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AASL Information Literacy Standard

4.1.5 Connect ideas to own interests and previous knowledge and experience.
4.2.4 Show an appreciation for literature by electing to read for pleasure and exprssing
an interest in various literary genres.

A. The target audience for my video presentation is geared for K-4th grades ranging in
ages 5-10.
B. The socioeconomic status ranges from poverty level to upper middle class.
C. Approximately 45% are reading at grade level. The remaining 55% are below
reading grade level. This is due partly in part of the Spanish as a first language here in
Puerto Rico.
D. Students have knowledge of visiting the media center and selecting books.
E. The learning styles of the students vary in the different areas.
F. According to information gathered, students learning techniques vary.
G. Keller’s ARCS Model Motivation strategies will include:

1. Attention-The students will be asked what are some of their favorite books
about? Students will be told that some of the video will be talking about those topics
and more.
2. Relevance-The instruction of the video will relate to the standards by
encouraging pleasure reading and discussing other genres.
3. Confidence-The students confidence levels will build as the select books that
they are familiar with.
4. Satisfaction-The students will see that looking, finding, and choosing books is
fun for entertainment purposes but also for informational reasons as well.


A. After viewing the video the students will discuss the books that were talked about in
the video.
B. The students will then recall the area that each book can be found in the media
C. The students will talk about and recall what types of books can be found and where
(non-fiction, fiction, biography, easy, etc.).

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