorize the words. playwright : penulis drama
Use them whenever you speak English. pledge : sumpah
poet : penulis puisi
kidnap : menculik unify : menyatukan
nobleman : bangsawan unknown : tidak diketahui
pass away : meninggal

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 279

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Read the dialog and answer questions
answer. 3 and 4.
Tata : What’s this, Mom? Wow, fried
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2. shrimps! My favorite! May I have one,
Suddenly rain pours heavily at the end of the Mom?
lesson. Mother : Sure. Serve yourself. But remember,
Erlin : What a day! I forget to bring my change your clothes, wash your
umbrella. Danar, do you bring hands and have lunch together.
an umbrella? Tata : O.K., Mom. Right away!
Danar : Yeah, I do.
Erlin : May I go home with you? 3. When does the dialog happen?
Danar : Sure. We have the same route, right? A. In the morning.
Erlin : Right. Thanks, Nar. B. In the afternoon.
Danar : No big deal. C. In the evening.
D. At night.
1. Where does the dialog happen? Jawaban: B
A. On the street. Pada percakapan tersebut ibu Tata
B. In the yard. berkata, ”But remember, change your
C. At school. clothes, wash your hands and have lunch
D. At home. together.” yang artinya ”Namun, ingat,
Jawaban: C ganti bajumu, cuci tanganmu dan kita
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat makan siang bersama-sama.”. Itu berarti
pengantar percakapan tersebut, ”Suddenly percakapan itu terjadi pada siang hari (in
rain pours heavily at the end of the lesson.” the afternoon) saat akan makan siang.
yang artinya ”Tiba-tiba hujan turun deras Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
pada akhir pelajaran.”. Jadi percakapan tidak sesuai dengan konteks percakapan.
terjadi di sekolah. Pilihan jawaban yang Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya pada pagi hari,
lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan (C) artinya pada petang hari, dan (D)
konteks percakapan. artinya pada malam hari.

2. Erlin said, “May I go home with you?” 4. Who are talking in the dialog?
What does it mean? A. Mother and father.
A. She invites Danar to go home together. B. Brother and sister.
B. She asks Danar to accompany her. C. A teacher and a student.
C. She asks Danar for something. D. Mother and daughter.
D. She expresses her feeling. Jawaban: D
Jawaban: C Jawaban ini sesuai dengan tokoh yang
Kalimat tersebut berarti ”Bolehkah saya tertulis pada percakapan tersebut, yaitu
pulang denganmu?”. Kalimat tersebut Tata dengan ibunya (mother and daughter).
diucapkan untuk meminta sesuatu kepada Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
seseorang (asking someone for something). tidak sesuai dengan isi percakapan
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak tersebut.
sesuai dengan konteks percakapan

280 UNIT 4 Recount

Read the dialog and answer questions 7. A. went
5 and 6. B. go
C. is going
Lolly : Oki, will you go to Pelangi Music Shop D. goes
with me this afternoon? I want to buy Jawaban: A
a CD for Rollan’s birthday present. Kalimat tersebut menjelaskan peristiwa
Oki : I’d love to, but I can’t. I feel very tired. yang terjadi pada masa lampau sehingga
I just want to go home and sleep. I am digunakanlah bentuk simple past tense
sorry. (went). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
Lolly : I see. No problem. karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks situasi
pada saat peristiwa itu terjadi. Pilihan
5. Where will Lolly go this afternoon? jawaban (B) dan (D) menunjukkan bentuk
A. To Rolan’s birthday party. present tense yang digunakan untuk
B. To Rolan’s house. menunjukkan rutinitas atau fakta, dan (C)
C. To Pelangi Music Shop. merupakan bentuk simple present
D. To go home and sleep. continuous. Bentuk ini digunakan untuk
Jawaban: C menunjukkan bahwa suatu peristiwa
Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat yang sedang terjadi ketika perbicaraan sedang
diucapkan Lolly, yaitu ”Oki, will you go to berlangsung.
Pelangi Music Shop with me this
afternoon?” yang artinya ”Oki, maukah 8. A. steps
kamu pergi ke Toko Musik Pelangi B. stepped
denganku sore nanti?”. Pilihan jawaban C. will step
yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai D. was stepping
dengan isi percakapan. Jawaban: B
Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan dua
6. What did Oki say to decline the invitation? peristiwa yang terjadi bersamaan pada
A. No problem. masa lampau (this afternoon), yang satu
B. Oki, will you go to Pelangi Music terjadi secara singkat dan yang lainnya
Shop with me this afternoon? terjadi lebih lama. Oleh karena itu,
C. I just want to go home and sleep. peristiwa yang terjadi secara singkat
D. I’d love to, but I can’t. menggunakan bentuk simple past tense
Jawaban: D (stepped). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
Pilihan jawaban yang artinya ”Sebenarnya karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks situasi
aku ingin, tetapi tidak bisa” digunakan pada saat peristiwa itu terjadi. Pilihan
untuk menolak ajakan/undangan. Pilihan jawaban (A) menunjukkan bentuk simple
jawaban (A) salah karena digunakan present tense yang digunakan untuk
untuk merespons atas penolakan menunjukkan rutinitas atau fakta, (C)
undangan, (B) digunakan untuk menunjukkan bentuk future tense yang
mengundang atau mengajak, dan (C) digunakan untuk menunjukkan peristiwa
digunakan untuk memberi informasi. yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang akan
datang, dan (D) menunjukkan bentuk past
For questions 7 to 10, choose the suitable continuous tense.
words to complete the text below.
Itang (7) ________ home from school late 9. A. draws
this afternoon. When he (8) ________ into the B. were drawing
house, his little sister (9) ________ something C. drew
on her drawing book and his parents (10) D. was drawing
________. Itang directly went to his room to Jawaban: D
change his clothes and took shower. Peristiwa yang terjadi pada klausa
sebelumnya terjadi lebih lama

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 281

dibandingkan dengan peristiwa pada C. How did you make it?
klausa soal no.8. Jadi, peristiwa pada D. Can you do me a favor?
klausa soal no.9 menggunakan bentuk Jawaban: B
past continuous tense, yaitu was drawing Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya ”Apakah
karena subjek berbentuk kalimat tunggal kamu mau mencicipinya?” digunakan untuk
(his little sister). Pilihan jawaban yang lain menawarkan sesuatu. Ungkapan ini sesuai
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks dengan ucapan Choki berikutnya ”Please
situasi pada saat peristiwa itu terjadi. serve yourself.” yang artinya “Silakan ambil
Pilihan jawaban (A) menunjukkan bentuk sendiri.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah
simple present tense yang digunakan karena tidak sesuai dengan maksud
untuk menunjukkan rutinitas atau fakta, (B) ucapan itu. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang
salah karena subjek kalimat merupakan artinya ”Bagaimana menurut
orang ketiga tunggal sehingga to be-nya pendapatmu?” digunakan untuk meminta
seharusnya adalah was bukan were, dan pendapat, (C) yang artinya ”Bagaimana
(C) menunjukkan bentuk simple past kamu membuatnya?” digunakan untuk
tense. meminta informasi, dan (D) yang artinya
”Dapatkah kamu menolongku?” digunakan
10. A. chatted untuk meminta bantuan.
B. chat
C. were chatting Read the text and answer questions 12 and 13.
D. was chatting
Jawaban: C Srivijaya (-sri meaning glitters or radiant,
Peristiwa yang terjadi pada klausa ini -jaya meaning success or excellence) was
(nomor 10) juga terjadi lebih lama seperti an ancient Malay kingdom on the island of
peristiwa pada klausa sebelumnya (nomor Sumatra which influenced much of the Maritime
9). Jadi, peristiwa pada klausa ini juga Southeast Asia. From the seventh century, the
menggunakan bentuk past continuous powerful Srivijaya naval kingdom flourished as
tense, yaitu were chatting, karena subjek a result of trade and the influences of Hinduism
kalimat jamak (his parents). Pilihan and Buddhism that were imported with it.
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak Source :
sesuai dengan konteks situasi pada saat History_of_Indonesia (January 8, 2009)
peristiwa itu terjadi. Pilihan jawaban (A)
berbentuk simple past tense yang 12. “Srivijaya (-sri meaning glitters or radiant,
digunakan untuk menunjukkan peristiwa -jaya meaning success or excellence) was
pada masa lampau, (B) berbentuk simple an ancient Malay kingdom ….”
present tense yang digunakan untuk The underlined word can be best replaced
menunjukkan rutinitas atau fakta, dan (D) by ________.
salah karena subjek kalimat merupakan A. powerful B. excellent
orang ketiga jamak sehingga to be-nya C. broken D. old
seharusnya adalah were bukan was. Jawaban: D
Kata ’ancient’ yang artinya ’kuno’ dapat
11. Sekar : What do you have here? digantikan dengan kata old yang juga
Choki : Martabak. ________ Please berarti kuno. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya
serve yourself. kuat, (B) artinya bagus sekali, dan (C)
Sekar : Martabak? artinya rusak.
Choki : Right. It tastes delicious.
Sekar : Sorry, I don’t like it. 13. “From the seventh century, the powerful
The suitable expression to complete the Srivijaya naval kingdom flourished as
dialog is ________ a result of trade and the influences of
A. What do you think? Hinduism and Buddhism that were
B. Will you like to try some? imported with it.”

282 UNIT 4 Recount

The underlined word refers to ________. 15. “They set up a provisional government
A. the influences of Hinduism and and adopted . . . .”
Buddhism The underlined word refers to ________.
B. the powerful Srivijaya naval kingdom A. the Allies
C. the seventh century B. the Japanese and the Allies
D. the trade C. Soekarno and Muhammad Hatta
Jawaban: D D. a small group of Indonesians
Kalimat soal artinya ”Sejak abad ke-7, Jawaban: D
armada laut Sriwijaya yang kuat telah Kata ganti ’they’ pada kalimat itu
berkembang pesat sebagai akibat dari merupakan kata ganti subjek dari subjek
perdagangan dan pengaruh-pengaruh yang telah disebutkan pada kalimat
Hindu dan Budha yang masuk bersama sebelumnya. Kalimat sebelumnya adalah
dengan hal itu.”. Kata ’it’ yang artinya ’hal ” . . . in 1945, a small group of Indonesians,
itu’ mengacu pada kata ’trade’ yang led by Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta,
artinya ’perdagangan’. proclaimed independence. . . .”. Jadi, jelas
bahwa ’they’ mengacu pada a small group
Read the text and answer questions 14 to of Indonesians.
16. Which statement is NOT TRUE according
Japan occupied the colony between 1942
to the text?
and 1945. Shortly after the Japanese had
A. The Dutch failed to reoccupy Indonesia.
surrendered to the Allies in 1945, a small
B. The Allies surrendered to the Japanese
group of Indonesians, led by Soekarno and
in 1945.
Mohammad Hatta, proclaimed its
C. The Japanese occupied Indonesia for
independence and established the Republic of
about three years.
Indonesia. They set up a provisional
D. Soekarno and Muhammad Hatta
government and adopted a constitution to
proclaimed the Indonesian
govern the republic until elections could be
Independence in 1945.
held and a new constitution written. Dutch
Jawaban: B
efforts to reestablish complete control met
Pernyataan pada pilihan jawaban (B) tidak
strong resistance.
sesuai dengan kalimat kedua bacaan
Source: tersebut, yaitu ”Shortly after the Japanese
(January 8, 2009)
had surrendered to the Allies in 1945,
a small group of Indonesians, led by
14. The text is about ________.
Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta, . . . .”.
A. the Indonesian struggle against
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
justru sesuai dengan isi bacaan.
B. Indonesian heroes
C. the establishment of the Republic of
Read the text and answer questions 17 and 18.
D. Indonesian provisional government
Sinta, Yenni just dropped by.
Jawaban: C
She left a message for you.
Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan isi
I put it in your message box.
keseluruhan bacaan yang menjelaskan
tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia dan
17. The text is about ________.
berdirinya negara Republik Indonesia (the
A. Yenni’s coming
establishment of the Republic of Indonesia)
B. Yenni, Sinta’s friend
pada tahun 1945 setelah Jepang
C. Yenni’s message
menyerah kepada Sekutu.
D. Sinta’s message

