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Name: Lee Ting Class: 8Theta

I chose this article is because I really love to play in the snow and how it is formed during its
fall. When I was a little girl, whenever I go to a cold country, my mum always called me “Snow
White”. This is because whenever I see snow, I’ll straight away jump into the snow without a care in
the world, even if the snow is inches deep and freezing cold. Sometimes I’ll even randomly pick up
snow from the floor and throw it at my parents!

What I can say about this article is that many people were trapped in their homes and in the
airport because of the heavy snowfall. This was said to be the heaviest snowfall in the past ten years.

This heavy snowfall has affected many people in many different ways, one of them which is
me. Many people who were supposed to leave for their home countries, were stuck at the
airport/train station for at least a day. This was due to the heavy snowfall, causing the runways and
railway tracks to be covered with too much snow and can’t be cleared in time.

When this event happened, I was also effected by the heavy snowfall. When we reached the
train station to go to London, some officers told us that all trains have been cancelled because they
can’t clear the snow in time. So all we could do was walk back to the hotel and we also bought some
groceries for the next morning. My dad asked us all to wake up at 3a.m. so that we could catch the
earliest train back to London. And even then, the line was already 1km long! But that wasn’t bad at
all! About 1 hour later, me and my brother went out to see how long the line had become, and guess
what? The line had become at least 1mile long! So we were considered lucky.

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