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Pest Management Strategies in Crop


October 1979

NTIS order #PB80-120017


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 7 9 - 6 0 0 1 7 6

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock No. 052-003-00708-8

This report assesses the array of tactics used to control pests of agricultural
crops in the United States.
The assessment was requested by Senator Herman E. Talmadge, Chairman
of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
The Office of Technology Assessment was assisted by an advisory panel of
scientists, farmers, consumers, and representatives of industry and public inter-
est groups, Nine working groups were commissioned to carry out the major objec-
tives of the assessment. The work was supplemented by a 2-day public participa-
tion meeting in which the assessment panel members and the public exchanged
views and concerns regarding present crop protection methods. In addition,
critical reviews of the draft reports were provided by Federal officials, and a
wide spectrum of interested individuals. To all of these people OTA offers sincere
This report is in two volumes. Volume I is the summary report and is based on
the OTA-commissioned studies conducted by each of the nine working groups,
panel discussions including the 2-day public meeting, extensive staff work, and
outside reviewers’ comments. Volume II is the collection of indepth studies from
which volume I was prepared, and is intended to be used as background and
reference material for those who need additional details. The transcript of the 2-
day public meeting is also included in volume II.

John H. Gibbons

OTA Food Advisory Committee
Martin E. Abel, Chairman
Senior Vice President, Schnittker Associates
Johanna Dwyer, Co-Chairman
Director, Frances Stern Nutrition Center
David Call Richard L. Hall Kathleen O’Reilly
Dean, College of Agricultural Vice President, Science and Director
and Life Sciences Technology Consumer Federation of America
Cornell University McCormick & Company, Inc. R. Dennis Rouse
Cy Carpenter Laura Heuser Dean, School of Agriculture
President Member, Board of Directors Auburn University
Minnesota Farmers Union Agricultural Council of America Lauren Seth
Eliot Coleman Arnold Mayer Agricultural Consultant
Director Legislative Representative Thomas Sporleder
Coolidge Center for the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Professor of Agricultural
Study of Agriculture Butcher Workmen of North Economics
America Texas A&M University
Almeta Edwards Fleming
Social Program Coordinator Max Milner Sylvan Wittwer
Florence County, S.C. Executive Director Director and Assistant Dean
American Institute of Nutrition College of Agriculture and
Lorne Greene
Chairman of the Board Robert O. Nesheim Natural Resources
American Freedom From Vice President, Science and Michigan State University
Hunger Foundation Technology
The Quaker Oats Company

Advisory Group
R. Dennis Rouse, Chairman
Dean, School of Agriculture; Director, Agricultural Experiment Station; Auburn University
Perry Adkisson Boysie E. Day John Reese
Vice President Agricultural Experiment Station American Farm Bureau
Department of Agriculture University of California, Berkeley Ray F. Smith
Texas A&M University W, E. Fry Department of Entomological
Phillip Alampi Department of Plant Pathology Sciences
Secretary of Agriculture Cornell University University of California, Berkeley
State of New Jersey Maureen Hinkle Peter Sullivan
J. Lawrence Apple Environmental Defense Fund National Wildlife Federation
Professor of Plant Pathology Paul Hoch John Thomas
Assistant Director, Agricultural Director Department of Entomology
Experiment Station Richmond Research Center Texas A&M University
North Carolina State University Stauffer Chemical Company H. David Thurston
O. C. Burnside Donald M. Hube~ Department of Plant Pathology
Agricultural Experiment Station Department of Botany and Plant Cornell University
University of Nebraska Pathology Samuel Turnipseed
Brian Croft Purdue University Department of Entomology and
Entomology Department Marion Moses Economic Zoology
Michigan State University Environmental Sciences Edisto Experiment Station
John C. Davies Laboratory Clemson University
Department of Epidemiology and Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Public Health
School of Medicine
University of Miami
OTA Health and Life Sciences Division

Joyce C. Lashof, Assistant Director

Ogechee Koffler

Food and Renewable Resources Program Staff

J. B. Cordaro, Program Manager*

Walter Parham, Program Manager
Ann Woodbridge Phyllis Balan
Elizabeth Galloway Yvonne Noe’

E, H. Glass, Principal Investigator**
Erene Pecan, Editorial Consultant
Bradford Gentry, Research Associate
J. B. Cordaro Unlimited, Inc.

OTA Publishing Staff

John C. Holmes, publishing Officer

Kathie S. Boss Joanne Heming

*Resigned June 16, 197’9, and continued to serve under contract to assessment completion,
* *on leave from New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, N. Y., professor and
Head, Department of Entomology.
Work Group on National Constraints
Edward H. Glass, Chairman
Head, Department of Entomology
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University

Don Anderson Blanche Haning L. D, Newsom

President Department of Plant Pathologv Department of Entomology
Texas Pest Management Association Interdepartment al Pest Management Louisiana Staff University
Program Earle S. Raun
Edwin A. Crosby North Carolina State Univrsity
Senior Vice President President
National Food Processors Association Bruce Hawley Pest Pest Management Consultants
Assistant Director, National Affairs John Siddall
Lynn Davis American Farm Bureau Federation
Assistant to the Director Vice President, Scientific Affairs
Cooperative Extension Service Maureen Hinkle Zoecon Corporation
Universitv of Georgia Environmental Defense Fund Jerry Weekman
Robert E. Hamman Ellery Knake Specialist in Charge
Manager. Government Relations Professor” of Weed Science Entomologv Extension
CIBA-GEIGY Corporation Departrnent of Agronomv North Carolina State University
Univirsitity of Illinois

Regional Work Group on the Great Plains Wheat Belt

O. C, Burnside, Chairman
Professor, Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska

William Baxter, Ben Schole Jimmy Hatchet Elmer G. Heyne

Game and Parks Commission” Entomolist”, ISDA Department of Agronomy
Lincoln, Nebr. Department of Entomology” Kansas State University
Kansas State University John B, Rowel]
Charles R. Fenster
Crop Production Specialist Glenn Helmers Research Leader
University of Nebraska
Regional Work Group on Soybeans in the Southeast
Samuel Turnipseed, Choirman
Professor. Department of Entomology and Economic Zoology
IMisto Experiment Station, Clemson University

Regional Work Group on Northern Deciduous Tree-Fruits

Brian Croft, Chuirman
Professor, Entornologv Department, Michigan State University

Regional Work Group on Northeastern Potatoes

W. E. Fry, (2-ioirman
Associate Professor
H, D. Thurston, Co-Chairman
Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University

Karen C:] t he~ Tom I,yons Dwavne Smith

.Norl h[; rn Xl; i in(: R[;gion:l 1 Pl:IIIn inx lln~ironmcnt ill hl:~n{]~(:mcnl 13urc; lu Exl(;nsion Economist”
( :omn] iss ion N(;w }’ork Slate Of fic(? of P:]rks :in(i (Iooper:lt i~’(? Extension S[?rvi(’[?
Fred I lolbrook Rccre{] t ion Pr[?squ(? Isic, hl:iine
New En,ql:in(i Pl;Int, Soil, :]n(i L1’atcr Joe B. Sieczka Robert Sweer
i,;]t)(]ral(~r\ Vegetable Crops Department Vegetable Crops Department
[ lni~[?rsi t~ of \l;lin(; Cornell University Cornell University

Regional Work Group on California Vegetables
Boysie E. Day,, (%airrnon
Professor, A~ricultural Experiment Station, Department of Plant Pathology
University of California, Berkeley

W, Harry Lange Gordon Rowe

Depart ment of Ent (JmologV” (Ji;innini F’t)undnl ion of Agricultural
[Jniv[?rsitv of California, Davis Economics
Lyn Hawkins Oscar A. Lorenz LJniv[?rsit v of C:+lifornia, Berkeley
Economic Entomologist Ch{~irmnn, Il?part ment of \r(:~etable Lari Sheehan
IPhf IJni t (~rops Intcrjurisdict iona] 14iaison Officer
(l~liforni{l Dep;]rtmt?nt of F’ood [Jniversit ~’ of C;]]i fornia, Davis Inte~ratwl Pl:]nnin~ Office
:]nd Agri(:ul t urc Countv of San Di[?go, California

Regional Work Group on Cotton and Sorghum Pests in Texas

John G, Thomas, Chairman
Extension Entomologist, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M Universit y

Luther S. Bird Jol~n A, Jackman Win field 1,. Sterling

professor,” []1:]11 t Pi] t ll(Jl[)~V li~ t cnsion Survey Ent oml)lo~ist” Ass(wi[i t[; Professor, ” (;ot ton inserts
I)ep:lrtm[?nt of Pl[]nt S~’it?n[[?s l) f?p; ]rtment of Entomology\’ D[?p;] rt rn[?nt of ~ntomo]()~~,”
‘1’exas A&Xl ( !niv(?rsil v ‘1’(;x:~s A&Nf IJnivcrsil v ‘1’(?x{is A&hl IJniv[; rslti

James R. Cate Ronald D. Lacewell C. Robert T:lylor

Assist;int Prof[?ssor,” (;(]t ton Ins[?(ts Ass(x’ia te Prof[?ss[)r, Resour(w Assist; ]nt Prof(?ssor”
I)epartrn(?nt of En tomolog~r I;conom” ics R[?sour(ws :lnd E1lvirO1lm[;llt
‘1’(?tiIs A&Ll [ Jniv(:rsit \ ‘1’ex:]s A&h! IJniversitv I)(?p:]rt ment of Agri[u]t ur{ll
Stuart D. Lyda Econom” i(s
Guy L. Currv ‘1’[?x:Is A&hl [}niv(;rsiti
Ass(wi:\ t [: Proft?ssor.” Biosi’st ems Prof(?ssor,” Soil hli(’robiolo~v”
An:) I\sis I)[?partmt?nt of Pli]nt Scienc[?s George L. Teet es
I)(?p[~rtm[?nt of In(iust ri:ll h:nsin[x?ring ‘1’cx[]s A&hl IJniversit\’ Associa t c Professor”
‘1’ex:)s A&N! (Jniv[?rsi t J Robert B. Metzer Grain :~nd I-’orage Ins[?~,ts
( k)tt{)n Sp(?(:ialist D[?p:irtment of Entomology
Richard A. 1+’rwierikson ‘rex~)s A&hl [Jniversit\
Professor.” Plan! P{]t ht)lo~v l)[~]x]rtm[?nt of %)il and Crop Sci[?nces
I)cpartm[?nt of Pl:]nt S(’i(?n(x?s ‘1’ex:ls A&hl [Jniv[?rsittr J. Knox Walker
“1’ex; ]s A&hl [Jniversi tl G. Alvie Niles Associa t [? Professor
Prof[?ssor,” Pl:]nt Breeding. Cotton cot ton Insect s
Raymond E. Frisbie Depart ment of Ent ornology
llx tension Entomologist, P[?st D(?p[lrt ment of Soil and Crop %iences Texas A&hl Univ[?rsity
hlanagement Imader ‘1’~x{Is A&hl University
I)epartm[?nt of EntomoloHv Rupert D. Palmer Allen F. Wiese
‘1’[?xas A&Nl IJniversit\ Weed Specialist, Weed Control Professor, W[?ecj Cent rol
I)cpnrt mfmt of Soil :]nd Crop Sciences Texas A&hl IJniversit \
Albert W. Hart stack
Agricultur:]l Engin[?t?r ‘1’t?xas A&L! University Lambert H, Wilkes
Cot ton Pest Cent rol [III(I hlet hods Dan Pust ejovsky Professor, Power and hlachiner~,
Resear(’h (~roup Bl[~(:kland Farm Service CompanV Department of Agricultural
[J. S. I)eptI rtment of A~ri(ultur(; Flillshoro, Tex. Engineering
‘1’ex~is A&3f [Jniversit y Texas A&hi Universit V
Don R. Rummel
Marvin Heilman Associate Professor
Soil Sci(?nt ist Texas Agricultural Experiment
[J. S. D[?part ment of A~ricul turt? Station
ll~eslaco. ‘1’cx. ‘I”exas A&Ll University

Public Meeting on Pest Management Strategies in Food Production
November 16-17, 1978
Chairman, J B. Cordaro, Office of Technology Assessment

* 1)() 11(‘11~ I

* P(I 11(’11s1

Chapter Page Chapter Page

Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Apple in the North. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pests of Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chemical Pesticide Use . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Present Pest Control Tactics and Cultural Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Fifteen-Year Projection for Crop Biological Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Other Control Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Integrated Pest Management . . . . . . 5 Current Use of Pest Management
Present State of Implementation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
of IPM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Present Problems and Concerns in
Transfer of IPM Technology to the Crop Protection on Apple. . . . . . . . 41
Developing World . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Potato in the Northeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Major Findings and Conclusions. . . . . . 6 Pests of Potato in the Northeast . . . . 42
Congressional Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chemical Pesticide Use . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Option I: Status Quo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cultural Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Option 2: Accelerate the Shift to Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Integrated Pest Management . . . . 7 Biological Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Organic Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
I. Historical Perspective on Crop
Other Control Practices. . . . . . . . . . . 44
Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Current Use of Pest Management
II. Present Status of Crop Protection . . . . 19 Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Wheat in the Great Plains. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Present Problems and Concerns in
Pests of Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Crop Protection on Potatoes . . . . . 45
Chemical Pesticide Use . . . . . . . . . . . 21 California Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Cultural Pest Control. . . . ....0.... 21 Pests of California Vegetables . . . . . 46
Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chemical Pesticide Use . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Biological Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cultural Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Organic Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Other Control practices. . . . . . . . . . . 23 Biological Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Current Use of Pest Management Organic Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Other Control Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Corn in the Corn Belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Current Use of Pest Management
Pests of Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chemical Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Present Problems and Concerns in
Cultural Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Crop Protection on California
Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Biological Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Cotton and Sorghum in Texas . . . . . . . . 51
Organic Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Pests of Cotton and Sorghum. . . . . . . 51
Other Control Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Chemical Pesticide Use . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Current Use of Pest Management Cultural Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Present Problems and Concerns in Biological Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Crop Protection on Corn . . . . . . . . 29 Other Control Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Soybean in the Southeast . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Current Use of Pest Management
Pests of Soybean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Chemical Pesticide Use. . . . . . . . . . . 32 Present Problems and Concerns in
Cultural Pest Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Crop Protection on Cotton and
Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Sorghum in Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Biological Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
III. Fifteen-Year Projection of Agricultural
Current Use of Pest Management pest Control in the Un ited States . . . 59
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Present Problems and Concerns in IV. Present Problems, Concerns, and Most
Crop Protection on Soybeans. . . . . 36 Promising Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Chapter Page Chapter Page
Specific Areas of Crop Protection. . . . . 71 Increased Support for and
Cultural Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Reorganization of Biological
Host-Plant Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Control Efforts, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Biological Controls. , . . . , . . . . . . . . . 73 Increased Support for Host-Plant
Quarantine . . . . . . . ... , ... , . . . . . 74 Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Eradication ... , . . . ... , ... , . . . . . 74 Increased Flexibility in Pesticide Use 104
Pesticides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Incentives for the Development of
General Problems and Concerns. . . . . . 77 Low-Sales-Volume, Selective
Pest-Caused Losses , , . . . . . . . . ..., 77 Pesticides, . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 105
Instability of Pests and Pest Control Development of a Uniform National
Tactics. ., . . . ..., . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Cancer Policy., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Inadequate Information to Develop Develop Efficient Pest Management
and Implement Effective Pest Delivery Systems ..., ,.., . . . . . . 107
Management Systems , . . . . . . . . . 78 Support of Public Delivery Systems . 107
Lack of Manpower. . . . . . . . . . , , ., , 79 Foster Private Sector Delivery
Lack of Alternatives to Chemical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..., . . 107
Pesticides, ..., . . . . . . . ..., . . . . 79 Develop a Nationally Coordinated
Most Promising Approaches.. . . . . . . . 80 Monitoring Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Provide Trained Manpower and
V. Obstacles to the Development and Training Programs, . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Adoption of Improved Pest Control
Support for Pest Management
Tactics and Pest Management
Training Programs. ., . . . . . . . . . . 109
Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Competitive Study Leave Grants .,.. 110
Technological Obstacles, ..., ,.., . . . 85 Reducing Manpower Requirements . 110
Inadequate Knowledge Base,. . . . . . 85 Establish Regional Pest Management
Narrow Range of Control Tactics. . . 86 Study Centers.. , ..., . . . . . . . . . . 111
Lack of Adequate Delivery Systems . 89 Overcome Grower Skepticism. , . . . . . . 111
Lack of an Environmental Monitoring Education. . . . ..., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
System , , ., ., . . . ..., . . . . . . . . . 91 Providing Incentives ..., . . . . . . . . . 111
Lack of Pest Management Training Regulating Grower Involvement . . . . 111
Programs and Trained Manpower 92 Improve Cooperation and Coordination 111
Grower Skepticism ., . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Mechanisms to Coordinate Efforts of
Administrative Obstacles . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Federal Agencies. ., ..., . . . , . . . 112
Lack of Cooperation and
Cooperation and Coordination
Coordination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Between Federal andState
Within the Federal Government . . 96 Agencies. , . . . . . ..., ..., ..., . . 113
Between the Federal Government
Coordination and Cooperation
and the States. . , . . . . . . . . , , . . 96 Within the Land-Grant
Within the Land-Grant
Universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Universities ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Establish Regional Pest Management
Cosmetic (Esthetic) Standards. . . . . . 97
Study Centers. . . . . . . , ..., . . . . . 114
VI. Actions Needed to Improve Crop Competitive Study Leave Grants.. . . 114
Protection in the United States. . . . . 101 Review Impacts of Cosmetic (Esthetic)
Expand the Knowledge Base for Pest Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Management , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Funds for Disciplinary and VII. Transfer of North American Crop
Interdisciplinary Research .,.,., 102 Protection Technology to the
Long-Term Support for Pest Developing World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Management Research . . . . . . . . . 103 Present Level of Pest Control
Reallocation of Funds From Technology in the Developing World 120
Unfeasible Eradication Programs. 103 Obstacles to Pest Management Systems
Peer Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 in Developing Countries, . . , . , . , . . . 120
Increase the Range of Available Problems Associated With Technology
Control Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Transfer to Developing Countries ,,. 121

Chapter Page Table No. Page
Potential Impact of Pest Control 11. Control Tactics Now Employed Against
Technology Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Major Pests of Tomatoes in California . . . 49
Strategies in the Adaption of Improved 12. Control Tactics Now Employed Against
Pest Management Programs in the Major Pests of Cole Crops in California . . 50
Developing World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 13. Control Tactics Now Employed Against
U. S, Programs......,..........,,. 124 Major Pests of Cotton in Texas . . . . . . . . . 53
Options for Congress to Improve Crop 14, Control Tactics Now Employed Against
Protection in the Developing Major Pests of Sorghum inTexas . . . . . . . 54
World, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Support Education and Training of LIST OF FIGURES
LDC Crop Protection Scientists . . . 125
Agromedical Training for In-Country Figure No, Page
Personnel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 1. Diagrammatic Concept of an
Integrated Pest Management Agroecosystem, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 2. Volume of Pesticides Used on
Provide the Less-Developed U.S. Farms..,.....,,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Countries With Pest Management 3, Number of Pesticides introduced Each
Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Year From 1930, ...,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Establish Research Projects and 4. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Develop Pest Management Protection Scenarios for Wheat in the
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 GreatPlains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Provide Support for Crop Protection 5. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
in the Title XII Program. . . . . . . . . 126 Protection Scenarios for Corn in the
Corn Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 6. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Protection Scenarios for Soybeans in
the Southeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Protection Scenarios for Apples in the
LIST OF TABLES North . . ., . ., .,....., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
8. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Table No. Page Protection Scenarios for Potatoes in the
1. Principal Control Tactics Used Against Northeast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Major Pests of the Seven Regional 9, Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Cropping Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Protection Scenarios for Lettuce in
2, Control Tactics Now Employed Against California. ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Major Pests of Wheat in the Great 10. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Plains ....,.....,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Protection Scenarios for Melons in
3. Control Tactics Now Employed Against California. ......,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Major Pests of Corn in the Corn Belt . . . . . 27 11. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
4, Control Tactics Now Employed Against Protection Scenarios for Potatoes in
Major Pests of Soybean in the California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Southeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 12. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
5. Control Tactics Now Employed Against Protection Scenarios for Strawberries
Major Pests of Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 in California. .,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6. Control Tactics Now Employed Against 13. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Major Pests of Potatoes in the Protection Scenarios for Tomatoes in
Northeast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7, Control Tactics Now Employed Against 14. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Major Pests of Lettuce in California . . . . . 47 Protection Scenarios for Cole Crops in
8. Control Tactics Now Employed Against California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Major Pests of Melons in California . . . . . 48 15, Schematic Projections for Three Crop
9. Control Tactics Now Employed Against Protection Scenarios for Cotton in
Major Pests of Potatoes in California . . . . 48 Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
10. Control Tactics Now Employed Against 16. Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Major Pests of Strawberries in Protection Scenarios for Sorghum in
California. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Volume II—Working Papers

(Note: Volume 11 is the collection of in depth studies from which volume I was prepared.
The contents are listed here as an aid to those who need additional details. It is avail-
able from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Wash-
ington, D,C. 20402, GPO stock no. 052-003 -00709-6.)

National Constraints
The Great Plains Wheat Belt
The Central Corn Belt
Soybeans in the Southeast
Northern Deciduous Tree-Fruits
Northeastern Potatoes
California Vegetables
Cotton and Sorghum Pests in Texas
Transfer of North American Crop Protection Technology to the Third World

A. Transcript of Proceedings —Public Participation Meeting on Pest Management
Strategies in Crop Protection, November 16-17, 1978
B. Public Participation in OTA’s Pest Management Assessment—J.B. Cordaro
C. European Parasite Laboratory
D. Comments on Perceived Issues of the Public Hearing on Pest Management
Strategies— Virgil H. Freed
E. Statement of Paul Merrell to the Office of Technology Assessment Public
Participation Meeting

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

In the United States, total losses from all pests are generally estimated to be
one-third of total potential production before harvest, and nearly 10 percent after
harvest. Losses are believed to be considerably greater in the tropics. Thus, at
least one-third of the world’s potential food harvest is lost to pests. The
vulnerability of crops to pests makes pest control one of the major management
components of the total crop production system. This vulnerability has become
more prominent as the trend toward high productivity of only a few select crops
has increased. This trend dominates U.S. agriculture. During the past century
U.S. agriculture has changed from relatively small, labor-intensive, diversified
units to large, highly specialized, and mechanized operations. Today, modern
agriculture is a complex system in which a series of interlocking physical,
biological, and management functions all interact to determine the yield and
quality of a cultivated crop.
In the past three decades, U.S. agriculture has increasingly depended on
chemical pesticides to control the pests that damage crops. Heightened concern
over the environmental effects of pesticides, coupled with increased pest resist-
ance and secondary pest outbreaks, severely limits the effective pesticides avail-
able to farmers. While these trends are most fully developed in the industrialized
nations, especially in the United States, the problem is worldwide. If farmers are
to meet the growing demand for food, new strategies for reducing pest damage
must be found.
This pest management strategies assessment was requested by Senator Her-
man Talmadge, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and
Forestry. Its primary focus is on agricultural crop protection. The study sought to:
1. assess crop protection problems, current and emerging control technol-
ogies, and projected future developments over the next 15 years for each
of seven regional cropping systems in the United States,
2. evaluate Federal constraints to improved pest management in the United
States, and
3. review the problems, potentials, and impacts of the transfer of North
American crop protection technology to the developing world.
These objectives were addressed by nine study groups: one each for the seven
cropping systems in 1 and one each for 2 and 3. The crops and regions selected
were: wheat in the Great Plains States, corn in the Corn Belt, cotton and sorghum
in Texas, deciduous tree-fruits (especially apple] in the northern half of the coun-
try, potatoes in the Northeastern States, soybean in the Southeastern sector, and
selected vegetables in California. These crops are representative of more than 90
percent of U.S. agricultural production.

4 ● Pest Management strategies


Present Pest Control Tactics These problems are expected to increase as

and Problems pests, through evolutionary adaptation,
become resistant to existing controls. For ex-
Agricultural producers have coped with ample, disease-resistant wheat eventually
the changing nature of pest problems by loses its effectiveness as strains of disease
using one or more of several control tactics. pathogens evolve that are capable of over-
None of these practices is entirely satisfac- coming such resistance, late planting of a
tory or universally applicable. Moreover, all crop to avoid an insect pest becomes futile as
practices used to control any one pest com- other pest strains are encountered that are
plex impact on nontarget organisms and can adapted to late planting, and the continual
create other problems. Control tactics most exposure of pests to chemical pesticides pro-
commonly used on U.S. farms are: motes the evolution of pests resistant to these
chemicals. Moreover, some pest control
Chemical: herbicides, insecticides, fun-
measures have secondary effects that are
gicides, nematicides, etc.;
often as serious as the problems for which the
Cultural: cultivation, crop rotation,
controls originally were used. For example,
strategic planting and harvesting dates,
some chemical pesticides eliminate beneficial
predators and parasites and other nontarget
Plant resistance: plant varieties geneti-
organisms along with the targeted pests and
cally resistant or tolerant to pests; and
produce secondary pest outbreaks, In other
Biological: predators, parasites, micro-
cases the removal of a primary weed pest
may result in secondary pest outbreaks, and
Table 1 shows the principal control tactics tillage for pest control increases soil erosion
used against major pests of the several crops and water loss. Moreover, it often takes years
in this report, to understand fully the secondary conse-
quences. In addition. a de-emphasis in re-
The major problems associated with pres-
search programs in genetic plant resistance
ent controls stem primarily from the extreme-
to pests is one factor that has led to a reduc-
ly limited number of effective control tactics.
tion in the acreage of certain pest-resistant
crops. In Kansas and Nebraska alone, the
Table l.— Principal Control Tactics Used acreage of Hessian-fly-resistant wheats has
Against Major Pests of the Seven Regional decreased from about 66 percent in 1973 to
Cropping Systems about 42 percent in 1977. Finally, the health
.- and safety of agricultural workers and by-
—. ‘-
Nema- P a t h o - - Verte -
standers are of widespread concern as many
Insects todes gens W e e d s brates of the chemicals in use today pose known and
Wheat (Grea-t Plalns) 2,1,3 2 3;2 T, 2 2 unknown risks to humans.
Corn (Cornbelt) 1,2,3 – 3,2,1 1,2 –
Soybeans (Southeast) 1 1,3.2 1,2 1,2 – These are major problems that are raising
Apples (North) 1 12 1,3,2 1,2 1,2 serious concerns about both the present and
Potatoes (Northeast) 1,2 2,1,3 2,1 1.2 –
1,23 3 3,2,1 1,2 –
future availability of suitable control meas-
Cotton (Texas)
Melons (Callfornla). 1 1 2,3 1,2 4 ures and alternative means of control.
Cole (Callfornla) 1 1 2 1,2 4
Letluce (Callfornta) 1,2 1,3 2,1,3 1,2 4
Tomatoes (Callfornla) 1,2 1,3 3,2 1,2 4
Strawberries (Cahforma) 1 – 2 1 4 Fifteen-Year Prelection for
Control Iachcs
Crop Protection
I Chemical (Insectfcldes nemaftcldes fungicides herbicides I
2 Cullural [culflvat(on crop rolahon planhnq ddles samla!lon 1 No revolutionary new pest control tactics
3 Plant resstance (plant ~arletles genetically reslstdnl 10 Dests I
4 B(ologlcal Ipredaiors pdraslles ml CrObld~S I are expected to be implemented over the next
Executive Summary ● 5

15 years. This projection assumes that such plished by the coordinated use of multiple
control technologies must already be in at tactics to assure stable crop production and
least the early stages of development, Al- to maintain pest damage below the economic
though the total use of pesticides is not ex- injury level while minimizing hazards to hu-
pected to increase appreciably, the use of mans, animals, plants, and the environment.
herbicides is expected to accelerate consider-
ably. Several new tactics in crop protection, In its broadest form, an 1PM program en-
compasses all significant components of the
such as the use of hormones, antihormones,
agroecosystem-soil, crops, water and air,
allelopathy, and molecular genetic manipula-
insects, pathogens, weeds, nematodes, and
tion will probably be of limited use during the
other organisms— w h i c h i n t e r a c t a m o n g
next 15 years, although they have great po-
themselves and with other components of the
tential for the future. One exception may be
system, Present 1PM programs, however, are
the use of pheromones (sex attractants) to
most commonly limited to single-pest classes.
control insects, a technique that could be-
come widely adopted if technological prob-
lems can be solved.
Present State of implementation
However, there is a promising approach, of IPM
integrated pest management (1PM), that is
slowly evolving within U.S. agriculture, This The full potential of IPM has not been real-
approach offers promise of more stable crop ized in any of the seven cropping systems ex-
protection and production with the least amined in this report. However, there are
hazard to man and the environment. 1PM will many situations in which multiple-control tac-
be used more widely as efficient, economical- tics are being used. Although these are rela-
ly sound systems become available. These tively simple systems, they can be expanded
should provide more stable management of in the future.
many pests than now exists and should re-
Where multiple tactics are used for any
duce pesticide use to the minimum effective
one crop, they are usually directed against
level required to allow continued growth in
specific pests or classes of pests rather than
agricultural production.
all pests. The tactics most commonly em-
ployed involve cultural controls and resistant
plants combined with minimum effective
Integrated Pest Management
rates of chemical pesticides. The combined
Because of the continually changing nature use of herbicides and limited cultivation, to
of pests, their environment, and the economic replace cultivation alone, for weed control
impact of pest combinations, coupled with a has significantly reduced soil erosion, but has
mounting public concern regarding human created other problems.
health and environmental problems associ-
Short-term models developed from the data
ated with the use of chemical pesticides, a
of some pest-monitoring programs are suc-
concerted effort is required to develop pro-
ceeding in predicting some pest outbreaks.
grams that contain pest damage while provid-
These tools allow growers to apply pesticides
ing protection against hazards to humans,
only as needed or to substitute other appro-
animals, plants, and the environment, 1PM
priate tactics, Broad monitoring programs
views pest control within a whole-systems
and predictive models are among the most
context of crop production and is defined as
promising components of 1PM, but are limited
at present by a lack of organizational struc-
Integrated pest management (1PM) is the ture; a lack of adequate weather monitoring
optimization of pest control in an economical- at the local, regional, and national levels; and
ly and ecologically sound manner, accom- insufficient bionomic data.
6 ● Pest Management Strategies

Transfer of IPM Technology to not found in temperate countries. Pest man-

the Developing World agement systems developed for the intensive
high-energy agriculture of the temperate
The concept of 1PM is widely accepted in- world are often inappropriate. Agromedical
ternationally and the transfer of its basic training, pest management workshops, ade-
philosophy to the developing world through quate libraries, onsite demonstration proj-
several national and international assistance ects, and crop protection research and exten-
programs has progressed. However, systems sion under the title XII amendment to the
must be developed that are adapted to the Foreign Assistance Act and others will be re-
agricultural conditions in the developing quired to develop the necessary knowledge
countries and are compatible with social bank and to implement vigorous, effective
customs, political structures, and economic 1PM programs. It is estimated that 50 percent
systems as well, of the extremely high pest-caused losses in
Traditional subsistence agriculture of the the developing world may be prevented
developing tropical world must deal with an through application of appropriate 1PM
array of crops and associated pests generally systems,


1, The limited variety and effectiveness of crop pests seriously limits the range of
present pest control tactics seriously control tactics available for integrating
limit farmers’ ability to reduce current pest management into a total crop pro-
crop losses; duction system.
2. 1PM appears to be the most promising At the same time, the lack of an ade-
crop protection strategy for the next 15 quate delivery system impedes the dis-
years; semination of data necessary to support
3, OTA estimates that 1PM programs for effective pest-management decisions.
major U.S. crops can reduce pesticide Along with this is a shortage of properly
use up to 75 percent, reduce preharvest trained personnel to conduct needed re-
pest-caused losses by 50 percent, and search, to develop 1PM programs, and to
reduce total pest control costs by a sig- provide information delivery systems.
nificant amount; The extension pilot 1PM programs were
initiated with Federal funding but did
4. International implementation of 1PM re- not provide adequate means to increase
quires systems that are adapted to local the knowledge and trained manpower
agricultural conditions and are compati- base with which to support 1PM. A lack
ble with social customs, political struc- of practical, demonstrated interdisci-
tures, and economic systems; plinary programs has resulted in grower
K0. Technological and administrative obsta- skepticism and uncertainty regarding
cles that-impede the development and the economic benefits of 1PM.
implementation of 1PM must be removed
The administrative obstacles stem
to achieve a more effective crop protec-
from the lack of cooperation and coor-
tion system in the United States.
dination between Federal and State
The technological obstacles lie pri- agencies which impede programs of
marily in the areas of basic knowledge, basic and applied research in 1PM. A
delivery systems, and personnel. An in- clear focus of intent concerning future
adequate base of knowledge in the basic 1PM activities must be conveyed by the
biology, bionomics, and interactions of various agencies involved in the funding
Executive Summary ● 7

of research and extension activities, the 6. Congressional action or inaction will af-
regulation of pesticide use, and in the fect the future form of U.S. crop protec-
marketing of farm products. tion strategy.