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 283

Jawaban: C 20. The party will be held ________.
Teks tersebut merupakan teks fungsional A. at 1:00 p.m
pendek berbentuk pesan lisan. Pesan itu B. on Saturday, December 6, 2009
disampaikan oleh seseorang kepada C. in Bustami Restaurant
Sinta. Pesan itu lebih menitikberatkan D. at Jalan Gajah Mada No. 34 Malang
pada pesan yang diberikan oleh Yenni Jawaban: D
dan telah diletakkan di kotak pesan Sinta. Pesta itu akan diselenggarakan di rumah
18. “I put it in your message box.” keluarga Bustami di Jalan Gajah Mada
The word ‘it’ refers to ________. No. 34 Malang. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
A. the message salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi
B. you undangan itu.
C. Yenni
D. a message box B. Put the verbs into the correct forms.
Jawaban: A
Kata ’it’ pada pernyataan tersebut 1. Sorry. I ________ (watch) TV, so
menggantikan kata benda yang telah I ________ (not notice) your coming.
disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya. 2. Uncle and auntie ________ (wait for) us
Kata benda yang telah disebutkan when we ________ (get off) the train.
sebelumnya adalah ’message’. 3. Erlambang ________ (mop) the floor
while his sister ________ (water) the
Read the text and answer questions 19 and flowers.
20. 4. Yesterday afternoon at this time, the boys
________ (play) football in the field.
5. Ms. Jessica ________ (tell) us
You are invited to a BIRTHDAY PARTY a story when suddenly we ________
for (hear) a blast from the neighborhood.
She’ll be 14. 1. Sorry. I was watching TV, so I didn’t
Please join us on: notice your coming.
2. Uncle and auntie were waiting for us
Sunday, December 6, 2009 when we got off the train.
At 11:00 a.m. 3. Erlambang was mopping the floor while
his sister was watering the flowers.
The Bustami’s Residence 4. Yesterday afternoon at this time, the boys
Jalan Gajah Mada No. 34 Malang were playing football in the field.
5. Ms. Jessica was telling us a story when
See you there! suddenly we heard a blast from the

19. Candra was born on ________. C. Fill in the blanks with the correct
A. December 6, 1985 reflexive pronouns (-self/-selves).
B. December 6, 1994
C. December 6, 1995 1. I don’t believe in ghost until I saw it
D. December 16, 1995 ________ last night. I was horrified.
Jawaban: C 2. Marino cleaned his room ________.
Sesuai dengan undangan tersebut, pesta It’s clean and tidy now.
ulang tahun itu diselenggarakan untuk 3. Did you know that the band calls
memperingati usia Candra Pradipta yang ________ “Poison”? I can’t believe this!
ke-14. Pesta itu diselenggarakan pada 4. Orangutan is really a clever animal.
6 Desember 2009. Jadi, Candra lahir pada It peels peanuts by ________.
6 Desember 1995 (2009 – 14 = 1995).

284 UNIT 4 Recount

5. May I ask you something? Do you go to E. Do the task as instructed.
school by ________ or your parents take
you there? 1. Make a short message. Choose your own
Jawaban: 2. Make an invitation. Choose your own
1. myself 2. himself 3. themselves topic.
4. itself 5. yourself
Contoh jawaban:
D. Fill in the blanks with the correct 1. Febri is expecting your call.
words: look, taste, turn, feel or get. Please call him now.
Change the form of the words when 2.
1. Look! Heru’s face ________ red when he THERE IS ONE SEAT FREE FOR
is angry. YOU!
2. Marvelous! This empek-empek ________
very delicious. We’ll have a big party this
3. You ________ so tired. Why don’t you afternoon.
stop and have a break? In Flamingo Restaurant
4. Denada and Stefi ________ happy when on Sunday, November 22, 2009
they finally got A for their assignment. at 11:00 a.m. – end
5. Look! The children ________ wet because
they go out in the rain. Come or you’ll be sorry!

Jawaban: Cheers,
1. turns
2. tastes Benhur
3. look
4. feel
5. get

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 4:

● Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi siswa setelah mempelajari Unit 4. Bagian ini
bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening.
● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa.
● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi
kelas di pojok kanan atas.
● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkan kepada guru.
● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka kepada guru.
● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 285

Read the dialog and answer for questions
A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct
5 to 7.
Hanung : Mom, I smell something. Is it a fried
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 3. egg or fried chicken?
Mother : None of them.
Riiing . . . riiing . . . . It’s the break time.
Hanung : Oh, I know. It must be fried nugget,
Lala : I’m hungry. I ate nothing for breakfast. right?
Evi : I’m sorry to hear that. By the way, I have Mother : Right!
three loaves of bread. Would you like Hanung : May I have one, Mom?
one? Mother : No, you may not. You should have
Lala : It’s very kind of you, but I can’t accept it. them for lunch. Sorry.
Evi : C’mon. It tastes good. Hanung : All right, then.
Lala : Well then, thanks. 5. Who are talking in the dialog?
Evi : Here you are. A. Mother and son.
Lala : Thank you. B. Mother and father.
C. Brother and sister.
1. Where does the dialog happen? D. A teacher and a student.
A. At home.
B. At school. 6. Where does the dialog happen?
C. In the library. A. In the school canteen.
D. In the school canteen. B. In the dining room.
C. In a restaurant.
2. What does Evi offer to her friend? D. In the garden.
A. Softdrink.
B. A burger. 7. What does Hanung say to ask for
C. A doughnut. something?
D. A loaf of bread. A. You should have them for lunch.
3. What does Lala say to accept the offer? B. Is it a fried egg or fried chicken?
A. It’s very kind of you. C. It must be fried nugget, right?
B. Here you are. D. May I have one, Mom?
C. Well then, thanks.
D. I’m sorry to hear that. 8. Nurma : Hi, Kristin!
Kristin : Oh hello, Nurma. Look, this
4. Driver : Is there anything wrong, Miss? suitcase is too heavy for me.
Janet : ________? ________?
Driver : Are you serious, Miss? Nurma : With pleasure. Well, come on
Janet : Yes, my class starts in ten
let’s lift it up together.
minutes. I don’t want to be late
or my professor will get angry A. Would you help me, please
with me. B. How could I do it myself
Driver : As you wish, Miss. C. Shall I lift it up for you
A. You drive very fast, don’t you D. What can I do for you
B. Can you drive more slowly Ujian Nasional 2006/2007
C. Could you drive a little faster,
D. Do you always drive slowly, driver
Ujian Nasional 2005/2006

286 UNIT 4 Recount

9. A : Hello. Is Ira there? 13. Ario and his friends will ________ that
B : She’s having lunch right now. afternoon.
________ her back in an hour? A. see Widya
A : Sure. Thanks. B. see Elisa and Widya
C. study together
A. Do you call
D. do their homework together
B. Could you call
C. Are you calling 14. Aris : Can you drop by my house after
D. Don’t you call school? There’s something
Ujian Nasional 2005/2006 I want to give you.
Adi : ________. But why don’t you tell
Read the dialog and answer questions me what it is now?
10 and 11. Aris : Oh no. Be patient, man.
Ajeng : Sani, will you go to see Ungu concert A. I don’t think so
this afternoon? Look, I have two free B. Sure, I can
tickets. C. I like it
Sani : I really want to go, but I can’t. I am D. Fine, go ahead
sorry. I have lots of homework to do. Ujian Nasional 2006/2007
Ajeng : I see. No problem.
15. Rika : Rio, will you come to my birthday
10. Where will Ajeng go this afternoon? party this afternoon?
A. To see Ungu concert. Rio : ________.
B. To Sani’s house. Rika : O.K., then. I’ll wait for you.
C. To do the homework. A. Sure, I will
D. To buy tickets. B. I’m afraid I can’t come
C. Forgive me
11. What does Sani say to decline the invitation?
D. Frankly, I can’t go to your house
A. Will you go to see Ungu concert this
afternoon? Read the text and answer questions 16 to 18.
B. Look, I have two free tickets. Budi Utomo (also Boedi Oetomo; “Pure
C. I really want to go, but I can't. Endeavor”), founded in May 20, 1908, was the
D. No problem. first native political society in the Dutch East
Indies. Today, the year 1908 is commemorated
Read the dialog and answer questions as the birth year of its “nationalist awakening”.
12 and 13. The founder of Budi Utomo was
Ario : Feb, are you free this afternoon? a pensioned government doctor who felt that
Febri : Yeah, I am. What’s up? native intellectuals should improve the masses
Ario : Um . . . I want to go to Widya’s house in education and culture. The society held its
to study together. Elisa will be there first congress in May 1908. The congress was
too. What if you join us? a gathering of students in Batavia. The first
Febri : What will you study? leader was Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo, but
Ario : Science. Don’t you remember that we by the organization’s first major gathering in
will have a test the day after tomorrow? Yogyakarta in October 1908, he stepped aside
Febri : You're right. O.K., I’ll go with you. for younger organizers.
Adapted from :
12. Ario said, “What if you join us?” (January 8, 2009)
What does it mean?
16. The main idea of paragraph one is
A. He invites Febri.
B. He accepts Febri’s invitation.
A. Dutch East Indies government
C. He gives an opinion to Febri’s idea.
B. The founding of Budi Utomo
D. He asks for confirmation. C. The founder of Budi Utomo
D. The first leader of Budi Utomo

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 287

17. “. . . native intellectuals should improve C. Wage Rudolf Supratman’s life
the masses in education and culture.” D. Indonesian youth congresses
The underlined word has the similar 20. “However, it promoted the idea of a united
meaning to ________. Indonesia.”
A. develop B. create The underlined word refers to ________.
C. plan D. extend A. the idea of a united Indonesia
18. Which statement is NOT TRUE according B. the first Indonesian youth congress
to the text? C. formal decisions
A. Budi Utomo was founded in 1928. D. Batavia
B. Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo was the 21. When was the final congress held?
first leader. A. On October 28, 1926.
C. Budi Utomo held its first major gathering B. On September 28, 1928.
in Yogyakarta in October 1908. C. On October 28, 1928.
D. The year 1908 is commemorated as D. On November 28, 1928.
the birth year of Indonesian “nationalist 22. Sorry for that little girl. She is talking to
awakening”. ________ and often laughs.
A. himself B. herself
Read the text and answer questions 19 to 21. C. itself D. myself
The first Indonesian youth congress was 23. Principal : Were the students studying in
held in Batavia in 1926, but produced no the classroom when the roof
formal decisions. However, it promoted the collapsed?
idea of a united Indonesia. In October 1928, Teacher : No, Ma’am. Fortunately, the
the second Indonesian youth congress was students ________ outside
held at three different locations. In the first when it ________.
session, the hope was expressed that the A. was playing, happens
congress would inspire the feeling of unity. The B. was sitting, happened
second session saw discussions about C. were playing, happened
educational issues. In the third and final D. were sitting, happens
session, held at Jalan Kramat Raya No, 126, 24. Nissa : Yummy . . . yummy!
on October 28 participants heard the future Sari : This ice cream ________
Indonesian national anthem Indonesia Raya by delicious. Let’s get some more.
Wage Rudolf Supratman. The congress closed Nissa : Come on!
with a reading of the youth pledge. A. feels B. looks
The pledge C. gets D. tastes
Read the text and answer questions 25 and 26.
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia,
acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia. Mom, grandma just called. She wanted to
Secondly spend her day here. She asked you to pick
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, her up.
acknowledge one nation, the nation of
Indonesia. 25. What is the text called?
Thirdly A. A letter. B. An invitation.
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, C. A warning. D. A spoken message.
respect the language of unity, Indonesian. 26. What is it about?
Adapted from: A. About grandma’s illness.
(January 8, 2009) B. About grandma’s intention to stay in
19. The text is about ________. the speaker’s house.
A. the Indonesian national anthem C. About the speaker’s intention to stay
Indonesia Raya in the grandma’s house.
B. the first Indonesian youth congress D. About the speaker’s duty to pick up
his/her grandma.

