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Castells: Net and Self: Working Notes

quals notes June 29, 2010

this seems like the classic meta-perspective on information economy, change in production, etc. so
much ripe material in terms of quotes, and concepts; Castells thinking seems integral or foundational or
viral and included in almost all the disucssions I've seen of the topic/information and networking

Insum: a theory of the informational
society that does not place global economic interdependence at its heart
will be of limited value in understanding the actual structure and processes
of our societies, be they advanced, developing or stagnant. It is certainly
easier to theorize advanced capitalist societies by considering them strictly
from the point of view of their internal logic, but such ’easy’ intellectual
foundation ignores a key point about their historical specificity.””

society is a network of flows

materiality of networks impacts the flows and the construction of society and the relationships within
that/those societies


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