The basic option that Congress faces is Option 2: Accelerate the Shift to
whether to make a policy judgment to commit Integrated Pest Management
the additional resources required to acceler-
ate the present slow evolutionary trend Pros: Under IPM, pest management is ac-
toward the adoption of 1PM crop protection complished through a whole-systems ap-
systems, Thus, Congress faces a choice be- proach that considers all components of the
tween: 1) the status quo for U.S. pest control agroecosystem that interact among them-
methods, which, although including 1PM, con- selves and with other components of the sys-
tinues to rely heavily on chemicals or 2) tem. Problems posed by resistant pests, de-
developing a strategy to accelerate the pres- struction of beneficial organisms, and sec-
ent slow evolutionary shift to 1PM as a whole- ondary pest outbreaks would decline; greater
systems approach to U.S. crop protection. management flexibility and ecosystem stabili-
ty would be provided while greater precision
in taking control action may reduce the need
Option 1: Status Quo for pesticides which, in turn, could reduce
the onset of pesticide resistance and health
Pros: T h e c o n t r o l t a c t i c s presently and environmental hazards.
available for crop protection are relatively
simple, readily available, and economically Cons: A substantially greater investment of
attractive. They are used primarily in re- money, personnel, and time in research, edu-
sponse to single-pest outbreaks. Their prin- cation, and implementation will be needed to
cipal advantage is that their effects are increase the speed of adoption of 1PM. In-
known, they work, and they have gained the cluded is the high cost of educating growers,
confidence of growers. agents, consultants, and others as well as
that of maintaining monitoring and delivery
Cons: Chemical pesticides are the most fre-
systems. Congress could provide either mod-
quently used tactic at present. Effects of
erate or major support toward accelerating
some chemical control measures include the
the adoption of 1PM.
induction of secondary pest outbreaks, ad-
verse effects on beneficial species and on A moderate increase in commitment would
nontarget organisms, development of pesti- augment the present teaching, research, and
cide-resistant pests, and environmental and extension programs. With this increased sup-
health hazards. There is serious concern port, 1PM could eventually replace most uni-
about the future availability of suitable con- lateral pest control programs over the next
trol tactics, since the already-limited range of 20 to 30 years.
tactics will be reduced even further as more
pests develop resistance to some chemical A major effort over the next few years to
pesticides and as Government regulations remove the obstacles to the implementation of
remove other pesticides essential to pest con- 1PM would enable much of the potential of
trol. Alternative control tactics are limited 1PM to be realized within 15 years. Under
and often are not feasible to use or are not 1PM U.S. agriculture could achieve an in-
adequately effective. The evolutionary shift creased production while at the same time
to 1PM is too slow to have a significant impact providing maximum protection to man, his
except in a few situations. crops, and the environment.
8 . Pest Management Strategies

To remove the obstacles to 1PM, the follow- increase support for State plant health
ing actions are all required: clinics;
● provide direct Federal support for pest
● provide increased funds and longer time management training programs and es-
support for disciplinary and interdisci- tablish regional pest management study
plinary research in the basic biology, centers;
bionomics, and interactions of crop ● provide the means to make available in-
pests: creased education, extension, and prac-
tical 1PM demonstration programs:
● provide increased support for biological ● review the relationship between existing
control and host-plant resistance efforts,
food quality standards and pesticide
along with increased flexibility in pesti-
use; and
cide use and incentives for the develop- ● establish a clear focus of Federal intent
ment of low-sales-volume, selective pes-
and assign to the U.S. Department of Ag-
riculture, the lead Agency, the responsi-
● create a federally coordinated pest and bility, authority, and necessary funding
weather-monitoring program, support to coordinate 1PM research programs
public information delivery systems, of- and to implement an adequately staffed
fer incentives for the formation of pri- and coordinated information delivery
vate information delivery systems, and system,
Chapter I

Historical Perspective on
Crop Protection
Chapter I

Historical Perspective on
Crop Protection

Since recorded history, the impact of pests on food crops has been impor-
tant. Many practices of “traditional” and “modern” agriculture have evolved
because of pest problems. Without doubt, pests of food crops influenced the
course of civilizations-for example, the ancient Greeks and Remans knew of
and used pesticides in the Mediterranean Basin. Crop losses from pests during
those times were probably even more severe in the humid tropics, just as they
are today.
Over the 10,000 or more years that man has cultivated crops, he gradually
evolved production systems that ensured an adequate food supply for the family
or tribal unit from one harvest until the next. Seeds were selected from plants
pest infestations;
that survived the rigors of weather and cultivation, planting
time, and other production practices were adopted that ensured consistent
rather than high but variable yields. At best, however, such ancient practices
were based on trial and error without the benefit of modern genetics, chemistry,
and cultural capabilities; they were only moderately effective and resulted in
relatively low and unstable production levels. Furthermore, effective means did
not exist to deal with disasters such as locust plagues and blight.

During the last century agriculture in in- sive array of crop protection technologies has
dustrial countries has changed from relative- evolved. Included are pest-resistant plants,
ly small, labor-intensive, diversified family cultural controls, biological controls, pesti-
units to large, highly mechanized operations. cides, behavior-modifying substances, quar-
As production became concentrated in favor- antine laws, and pest eradication programs.
able areas and as monoculture, high fertility, Some cultural controls are not adaptable to
irrigation, and other components of modern high-production agriculture: some pesticides
agriculture were widely adopted, pest prob- have declined in effectiveness: other controls
lems frequently became more severe. Insects, are used successfully to manage only a lim-
disease organisms, and nematode problems ited number of pests: none are entirely satis-
were magnified, particularly on fruits and factory or universally applicable, Recently,
vegetables, and weed problems became more the increasing dependence on chemical pesti-
acute as those species most suited for the cides has raised concern regarding risks to
new cropping systems proliferated. This situ- human health and the environment.
ation was further exacerbated by the move-
Pest-resistant plants were recognized in
ment of pest species from one continent to
the 19th century, but only in the 20th century
another. Many of the most serious pests in the
has breeding for pest resistance become an
United States were introduced from other
active area of research. Numerous cultivars
(varieties) resistant to one or more diseases
As a result of the increasing need for meth- were developed, and varieties of apples,
ods to prevent losses due to pests, an impres- grapes, and wheat were known to be resist-

12 ● Pest Management Strategies

ant to woolly aphid, phylloxera, and Hessian tus in Australia through the introduction of a
fly, respectively. During the last 30 years the lepidopterous insect in 1925.
development of cultivars resistant to major
disease organisms and nematodes has accel- The importance of biological control was
erated. The development of insect-resistant not realized for many situations until certain
crops has received less emphasis partly be- insecticides that affected a broad range of
cause of the easy availability of economical organisms were used on crops such as cotton
and effective insecticides. Breeding for weed and apple. This resulted in the removal of the
resistance has focused on the ability to com- natural enemies for some secondary or even
pete but otherwise has been given little atten- previously unknown pests that then became
tion. Recently, allelopathy (the ability of one major damaging pests, The earliest planned
plant to suppress another by producing toxic 1PM control efforts were made in 1940 on ap-
substances) has received attention as a weed ples in Nova Scotia in an attempt to use insec-
control tactic. ticides and fungicides that would not inter-
fere with biological control of insects and
Cultural control methods are as old as mites.
agriculture and are used primarily for weed,
nematode, and disease control. These meth- Pesticides have been used for more than
ods include sanitation, destruction of alter- 2,000 years but, until the last century, only to
nate hosts and volunteer plants, crop rota- a limited extent. During the late 1800’s and
tion, tillage, trap crops, time of planting, early 1900’s, the first widespread use of in-
water and fertilizer management, and use of secticides was initiated, Arsenical were
pest-free seed and planting stock. Although used on potatoes, cotton, apples, and a few
cultural methods alone are not likely to en- other crops, Bordeaux mixture and liquid
sure adequate controls, they often can reduce lime sulfur were used on grapes, potatoes,
pest population pressures and enhance other and fruits to prevent severe losses by disease
control tactics. The availability of economical organisms. By 1903 crude but practical gaso-
herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides has line-powered spraying and dusting equipment
reduced emphasis on cultural controls; the was in use: by 1915 the use of chemical insec-
integrated pest management (1PM) approach ticides and fungicides on most crops had be-
to crop protection has brought renewed at- come standard practice, The inorganic pre-
tention to these old cultural methods, dominated until the 1940’s when DDT, BHC,
the dithiocarbamate fungicides, and 2,4-D
Biological control is the regulation of pest became the forerunners of a revolutionary
organisms by their natural enemies and is im- new class of chemicals, the synthetic organic
portant in pest management. Primarily, in- compounds. During the last 30 years the total
sects and mites are controlled by this method, use of pesticides has increased twelvefold in
but it may play an important role in the reg- the United States alone; increases in the
ulation of some disease organisms, weeds, developing countries have been much more
and vertebrates. Natural enemies are macro- gradual, The latest figures show the rate of
bial (vertebrates, insects, and mites) or mi- increase slowing for fungicides and insec-
crobial (fungi, bacteria, viruses), and may be ticides, while herbicide use continues to ex-
indigenous or introduced from other areas. pand until now its use far exceeds that of any
other group of pesticides. In 1977, 7 percent
The earliest known use of biological control of pesticide sales in the United States were
was by the Chinese who used ants to control for fungicides, 35 percent were for insec-
insect pests in citrus orchards. Other better ticides, and 58 percent were for herbicides.
known cases were the introduction of the
Vedalia beetle into California citrus groves in Although microbial pesticides have been
1890 to control the introduced cottony cush- explored, only one bacterium, Bacillus thur-
ion scale and the control of prickly pear cac- ingiensis, is in extensive commercial use at
Ch. /— Historical Perspective on Crop Protect/on ● 13

present for control of agricultural pests. one nean fruit fly in Florida are successful ex-
insect virus is registered for full use and amples, but attempts to eradicate the com-
several others have experimental-use permits mon barberry, field bindweed. witchweed,
for field tests as the first step toward full gypsy moth. golden nematode, and fire ant
registration. It is noteworthy that commer- have failed. Also the potential hazards to
cially produced Microbials are considered. by human health and the environment must be
law, to be pesticides. but the regulation of considered. Much concern exists that funds
pests by their ‘‘natural’” enemies, which in- and manpower so badly needed for other
clude microbial agents, is biological control. crop protection efforts will be wasted on
futile eradication projects.
Behavior-modifying substances such as in-
sect pheromones are a recent development Integrated pest management (1PM) is a
and their ultimate role in crop protection is concept of crop production incorporating ef-
unknown. The pheromone Gossyplure is reg- fective, stable, long-lasting crop protection
istered for control of the pink bollworm on components that minimize the negative side
cot ton. They, and other attractants, are now effects of current pest control actions. As
widely used to monitor insect activity. mentioned above, none of the current control
tactics are entirely satisfactory or universal-
Quarantine regulations originated in the
ly applicable even though U.S. farmers have
late 19th and early 20th centuries. Germany
achieved a high degree of dominance over
instituted regulatory measures in 1873 to pro-
many plant pests during the last century.
hibit entry of products that might spread
grape phylloxera. During the next 10 years organic pesticides were first acclaimed as
various States enacted the first quarantine the ultimate solution to crop protection prob-
laws in the United States. In 1905 the Federal lems, but experience over time has shown
Insect Pest Act was enacted, and in 1912 the that, for all their advantages with respect to
Federal Plant Quarantine Act was passed by human heaIth and conservation of food and
Congress. These regulations were based on fiber, they have many limitations. On cotton
the concept that the spread of pests through and a few other crops in some areas, pest re-
human activity can be prevented, especially sistance to insecticides and secondary in-
if a geographic barrier. such as an ocean or duced pests have resulted in disastrous
mountain range, exists between the place of losses. Biological, cultural, host-plant resist-
origin and the area to be protected. Today. ance, and other tactics are all effective
the extent and rate of world travel and trade against specific pests but have Iimitations
has led to a reexamination of these proce- that restrict their general usefulness in crop
dures in an attempt to adapt to changing con- production. These developments have led to a
ditions. In 1974 Congress passed the Noxious general recognition o v e r t h e p a s t t w o
Weed Act which was not funded until 1978. decades of the need for improved crop protec-
and then only modestly. tion systems. The 1PM concept developed in
response to this need.
Eradication is the complete extermination
of a pest from an area and is permanent *’Integrated pest management”’ is a term
unless the pest is reintroduced. It may be the that has different meanings to different peo-
ideal method of dealing with a newly intro- ple. Definition problems have plagued the
duced species. Eradication programs are po- 1PM effort since its inception. It is an all-
litically attractive because of their visibility inclusive concept that should be applicable to
and because they offer short-term relief from all pests (weeds, plant pathogens, nematodes,
attacks of the pest involved, but permanent vertebrates, insects, etc. ) However, terminol-
success is difficult, if not impossible, to attain ogy, control tactics, and strategies vary
for most pests with present technology. Eradi- among disciplinary groups so that it is dif-
cation of the screw worm in the Southeast ficult to arrive at a definition completely ap-
and, on several occasions, of the Mediterra- propriate to all interests. The term “inte-
74 . Pest Management Strategies

grated pest management,*’ as used through- Pest management is not a primary goal;
out this report, is defined as follows: rather, it is one component of the total crop
production system which is a series of in-
Integrated pest management (1PM) is the
terlocking physical, biological, and manage-
optimization of pest control in an economical-
ment functions all interacting to determine
ly and ecologically sound manner, accom-
the yield of a cultivated crop (see figure I).
plished by the coordinated use of multiple
Crop pests are important elements of the sys-
tactics to assure stable crop production and
tem that interact among themselves and with
to maintain pest damage below the economic
other components of the system; they are
injury level while minimizing hazards to hu-
managed not as a primary objective but only
mans, animals, plants, and the environment.
as they reduce productivity of the system by
In the above definition, 1PM is synonymous an amount greater than the cost of control.
with “’integrated pest control, ” a term gener- As an organized, comprehensive approach
ally used outside the United States. “Inte- to the management of crop pests, 1PM pro-
grated pest management” and “pest manage- ceeds through a series of steps in planning
ment” are used interchangeably in this re- pest management programs. These steps and
port. their underlying principles, presented in the
The current definitions of some common order of their priority in developing pro-
terms used in crop protection are: grams, are:
1. Identify the pests to be managed in the
Pest—Formerly restricted in common use
crop production system (agroecosys-
to insects and certain rodents, now applies to
tem). An organism should not be classed
all noxious and damaging organisms includ-
as a pest until it is proven to be so. A spe-
ing insects. mites, nematodes, plant patho-
cies may be a pest in some situations and
gens, weeds, and vertebrates.
not in others. Pest identification should
Pesticides—Includes insecticides, miti- be coupled with the establishment of
cides, nematicides, herbicides, fungicides, economic thresholds. (See no, 4 below. )
etc. 2. Define the management unit—the agro-
ecosystem. The limits of the agroeco-
Strategies— Pest control strategies are the system should be determined by the
general approaches or systems used to man- characteristics of the local cropping sys-
age a pest or pests. 1PM is the strategy of tem and the patterns of movement of the
using applicable multiple tactics to prevent key pests involved. Multiple-species
pest losses. management requires a “best compro-
Tactics—These are the specific methods mise” solution to the overall pest prob-
used to achieve pest control. These include lems within the capabilities of the in-
pesticides, pest-resistant varieties, cultural volved farmers.
practices, biological control, and others. 3. Development of the pest management
strategy. The fundamental strategy of
1PM in its broadest form considers all ma- pest management is the coordinated use
jor pests in an agroecosystem and is inte- of multiple control tactics in a single in-
grated as one component of the total crop pro- tegrated system. The goal is to hold pest
duction system, However, integrated control numbers and crop damage to tolerable
tactics for individual or groups of similar levels. It is generally a containment
pests can be implemented without waiting for strategy rather than an eradication
the “perfect”’ total program to be developed, strategy.
These tactics can be modified, improved, and 4 Establish economic injury thresholds.
integrated with control tactics for other pests The economic injury threshold is the pest
as new information becomes available, population level that causes a loss to the
Ch. l—Historical Perspective on Crop Protection ● 15

Figure 1 .— Diagrammatic Concept of an Agroecosystem

of a
Crop Variety

SOURCE J L APrle Impact of Plant Dtsease on World Food Product Ion pp 39.49 In D Plmentel ed Wor/d Food Pesf /.osses and the ErivIron
men f (Boulder Colo Westv(ew Press 1978 I

crop greater than the cost of carrying 5. Develop reliable monitoring techniques.
out a pest control action. Obviously, the Monitoring information on some pests
economic threshold values (pest popula- provides the basis for decisions on imme-
tion levels) vary for a given crop depend- diate suppressive pest managment ac-
ing on the value of the crop, the state of tions, whereas for other pests such in-
its development, and environmental con- formation is useful only for management
ditions (both biological and physical). decisions concerning future cropping

16 ● pest Management Strategies

seasons. This involves the measurement knowledge gaps that must be filled to
of pest populations (numbers of spores, understand the system, and in predicting
insects, nematodes, weeds, etc. ) or over time the behavior of the crop pro-
amount of disease. duction system and its pest components.
This is a desired goal in the development
6. Develop descriptive and predictive of sophisticated systems but is not an ab-
models. Modeling is a very useful tool in solute requirement for all 1PM pro-
organizing r e s e a r c h , i n identifying grams,
Chapter II

Present. Status of
Crop Protection
Chapter 11

Present Status of
Crop Protection

In 1966 U.S. farmers used approximately Figure 3.— Number of Pesticides Introduced Each
300 million lbs of pesticides for crop protec- Year From 1930
tion; by 1976 pesticide use had doubled to
more than 600 million lbs. This escalation
reflects the dramatic increase in herbicide
use over the 10-year period, while insecticide
and fungicide use has increased only slightly
(figure 2). In contrast, the number of new
pesticides introduced each year has declined
steadily from a high of about 30 in 1967 to
less than 10 in 1975 (figure 3). Although there
are more than 1,200 chemicals labeled for
pesticide use and thousands of registered
pesticide formulations, farmers currently use
a relatively small number of major pesticides:
17 herbicides, 20 insecticides, and 6 fungi-
cides account for more than 80 percent of all
pesticides used.

Figure 2.— Volume of Pesticides Used

on U.S. Farms
1925 ’35 ’45 ’55 ’65 1975
Mil. Ibs. (active ingredients)
400 SOURCE C A I Goring 1977 The Costs of Cornrnerc/a//z/ng Pest/c/ales P P
1 33 In D L Watson and A W A Brown (eds ) Pest{c/de Manage
- Herbicides rrren( and /nsecf/c/de Res/sfance (New York Academic Press)
- Insecticides
D Fungicides
300 A recent review of crop protection methods
indicates that pesticides are contributing to
pest and environmental problems; other re-
views focus on the millions of lives saved, in-
creased crop productivity, and preservation
of food and fiber afforded by proper use of
modern pesticides. Some claim that, in gen-
100 eral, pesticides are not necessary and that
adequate alternative tactics for crop protec-
tion are available, while others believe that
pesticides are essential in modern agricul-
0 ture and that massive economic dislocations
1966 1971 1976
and further deterioration of an already
precarious food balance would result from a
SOURCE Adapted from 1978 Handbook of Agr/cu/tura/ Charts, USDA Agrl
culture Handbook #551 loss of pesticides. What is the true situation?

51-788 - “9 - 3
20 ● Pest Management Strategies

What would happen if effective pesticides proaches to pest control, 7) obstacles to im-
were not available for use? What alternative plementation of pest management strategies
control tactics and strategies are available? and tactics, and 8) requirements for a viable,
Could they prevent predicted severe disrup- privately operated pest management delivery
tions and dislocations of food production? If system.
alternative crop protection technology is
available but unused, how can it be imple- The crops and regions selected were:
mented? If there were to be adverse conse- wheat in the Great Plains States, corn in the
quences, would the benefits derived justify Corn Belt, cotton and associated sorghum
the costs? What must be done to reduce pest- problems in Texas, deciduous tree-fruits
caused losses of food with a minimum of in- (especially apple) in the northern half of the
sult to the environment and without endan- country, potatoes in the Northeastern States,
gering human health? These are the ques- soybeans in the Southeastern sector, and
tions addressed in this report. selected vegetables in California. These crops
Most broad discussions of the status of are representatives of more than 90 percent
crop protection deal in generalities based on of agricultural production in the United
averaged data. To avoid this limitation the States. They also span the range of econom-
crop protection problems, technology, strat- ic returns per unit area, the quality stand-
egies, economics, obstacles to improvement, ards as they relate to pest damage, and the
and needs were examined in detail for seven amounts of pesticides used totally or on a per-
cropping systems in the United States. For acre basis. Pests associated with these crops
each system, teams of crop protection scien- include insects, diseases, weeds, nematodes,
tists, economists, agronomists, farmers, envi- and vertebrates such as rodents and birds.
ronmentalists, and consumer representatives Hence a study of crop protection on these
were commissioned to prepare reports on the seven cropping systems provides a realistic
following subjects: 1) general nature of the appraisal of the present status and short-
cropping system in their region, 2) major pest term future prospects of crop pest manage-
of the crop(s), 3) present control strategies ment in the United States.
and tactics, 4) present and predicted prob-
lems with current practices, 5) predictable The complete detailed reports of each of
changes in pest control over the next 10 to 15 the seven cropping systems are in volume II.
years, 6) projected impacts of available ap- This volume is based on those reports.


Wheat, which originated in the Near East, age 1,500 to 2,000 acres annually in a wheat-
was introduced in the United States in col- fallow rotation.
onial times. It ranks as one of the most impor-
tant food crops in the United States and the Wheat production in the Great Plains is
world. The Great Plains States (Colorado, risky because of variability in moisture,
Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, weeds, diseases, insects, and hail. Moisture
North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, is the greatest limitation to consistent wheat
Texas, and Wyoming) produce 54 percent of production and a stable agriculture. Wheat
U.S. wheat on 64 percent (45 million acres) of production in the Great Plains has tradi-
the harvested wheat acreage. Production tionally relied on a mix of pest control
generally is on large farms where it is the ma- methods. In contrast to other U.S. agricul-
jor agricultural enterprise. Wheat farming is tural regions, wheat producers have de-
highly mechanized and one person can man- pended less on chemical control of pests

Ch. 11—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 21

because of the extensiveness of wheat pro- treated with herbicides, while 95 percent of
duction, the marginal economic return, and the spring wheat acreage was treated. Such
the effectiveness of some nonchemical con- data emphasize the greater weed com-
trol methods on pests. petitiveness of winter wheat compared with
spring wheats. The six major herbicides used
pests of wheat on wheat are 2,4-D, MCPA, dicamba, bromox-
ynil, triallate, and barban. Triallate is used
Wheat in the Great Plains is attacked by preemergence a n d t h e o t h e r s a r e u s e d
more than 30 arthropods, 20 plant pathogens, postemergence.
16 vertebrates, and 20 weeds which cause
total annual production losses of approxi-
Cultural Pest Control
mately 28 percent. Weeds are the major eco-
nomic pest, while vertebrates are of minor Cultural practices play a major role in re-
importance. In addition to biological pests, ducing the incidence of many pest problems,
there are environmental hazards of soil ero- but other pest problems may be aggravated
sion, hail storms, and problems associated by such practices. Delayed seeding of wheat
with the depletion of soil organic matter. The may control certain insects and diseases, but
principal control tactics used against the top later emerging pests then become a problem.
10 pests in each of four categories are listed Plowing, burning, or crop rotation destroys
in table 2. some diseases present on wheat residues, but
plowing or burning exposes soil to moisture
loss and erosion. Cultural control methods for
Chemical Pesticide Use
vertebrates include time of planting to dis-
In 1971, approximately 47 percent of the courage migration, planting trap crops of pre-
wheat acreage was treated with pesticides ferred foods, and the use of mechanical scare
with a total expenditure over $20 million. In devices. Production practices that stimulate
1977 pesticide costs for wheat were $1.23, growth of wheat plants are generally used to
$1.11, and $0.65 per acre in the southern, provide maximum competition to weeds. A
northern, and central Great Plains regions, few examples of this include selection of the
respectively. wheat cultivar, seedbed preparation, method
of seeding, seeding rates and dates, row spac-
Insecticide use on wheat is low compared ing, fertilization, irrigation or water manage-
to other field crops. About 8 percent of the ment, erosion control, managed grazing of
U.S. wheat acreage annually receives an in- wheat growth, and sanitation.
secticide application, most of which is used to
control greenbug, cutworms, armyworms.
Plant Resistance
and grasshoppers. Fourteen insecticides are
registered for use on wheat; nine are organo- Plant resistance to insects is the most ef-
phosphates and five are organochlorines. fective component of management for the
Hessian fly and wheat stem sawfly, two of the
Because of uncertain economic benefits, major insects of wheat in the Great Plains.
less than 1 percent of the wheat acreage in Greenbug-resistant wheat should be avail-
the Great Plains is treated with fungicides for able to growers in 4 to 5 years.
foliar disease control. Fungicidal seed treat-
ment is increasing for the control of common The major approach in controlling wheat
bunt and seedling blight. No vertebrate diseases is through the use of resistant va-
species is considered a major nuisance in the rieties. For example, stem rust caused major
Great Plains. losses in spring wheat from 1918 through
1955, but no significant loss has occurred
More than 90 percent of the pesticides since then when cultivars with stacked
used on wheat are herbicides. About 20 per- resistances to this disease came into wide-
cent of the winter wheat acreage in 1977 was spread use. Cultivars with specific resist-
22 ● Pest Management Strategies

Table 2.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Wheat in the Great Plains

Introduced (1) Pred & Mlcro- resist- Samta- natlng Crop Plantlng Clean Water FertW
Major pests
-- para..
Wild oats I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2
Mustards I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1
Winter annual bromes I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
Foxtail I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
Field bindweed ,1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1
T h i s t l e s 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1
Wild buckwheat ... : I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1
Quack grass . I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Jointed goatgrass I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Field penny cress. ., I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1
! essian fly I 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1
Greenbug. I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1
Wheat stem sawfly N 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
Army worms . . N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2
Cutworms . . . N 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2
A p h i d s . , .,N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Grasshoppers N 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1
Wheat stem maggot N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
False wireworm N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1
True wireworm N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1
Stem rust N 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2
Leaf rust : N 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2
Tan spot N 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1
Septoria leaf blotch. N 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
Root foot rots N 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1
Wheat streak mosaic N 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2
Barley yellow dwarf N 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
SoIl borne mosaic. N 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Powdery mildew N 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bacterial leaf blight. N 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
13-llned ground squirrel N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Franklin ground squirrel N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Spotted ground squirrel N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Richardson ground
squirrel N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Norway rat I 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
House mouse I 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Deer mouse I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Cotton rat N 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Meadow vole N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Prairie vole N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Key 1 = hlfle or no use
2= some use
3 = malor use

ances are also used to control several other ever, wheat breeders have selected large
diseases. seed and fast-emerging, vigorous seedlings
that have improved weed competitiveness.
Little directed effort has been made Use of short-stemmed wheats ‘that better
through breeding to improve the ability of resist lodging has increased weed control
wheat cultivars to compete with weeds. How- problems.
Ch. //—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 23

Biological Control pest management (1PM) system. Measures

employed are cultural practices, alternate
Efforts to develop or manipulate specific host eradication, quarantine, resistant culti-
biological control methods for wheat pests vars, and disease monitoring. Chemical con-
have not succeeded. However, a number of trol has no role in the current management
natural enemies of wheat pests are operative program against stem rust. For the past 23
and of some importance in the control of cer- years this disease has not affected produc-
tain pests. Their natural manipulation would tion in the highly vulnerable spring wheat
be possible if the necessary research person- area where susceptible cultivars in trap plots
nel were available to develop specific tactics. are severely infested in 2 out of 3 years.

Organic Farming Accurate short-term models exist for pre-

dicting the development of leaf and stem rust
Intensive organic farming methods are not and would be useful for predicting outbreaks.
practical for the extensive culture of wheat These models are in limited use, however, be-
on low-value marginal land of the Great cause the required organizational structure
Plains. is lacking for their application throughout the
Great Plains.
Other Control Practices
Wheat farmers use weed pest manage-
Specific control methods of limited use on ment, knowingly or unknowingly, to protect
wheat pests include electrical discharge their crops by cultural, mechanical, biolog-
methods, ultrahigh radio waves, laser beams, ical, chemical, and preventive control meth-
pheromones, and various mechanical means ods. The introduction of the ecofarming sys-
of removing weeds remaining after other con- tem of producing wheat is an example of
trol methods have been used. Soil fumigants weed management being introduced into the
have possible application for the destruction Great Plains. Ecofarming is a system of con-
of soil fungi and bacteria, nematodes, ar- trolling weeds and managing plant residues
thropods, and weed propagules. throughout a cropping sequence with a mini-
mum use of tillage. This system reduces soil
Current Use of Pest Management erosion and crop production costs while in-
Systems creasing weed control, water infiltration,
moisture conservation, and crop yields. Eco-
Wheat growers in the Great Plains have farming was introduced in Nebraska in 1973
practiced insect management for years. Be- on 200 acres and by 1978 was used on nearly
cause wheat is a relatively low-value crop, 100,000 acres.
prevention of damage is emphasized rather
than heavy reliance on insecticides after the Insects.—Government regulations that
crop is infested. Those cultural control meth- restrict or ban the use of certain insecticides
ods and plant resistance that add little or no have reduced their availability and have in-
extra cost to growers are incorporated into creased control costs for some wheat pests.
wheat management practices to obtain inte- For example, two organochlorines (endrin
grated control of single insects or insect com- and toxaphene) are the only effective mate-
plexes. However, when no alternative meth- rials presently available for cutworm and ar-
ods to chemical control are available, proper myworm control. Further restrictions on the
timing and minimum rates of insecticides are use of organochlorines will leave wheat vul-
recommended. nerable to these and other soil insects.

Wheat stem rust, a disease with great po- Although insecticide resistance is not a ma-
tential for widespread wheat destruction, is jor problem in wheat pests, there is evidence
controlled in the United States by a combina- that the greenbug has developed tolerance to
tion of measures that comprise an integrated organophosphates, which are the only insecti-
24 ● Pest Management Strategies

cides registered for use against greenbug on crease with the acceptance of ecofarming
wheat. Thus there is a pressing need for new techniques.
insecticides and alternate control methods
Vulnerability of wheat to leaf rust in the
for this pest.
Great Plains is high and the diversity of re-
Acreage of Hessian-fly-resistant wheats in sistance to this disease is inadequate. Viru-
Kansas and Nebraska has decreased from lence exists in the leaf rust population of the
about 66 percent of the acreage in 1973 to United States for all useful resistant culti-
about 42 percent of the acreage in 1977. vars. Therefore, a major epidemic could oc-
Along with this decrease there has been a cur any year.
corresponding increase in Hessian fly infesta-
Weeds.—Weeds infesting spring wheat
tions in the previously resistant acreage.
are mostly early-maturing summer annuals.
Also, a serious outbreak of Hessian fly oc-
The winter wheats are infested most severely
curred on 50,000 acres of spring wheat in
by winter annual weeds or weeds that germi-
South Dakota in 1978. Both winter and spring
nate in early spring. Grass weeds are becom-
wheats are becoming highly vulnerable to
ing an increasing problem because control
outbreaks of Hessian fly,
methods are generally unavailable. Specific
There is only limited effort to continue de- cultural methods such as stubble-mulch farm-
veloping wheat-stem-sawfly-resistant culti- ing have controlled tap-rooted weeds while
vars. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s allowing shallow, fibrous-rooted weeds to in-
(USDA) Science and Education Administra- crease. Field bindweed continues to be a
tion (SEA) terminated research on wheat severe problem especially in the western part
stem sawfly in 1972. In the absence of this re- of the Great Plains. Ecofarming and other
search effort, the resistant cultivars present- minimum tillage wheat production systems
ly grown are expected to be replaced with decrease most annual weeds while perennial
susceptible cultivars that have other im- weeds increase.
proved agronomic characteristics. Thus, in-
Wild oat continues as the major summer
festations of wheat stem sawfly are expected
annual weed in the spring wheat area. Also,
to increase.
it has recently become an increasing weed
An increase in ecofarming as a system for species acting as a winter annual in Texas
wheat production may result in the emer- and Oklahoma. The spread of this species
gence of vertebrate pests. This system will should be stopped before it infests the entire
provide suitable habitat for several mam- winter wheat belt in the Great Plains.
malian and avian species that can affect
Other weeds are spreading in both winter
stand establishment and grain production,
and spring wheat areas and are not ade-
Diseases.—Zinc ion-maneb complex and quately controlled.
zineb fungicides currently are undergoing re-
Soil erosion by wind and water continues
buttable presumption against registration
to be a problem when tillage is utilized. The
(RPAR) by the Environmental Protection
main reason for tillage is weed control. If
Agency (EPA). If registration of these
wheat residues are left on the soil surface,
fungicides is not approved, no alternative
weed control is more difficult and requires
broad spectrum fungicide of comparable ef-
additional cultivations that reduce residues
fectiveness is available for control of foliar
needed to prevent soil erosion. Weeds are
diseases in wheat.
heavy users of moisture which is the limiting
Use of minimal tillage with continuous factor in crop production in the Great Plains.
cropping in the eastern Great Plains has in- However, tillage reduces soil moisture by ex-
creased the potential threat from diseases posing soil to the air. Tillage controls weeds
that develop from pathogens surviving on in- by burial of the weeds, desiccation of the
fested debris. The extent of this threat will in- weeds by cutting the roots, or drying out the
Ch. /l—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 25

surface soil sufficiently to prevent weed seed For a detailed report of crop protection on
germination, Herbicide use could be a trade- wheat in the Great Plains, see volume II.
off to tillage for weed control and would re-
sult in reduced soil erosion and moisture loss.