288 UNIT 4 Recount

Read the text and answer questions 27 and 28. 29. When will the party be held?
A. At 44 Devoe Road.
B. At 6:30 a.m.
C. On March 13.
D. At the second house.
30. “Regrets only: Marie Salinger 238-1722
or e-mail.”
The words above tell us that we should
A. give information if we cannot come
B. give information if we can come
C. ask information how to come to
the place
D. contact Marie Salinger before we
Source: come
50.jpg (January 2, 2009)

27. The party will be held ________. B. Put the verbs in brackets into their
A. in a pumpkin cafe correct forms.
B. in a candy store
C. at 4467 Seedling Drive 1. When I ________ (phone) Jasmine, she
D. in Kerri's house ________ (do) her homework.
28. Based on the context, the word ‘treat’ in 2. ________ you ________ (listen) while
Indonesian means ________. Ms. Tantri ________ (explain) the theory?
A. menraktir B. menghibur 3. What ________ the people here ________
C. merawat D. mengancam (do) when the volcano ________ (erupt)?
4. When the computer suddenly ________
Read the text and answer questions 29 and 30. (go off) the secretary ________ (reply)
the e-mail.
5. While Bobby and Aswin ________ (walk)
You’re Invited home from school, the policeman
Occasion : Kim’s Birthday ________ (regulate) the traffic.
Date : March 13
Time : 6:30 p.m. C. Fill in the blanks with the correct
Place : 44 Devoe Road reflexive pronouns (-self/-selves).
Directions: Take the no. 5 bus. Get off
the corner of Devoe Road. 1. Luna was horrified when she saw ________
Our house is at the second in the mirror. There was a scratch and it hurt.
house on the right. Please
2. Mr. Carlos hurt ________ when he cut the
arrive on time. This is
tree branches.
a surprise party.
3. Daniel, do you go take courses to learn
Regrets only: Marie Salinger 238-1722
Mandarin, or do you teach ________?
or e-mail
4. Look! There’s a big white tiger washing
________ in the river.
5. Julian, I invite your father to come to
school. I need to speak to him ________.
Ujian Nasional 2006/2007

D. Do the tasks as instructed.

1. Make a spoken message. Choose your
own topic.
2. Make an invitation. Choose your own topic.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 289

Jawaban Review Unit 4 7. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) artinya ”Boleh
saya minta satu, Bu?”. Ungkapan
A. Pilihan Ganda tersebut digunakan untuk meminta
sesuatu. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang
1. B. Percakapan terjadi di sekolah. Hal ini
artinya kamu boleh memakannya
sesuai dengan kalimat awal pada
saat makan siang, maaf, digunakan
percakapan tersebut, ”It’s the break
untuk menolak memberi sesuatu, (B)
time.” yang artinya ”Saatnya
yang artinya apakah ini telur goreng
istirahat.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
atau ayam goreng, digunakan untuk
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
meminta informasi, dan (C) yang
konteks percakapan.
artinya ini pasti nugget goreng, kan
2. D. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan ucapan Evi
digunakan untuk meminta konfirmasi.
pada percakapan itu, yaitu ”By the way,
8. A. Pada awal percakapan Kristin
I have three loaves of bread. Would
mengungkapkan bahwa kopor itu terlalu
you like one?” yang artinya ”Ngomong-
berat. Oleh karena itu, dia meminta
omong, aku punya tiga potong roti.
bantuan Nurma untuk menjinjingnya
Kamu mau satu potong?”. Itu berarti
bersama-sama. Pilihan jawaban (A)
Evi menawarkan satu potong roti (a
merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan
loaf of bread) kepada Lala.
untuk meminta bantuan. Nurma pun
3. C. Pada akhir percakapan Lala
menerima tawaran Evi dengan membantunya dengan mengucapkan,
mengucapkan, ”Well then, thanks.” ”With pleasure.”.
yang artinya ”Baiklah, terima kasih.”. 9. B. Dalam percakapan itu tokoh A ingin
Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya bertemu dengan Ira, tetapi Ira sedang
kamu sungguh baik digunakan untuk makan. Oleh karena itu, ucapan tokoh
mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih, B yang paling tepat adalah meminta
(B) yang artinya ini, ambillah tokoh A agar menelepon kembali nanti
digunakan untuk memberi sesuatu, (Could you call . . . ?). Tokoh A
dan (D) yang artinya saya ikut menyetujuinya.
prihatin digunakan untuk 10. A. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
mengungkapkan simpati atau yang diucapkan Ajeng, yaitu ”Sani,
perhatian. will you go to see Ungu concert this
4. C. Berdasarkan konteks percakapan, afternoon?” yang artinya ”Sani,
Janet meminta sang sopir untuk lebih maukah kamu melihat konser Ungu
cepat (Could you drive a little faster, sore nanti?”. Pilihan jawaban yang
please?) karena dia tidak ingin lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
terlambat. Sang sopir pun memenuhi isi percakapan.
permintaan Janet. 11. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya
5. A. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan tokoh sebenarnya saya ingin, tetapi tidak
yang tertulis pada percakapan bisa, digunakan untuk menolak
tersebut, yaitu Hanung dengan undangan. Pilihan jawaban (A) salah
ibunya (mother and son). Pilihan karena ucapan itu digunakan untuk
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak mengundang atau mengajak,
sesuai dengan konteks percakapan. (B) digunakan untuk memberi
6. B. Pada percakapan tersebut Hanung informasi, dan (D) digunakan untuk
mencium bau telur goreng atau ayam merespons atas penolakan undangan.
goreng. Ternyata bau nugget goreng. 12. A. Ungkapan tersebut artinya
Berdasarkan konteks tersebut, ”Bagaimana kalau kamu bergabung
percakapan terjadi di ruang makan dengan kami?”. Ungkapan tersebut
(dining room). Pilihan jawaban yang adalah ungkapan ajakan. Jadi, Ario
lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan mengucapkan ungkapan itu untuk
konteks percakapan.

290 UNIT 4 Recount

mengajak Febri (to invite Febri) untuk 19. D. Pilihan jawaban (D) sesuai dengan isi
bergabung. Pilihan jawaban yang lain keseluruhan bacaan yang
salah karena tidak sesuai dengan menjelaskan terjadinya Kongres
maksud ucapan itu. Pemuda Indonesia pertama, kedua,
13. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) ini sesuai dengan sampai kongres yang menghasilkan
ucapan Ario, ”I want to go to Widya’s Sumpah Pemuda. Pilihan jawaban
house to study together.” yang artinya yang lain salah karena hanya sebagai
”Saya akan pergi ke rumah Widya pendukung gagasan utama bacaan.
untuk belajar kelompok.”. Pilihan 20. B. Kata ’it’ pada kalimat itu merupakan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak kata ganti subjek dari subjek yang
sesuai dengan isi percakapan itu. telah disebutkan pada kalimat
14. B. Dalam percakapan tersebut Aris sebelumnya. Kalimat sebelumnya
mengundang Adi untuk mampir ke adalah ”The first Indonesian youth
rumahnya. Ada sesuatu yang ingin congress was held in Batavia in 1926,
dia berikan. Adi menyetujuinya. Jadi, but produced no formal decisions.”.
ungkapan yang sesuai untuk Jadi, jelas bahwa kata tersebut
menerima undangan berdasarkan mengacu pada ”The first Indonesian
konteks isi percakapan tersebut youth congress”. Pilihan jawaban yang
adalah (B) Sure, I can. lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A)
15. A. Dalam percakapan tersebut Rika merupakan pelengkap dari kalimat itu
mengundang Rio untuk datang ke sendiri, sedangkan (C) dan (D) bukan
pesta ulang tahunnya. Tampaknya subjek dari kalimat sebelumnya
Rio mau datang karena Rika sehingga tidak dapat digantikan oleh
meresponsnya dengan mengatakan, kata ’it’ tersebut.
“O.K, then. I’ll wait for you.” yang 21. C. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat ”In
artinya ”Baiklah. Aku akan October 1928, the second Indonesian
menunggumu.”. Ungkapan menerima youth congress was held . . . .” dan
ajakan adalah (A) Sure, I will. ”In the third and final session, held at
16. B. Gagasan utama suatu paragraf Jalan Kramat Raya No, 126, on
biasanya terletak di awal atau di akhir October 28 . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban
paragraf terkait. Jawaban ini sesuai yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan kalimat pertama paragraf
dengan isi bacaan.
satu, yaitu berdirinya Budi Utomo (the
22. B. Subjek kalimat itu adalah ’she’, maka
founding of Budi Utomo). Kalimat
bentuk reflexsive pronoun-nya adalah
berikutnya merupakan kalimat
herself. Kalimat soal itu artinya,
pendukung. Pilihan jawaban yang lain
”Kasihan gadis kecil itu. Dia berbicara
salah karena bukan gagasan utama
sendiri dan sering tertawa.”.
paragraf itu.
23. C. Dalam percakapan tersebut ada dua
17. A. Kata ’improve’ dan ’develop’
peristiwa yang terjadi bersamaan,
mempunyai arti sama, yaitu
kegiatan belajar para siswa dan atap
meningkatkan. Pilihan jawaban (B)
ruang kelas yang runtuh. Atap runtuh
artinya menciptakan, (C) artinya
merencanakan, dan (D) artinya terjadi lebih cepat daripada kegiatan
memperpanjang; memperluas. belajar. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan yang
18. A. Pernyataan pada pilihan jawaban (A) dilakukan anak-anak menggunakan
tidak sesuai dengan kalimat pertama bentuk past continuous tense (were
bacaan tersebut, yaitu ”Budi Utomo playing), sedangkan atap ruang kelas
(also Boedi Oetomo; ”Pure Endeavor”), yang runtuh dalam bentuk simple past
founded in May 20, 1908, was . . . .”. tense (happened).
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena 24. D. Nissa dan Sari sedang makan es
sesuai dengan isi bacaan. krim. Mereka sangat menikmatinya.
Jadi, es krim itu rasanya (taste) lezat.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 291

25. D. Sesuai dengan isi teks, teks tersebut B. Isian
disebut pesan lisan (a spoken
1. When I phoned Jasmine, she was doing
message). Pilihan jawaban yang lain
her homework.
salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang
2. Were you listening while Ms. Tantri was
artinya surat biasanya lebih panjang
explaining the theory?
daripada teks itu. Surat juga memiliki
3. What were the people here doing when
bagian tanggal surat, orang yang
the volcano erupted?
dituju beserta alamatnya, isi surat,
4. When he computer suddenly went off, the
dan pengirim surat. Pilihan jawaban
secretary was replying the e-mail.
(B) yang artinya undangan biasanya
5. While Bobby and Aswin were walking
berisi orang yang dituju, isi
home from school, the policeman was
undangan, pengundang. Pilihan
regulating the traffic.
jawaban (C) yang artinya peringatan
biasanya berupa kalimat perintah
C. Isian
atau larangan.
26. B. Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan 1. herself
kalimat kedua pesan tersebut, yaitu 2. himself
”She wanted to spend her day here.”. 3. yourself
Kalimat itu artinya ”Dia ingin tinggal di 4. itself
sini (rumah pembicara).”. Pilihan 5. myself
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan isi pesan itu. D. Uraian
27. C. Pesta tersebut akan diselenggarakan Contoh jawaban:
di rumah keluarga Johnson di 4467
Seedling Drive. Pilihan jawaban (A) 1. Rio, where’ve you been? Daddy is looking
dan (B) salah karena tidak tercantum for you. He’s in the living room now.
dalam undangan itu. Pilihan jawaban 2.
(D) merupakan orang yang harus FREE!
dihubungi untuk konfirmasi
kedatangan. We’ll see a Harry Potter movie
28. A. Kata ’treat’ yang sesuai dengan this afternoon:
konteks itu bermakna ’menraktir’. in Sarah’s house
Pilihan jawaban (B) adalah to at 4:00 p.m.–end
entertain, (C) adalah to take care, dan
(D) adalah to threat. Drink and snacks available!
29. C. Berdasarkan isi undangan itu, pesta Please come!
ulang tahun Kim akan We have a space already
diselenggarakan pada tanggal reserved for you.
13 Maret, pukul 6:30 petang (bukan
6:30 pagi, pilihan jawaban (B)). Jadi, Best,
pilihan jawaban (C) benar. Pilihan Jane
jawaban (A) dan (D) tidak tepat
karena tidak menunjukkan
keterangan waktu, tetapi merupakan
keterangan tempat.
30. D. Pernyataan itu merupakan informasi
agar tamu undangan memberitahukan
kepada Marie Salinger sebelum
kedatangan mereka. Hal ini
merupakan hal umum di negara barat.

