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Caulton: Relaxing homogeneity assumption

9 aug 2010

“This paper will argue that the simple answer `® ve’ cannot be applied in all circumstances. It most
readily applies when the probability that a user will encounter a problem is both high and similar for all users.
It also only
applies to simple usability tests that seek to detect the presence, but not the statistical prevalence, of
usability problems.”

5 user solution works when user group is homogenous.

More complex users mean you need more users.

user size is often addressed because it can be so costly and time consuming

heterogeneous subgroups disrupt the easy solutions provided by the 5 user solution

if you have distinct subgroups, run 5 person usability tests on each of the subgroups
key to figuring out the impact of subgroups is determining which variable they impact or have a
relationship with


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