The Corn Belt agroecosystem is one of the sporadic pests of corn. Although the severity
world’s most intensive farming centers. It in- of pest problems varies by area and season.
cludes a lo-State geographical area in the catastrophic outbreaks have not occurred be-
North-Central United States characterized by cause of generally restrictive environmental
near optimum environment, resources, and conditions and reasonably effective control
supporting services for corn production. It tactics. Realistic estimates of annual crop
produces 83 percent of the Nation’s corn, 68 losses in yield and quality caused by pests are
percent of the soybeans, 30 percent of the difficult to develop, but losses would be
wheat, and 30 percent of the grain sorghum. astronomical without pest control.
More than 46 percent of the cropped acreage
Major weeds include annual and perennial
of the United States is in the Corn Belt.
grasses as well as annual and perennial
Corn and soybean are the major crops and broad leaf species. Four weed species infest
the major cropping system in much of the 70 to 100 percent of the area. The other
Corn Belt. Wheat and grain sorghum are im- species are not as ubiquitous but have the
portant rotational crops in some States, but potential of reducing yields markedly on 10 to
double cropping of wheat followed by soy- 40 percent of the acreage. Whether repro-
bean in the same year is restricted to south- duced through seeds or by vegetative parts,
ern portions of the Corn Belt where the cli- the potential always exists for disastrous
mate is favorable to this practice. Most Corn losses from weeds unless controlled. Many
Belt farmers rotate the major crops, but mon- Corn Belt farmers consider weed control
ocropping is practiced in areas heavily com- their most important production problem.
mitted to the production of livestock and
where the climate restricts soybean harvest Soil-borne pathogens as a group inflict the
to a short period each fall. Irrigation has ex- greatest consistent losses from diseases in
panded the western boundary for corn pro- the Corn Belt. The root- and stalk-rot patho-
duction where rainfall or soil types were gens alone cause estimated crop losses of 10
previously considered too dry; sorghum and to 14 percent annually; viral, bacterial,
winter wheat, rather than soybean, are the fungal, and other pathogens attack foliage,
more common rota tional crops in these areas. stalks, and grain causing severe loss when
Corn Belt farms are highly mechanized and plants are stressed by environmental condi-
tions, weed competition, or management
efficient, and the cropping system must be
considered when developing pest manage- practices. New diseases occur periodically
through biotic changes in virulence or adapt-
ment programs for corn.
ability of the pathogen and through the in-
troduction of exotic diseases. Changes in cul-
Pests of Corn tural practices, the genetic makeup of hy-
Of the 30 annual and perennial weeds, 30 brids, and weather variations induce dra-
species of insects, and 50 disease pathogens matic changes in pest species. Further, new
that are potential pests of corn in the region, problems have been identified, such as nema-
only 19 weeds, 6 insects, 9 disease pathogens, todes on corn; virtually every agricultural soil
and 8 nematodes are major and consistent contains several genera o f t h e s e p l a n t
pests. Another dozen or so are major but parasitic organisms.
26 ● Pest Management Strategies

A variety of insects reduces yields every Chemical Pest Control

year in the Corn Belt and many are capable of
Pesticides are primarily applied to soil and
causing catastrophic damage. Several insects
seed to provide effective, dependable, and
annually infest millions of acres and signif-
sometimes the only control for some pests or
icantly reduce yields. Major and consistent
pest complexes. The largest quantities of pes-
insect pests such as corn rootworm, Euro-
ticides used on corn in the Corn Belt are ap-
pean corn borer, fall armyworm, and the
plied to the soil, pre- or post-emergence, for
black cutworm generally monopolize the con-
weed and insect control. In 1977, approxi-
cern of growers. Major but sporadic pests
mately 46 percent of the corn acreage re-
such as the corn leaf aphid have the potential
ceived insecticides and 80 percent was
of causing widespread damage, although ser-
treated with a small quantity of fungicide as
ious losses may not occur each year. Most of
a seed protestant. The greatest potential for
the major corn insect pests are widely distrib-
disastrous yield losses from weeds is re-
uted or dispersed throughout corn-growing
flected in the use of herbicides on practically
areas. The rootworm complex is only damag-
all corn acreage. Current control tactics are
ing where corn follows corn in the rotation.
based principally on chemicals and cultural
The western corn rootworm is a relatively
controls for weeds and insects and on cultur-
new pest in the central Corn Belt and is cur-
al controls and genetically resistant plants
rently migrating throughout the Midwestern
for diseases.
United States. The indirect damage caused by
a weed as an alternate host for pathogens or A shift to reduced tillage for erosion con-
insects, or by an insect or nematode as a vec- trol, moisture retention, and labor and energy
tor of disease, may be greater than either efficiency has increased the need for and reli-
pest inflicts independently, thus an in- ance on pesticides. Zero-tillage systems may
tegrated approach is required for effective also require fungicides, rodenticides, and
pest control. higher dosages of pesticides because contem-
porary herbicides and insecticides are not as
As new strains of pests develop or as new effective in controlling annual weeds or in-
exotic pest imports increase in severity, man- sects when large quantities of crop residue
agement practices to control them are mod- remain on the soil surface.
ified. These changes, in turn, may favor other
pest problems. Emphasis on a specific control Cultural Pest Control
tactic for one pest may permit greater flex-
ibility or impose greater problems in the con- Cultural practices are an integral part of
trol of other pests. most pest control strategies and are most ef-
fective in combination with other pest control
Pest control tactics are designed to disrupt measures. Cultural practices are the only tac-
the favorable combination of biotic and envi- tic available for many of the soil-borne dis-
ronmental factors necessary for pest develop- eases. Specific cultural practices used
ment. Pest control is an essential part of the throughout the Corn Belt to reduce survival,
crop protection system. Generally, pest con- germination, development, or spread of pests
trol strategies emphasize prevention when- include the use of clean disease-free seed, ad-
ever possible because many corn pests can- justed planting or harvesting dates, tillage,
not be effectively controlled if they become drainage, crop sequence, crop rotation, plant
established during the cropping season. A nutrition (fertilization), and sanitation (table
combination of tactics is available to reduce 3). Cultural practices are combined with her-
the variety of pest threats in the Corn Belt. bicides for more effective weed control. Data
The principal control tactics used against ma- collected over 10 years shows that one or two
jor pests are shown in table 3, cultivations with an herbicide result in higher
Ch. I/—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 27

Table 3.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Corn in the Corn Belt
— -——
Natwe (N Cultural
‘ rI - “Oq’c~t.-
‘ “ T -H o s Tt - - – – - – – – – – – - - - — — - - — - - – – — - - - 1 = = = = 1 = ~ ~ - -

Major pests
Introduced 1
I para

btal ~ ance 1 tton

(1) Pred & Micro- resist- Sanlta- natlng Crop Plantlng
hosts rotation date
Tll[age LSotl Seed Follar lng
Monitor- twe

Weeds ‘- ” - ‘-
‘Foxtail spp, ., N 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1
Plgweed I 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1
Quack grass I 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1
Lambsquarler I 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1
Velvet leaf 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1
Fall panlcum 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1
Barnyard grass I 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1
Crabgrass 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1
Yellow nutsedge I 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 1
Smartweed 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 1
Corn rootworms 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 2
Cutworms 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 1
European cornborers I 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
A r m y w o r m s 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 0 3 1 1
Corn leaf aphid 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Stored grain Insects 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
Seedling blight N 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 1
Stalk rots N 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1
Anthracnose N 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1
Leaf bllghts N 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
Bacterial wilt 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Smut N 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ear rot N 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Viruses 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
— .
Key 1 = htlle or no use
2 = some use
3 = major use

yields of corn than do multiple cultivations the cropping season, the limited number of
without herbicides. days available for the crop to develop and
mature, overall pest problems, and other
Seeding date disrupts the synchrony be- management decisions.
tween a susceptible stage in crop develop-
Tillage is a direct control measure for
ment and the pest cycle. Full-season corn
weeds and an indirect control for diseases
hybrids are generally higher yielding and
and insects. Clean cultivation removes some
more efficient than short-season hybrids, but
alternate hosts of insects and pathogens,
seeding after a certain date greatly reduces
while incorporation of crop residues into the
the yield potential of full-season hybrids.
soil hastens their degradation and subjects
Seeding in cold, wet soil generally increases
pests to natural enemies or antagonists. Crop
weed competition, seedling diseases, and
residue on the soil surface increases some
early insect damage, but it may reduce stress
pest problems by maintaining a high popula-
during grain formation and avoid severe
tion of the pest where it is easily disseminated
losses from viruses, bacterial wilt, and ser-
(diseases), stimulated to germinate (weeds),
ious stalk- and ear-damaging pests that may
or protected from natural enemies (insects).
be more prevalent later in the season. Early-
Damage by rodents and birds increases with
maturing varieties may escape disease and
reduction in tillage in row crop agriculture.
insect damage for the same reason. As a pest
management device, seeding dates must be Crop rotation is one of the oldest methods
balanced against available moisture during of control and it is still one of the most eco-
28 ● Pest Management Strategies

nomically effective nonchemical means of de- the development of new pest biotypes, import
creasing most soil pests. The Corn Belt grow- of new pests, and changes in behavior of
ers have a distinct advantage in choosing pests. Breeding higher yielding, better
crop rotation as a control tactic, since the adapted, more energy-efficient, and more nu-
crop grown in rotation is usually one of high tritious varieties are also continuing goals.
value (soybean, wheat, sorghum). Indeed, Great untapped potential for pest-resistant
long-term crop rotation studies covering corn cultivars exists both with presently
many decades show that the best way to pro- available germ plasm and with germ plasm
duce corn in the Corn Belt is to grow it in rota- from other regions of the world. Techniques
tion, especially with soybean and wheat, necessary to advance the field of genetic re-
However, the generalization that greater sistance are already proven. Further im-
crop diversity in the Corn Belt would result in provement through this avenue depends on
fewer pests is not justified. The importance of long-term support and increased communica-
using crop rotation for pest control depends tion among geneticists, plant breeders, and
on the seriousness of a specific pest, since crop protection scientists.
other pest problems may be enhanced
through crop rotation. Crop sequence deter-
mines the overall complex of pests present Biological Control
more than the length of rotation between The regulation of pest organisms by their
crops. natural enemies is one reason why many
pests seldom reach their full biotic potential
Plant Resisitance in the Corn Belt. Indigenous parasitic or an-
tagonistic biological control organisms are
The effectiveness of plant resistance in important agents for control of many soil-
combination with cultural controls accounts borne pests of corn, and some of these biolog-
in large part for the very low use of pesticides ical control agents can be manipulated by
for disease control in the Corn Belt. Pest- specific cultural practices such as crop se-
resistant plants provide a natural, economic, quence, tillage, and fertilization, Manipula-
environmentally safe, self-generating system tion of these control organisms by habitat
that is compatible with other control tactics, management has generally been as effective
is readily accepted by farmers, and has been as the introduction and establishment of ex-
a primary control tactic for several decades. otic organisms.
Twenty-two of the thirty-eight most damaging
corn diseases are effectively controlled by
genetic resistance. Resistance has also been Organic Farming
identified for 11 others. Resistance is not ex-
The term “organic farming” is poorly de-
ploited as effectively for control of corn in-
fined and often used rather loosely. Organic
sects because of the lack of a uniform natural
farmers benefit from resistant crop varieties,
infestation or a suitable method for rearing
areawide biological control programs, and re-
corn insects that are required to screen for
duction in certain insect and weed pests as
resistance. Breeding plants for greater vigor,
more sophisticated control tactics are ap-
stiffer stalks, and tolerance to higher popula-
plied by neighbors. Only a very few farmers
tion densities that permit closer row spacing
practice pure organic farming; an increase in
etc., also provides more competition against
organic farming in the Corn Belt would re-
quire major shifts in cropping practices,
The evolution and selection of pests resist- would reduce the yield and grain available
ant to specific control tactics or capable of for export, and would increase the risk of cat-
overcoming plant resistance are natural phe- astrophic outbreaks and loss from pests. Or-
nomena. Thus, breeding plants for crop re- ganic sources of nutrients such as animal
sistance is a continuing process because of waste are available only in limited quantities,
Ch. I/—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 29

and much of the grain produced on organic clude effective pest control practices inte-
farms is used as feed for livestock on the grated with those essential for optimum crop
farm. production.

Other Control Tactics Current adoption and use of pest manage-

ment are largely limited by the lack of basic
The combination of crop resistance and and applied research information on pest
biological, cultural, and chemical control tac- biology and by the lack of timely biological
tics used in the Corn Belt is constantly chang- and weather data for incorporation into pest
ing as new farming practices become avail- management systems. For most pest species,
able. For example, reduced tillage practices pest management lacks the data base for ac-
may greatly decrease losses from cornstalk curate pest detection, prediction of pest den-
rot and will decrease the movement of sedi- sity, and relating pest density to crop loss. Un-
ment and pesticides into water, but reduced til these data are obtained and field-tested
tillage may increase the severity of some and control tactics are improved, the prophy-
other pests. Pest scouting, by the farmer or lactic use of pesticides as “insurance”
by someone hired, is gaining importance in against pest problems will continue.
the Corn Belt as a viable pest management
tactic to aid the judicious use of pesticides. Pest management can integrate pest con-
Other new developments in pest management trol into crop protection/crop production
include sex pheromone traps that are used to systems that will reduce the severity of pests,
detect the occurence and density of black cut- the frequency of pest problems, and pest re-
worm moths early in the season, and the iden- sistance. For example, pest monitoring can
tification of karimones that, by providing the reduce the need for prophylactic use of some
chemical communication needed for many in- pesticides through improved detection of
sect predators and parasites to find their pests, measurement of pest density, relating
prey, make some biological control agents pest density to yield loss, and rapid delivery
more effective. of this information to the user. Reduction in
pesticide need and use is not the objective of
Current Use of Pest Management pest management, though many of the pest
Systems control tactics such as resistant host plants,
some cultural practices, pest scouting, and
Some 1PM practices are used in the Corn biological control may, over time, reduce the
Belt, and there is an awareness of pest con- need for pesticides and the energy it requires
trol advantages through an integrated ap- to produce them. Improved pest management
proach to pest management. The interest in currently reduces the annual dependency on
1PM reflects a growing concern for stability a given pesticide by using pest-tolerant crop
in agricultural production by preventing varieties, crop rotation, timely harvesting of a
crises in pest control. Recent innovations in crop, and by enhancing the effectiveness of
pest monitoring provide a means of enhanc- predators, parasites, and antagonists. Pest
ing pest management through greatly improv- management research is needed to develop
ing the efficiency of chemical and cultural improved application technology and for-
control tactics. In this way 1PM can play an mulations that will reduce drift and hazard to
important role in minimizing nontarget pollu- the user and the environment.
tion by pesticides. 1PM is on the verge of
greater acceptance and use by farmers in the
Corn Belt.
Present Problems and Concerns
Those proven practices that are ready for in Crop Protection on Corn
incorporation into programs on some crops
and for some pest species are being adopted. Problems in pest control are anticipated
Thus, the farm management system must in- from: 1) limited basic knowledge on pest and
30 . Pest Management Strategies

pest/crop interactions, 2) rapid changes in improvement programs. Private companies

cultural practices, S) decreased public effort still depend on public release of germ plasm
in breeding for resistance, 4) decreased ef- materials for varietal improvement.
fectiveness of some insecticides and limited
Evolution of resistant biotypes.—Pest
effort in product development in certain pest
resistance to pesticides should be considered
areas, 5) Government regulations against pes-
a natural phenomenon in response to environ-
ticides, and 6) introduced exotic pests.
mental pressure. Several major insects have
Limited knowledge. —Serious knowledge developed resistance to the cyclodiene insec-
gaps exist in both basic and applied informa- ticides—aldrin, dieldrin, and heptachlor.
tion of disease and lifecycles; physiology of There is also evidence of reduced efficacy of
dormancy or virulence; mechanisms of biolog- carbamate and organic phosphate insecti-
ical control, resistance, or susceptibility; cides for controlling corn rootworms. The po-
physiology of host-parasite interactions; the tential lack of suitable effective soil insec-
biology and behavior of pests indifferent en- ticides for the future is cause for alarm. No
vironments: and threshold damage level. weed resistance to herbicides or corn disease
Present pest management practices will be pathogens to fungicides are known, although
difficult to improve without the generation of weeds naturally resistant to herbicides may
new research data. be selectively favored as competition is re-
duced. Genetic resistance to some foliar dis-
Minimum tillage. —Minimum or reduced
eases is relatively unstable (4 to 8 years)
tillage practices increase the severity of cer-
while to other pathogens it is very stable (25
tain insects and diseases previously con-
or more years). Much concern exists that ef-
trolled by cultural practices. Although these
fective, safe chemical pesticides will not be
problems are not insurmountable, they will
available when needed against those pests
require much additional research and place
that result from shifts to minimum tillage or
an additional burden on a severely limited
that may develop resistance to existing prod-
manpower pool for pest control.
Narrow germ plasm base.—Although the
Exotic pests. —Most commercial hybrids
potential corn germplasm base is not limiting
currently grown are susceptible to several
and the relatively narrow germ plasm pres-
exotic pests that could cause disastrous
ent in any one year’s commercial production
losses if introduced accidentally. Exclusion of
is frequently cycled (approximately every 4
these pests from the United States must be
years) as improved inbreds are developed
maintained as a priority strategy for pest con-
and released, there is a severely limited man-
trol even though ongoing integrated research
power resource for using the broad genetic
and extension programs eventually may be
base available for further improvement of
able to minimize their initial impact.
pest resistance. After locating gene sources,
8 to 14 years are generally required to in- Economics of pest management sys-
corporate genetic resistance into high-yield- tems.—Reluctance on the part of growers to
ing, environmentally adapted, high-quality change practices for pest control or to reduce
varieties. Breeding programs have an impres- pesticide use is frequently associated with
sive record for pest control through resist- previous loss experiences and uncertainty
ance, This effort is being diluted by esoteric that the change will not result in lower yields
studies that are only remotely applicable to or greater risk of pest problems and asso-
practical problemsolving, Approaches to ciated yield instability. Economics definitely
plant improvement (genetic engineering, tis- influence the rate of adoption of new prac-
sue culture, etc. ) with long lag periods before tices. The higher the potential return, the
they can be applied to current problems have more rapid the adoption rate. It is difficult to
tended to detract from, and decrease em- promote a change if the practices are not
phasis on, the traditional breeding and crop economical.
Ch. 11—Present Status 0f Crop Protection ● 37

Any improvement in technology that in- that are capable of limiting the necessities of
creases production potential, efficiency, in- life for tomorrow’s consumer.
centive, and quality will, in turn, result in
lower prices for consumer products. Greater
advances in pest management are still For a detailed report of crop protection on
needed to control present and potential pests corn in the Corn Belt, see volume II.


Soybean was a domesticated crop in China Pests Of Soybean

several thousands years B.C. but has been an
important crop in the United States only dur- The pests of soybean that cause economic
ing the last 40 years. More than 64 million losses include weeds, insects, nematodes, and
acres of soybean, which is more than half of plant pathogens. The economic impact of
total world production, are now grown in these pests cannot be effectively fractionated
the United States. Approximately $4 billion into separate units such as individual weed
worth was exported from the 1977 crop. species or even as a complex of weed species.
The total effect of all pests (weeds, insects,
Soybean production areas in the South-
nematodes, and plant pathogens) is what the
eastern United States are characterized by
soybean producer must consider. The pres-
temperate to subtropical temperatures, gen-
ence of one pest may compound the adverse
erally humid conditions, and long growing
effects of another. Control procedures—i. e.,
seasons. The area considered in this report
chemical or cultural—taken against one
includes States ranging from Arkansas, Ken-
group of pests may have a strong influence on
tucky, and Virginia southward to Florida and
the incidence of other pests. Therefore, the
the Texas gulf coast. Acreage tripled in the
producer must integrate efforts among disci-
region from 1960 to 1973 with another 4 mil-
plines to control pests properly.
lion added by 1979 to bring the total to 21 mil-
lion acres or 37 percent of total national pro- Weeds are the most important of these
duction. The major agroecosystems involve pests and are estimated to cause average an-
soybean/corn/forage, soybean/corn/cotton/ nual losses of 15 to 20 percent of the potential
small grain, soybean/grassland, soybean/rice, value of the crop with present controls. In ad-
and soy bean/sugarcane. There is great diver- dition to competing directly with the crop for
sity on many farms including tobacco, pea- nutrients and space, they also interfere with
nuts, and vegetable crops, plus hedgerows, the operation of equipment and harbor in-
forests, and swamps where numerous wild sects, pathogens, and nematodes. Costs of
hosts of soybean pests may be found. Predict- control practices, which include herbicides
ably, pest problems will change over time on and tillage, are high.
this relatively new major crop.
The exodus of labor from southern farms
Farming operations and availability of during the last 20 years has been accom-
management options vary widely with farm panied by a dramatic rise in the development
size, which ranges from less than 100 to more and use of herbicides for weed control. An-
than 100,000 acres. Sufficient flexibility must nual grasses were the major problem weeds
be built into pest management efforts to ac- during the early to mid-1960’s. A very effec-
commodate this wide range of farming opera- tive family of herbicides (dinitroanilines) was
tions. employed against these grasses. As use of
32 ● Pest Management Strategies

these grass herbicides expanded, broadleaf much more erratically. The Mississippi River
weeds became more and more serious com- Valley and Delta are frequently the sites of
petitors with soybean plants for essential the most severe damage from such organisms
space, nutrients, light, and moisture. The because of their heavier soil types. In addi-
early season and widespread control of tion to the use of resistant plant varieties, re-
grasses had basically provided niches into cent control practices also involve two ap-
which the broadleaf weeds moved. Unfortu- plications of a fungicide during pod develop-
nately, these types of weeds are more similar ment. In most States in the lower South, these
to soybean than were grasses, which makes applications have consistently increased
development of effective controls of broad- yields, but in the upper South, yield responses
leaf weeds much more complicated. have been erratic.
Insects may cause yield losses by attacking Disease-loss relationships are only partial-
roots and nodules, stems, foliage, and pods. ly developed but vary within the Southeast.
The most common insect pests of economic Definitive data are not currently available,
importance on soybean are complexes that either on losses from individual diseases or
feed on foliage and pods (seed) in August and on losses from disease complexes.
September. However, the economic impor- The major pests and principal control tac-
tance of root-, nodule-, and stem-feeding in-
tics of soybean in the Southeast are in table 4.
sects is becoming more obvious as research
efforts are intensified. Direct costs of insect
pests are related primarily to crop losses and Chemical Pesticide Use
expenditures for insecticidal application. Chemical pesticides are vital in the control
However, the occasional misuse of insecti- of each class of soybean pest. This is true
cides through unnecessary applications, use even though weed control depends more on
of the wrong insecticide, or use of unneces- chemicals than does insect or nematode con-
sarily high rates often has indirect conse- trol. Plant disease control has generally
quences, such as killing of natural enemies depended less on chemicals, but use of foliar-
and subsequent pest resurgences, which are applied fungicides currently is increasing
extremely difficult to assess. yields and thus becoming more widely used.
Nematodes associated with soybean are Weed control in soybean production began
very small (almost microscopic), cylindrical, changing markedly in the early 1960’s with
elongated soil-dwelling worms, and their ad- the introduction and use of more consistent,
verse effects on production are difficult to as- effective chemical herbicides. By 1969, ap-
sess. The effects may range from complete proximately 50 percent of the soybean acre-
crop loss in some areas to very subtle effects age was treated with an herbicide. Now al-
that reduce yields. Some feed on decaying or- most all of the acreage is treated with some
ganic matter, others are predators, but those form of herbicide that is used in preplant,
with which we are most concerned feed on preemerge, or postemerge treatment. Basi-
roots and nodules of the soybean plant. Nem- cally, control of all of the major weeds
atodes have a large number of crop and weed depends on chemical herbicides that perform
hosts in addition to soybean. Because of in- best when used in addition to good cultural
adequate information many producers apply practices rather than as the sole means of
nematicides to all of their fields when only a control. Evaluation of performance has devel-
few fields or portions of fields may need oped from rating herbicides for overall weed
treatment. control, to control of grasses and broadleaf
weeds, and eventually to the control of
Diseases of soybean in the Southeast can
specific weeds.
cause serious losses in production. Pathogens
infest various plant parts but the principal Current predictions indicate that herbicide
diseases are foliar. Soil-borne diseases occur use will level off, primarily because most
Ch 11—Present Status 0f Crop Protection ● 33

Table 4.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Soybean in the Southeast

Native ( N J Blologlcal
. —
— Chemical -

Other -

I H o s t —— T

plant Ellml -
Introduced (1} Pred & Micro resist- Sanlta- natlng Crop Plantlng Clean Water Fertility
Major pesfs para blal ance tlon hosts rotation date seed mgmt mgmt Tlllagel SoIl Seed
i —
Cocklebur N 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 1
Slcklepod I 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1
Mornlngglory I 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 1
Johnson grass I 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1
Plgweed ., I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1
Crabgrass N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1
Prickly slda I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1
Hemp sesbanla I 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1
Florlda pusley N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1
Nutsedges I 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1
Bean leaf beetle* N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Mexican bean beetle I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Corn earworm’ N 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Soybean looper”’ 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Velvet bean caterpillar ; 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Southern green stink bug* I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Anthracnose N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3
Brown spot I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3
Frogeye I 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2
Southern bllght N 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 I 2 1 1 2 1
Pod and stem bllght 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2
Bacterial bllght N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
Root knot N 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1
Soybean cyst I 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Lesion N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
Renlform I 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
Lance N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
Ectoparasltes N 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1

. — —. —
“Trap crop control
‘‘M!q~ale aqnua Iy from central Amenc?n and C?rr!fwan
Kei 1 = hllle or no use
2 = some use
3 = major use

acreage is now treated. However, this level- lepidopterous larvae, such as the soybean
ing off may fail to materialize if no-till cultur- looper and the velvetbean caterpillar. Selec-
al practices are adopted more widely. No-till tive dosage rates control the pest species but
culture requires more broadcast applications have the least adverse effect on natural
of herbicides than do conventional tillage enemies (particularly predators and insect
methods, more types of herbicides, and pos- pathogens). For example, low rates of car-
sibly slightly higher rates of application. Also, baryl will control pests such as corn earworm
as herbicides become more weed-specific, the but have little adverse impact on natural
leveling-off trend may be delayed further. enemies. On the other hand, rates of methyl
parathion that are sufficient to control the
Chemical insecticides provide soybean earworm cause high mortality among natural
growers with a consistently effective and eco- enemies. However, methyl parathion is effec-
nomical method of suppressing populations of tive, economical, and widely used for control
insect pests that threaten crop yields. The of stink bugs late in the season when natural
only other control method is using a bacter- enemy disruption is relatively unimportant.
ium (or biological insecticide) against some Insecticides must be used judiciously.
34 ● Pest Management Strategies

Chemical control of nematodes has de- that plague soybean. Also, narrower row
pended heavily on the use of DBCP against widths provide an earlier shading effect than
species for which there are no effective wider rows and are often effective against
cultural techniques or resistant soybean certain weeds.
varieties. Its use has been severely restricted
Although cultural controls are not widely
recently and it will be ultimately lost because
used for insects, trap crop control proce-
of health hazards to workers in plants that
dures using limited plantings of early-matur-
manufacture or formulate the chemical.
ing varieties are employed in some areas.
DBCP was effective and fitted easily into the
Also, deep plowing is recommended as the
land-preparation planting operation because
only consistently effective method for control
of its easy application. Further, its use had
of the stem borer Dectes. Avoidance of severe
the apparent benefit of promoting coloniza-
damage from the corn earworm is accom-
tion of roots by endomycorrhizae, beneficial
plished in some areas through cultural prac-
fungi that promote phosphorus and water up-
tices including early planting of early-
take. Chemicals that may replace DBCP are
maturing varieties and narrower rows to
generally less effective, and some have ad-
hasten canopy closure.
verse effects on insect predators. The loss of
DBCP for control of major nematodes, and the Rotation of nonhost crops with soybean has
scrutiny other chemicals are receiving from reduced nematode damage. Rotations are not
EPA in the RPAR (rebuttable presumption often used, however, because the rotation
against registration) process, may seriously crop may have a low value, the nematodes to
impair control of nematode pests of soybean. be controlled have a wide host range, and fre-
quent rotation may build up other pathogenic
Chemical control of soybean diseases has
species. Currently rotation in soybean pro-
been practiced only on a limited basis using
duction is effective against the soybean cyst
fungicides as seed treatments and, more re-
cently, as foliar applications. Chemicals are
currently applied to less than 10 percent of Cultural control of diseases in soybean in-
the acreage in the Southeast for control of clude rotation, deep turning (plowing) for
foliage, stem, and pod diseases. burial of crop litter, and harvesting as soon
after senescence as possible to reduce seed
Cultural Pest Control diseases. Rotation and deep turning reduce
the amount of disease inoculum present when
Cultural controls are used for all pest the crop is planted. However, the use of rota-
classes of soybean, are probably used less tion as well as deep plowing is declining be-
against insects than against other pests, but cause of increasing conversions to regional
are generally less important than chemical soybean monoculture and to no-till culture,
control. respectively.
Mechanical tillage and hoeing or weeding
by hand were the major weed control meas- Plant Resistance
ures before development of effective herbi-
Pest-resistant varieties are vital to the con-
cides. Hand labor is not used now because of
trol of certain nematodes and plant diseases.
extremely high costs and, moreover, is usual-
Although resistance to certain insects has
ly unavailable at any cost. However, produc-
been identified and resistant lines are in var-
ers rely heavily on mechanical tillage as an
ious stages of development, there currently
excellent means of controlling weeds in soy-
are no insect-resistant varieties in commer-
bean. Even where herbicides are used, tillage
cial use. Certain varieties with different
is a valuable component of a Johnson grass
growth patterns may compete better with
control program.
weeds, but this varies with particular grow-
Rotation of both crops and chemicals is ing conditions. Additionally, herbicide toler-
another effective method to control weeds ance varies among existing soybean varieties.
Ch. I/—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 35

Some nematodes are currently controlled using insecticides that are least destructive
with resistant varieties that allow the grower to the natural enemies, and 3) using insecti-
to produce high yields even when fields are cides at minimum effect rates for target
heavily infested. Nematode-resistant vari- pests.
eties are not without disadvantage; however,
they are only effective against a specific nem-
Current Use of Pest Management
atode and are usually susceptible to other
nematodes within the same genus. On the Systems
plus side, use of resistant varieties avoids Weed control recommendations are based
dependence on lengthy rotational schemes on several factors such as soil type, percent-
that may involve crops of low economic value, age of soil organic matter, available meth-
and reduces the need for costly and perhaps od(s) of application, growth stage of crop,
hazardous chemicals. Also, nematode popula- growth stage of weeds, costs of control meth-
tions are reduced more rapidly by this control ods, climatic and stress conditions, labeling
method than through rotation practices. restrictions, and specific weeds involved.
Several important diseases of soybean are Threshold levels have not been used because
they are largely unavailable.
controlled through the use of resistant vari-
eties. Several varieties are resistant to Phy- Most States in the region currently recom-
tophthora, and others have recognized toler- mend prototype management programs for in-
ance to the frogeye leafspot pathogen. Most sect pests based primarily on: 1) scouting to
major varieties have moderate levels of re- determine economic damage thresholds that
sistance to target spot. Every major variety in usually include an assessment of defoliation
the South has resistance to bacterial pustule level, plant growth stage, and numbers of in-
and wildfire which have been observed at sects per unit area, and 2) using minimum ef-
very high levels in susceptible lines in certain fective rates of insecticides that have the
areas. These diseases would be very impor- least effect on natural enemies for control of
tant if our current commercial varieties were target pests that exceed these economic
susceptible. thresholds. Some States combine the above
with cultural controls for certain pests. En-
Biological Control thusiasm has been the characteristic re-
sponse of growers who use these programs.
In general, biological control methods for
Not only have such programs been adopted in
insects have been neither used by growers
areas of the southern United States but re-
nor determined to be of significant impor-
cent studies in Brazil have demonstrated the
tance by researchers. However, there are ex-
effectiveness and adaptability of these sys-
ceptions which include the control of a weed
tems in areas where pest complexes and con-
(northern joint vetch) with a disease orga-
ditions differ.
nism, the regulation of insect populations by a
large complex of natural enemies that serve The need for nematode control is most ef-
to keep pest populations at subeconomic fectively determined by intensive sampling in
levels, and manipulation of cultural practices the fall after maturation and harvest of the
to enhance indigenous control of many soil- soybean crop. Most States provide services
borne pathogens. Biological control of the for annual soil sample analyses on which rec-
Mexican bean beetle through annual releases ommendations are based.
of a parasite from Asia appears promising.
Foliar diseases of soybean are generally
In some areas of the Southeast, growers controlled with two applications of a fungi-
have quickly learned the benefits of natural cide. A system developed for predicting the
insect enemies, and received maximum bene- probable occurrence of disease infection and
fit from them by: 1) not applying insecticides the necessity of fungicidal applications is
until economic thresholds are reached, 2) estimated to reduce the number of applica-
36 ● Pest Management Strategies

tions by about 30 percent from an across-the- sons. After several years, fields planted to
board recommendation. single crops may decline in productivity.
Moreover, monoculture may increase the risk
Some Southeastern States have prototype of some disease or nematode problems. Rota-
soybean pest management scouting programs tion is necessary for control of a number of
whereby fields are checked at weekly inter- weeds.
vals for insects, diseases, and weeds. Cur-
rently, no State presents data from a pest- Exotic pests. —It is necessary to prevent
monitoring system in timely regional summa- the introduction of pests such as soybean rust
ries or forecasts outbreaks. Although models from Puerto Rico and other areas, and the
have been used in research programs, they soybean pod-borer from the Orient.
are not used currently for control strategy Resistance of pesticides.—There are now
decisions in the field. Pest management sys- serious levels of soybean looper resistance to
tems are by no means universally employed methomyl and there is concern that disease
by growers, Many times weed control chemi- organisms also will rapidly develop resist-
cals are applied too late for greatest effec- ance to benomyl as its use increases, Culti-
tiveness, and preplant or aerially applied vars must be developed to resist these pests
postemerge treatments are used when post- so that effective control tactics can be
emerge directed sprays would be more ef- available.
fective. Too often insecticides that are de-
structive to natural enemies are applied Resistance to resistant cultivars.—Certain
when no insecticide is necessary or when a races of the soybean cyst nematode cause
less-destructive one would do a better job. serious losses on previously resistant vari-
Many growers treat all of their fields with a eties. Resistance-breeding biotypes are also
nematicide when only a few fields or portions encountered in the root-knot nematode.
of fields actually require treatment. Pre- Slowdown in development of pesticides.—
scribed sampling for nematodes and insects This was identified as a serious problem for
frequently is not done because of limitations all pest classes, but particularly for nema-
of the data obtained, thus “insurance” treat- todes (loss of DBCP) and plant diseases (ben-
ments are used. Too many fungicidal applica- omyl on RPAR list) that have developed pesti-
tions are made routinely even when condi- cide resistances.
tions are dry and foliar diseases are not a
problem. Knowledge gaps. —There is need for in-
creased disciplinary and truly interdiscipli-
nary studies that are now lacking because of
Present Problems and Concerns in insufficient funding and newness of identified
Crop Protection on Soybeans needs. Where information on current technol-
ogy is available, staff to provide instruction
Monoculture. —Producers are converting
on implementation is not adequate.
to regional monoculture without an ade-
quate number of acres of crops with which to For a detailed report of crop protection on
rotate. This is done mainly for economic rea- soybean in the Southeast, see volume II.