292 UNIT 4 Recount

Jawaban: D
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Kata ’lazy’ artinya ’malas’. Kata ini
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 3. berlawanan makna dengan kata ’diligent’
yang artinya rajin. Pilihan jawaban yang
Ervina : Where are you going?
lain salah. Naughty artinya nakal, careful
Jessy : I want to give that beggar some money.
artinya berhati-hati, dan stubborn artinya
Ervina : I don’t think you should give him money.
keras kepala.
It will make him lazy, you know.
Jessy : I don’t agree with you. We shouldn’t 4. Utti : Wow! Look at you! ________
ignore the poor. Widda : Do I? Thanks.
Ervina : I know, but he looks strong and A. How terrible!
healthy enough. He can find a job. B. Are you sure?
C. You look pretty.
1. Ervina said, “I don’t think you should give
D. Of course.
him money.” What does it mean?
Jawaban: C
A. She asks for Jessy’s opinion.
Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi
B. She agrees with Jessy’s opinion.
percakapan adalah ungkapan memberikan
C. She tells her idea about something.
pujian (compliment) karena sesuai dengan
D. She expresses her opinion about what
ungkapan selanjutnya yang diucapkan
Jessy will do.
Widda, yaitu ”Do I? Thanks.” yang artinya
Jawaban: D
”Benarkah? Terima kasih.”.
Ucapan Ervina berarti ”Saya kira kamu
tidak perlu memberinya uang.”. Berdasar- 5. Wanda : Ugh! It’s very hot inside here.
kan maknanya, ungkapan ini digunakan ________
untuk memberikan pendapat. Jadi, Nindya : Sure. I’ll get it open.
berdasarkan konteks percakapan tersebut, A. Could you open the window, please?
Ervina mengungkapkan pendapatnya B. What can I do to help you?
tentang tindakan Jessy yang akan memberi C. It seems you’re in trouble.
uang kepada seorang pengemis laki-laki. D. Close the door, will you?
Jawaban: A
2. “We shouldn’t ignore the poor.” The underlined
Konteks percakapan disimpulkan dari
word can be replaced by ________.
kalimat yang diucapkan Wanda yang
A. care B. neglect
artinya ”Ugh! Di ruangan ini terasa panas.”
C. feel angry with D. relieve
dan frasa kunci dari respons Nindya, yaitu
Jawaban: B
’open it’ yang artinya ’membukanya’. Jadi,
Kata ’ignore’ artinya ’mengabaikan’. Kata
ungkapan permintaan yang tepat diucapkan
ini bersinonim dengan kata neglect yang
Wanda adalah permintaan untuk
berarti mengabaikan atau melalaikan.
membukakan jendela dengan berkata,
Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya memberi
”Could you open the window, please?”.
perhatian/peduli, (C) artinya marah
dengan, dan (D) artinya merasa lega For questions 6 to 8, choose the correct
atau bebas dari beban berat. expressions to complete the dialog.
3. “It will make him lazy, you know.” The Regal : Mother will have her birthday next
opposite meaning of ‘lazy’ is ________. week. (6) ________
A. naughty B. careful Ari : Er . . . . let’s give her a blouse, batik
C. stubborn D. diligent blouse. What do you think?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 293

Regal : (7) ________ Batik blouse must be For questions 9 to 11, choose the correct
so expensive that we can’t afford it. expressions to complete the dialog.
Ari : Well, my friend’s parents have a batik Mr. Rianto : There will be a gathering in my
shop. She told me that there were some house this evening. (9) ________
beautiful ones with reasonable prices. Mr. Yoyok : Who will go to there?
Regal : Really? O.K., let’s go there. Mr. Rianto : Mr. Roger, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dewa
Ari : (8) ________ and Mr. Soni have confirmed.
6. A. Do you agree with my idea? Mr. Yoyok : (10) ________ I have already had
B. Would you like to come? an appointment with my children.
C. Do you have any idea? Mr. Rianto : (11) ________ But maybe some
D. That couldn’t be right. other time.
Jawaban: C 9. A. I don’t know.
Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai B. Will you join us?
dengan kalimat respons yang diucapkan C. When will it be?
Ari, ”Er . . . let’s give her a blouse, batik D. It must be fun.
blouse.” yang artinya ”Er . . . ayo kita Jawaban: B
belikan ibu blus, blus batik.”. Kalimat Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya ”Bersediakah
tersebut merupakan ungkapan memberi Anda bergabung dengan kami?”.
pendapat. Jadi, ucapan Regal yang sesuai Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk meng-
adalah ungkapan meminta pendapat atau undang atau mengajak. Jawaban ini
gagasan (asking for an opinion), yaitu sesuai dengan ucapan Pak Yoyok,
Do you have any idea? ”Who will go to there?” yang artinya
7. A. I don’t agree. B. Good idea! ”Siapa saja yang akan datang?”.
C. Brilliant! D. Of course. 10. A. Thank you for your offer.
Jawaban: A B. I’ll be there, I promise.
Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai C. How can I get there?
dengan ucapan Ari sebelumnya, ”Er . . . D. I’d love to, but I can’t.
let’s give her a blouse, batik blouse. What Jawaban: D
do you think?” yang artinya ”Er . . . ayo kita Pilihan jawaban (D) artinya ”Saya ingin
belikan ibu blus, blus batik. Bagaimana datang, tetapi saya tidak bisa.”. Ungkapan
menurutmu?”. Ungkapan ini digunakan ini digunakan untuk menolak undangan
untuk meminta persetujuan atas ide yang atau ajakan. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan
telah dilontarkannya. Regal pun meng- ucapan Pak Yoyok berikutnya ”I have
ungkapkan ketidaksetujuannya (I don’t already had an appointment with my
agree) dengan disertai alasan bahwa children.” yang artinya ”Saya sudah
”Batik blouse must be so expensive that mempunyai janji dengan anak-anak
we can’t afford it.” yang artinya ”Blus batik saya.”.
pasti sangat mahal sehingga kita tidak
mampu membelinya.”. 11. A. It would be more fun if you were there.
B. I hope it won’t bother you.
8. A. Wait! B. Thanks. C. I’m happy hearing from you.
C. Let’s go. D. See you. D. Is that O.K.?
Jawaban: C Jawaban: A
Kalimat yang tepat diucapkan Ari untuk Ucapan Pak Rianto di akhir percakapan
merespons kalimat ajakan Regal, ”O.K., merupakan respons atas ucapan Pak
let’s go there.” yang artinya ”O.K., ayo kita Yoyok sebelumnya. Jadi, dia merasa
pergi ke sana.”, adalah Let’s go yang menyesal karena Pak Yoyok tidak dapat
artinya ayo pergi. Pilihan jawaban yang datang dalam acara kumpul-kumpul
lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan tersebut.
konteks percakapan.

294 Latihan Ulangan Semester

Read the dialog and answer questions 15. When will the party be held?
12 to 14. A. In the morning. B. In the evening.
Mr. Romeo : Excuse me. Do you know where C. At midnight. D. At noon.
a phone kiosk is? Jawaban: B
Beni : Yes. It’s not far, just drive on until Sesuai undangan tersebut, pesta akan
you reach a crossroad. It is at the diselenggarakan pada pukul 7 petang
corner, a small shop with green wall. (at 7 p.m.) atau in the evening.
12. Who are talking in the dialog? 16. Peter was born in ________.
A. Students. B. Two strangers. A. 1996 B. 1997
C. Father and son. D. Two boys. C. 1998 D. 1999
Jawaban: B Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Berdasarkan tokoh-tokoh yang terlibat Jawaban: D
dalam percakapan tersebut, jelas bahwa Pesta yang diselenggarakan pada Sabtu,
yang berbicara adalah dua orang yang 11 Januari 2009 itu untuk merayakan ulang
belum saling mengenal (two strangers). tahun Peter yang ke-10. Itu berarti Peter
lahir pada tahun 1999 (2009 – 10 = 1999).
13. “It is at the corner, a small shop with green
wall.” The word ‘it’ refers to ________. 17. What is the text about?
A. a kiosk B. a crossroad A. An opinion about a birthday party.
C. a phone kiosk D. a small shop B. An invitation to a birthday party.
Jawaban: C C. A wish for a birthday person.
Kata ’it’ tersebut merupakan kata ganti dari D. Information about a party.
kata benda yang telah disebutkan Jawaban: B
sebelumnya (benda/tempat yang dicari Berdasarkan kalimat ”Please come and
Pak Romeo). Jadi, kata itu mengacu pada gather at my house to have a nice party
a phone kiosk. . . . .” yang artinya ”Silakan datang dan
berkumpul di rumahku dalam sebuah
14. What did Mr. Romeo say to ask for help?
pesta yang menyenangkan . . . .” dan
A. Where is it?
kalimat ”I will be 10.” yang artinya ”Saya
B. Excuse me.
akan berusia (berulang tahun yang ke-)
C. Do you know where a phone kiosk is?
10 tahun.”, teks tersebut tentang
D. You’re welcome.
undangan ke sebuah pesta ulang tahun
Jawaban: C
(an invitation to a birthday party).
Dalam percakapan tersebut tampak bahwa
Pak Romeo mencari kios telepon. Pilihan Read the dialog and answer questions 18 to 20.
jawaban (C) yang artinya ”Tahukah Anda Rowan : I love to have lunch here. It’s clean
letak kios telepon?” menunjukkan bahwa and the price is very reasonable.
Pak Romeo meminta bantuan Beni untuk Jimmy : One more thing, the food is really tasty.
menunjukkan letak suatu tempat, dalam Rowan : You’re right.
hal ini kios telepon.
18. The dialog takes place ________.
Read the text and answer questions 15 to 17. A. at home B. in the classroom
C. at the bus stop D. in the canteen
Hi, my friends! Jawaban: D
For a long time, I have been waiting Rowan dan Jimmy berbicara tentang suatu
for my special day. tempat yang mereka pilih untuk makan
Finally, it is coming. I will be 10. siang. Tempat itu bersih, harga makanan
Please come and gather at my house murah, dan masakannya lezat. Berdasar-
to have a nice party at 7 p.m. kan pilihan jawaban yang ada, dapat
Saturday, January 11, 2009 dipastikan mereka bercakap-cakap
Peter’s home: 116 West 60 Street. di sebuah kantin (in the canteen), bukan (A)
di rumah, (B) di kelas, atau (C) di halte bus.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 295

