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Jay Gould

“King of the Robber Barons”

By Michelle Chen, Jiavanna
Medlock, Pablo Murillo,
Sebastian Anderson
• Jay GouldIn Roxbury,
grew up•on Newbecame a
York farm,
father’s on May 27,no1836
but had financial
interest towards a career in in which
farming. When he was he caused the prices
sixteen he worked asofastocks to change to
his liking. He became
surveyor and then moved
manager over many
on to the tannery business.
Not long after, Gouldrailways and a driving
started speculating in the in the creation of
a railway monopoly.
stocks of small railways.
Jay Gould and His Rise to Power
• Jay Gould used every
underhand method he could
to gain his way including
bribing public officials and
massively watering stock.
• His unethical tactics and the
way he cornered and took
advantage of people or
companies earned him
dislike throughout the
Jay Gould’s “Legacy”
• Jay Gould was not involved
with philanthropy. He was
entirely a robber baron and
sought personal gain in
every situation. Ironically
his daughter became a
widely renowned
philanthropist and was
generous towards many
American Army hospitals.

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