The apple, a fruit native to Eurasia, was in- country, but since then has been concen-
troduced to North America in early colonial trated in restricted favorable areas of the
times. Until the latter part of the 19th cen- humid Eastern and Midwestern States and in
tury, commercial apple production was scat- irrigated areas of the arid West. It also oc-
tered throughout the northern half of the curs in the wild throughout much of the coun-
Ch. 11—Present Sfatus of Crop Protection . 37

try where it is an important food source for any major U.S. crop. Of the 12 million lbs of
wildlife. Apple production in the United pesticides used in 1974 on apples, approxi-
States usually exceeds 150 million bushels mately 7 million were fungicides, 5 million
yearly, with an on-farm value of about $500 were insecticides, and 100,000 were her-
million. Apple agroecosystems and their pest bicides.
complexes vary greatly from east to west.
Insect pests of apple are controlled primar-
ily by chemical means, although improved
Pests of Apple monitoring methods such as pheromone traps
Apple orchards harbor a variety of native allow pest control personnel to appraise ac-
and introduced pests such as arthropods, curately the need to spray and thus minimize
disease pathogens, nematodes, weeds, and the use of insecticides, Models, when coupled
vertebrates. In the humid East and Midwest, with monitored events, improve the schedul-
the number of economically important insect ing of insecticide use even more, which
and mite species is greater than in the arid results in maximum insecticide effectiveness.
western portion of the United States, but the
Nematodes are usually controlled chemi-
intensity of attack may be equally severe in
cally during preplant periods. Other tech-
all areas. About 20 insects and a similar
niques are useful after planting, but in cases
number of diseases are potentially limiting
of extreme nematode attack, postplant ne-
factors nationally and require control meas-
maticides may be applied,
ures on an annual basis. Plant-parasitic nem-
a todes reduce productivity as root pathogens, Diseases of apple are controlled primarily
predisposition agents, and virus vectors. by fungicides and by host-plant resistant
When weed species are added, the number of varieties. Apple scab, the most serious dis-
pests that occur is increased by at least one ease in humid areas east of the Mississippi, is
order of magnitude. Vertebrates are serious controlled only by fungicide sprays. However,
pests of orchards in many sections. resistance to chemicals such as benomyi and
dodine have greatly reduced the availability
If left unmanaged or uncontrolled, apples
of chemicals for disease control. These com-
will sustain 80- to 100-percent damage from
pounds are applied on the basis of detailed
pests annually. A single blemish on the fruit
monitoring of weather conditions favorable
caused by pests can either render it unmar-
for disease development (e.g., wetting peri-
ketable or greatly reduced in value. Thus,
ods, temperature, ascospore levels). Models
pest control is a major production operation
are available that integrate these factors and
of apple growers,
provide more detailed forecasts of scab infec-
Several control strategies are employed tion periods by which growers can more pre-
against these pests including biological, host- cisely determine the need for spraying.
plant resistance, cultural, chemical, and Recently, in-field microprocessors have been
others to ensure that damage at harvest is developed that accomplish these same tasks.
less than l-percent infested or infected fruit.
Fireblight, a serious disease, can be read-
This level of pest-free commodity is necessary
ily monitored in orchards of the Western
for the dessert and cosmetic appeal of the
United States using a selective cultural media
fresh fruit. Freedom from internal insect fruit
technique to determine the need to apply con-
feeders is required for processed fruits,
trol sprays, (Application of this method alone
The major pests of apple and principal con- in California pear orchards is estimated to
trol tactics are shown in table 5. save between $960,000 to $1,600,000 per
season in spray costs. )
Chemical Pesticide Use
Mildew, rust, and virus diseases of apple
On a per-acre basis apples receive the and other deciduous tree fruits are primarily
highest amounts of pesticides, seasonally, of managed by chemicals and host-plant resist-
38 ● Pest Management Strategies

Predlc -
Monitor- Ilve
Major pests I para blal ] ancel tlon hosts rotation cluslon stock mgmt mgmt chanlcal SoIl Seed Fohar Ing
Quack grass . . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1
Poison ivy . . N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1
Field bindweed I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1
Common dandelion I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1
Redroot pigweed I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 1
Lambsquarters N,l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 1
Large crabgrass I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 1
Codling moth I 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2
Apple maggot N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
Plum curcuho ... N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
Leaf rollers N 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
San Jose scale I 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2
Aphids N 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2
Mites IN 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2
Scab I 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3
Rusts N 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
Fire blight N 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2
Powdery mildew I 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
V i r u s e s N,l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Root-lesion ? 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 2
Root-knot ., 7 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
Dagger ~ 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1
R i n g ? 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
N e e d l e 9 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
Rodents N 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1
Birds* N 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Deer* N 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
— —
‘Repellents = 3
Key 1 = little or no use
2 = some use
3 = major use

ance. Monitoring methods for predicting the Cultural Pest Control

potentials of these diseases are less well- Mowing is the major cultural method of
developed than for apple scab. pest control in orchards and is used widely to
manage weeds in orchards maintained with a
Weeds in orchards are less intensively con- sod ground cover. Tillage controls weeds in
trolled than weeds in most annual crops, but orchards where sod is not the ground cover.
in young orchards herbicides are used
Plant Resistance
Soil and foliar applications of chemicals Resistant plants control pests most effec-
are used under conditions of intensive rodent tively when combined with chemical pesti-
populations, and chemical repellents are cides, as in the control of mildew and rust
used to reduce damage by birds; no satisfac- diseases. Plant resistance controls nema-
tory methods are available for deer control. todes after trees are planted, but pests must
Ch. I/—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 39

be first chemically controlled during preplant degree to which integrated pest control has
periods to reduce their populations. Some dis- been developed and used on apple.
ease-resistant varieties are available for
planting in new orchards. During the 1970’s efforts have expanded to
provide improved monitoring tools and tech-
niques for primary arthropod pests of or-
Biological Control
chards that feed directly in the fruit. In com-
Indirect secondary pests such as mites and mercial practice the tolerance for such pests
aphids can be controlled primarily by biolog- is essentially zero. Recent advances in moni-
ical means if predators or parasites have not toring technology with baited traps and care-
been killed by unselective chemicals applied ful orchard inspections have enabled grow-
against other pests. For these pests, manage- ers to spray against such pests only as
ment models are available for estimating needed. Thorough inspections must be made
biological control effectiveness; these tools throughout orchards on individual farms by
enable pest managers to determine the need well-trained pest management personnel to
to readjust predator or parasite pest ratios avoid the possibility of infestations and
based on field population counts. Possibilities serious economic losses.
for biological control of nematodes may be
considerable but, generally, they have not Programs of integrated mite control in the
been explored for fruit crops. Pacific Northwest partly resulted from resist-
ance development to pesticides among spider
mites and a similar resistance development in
Other Control Tactics
the predators that attack these pests. Those
Other control tactics include sanitation, successful programs of integrated mite con-
fertility management, sterile insects, phero- trol stimulated interest countrywide, and dur-
mone confusion, monitoring, and physical ing the period 1965-75 similar programs were
barriers. Sanitation measures for arthropod researched and implemented in virtually
pest control most often involve destruction of every major fruit-growing State in the United
infested fruit that harbors species such as States. Computer models for several of the
the codling moth and apple maggot. Sanita- mite systems have been developed and when
tion also helps to control nematodes and to coupled with monitoring data, they provide
reduce rodent populations; fertility manage- the basis for more effective decisionmaking
ment can affect aphid, leaf-roller, and mite relative to chemical pest control. Implementa-
population levels. Physical barriers such as tion of these programs reduced the need for
fences and netting are possible but imprac- chemical control of mites by 50 to 90 percent
tical exclusion methods for deer and birds. which translates to a savings of $10 to $ 3 0
per acre where implementation has been
Current Use of Pest Management most successful.
Beyond mite systems, 1PM programs for
Integrated pest control has long been asso- several other insect pests such as aphids and
ciated with apple culture. There is evidence leafhoppers are in the initial stages of devel-
that it had some of its earliest significant opment. New nonchemical methods of insect
beginnings on this crop in North America in- control such as the sterile male technique for
sofar as implementation is concerned. The the codling moth and pheromone control via
first widespread and extensive program was the confusion method for the codling moth,
in the 1940’s-50’s in Nova Scotia. Research in redbanded leaf roller, Oriental fruit moth,
1PM was greatly intensified during the and grape berry moth are technologically
1960’s, especially for mites and apple scab. A feasible and show promise for the near fu-
comparison between current practices (table ture. A most recent advance is an early warn-
5) and those discussed below indicates the ing forecasting system for predicting apple
40 . Pest Management Strategies

pest phenology developed for use on a na- to speed up this slow process in apples is
tional scale as a result of the National Sci- being examined.
ence Foundation (NSF)/EPA-sponsored Huf-
1PM programs for nematodes and weed
faker Project. To date, reasonably precise
pests on apples are less developed than are
growth models for the apple tree and timing
those for insects and diseases primarily
models for ascospore maturity of the apple
because these pests have not been considered
scab disease and some more than 10 insect
major problems. In recent years, however,
pests of apple are available. Further re-
the effect of nematicides in improving stand
search and development of this program over
and vigor of replanted apple orchards has
the next 10 to 15 years will greatly improve
been dramatically proven. It thus appears
timing control procedures for apple pests and
that the use of nematicides as preplant and,
certainly facilitate a more judicious use of
to some extent, postplant treatments for ap-
ples will become a standard practice and
may result in a significant increase in chem-
In parallel with work on 1PM systems for
ical use for this purpose. To date, resistance
mites, techniques for apple scab control have
to nematicides is minimal, and their ecolog-
been developed to show that fungicides may
be precisely timed relative to specific rain ical impacts are little understood. Because
nematodes are primarily soil-borne, the op-
periods. With impetus from research sup-
portunities for 1PM programs for these para-
ported by the NSF/EPA-sponsored Huffaker
sites are large. However, at present they are
Project in the mid-1970’s, additional refine-
almost totally undeveloped. The manipulation
ments in disease management have been de-
of chemicals, weeds, cover crops, and root-
veloped. Most significant advances have been
stock cultivars offers a considerable promise
in the measurement, monitoring, and predic-
for economic control of these pests without
tion of inoculum of the scab fungus. Work on
undesirable environmental effects.
the design and construction of instruments to
monitor weather at the orchard level has In summary, proven 1PM technologies
been significant. The computerization of available for disease control in tree fruits are
several of these technologies has been ac- utilized to a high level. Thus, fungicide use is
complished, especially to forecast disease in- as efficient as possible within the current
fections. Most of these developments have scenario of agronomic practice, pesticide
been implemented into 1PM programs in cer- availability, spray technology, and extension
tain States. Although, to date, usually only of information. Further improvement depends
relatively small reductions in fungicide use on the development and implementation of
have been realized, fungicides are now much new 1PM technology. Although there are now
more effectively used, several working prototype 1PM systems, espe-
cially for insect and disease pests, that
Resistant varieties that control disease and significantly reduce pest resistance and
insects have not yet significantly impacted pesticide usage, we are still only working
1PM for apples and other tree fruits. Most of with a small portion of the entire pest com-
the current apple varieties are highly suscep- plex attacking apple. Implementation of these
tible to one or more diseases. Several new prototypes has proceeded in a rather piece-
varieties are available that are highly resist- meal fashion and has been limited by many
ant to apple scab and some other diseases, institutional and production-related con-
but none of these have been widely planted, straints. Probably the greatest success in im-
Currently, an effort in breeding for resist- plementation to date has come from improved
ance to several diseases and insects is under- monitoring of apple pests and more effective
way. The possibility of utilizing tissue culture use of pesticides.
Ch. 11—Present Status of Crop Protect/on ● 41

Present ProbIems and Concerns in basis for the successful integrated mite and
Crop Protection on Apple aphid control programs used in several
Apple and other deciduous tree-fruit plant-
ings present a crop protection situation quite With fungicides the history of resistance
different from most other agricultural crops. has been variable. Sulfur fungicides have
Planting an orchard is a long-term investment been used on apples for three quarters of a
for 20 to 50 or more years. Fruit growing century w i t h o u t e v i d e n c e o f r e s i s t a n c e
means monoculture for the life of the or- among disease pathogens. Dithiocarbamates
chard. Orchards offer opportunities for en- and captan have been used for three to four
couraging biological control not possible on decades without resistance problems. Yet
annual crops, but the system precludes the dodine- and benomyl-resistant strains of scab
possibilities of using cultural controls such as have been documented after relatively short
crop destruction and makes the development periods of use.
of resistant cultivars an extremely lengthy
procedure, Interestingly, however, many of To date the only success in coping with
the problems and concerns in crop protection resistance problems has been to use chem-
are similar to those on other crops. icals with different modes of activity. This
process may not be a practical long-term solu-
The evolution of resistant biotypes is a ma- tion, and much greater research is needed to
jor concern for insect, mite, and disease orga- find more suitable solutions.
nisms of apple, With apple, insect resistance
was first documented in 1908 when the San The slowdown in new pesticide develop-
Jose scale was found resistant to HCN. Dur- ment is of great concern because of the very
ing the 1930’s there was widespread resist- rapid evolution of resistance to existing insec-
ance in the codling moth for lead arsenate, an ticides, miticides, nematicides, and fungi-
insecticide then in general use against this in- cides and the potential loss of useful mate-
sect. Growers in several areas were unable rials now on the RPAR list. The very existence
to prevent devastating losses. This same in- of the apple industry rests on the availability
sect was able to evolve resistant strains to of effective pesticides.
DDT after less than 10 years of exposure, and
The lack of alternatives to chemical pesti-
the red-banded leaf rollers developed resist-
cides for control of several major diseases
ance to TDE in about the same length of time.
As a result, DDT and TDE were little used and insects is a major concern. A great need
exists for development of practical alterna-
beyond 1960, long before the use of DDT was
tive tactics and strategies.
banned in the United States. Resistance to or-
ganophosphates and most miticides has de- Lack of information is the greatest overall
veloped generally among mites. Leafhoppers constraint to the maintenance of present pest
and, in some areas, leaf miners are resistant control capability. Progress in 1PM on apple
to all insecticides registered on apples except has been possible in recent years with Fed-
the carbamates. It is interesting to note that eral and State support, but unless the knowl-
the long-term use of the organophosphate in- edge gap in basic information is reduced, fur-
secticides has resulted in the evolution of re- ther progress will be severely limited.
sistance among beneficial species of natural
enemies of aphids, mites, and leafhoppers. In For a detailed report of crop protection on
fact, such resistant natural enemies are the apple in the North, see volume II.
42 ● Pest Management Strategies


Potato is a row crop that had its origin in commercially in the Northeast without
South America where it was a staple crop of pesticides.
the Incas and many other people. It has since
Annual broadleaf weeds and grasses and
spread to most parts of the world and is now
perennial weeds are problems in potato pro-
the sixth most important source of human
duction. The broadleaf annuals grow rapidly
food. This report is limited to Irish potato pro-
when soil temperatures are relatively low,
duction in 10 Northeastern States (Maine, while the annual grasses grow best later in
New Hamphshire, Vermont, Connecticut,
the season when soil temperatures rise. The
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, perennial weeds reproduce primarily by un-
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware).
derground roots and, once established, are
The most concentrated production is in
difficult to control. These weeds can cause
Maine where approximately 110,000 acres
considerable yield and quality reductions as
are planted to potatoes. The total value of the they not only compete with potatoes for
Northeast crop fluctuates considerably; for nutrients and water but can also penetrate
example, in 1974 the value was $215.5 million the potato tuber. A recent estimate of eco-
and in 1975 it was $305 million. Average an- nomic losses due to weeds in four of the
nual production for the period 1973-76 was
Northeastern States (Maine, New York, Penn-
55 million cwt (hundredweight).
sylvania, New Jersey) totaled $6.6 million,
Potato is propagated vegetatively as which includes costs of herbicides as well as
tubers, a method that creates special prob- yield and quality losses.
lems regarding the transmission of diseases.
Insect pests, while not as predictable as
Therefore, more vigorous control procedures
weeds in their patterns of destruction, con-
are practiced to produce pest-free tubers for
sistently cause crop losses. Of the more than
seed than for food uses. A large number of
100 insects known to damage potatoes in the
pests attack potato including the late-blight
United States, only 5 are serious pests in the
fungus, which caused the disastrous potato
Northeast; these are primarily aphids and
famine in Ireland during the 1840’s, and the
beetles. Many produce several generations
Colorado potato beetle, which caused great
during a growing season and can reach eco-
losses as it spread into the eastern half of the
nomically important proportions very rapidly.
North American Continent during the 1860’s
and 1870’s and later throughout Europe. Nematode problems in Northeast potatoes
These and other pests continue to affect usually are associated with crops grown in
potato production and practices. monoculture. Where potatoes are grown in
sandy soils, root damage and yield reduction
Pests of Potato in the Northeast can be considerable; losses as high as 25 per-
cent have been reported. Although a program
The major pests of potato include nema-
of integrated control can significantly reduce
todes, disease pathogens, weeds, and insects.
population densities of the golden nematode,
Vertebrates are not a problem. The important
the cost of this program is high.
pests found in the Northeast include 12 weed
species, 5 insects, 9 pathogens, and 2 nema- Disease pathogens of potatoes are primari-
todes. Some pests such as weeds are a con- ly fungal, viral, and bacterial and infect foli-
stant problem. Others, such as insects and age and tubers. Some can result in disastrous
plant pathogens, have a sporadic but explo field losses if rigid control measures are not
sive destructive potential; in some seasons followed; others cause major losses in storage
they may cause minor losses while in others and transit. Insects and weeds spread sever-
they may cause complete crop failures. It is al diseases and often infect potatoes in com-
believed that potatoes could not be grown bination.
Ch. 11—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 43

The major pests of Northeast potatoes and least possible disturbance to beneficial
principal control tactics are shown in table 6. species. Later, insecticides are applied to the
foliage as required to control aphids, beetles,
Chemical Pesticide Use and leafhoppers. Most potato growers apply
an herbicide before the crop emerges. All
Pesticides are widely used on potatoes growers use some mechanical tillage. In addi-
throughout the United States but especially in tion, potato fields are sprayed just prior to
the Northeastern areas. In 1971, fungicides, harvest with a vine killer to hasten ripening
herbicides, and insecticides were applied to and to make harvesting more efficient. These
almost all potato acreage in the Northeast. materials also kill any weeds that may be
Most growers follow a treatment schedule of present. In areas where the golden nematode
regular intervals throughout most of the is present, some soil treatments are made
growing season to control diseases. Systemic with nematicides but the number of acres
insecticides may be applied to the soil at treated is very small.
planting to control early insect pests with the

Table 6.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Potatoes in the Northeast

Native (N) Blologlcal Chemical Other ‘-


Predlc -
Introduced (1) Pred & Mlcro- Monitor- live
Malor pests 1 para Dial ance 1 flon
- .
hosts rotation harvest) seed mgmt mgm[ TNage
.— —- Soil Seed Follar
. — lng models
Nutsedge N 2 2 2 3 3 2
Smartweed N 2 2 2 3 3 2
Ragweed N 2 2 2 3 3 2
Fall panlcum N 2 2 2 3 3 2
Quack grass I 2 2 2 3 3 2
Redroot plgweed I 2 2 2 3 3 2
Lambsquarters I 2 2 2 3 3 2
M u s t a r d I 2 2 2 3 3 2
Barnyard grass I 2 2 2 3 3 2
Foxtail–yellow I 2 2 2 3 3 2
Foxtail–green I 2 2 2 3 3 2
Large crabgrass I 2 2 2 3 3 2
Green peach aphid I 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1
Colorado potato beetle N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1
Leafhopper N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 2 3 1 1
Flea beetle N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1
Potato aphid N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1
P tnfestans I 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
A s o l a n i “? 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1
Pvx, Pvy 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2(2) 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1
Leaf roll 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 (2) 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1
Bacterial rots N 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
F u s o r l u m N 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
Vertlcllllum N 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
Rhlzoctonla N 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Streptomyces N 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
G rostochlensls 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 l(l) 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1
P penetrans N 1 1 1 1 1 1 l(l) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

Key 1 = Illtle or no use

2 = some use
3 = majo( use
44 . Pest Management Strategies

Cultural Pest Control cal control agents for insect, pathogen, nema-
tode, or weed pests. However, a number of
Cultural practices are used intensively to naturally occurring parasites and predators
control potato diseases. One of the most im- do regulate insect pest populations. Ento-
portant practices is to plant pathogen-free mophthora fungi cause spectacular reduc-
seed tubers that are produced by specialized tions in aphid populations, but, unfortunately,
growers using strict sanitation and rigorous
fungicides applied to control late blight and
disease controls. Diseases not controlled by other diseases also destroy populations of the
this practice can cause yield losses of 50 to 75 Entomophthora. A lady beetle predator of
percent. Destruction of infected plants and aphids has been established recently in the
cull potatoes reduces the chance of blight and Northeast in a few locations but its useful-
aids in the control of several other diseases. ness is not yet determined.
One of the most widely applied cultural dis-
ease controls is the maintenance of soils at
low pH levels primarily to prevent potato Organic Farming
scab. Rotation and monoculture control some Organic farming practices for pest control
disease, but these practices tend to increase are not adequate for commercial potato pro-
other problems. Mechanical tillage in combi- duction.
nation with herbicides is used universally for
weed control.
Other Control Practices
In a pilot program in Maine, attempts have
been made to control the green peach aphid Eradication and quarantine efforts against
by eliminating its overwintering host (Canada the golden nematode have only helped to
Plum) and by preventing its introduction on delay the spread of this pest. Other control
bedding plants, vegetables, or ornamental tactics such as the use of pheromones, repel-
transplants, lents, allelopathy, etc., have not been devel-
oped for management of potato pests.
Plant Resistance
Current Use of Pest Management
At present, highly effective late-blight-
resistant potatoes are not available for com- Systems
mercial use. Cultivars with single gene resist- Several components of the 1PM approach
ance to late blight were not successful be- are now used in potato production. However,
cause of the ability of the blight pathogen to attempts to develop and implement them have
overcome such plant resistance, There is a been piecemeal and uncoordinated. Late-
serious need for cultivars resistant to several blight forecasting schemes based on the
diseases. Golden-nematode-resistant culti- weather (e. g., “Blightcast”) have been devel-
vars are used in infested soils, oped and make possible much more efficient
Potato cultivars do vary in their compet- use of fungicides against this disease. In
itiveness with weeds, but growers choose va- practice, however, it is not popular among
rieties based on other qualities. No potatoes growers because savings are small and avail-
with resistance to insects are available com- able fungicides are relatively cheap. Also, ef-
mercially in the Northeast. However, there fective use of the forecast requires timely
are varieties known to have insect resistance, treatments when infections occur. Many
and research is underway to incorporate Northeast potato farmers are not adequately
them into commercial lines. equipped to treat their entire planting within
the required time. Others depend on aerial
application by commercial operators who
Biological Control
must schedule their operations, Thus potato
Currently, no strategies used on potatoes growers must continue to use protective
involve the conscious manipulation of biologi- sprays on a calendar schedule.
Ch. 11—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 45

Additional techniques help manage several seem to center around pesticides because
other diseases. These techniques include: these are the primary tools used for control of
early harvest to avoid virus infection of either potato pests. The basic problem, however,
seed or table stock potatoes: application of seems to rest on a lack of information on
oils to prevent transmission of certain vi- pests, the crop, the environment, and their in-
ruses; rotation, which is practiced by a large teractions. Specific problems and concerns
proportion of potato producers to prevent are:
dramatic increases in soil-borne pathogen
populations; and isolation of certified seed- Development of resistance to pesticides
potato production from other types of potato has created a difficult problem in some areas,
production, which permits production of particularly on Long Island. The Colorado
higher quality seed. potato beetle has developed resistance to all
except the newest insecticides. Aphids have
Currently, weed control blends mechanical
also developed resistance to some insec-
and chemical means and functions fairly
ticides, but the situation is not yet critical.
well. It is not formally labeled as a pest man-
agement program. A more specialized 1PM
The slowing rate of introduction of new
program for weeds cannot be developed until
pesticides to replace those lost to resistance
a wider range of cultivars that are competi-
and regulation is a concern. Also there is a
tive with weeds and a group of postemer-
need for new herbicides which can be used
gence selective herbicides become available.
postemergence on potatoes.
Neither of these is likely to become a reality
in the near future,
Lack of effective alternative management
While insect control on potatoes is based to offset problems with pesticides, especially
largely on the use of insecticides, some ef- insecticides, suggests there may be serious
forts are made to use selective insecticides or pest-caused losses in future years.
broad-spectrum materials in such a manner
that they cause the least possible destruction Lack of support and manpower to develop
of beneficial. Various techniques are being pest management tactics and strategies is
developed to predict or identify when aphids critical. Some pest-resistant germ plasm is
might become a problem. In Maine, a north- known, but incorporating resistance into use-
south trap line more than 250 miles long is ful commercial cultivars requires much effort
used to determine when aphids begin to and time. With present resources, the proce-
migrate into the area. Timing insecticide ap- dure will be lengthy. There is also a need for
plications or making a decision for early new resistant germ plasm for use in breeding,
harvesting of the crop can be based on such Other areas such as determining economic
information. thresholds, developing more comprehensive
predictive models, economic analysis of pest
Present Problems and Concerns in control methods, practical demonstrations of
new technologies, etc., are also needed.
Crop Protection on Potatoes
Several concerns about the present and For a detailed report of crop protection on
near future of crop protection on potatoes potatoes in the Northeast, see volume II.

California is by far the most important counting for virtually all of the commercial
vegetable-producing State, producing about supply of some vegetables and vegetable
half of the total national supply of fresh- seed. Vegetables are produced in California
market and processing vegetables and ac- in several districts in the coastal and interior
46 ● Pest Management strategies

valleys and usually are produced as part of cides, and other pesticides alone may exceed
year-round cropping systems. The coastal $600 per acre.
plains and valleys have a cool oceanic climate
suited to the year-round production of vege- The general level of crop protection
table crops but particularly the summer pro- achieved in practice is excellent. Aggregate
duction of cool-season crops. Here, vege- losses from insects, diseases, and other pests
tables follow vegetables on a double- or including weed competition are probably no
triple-crop annual cycle, with no attempt at more than 20 percent of the value of the as-
rotation. The interior desert valleys are sessment crops and rarely more than 10 per-
suited to winter and spring production but cent to any one of the main categories of
are too hot for summer and fall vegetables. In pests. An important benefit has been to sta-
these areas most vegetables are grown in ro- bilize production and reduce the large price
tation with one another and with a variety of gyrations that have accompanied insect and
field crops including small grains, alfalfa, disease epidemics which have caused much
and sugar beets. Rotations serve a variety of distress to both producer and consumer.
purposes, often to utilize an off season not Weeds rarely attack the crop directly but
suited to the main crop and to reduce buildup reduce production by competing with the
of insects and diseases. crop for water, sunlight, and plant nutrients.
Vegetable production usually occupies Some weeds carry disease organisms and in-
high-quality land that is precisely leveled and sects that attack the crop. Others are seed
served by advanced irrigation systems and plants that are parasitic on crops. Vegetable
other backup systems including nearby pack- crops generally compete poorly with weeds
ing and shipment facilities. and require a high level of weed control for
economical vegetable production. It is ordi-
This assessment of vegetable pest manage- narily not feasible to grow vegetables in fields
ment in California reviews practices in let- heavily infested with perennial weeds unless
tuce, melons, potatoes, strawberries, toma- major reclamation measures are undertaken
toes, and cole crops. These crops account for beforehand.
about three-fourths of the 860,000 acres and
$1.7 billion farm value of California v e e -
Insects and other arthropods that affect
tables and provide a representative sample of vegetables often are present in the field at the
crop protection problems and practices in ir- time of planting. Some of the insects attack all
rigated vegetable production. common vegetables as well as other crops
and weeds. In addition to feeding, insects con-
Pests of California Vegetables taminate crops with fecal material, some-
times inject toxins into plants, and spread
Pests that attack vegetables include dis- plant diseases. Some insects are beneficial
ease pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi), either as enemies of other pests or as
nematodes, insects, mites, slugs, birds, ro- pollinators.
dents, and weeds. The principal crop losses
are due to weeds, disease pathogens, and in- Usually plant diseases occur sporadically
sects. but losses may be severe locally. For the most
part the disease organisms are specific for
Vegetables are intensive crops, and all
each host and closely related weed species,
aspects of their production including protec- but a few, such as soft-rot bacteria and root-
tion from pests are pursued intensively and knot nematodes, can attack several crops and
uncompromisingly. Growers spend upwards many noncrop plants.
of $100 per acre per season for pest protec-
tion in the best situations, but many spend as Because of the dry summers California veg-
much as $1,000 per acre in the case of straw- etables are largely free of the many plant
berries, where cost of fumigants, insecti- diseases that propagate on moist foliage.
Ch. 11—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 47

Thus, many wet-weather diseases that re- Chemical Pesticide Use

quire chemical control in the East and Mid-
Insect control in California vegetables is
west do not occur in California or appear only
heavily dependent on insecticides. Although
briefly during spring and fall. In contrast, the
crop rotation, field sanitation, quarantine,
soil-borne fungi causing vascular wilts and
and a variety of cultural and managerial
root rots are favored by the year-round crop-
methods are employed, they do not control in-
ping as are viruses harbored by weeds and
sects and mites adequately. Generally, the
viruses spread by insects that withstand the
short crop cycle, the high value of the crop,
mild winters.
and the high market standards for freedom
Thus, California conditions, while provid- from insect parts, blemishes, and filth place
ing relief from foliar diseases, favor insect- great pressure on the grower to use insecti-
borne viruses and soil-borne fungi, disease cides intensively. Unlike orchards and vine-
pathogens that are relatively unresponsive to yards, little time is available to establish
chemical controls. This has caused research natural balances that could reduce the need
efforts to be directed toward intensive breed- for pesticides. Insecticide treatments are
ing for resistance and systematic attention to often, if not typically, by routine schedule or
a broad range of cultural and biological rule of thumb rather than on the basis of as-
techniques. sessment of pest populations.
The current strategy in vegetable produc- Herbicides, used in combination with culti-
tion is for the farmer to control every produc- vation and hand weeding, adequately control
tion variable that can be profitably con- the weeds of most crops. Herbicides are inex-
trolled. Economics dictate the ecological pensive and are effective against most weeds;
strategy in pest management as in other pro- however, some weeds, particularly those
duction practices. Tables 7 through 12 show closely related to the crop, are resistant to
the control tactics currently used against ma- available herbicides and must be removed ini-
jor pests of California vegetables. tially by hand at high cost. Herbicides are

Table 7 .—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Lettuce in California
— .— — —
Native (N) B[ologfcal
–- - Culfural Chem!cal Other
I 1 HostI ‘-- — ~ 1 - - 1 -- -
Monitor- twe
hosts rotation Seed Fol~ar 1 !ng models

All 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1
Loopers and other worms 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Aph[ds 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Leaf miners 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Blg vein 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1
Downy mildew 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 i
Sclerotlnla 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
Root knot and stubby root 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1
A l l 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
— .
Key 1 = hftle or no use
2 = some use
3 = malor use
48 ● Pest Management Strategies

Table 8.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Melons in California

— Cultura; – –
plant Ehml-
resist - Samla- nahng Crop Plantlng Clean
‘ - - Water
- - -Fertlltty
: : ’ ” ‘ [ ’i ~ k ~ ’ ’ - - k :: i i
ancel t,on hosts rotahon date seed mgmt mgmt Tlllagel SoIl Seed Follar
.- — — . -- 1. Y!L!Y2ZK