19. What are the speakers doing? Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is
A. Studying. B. Taking a rest. the first monarch to send her children to
C. Having fun. D. Having lunch. boarding schools in order to remove them
Jawaban: D from the ever-probing media. She has
Dalam percakapan, kedua tokoh a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her
membicarakan tentang tempat mereka knowledge of current situations and trends
makan dan makanannya yang lezat. Jadi, is up to date. She possesses a sense of
percakapan tersebut terjadi saat mereka humor rarely exhibited in public where
sedang makan, yaitu makan siang (to have a dignified presence is her goal.
lunch). Hal ini disimpulkan dari kalimat
22. The text is about ________.
pertama, ”I love to have lunch here.”
A. Charles
yang artinya ”Saya suka makan siang
B. Andrew
di tempat ini.”.
C. Elizabeth II
20. “One more thing, the food is really tasty.” The D. Prince Mountbarten
word ‘tasty’ has a similar meaning to ________. Jawaban: C
A. sweet B. stale Teks tersebut menceritakan Elizabeth II,
C. hot and spicy D. delicious yaitu tentang tanggal kelahiran, keluarga,
Jawaban: D dan sifatnya.
Kata ’tasty’ dan ’delicious’ mempunyai arti
23. Elizabeth II was ________ years old in
yang sama, yaitu lezat atau nikmat. Sweet
artinya manis, stale artinya basi, dan hot
A. 80 B. 81
and spicy artinya pedas.
C. 90 D. 91
21. Father : Where were you when Uncle Jawaban: B
Nolan came? He was outside for Elizabeth II lahir pada tahun 1926. Jadi,
more than an hour. pada tahun 2007 dia berusia 81 tahun
Agung : I’m sorry, Dad. I ________ my (2007 – 1926 = 81).
report paper when Uncle came.
24. Anne is one of the ________ of George VI.
I didn’t hear he knocked at the door.
A. sons B. daughters
A. typed B. was typing
C. grandsons D. granddaughters
C. have typed D. type
Jawaban: D
Jawaban: B
Menurut teks tersebut Elizabeth II adalah
Ucapan Agung menjelaskan bahwa ada
anak perempuan George VI. Elizabeth II
dua peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa
mempunyai anak Charles, Prince of
lampau, yaitu dia mengetik laporan
Wales, Anne, Andrew, dan Edward. Jadi,
tugasnya dan Paman Nolan mengetuk
Anne adalah salah satu cucu perempuan
pintu. Berdasarkan pola the past
(one of the granddaughters) George VI.
continuous tense, peristiwa yang
memerlukan waktu lebih lama 25. “She possesses a sense of humor
menggunakan bentuk to be (was/were) + rarely exhibited . . . .”
V-ing. Peristiwa mengetik memerlukan The underlined word means ________.
waktu lebih lama dibandingkan dengan A. hidden B. shown
mengetuk pintu sehingga mengetik C. found D. given
berpola (was/were) + V-ing. Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: B
Read the text and answer questions 22 to 25. Kata ’exhibited’ artinya ’dipamerkan’ atau
Elizabeth II, born on April 21, 1926, ’ditunjukkan’. Kata ini mempunyai makna
is the eldest daughter of George VI and sama dengan kata shown. Hidden artinya
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip disembunyikan, found artinya ditemukan,
Mountbarten, a distant cousin, in 1947; the dan given artinya diberikan.
pair has four children: Charles, Prince of

296 Latihan Ulangan Semester

26. Yesterday I didn’t go to the meeting. 28. The writer uses Ardi’s bicycle because
I ________ my mother cook in the ________.
kitchen. She was busy preparing for my A. he has lost his bike
sister’s seventeenth birthday party. B. his leg is broken
A. help C. his own bike is broken
B. am helping D. he doesn’t have a bike
C. will help Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
D. helped Jawaban: C
Ujian Nasional 2006/2007 Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat
Jawaban: D kedua dalam pesan tersebut, yang artinya
Keterangan waktu dalam kalimat tersebut ”Sepeda saya rusak.”. Pilihan jawaban
adalah ’yesterday’. Itu berarti kalimat yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai
tersebut berbentuk the simple past tense. dengan isi pesan tersebut. Pilihan jawaban
Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi (A) artinya dia kehilangan sepedanya,
kalimat tersebut adalah helped. Pilihan (B) artinya kakinya patah, dan (D) artinya
jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban dia tidak memiliki sepeda.
(A) berbentuk the simple present tense,
(B) salah karena berbentuk the present Read the following text and answer questions
continuous tense, dan (C) berbentuk the 29 to 31.
simple future tense. GoodInk–Professional Quality Refill Ink
Read the text and answer questions 27 and 28. BC-02/BX-2 (Black)
Refill ink for CANON
Ardi, I use your bike. Mine is broken. BJ-10E/10EX/20/200/230
Don’t worry. Everything will be all right. BJC-210S/210SP/240/255SP/265SP
Thanks. • Tap the top of the inkbottle, so no ink
remains at the top portion. With push pin,
Leo puncture a hole at the top of the inkbottle.
• To preserve unused ink, insert the pin into
27. The purpose of the text is ________. the top of the bottle to avoid it become dry.
A. to tell Ardi that Leo uses his bike • Store the inkbottle in dry, cool, dark
B. to ask Ardi to use Leo’s bike places.
C. to tell Leo that Ardi uses his bike
Adapted from: NuInk-Professional Quality Refill Ink
D. to ask for clarification about a bike
Jawaban: A 29. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on
Teks soal tersebut merupakan pesan the above text?
singkat/pendek (short message). Pesan A. The color of the refill ink is black.
tersebut artinya ”Ardi, saya memakai B. The refill ink is usable for any type of
sepedamu. Sepeda saya rusak. Jangan printers.
khawatir. Semua akan baik-baik saja. C. Keep the unused ink in dry, cool, dark
Terima kasih.”. Kesimpulannya, teks places.
tersebut berisi pemberitahuan kepada Ardi D. Keep the refill ink wet all the time.
bahwa Leo meminjam sepedanya. Pilihan Jawaban: B
jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban Pilihan jawaban yang salah (not true)
(B) artinya meminta Ardi menggunakan adalah (B) yang artinya tinta isi ulang
sepeda Leo, (C) artinya memberi tahu Leo dapat digunakan untuk tipe printer apa
bahwa Ardi menggunakan sepedanya, dan pun. Hal ini bertentangan dengan
(D) artinya meminta klarifikasi tentang informasi dalam teks tersebut bahwa tinta
sebuah sepeda. isi ulang ini hanya diperuntukkan untuk
printer tipe BJ-10E/10EX/20/200/230,

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 297

Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena Read the text and answer questions 32 to 35.
sesuai dengan teks. Pilihan jawaban (A)
yang artinya tinta isi ulang ini berwarna
Medan, May 4, 2008
hitam sesuai dengan jenis tinta itu, yaitu
BC-03/BX-3 (Black). Pilihan jawaban Dear Egar,
(C) yang artinya simpan tinta sisa di I am very sorry for this late reply. I have just
returned from my hometown. I was on a holiday, but
tempat yang kering, sejuk, dan gelap
I did not really enjoy my stay there. Things have changed.
sesuai dengan kalimat ”Store the inkbottle When I was a child, I used to swim and go fishing
in dry, cool, dark places.”. Pilihan jawaban with my brother and my friends in the river near my
(D) yang artinya jaga supaya tinta tetap house. I liked the river because the water was clear and
basah sesuai dengan kalimat ” . . . to avoid there were a lot of fish in it.
it (refill ink) become dry.”. Now, the river is full of garbage and the water is
turbid. The fish are gone and the area around the river is
30. What will happen if you store the refill ink
dirty. There are no children swimming and fishing in the
bottle under the direct sunlight?
river because the water is ominous. The chemical waste
A. The ink will be dried. from the factories makes it poisonous.
B. The ink keeps wet. The condition of the river makes me sad. What about
C. The ink will last long. your hometown? Do you have the same problem? That’s
D. The color of the ink will change. all. I have to study for the coming semester exam. Please
Jawaban: A reply soon.
Berdasarkan kalimat terakhir ”Store the Yours,
inkbottle in dry, cool, dark places.” yang Zaki
artinya ”Simpan botol tinta di tempat
kering, sejuk, dan gelap.” dan isi tinta 32. The writer’s purpose of writing this
ulang (refill ink) merupakan benda cair, letter is to tell his friend about his
maka tujuan botol tinta tidak disimpan di ________ concerning the river in his
tempat yang terkena sinar matahari hometown.
langsung adalah supaya tinta tidak A. happiness B. amazement
menjadi kering. Dengan kata lain, apabila C. entertainment D. disappointment
botol tinta disimpan di tempat terkena sinar Jawaban: D
matahari langsung (under the direct Dalam surat itu, Zaki menjelaskan bahwa
sunlight), tinta akan menjadi kering (it will dia meminta maaf karena baru bisa
be dry). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. membalas surat itu. Dia baru saja pulang
Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya tinta tetap kampung. Selanjutnya, dia menceritakan
basah, (C) artinya tinta akan bertahan kekecewaannya (disappointment) karena
lama, dan (D) artinya warna tinta akan keadaan kampungnya telah berubah
berubah. menjadi lebih buruk dibandingkan ketika
31. “To preserve unused ink, . . . .” The similar Zaki masih kecil. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
meaning of the underlined word is ________. yang benar adalah (D). Pilihan jawaban
A. protect yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban
B. destroy (A) happiness artinya kebahagiaan,
C. ruin (B) amazement artinya rasa kagum,
D. neglect dan (C) entertainment artinya hiburan.
Jawaban: A 33. The letter shows that the condition of
Kata ’preserve’ mempunyai arti yang sama Zaki’s hometown on May 4, 2008 was
dengan kata ’protect’, yaitu ’melindungi’. ________ than it was when he was
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Destroy a child.
artinya menghancurkan, ruin artinya A. cleaner B. bigger
meruntuhkan, dan neglect artinya C. worse D. better

