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Biggart: Origin Sys Thinking in Russia: Bogdanov

Biggart editor
Bogdanov: Origin System Thinking in Russie

Abalkin, Ch 2 Bogdanov's Tektology: towards a new paradigm 7-

claims Bogdanov helped predict the coming paradigm shift in science; looking at systems; etc. seems
like a collection of works by big fans of his

Alekseeva, Ch 3 Bogdanov and the development of science in the twentieth centruy 15

“If we look at Bogdanov's principal claim for his work – that it represented the created of a general
organizational science which stands above all the other sciences and provides them with a universal
methodology – we have to recognize that this claim contains elements of utopianism and fantasy”
(Alekseeva in Biggart 16).

Bogdanov's conception of science at its essence: basis for solving other problems

one of four interesting points is that Bogdanov regarded science as a complex social system

18 problems of specialized language as opposed to a systems approach

citation of Bogdanov's work where, essentially, specialized language and terms created an appearance
of divergence when that was not actually what was happening. This precluded communication and co-
operation and the ability to develop their work together.

Citation 10 from Tektology pg 96-7, but it's a russian version
researchers were “fruitlessly struggling within the confines of their old, clumsy and already exhausted
methods, while methods which could easily have solved the problem had long existed in a
neighbouring branch, but had remained unknown and incomprehnsible”

use old methods and develop new ones, but these were in service to the larger goal of systems thinking
and general organization science

Poustilnik Biological ideas in Tektology 63

63 sees Tektology as a general conception of development

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