1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1

2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
— — .
Key I = Itttle
or no use
2 = some use
3 = malor use

Table 9.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Potatoes in California

Native (N) Biological Cultural ‘Chemical Other
plant Ehml - Predlc -

Ma]or pests
Introduced (1) Pred & Mlcro-
para blat
reslst Sanda

Crop Plantlng Clean
hosts- rolallon date seed
Water Fertllrty
mgml mgmt Tillage SoIl
— Seed Follar
Monitor- tlve
Ing models

All 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1
Tuber moth 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1
Peach aphid 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Leafhopper 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Ring rot 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
S c a b 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Late blight. 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Viruses 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Root knot 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
All 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Key 1 = little or no use
2 = some use
3 = major use
Ch. 11—Present Status of Crop Protection 49

Table 10.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major pests of Strawberries in California
Blolog[cal Cultural Chemlcdl Other
I Host I
plant Ellm[- Predlc
Introduced ( I I ‘red & Micro - resls[ Samta natlng Crop Planhng Clean Water Fertlllty Monitor tlve
Major pests para bial ance flon hosts rotahon date seed mgmt mgmf Tlllaqe Soil Seed Follar Inq models
All 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
Mites 1 1 1-2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Aphfds 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Vertlcilllum wilt 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Virus 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gray mold 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
All 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Key 1 = little or no usP
some use
3 = IT ,IIOC use

Table 11 .—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Tomatoes in California

Native I N Bloloqlcal Cultural Chemical Other

Host I
plant Elm- Predtc
Introduced I I i Pred & Micro reslsl Samta Iatlnq CroD Plantlnq Clean Water Fertlllty Mon!tor tlve
Major pests ] para blal ance hon hosts rolatlon dale seed mqmi mgmt rlllage soil Seed Fohar Inq models

All 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1
Fruit worms 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Pln worms 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Mites 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Potato aphid 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Vertlcllllum wilt 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fusarlum wilt 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Black mold 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Root knot 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
All 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Key 1 = hrlle or no use
2 = some use
3 = major ufe

the principal controls of weeds of Califorina tive in control of nematodes, general plant
potatoes at all stages of their growth and, diseases, and soil-borne insects.
thus, hand weeding is rarely necessary. Land
used for strawberry production is fumigated
Cultural Pest Control
for control of a wide variety of pests prior to
planting. The fumigant destroys most of the Disease prevention usually results from a
weed seeds in the strawberry crops, but sup- combination of measures such as crop rota-
plemental hand weeding is still necessary, tion, production of disease-free seed and
particularly if the crop is grown a second con- vegetative propagation stock, destruction of
secutive year, The fumigant is broadly effec- crop residues, proper irrigation, use of seed
50 ● Pest Management Strategies

Table 12.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Cole Crops in California

Nahve (N) — Cultural ~ C l w m c a l Other
plant Ellml- Predlc-
Introduced (1) Pred & Mlcro- resist SanNa- natlng Crop Planting Clean Monitor- twe
Major para blal ance hon hosts rotation date seed mgmt Ing models
—— pests ‘ a ’ e r: : K Y Y l z U I I V l
All . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1
Worms 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Cabbage aphids 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Maggots : : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Clubroot 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Root knot. 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
All 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Key 1 = hllle or no use

2 = some use
3 = major use

protestants, timing of planting, preplanning losses. Breeding for resistance to insects has
soil fumigation, and, particularly, the use of received less attention, while resistance to
resistant varieties. Despite all efforts, avail- weeds is largely a matter of breeding for crop
able methods sometimes fail and substantial vigor. Breeding for resistance to pests and
disease losses occur. Nevertheless, protec- diseases as a primary means of pest control
tion of vegetable crops from plant diseases is has never received the recognition and fund-
currently far more effective than at any time ing that it deserves.
in the past.
Crop rotation, timing of planting or trans- Biological Control
planting, control of weed and other hosts, There is some release of natural enemies of
general sanitation, and other cultural proce-
vegetable pests, but major biological control
dures are important and well-recognized programs that could be manipulated by grow-
means of controlling insects and mites in veg- ers are not available, nor are they likely to
etable production. These methods adequately become available soon.
control many potential pests, thus reducing
the need for insecticides. The national and international work force
Weed control is currently accomplished in biological control has not been sufficient to
about half by cultural and managerial meth- make a major impact on pest control prac-
ods and half by herbicides. Once crops are tices, and there is little evidence that the defi-
well-established and weed-free as a result of ciency will be corrected.
a combination of chemical, mechanical, and
manual methods they may be maintained for Organic Farming
the rest of the growing season essentially
Organic farming is highly labor-intensive
weed-free by chemicals at very low cost.
and is most suited to hoe gardens and to
small-market gardens for local consumption.
Plant Resistance However, there are no “organic” solutions to
Resistant plant varieties combined with many crop protection problems in plant cul-
cultural and chemical control tactics, are ture, and for this and other reasons the meth-
employed in disease prevention. Recently, od is not competitive nor sufficiently produc-
much progress has been made in breeding va- tive in large-scale vegetable production in
rieties resistant to diseases that cause severe California.
Ch. 11—Present Status 0f Crop Protection ● 51

Other Control Tactics Present Problems and Concerns in

Pest management is greatly handicapped Crop Protection on California
by the lack of sufficient knowledge of the vegetables
basic biology of agricultural pests. There is Current practices provide more efficient
great need for thorough study of the lifecycles crop protection than has been available at
and means of survival of agricultural pests. any time in the past, yet the technology is still
Such studies afford the only rational ap- inefficient, hazardous, expensive, and often
proach to the discovery and development of offensive to the consumer. The potential for
entirely new control procedures. improvement lies in the direction of further
research to find technology as free as possi-
Current Use of Pest Management ble from the defects of present methods. The
Systems need is for intensified research leading to
more resistant varieties and improved chemi-
Insect, weed, and disease controls are
cals, cultural methods, and biological con-
based on a complex balance of cultural and
chemical methods. The use of resistant vari-
eties is an additional method in disease con-
trol and of particular importance in a preven- There is concern that if the present reli-
tive strategy. However, there is nothing in- able pesticides were no longer available, less
herent in integrated systems that ensures efficient pesticides would be substituted
reduced pesticide use and an increase in the which would result in both increased costs
use of alternative cultural and other methods. and quantities used.
A close analysis of all existing factors in-
dicates that the Dresent trend in California
toward a chemically intensive, highly in- For a detailed report of crop protection on
tegrated system is likely to accelerate. California vegetables, see volume II.


During the past decade in Texas, cotton are excellent in a rotation program that
has contributed approximately $800 million significantly contributes to improved soil con-
in cash receipts annually; sorghum has fol- ditioning, weed control, plant disease sup-
lowed with an average of approximately $700 pression, and diversity in the crop ecosystem.
million. The two crops represent approx-
imately 50 percent of the total cash receipts Pests of Cotton and Sorghum
from all crops and are produced on about 50
percent of the total cropland acreage in the Cotton: Of the most prevalent pests of cot-
State. ton only four insects, six pathogens. two
nematodes, and seven weeds are considered
Since 1880 Texas has produced 31 percent of major importance annually. Present pest
of the Nation’s cotton of which approximately losses in cotton are estimated at 35 percent of
63 percent is exported annually. Sorghum is potential production, which represents an
currently the State’s second leading export estimated annual loss of nearly 1.2 million
commodity with 50 percent of the annual pro- bales and a dollar loss to producers in excess
duction exported. The two crops have become of $250 million.
important complementary crops in most geo-
graphic areas of the State. They provide the Of the insect species considered major
Texas producer with an alternative economic pests, only the cotton fleahopper and boll
crop choice which enables a response to mar- weevil are viewed as “key*’ pests that require
ket conditions. Additionally, the two crops direct annual action by the producer to avoid
52 ● Pest Management Strategies

economic losses. The bollworm and tobacco Most producers consider weeds to be their
budworm most often cause economic damage major pest problem, Controlling the grassy
following disruption of the delicate balance weed species is particularly difficult in this
between the pests and their natural control crop. Effective weed control requires an in-
factors. The other insect pests of cotton are telligent combination of tillage, herbicides,
typically occasional pests, causing only spor- fallow, and/or rotation with a broadleafed
adic economic losses in limited production crop, such as cotton or soybeans.
Tables 13 and 14 show the control tactics
Losses due to disease organisms and currently used against major pests of cotton
nematodes are influenced dramatically by and sorghum.
weather, cultural practices, soil type, date of
planting, seed quality, variety, and a com-
bination of these factors. The producer’s Chemical Pesticide Use
ability to recognize specific disease and Dramatic changes have occurred in the
nematode problems, and assess their impor- control of cotton pests during the last 10 to 15
tance, is critical in permitting him to wisely years. Following World War II cotton breed-
d e s i g n a management strategy utilizing e r s u s e d t h e “insecticide umbrella” to
available alternative tactics. develop cotton varieties with superior yield
Pigweed is the most serious weed pest of and fiber qualities which were produced with
cotton in Texas. It accounts for about 52 per- phenomenal success under the same insec-
cent of the losses to weeds in Texas cotton ticide umbrella. Reflecting the success of the
and infests nearly 85 percent of the cotton breeding effort and effectiveness of insec-
acreage. Johnson grass is the second most im- ticides, average yields on a decade basis ex-
portant weed, infesting over 36 percent of the ceeded 200 lbs per acre statewide for the
cotton acreage and accounting for about 17 first time in this century in the 1950-59
percent of the losses to weeds in cotton. period. With the development of insecticide
resistance in the mid-1960’s, the insecticide
Sorghum.—Of the pests of sorghum in umbrella ruptured, and the entire production
Texas, 2 insects, 15 pathogens, and 6 weeds system began to change.
are of major importance, Losses in sorghum
due to all pests are estimated at 30 percent of Cotton acreage, average yields, and pesti-
potential yield. This loss estimate exceeds cide use patterns from 1945 to the present
144 million bushels with an average value in reflect the transition of the cotton industry in
excess of $218 million annually over the last Texas through the exploitation, crisis, dis-
decade, aster, and early recovery phases of cotton
production. Insecticide use on cotton in Texas
The sorghum midge and greenbug are the
peaked at nearly 20 million lbs in 1964, was
key insect pests that together account for
over 11.5 million lbs in 1966, declined to 9.6
over 80 percent of the estimated losses at-
million lbs in 1971, and was just under 2.5
tributed to arthropod pests. The remaining
million lbs in 1976. This reduction reflects, in
arthropod pests are secondary or occasional
part, a shift from high-dosage type insec-
ticides, such as DDT, to low-dosage materials.
The diseases of sorghum are numerous and The base acreage treated has only been re-
their importance in any given year is influ- duced from an estimated 45 percent of the
enced extensively by weather conditions. The cotton acreage in 1964 to 32 percent in 1976.
predominant diseases contributing to re- The major change in the insecticide use pat-
duced yields are downy mildew, head smut, tern has been in the number of applications
maize dwarf mosaic, charcoal rot, and red used and the rate of insecticide (active ingre-
rot. dient) used per application,
Ch. 11— Present Status of Crop Protection ● 53

Table 13. —Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Cotton in Texas

B!oloqlcal Cultural ] Chern,cal Othel

plant Eliml Pred(c
Introduced ( I I Red & Micro - reslst Sanlla natlrrq Crop Plantlnq Clean Water Fertll!ty I Momtor tlve
Major pesls ] oara b[al I ance I tlon host; rotallon da!e seea mgmt mgmt T[llage I SoIl Seed Follar Inq models
P l g w e e d 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
Mornlngglory 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2
Cocklebur 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 2
Field bindweed 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1
Silver nightshade 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 1
Jungle rice 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
Barnyard grass 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
Panlcums 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
Bermuda grass 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3
Johnson grass 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3
Boll weevil 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1
Fleahopper N Z 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1
Bollworm N 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2
Tob budworm N 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2
Cabbage looper N 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
Spider mites N 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
Pink bollworm 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1
Lygus bugs N 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
Thrlps N 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1
Aphids N 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1
Bacterial bllght 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
Seedling diseases 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
Fusarlum wilt 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Vertlclll[um wilt 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P root rot 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Boll rots 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
S W cotton rust 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
Fungal leaf spots 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Viruses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Root knot and renlform 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
—. —— — —
Key 1 = Ihlfle 0, no use
? = some use
3 = major use

Cotton insect control in Texas still depends to no more than 2 percent of the harvested
on the availability of effective insecticides. acreage; by 1976 ‘insecticides were being
This is particularly true for the control of the used on almost 60 percent of the State’s sor-
two key pests: cotton fleahopper and boll ghum acreage, The major use of insecticides
weevil. Fleahopper control is achieved by on sorghum is for control of greenbug. Mini-
using carefully timed applications at signifi- mum effective insecticide rates combined
cantly reduced rates; boll weevil control with naturally occurring predators, para-
often has been aided by shifting application sites, and economic thresholds are effective
timing to reduce the risk of other pest out- tactics used to minimize greenbug losses. In-
breaks. Far less dependence is placed on in- secticide use in midge control is limited in
secticides in controlling bollworm and tobac- most production areas to late-planted fields.
co budworm.
Pesticides are not used for disease control
Control of insects on sorghum relies heavily in cotton except in the treatment of seed and
on insecticides and planting date for the ma- in-furrow fungicide applications for seedling
jor pests. In 1966, insecticide use was limited diseases, and on rare occasions as an emer-
54 ● Pest Management Strategies

Table 14.—Control Tactics Now Employed Against Major Pests of Sorghum in Texas

Natwe (N I
Blologlcal Cultural Chemical Other
- -
Dldnt 1 Elm- Predlc -

Major pests
Introduced ( I ) Pred & Mlcro-
para blal 1
resist- Sanlta- natlng Crop Planllng Clean Waler Fertlllty
ance tlon hosts rotation date seed mgml mgmt Tlllage Soil Seed Follar
Monitor- tlve
Ing models

Brown panlcum 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1
Jungle rice 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1
Johnson grass 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 3
Bermuda grass 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 3
Nutsedges 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3
P l g w e e d 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2
M o r n m g g l o r y 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
Cocklebur 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 3
Field bindweed 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3
Texas blueweed 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3
White grub 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
Wireworms 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1
Greenbug aphid I 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
Fall army worm I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Beet army worm I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
S W. corn borer I 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sugarcane borer 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chinch bug 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Sorghum midge I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Sorghum webworm 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
Leaf blight 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
Anthracnose 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1
Grey leaf spot 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Zonate leaf spot 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bact leaf stripe 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Head smut 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
Loose smut 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
Covered smut 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1
Rust 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sorghum d mildew 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1
Key 1 = Ilttle or no use
2 = some use
3 = mafor use

gency treatment to control Southwestern cot- are not effective unless integrated with
ton rust. The use of pesticides for disease cultural practices. Herbicides become much
control in sorghum is limited primarily to seed more important in conservation or minimum
treatment. tillage production systems.
Weed control in cotton witnessed a rapid Nematicides, in combination with varietal ~
transition from a combination of cultivation resistance, control nematodes in Texas cot-
and hand-hoeing in the 1950’s to a combina- ton. Approximately 200,000 acres are treated
tion of tillage and herbicides in the 1970’s. annually with nematicides.
Herbicides use more than doubled from 1966
to 1976. Approximately 70 to 75 percent of
Cultural Pest Control
Texas cotton acreage is presently treated
with one or more herbicide applications. Cultural controls that are of major impor-
Weed control in sorghum depends on cultiva- tance on cotton and sorghum are crop rota-
tion, rotation, and herbicide use. Although tion, tillage, planting and harvesting dates,
herbicides are considered by many to be the and sanitation. Other cultural methods, such
basis of a good weed control program, they as the use of clean seed, eliminating pest
Ch. 11—Present Status of Crop Protection ● 55

hosts, nutrition, and water and fertility man- sect and disease resistance —primarily toler-
agement, are employed but to a lesser extent. ance and escape resistance mechanisms.
This breeding practice reflected a significant
Although insecticides are a major control
and, in retrospect, important change in basic
tactic in avoiding or reducing losses on cotton
breeding philosophy. Most of these varieties
due to the boll weevil, the use of rapidly fruit-
displayed high seedling vigor and rapid
ing cotton varieties and short production
fruiting characteristics. These so-called
management are equally important tactics in
“short season’” varieties were selected under
a successful pest control strategy. Sorghum
harsh, pest-competitive, natural conditions
losses from midge damage are reduced by
and were found to produce well in the field
using an early, uniform planting practice
when in competition with disease pathogens
within each of the production areas. This
and insect pests. Varietal resistance is exten-
practice limits the length of the “effective”
sively relied on in reducing losses associated
midge buildup period to no more than one or
with bacterial blight, Verticillium wilt, the
two generations and has proved to be an ex-
Fusarium wilt root-knot nematode complex,
tremely important tactic.
nematodes, and seedling disease—the major
Disease control in cotton primarily de- diseases of cotton.
pends on crop residue management and crop
rotation in combination with varietal resist- With the development of hybrids in the
ance and seed treatment. Burial of crop res- 1950’s, sorghum breeders until recently
idues that incite biological activity in soil selected hybrids for grain quality and high
reduces the survival of soil-inhabiting path- yields with limited attention to insect
ogens. Early planting, rapidly maturing vari- resistance. In the absence of effective
eties, and short-season management prac- fungicides, genetic resistance to sorghum
tices reduce losses resulting from boll rot, diseases has received major attention in
Verticillimn wilt, and Phymatotrichum root breeding programs. Greenbug-resistant lines
rot. In sorghum, disease control relies prin- were released to commercial breeders and
cipally on crop rotation, host resistance, and subsequently made available to producers on
seed treatment. a limited basis in 1975. Greenbug-resistant
varieties are currently being planted on over
A cotton/sorghum crop rotation is extreme- 50 percent of the Texas acreage, but sorghum
ly important in controlling certain weeds in producers have not learned to fully utilize
cotton. Timely cultivations are reliable in these resistant varieties.
removing rhizomatous weed roots and stems,
and effectively reduce competition during
Biological Control
early cotton growth stages. In sorghum, weed
control depends extensively on cultivation, Farmers, producers, consultants, research
crop rotation, and herbicides. Effective con- entomologists, and extension specialists are
trol requires rotation with cotton, soybeans, sensitive to the important role of naturally oc-
etc., and frequent fall tillage or the appli- curring beneficial species in suppressing
cation of glyphosate for rhizome control. damaging insect populations. This is par-
Although herbicides are effectively used ticularity true of the secondary pest species,
against some weeds, cultural practices are Naturally occurring predators and parasites
the foundation of any weed management pro- are the principal controls of most insect pests
gram. of cotton.

Plant Resistance Other Control Tactics

Beginning in the mid-1960’s the cotton- Greater emphasis is presently being placed
breeding programs in Texas stressed the on careful field monitoring and the use of
development of genetic lines with multiple in- economic thresholds to establish clearly the
56 . Pest Management Strategies

potential for economic loss and the need for cern developing among weed scientists that
direct action by the the producer. additional weed control tactics need to be
developed to broaden the available control
Current Use of Pest Management alternatives. To develop this technology,
however, additional weed scientists and sup-
porting resources will be absolutely essential.
Although virtually all of the pest problems
associated with cotton and sorghum produc- The importance of naturally occurring par-
tion are controlled by a combination of t a c - asites and predators in regulating insect
tics, the management program employed in pests of cotton has been established, How-
weed control most closely resembles a truly ever, the ability to optimize the use of this tac-
integrated pest management strategy. The tic is greatly limited by a lack of knowledge
use of cultivation, crop rotation, hand-hoeing, concerning the manipulation of these natural
and crop residue burial in combination with control factors.
herbicides is a strategy designed specifically
to address the weed problems encountered in For a detailed report of crop protection on
a given field or production area. cotton and sorghum in Texas, see volume II.

Present Problems and Concerns in

Crop Protection on Cotton
and Sorghum in Texas
Based on the pesticide use experience in
controlling cotton insect pests, there is con-
Chapter Ill

Fifteen-Year Prelection of
Agricultural Pest Control in
the United States
Chapter III

Fifteen-Year Projection of
Agricultural Pest Control in
the United States

Each of the seven regional work groups was asked to project crop protec-
tion for their crops based on three assumptions: 1) continuation of current crop
protection tactics, 2) no pesticide use, and 3) full implementation of integrated
pest management (1PM). An overriding assumption was that any significant new
technology that will take place in the field during the next 15 years is in the early
developmental stages at this time. For example, the developmental period for a
new pesticide is 8 to 10 years before initial registration which is then followed
by an additional period of time before it is generally adopted by users. A similar
or longer time span is involved in developing and introducing pest-resistant
cultivars. Radically new procedures are likely to require even longer periods to
be fully validated, demonstrated, and adopted.
The scenarios for the several crops are shown in figures 4 to 16. It must be
emphasized that these projections are schematic trends and, because actual
trends are not known, they are not quantitatively accurate; rather, they are in-
tended to illustrate our best qualitative estimates of what may occur in the next
one and one-half decades.

From these figures it is obvious that great a trend towards reduced pesticide use ac-
variation exists in the dependence on pesti- companied by more stable control of insects
cides to produce each of the crops. Crop and diseases. Considerable fluctuations in
losses for wheat, corn, and soybeans would crop losses are anticipated when the use of
increase significantly without pesticides but certain existing chemicals is discontinued
could be reduced to a reasonable level after because of pest resistance, regulations, eco-
several years by substitution of other tactics. nomics, or combinations thereof when no ef-
Current yield potential of corn and soybeans fective substitutes are immediately available,
would not be maintained, but alternate tac- For most crops, losses would be consistently
tics could reduce pest losses. On the other less with greater implementation of 1PM than
hand, production of apples, lettuce, cole with current practices.
crops, strawberries, and Northeast potatoes
As stated elsewhere, a significant percent-
would be disastrously reduced to the level at
age of crop production is lost prior to harvest
which commercial production would become
because of pest activity. This occurs in spite
impossible. Obviously one cannot generalize
of the extensive use of pesticides. This im-
on the role of pesticides in production across
plies that pesticides are not efficient or effec-
agricultural crops.
tively used; actually they are reasonably effi-
The principal impact of the adoption of cient and cost-effective for farmers in most
1PM over the present mix of tactics would be situations. The extensive crop losses that do

60 ● Pest Management Strategies

Figure 4.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop Figure 5.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Protection Scenarios for Wheat in the Great Plains Protection Scenarios for Corn in the Corn Belt

Figure 6.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop Figure 7.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Protection Scenarios for Soybeans in the Southeast Protection Scenarios for Apples in the North
Ch Ill— Fifteen- Year Project/on of Agrcultural Pest Control In the United States ● 61

Figure 8.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop Figure 9.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Protection Scenarios for Potatoes in the Northeast Protection Scenarios for Lettuce in California

Figure 10.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop Figure 11 .— Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Protection Scenarios for Melons in California Protection Scenarios for Potatoes in California
62 ● Pest Management Strategies

Figure 12.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop Figure 13.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop
Protection Scenarios for Strawberries in California Protection Scenarios for Tomatoes in California

Figure 15.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop

Protection Scenarios for Cotton in Texas

Figure 14.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop

Protection Scenarios for Cole Crops in California
Ch ///— F//teen- Year Protection of Agricultural Pest Control in the United States ● 63

Figure 16.—Schematic Projections for Three Crop the use of pesticides and is further improved
Protection Scenarios for Sorghum in Texas by the use of 1PM programs.
With increased IPM, pesticide use is pro-
jected to decrease on all the crops consid-
ered; however, the amount of reduction is
speculative and may not be as significant as
is often assumed by some persons. It is more
certain that the pesticides that are applied
will be used more efficiently and effectively.
One final projection observed in figures 4
through 16 is the amount of research re-
quired for the three scenarios. If pesticides
were not available, much additional research
would be needed to improve crop protection
by other tactics and strategies. Even with an
all-out effort, the results obtained for most
crops are not expected to be equal to the judi-
cious use of pesticides during the next 15
years. Also evident is the estimate that more
research effort is required to develop and im-
plement pest management strategies than to
continue with the present mix of tactics. This
reflects the greater complexity of the 1PM ap-
proach over the use of single tactics and the
---- Nopoeiilxdml time and effort required to develop and imple-
~ Ifltl!!ptdod W!* I Iwntlg+llm!nl

ment such methods.

A review of the seven regional reports, as

occur are caused by pests against which pes- well as other reports and the literature, pro-
ticides are not generally used and for which vides little evidence that there will be any
there are no other known feasible control tac- revolutionary new technological develop-
tics. The development of other control tactics, ments in insect, mite, disease, nematode, and
such as host resistance, cultural controls, vertebrate control over the next 10 to 15
and biological controls and their implementa- years. The new synthetic pyrethroids and
tion in 1PM systems will significantly reduce certain other insecticides are most promising
pest losses. It has been estimated that cur- but are likely to be used in place of. and in a
rent losses can be reduced up to 50 percent manner similar to, existing products. The
or more on a number of crops. same situation exists for fungicides, nemati-
cides, rodenticides, and avicides. On t h e
Production costs for pest control on most other hand, projections for the use of existing
crops are expected to be much higher without and new herbicides indicate that their use
pesticides than with either current practices will increase dramatically over the next 10 to
or 1PM. The need for increased cultivation, 15 years. In fact these materials are creating
hand weeding, and insect picking would add a revolution in the production of certain agri-
greatly to production costs. 1PM is expected cultural crops in the United States, particu-
over time to reduce production costs some- larly in wheat and corn, as discussed later in
what, but the reduction will probably be mini- this chapter.
mal even on high pesticide use crops such as
cotton and apple. The reliability of crop pro- In spite of the great need for improved
duction is much improved on many crops by pesticide application technology. there are
64 ● Pest Management Strategies

few new developments underway that prom- ture from the soil during fallow they must be
ise to have significant impacts on pesticide controlled. Until recently frequent cultiva-
use during the next 1 5 years. Recent research tions were required, but these tend to dry out
at the University of Georgia has produced a the surface soil layer, increase wind and soil
breakthrough in the use of electrostatically erosion, and reduce soil organic matter. A
charged dusts and sprays. Evidence shows production system called “ecofarming” has
that application rates can be halved using been developed and was used on over
this method without loss of insect control on 100,000 acres in 1978. In this system, her-
row crops. Several prototype sprayers are bicides replace cultivation, thus changing the
being evaluated on row crops, and research ecosystem considerably in favor of increased
is planned to adapt the principle to tree soil organic matter, greater moisture conser-
crops. This development can significantly im- vation, and reduced soil erosion. Other ob-
prove the efficiency of pesticide applications served changes include increases in certain
and reduce the quantities used. Another de- pests such as rodents and rattlesnakes, but
velopment, resulting from joint research ef- decreases in others.
forts of weed scientists and engineers, is the
Herbicides are also influencing production
recirculating sprayer. It can be used effec-
technology for row crops. Traditionally these
tively for weed control in some situations
have been spaced according to the width re-
with greatly reduced rates of herbicide ap-
quired for cultivation—wide rows required
plication and lower costs to farmers, The full
for animal-drawn cultivators have been modi-
potential and impact of these and other new
fied to accommodate tractor-drawn imple-
developments have yet to be determined. A
ments. Herbicides now can eliminate most
need still remains for much greater efficiency
cultivation needs for many crops and permit
in aerial application to improve the target-to-
spacings based on considerations other than
draft ratio.
weed control, Again, such changes in the
Much of past and even present agricultural microenvironment favor some pest organisms
production practice has been dictated by and reduce others.
disease, insect, nematode, and, especially,
The ultimate potential for changes in agri-
weed problems. The development and use of
cultural production methods created by her-
an array of herbicides with various combina-
bicides has yet to be determined. Similarly,
tions of selectivity, short- and long-residual
the secondary impacts on crop protection
action in the soil, systemic and contact activi-
problems are not fully known or understood.
ty, etc., now provide farmers with the capa-
Obviously, much more interdisciplinary crop
bility of controlling weeds without the usual
protection research is required.
plowing, fitting, transplanting, and frequent
cultivations that have been required for A similar but unknown potential for chang-
thousands of years. The practice of no-till ing cultural production systems exist in trop-
corn is being widely adopted, particularly in ical agroecosystems, even rather primitive
rolling land where soil erosion is severe. forms (see chapter VII).
Here, weeds are killed by a contact herbicide
A trend observed in California toward
and seed sown in unplowed soil. The dead
strawberry production in nearly sterile soil is
surface vegetation remains in place where it
likely to continue and may expand to other
prevents erosion by as much as 50 percent
high-value crops. For example, California
depending on slope, rainfall, and soil type.
farmers are finding that yields of other crops
A similar development is underway in the are significantly higher when planted in land
dry-land Great Plains wheat production area fumigated the preceding year for strawberry
where herbicides are also replacing plowing production. For many years fruit growers
and cultivation. To conserve moisture, the have had replant problems caused by nema-
land is left fallow (not cropped) for varying todes and other pests that are now controlled
periods of time. Because weeds remove mois- by soil fumigation. Some form of soil fumiga-
Ch Ill— Fifteen- Year Proiectlon of Agricultural pest Control In the United States ● 65

tion is routine practice in greenhouses. The changes no doubt will be made for pest sup-
use of sterilized soil is possible only if a pression purposes; however, no radical
satisfactory soil fumigant or other method of changes are likely. The use of rotations, time
accomplishing the same end is available. Be- of planting, trap crops, and habitat diversifi-
cause the current cost of such treatments is cation are based on economic and managerial
high [$450 to $!500 per acre for strawberries), considerations. These practices are not ex-
the cost/benefit ratio is favorable only for pected to change appreciably within the next
high-value crops. If an inexpensive safe mate- 10 to 15 years. With the potential for in-
rial or method were available, soil steriliza- creased costs of irrigation water and fertil-
tion would expand and spread widely. No izers during the projection period, increased
such material or method is now available, manipulation of these tactics for managing
and all commonly used liquid soil fumigants pests is unlikely; in fact, decreased use of
are on the current RPAR (rebuttable pre- water and fertilizer for control will become
sumption against registration) or pre-RPAR less attractive economically.
lists (April 1979). Research data on micro-
wave soil sterilization shows that this method Although biological control is of only lim-
can be used to kill weed seed and some micro- ited use in the control of agricultural pests;
organisms but is not yet proven technolog- insects, mites, and many minor arthropod
ically nor is it considered to be feasible pests would be major problems in the ab-
economically. sence of the biological control provided by
parasites, predators, and pathogens. The
Chemical pest control includes the use of sudden elevation of secondary insect and
hormones for control of insects and weeds. mite pests to major importance following ap-
Insect juvenile hormones or mimics do not ap- plications of certain insecticides provides am-
pear promising except for control of certain ple evidence of the role of biological agents.
species such as mosquitoes and house flies, Other major weed, plant pathogen, verte-
which are a problem as adults but can be con- brate, and nematode pests are controlled less
trolled as immatures. The recently discov- effectively by biological agents.
ered anti juvenile hormones appear much
more promising, but none are available yet It is entirely possible that at least some cur-
with a satisfactory spectrum of activity. A rently important arthropod pests will be ef-
hormone that either inhibits or induces seed fectively controlled biologically during the
germination would have a potential use in next few years. An excellent example is the
weed control, but such chemicals are not yet use of a small wasp parasite from India that
available for practical use. As promising as has effectively provided season-long control
these approaches appear to be, widespread of the Mexican bean beetle when released
success seems unlikely in the next 10 to 1 5 early in the season.
years. Based on experience over the past few
Projecting the use of other control tactics is years, the projection for the increased use of
more difficult than for pesticides. We have host-plant resistance is not encouraging.
already commented on changes in cultivation Much of the breeding work to incorporate
procedures now taking place and mentioned resistance into commercially available cul-
their potential impact on pest populations. tivars has been discontinued in State experi-
Cultural controls including plowing and culti- ment stations and Federal laboratories on the
vation have been recommended and used for basis that this work is more appropriately
generations for the suppression of pests other done by commercial seed firms. The latter
than weeds. Some of these are being re- have not been effective in recent years either
examined and may have potential in 1PM sys- because of a lack of incentive or a lack of
tems. Modern equipment permits the timely, suitable resistant germ plasm and the genetic
efficient execution of operations that were information required to combine resistance
once difficult or even impossible. Certain with desirable agronomic qualities. Expe-
66 ● Pest Management Strategies

rience indicates that the use of resistant culti- after 61 years of unsuccessful effort. The
vars is likely to decrease rather than increase reduction in numbers of barberry, the alter-
over the next decade unless strong publicly nate host of stem rust of wheat in the Great
supported efforts in host-plant resistance Plains area, may have helped to reduce the
programs are implemented. threat of this severe disease, but the goal of
eradication is now deemed unattainable by
Autocidal (sterile male release) control of
any acceptable means. The fire ant eradica-
insects has been effective against certain
tion program has also failed. Success seems
species, especially the screwworm and the
fruit flies, and has been demonstrated to be attainable only with newly introduced spe-
cies before the infestations become wide-
effective against low populations of codling
spread and well-established. Some organisms
moth and onion maggots but is not now eco-
such as nematodes simply cannot be eradi-
nomically competitive with other control
methods, The autocidal method has not been cated. Any proposed eradication program
must be carefully examined in terms of prob-
effective or practical against moderate-to-
a b i l i t y o f meeting objectives, Political
high insect populations or where heavy mi-
pressures for eradication are considerable
gration is common. Technical problems and
but must be tempered by the reality of expe-
the expense of mass rearing and sterilization
rience. A second experiment to evaluate the
have limited the range of uses for this in-
novative and ecologically sound method of in- feasibility of boll weevil eradication is now
sect control. No large increases in its use are underway. Many knowledgeable people are
convinced that eradication of this pest is not
anticipated over the next 15 years except
feasible with present technology at any rea-
possibly in conjunction with eradication proj-
sonable cost and risk to the environment. Cer-
ects where costs are not the prime considera-
tainly eradication will not be an important
part of agricultural pest control except
The use of insect pheromones for control where new pests may be introduced.
has been demonstrated successfully using
two approaches. The use of pheromone- Quarantine efforts to prevent the introduc-
baited traps to control insects by eliminating tion of new pests are partially successful and
males and reducing mating is subject to the judged to be cost-effective but are inadequate
same limitations as the sterile male release with present transportation facilities and
method. Although the use of these phero- practices for people, animals, and goods.
mones for control by “male confusion’” has Modifications and improvements are needed
been successful (Gossyplure H,F. is regis- to adapt outdated quarantine methods to
tered and being used by some cotton farmers today’s conditions.
in Arizona and California), there have been
Organic farming, as defined in this report,
enough failures in experimental testing to
is crop production without using synthetic
suggest that there are still some unsolved
fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and other
problems. However, it is expected that these
agricultural chemicals. In considering or-
materials will be used commercially for
ganic farming as it affects crop protection
direct control of some insects within the next
against pests, we assume that acceptable
few years.
pesticides are only those derived from plants,
Eradication of pest organisms is perhaps such as rotenone, nicotine, and pyrethrum.
the ideal solution for introduced species if it However, others suggest that organic farming
can be accomplished without incurring unac- can involve a minimum, or minor, use of syn-
ceptable costs and risks to human health and thetic pesticides, If that were the case, the
the environment, Experience indicates that distinction between organic and conventional
eradication is not feasible for established farming is obscured and organic farming ap-
species, For example, the barberry eradica- proaches the 1PM concept regarding pesti-
tion program is being terminated in 1979 cide use. Unfortunately, most of the argu-
Ch ///— Fifteen-Year Protection of Agriculfural Pest Control In the United States ● 67

ments for and against organic farming are ing 1PM systems involves approaches that
qualitative in nature; there are scant quanti- may be useful to organic producers. The tac-
tative comparative data on the value of or- tics of genetic host-plant resistance, en-
ganic versus conventional farming for crop couraging biological control organisms, and
protection. cultural controls, along with other tactics,
must be improved and incorporated into
The opportunities for successful use of
organic farming methods vary greatly with demonstrated production systems to make
crop susceptibility to pests, climate, avail- this approach more widely attractive in com-
ability of labor, season, and regulations re- mercial agriculture.
garding undamaged produce in the market-
A careful study of pest control in the seven
place. Certain fruit and vegetable crops are
regions indicates that there is now’ much
almost completely destroyed by a variety of
more 1PM being practiced than is generally
pests if not properly protected with appro-
recognized. This is particularly true for
priate pesticides. In other cases, the amount
of hand labor involved in weeding is prohibi- wheat in the Great Plains States where exten-
sive use has been made of cultural, host-plant
tive for large-scale commercial agriculture.
resistance, and chemical controls for weeds,
However, some crops that are less severely
insects, diseases, and vertebrates, and where
attacked and for which nonpesticidal con-
extensive disease-monitoring systems are
trols are known can be produced successfully
used. Pest management systems have been
on a commercial scale without the use of syn-
integrated into wheat production practices
thetic pesticides, although yields may be
with due consideration of environmental fac-
lower than with conventional methods. These
tors. The impetus for 1PM development and
include several field and forage crops such as
implementation has been economics (wheat is
alfalfa and field corn. At present, very few
a low-value crop) and the lack of appropriate
commercial farmers within the seven crop-
ping regions of this report are using organic single-control tactics. The present level of
1PM, however, is still far from its potential on
methods of crop production. The estimated
this crop. Various levels of 1PM are used on
10,000 to 15,000 organic farms in the United
the other crops.
States are relatively small operations for
which organic farming is most applicable.
We project that the implementation of 1PM
Because of the considerable interest in in crop production in the United States will
organic farming and the increasing demand proceed slowly over the next 15 years unless
for organically grown foods, research is much greater inputs are made at the National
needed in this area. At present, those in- and State levels. The major obstacle to faster
terested in producing organic foods cannot adoption is lack of demonstrated feasible
obtain from county agents or agricultural ex- 1PM systems. This is due to a number of fac-
periment stations much, if any, information tors, but lack of information on the basic
on how to manage pests without pesticides. biology of pests and crops, lack of established
Research is needed to evaluate the value of economic thresholds, cost/benefit analyses of
methods now being proposed, such as com- 1PM programs, and the primitive state of pre-
panion plantings, and to develop new’ tech- dictive modeling and agroecosystems anal-
niques, Much of present research on develop- yses are the most important.