298 Latihan Ulangan Semester

Jawaban: C Jawaban: A
Kata ’worse’ artinya ’lebih buruk’. Pilihan Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi
jawaban ini sesuai dengan penjelasan Zaki percakapan adalah ungkapan merespons
yang ditulis dalam surat itu, misalnya pendapat. Ungkapan tersebut dijawab
sungai itu kotor dan airnya keruh, ikannya dengan kalimat ”Great! Now, let’s think
lenyap, dan lingkungan di sekitar sungai about what to do next.” yang artinya
kotor. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. ”Bagus! Sekarang ayo kita pikirkan
Pilihan jawaban (A) cleaner artinya lebih langkah selanjutnya.”. Karena respons
bersih, (B) bigger artinya lebih besar, dan bernada positif, ungkapan yang tepat
(D) better artinya lebih baik. adalah ungkapan yang menyatakan
persetujuan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang
34. Where did Zaki write the letter?
tepat adalah (A) yang artinya saya setuju.
In the/his ________.
A. river B. village This paragraph is for questions 37 to 39.
C. hometown D. boarding room Some people have trips planned by
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008 travel agents who give out information about
Jawaban: D ________ (37). The agents talk with their
Pilihan jawaban ini tidak secara jelas clients to find out how to travel, what kinds
atau eksplisit disebutkan pada surat itu. of places to visit, and how much money to
Jawaban ini dapat disimpulkan berdasar- ________ (38). The agents will buy the
kan fakta bahwa Zaki baru saja pulang necessary tickets and make ________ (39).
kampung. Itu berarti pilihan jawaban This service is free for the travelers.
(C) kurang tepat. Demikian pula dengan
pilihan jawaban (A) dan (B) yang mengacu 37. A. going B. traveling
pada kondisi kampung Zaki. Jadi, pilihan C. staying D. leaving
jawaban yang paling tepat dari keempat Jawaban: B
pilihan jawaban itu adalah (D) yang artinya Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat
di kamar kosnya. soal adalah (B) traveling yang artinya
perjalanan. Jawaban ini dapat disimpulkan
35. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? dari kata ’trips’ (perjalanan) dan frasa ’travel
A. The condition of the river now. agents’ (agen perjalanan). Pilihan jawaban
B. Zaki’s childhood. yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) going
C. Zaki and his friends. yang artinya pergi, (C) staying yang artinya
D. Zaki’s hometown. tinggal/menetap, dan (D) leaving yang
Jawaban: A artinya meninggalkan, salah karena tidak
Paragraf tiga menjelaskan kondisi sungai sesuai dengan konteks bacaan.
sekarang (the condition of the river now),
yaitu penuh dengan sampah dan keruh, 38. A. save B. waste
tidak ada ikan dan daerah sekitar sungai C. spend D. borrow
kotor, serta air sungai beracun oleh limbah Jawaban: C
pabrik. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah Pilihan jawaban (C) spend benar karena
karena bukan isi paragraf tiga. dapat melengkapi kalimat soal, yang
menyatakan berapa banyak uang yang
36. Eny : I suggest that we raise money for dikeluarkan (how much money to spend).
our trip. So, we don’t have to ask Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan
for money from our parents. jawaban (A) save artinya ditabung,
Kiki : ________. (B) waste artinya dihamburkan (uang),
Eny : Great! Now, let’s think about dan (D) borrow artinya dipinjam, tidak
what to do next. cocok dengan konteks.
A. I agree B. I disagree
C. No way D. I don’t know 39. A. cancelation B. transportation
Ujian Nasional 2006/2007 C. reservations D. accomodation
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 299

Jawaban: C and grandparents in Thailand, Singapore,
Pasangan kata (collocation) yang tepat China and England.
menggunakan kata kerja make adalah Adapted from: Snapshot, Starter page 46
cancelation (pembatalan) dan reservations 41. What is the text about?
(pemesanan), sehingga pilihan jawaban A. A violinist. B. A musician.
(B) transportation dan (D) accomodation C. A pianist. D. An artist.
salah. Secara logika kalimat, kata yang Jawaban: A
tepat adalah (C) reservations karena tugas Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat
agen perjalanan adalah menyediakan kedua paragraf satu, ”She is only
semua fasilitas yang diperlukan oleh nineteen years old, but she is a world-
peserta tour, antara lain menyiapkan famous violinist.” yang artinya ”Dia baru
tiket dan memesan tempat, termasuk berusia sembilan belas tahun, tetapi dia
hotel (reservations). Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah seorang pemain biola yang
cancelation tidak cocok dalam konteks terkenal.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah.
ini. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya seorang
adalah (C). pemusik (terlalu umum), (C) artinya orang
40. in – your – the – best – speech – on – yang ahli main piano, dan (D) artinya
1 2 3 4 5 6 pekerja seni.
congratulations – contest – performance! 42. Vanessa plays violin ________.
7 8 9
A. badly B. carefully
The proper arrangement of the sentences C. classically D. wonderfully
is ________. Jawaban: D
A. 7–1–3–5–8–6–2–9–4 Dalam paragraf satu terdapat kalimat
B. 7–4–9–1–2–3–5–6–8 ”When she plays classical violin concertos
C. 7–6–2–4–9–1–3–5–8 on her electric violin, the world listens.”
D. 7–6–3–5–8–1–2–4–9 yang artinya ”Ketika dia memainkan biola
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008 elektriknya di konser-konser biola klasik,
Jawaban: C dunia mendengarkan.”. Klausa ”the world
Susunan kata pada pilihan jawaban (C) listens” menunjukkan bahwa Vanessa
akan membentuk kalimat yang padu, bermain dengan sangat menakjubkan
sebagai berikut: (7) Congratulations (6) on (wonderfully). Pilihan jawaban yang lain
(2) your (4) best (9) performance (1) in (3) salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya dengan
the (5) speech (8) contest! yang artinya buruk, (B) artinya dengan hati-hati, dan
selamat atas penampilan terbaikmu pada (C) artinya secara klasik.
lomba pidato! Susunan kata pada pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak 43. From the text we know that people
membentuk kalimat yang padu. ________.
A. in the world are interested in all
Read the text and answer questions 41 to 45. violinists
Vanessa Mae Vanakorn Nicholson is B. like to listen to Vanessa playing
a musician. She is only nineteen years old, violin
but she is a world-famous violinist. When C. are eager to play violin with Vanessa
she plays classical violin concertos on her D. play the violin very well in a concert
electric violin, the world listens. Jawaban: B
Vanessa Mae is Thai-Chinese. Her Hal itu dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat
mother is Chinese and her father is Thai. ketiga paragraf satu, ”When she plays
She is from Singapore, but she now lives in classical violin concertos on her electric
London with her mother and her English violin, the world listens.”. Pilihan jawaban
stepfather. She’s got cousins, aunts, uncles (A) dan (C) salah karena tidak sesuai

300 Latihan Ulangan Semester

dengan teks. Pilihan jawaban (D) salah berangkat. Leave dan get off artinya
karena Vanessa bermain biola dengan meninggalkan atau pergi, sedangkan
bagus tidak hanya dalam satu konser, switch off artinya mematikan.
tetapi di berbagai konser.
47. Which is NOT TRUE based on the text?
44. “. . ., but she now lives in London with A. The flight destination is Bali.
her mother and her English stepfather.” B. The passengers have plenty of time
(Paragraph 2) The word ‘stepfather’ before boarding.
means a male who’s married to ________. C. The passengers have to go through
A. one’s aunt B. one’s sister Gate 6 to board the plane.
C. one’s mother D. one’s daughter D. The announcement is announced
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008 before the plane takes off.
Jawaban: C Jawaban: B
Kata ’stepfather’ artinya ’ayah tiri’. Itu Jawaban yang benar untuk soal ini
berarti seorang laki-laki yang menikah adalah yang bertentangan dengan isi
dengan ibu seseorang (one’s mother). pengumuman. Berdasarkan pengumuman
Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tersebut, pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya
tidak sesuai dengan makna kata tersebut. pesawat tersebut akan menuju Bali benar,
45. What is the purpose of the text? sesuai dengan frasa ’flight number RA 337
A. To tell past events. to Denpasar, Bali’; pilihan jawaban (C)
B. To entertain the readers. yang artinya para penumpang pesawat
C. To describe a certain person. harus menuju Gate 6 untuk masuk ke
D. To tell how to be a good and famous pesawat (boarding) benar, sesuai dengan
musician. kalimat ”To all passengers, please proceed
Jawaban: C to Gate 6 immediately.”; dan pilihan
Teks tersebut mendeskripsikan seseorang, jawaban (D) yang artinya pengumuman ini
yaitu Vannesa Mae, tentang permainan diumumkan sebelum pesawat lepas
pianonya dan keluarganya. Dengan landas (take off) sesuai dengan isi
demikian, teks ini berbentuk descriptive pengumuman yang memberitahukan
yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bahwa pesawat baru akan berangkat
seseorang (to describe a certain person). setengah jam lagi. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah tujuan teks (B) yang artinya para penumpang masih
recount, (B) adalah tujuan teks narrative, mempunyai banyak waktu sebelum masuk
dan (D) adalah tujuan teks procedure. ke pesawat benar karena bertentangan
dengan isi kalimat terakhir yang meminta
Read the text and answer questions 46 to 48. para penumpang segera (immediately)
masuk ke pesawat.
Attention, please.
48. The text tells about flight ________.
The Rajawali Airlines flight number RA 337
A. delay
to Denpasar, Bali will take off in thirty
B. cancelation
minutes. To all passengers, please proceed
C. departure
to Gate 6 immediately. Thank you.
D. information
Jawaban: C
46. “ . . . will take off in thirty minutes.” What
Isi pengumuman tersebut tentang
does the underlined word mean?
keberangkatan pesawat (flight departure).
A. Depart. B. Leave.
Hal ini disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks
C. Get off. D. Switch off.
yang berarti ”Pesawat Rajawali Airlines
Jawaban: A
nomor penerbangan RA 337 dengan
Kata ’take off’ artinya ’tinggal landas’. Kata
tujuan Denpasar, Bali akan lepas landas
yang memiliki makna sama dengan kata
dalam 30 menit ke depan.”. Pilihan
tersebut adalah depart yang artinya

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 301

jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban 50. Dea : I went to Mira’s house last night,
(A) artinya penundaan penerbangan, but ________ was there.
(B) artinya pembatalan penerbangan, dan Indra: She and her family went to Bandung.
(D) artinya informasi penerbangan (terlalu A. everybody B. nobody
umum). C. anybody D. somebody
Jawaban: B
49. Formerly the farmers used animal
Dea mengatakan bahwa tadi malam dia
waste or compost to fertilize their rice
pergi ke rumah Mira. Berdasarkan kalimat
fields. But nowadays they ________
Indra yang artinya ”Dia dan keluarganya
artificial fertilizer.
pergi ke Bandung.”, dapat dipastikan
A. have used B. are using
bahwa dia tidak bertemu siapa pun
C. was using D. would use
Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
(nobody), termasuk Mira. Pilihan jawaban
Jawaban: B yang lain salah karena menunjukkan
Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat bahwa ada orang di rumah Mira saat Dea
adalah (B) are using. Hal itu dapat ke sana. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya setiap
disimpulkan berdasarkan keterangan orang, (C) artinya siapa pun/seseorang,
waktu nowadays. Keterangan waktu dan (D) artinya seseorang.
tersebut menunjukkan the present
continuous tense. Pilihan jawaban yang
lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) berbentuk
the present perfect tense, (C) berbentuk
the past continuous tense, dan
(D) berbentuk the past future tense.

302 Latihan Ulangan Semester

Reading Materials

Unit 1 Descriptive

Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa teks descriptive yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan,
seperti reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun
kalimat/paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan
mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.