Chapter IV

Present Problems, Concerns,

and Most Promising
Chapter IV

Present Problems, Concerns, and

Most Promising Approaches

In chapter II the crop protection problems and concerns for each of the
seven regional systems are described. In this chapter these problems and con-
cerns are grouped according to type of control tactic and strategy and are
presented along with others generally recognized for pest control, which are
followed by several areas of general concern. Finally, several approaches are
presented that appear to be most promising.


Cultural Controls C; I use excessive pest-caused losses over wide

areas. The rapid adoption of no-till corn is an
Crop rotations developed in the first half of excellant example. By 1977 minimum t ill age
the 20th century were practiced. in part. to (no-till) methods were used on over 300,000
centrol certain pests including weeds. For acres of corn in Maryland, and many of these
economic and other reasons many of these old acres were show’ing enough insect and slug
rotations were replaced by’ monoculture; damage by these formerly very minor pests to
(planting the same crop on the same land warrant pesticicle a ppl i c a t ions. The only
each year) or by rotation with different crops avaiable effective insecticide properly regis-
(e.g., the rotation of soybeans instead of oats terd for use in this situation was on t h e
with corn in the Corn Belt States). Such RPAR (rebuttable presumption against regis-
changes in the agroecosystem often have im- tration) list. Similar concerns exist for no-till
pacts on the incidence of pests, The studies of corn in other areas and for other crops in-
the seven regional systems clearly show that volved in major changes in production tech-
such impacts may be both negative and posi- nology.
tive depending on the nature of the specific
pests. They also show that the changes are Such cultural changes may or may not be
not predictable and that a very serious knowl- totally sound economically, environmentally.
edge gap exists in understanding the basic in- or socially. only time with further research
teractions between pests and their physical and experience will provide the answer.
and biological environments. Until this infor- However, the need to adapt pest management
mation is available, pest management by hab-
practices to new production methods must be
itat modification through cultural means can considered early and given adequate atten-
only be developed on a trial-and-error basis. tion. Crop cultivars resistant to new pa tho-
When several pests are involved, as on most
gens, nematodes, and insects may be the long-
crops, this process is time-consuming and ex-
term answer. but for the short term, appro-
pensive. priate pesticides must be used if available. If
Because of the rapid acceptance of new pest problems become a limiting factor, even
technologies by American farmers. there is the most promising new cultural practices
concern that new cultural practices could may have to be abandoned.


72 ● Pest Management Strategies

Host-Plant Resistance and the corn borer are complicated. Because

resistant cultivars have been effective in
Concern over the present and future use of reducing damage and pest populations for
pest-resistant cultivars lies in two areas: 1) many years, there is little recent evidence of
the effective use of known resistant germ the potential destructiveness of these insects.
plasm and 2) the identification and preserva- As a result. new generations of farmers do
tion of new sources of resistance. not demand resistant cultivars, This trend
The uses of pest-resistant wheat and corn has been abetted by the deemphasis of breed-
cultivars on a large scale for both diseases ing programs in many State experiment sta-
and insects are classic success stories of tions and USDA laboratories. The latter de-
host-plant resistance. However, recent velopment was based in part on the assump-
trends in the Great Plains Wheat Belt are tion that commercial seed companies could
disturbing. T h e a c r e a g e of Hessian-fly- do the necessary work to maintain and in-
resistant wheats in Kansas and Nebraska has crease pest resistance. Experience indicates
decreased from about 66 percent in 1973 to that this was not a correct assumption. The
about 42 percent in 1977. Hessian fly infesta- trend away from plant resistance-breeding
tions have increased where susceptible culti- research in publicly supported institutions
vars have been planted. In South Dakota in has been abetted by the erosion in F e d e r a l
1978, in an area not normally heavily in- support for agricultural research and the
fested, an estimated 1.25 million acres of concept among administrators and research-
spring wheat were infested resulting in losses ers that plant-breeding research of this
of $25 million to $50 million, An even greater nature is less prestigious than basic studies.
decrease in resistant-wheat acreage is ex- Lacking demand by growers and the stimulus
pected in the next 2 to 5 years as a result of and information from Federal and State ex-
recent releases of cultivars that have im- periment stations, commercial seed compa-
proved agronomic traits and disease resist- nies have also deemphasized efforts to incor-
ance but which are susceptible to Hessian fly, porate insect and even some disease and
Insect resistance has not been a significant nematode resistance into new cultivars, The
component of commercial breeding pro- result of this trend could have disastrous con-
grams, and none of the new commercial sequences not unlike the southern corn leaf
wheats have resistance to Hessian fly, In blight epidemic of 1970. Although the corn
1972, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) blight epidemic required only 1 year to cor-
research on wheat stem sawfly was termi- rect (the problem was one of cytoplasmic sus-
nated. The resistant cultivars presently ceptibility), insect, disease, and nematode ep-
grown are expected to be replaced with sus- idemics brought on by the use of susceptible
ceptible cultivars, and infestations of this cultivars could take several years to correct.
pest are also expected to increase. Development of pest-resistant crops with
A similar trend towards the use of corn good agronomic characters is a lengthy and
hybrids more susceptible to corn borer is expensive procedure, However, the cost/ben-
reported in parts of the Corn Belt with con- efit ratio, especially the cost in terms of use
comitant increases in infestations and insec- by growers, is very small. And perhaps of
ticide use, The reduced use of resistant crops more importance, resistant cultivars can be
does not extend to all areas and all crops. For used by small as well as large growers and
example, greater use is now being made of re- even by gardeners. Adequate funding of pub-
sistant cotton. lic research to ensure continued development
of resistant crop cultivars appears to be not
The reasons for the reduced use of known only desirable but imperative for long-range
germ-plasm resistance for such important in- effective pest management and the public
sects as the Hessian fly, wheat stem sawfly, good.
Ch. IV—Present Problems, Concerns, and Most Promising Approaches ● 73

Germ plasm resistant to many diseases, ample is the control of alligator weed in irri-
nematodes, insects. and mites is not available gation canals and ponds in the Southeastern
for a number of crops. This is most pro- United States through the introduction of a
nounced for crops that originated outside leaf- and stem-feeding flea beetle from South
centinental North America. Areas where America. Biological control works best when
plants and their pest coevolved are good only one weed species is the problem, as op-
sources of resistant germ plasm. In some posed to having several species involved.
cases, wild progenitors of our cultivated Good examples are lantana and the prickly
crops in which resistance may be found are pear cactus, which are primary weeds that
being lost. In order to find and preserve these take over certain habitats. Control of these by
sources, search and conservation projects any specific means including biological is sat-
are needed. These efforts should include isfactory. However, the use of specific con-
vegetables and fruits as well as major crops trols for single species in agricultural crops is
such as wheat, corn, and soybeans. A new op- not satisfactory because other weeds quickly
portunity exists with respect to soybean as take over niches left by the controlled
improved relations with China afford con- species.
siderable promise in developing programs to
Biological control of plant pathogens and
locate pest-resistant germ plasm where soy-
nematodes may be more promising than was
bean originated,
thought earlier. A recent breakthrough is the
Present USDA/State plant introduction pro- use of one bacterial species (Agrobacterium
grams do not adequately meet the need for radiobacter) to control crown gall on apple
developing pest-resistant crops. Recent ef- and other crops caused by another bacterial
forts to increase introductions and establish species in the same genus IAgrobacterium
germ-plasm banks have been underfunded tume~aciens). The lack of knowledge of the
and developed slowly. Programs such as the basic interactions among species of micro-
one for rice at the International Rice Re- organisms limits judging the potential of this
search Institute in the Philippines where approach for control of these pests.
thousands of genetic lines are maintained
Vertebrate pests are normally held in
and evaluated for resistance to pests are
check by predators, parasites, and disease.
needed. Such projects could be cooperative
Attempts to use specific biological control
with other countries with similar interests.
measures have had few successes and many
The costs of these programs are high but the
failures. The introduction of the ferret pred-
almost certain potential benefits are much,
ator into Puerto Rico failed to control rats and
much greater.
actually added a new pest to the island. The
introduction of’ myxomytosis disease to Aus-
Biological Controls
tralia to control rabbits succeeded initially,
Just as the major emphasis on breeding for but over several years strains of rabbit
host-plant resistance in the past has been for evolved that were resistant to the disease,
disease control, the greatest effort in biologi- The rabbit is still a pest but is not as serious a
cal control has been on insects and mites. Re- problem as formerly.
cently however, more attention is being given
As mentioned earlier, the greatest effort in
to biological control of pathogens, weeds, and
biological control has been against insects
and mites. So-called “classical” biological
A few spectacular successes in biological centrol—i. e,, the introduction of agents to
weed control have occurred—i. e., the control control exotic or native pests—has produced
of prickly pear cactus in Australia through the most spectacular results. The control of
the introduction of insects that feed on this the cottony cushion scale on citrus in Califor-
plant and that are indigenous to the area nia through the introduction of the Vedalia
from which the weed originated. Another ex- beetle in 1899 is perhaps the best known ex-
74 ● Pest Management Strategies

ample, There are recent successful examples Quarantine

such as the control of the alfalfa weevil and
citrus blackfly with introduced parasites. A study of tables 2 to 14 shows clearly that
The other phase of biological control is to in- many of our major weed, insect, mite, patho-
crease naturally occurring agents through gen, nematode, and vertebrate pests are in-
manipulating the environment or by artifi- troduced. Some are serious in the United
cially propagating and distributing them. States but are of little importance in their
native habitat. Lack of biological control
Spores of the bacterium causing milky dis-
agents, the presence of more susceptible
ease of Japanese beetle larvae have been
hosts, more favorable environmental condi-
used for many years to reduce populations of
tions, and other reasons are cited as causes
this introduced pest. Currently efforts are un-
for this phenomenon. But regardless of the
derway to propagate and disseminate virus
reasons, the potential for serious and even
diseases of certain insects and tiny wasp par-
disastrous crop losses that result from the
asites of the eggs of several insect pest
introduction of additional new pests is very
real. There are many identified potential
A substantial number of the major insect pests and undoubtedly many others of un-
pests of agricultural crops in the United known potential.
States are introduced, and there is good The rapid movement of people, food, fiber,
reason to believe that they can be effectively and other goods about the globe makes effec-
controlled by biological agents introduced tive quarantine a difficult task. As a conse-
from their points of origin. The major obsta- quence, present efforts and methods are not
cle to greater success is the low level of sup- considered to be as effective as formerly.
port available for facilities, personnel, and There is a need to develop and implement im-
operational funds to identify, investigate, in- proved technologies for preventing the in-
troduce, and establish these beneficial orga- troduction of undesirable organisms into the
nisms. The USDA 1979 budget for classical United States. Also a need exists to improve
biological control is $2 million. With the ex- survey and identification capabilities for
ception of California and Hawaii, the States exotic pests in order to find new introduc-
do not have strong programs, Also, according tions before they become too widespread and
to some experts, the effort within USDA could well-established to be eradicated,
be improved by a vertical rather than a pri-
marily horizontal approach—i.e., having the Eradication
same scientist or team conduct the total ef-
fort from discovery through establishment Large sums of money have been, and still
rather than different groups being responsi- are being, spent in attempts to eradicate in-
ble for each operational stage. In view of the sect and weed pests. Successes have been
potential benefits to be derived from the suc- limited to a few situations such as elimination
cessful introduction of biological control of the Mediterranean fruit fly from Florida
agents, the low levels of Federal and State ef- and California and the screwworm from the
forts seriously limit the progress of this im- Southeastern States. In all these instances,
portant program. An evaluation of past ef- newness or restricted winter survival area
forts indicates that the benefit/cost ratio has (screwworm survived winter only in southern
been 30 to 1 In addition to the direct dollar Florida) limited the infestations. Eradication
benefit, there has been a reduction in both efforts against barberry and the imported
crop losses and the use of insecticides. While fire ant failed. Large sums of money and
biological controls are not permanent or uni- much manpower are now being utilized in a
form each year, they tend to be more perma- second boll weevil eradication experiment.
nent than most other tactics and require little With present technology, many knowledge-
or no further expense once established. able scientists consider the probability of suc-
Ch. IV—Present Problemsj Concerns, and Most Promising Approaches ● 75

cessful eradication of this widespread, well- use of pesticides during this period; the inci-
established insect pest of cotton to be ex- dence of fatal poisonings directly attributed
tremely remote. to pesticides has dropped continually—from
152 in 1956 to 31 in 1976—while total popula-
Eradication is attractive because success
tion and total accidental poisoning deaths
offers a permanent solution to a pest prob-
have more than doubled. The meager data
lem, at least until the next introduction. Erad-
that are available from developing countries
ication programs are politically attractive be-
indicate much higher death rates, even
cause of their visibility and because, while in
though pesticides are not used as extensively
progress, they offer short-term relief from at-
as in the United States. Although acute toxici-
tacks of the pests involved, but permanent
ty episodes can be minimized through educa-
success is difficult, if not impossible, to attain
tion, they remain a continuing hazard, espe-
for most pests using present technology. Also,
cially where educational and medical facili-
the potential hazards to human health and
ties are minimal.
the environment must be considered. There is
much concern that funds and manpower so The phenomenon of delayed neurotoxicity
badly needed for other crop protection efforts for a few pesticides has received consider-
will be wasted on technically unsound erad- able attention in recent years following the
ication projects that are doomed to failure discovery that permanent weakness, ataxia,
from the beginning. and paralysis can be induced by a single sub-
lethal exposure to leptophos, an organophos-
pesticides phate insecticide. EPN, also in the same
Present problems and concerns for pesti- chemical group, has caused similar effects in
cides for agricultural crops focus on health test animals. Fortunately, most organophos-
phate pesticides do not cause these delayed
hazards, environmental hazards, and avail-
ability and effectiveness. While this report problems.
has concentrated on crop protection technol- The long-term exposure of humans to com-
ogies and strategies, concerns about human paratively low levels of many pesticides in the
and environmental hazards associated with environment and in the body is of great con-
the manufacture, distribution, and use of pes- cern because of known and suspected poten-
ticides have been expressed by assessment tial harmful effects. These effects are many
panel members, by participants in a public and may include eye irritation, neurological
meeting, and by the public media. and reproductive impairment, teratogenic ef-
Health problems associated with pesti- fects, cancer, and others.
cides involve acute (or subacute) and chronic
Real human hazards that result from long-
low-level effects. In the United States, where
term pesticide exposure are extremely diffi-
medical services are readily available and
cult to assess. For example, the induction
poison control centers have been established,
period for cancer may be in the range of 20 to
acute effects are relatively clear-cut and can
30 years with complications resulting from
be identified correctly. There are concerns,
exposure to other synthetic and natural po-
however, that some effects, particularly the
tential carcinogenic agents. Thus, human epi-
subacute, are not identified and reported.
demiological studies are difficult to conduct
Also some concern exists that some illnesses
and produce inconclusive results. In spite of
are incorrectly ascribed to pesticide intoxica-
the fact that chlorinated hydrocarbon insec-
ticides, particularly DDT, have been in the
The safe use of pesticides has received environment and present in human tissue for
great emphasis in the United States over the more than 30 years, and certain inorganic
past 25 years. The effort has succeeded de- pesticides for nearly a century, no detectable
spite the vast increase in the availability and effects on the human population have been
76 ● Pest Management Strategies

proven. However, this does not prove that no Generally, acute toxicity problems for wild-
effects have occurred or that none will occur. life are known and managed at acceptable
levels except for accidents or misuse.
The organochlorine insecticides (DDT,
aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, and On the other hand, much concern exists
chlordane) are persistent chemicals and have about known and unknown chronic effects on
been commonly found in human foods and wildlife from low levels of exposure to pesti-
human tissues. Since most uses for these cides. These can be subtle effects such as the
products have been discontinued in the eggshell thinning in the bald eagle, the
United States, a steady decline has occurred peregrine falcon, and the brown pelican
in the concentration of these materials or which seriously reduced the reproductive
their metabolizes in human adipose tissue. Ex- potential of these species. A comparable
tensive toxicological studies on several exper- reproductive problem developed in a variety
imental species including mammals, birds, of fish and food-chain-dependent mammals.
and fish must be conducted before pesticides These reproductive disorders have declined
can be registered for use, Currently there is with the elimination of DDT and most other
much concern and controversy about extrap- organochlorine pesticides from agricultural
olating from animals to humans, particularly and forest uses. Concerns have been ex-
regarding carcinogenicity. pressed for other chronic effects such as
With the exception of the inorganic and growth inhibition, acute nervous stress, on-
organochlorines, pesticides or harmful me- cogenesis, and others. Indirect effects of
tabolizes are relatively short-lived in the envi- pesticides on wildlife are also thought to be
ronment. A few herbicides persist in the soil significant. Suppression of food, obviously, is
up to 12 to 18 months but most disappear in a potentially harmful effect,
considerably less time. Less is known about
Capabilities for detecting and measuring
residues in air that serve as a global trans-
pesticide residues in the physical and biologi-
port medium for pesticides. Water pollution
cal environment now extend to parts per bil-
by pesticides exists in most surface waters in lion or less. Unfortunately, little is known of
the United States at very low levels, Organo- possible hazards of such low residues. Risks
chlorine insecticide residue levels reached a
must be weighed against benefits to deter-
peak in 1966 and declined in succeeding mine whether or not specific chemicals
years as the use of these products was re- should be approved for use in agriculture.
duced, Thus, their use should be limited to essential
Pesticide residues are also found in plants needs where risk/benefit ratios are favorable
and animals. The phenomenon of “bioaccu- and where other control tactics are insuffi-
mulation’ ‘—i. e., the process in which low cient.
levels of a chemical in organisms, such as
There are serious concerns about the fu-
algae, at the bottom of the food chain ac-
cumulate through the food chain until ex- ture availability and effectiveness of pesti-
cides. For all the crops included in this report
tremely high levels occur in animals such as
fish or birds at the top of the chain—has on which pesticides are used extensively,
resulted in serious losses of some wildlife there was concern that effective materials
are lost because of regulations, resistance,
economics, or combinations thereof more rap-
Until the 1960’s detailed evaluations of the idly than replacements are found, developed,
impacts of pesticides on the environment had and introduced. This situation is most critical
not been done. Because of this and because for insecticides and miticides, is potentially
the world ecosystem is large and complex, very critical if present RPAR’s fungicides are
only limited knowledge is available on the lost, and is least critical for herbicides. The
subject except in the area of acute toxicity. lack of safe and effective rodenticides and
Ch IV—Present Problems, Concerns, and Most Prom/s/rig Approaches ● 77

avicides is also a problem. For short periods oping pest management systems that involve
during the past few years, no effective insec- the use of pesticides. For some situations, an
ticides were available to control insect com- insect icicle or miticide with a verv narrow
plexes on cotton in parts of Texas and Mex- range or short residual toxicitv is required to
ico, and no miticides were available for con- reduce a pest species without disrupting bio-
trol of mites on apples in Washington. Sev- logical control agents. In other cases, pesti-
eral emergency registrations of new insecti- cides may be required that control a broad
cides on fruit, vegetables, and cotton were range of weeds, pathogens, or insects. Some-
necessary because existing materials were times short residual contact materials are re-
no longer effective or registered. quired while for others, as for control of soil
insects or season-long weed control. residual
The number of registrations of new molec-
effectiveness may be required for several
ular structures for pest control for agricul-
months. When no pesticide with appropriate
tural crops has dropped sharply during the
activities is available, substitutes often have
past 10 years. With the continuing loss of ef-
to be used at higher rates with repeated ap-
fectiveness of current products due to resist-
plications and sometimes with harmful ef-
ance, and losses due to regulations and eco-
fects on beneficial species. A limited range of
nomic factors, the situation is likely to
pesticides restricts the potential for pest
worsen, especially on minor crops.
management on many crops.
To date the problem of acquired Weed re-
sistance—i. e., the evolution of weed strains The inefficiency of pesticide application
resistant to an herbicide—is not serious in technology is another concern. In some ap-
weed control even though examples exist. plications as little as 25 percent of the tox-
The major resistance problem in chemical icants reach the target. This inefficiency is
weed control occurs when naturally resistant not only wasteful but can cause secondary
weed species survive, thrive, and soon take health and environmental problems outside
over without competition from other weeds. the target area,
Such problems are managed by using com-
binations of herbicides, changing herbicides, The difficulty in obtaining registrations of
and crop rotations. The loss of inexpensive pesticides for minor crops and minor uses is
selective herbicides, such as the phenoxv
another serious problem that the 19 7 9
materials 2,4-I) and 2,4,5-T’, would create a Amendment to the Federal Insecticide, Fungi-
difficult problem for a number of agricultural
cide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) is designed
and nonagricultural users. to alleviate. A further concern is the problem
A major overall concern about pesticides of developing and registering new and novel
is the lack of availability of compounds pos- types of control agents such as insect phero-
sessing the required range of activity against mones and hormones or antihorrnones, allelo-
pests. This is particularly the case in devel- pathic materials, and microbial pesticides.


Pest-Caused Losses this Nation is enormous. Secondary costs

may, in the long run, be even greater. For ex-
The amount of land now cultivated is 50 ample, soil erosion losses that result from cul-
percent greater than would be required if tivation of marginal, sloping lands and tillage
there were no pest-induced losses. The for weeds and other pest controls represent
amounts of fertilizers, energy requirements, significant costs to society while the costs of
labor, capital, and other inputs are also cor- pesticide use in terms of health and the envi-
respondingly greater. The total direct cost to ronment have only recently been addressed.
78 . Pest Management Stategies

The economic impacts of increased losses vating soon result in the elimination of peren-
that would occur if no pesticides were used nials and great increases in high seed-pro-
on grains and soybeans have been estimated ducing annual weeds. The use of stem-rust-
based on economic models (see Volume 11— resistant wheat cultivars eventually results
Corn). Food grain, feed grain, and oilmeal in rust strains capable of overcoming such
prices would increase 60 percent, 200 per- resistance. Continual exposure of pests to dis-
cent, and 171 percent, respectively. Consum- ease or other biological control agents can
er welfare would decrease by over $38 billion lead to resistant pests as in the case of rab-
annually, but farm income would increase by bits to myxomytosis in Australia, The rapid
$27 billion with a net economic efficiency loss evolution of pesticide-resistant insects and
of about $11 billion annually. These estimates mites is documented by the long list of species
were made on a short-term basis; the long- with acquired resistance. A similar pattern is
term impacts are not known. developing for some plant pathogens. Some
rodents are now resistant to anticoagulant
Although estimates were not made of the
control agents. Many pesticides, especially
impacts of reduced pest-caused production
insecticides and miticides, have been short-
losses as a result of the use of alternative pest
lived relative to long-term crop protection.
management strategies, improved pest con-
trol can be expected to favor consumer wel- In addition, there are the problems of the
fare and eventually the entire community, For spread of pests into new areas, of the in-
example, if pest-induced losses could be re- troduction of exotic pests, of the adaptation
duced by one-half, current production could of indigenous species to cultivated crops and
be maintained with a 30-percent reduction in changes in agricultural practices, crops, and
agricultural land use. cropping systems that impact on the nature
A major problem with the above type of es- and intensity of pest problems. Weather, too,
timating and generalizing is that crop losses can drastically change pest problems from
year to year and even within the same year.
are not uniform across crops nor are the
methods of control. As stated earlier, pesti- Thus, pest problems and solutions are con-
cides are the primary control tactic for spe- tinually changing and evolving and always
cific pests on some crops while host resist- will. The great concern is whether adequate
ance, cultural, or biological control may be control tactics and strategies can be made
basic for others. Also, direct measurable available to avoid serious or catastrophic
losses for some crops are thought to be mini- losses. The present national effort, both
mal, while for others there are appreciable public and private, may not be adequate to
known losses against which no economically maintain present levels of crop protection, let
feasible controls are available. alone reduce losses caused by pests.

Instability of Pests and Inadequate information to Develop

Pest Control Tactics and Implement Effective Pest
Without doubt the overriding problem and Management Systems
concern in crop protection on agricultural Another general problem and concern in
crops is the ephemeral nature of most control crop protection that emerged from the origi-
tactics. This is due in large measure to the nal crop studies is a lack of knowledge that
evolutionary process by which organisms must be available as a basis for developing ef-
adapt to their environments. The process has fective, economical pest management systems
been going on as long as life itself, but in for agricultural crops. The identified knowl-
agriculture, evolution of pest species is ac- edge gaps are:
celerated by intense selection pressures
either for resistant strains or resistant basic biology of pest organisms;
species. The practices of plowing and culti- . interactions between pests and hosts;
Ch. IV—Present Problems, Concerns, and Most Promising Approaches ● 79

● interactions between pests and their bio nuts, and tobacco. The three estimates are
logical environment; remarkably close. The assumption is made
● pest detection and monitoring capabil- that most scouts and advisors or consultants
ities; will be in the private sector and supported by
● prediction capabilities; the primary beneficiaries, the producers.
● economic thresholds, particularly for
multiple-pest complexes; The above estimates of personnel require-
● impact of crop rotation, tillage, pesticide ments may not be very accurate, but even if
use, and other production practices on the demand should be only 50 percent of
pest problems; and these, a sizable number of persons must be
● prevention or delay of pest resistance to trained and paid. The added manpower will
control tactics, especially pesticides. replace “insurance applied” pesticides and
other tactics used to ensure that unaccept-
Not all of the above information is needed to able crop losses will be avoided. In other
initiate pest management; relatively simple words, manpower is to be substituted for un-
systems can be put in practice with moderate needed pesticide use, tillage, etc., and to en-
levels of information. However, further ad- sure maximum effectiveness of all tactics.
vances will occur largely on the basis of new The eventual level of substitution will depend
knowledge in these areas. on economics and the value to the producers
of the crop protection service provided by the
Lack of Manpower private sector.
All the regional study teams reported that
The lack of manpower required for teach-
there is not enough available scientific man-
ing and training personnel needed to develop
power to significantly increase the rate at
and implement improved crop protection tac-
which pest management is now being devel-
tics and 1PM systems is also a problem and
oped. Estimates of the number of additional
concern for those institutions responsible for
scientific man-years required to fill the
such activities.
knowledge gaps in a reasonable length of
time and to make significant gains in crop
protection indicate that appreciable in- Lack of Alternatives to
creases are needed for all the cropping re- Chemical Pesticides
gions considered.
There are enough known and potential
Another manpower problem is the number problems with the use of most pesticides to in-
of persons needed for integrated pest man- dicate that research efforts must be in-
agement (IPM) implementation to perform creased to develop alternative control tactics.
scouting, consulting, and other components of The regional studies illustrate that there are
pest management on agricultural crops. The many insect, disease, nematode, and weed
USDA/Science and Education Administra- problems for which there are no alternative
tion/Extension Service estimates there will be control techniques to pesticides. Without the
over 3,600 private farm advisors (consult- use of pesticides, diseases and insect pests of
ants) and 63,000 seasonal scouts needed by apple and potato, boll weevil on cotton,
1986. The Extension Committee on Organiza- strawberry diseases, insects and weeds, all
tion & Policy (ECOP) Pest Management Plan- classes of pests on vegetables, and weeds in
ning Committee estimated 5,000 advisors and wheat, corn, and soybean would take intoler-
up to 70,000 seasonal scouts. Recently the able tolls in production of these crops. The
National Agricultural Chemicals 1PM Com- lack of alternatives is not only a concern but
mittee estimated a need for 7,600 to 10,600 creates the potential for a major dislocation
supervisory personnel and 61,300 to 82,600 in food production should critical pesticides
scouts to fully implement 1PM on cotton, corn, become unavailable for use. Potential alter-
sorghum, soybean, alfalfa hay, peanut, rice, natives, as indicated in earlier sections, may
commercial vegetables, fruits and planted take years to develop.
80 ● Pest Management Strategies


It is not practical to concentrate on any one capability. This must involve the cooperative
control tactic to the exclusion of others. If extension system, weather service, private
crop losses in the United States and else- consultants, scouts, and the pesticide in-
where are to be reduced, efforts must be dustry.
made on all fronts. The availability of a suit-
And the final essential element to improve
able array of control tactics is essential for
crop protection is a teaching capability ade-
the future of crop protection and pest man-
quate for the task. Appropriate instruction
agement programs.
and information are needed for all persons in-
The primary responsibility for developing, cluding farmers, county agents, extension
implementing, and maintaining these tactics specialists, industry personnel, consultants,
lies in the public sector, in the private sector, scouts, and crop protection researchers.
or in both sectors. Those depending on public
sector teaching, research, and extension ef- A study of the seven regional reports sug-
gests that the development of pest-resistant
forts are host-plant resistance, cultural con-
trols, biological controls, monitoring, model- cultivars offers significant promise of reduc-
ing, and prediction technology. Industry often ing losses on a long-term basis from diseases,
interacts to enhance these, especially in nematodes, insects, and perhaps mites. The
designing and producing equipment, Quaran- results obtained on several crops when re-
tine and eradication programs are almost en- alistic efforts have been made are impres-
tirely publicly supported. sive: examples from this assessment are
found on cotton, wheat, corn, vegetables, and
The private sector has primarily developed potato. Useful resistance has been bred into
and introduced traditional pesticides, while tobacco, rice, and many ornamental. Toler-
the public sector has greatly influenced and ance of attack by pest organisms can be
controlled the use and regulation of these ma- useful in reducing losses. It has been demon-
terials. Application technology efforts have strated experimentally and in actual prac-
been supported by both. tical use that control tactics, such as pesti-
The development and use of microbial cides and time of planting, are more effective
pesticides, hormones, antihormones, phero- on plants with even a modest degree of resist-
mones, and allelopathic agents have resulted ance than they are on susceptible plants
from the efforts of Federal, State, and indus- grown under similar conditions.
try scientists. The classical biological control approach
The need for an integrated approach to o n i n s e c t s a n d m i t e s , especially exotic
crop protection is becoming more and more species, is one that should be stressed to
evident as the problems of unilateral controls reduce losses by these arthropods. The aug-
are being discovered. Therefore, a basic re- mentation of existing natural enemies is
quirement for maintaining present levels of another underdeveloped area that offers
crop protection and reducing present losses much promise for reducing insect and mite
is the availability of feasible pest manage- losses. This can be accomplished by propa-
ment programs for all of our crops. These will gating and releasing parasites and predators,
require multidisciplinary efforts by scientists creating favorable environments, and using
in the crop protection, crop production, eco- pesticides in a manner least harmful to bene-
nomics, and related disciplines as well as the ficial organisms. Biological control is particu-
cooperation of private industry. larly adapted to those pest organisms that
can be tolerated in low numbers on crops,
An essential component of any system to Less success has been obtained against
ensure reduced crop losses due to pests is an direct feeders such as the codling moth, cab-
appropriate and adequate farmer advisory bage worms, cabbage looper, and European
Ch. IV—Present Problems, Concerns, and Most Prom/sing Approaches ● 81

corn borer. The ultimate role of biological greatest potential in pest management strat-
control of plant pathogens and nematodes is egies, we are not suggesting that other tactics
unclear, but enough successes have been ob- are unimportant or do not warrant further re-
tained to suggest
.,. , that considerable effort search and development. Rather, we empha-
should be made in this area. size that their potential justifies a greater de-
gree of effort than in the past and that ex-
By singling out host-plan resistance and cellent gains toward improved pest manage-
biological control as those ta ctics offering the ment are possible through increased efforts.
Chapter V

Obstacles to the Development

and Adoption of Improved
Pest Control Tactics and
Chapter V

Obstacles to the Development and

Adoption of Improved Pest
Control Tactics and Pest
Management Strategies

Great advances have been made in crop protection in the United States over
the past century, but there are many difficult problems and concerns about pres-
ent and future capabilities to protect our agriculture from the ravages of pests. A
clear need exists for new and improved crop protection tactics and new pest
management strategies. There are also serious concerns about the negative im-
pacts of tactics used in crop protection, especially as they affect human health,
the environment, and agricultural productivity.
This chapter addresses the obstacles to the development and adoption of
new and improved pest control strategies and tactics, and problems of the Fed-
eral, land-grant, and private enterprise systems that undergird agricultural pest
management in the United States. The impression should not be drawn that all is
wrong but rather that a reasonably good system has faults that should be modi-
fied to meet present and future needs.
The several constraints that are identified in this report form the basis of
two dominant but related classes of obstacles to the implementation of integrated
pest management (1PM): technological and administrative. Technological obsta-
cles are: 1) inadequate knowledge base for full 1PM development in both basic
and applied aspects of crop protection, Z ) narrow range of available control tac-
tics, 3) inadequate delivery systems, 4) lack of environmental monitoring systems,
5) lack of adequate pest management training programs and trained manpower,
and 6) grower skepticism. Administrative obstacles are: 1) lack of cooperation
and coordination and 2) cosmetic (esthetic] standards. There is no general agree-
ment among experts regarding the relative importance of each of these, but cer-
tainly the inadequate scientific knowledge base for full 1PM development is at the
top of the list. Also, lack of cooperation and coordination within the Federal agen-
cies and between them and the States is of prime importance.

Inadequate Knowledge Base management are made will depend largely on

the rate of development of new knowledge in
An inadequate knowledge base is a major both basic and applied crop protection and
obstacle to future advances in crop protec- related sciences. It is generally recognized
tion. The rate at which new advances in pest that few sophisticated 1PM systems are oper-
86 ● Pest Management Strategies

ational. Of the programs in operation, most and how to act against a pest population.
are already as sophisticated as they can be Thresholds are difficult to quantify; many are
with existing information. Further informa- based on “rule-of-thumb” estimates of the
tion has not been developed on the basic biol- tradeoff between costs of control and crop
ogy of pests, biosystematics, interactions losses. If the number of implemented pest
within pest complexes and between them and management programs is to increase, sub-
their host plants, economic thresholds, and stantially greater effort must be expended on
the economics of pest management. Only re- the development of economic thresholds and
search can provide this information. other short-term research needed primarily
for implementation programs.
A major gap impeding implementation of
improved pest management is definitive One other area, the economics of pest man-
knowledge of the interactions of pest com- agement programs, has not been adequately
plexes that attack the farm production unit. investigated. Economic benefits are the key to
Growers are increasingly aware of the need the rapid adoption of a pest management pro-
to consider entire complexes of pests of all gram by growers. Economic research is nec-
their crops in the total farm management sys- essary to determine the costs and benefits of
tem. They want information on the total im- different control tactics, develop sophisti-
pact of pest complexes rather than on individ- cated economic threshold levels, and present
ual pest species, and they need to know how growers with specific examples of the in-
actions taken against one pest or group of creases in economic return that can be ob-
pests on one crop may affect other pest popu- tained in a pest management program. Part of
lations on that or other crops. the problem is the lack of money available for
Data to support crop loss estimates due to such research. Much of the problem is due to
most pests is lacking. Figures that are widely the lack of awareness of the subfield of pest
quoted on pest losses are little more than control by professional economists. Efforts to
educated guesses. Accurate data on crop make more economists aware of the issues
yield, quality, and the effect of pest popula- and opportunities in pest management should
tions on these factors are essential to estab- be encouraged.
lish economic thresholds, to make control rec-
ommendations, and to evaluate the success of Narrow Range of Control Tactics
pest management programs. A wide array of cultural, biological, and
Adequate information in these crucial chemical control tactics is necessary to de-
areas is not available. The broadly interdisci- sign and implement effective pest manage-
plinary research, which cuts across depart- ment programs. Unfortunately, a broad
mental, agency, and institutional lines and choice of tactics is not available for use on
which is necessary to address these ques- most crops. Some tactics are in their early
tions, has not been adequately supported. At stages of development; others are being slow-
present, a major portion of the public sector ly reemphasized and updated. For some con-
funds for crop protection is in basic and com- ventional broad-spectrum pesticides, there
ponents research, but very little is spent put- are serious questions regarding their safety
ting the pieces together. Much of the fault for and applicability in pest management pro-
this lies in the necessity for a strong discipli- grams. Further, the effectiveness of some
nary base before interdisciplinary research pesticides is being eroded as resistance to
can be effective. Funding and incentives them becomes more and more widespread.
simply have not been there to foster the kind
Efforts should be made to improve the effi-
of effort needed.
ciency of pesticide use. A considerable poten-
Pest management implementation pro- tial for greater precision in the accuracy and
grams also depend on the use of accurate eco- uniformity of pesticide applications now ex-
nomic thresholds to make decisions on when ists. Improved equipment, such as electro-
Ch, V—Obstacles to the Development & Adoption of Improved Pest Control Tactics & Pest Management Strategies ● 87

statically charged dusts and sprays, variable- tory decisions on potential carcinogens.
rate sprayers, recirculating sprayers, and There are concerns in two areas. One is a
microwave soil sterilizers, is now being eval- genuine disagreement over the accuracy of
uated. Such equipment may have potential the various guidelines for determining car-
for use in pest control if it can be developed cinogenicity that are now used by regulatory
for practical uses. The efficiency of certain agencies. The other is the effect that this lack
pesticides can be improved by formulation of uniformity of standards has had on the pre-
changes that can provide extended periods of dictability and stability of the regulatory
pesticide activity with lower rates of applica- process. EPA has developed one policy on in-
tion. Also, certain broad-spectrum chemicals terpreting data on the potential carcinogenic-
may be timed and properly applied to afford ity of a chemical; the Occupational Safety
selective activity. and Health Administration, the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), and the Con-
It is important that agricultural and chem-
sumer Product Safety Commission have de-
ical engineers be included in both the re-
veloped others. Industry is faced with a situa-
search and implementation phases of pest
tion where the same chemical may be classed
management. Their expertise can help to
as a carcinogen by one agency and not by
broaden the range of available tactics, add
another simply on the basis of a different end
precision to current practices, and develop
use. This lack of uniformity and the resulting
new control tactics. It is clear that a con-
unpredictability of the regulatory process has
certed effort has to be made to present the
affected the use of chemical pesticides as
grower with a broad assortment of safe and
part of a pest control program. Current con-
effective control measures from which to
gressional and executive branch interest in
design a practical pest managment program.
developing a uniform policy for making reg-
Control tactics regulated by the Federal ulatory decisions on carcinogenicity should
Government include the pesticides as regu- be given strong support.
lated by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), under the Federal Insecticide, Fungi- EPA’s authority to regulate pesticides
cide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and to a under FIFRA extends to their use in the field.
much smaller degree the biological control Under FIFRA, legal use of a pesticide is gov-
programs of the U.S. Department of Agricul- erned by label restrictions and directions for
ture (USDA) and the States, EPA responsi- use. The Agency took the stance that applica-
bility for pesticide regulations affects both tion of a pesticide to a crop named on the
the development and use of pesticides in pest label but against an unnamed pest or at less
management programs. This includes not than the recommended dosage was an illegal
only conventional broad-spectrum pesticides action. The inflexibility created by this situa-
but selective conventional pesticides—phero- tion made it difficult to design programs using
mones, hormones, viruses, and bacteria as less than label dosages or prescribed meth-
well. ods of application. The passage of the 1978
FIFRA Amendment should largely eliminate
A new set of amendments to FIFRA has this problem by allowing pest management
been passed by Congress to deal with the programs to be developed using pesticides
problems created by EPA’s registration pro- against unnamed pests, at lower than labeled
tocols. Developed after lengthy hearings and dosage rates, and applied by novel means
debate, they are designed to speed up the unless prohibited by the label.
registration process without sacrificing en-
vironmental quality and safety. Because An unintended side effect of the amend-
these issues are widely discussed elsewhere, ment, however, increases the potential liabili-
they are not addressed here. One point that ty of pest management advisors. Under the
does deserve mention, however, is the lack of present situation of strictly enforced label
a uniform national policy for making regula- recommendations, liability lies primarily with
88 ● Pest Management Strategies

the manufacturer for harm due to foresee- The third-generation pesticides and micro-
able use. If a pest management advisor makes bial face a qualitative as well as quantita-
a recommendation to use a pesticide at less tive problem. They are qualitatively different
than label rate, against an unnamed pest, or from conventional pesticides; they act by to
using a novel method, and damage or poor tally different mechanisms, and they raise
control results, liability may shift from the different questions as to potential hazards to
pesticide manufacturer to the consultant. the environment. At present, EPA’s registra-
Liability problems may inhibit the formation tion requirements for these compounds are
of private pest management consulting firms extremely unclear. Past decisions appear to
and advisory organizations. have been based on the same tests required
for chemical pesticides. The added delays
Some items falling under EPA’s definition due both to uncertainty over tests required
of pesticides have come under increasing and to conducting inappropriate tests have
public attention as potentially effective tools decreased their attractiveness to industry.
while presenting minimal health and environ-
mental dangers. Included are narrowly selec- One explanation for this is that EPA has
tive conventional pesticides, the so called not made adequate use of the mechanisms
third-generation insecticides—pheromones, available which would allow it to tailor
hormones, viruses, fungi, bacteria, and pro- reregistration requirements directly to the
tozoa. The development and commercializa- different classes of chemicals. Because
tion of these items have been exceedingly broad-spectrum pesticides are the most im-
slow, much slower than the public interest in portant, the tests designed to answer ques-
them would warrant. tions about their potential dangers were
developed first. EPA is applying the same
Part of the difficulty is a question of quan-
tests to almost all compounds, and industry
tity. One desirable feature shared by the
assumes they will continue to do so. While
above pesticides is their narrow spectrum of
EPA intends to put together differential
activity. By affecting only a particular pest guidelines for the registration of pheromones,
genus or family, these pesticides, especially hormones, and microbes, guidelines for
the insecticides and miticides, can allow
broad-spectrum chemicals have to be revised
beneficial predators and parasites to survive first. This will continue the confusion and de-
in a treated field. The narrow spectrum of lays in attempting to register third-generation
their activity also means that in most cases
relatively small quantities will be sold. This
small market potential, coupled with the fact Another obstacle facing the commercial
that the quantity of data required to register development of pheromones and microbial is
them is the same or more than that necessary the uncertain status of patent and propri-
for a broad-spectrum pesticide, has made etary rights. Pheromones are naturally occur-
their development an unattractive invest- ring chemicals and cannot be patented, but
ment, and industry has opted for the more the process by which they are manufactured
profitable broad-spectrum high-volume pesti- is patentable, as are any novel chemical ana-
cides. Where profitable markets for certain logues of them. Until recently, micro-orga-
narrow-spectrum pesticides do exist—for ex- nisms were also considered unpatentable.
ample, in situations where key pests are in- Two recent decisions] of the U.S. Court of
volved such as the boll weevil on cotton and Customs and Patent Appeals have opened the
the codling moth on apple—industry needs to possibility that these organisms may be
redirect its development efforts and take ad- patentable.
vantage of these markets for narrow-spec-
With respect to “classical” biological
trum pesticides. In addition, the Government
control—i. e., the importation of natural
could use all appropriate means to expand
the research aimed at discovering new molec-
ular models of selective pesticidal activity. IBergy, 197 USPQ, 78: Chakrabarty, 197 USPQ, 72.
Ch. V—Obstacles to the Development & Adoption of Improved Pest Control Tactics & Pest Management Strategies 89

enemies as opposed to the augmentation of ic engineers become a reality. For nearly a

existing forms or the use of autocidal meth- decade and a half, the United Nations’ Food
ods—it is apparent that a major increase in and Agriculture Organization has led in plan-
support of Federal and State importation pro- ning international efforts to collect and con-
grams is long overdue. Classical biological serve crop variability. USDA’s Agricultural
control has proven potential, particularly for Research (AR) has had a similar plan to mini-
insect and mite pests, but programs to ex- mize genetic vulnerability of the Nation’s
pand it have been understaffed and uncoor- crops through germ plasm collection and con-
dinated. Existing USDA and State programs servation. If diverse genetic materials are not
for natural enemy exploration and importa- available to plant breeders, the long-term po-
tion have neither the funds nor the organiza- tentials of developing pest-resistant and toler-
tional network to adequately explore and take ant varieties cannot be realized. The corol-
advantage of the possibilities for major lary task of understanding the basic mecha-
breakthroughs. The need for more effective nisms and genetics of resistance for each
coordination of these efforts is now being crop also depends on the availability of such
recognized by the States and USDA. germ plasm.
Success in increasing the number of in- Lack of Adequate Delivery Systems
field biological control organisms has been
very slow. Much of the problem has been the The lack of adequate pest management de-
low level of funding that biological control livery systems also constrains improved crop
has received. Another part of the problem protection. These systems must include the
has been the lack of a formally designated ac- mechanisms and personnel required to Col
tion agency to ensure that once established, lect and disseminate the information neces-
an introduced natural enemy is distributed sary to operate effective pest management
within a large geographical area. programs. Delivery methods are in the early
A related constraint is the inadequacy of stages of development, and many different
international programs created to discover systems are being tried in various regions of
new germ plasm. Over 95 percent of crops the country. It is unlikely that any one single
grown in the United States have their origin, system will work successfully in all regions.
centers of genetic diversity, and pest centers The organizations currently used to deliver
outside the United States. Success of efforts pest management services to individual grow-
to expand the use of host resistance as well ers can be broadly categorized as follows: a)
as biological control requires work in parts of public service entities, b) private commercial
the world where these crops are indigenous. entities, and c) grower-owned entities (com-
It is in these areas that, through thousands of mercial, cooperative, and nonprofit).
years, balanced cropping systems, natural re-
sistance, and biological control agents have Public service entities include Federal
evolved. Unfortunately, detailed information agencies and the land-grant universities with
their research and cooperative extension
about the patterns of crop variability in cen-
ters of crop diversity is lacking for most services. The USDA/Extension Service-spon-
crops. As a consequence, even less is known sored pest management pilot projects have
about ancient cropping systems, the basic bi- been the major effort to implement pest man-
ology of pests, and the distribution patterns of agement programs by the public sector.
natural resistance and biological controls. These programs have been extremely impor-
tant in making people aware of pest manage-
Seed and other breeding materials col- ment and creating a market for private pest
lected in centers of crop diversity are the best management services. Care must be exer-
proven sources for developing natural resist- cised in determining the most useful extent to
ance. Furthermore, these traditional materi- which the publicly supported programs
als will be needed even if the dreams of genet- should be developed—i.e., the point at which
90 . Pest Management Strategies

public programs stop creating a market for ral constraints faced by regular commercial
private firms and become competitive with entities. The seasonal nature of pest manage-
services that could be provided by the private ment activities can create difficulties for ven-
sector. tures that are limited only to pest manage-
ment services. This often can be overcome by
Private commercial entities will be a vital
providing pest management services in con-
factor in the long-term success of pest man-
junction with other sales and service activ-
agement programs nationwide. Well-trained
ities. For existing cooperatives, it may be pos-
pest management consultants can offer farm-
ers more individualized services than those in sible to expand into pest management serv-
public programs, Private consultants are like- ices. Both of these methods have been suc-
ly to have the most success in concentrated cessfully employed by a small number of co-
farming areas and where net farm income operatives around the country.
allows efficient manpower and equipment
utilization. Organizing a cooperative specifically for
the purpose of providing pest management
A major problem facing private pest man- services can often present an insurmountable
agement consultants is the danger of unqual- financial barrier in areas where pest man-
ified persons identifying themselves as ex- agement is practiced only through an exten-
perts in the field of pest management. Most sion service pilot program. There are several
States do not have regulatory standards to constraints that apply here: 1) the number of
determine the competence of a pest manage- farmers involved in the extension pilot pro-
ment consultant. Growers are faced with a gram may be too small to assume the finan-
situation in which enterprising individuals cial risk involved in capitalizing a full-service
can sell themselves as pest management spe- pest management co-op, 2) there is a natural
cialists on the basis of superficial field-check- reluctance to “sever the umbilical” to exten-
ing skills while totally lacking the ability to sion service pilot programs where they are in
translate field data into sound pest manage- effect, and 3) the lack of qualified sales and
ment recommendations. A few such individ- service personnel to handle day-to-day opera-
uals in a particular region could severely tions makes formation of the cooperative dif-
harm the emerging consultant industry in ficult, even if otherwise possible.
that area.
Nonprofit grower-owned entities can be a
Another area of concern is the liability of
means of avoiding these problems. They are
pest management consultants for crop dam-
functionally different from all other ap-
age due to pests or control measures. If a
proaches to developing the pest management
grower changes his pest control practice on
concept at the grower level. This is because:
the basis of a consultant’s advice and his
1) they exist as a data-gathering base for joint
crop suffers pest damage, the consultant can
land-grant university/Federal pest manage-
be sued for malpractice. Just as in many other
ment programs; 2) they perform no sales or
professions, today’s soaring malpractice in-
service functions such as consultation, pesti-
surance costs could present a severe finan- cide sales, or pesticide application; and 3) the
cial obstacle to the formation of new consult-
only direct benefit to member farmers is the
ing services.
receipt of a copy of pest identification and
Grower-owned entitites that are operated population data from the land-grant univer-
as business organizations that sell their serv- sity. The farmer may use this information to
ices have to meet the same natural business make his own decision or furnish it to a con-
constraints as private consultants and are sultant for recommendation. The direct bene-
faced by many of the same problems. Grower- fit to the farmer is incidental to the overall
owned pest management cooperatives also benefit to farmers in general as a result of the
encounter the same governmental and natu- data collected and analyzed.
Ch. V—Obstacles to the Development& Adoption of Improved Pest Control Tactics & Pest Management Strategies . 91

These organizations can help growers This problem is complicated by the fact
move from extension pilot programs into self- that many fieldmen are upstanding members
supporting, grower-owned activities. They of the local community. Their advice is re-
can be either registered as tax-exempt orga- spected and their friendship valued. Some
nizations or brought under the tax-exempt way of including them in the move to 1PM
umbrella by becoming a county chapter of a should be found. One key will be to involve
university-sponsored State pest management them without limiting the choice of controI
association. tactics available in a program.
Obstacles to their widespread use include
Lack of an Environmental Monitoring
the unwillingness of growers to pay directly
for pest management services and the com- System
plexities of registering with the Internal In addition to information relating to an in-
Revenue Service (IRS) for tax-exempt status. dividual grower’s field, areawide information
The paperwork surrounding the formation of on pest populations and weather is neces-
these associations (even in an unincorporated sary. For most agricultural pests, information
form) may be a severe disincentive for farm- from individual fields does not provide the
ers of low-to-moderate income and education. clues needed to predict long-term or area-
Farmers who need most to be involved in pest wide changes in pest populations. Since many
management programs are the ones most like- pests move, either actively or passively, and
ly to be put off by endless correspondence all are affected by weather patterns, data on
and forms. weather, crop mix and growth, and pest pop-
The role of pesticide company fieldmen ulations are necessary for the development of
and pesticide applicators in pest manage- predictive techniques and the use of these
ment programs has not been adequately de- techniques in pest management programs.
fined. To date, these individuals have been A national environmental monitoring sys-
the most readily available sources of informa- tem does not exist, and useful information in
tion on pest control methods to farmers. existing research or implementation pro-
Chemical company fieldmen are located in all grams is slowly communicated to others. This
areas of the country and are active in dis- results in duplication and information gaps
seminating pest control information. Ques- that are both costly and unnecessary.
tions have arisen regarding the ability or will-
ingness of these local company field repre- A national agroecosystem monitoring pro-
sentatives to embrace pest management at gram using existing computer and electronic-
the farm level. Although a few are enthusias- sensing technology is necessary to provide
tic, their general approach to ongoing pest the predictive capabilities essential to pest
management projects has ranged from indif- management systems. Such a program would
ference to outright hostility. Industry spokes- provide benefits in two major areas: 1) exten-
men maintain that they recognize the benefits sion specialists, agricultural agents, and
of the pest management approach and are private pest management consultants would
willing to become involved. Some outside of have access to accurate and timely crop,
industry express doubt that a person whose weather, and pest population forecasts for
job is tied directly or indirectly to the sale or use in existing pest management programs;
application of chemical pesticides can offer and 2) researchers who cannot now afford to
impartial advice on a program that uses mul- gather the areawide weather and crop infor-
tiple-control techniques. They view pesticides mation necessary to understand their rela-
as comparable to human drugs and ask if phy- tionship to pest populations would have avail-
sicians should be allowed to both prescribe able the information necessary to predict po-
and sell them to their patients. tential pest outbreaks.
92 ● Pest Management Strategies

Two major impediments to attempting to not attract highly trained faculty or provide
design such a system on a project-by-project motivation to develop programs that require
or State-by-State system are: 1) the costs of an expansion of classroom or laboratory
data acquisition are too great to be borne by space at a university. There is little incentive
individual projects or farmers, and 2) many to attach a high priority to programs that
projects do not have the expertise to choose, would, in effect, increase mission respon-
install, operate, and service the specialized sibility with an inadequate provision for in-
instruments required. creased staff and facility needs. Further, a
“soft money” approach does not provide suf-
An interlocking network of State, regional,
ficient security incentives to attract the best
and national systems should provide the best
practitioners available. In many universities
possible service.
there is a budgetary inability to pick up and
continue programs at the expiration of grant
Lack of Pest Management Training or pilot program funds.
Programs and Trained Manpower
Along with a sound scientific foundation,
The lack of trained manpower and pro- pest management personnel must have train-
grams in many institutions to train personnel ing with a strong applied component. People
limits the research, education, and implemen- with experience in field diagnosis and in mak-
tation efforts in pest management and results ing control recommendations are essential to
in part from the incomplete acceptance of the the successful design of future pest manage-
concept within the university community. To ment research and education programs, as
date, most administrators, professional re- well as the implementation of pest manage-
searchers, teachers, extension specialists, ment programs. Field experience through in-
and paraprofessionals have been educated ternships must be a central component of any
along strict disciplinary lines. This incom-. pest management training curriculum.
plete acceptance, coupled with decreasing
Federal financial support for teaching, re- There are some unique difficulties in the
search, and extension in the food and agricul- training of private pest management advi-
tural sciences, has inhibited the development sors. A major one is the need for broad spe-
of multidisciplinary training programs in pest cialization in several areas. Scouts, scout su-
management. In a 1977 survey, only 34 of the pervisors, and pest management advisors
49 responding land-grant universities re- such as county extension agents and private
ported having undergraduate programs in consultants are all needed to ensure effective
pest management. These were aimed mainly coverage of a farmer’s pest management
at technical positions. At the graduate level, needs.
the number of M. S., Ph. D., and professional
Recruitment and training of scouts face
re-education programs is much smaller.
some unique problems because of the season-
These are the programs that will supply the
al nature of the work. Scouts must be trained
individuals for teaching, research, and exten-
to identify accurately at least the major pests
sion efforts so critical to the future of pest
in a grower’s field and to assess pest damage
to crops. The type and duration of their em-
A major constraint in establishing pest ployment make it difficult to establish a per-
management training programs as well as manent pool of trained scouts from which to
academic teaching, research, and implemen- hire each year. Efforts to locate individuals
tation programs has been the lack of ade- willing to work in the fields are concentrated
quate financial and facility support. The lim- on vacationing college students, farmers’
ited financial support for pest management spouses, and undergraduate students in pest
that has been provided has come from the management. Effective short-term training
Federal Government through special grant or programs are needed to ensure the com-
pilot program funds. This “soft money” does petence of the scouts.
Ch, V—Obstacles to the Development & Adoption of Improved Pest Control Tactics & Pest Management Strategies ● 93

Pest management practitioners are respon- Grower Skepticism

sible for reviewing the data collected by the
scouts and making control recommendations Grower skepticism is often cited as an ob-
to the farmer. They should have a solid back- stacle to the adoption of pest management
ground in fundamental science as well as ex- systems. Reluctance by growers can be as-
perience in field problems and farm manage- cribed to such factors as confidence in their
ment. They must be able to recognize and present pest control practices, hesitancy to
deal with all aspects of a farmer’s pest prob- spend money for the uncertain services of-
fered in a pest management program, lack of
lems, including weeds, diseases, nematodes,
and insects. Specifically trained pest man- serious threat from pests with currently used
systems, and lack of demonstrated economic
agement practitioners are rare. Lack of per-
sonnel to provide the total production mana- benefits from employing a pest management
gement schedule on a farm is a major limit- program.
ing factor in pest management implementa- These are less a reflection of growers’ at-
tion. Traditional university departmental titudes than of the present state of the art of
lines and the difficulty with which adequate pest management. Many growers have enthu-
applied components are introduced into a siastically adopted a pest management pro-
training program have made their establish- gram when a program was well-developed
ment difficult. The lack of support for prac- and presented. In some instances, the pest
tical internships is a large obstacle. management approach has been the only so-
lution to growers’ pest problems and has
saved their operations from financial disas-
Some have suggested that an entirely new ter. The lack of availability of demonstrated
program is needed leading to a professional economically sound pest management sys-
degree in pest management, such as a doctor tems is the overriding obstacle to farmer
of plant health. Such a program would be sim- adoption of 1PM.
ilar to present programs in veterinary medi-
cine and would involve a broad practical in- Being businessmen, growers are the first to
terdisciplinary education with an intensive adopt new ways to solve their problems and
clinical experience component. It would more cut their costs. People working in pest man-
adequately prepare an individual to address agement must design programs that can be
the special problems encountered when im- understood by growers, are practical in
plementing a practical pest management pro- terms of growers’ total farm management,
gram. and that offer them real economic benefits.

Lack of Cooperation and the passage of the Federal Environmental
Coordination Pesticide Control Act of 1972 (FEPCA) and an
intensified search for more effective and de-
The preceding obstacles to improved crop sirable methods of pest control. The im-
protection and to the pest management ap- mediate product of the latter was the 1972
proach refer to specific control tactics or report of the Council on Environmental Quali-
strategies. Lack of cooperation and coordina- ty (CEQ) entitled “Integrated Pest Manage-
tion are general constraints that are per- merit. ” Pest management was hailed as a way
vasive throughout crop protection and par- to couple environmental protection with the
ticularly for 1PM. practical concerns of agricultural produc-
In 1971, concern over the environmental tion. Unfortunately, this combination has
and health problems of pesticides resulted in become the center of a policy struggle.
94 . Pest Management Strategies