Text 1
Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers is a train conductor.
He has worked on the railroad for 28 years. It has been a good job because he likes people.
Carl is very helpful and tries to make the passengers comfortable. He often stops to chat
with the passengers.
His work is interesting because he travels to many different places.
Source: Easy Does It

Text 2
I saw a strange animal in the safari park. It is a tapir. It belongs to Asian tapirs.
The tapir is black at the front and white at the back. It has four toes on the front feet and
three behind. It also bears a pronounced, beak-shaped trunk.
The tapir lies-up during the day in dense undergrowth (often close to a river or stream).
Its coloring serves to confuse predators, like tigers, when it is active, at night. Although, unlike
rhinos, the tapir does not wallow in mud baths, it is fond of water and is an excellent swimmer.
This animal will often take to a river if pursued and spend most of its daylight time there,
especially when the sun shines so brightly.
Adapted from: (May 10, 2006)

Text 3
Malaysia is a country where many races live side by side. Like Singapore, there are Malays,
Chinese and Indians. The majority of the people are Muslims. They speak Bahasa Melayu. The
Chinese make up a third of population. About ten per cent of the population are Indians. The
remaining population is made up of Sikhs, Eurasians and tribal people.
The musical instrument most commonly used in the local music is the gendang or drum.
They also use flutes, trumpets and gongs. The Malaysians have their own art forms such as
shadow-puppets and silat, a form of martial art. The local food includes satay, fried soybean curd
in peanut sauce and tamarind fish curry.
Source: Primary English Cloze Passages 4

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 303

Text 4
Mount Leuser National Park
Mount Leuser National Park is most distinguished as the home of the orang utan, a highly
endangered and extremely intelligent primate.
The park has two distinct orang utan reserves within its boundaries, Bohorok and Ketambe,
both of which serve to rehabilitate animals back into the wild after they have lived in captivity.
Orang utans are not the only interesting mammals to grace Mount Leuser National Park.
Its whopping 10,000 square kilometers also provide protected habitat for the Sumatran rhinos,
along with elephants and tigers. Overall, one can see 320 species of bird, 176 kinds of
mammals, 194 reptile species and 52 species of amphibian. Plant life is even more diverse:
over one half all plant species on Sumatra can be found in the forests of Mount Leuser.
Source: (June 26, 2006)

Text 5
The Sea Eagle
There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandparent’s house in Pangandaran.
It was a sea eagle.
The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak. Its claws
are very sharp. It hunts for fish in the sea, but sometimes it hunts chickens and small birds. It is
easy to recognize because it has a strong a streamlined, sharp beak and a stream-line body.
Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as wings. This means that they are of little use for anything
except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and strong beak to handle foods,
to care for its feathers, and for many other jobs that non-flying animals do with paws, claws or
hands on their forelimbs.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

Text 6
The Smiths’ House
Mr. Smith’s house has got four bedrooms, a living-room, a diningroom, a kitchen,
a bathroom and a separate toilet. There is a toilet in the bathroom too. The bedrooms and the
bathroom are upstairs, and the living room, the dining room, the kitchen and the toilet are
downstairs. The first bedroom is Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s, the second one is John’s, the third one is
Mary’s and the fourth one is Anne’s. Catherine’s baby bed is in Anne’s bedroom too.
When you enter Mr. Smith’s house, the room on your left is the living room and the room on
your right is the dining room. Where is the kitchen? It is behind the dining room. And where is
the toilet? It is straight on, in front of you.
There is a garden behind the house, but it is not big. Is there a garden in front of the house
too? Yes, there is, but it is very small.
When you go upstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s bedroom is on your left. The bedroom on your right
is John’s and the bathroom is between his bedroom and Mary’s. Anne’s bedroom is behind Mary’s.
There is a big bed and two big wardrobes in Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s bedroom. In John’s room
there is a small bed and a wardrobe. John and Mary’s beds are big, but Anne’s is small. Mary’s
wardrobe is bigger than John’s. Anne’s room has got blue walls, and there are white ships and
green islands on them, because it is a child’s bedroom. John’s bedroom has got white walls and
Mary’s has got gray walls. John has got pictures of horses on his walls, and Mary has got
pictures of beautiful clothes.
Source: (January 30, 2007)

304 Reading Materials

Text 7
Kiskendo Cave
Some 35 kilometers at northwest side of Yogyakarta, on a hill at the northern side of Kulon
Progo Regency, a small fine asphalt road leads to Kiskendo Cave. Only a small kind of
four-wheeled vehicles can reach the cave. Those who visit the cave with a bus must leave the
vehicle at Niten Village, close to Giri Mulyo sub-district office, about 8 kilometres from the cave.
On the way to the cave, visitors may enjoy the charming scenery along the winding road.
Valleys, green farmland, and simple rural traditional houses reflect the traditional atmosphere in
which the people live. Entering the Kiskendo Cave, visitors will be greeted by wonderful
stalactites and stalagmites like limestone do mostly have. According to the legend, the natural
shape of the cave was once the palace of two giants by the names of Mahesa Suro and Lembu
Suro who were defeated by Subali as portrayed in the relief at the front of the cave.
Source: (March 7, 2007)

Text 8
Petronas Twin Towers
The Petronas Twin Towers (also known as the Petronas Towers), in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, were once the world’s tallest buildings when measured from the level of the main
entrance to the structural or architectural top. The towers are also the tallest twin towers in the
world, and they lay claim to being the world’s tallest high rise of the 20th century.
These towers, designed by architect César Pelli, were completed in 1998 and became the
tallest buildings in the world on the date of completion. The 88-floor towers are constructed
largely of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass facade designed to resemble motifs found
in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia’s Muslim religion. They were built on the site of Kuala
Lumpur’s race track. Because of the depth of the bedrock, the buildings were built on the world’s
deepest foundations, around 120-meter deep.
Tower One is fully occupied by the Petronas Company and a number of its subsidiaries and
associate companies. The office spaces in Tower Two are mostly available for lease to other
companies. A number of companies have offices in Tower Two, including Accenture, Al Jazeera
English, Bloomberg, Boeing, IBM, Khazanah Nasional Berhad, McKinsey & Co, Microsoft,
Newfield Exploration, Exact Software and Reuters. Below the twin towers is Suria KLCC,
a popular shopping mall, and Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, the home of the Malaysian
Philharmonic Orchestra. Outside the building is a park with jogging and walking paths,
a fountain with incorporated light show, wading pools, and a children’s playground.
The feature of skybridge connect the two towers on 41st and 42nd floors. The bridge is
170 m high and 58 m long. The same floor is also known as the podium since visitors desiring to
go to higher levels have to change elevators here. The skybridge is open to all visitors, but
passes (limited to around 1400 people per day, which usually run out before noon) must be
obtained on a first-come, first-served basis. Passes are free. The skybridge is closed on
Source: (March 7, 2007)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 305

Unit 2 Recount

Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa teks recount yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan,
seperti reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun
kalimat/paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan
mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.

Text 1
I have a story about being embarrassed in Australia due to differences in culture. My story
is about ordering tea at a coffee shop.
I always had a nice cup of tea every morning in Indonesia. It gave me a great feeling in the
morning. So, when I arrived in the early morning for the first time at Sydney airport, the first thing
that I looked for was a coffee shop. Finally, I found a nice coffee shop with many people queuing
to order.
Quite confidently I jumped into the queue. I thought that I had better English than before
since I had recently learned English at IALF. Then, a very friendly girl asked me if she could help
me. I said that I would like to have a cup of tea.
Then, she asked me what kind of tea I would like to order, black or white tea? I thought she
was making a morning joke with me. My quick response, but with some confusion, was that
I said red tea please. With a very unfriendly face she asked me again, “Black or white tea,
please?”, I didn’t say anything as I didn’t know what actually black or white tea was. I only knew
that having tea is normally with or without sugar.
Then, she said, “Next, please.” She then asked the next customer behind me. I realised
then that I didn’t understand Australian customs.
One day I had a cup of tea at the university tea room and I saw a lady drinking tea with milk
in it. Then, I asked her, “Can I say that you are having a white tea?” She smiled and said, “Yes,
you can.” Finally, I understood that black tea is no milk added and white tea is with milk. How big
is the difference of having tea between Indonesian and Australian people!!!
Source: (January 3, 2009)
Text 2
Hi, friends. Do you know Fatahillah Square or Taman Fatahillah in Jakarta? It is an open-air
museum of ‘Old Batavia’. Um . . . have you ever been there?
Well, last month my family and I visited Fatahillah Square. We went there by car. Arriving
there, we parked our car in the parking lot. Er . . . there are three main establishments. They are
Jakarta Museum, the Fine Arts Gallery, the Ceramic Museum and the Wayang Museum. We
visited the Jakarta Museum first. There, we could see the colonial history of the city. The tour
guide explained us the history clearly. After that, we went to the Fine Arts Gallery and the
Ceramic Museum. We found an excellent Chinese and Southeast Asian ceramic collections.
The ceramics are very beautiful, you know. Anyway, do you know who donated the ceramics?
Well, . . . the ceramics were donated by the late former Vice President Adam Malik.
Then, we went to the western side of the square. There, we visited the Wayang Museum.
Guess what we saw there! We saw many puppets used in the indigenous puppet theater.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t see the demonstration of the shadow play. It is usually played on
Sunday morning for about two hours. Well, that’s all my experience in Fatahillah Square.
Interesting, isn’t it?

306 Reading Materials

Text 3
Last month my family and I went to Prambanan Temple. We went there by car. We arrived
there in the afternoon. We walked around the temples and went upstairs step by step. In the
main temple, we saw Roro Jonggrang statue. Have you ever heard the story of Roro
Jonggrang? It is a very famous story among Javanese, you know.
Being tired of walking around, we decided to take a rest in a nearby hotel. At night we
returned to the temple. We wanted to see the Ramayana ballet. You know, it tells the story
of Rama and Shinta.
The performance is almost held every night. Have you ever watched it? It was really great,
you know. All visitors were satisfied with the performance.

Text 4
I have an unforgettable experience during my holiday in Bali. My family and I joined the Bali
Adventure and we got many interesting things.
I woke up early that day since I didn’t want to miss the adventure. We started the trip at
about six in the morning. Our destination was Bali Adventure Tours’ Elephant Safari Park. During
the trip, we saw the greenness, small villages and winding hillside roads.
Arriving at the park, we saw some elephants there. Accompanied by my guide, Made, we
rode on an elephant. We set off on a leisurely two hour trek through the surrounding jungle.
Made and I set off on a snug trail that poked in and out of the jungle, through rice paddocks and
over streams. Along the way, he pointed out every imaginable spice, fruit and vegetable. I saw
rich coffee plants and cocoa trees.
Two hours after we set out into the jungle, I saw a mighty elephant hum drumming its way
back to the safari park with a cargo of Japanese tourists on its back. Made and I made our way
behind it and followed her into the park.
It was really an unforgettable experience for us.

Text 5
One day Sandra Dewi fell sick in the middle of the English lesson. All the students did
reading tasks. Suddenly, Sandra Dewi vomited. All other students stopped writing. Ms. Lidia
helped her immediately. The captain of the class sent for the school’s doctor.
In five minutes the doctor came. He examined her carefully. He examined her eyes. He felt
her stomach. He listened to her heart beat. He measured her blood pressure.
Then, he took her temperature. “I’m afraid she suffers from malaria. Her temperature is very
high. That is why she vomited. She has a very bad cough, too. I’ll give her some pills for her malaria,
some tablets for her fever and syrup for her cough. She needs a week’s rest,” said the doctor.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII Edisi 4

Text 6
Yesterday at my school we had an International day. We had performances, food stalls,
displays, raffle ticket draw, and some of us were dressed in costumes.
We started our day off with performances but the one I liked best was the one from fourth
grade. We played games. The performance I was interested in was Labamba.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 307

Straight after our performances, we had our lunch. There were food stalls. They came
from Australia, Asia, Arab and Greece.
Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth grade. I did my job after I had lunch.
My job was to sell International Day Books.
We had displays in the hall. These displays were good but I didn’t get to see them. The
displays came from a lot of countries.
There was also a Trash and Treasure stall where they sold toys. The school got these
things by asking the children to bring them in.
Although I didn’t win anything, International Day was still fun.
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas VIII Edisi 4

Text 7
Last night, I read an article about adolescence in a magazine. I learned that it was a time of
change between childhood and adulthood.
After I finished reading the article from the magazine, I remembered my own adolescence.
I was fourteen at that time. I felt very emotional about everything. But I tried to learn more about
myself. I tried to discover what I wanted to do, and what kind of people I wanted to be.
To divert my emotions, I took many extra curricular activities. I took piano lessons on
Mondays. On Tuesdays, I joined an English course. Then, on Wednesdays and Thursdays,
I had extra science and math lessons. Fridays, it was my time to play basketball with my friends.
Finally, I spent most of my weekends with my family.
I was able to control my emotions and to have a place where I could express my creativity
in positive ways.
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

Text 8
Last Saturday I woke up early, but I didn’t get up because there was no school. Suddenly,
my telephone was rung. It was my friend Fanny, she asked me to go out at 10:00 o clock. She
wanted to buy something in a traditional market.
Finally, we were out. In the street, I saw a piece of pink coupon. Interested in its color, I took
it, then Fanny and I read this out. We were fully shocked, it was a receipt of a four nights tour to
Lombok!! The expired date was that day. To our surprise, the name was Fanny Fenita and the
birth date was exactly the same like Fanny my friend, and it was also valid for two persons.
My God!! We were thinking that maybe the coupon just fell from the sky and it was there for us.
We were hurried to the address of the tour agency that issued the coupon. The tour agency
took care of everything. We went home and still could not believe what was going on. Two days
later we were on the Senggigi Beach, lied in the warmth sun. Moreover, we had long public
holiday, so we could enjoy the “gift” happily. We also bought some presents for our family and
Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

308 Reading Materials

Unit 3 Descriptive

Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa teks descriptive yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan,
seperti reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun
kalimat/paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan
mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.

Text 1
Merdeka Palace
Istana Merdeka is a palace complex in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. It was built in 1873 by
the Dutch government. The palace was formerly named Istana Gambir.
In the beginning, this 3.375 m² Greek architecture building had two stories. But in 1848,
the upper floor was demolished, and the lower floor was made bigger for making a more formal
impression. Now the building is still the same.
As the central of the state’s activities, now the Istana Negara is the venue for official state
events, such as the Independence Day ceremony, welcoming the state’s guests, receiving the
Letter of Credence from foreign ambassadors, installation of ministers, ambassadors, the
opening of national meetings, national and international congress and official state banquet.
The Istana Merdeka has a several rooms such as, First Chamber, Residential Chamber,
Guest Room, Banquet Room, Reception Hall, Regalia Room, Office, Bed Chamber, Living
Room, and Kitchen.
After Soekarno, the presidents no longer use the Istana as the official residence but only
used the office until President Abdurrahman Wahid and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Source: (January 7, 2009)

Text 2
A giant dam was built many years ago to control the Colorado River. This dam was built to
protect the land and the houses around the river.
This huge damn was called Boulder Dam when it was finished in 1936. Later it was
renamed Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United States. However Dam, one of the
highest dams in the world, is located between the states of Arizona and Nevada.
This huge dam is in the Black Canyon. It is possible to drive a car from one side of the river
to the other on a road which is on top of the dam. This dam is so big that there is an elevator
inside. The elevator goes down forty-four stories from the road to the bottom. There is enough
concrete in this dam to build a highway from New York to San Francisco. Thousands of people
worked on this dam for five years.
Source: Intermediate Reading Practice

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 309

Text 3
My mother and father both work in the center of Kuala Lumpur. My father is an accountant
in a large insurance company. He is very happy with his job and has worked there for ten years.
My mother is working at the General Post Office in the Dayabumi building. Her office is on the
third floor. She likes her job and she works very hard.
Mother and father are both tired when they come home in the evening so my sister and
I often cook the evening meal. My sister is a good cook. She is older than I am and has been
cooking for several years now. Her best dish is fish curry. I am learning how to cook but my
dishes are not very tasty. My sister says if I am patient, I will be able to cook well one day. I hope
so because I know that my parents will be pleased if I can prepare them a delicious meal after
Source: New Remedial English Grammar for KBSM

Text 4
The Indian Ocean is the third-largest ocean in the world. Only the Pacific and the Atlantic
are larger. More than one-fifth of all the world’s water supply is in the Indian Ocean.
The Indian Ocean touches four different continents. To the south is Antarctica and to the
east is Australia. Africa lies to the west and Asia lies to the north. There are several important
islands in the Indian Ocean. These include the Madagascar, the largest one, which is near
Africa, and Sri Lanka, which is near India. There is also a group of islands called the Seychelles
and the African coast.
The Indian Ocean is extremely important to the countries in Southeast Asia. Strong winds
from the Indian Ocean bring warm weather and heavy rains which are necessary for growing
Source: Intermediate Reading Practice

Text 5
Mr. Heru has been teaching for three years but everyone admits that he is a very good
teacher. The students like his teaching method. He is very active in class and his lessons are
always so much fun. He spends a lot of time at home preparing his lessons and planning
worksheets to use in class. He always marks his students’ exercises quickly and hands them
back before they have time to forget what the exercise was about. The students in his classes
always do well in examinations because he encourages them to study hard.
Out of class, Mr. Heru is also very active. He runs the school soccer team and helps with
the Red Crescent Society which meets on Saturday mornings. Everyone likes him because he
always tries his best in everything he is involved in.
Adapted from: New Remedial English Grammar for KBSM

310 Reading Materials

Unit 4 Recount

Petunjuk Umum:
Berikut ini disajikan beberapa teks recount yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan,
seperti reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun
kalimat/paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan
mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.

Text 1
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
The national emblem of the Republic of Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila, is emblazoned with
the words Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. They mean ‘Unity in Diversity’ or ‘We are of many kinds, but we
are one’. This motto is a founding principle of the modern Indonesian nation, which declares the
essential unity of its members despite ethnic, regional, social or religious differences.
The concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is not new to Indonesian history. It can be traced back
to the time of the construction of Borobudur when the Sailendra dynasty ruled on the plains of
Central Java in the eighth and ninth centuries. Two hundred years later, in the Brantas Valley in
East Java, King Airlangga built a united kingdom based on this same principle.
It was, however, the 14th century poet sage of Majapahit, Mpu Tantular, who is said to have
committed the phrase to writing for the first time. In his religious poem Sutasoma, composed
during the reign of King Rajasanagara (Hayam Wuruk), Mpu Tantular expounded a doctrine of
reconciliation between the Hindu and Buddhist faiths. Such a spirit of religious tolerance was
an essential element in the foundation and security of the newly emerging State of Majapahit,
which reached the height of its power and influence under the guiding hand of the Prime Minister
Gajah Mada.
The words of Mpu Tantular were an inspiration to the founders of the first Independent
Government of the Republic of Indonesia, and today they are found immortalized on the national
Source: (January 8, 2009)

Text 2
Majapahit was an Indianized kingdom based in Eastern Java from 1293 to around 1500.
Its greatest ruler was Hayam Wuruk, whose reign from 1350 to 1389 marked the empire’s peak
when it dominated kingdoms in Maritime Southeast Asia (present day Indonesia, Malaysia, and
the Philippines).
The Majapahit empire was the last of the major Hindu empires of the Malay archipelago and
is considered one of the greatest states in Indonesian history. Its influence extended to states on
Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Eastern Indonesia.
Source: (January 8, 2009)

Text 3
Hayam Wuruk was also called (after 1350) Rajasanagara, (1334–1389). He was the ruler of
the Javanese Hindu state of Majapahit at the time of its greatest power. He was preceded by
Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi and succeeded by Wikramawardhana.
Hayam Wuruk is the son of Thribhuwana Tunggadewi and Sri Kertawardhana or
Cakradhara. His mother is the daughter of Raden Wijaya the founder of Majapahit, meanwhile
his father is the son of Bhre Tumapel lower king of Singhasari.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 311

Hayam Wuruk was born in 1334, where on the day of his birth sign by the earthquake in
Pabanyu Pindah and the eruption of Gunung Kelud. It was also the same year that Gajah Mada
declared his famous oath; Sumpah Palapa.
He inherited the throne in 1350 at the age of 16 when the great patih (prime minister) Gajah
Mada was at the height of his career. Under his rule, Majapahit extended its power throughout
the Indonesian archipelago.
Source: (January 8, 2009)

Text 4
Ken Dedes the first queen of Singhasari, was the wife of
Ken Arok, the first ruler of Singhasari, Java, Indonesia. She
was later considered as the origin of lineage of kings that
ruled Java, the great mother of Rajasa dynasty, the royal
family that ruled Java from Singhasari to Majapahit era. Local
tradition also mentioned her as the woman with extraordinary
embodiment of such perfect beauty.
Most of the record of her life come from the account of
Pararaton (The Book of Kings), which often mixed historical
account with fictional supranatural tales and story. She was
the daughter of a Buddhist monk, Mpu Purwa. According to
tradition, Ken Dedes’ exceptional and extraordinary beauty
was famous throughout the land and attracted Tunggul
Ametung, the ruler of Tumapel (now Singhasari district, East
Java) whom later took her as his wife.
According to local story, Ken Dedes was kidnapped and forced to become Tunggul
Ametung’s wife while her father was gone meditating. Her father cursed Tunggul Ametung,
saying he would be killed because of Ken Dedes’ beauty. The curse became reality when Ken
Arok succeed to assassinated Tunggul Ametung and took Ken Dedes as his wife.
Source: (January 8, 2009)

Text 5
Purnawarman is not the first king of Tarumanagara. According to Book Nusantara,
Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman founded the Tarumanagara kingdom in 358 AD. He died in
382 AD and was buried at the bank of Kali Gomati river (present-day Bekasi city). His son,
Dharmayawarman ruled from 382 to 395 AD. His burial site is at Kali Chandrabaga.
Purnawarman is the third king of Tarumanagara and reigned from 395 to 434 AD.
Source: (January 8, 2009)

Text 6
On Wednesday, September 19, 1945 the Ally forces/the Dutch that joined in the Mastiff
Carbolic that was one of the Organization of Anglo Dutch Country Saction in Surabaya visited
the headquarter of the Japanese soldiers in Surabaya. At the same time, there were a few
Dutchmen who joined the Social Contact Committee raised their flag (red-white-blue flag) on the
right side of the Yamato Hotel. Arek-arek Surabaya thought that this attitude was so arrogant
and unsympathize because it symbolized that the Dutch would plant their power in Surabaya
again. Resident Sudirman came to the Orange Hotel and told the Ally committee to raise the flag
down, but his requirement was rejected even he was pointed with a gun although he was an
officer at that time.

312 Reading Materials

The fight was started. It was between 20 Dutch soldiers and young Surabayanese who
came from Genteng area, Embong Malang area, Praban area and other areas.
At last, a few of the young Surabayanese had successfully tore the blue side of the flag and
raised the red and white flag and followed by an applause of the people below the flag in the
Orange Hotel.
At last, it was noted on the incident that 4 young Surabayanese were killed, they were:
Sidik, Mulyadi, Hariono and Mulyono. From the Dutch side it was noted that Mr. Ploegman was
killed because of the mass anger.
Source: (April 20, 2008)

Text 7
Abraham Lincoln, or so-called Abe, was the 16th President of the United States. He was
born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin on a Kentucky farm. Abe was raised on four farms:
three in Kentucky and one in Indiana. His family moved to Indiana because of their dislike of
slavery. His father and mother hated slavery. Abe’s mother died of milk poisoning, so times were
hard. Abe moved away and started his own life.
Abraham Lincoln was a great man. He had a great personality and really cared about
others. He taught many people that they could pull their own part as he did his own things
to entertain his guests.
Later, Abe became a lawyer and could then run for president. He decided to do so and won
the election as the next president. Like his parents, the President hated slavery, so he did not
tolerate the slavery in the South. Therefore, he tried to make slavery go away and he succeeded
by winning the war on slavery. Abe was a happy man after slavery was vanished.
One day the President received an invitation to Ford’s Theater and attended even though
he might be in danger. At that time, the President’s bodyguard didn’t do his duty and took
a break. The President and his wife arrived at Ford’s Theater along with General Rathbone and
his wife. Then, a man came in the box and shot the President. The man who shot Abe was John
Wilkes Booth. The President Abraham Lincoln passed away.
Adapted from:
biography_readrep.asp?id=10892&age=11&Page=1&sortBy= (December 22, 2007)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Semester 1 313

Anonymous. 2006. “Kevin-Narrogin.” In Dalton, K.R. KangGuru Radio English. Denpasar: IALF: p.6
Azar, B.S. 1993. Understanding and Using English Grammar (Second Edition). New Jersey:
Prentice hall, Inc.
Blundell, J., J. Higgens and N. Middlemiss. 1992. Function in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chiang, Soh Kok. ?. Composition Letter Writing Comprehension Structure and Usage. Singapore:
Mayer Book Store.
Curry, D. 1996. Easy Does It. Washington D.C.: Materials Branch.
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