The main agencies involved in the issue at Six major agencies of USDA are directly in-
the Federal level are CEQ, USDA, EPA, the volved in efforts on pest management: Agri-
National Science Foundation, and, to a lesser cultural Research (AR); Cooperative Re-
extent, FDA, and the Departments of State, search (CR); Extension Service (ES); Econom-
Defense, and the Interior. ics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service
(ESCS); Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Before detailing this obstacle a brief in-
Service (APHIS); and the Forest Service (FS).
troduction to the roles and responsibilities of
To coordinate the efforts of these different
these agencies is presented.
agencies, the Department created an inter-
Council on Environmental Quality: CEQ’s agency work group on pest management
role is that of a catalyst. By performing broad chaired by the Deputy Assistant Secretary
policy oversight, participating in the budge- for Conservation, Research, and Education.
tary process, and making recommendations Its role is one of making suggestions and
to the President, it plans to “help the agencies recommendations; it has no program direc-
develop a comprehensive approach to 1PM. ” tion or managerial responsibilities. In addi-
While CEQ recognizes the importance of pro- tion, the newly organized Science and Educa-
duction economies to the future of pest man- tion Administration (SEA), home of AR, CR,
agement, the main focus of its approach is to and ES, recently formed an SEA-wide coordi-
protect the quality of the environment. Its nating team for pest management. Composed
goal, as recently stated by Charles Warren, of technical experts from the three agencies
former chairman of the Council, is to “reduce listed above and chaired by a pest manage-
the excessive use of such chemical pesticides ment specialist, it makes recommendations on
and to use natural biological and environ- methods to integrate the programs of the in-
mental measures to achieve pest control volved agencies.
whenever practical. ”
Environmental Protection Agency: EPA’s
U.S. Department of Agriculture: While involvement in pest management stems from
CEQ has been given broad policy responsibil- its overall responsibility to protect the quality
ity, the lead Agency for pest management re- of the environment by regulating environmen-
search, education, and demonstration is tal and public health hazards. This duty is
USDA. Working with the associated system of very different from the USDA’s responsibility
land-grant universities, State agricultural ex- to promote agricultural production. These dif-
periment stations, and cooperative extension ferent roles are reflected very clearly in their
services, USDA aims to promote efficient, approaches to pest management.
productive agriculture. These cooperating
EPA’s approach to 1PM represents a com-
public institutions are the biggest factor in
mitment to the production of food and fiber in
the development and introduction of new
the most environmentally protective way that
technologies for U.S. agriculture.
is also economically sound. The responsibility
As the lead Agency for agriculture in the is clearly to protect the environment by
Federal Government, USDA is concerned minimizing the application of pesticides to
with the ability of farmers to produce ade- cropland. This affects pest management in
quate supplies of food and fiber at a reason- two different ways. One involves the general
able cost. Its many programs are designed to effect of its registration procedures on the
make U.S. agriculture more efficient, more availability of pesticides for use in pest
productive, and economically sound. While management programs. The second area in-
vitally concerned with the environment, cludes plans by EPA to directly employ pest
USDA’s top priority in pest management is to management in its regulatory programs. In a
ensure that the programs offer farmers ade- decision on registering a pesticide, ways to
quate protection against pest damage at a minimize the risks from the use of that pesti-
reasonable expense. cide are a central consideration. EPA views
Ch, V—Obstacles to the Development & Adoption of Improved Pest Control Tactics & Pest Management Strategies ● 95

pest management as one method for reducing of filth or foreign objects. This latter respon-
these risks. sibility has involved FDA in the debate over
the effect of cosmetic standards on pest man-
EPA is also moving into the area of gather-
agement programs.
ing and disseminating information about and
encouraging the implementation of pest man- State Department: The State Department’s
agement programs. EPA has also funded re- Agency for International Development (AID)
search in pest management, including the supports several activities that relate directly
Huffaker Project (see NSF). to pest control in developing countries. These
programs are in the broad categories of train-
National Science Foundation (NSF): NSF
ing and education, country development proj-
has been involved in pest management re-
ects, and direct emergency assistance. AID
search and education. As part of its responsi- provides funds for the training of foreign na-
bility for supporting basic research, NSF was
tionals in many fields, including pest manage-
the lead Agency on the Huffaker Pest Man-
ment. The Agency also supports pest manage-
agement Project. This was the most ambitious
ment projects in developing countries through
pest management research project ever un-
loans for equipment, supplies, and training.
dertaken. It pioneered the use of systems
In addition, AID furnishes technical consult-
analysis in looking at plant/pest interactions
ants and pesticides to countries where pest
within a crop ecosystem and helped to bring
outbreaks have created disastrous crop-loss
pest management to the attention of all the
land-grant universities. Together with EPA,
NSF funneled $12.5 million into the project Since 1972, AID has supported the “Uni-
over a 7-year period. versity of California/AID Pest Management
and Related Environmental Problems” proj-
NSF has also sponsored several under-
ect. The project has involved extensive sur-
graduate pest management training pro-
veys of pest problems in developing countries
grams. As part of its science education effort,
and workshops on pest and pesticide manage-
NSF helps develop programs to prepare sci-
ment. Project members have served as short-
entists to work on important national prob-
term consultants on pest problems and ad-
lems. Demonstration pest management edu-
vised AID on matters relating to pests and
cation programs have been started at Michi-
gan State University, Cornell University, Kan-
sas State University, University of California Interior Department: Interior has respon-
at Fresno, and Alabama A&M. The objective sibility for managing vast tracts of public
of these programs is to develop practical pest lands. At present, the Department relies
management curricula that can be used mainly on pesticides to protect these lands,
across the country. while conducting some research into alter-
native methods of pest control. Wildlife and
In addition to these four agencies, several
Fishery Divisions also conduct experiments
others have program responsibilities that af-
on the impact of pest control techniques on
fect pest management.
nontarget species.
Food and Drug Administration: FDA is
Defense Department: The Defense Depart-
responsible for monitoring contaminants in
ment carries on a limited pest control
food and feed under amendments to the Fed-
research program that focuses on organisms
eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938.
that interfere with the Nation’s military capa-
The Act requires that EPA set maximum pes-
ticide residue tolerances in food and feed.
FDA is responsible for monitoring residue In the public sector, three areas in which
levels and enforcing the tolerance levels. Also the lack of cooperation is especially critical
under this Act, FDA has responsibility for are identified within the Federal Govern-
monitoring processed foods for the presence ment, between the Federal Government and
96 . Pest Management Strategies

the States, and within the land-grant univer- While it does not have a major responsibility
sity complexes. Lack of cooperation and coor- for research and education or possess re-
dination are frequently cited obstacles to the search and extension networks, EPA is be-
development of any program but the degree to coming more and more active in these areas.
which they affect pest management is unusu- The Agency provided a major part of the
ally high. funding for the Huffaker Project and obtained
authorization for $2.5 million to aid in the
Within the Federal Government funding of the Adkisson project. It is also de-
voting some effort to developing information
Although there has been considerable in-
systems and incentives to promote the adop-
terest in pest management by Congress and
tion of pest management. EPA’s involvement
the President, the lack of a well-defined set of
in these areas of traditional USDA responsi-
objectives, with clearly outlined goals and re-
bility has increased the jurisdictional prob-
sponsibilities, has severely hampered efforts
lem between the agencies.
in this area. One result has been that agen-
cies are competing for jurisdiction over pest As EPA expands the use of pest manage-
management. ment in its regulatory programs, philosophi-
Each of the four main agencies involved in cal conflicts between the agencies arise as
well. USDA feels that the best way to promote
pest management (CEQ, USDA, EPA, and
pest management is through education, not
NSF) has its own particular organizational
regulation. EPA’s responsibility is to reduce
structure and set of priorities. The absence of
the environmental hazards posed by pesti-
a comprehensive set of goals leaves each of
cides. If they can employ pest management in
these agencies to pursue its own ends in pest
a regulatory scheme to accomplish this goal,
management. CEQ’s efforts to promote pest
they will attempt to do so.
management have little impact without active
Presidential support. USDA’s leadership in Without a firm commitment to bring agen-
pest management has been cautious. EPA cy programs together and to develop mutual
took the initiative in 1972 with the new pesti- goals and objectives, these jurisdictional and
cides legislation to become an active promot- philosophical conflicts can only increase. The
er of pest management. NSF, following its recent interagency agreement between EPA
basic mission, became involved in pest man- and USDA should eliminate much of the past
agement by funding basic research and new confusion and conflict.
educational programs. The result of this un-
even Federal effort is a patchwork design of Between the Federal Government and
conflicting goals and overlapping efforts. the States
This is particularly true between USDA The federally funded extension pest man-
and EPA. USDA is faced with the difficulties agement pilot projects have become a suc-
associated with reorienting a complex Fed- cessful program of coordinated State and
eral/State system, which has operated mainly Federal action. On the other hand, the com-
under the philosophy of unilateral ap- munication and cooperation in planning pro-
proaches to pest control, to a philosophy that grams between the two arms of the public
actively seeks to include a large variety of agricultural research effort—USDA’s Agri-
control techniques. There is uncertainty cultural Research and the State Agricultural
within USDA over how the Department’s ex- Experiment Stations—have been much less
isting programs can fit into the new research successful.
and education thrusts.
This lack of cooperation in joint planning
EPA stepped into what it sees as a void left has been recognized as a serious problem by
by USDA and has become the main proponent both USDA and the State Agricultural Experi-
of pest management at the Federal level. ment Stations, but progress has been very
Ch. V—Obstacles to the Development & Adoption of Improved Pest Control Tactics & Pest Management Strategies ● 97

slow in the past. The Department’s creation bility for setting them ranges from FDA to
of SEA was aimed at increasing the coopera- local marketing co-ops. Produce that does not
tion among AR, the State research institu- meet these standards is kept off the market or
tions associated with CR, USDA/ES, and the sold at a lower grade and price.
Cooperative Extension Service. The SEA-wide
coordination team on pest management is Cosmetic standards in pest management
currently examining ways to improve the co- mainly have impacts on fruits and vegetables
ordination of Federal and State research ef- grown for human consumption. Under strict
forts. standards, the economic threshold for pest
damage on these crops is almost zero. This
Within the Land-Grant Universities means that the farmer can tolerate almost no
surface blemishes on the produce or pests or
Cooperation and coordination in teaching, pest parts in the harvested crop. It means
research, and extension efforts have been that pests in the field, especially insects, must
slowed because of the universities’ disci- be eliminated as completely as possible. This
plinary and professional departmentaliza- severely limits the use of biological control
tion. This departmentalization, which evolved and other management techniques which de-
over the past 100 years to meet the needs of pend on the presence of some pests in the
students and to best conduct research and field.
extension programs, serves the disciplinary
needs of the universities but causes some While widely discussed in articles on the
obstacles for interdisciplinary approaches. future of pest management, “cosmetic stand-
These obstacles include lack of promotion ards” (some prefer the term “esthetic”) do
and financial rewards for academic staff and not appear to be a major obstacle to the adop-
inadequate funding for interdisciplinary pro- tion of pest management programs. What
grams, In addition, the pest management con- really is at issue is the tradeoff between the
cept has not been accepted universally by hazards associated with the use of pesticides
researchers and extension specialists in the and the hazards and willingness of the public
plant protection disciplines. to accept pest-damaged and contaminated
food. With existing technology, achieving
Cosmetic (Esthetic) Standards near-zero pest damage is possible only in a
system based mainly on the use of chemical
The term “cosmetic standards” presents a pesticides. If the cosmetic standards were re-
problem itself. It has come to include a wide laxed, with a resulting increase in the eco-
variety of different quality guidelines all nomic threshold, the type of applicable pest
relating to pest damage or contamination of management program could change consider-
foods. These guidelines include the “defect ably. Greater use could be made of natural
action levels” (DALs) for pest parts in food control factors and other tactics that allow
enforced by FDA, the State-set quality stand- higher levels of some pests in the field. In
ards for produce, as well as the local co-op either case, a pest management approach
and processor standards for surface blem- can be taken, but unless consumers become
ishes and appearance, All of these guidelines willing to trade less pesticide use for more
set acceptable levels for produce. Some aim pest-damaged food, programs on these crops
at pest contamination; others aim at pest will remain limited in the scope of control tac-
damage and produce appearance. Responsi- tics employed.
Chapter VI

Actions Needed to Improve

Crop Protection in
the United States
Chapter VI

Actions Needed tO Improve

Crop Protection in the United States

In view of the facts that pests collectively deprive the world of nearly one-
half of the food mall attempts to produce, that many present control strategies
are in trouble that some pesticides have raduced effectiveness against many
pests that support for the development of pest resistance is declining for some
craps, and that there are still undetermined risks involved in pesticide use both
to health and the environment, it is imperative that Congress examine its com-
mitment to improve crop protection capabilities and reduce risks. Statistics re-
cently compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA) indicate that, in
spite of the substantial funding and science years [SYs) spent on crop protection
the effort directed toward integrated pest management (IPM) is relatively small.
The total USDA expenditure for crop protection in 1977 was million of
this total $81.3 million for USDA Agricultural Research [AR), and $110.3
million was for State research. The USDA breakdown of the total is: basic re-
search, 41 percent; control component research, 52 percent; 1PM systems re-
search—control tactics and management 6.4 percent ,
Thus, it is evident that the major present effort in both Federal-and State
crop protection is devoted to basic and component research and very little to the
integration of control tactics into management programs as part of total crop
production systems. Under the existing mode of operation, it is the farmers who
integrate the tactics into, their production system and they must do this
ror without the benefit of carefully conducted research to
show -tie positive and negative interactions that may occur.

The simple solution of transferring signifi- programs. When additional funding for such
cant proportions of present efforts from basic efforts is minimal, temporary, or nonexistent,
and control components research to 1PM sys- it is most difficult to mount new programs
tems research is not a viable option based on without jeopardizing essential ongoing ef-
the results of the seven regional cropping sys- forts. An infusion of new funding is essential
tems studied. The development of 1PM sys- for success.
tems requires additional basic knowledge
about pests and crops as well as an extensive
array of suitable management tactics. The The basic policy judgment that Congress
situation has been compounded during the faces is whether to commit the resources re-
past decade by reduced funding (in terms of quired to increase the speed of adoption of
1969 dollars). The traditional compartmental- 1PM systems. The specific options chosen will
ization of crop protection programs accord- indicate the level of commitment to this ap-
ing to disciplines has been very effective for proach. The degree to which the needed ac-
basic and control component efforts but tions are carried out will affect the time
poses difficulties for developing interdisci- frame within which 1PM achieves its full po-
plinary teaching, research, and extension tential:
102 ● Pest Management Strategies

1, At the present level of commitment, the maximum protection to man and the en-
status of crop protection would be main- vironment.
tained as primarily therapeutic re- The technological and administrative ob-
sponses to single-pest outbreaks for the stacles to the implementation of 1PM are de-
immediate future. The already-limited tailed in chapter V. Among the actions con-
range of available control tactics would sidered in this report for the removal of those
be reduced even further as regulations obstacles, two emerge as indispensible at any
regarding the use of chemical pesticides level of commitment to 1PM. These are to:
and resistance to them remove essential
control tactics without replacement. The 1. Provide means to expand the knowledge
evolutionary shift to 1PM is too slow to base and the range of control tactics
have a significant impact except in a few through basic research and to increase
situations. the pool of skilled manpower through ex-
panded training programs.
2. A moderate increase in commitment
2. Establish a clear focus of Federal intent
would augment the present teaching, re-
and assign to USDA, the lead agency, the
search, and extension programs to the
responsibility, authority, and necessary
extent that 1PM could eventually replace
funding to coordinate research pro-
most unilateral pest control programs
grams and to implement an adequately
over the next two or more decades.
staffed and coordinated information de-
3. A major thrust over the next few years livery system.
to remove the obstacles to the implemen- The details of these actions are presented
tation of 1PM would enable much of the below and, although they correspond to the
potential of 1PM to be realized within 15 specific constraints identified in chapter V,
years. An unparalleled portion of U.S. they must be considered collectively to be ef-
agricultural potential production could fective. More complete discussions are in
be achieved under 1PM while providing volume 11 (National Constraints).


Federal support of agricultural research in fort, and resources. A favorable climate and
terms of real ‘dollars has declined over the incentives for such efforts must be present to
past 38 years. During this period the States ensure adequate cooperation among scien-
have been hard pressed to meet the land tists.
grant universities’ needs for facilities and
staff required to accommodate an increased
student load. This has resulted in reduced re- Funds for Disciplinary and
search efforts, including those on basic and Interdisciplinary Research
applied crop protection. At present there are
Congress could increase the basic knowl-
no significant opportunities to reallocate
edge of pest and pest complexes by designat-
research funds and personnel from other ac-
ing certain research funds specifically for
tivities to pest management programs. The
disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies in
USDA’s AR is in a similar situation because
the four major protection disciplines (ento-
of recent personnel ceilings and budgetary
mology, weed science, plant pathology, and
hematology) and for other studies such as
1PM research must of necessity involve vertebrate pests. Funds are also needed to
considerable disciplinary and interdisci- support work in other disciplines such as eco-
plinary efforts. These require extra time, ef- nomics, agronomy, and agricultural engineer-
Ch. V/—Actions Needed to Improve Crop Protection in the United States ● 103

ing which can make significant contributions search (CR). Increased support through
to pest management programs. Hatch Act funding of SEA/CR with the specif-
ic intent of Congress will provide the most
To promote interdisciplinary efforts, it is
productive returns per dollar invested not
essential that the continuing needs for basic
only because of the efficiency of this partner-
new knowledge within disciplines should not
ship program but because in this funding
be ignored. Such knowledge will form the
mechanism no overhead is charged and each
basis for future advances in pest manage-
Federal dollar is matched with 3 to 4 State
ment. Adequate funding in the USDA compet-
dollars. Research areas most in need of sup-
itive grants program for the area of plant
port and scientific manpower requirements
stress can ensure that new and imaginative
are discussed in chapter IV.
basic research will be undertaken.
Attention should be paid to the distinction Reallocation of Funds From
between designating existing funds and allo- Unfeasible Eradication Programs
cating funds for specific projects. If existing
funds are designated for interdisciplinary Certain eradication programs are not con-
research, it may be necessary to terminate sidered to be feasible. After a careful review
ongoing vital disciplinary research. Addi- of the merits of these programs on a case-by-
tional funds are necessary to allow the initi- case basis by an impartial review body, Con-
ation of new projects by new researchers not gress could discontinue those judged to be un-
tied to existing programs. worthy on the basis of cost/benefit ratios and
probabilities for success. The funds could be
Long-Term Support for Pest reallocated to projects considered to be more
productive in terms of preventing pest-
Management Research
induced crop losses. An obvious exception is
If pest management is to have top priority the Plant Quarantine Act, which actually
nationally, it must be given long-term continu- needs greater financial and professional sup-
ing support. This need is highlighted by the port.
continuing and changing nature of crop pro-
tection problems and available control tactics Peer Recognition
that require continual study and updating.
The rewards currently given a scientist
To help solve this problem, Federal funds who makes a major breakthrough are usually
for pest management research should be meager. Congress could help advance techni-
made available on a more long-term basis for cal development in pest management tactics
facilities and tenured staff. This would pro- and systems through a program that would
vide pest management with the solid base recognize scientists and groups responsible
necessary to its future success. The mecha- for major breakthroughs. By instituting such
nism to achieve this is to assign funding for a program, Federal and State researchers
pest managment research in the budget of would be provided with an extra incentive to
USDA’s Science and Education Administra- pursue new and innovative directions in pest
tion (SEA)/AR, and SEA/Cooperative Re- management research.


Integrated pest management is an ecologi- simply changing some cultural operation and
cal approach to crop protection that involves using a selective pesticide. More often, how-
the coordinated use of two or more tactics to ever, an array of tactics is needed including
prevent pests from causing intolerable losses. pest-resistant crops, modified cultural prac-
Sometirnes management can be obtained by tices, biological control, and pesticides with
104 . Pest Management Strategies

certain ranges of activity. A suitable array of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
tactics is essential for the formulation and im- (APHIS), the Forest Service (FS), and the
plementation of pest management systems. States than exists on the current AR working
group should be established to plan and eval-
Increased Support for and uate programs, set priorities for project activ-
Reorganization of Biological Control ities and support, and coordinate State and
Federal efforts.
The emphasis placed here on the “classi-
“Classical” biological control (importation cal” approach is not intended to imply that
and establishment of exotic control agents other approaches to biological control, such
such as parasites, predators, antagonistic as parasite and predator augmentation, are
micro-organisms, and other microbial) is an not important; these need continued support.
important tactic in pest management. The po-
tential benefits apply more to insects and Increased Support for Host-Plati
mites than other pests, but there are ex-
cellent examples of biological control of Resistance
vertebrate pests, weeds, and plant patho- The incorporation of pest resistance into
gens. The payoff for success can be tremen- agricultural crops was identified as a vast
dous. The means for increasing the effective- promising approach to reduce both losses
ness of Federal and State biological control caused by pests and dependence on pesti-
efforts are both quantitative and qualitative. cides. One of the major reasons for serious
Increased funding, with adequate considera- pest problems is that many of our crop culti-
tion for the devalued dollar overseas, will vars have been selected primarily for im-
enable needed increments in biological con- proved agronomic and esthetic character-
trol exploration, importation, and distribution istics without adequate regard to incorporat-
programs for beneficial species. The poten- ing resistance to pest attack. One of the ad-
tial benefits of increased funding are about vantages of pest-resistant crops is that they
30 to 1 based on past experience. The major are inexpensive for the producer, whether
negative aspect appears to be the cost, which large or small, as well as for the home gar-
is small compared to expected benefits. A s dener. The cost of the lengthy process of find-
part of this, adequate funding should be in- ing genetic sources of resistance and moving
cluded to ensure that introduced beneficial them through to the end product of agronom-
are environmentally safe and effectively dis- ically acceptable crop cultivars is high. A s
tributed by State and Federal agencies. Other noted earlier, the private sector has not al-
means of enhancing biological control efforts ways been effective in this area, and public
relate to possible changes in the approaches sector support is necessary. The cost/benefit
used in Federal and State programs. The ratio in terms of direct economics as well as
present Federal horizontal structure could be in terms of human health and environmental
modified to a centrally organized, vertically considerations is judged to be favorable. The
structured unit. Instead of foreign field lab- long-term benefits provided by pest-resistant
oratories with a staff involved only in explor- varieties should far outweigh costs involved.
ation, a field biologist would be intimately in- (In the case of Hessian fly, wheat stem saw-
volved in all phases [exploration, importation, fly, European corn borer, and spotted alfalfa
distribution) of the program. The advantage aphid, the net return for each dollar invested
of this approach is that one person would be was $30 per year or $300 over a 10-year per-
familiar with all aspects and requirements of iod in reduced crop losses alone. )
the operation and would most likely succeed
in finding and establishing biological control Increased Flexibility in Pesticide Use
agents. Also, a national biological control
planning body with more even representation The need to tailor pest management pro-
among AR, CR, the Extension Service (ES), the grams to local conditions requires the flexible
Ch. V/—Actions Needed to Improve Crop Protection in the United States ● 105

use of tactics in putting a program together. a material have a very low use rate, that it be
Until the passage of the 1978 Amendments to a naturally occurring substance, and that it
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Ro- be in the most stringent toxicology category
denticide Act, flexibility of pesticide use was for registration under the narrow require-
limited by labeling—not only on maximum but ments. EPA is expressing intentions to move
also on minimum usage. Now pesticides can in this direction. The effectiveness of their ef-
be used against unamed pests, at lower than forts is being hampered by the internal desire
label dosages, and in novel ways on crops for to finish the registration guidelines for con-
which registrations exist. Flexibility would be ventional pesticides. If Congress were to
increased further by reducing the turn- make the necessary manpower available to
around time for applications to amend pesti- EPA specifically tied to directions to accel-
cide labels, or by allowing the States flexibil- erate the adjustment of registration require-
ity under section 24(c) to permit labeling to be ments to reflect more accurately the dangers
accepted, printed, and used in the States if it from narrow-spectrum pesticides, this situa-
does not vary appreciably from the original tion would be relieved considerably. If EPA
label. had the incentive to tailor registration re-
quirements to the expected level of danger,
incentives for the Development of the number of tests required to register a
Low-Sales=Volume, selective selective compound would, in many cases, de-
Pesticides crease. 1f industry had fewer data to collect,
it would be more willing to develop the
General agreement exists among crop pro- narrow-spectrum pesticides.
tectionists that narrow-spectrum, or selec-
Two other means would be aimed at items
tive, pesticides are essential to the develop-
that do not offer proprietary protection, such
ment of fully integrated pest management
as U.S. proprietaries on micro-organisms.
programs. Such pesticides include the so-
One would be to offer an extended exclusive
called “third-generation pesticides’ ’—phero-
license for the development and c o m m e r c -
mones, hormones, bacteria, and viruses. The ialization of a U.S. proprietary. The present
barriers to the development and commercial- limited period of license for private produc-
ization of these compounds are formidable. tions of U.S. proprietaries is generally too
They include their generally small market brief to warrant facilities, manpower, and
size, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monetary commitments from private indus-
registration requirements, unknown health try. An extension of this exclusive license
and environmental interactions, and in some period to 10 years after market entry might
cases lack of patent protection. Several dif- work as an incentive to introduce materials
ferent options available to Congress to into the market that are not economically
remove many of these barriers fall into the feasible on a shorter time basis. Another
categories of removing existing disincentives would be for Congress to extend patent pro-
or providing incentives. tection to include micro-organisms. Existing
One disincentive-reducing means that is patent laws do not allow for the patenting of
currently available would be for Congress to micro-organisms. Besides the proprietary
direct EPA to devote more time and man- protection that could be offered under op-
power to adjusting the requirements for tions in the previous section, Congress could
registration for these compounds. These ad- consider passing legislation to allow the
justments could be based on findings regard- patenting of certain micro-organisms. Prece-
ing the amounts that would be used, relative dents for such legislation can be found in the
safety of the compounds, and mode of action. Plant Patent Act of 1970. Since the passage of
An example of this would be the formulation the Plant Variety Protection Act, there has
of a narrow policy to cover the registration of been a marked increase in the level of com-
pheromones. Such a policy could require that mercial breeding of new plant cultivars.
106 . Pest Management Strategies

Finally, the Federal Government could of- is historical precedent for use of the
fer support for the costs of developing R&D contract. Governmental costs could
narrow-spectrum pesticides. On top of the be reduced by letting the contract on two
costs of registration, the potential market size different basis: 1) a pure R&D contract
for many selective compounds is too small to that compensates only the R&D efforts of
provide an adequate return. Interest in these the research and developer or 2) a Gov-
compounds is due mainly to social and envi- ernment cost subsidy R&D contract that
rontal, rather than economic, considerations. is tied to a lo-year exclusive license to
If their development is to be a high-priority produce the material developed.
item, Congress should consider subsidizing ● Tax Credits. Tax credits could be the
companies involved in the production of nar- lowest cost approach to developing ma-
row-spectrum pesticides. Some form of subsi- t e r i a l s w h i c h , while socioenviron-
dization would encourage the commercializa- mentally desirable, might be only mar-
tion of certain materials that might otherwise ginally feasible from an economic stand-
not be economically feasible for development. point. Allowance of direct credit against
income taxes for a percentage of R&D
Several different mechanisms for provid-
costs of specified materials (or classes of
ing such a subsidy are available. They in-
materials) serves at least two ends. It
makes real costs of the Government in-
● A Government loan program. T h i s centive negligible and keeps competition
would involve making funds available on working in the free enterprise frame-
a loan basis to carry selective chemicals work by not limiting R&D work to one
to the point of market entry after the company.
material has shown initial promise and Unfortunately, tax credits may also be
market potential. Such a loan would be one of the most complex and difficult ap-
canceled in the event the item was never proaches to administer, with enormous
marketed. Repayment (in whole or in complications regarding whether or not
part) would be determined on a sliding the research should be subsidized by the
scale geared to gross revenues received Government.
from the product less pro rata recovery ● Competitive Grant. This approach to
of R&D cost. (This loan system was origi- funding can be patterned after other en-
nally proposed by Carl Djerassi in 1974. ) deavors where the Federal grant has
Such a program would not have to be been used as a stimulus to R&D efforts.
funded by direct loan. In fact, the pro-
gram might work best in the environ-
ment of percentage Government guaran- Development of a Uniform National
teed loans from private institutions. Cancer Policy
Thus the Government cost is reduced
over direct loans, the private enterprise The lack of uniformity in the cancer guide-
money market is stimulated, and the de- lines is a problem connected to the develop-
veloper, by assuming a percentage of the ment, regulation, handling, and use of pesti-
financial risk, operates at a disincentive cides. The development of a uniform national
to utilize Government funds to solve cash policy is an important task that impinges on
flow problems. pest management as well as on many other
● Government R&D Contracts. Where an important activities. Congress should use its
identified need exists for an item that oversight and legislative powers to ensure a
cannot be economically developed, there uniform policy as soon as possible.
Ch. V/—Actions Needed to Improve Crop Protection in the United States ● 107


USDA-sponsored extension pilot programs nomical basis. Means of increasing the pri-
will be operational in all 50 States in 1979. A vate sector involvement in pest management
framework is being set up in all States on can be provided by the Extension Service.
which to build a public system for supporting Other assistance will come through federally
pest management implementation programs. sponsored education and research programs.
Congress must decide how rapidly 1PM Additional aid could be provided in some of
should be adopted in the United States and to the following manners:
what extent delivery systems should be sup-
Support for grower-owned cooperatives
ported by Federal funds.
could be based on the elimination of some of
the financial constraints to their formation.
Support of Public Delivery Systems This could involve the subsidization of pest
As acceptance of pest management pro- management trainees. It could also involve
grams increases, an important role of exten- the banks for cooperatives. A congressional
sion will be to provide information and tech- mandate could be given to the Center Bank
nical support to ongoing private programs. and the District Bank for Cooperatives to pub-
Such support programs will demand stable, licize the availability of funds for financing
long-term support and should include the flex- cooperative pest management services. The
ibility to use the funds for facilities for exten- Farm Credit Administration could also be di-
sion pest management programs. rected to approve a favorable interest rate
for loans made by the district banks for ex-
A pest management coordinating team is pansion of existing cooperatives or for forma-
needed at the Federal level in USDA to pro- tion of new pest management cooperatives.
vide adequate leadership for an expanded For fledgling nonprofit pest management co-
pest management program. USDA should re- operatives, a bill specifically exempting non-
order its priorities to create the needed capa- profit pest management associations from
bility to review, coordinate, and administer taxation would ease the way for their forma-
expanded support programs for pest manage- tion.
ment implementation.
Setting minimum certification standards
To expedite implementation, each State for pest management specialists could also
should have a State pest management coor- help private pest management consulting
dinator to head a team of specialists that services. In most States, nothing restricts an
would include at least one specialist from individual from calling himself a pest man-
each of the major pest control disciplines. agement specialist. Congress could act to see
The team of State specialists will be essential that standards are established that prohibit
to provide classroom, laboratory, and field such individuals from operating in an unre-
training for consultants and scouts to assure stricted manner. Details of ways to accom-
successful establishment of pest management plish this are provided in volume II (National
in their State. Constraints).
Foster Private Sector Delivery Congress could encourage the development
Systems of private pest management consultants
through some form of support for their poten-
If pest management is to be widely tial liability burdens as outlined in chapter V.
adopted, it will be because of the develop- One approach would be the development of a
ment of a large private sector involvement. federally sponsored liability insurance pro-
Growers should be willing to pay for pest gram for consultants. An analogy for such a
management services, and organizations program exists in a bill in the pharmaceutical
must exist to offer such services on an eco- area, H.R. 1247. The bill, which was not re-
108 . Pest Management Strategies

ported out of committee, would have provided loans for the establishment of private con-
for the establishment of a tax-exempt trust suiting firms through the Small Business Ad-
for payment of liability claims. The decision ministration or the Farmers Home Adminis-
that must be made is whether the gains out- tration. Such loans could have the added ef-
weigh the costs to the Government in in- fect of increasing the opportunity for appren-
creased time, costs, and opportunities for ticeships and applied training for potential
fraud. Another option is to offer low-interest pest management personnel.


A welldesigned monitoring system for national biological monitoring system, where
weather and biological factors can provide appropriate, by linking them to a national
the necessary input for the design and use of computer. This would be similar to current
predictive capabilities in a pest management activities of the National Weather Service. It
program. Such a national environmental mon- would create a network for the national ac-
itoring system does not exist now. Useful in- cumulation of data from each of these State
formation in research or implementation pro- facilities. Congress could accomplish this by
grams is rarely communicated to others on a specifying appropriations for the establish-
timely basis. A national system taking advan- ment of a national facility for the collection
tage of existing computer and electronic- and coordination of State information. The
sensing technology could be designed to meet data accumulated could be used to trace
the needs of pest management. migratory insect movements as well as to
describe the status of other pests. Such in-
The National Weather Service’s agricul-
formation would also help to limit scouting
tural weather reports are not precise enough
and control costs to a specific period of time
and do not have a rapid enough input/output
around the expected danger period. By using
cycle to be truly useful in pest management
this information, significant savings can ac-
programs. Agricultural weather is relatively
crue to the farmer through decreased pesti-
low on the Commerce Department’s scale of
cide use and decreased scouting costs.
priorities. Little effort has been made to get
more accurate short- and long-range weather An expanded national effort is needed for
predictions on a local level. the early detection of introduced pest spe-
Congress could direct the Commerce De- cies. Examples of new pests that have en-
partment to work with USDA to develop a tered the country undetected and remained
more precise agricultural weather system. so for several years include the cereal leaf
The benefits of such a system would include beetle, the citrus blackfly, and witchweed.
increased precision in the prediction of pest Many of the major pests of our crops are in-
outbreaks (with resulting savings in control troduced pests. If the eradication of intro-
and scouting costs to the grower) as well as a duced pests is to occur, early detection is ab-
better base from which to plan general farm solutely essential. A review of the present
and rural operations. The cost of such a pro- Noxious Weed Act and adequate funding to
gram could be kept at a reasonable level by allow inspection of shipments to the United
making use of existing facilities and tech- States for exotic weed species should also be
nology. accomplished.

Several land-grant universities are now de- Pesticide use surveys could also be coor-
veloping their own computer facilities for bio- dinated by USDA. Each State now has a coop-
logical monitoring and prediction capabili- erative crop-reporting service that can effi-
ties. These local efforts could be turned into a ciently and effectively conduct such surveys.
Ch. VI—Act/ons Needed to Improve Crop Protect/on in the Un/ted States ● 109

USDA could provide national leadership and cides and other control agents. The clinics
coordination so that State survey information could also provide staffing and facilities for
can be readily assembled on a regional or na- clinical programs in pest management. With
tional basis, Questions have been raised re- adequate support, they could be the back-
garding the need and utility of an extensive bone of the practical component of pest man-
use survey system. USDA already collects agement degree programs. The volume and
pesticide data. These data are extremely im- range of pest problems brought to the clinics
portant in giving an overall picture of trends would automatically monitor pest activities
in pesticide use. for each State. The clinics would also greatly
increase the likelihood of detecting in-
One means that would be extremely useful
troduced pests in time to institute eradication
not only for training programs but also for im-
or other indicated activities. Unfortunately,
plementation efforts and pest monitoring
very few adequately sized and staffed clinics
would be for Congress to support existing
now exist.
plant health clinics as well as help form new
ones in the States. Animal health clinics are Cost-effective support for the formation or
widely developed. There is a need to develop improvement of plant clinics could be given
such services and teaching centers for by offering matching funds to those States
plants. The clinics could serve as the focal willing to join in their development. Funds
point for pest management implementation should include provisions for facilities as well
efforts. They would include diagnostic as well as for staffing the clinics. Additionally, funds
as information capabilities; the accurate di- should be provided for interdisciplinary fac-
agnosis of plant pest problems would elimi- ulty participation in the clinics, for both
nate much of the misuse and waste of pesti- diagnosis and training.


Lack of trained manpower at several edu- ● nondegree or certificate training pro-
cational levels is an obstacle to the develop- grams or special short-course sessions
ment and implementation or improvement of for paraprofessionals (scout supervisors
pest management systems. Increased funding and scouts);
earmarked for educational programs in pest
management at all levels is needed to provide
● integrated, high-quality baccalaureate
an impetus for more rapid increases in utili- degree programs to prepare students for
zation of the pest management approach. graduate study in traditional disciplines
as well as technical positions in indus-
Support for Pest Management try, agribusiness, and farm, home, for-
Training Programs est, and urban pest management;

Only university administrators can act on ●

establish or improve pest management
many of the items outlined in this section. The programs at the master of science level
prime vehicle for congressional action in pest consisting of nonthesis terminal degrees
management education would be to provide for students preparing to be practicing
funds to support university programs. They professionals and a thesis degree for
are needed for the following levels: those aspiring to the Ph. D. level with a
pest management emphasis or a profes-
● self and mutual retraining and reorien-
sional doctorate in pest management;
tation of administrators, professional re-
searchers, teachers, extension person-
nel, and leaders of State and Federal ●
a Ph. D. in traditional crop production or
agencies; protection discipline with a minor in pest
110 ● Pest Management Strategies

management or minors in two related co-ops, and other organizations. These funds
areas for preparing teachers and re- could serve as an indirect subsidy to fledgling
searchers for pest management. organizations as well as provide opportuni-
ties for field experience.
A further possibility recommended only for
consideration at select institutions, perhaps
as a consortia basis, is a professional degree Competitive Study Leave Grants
in pest management for training practitioners
The need for updating professional skills
with the diagnostic and clinical skills to oper-
for working scientists in rapidly proliferating
ate the pest management programs required
to preserve the future health of our crops. fields such as pest management can be met
by a system of study leave grants. These
Support is also necessary to initiate and would provide an additional way to take ad-
support medium-term postdoctoral fellow- vantage of the areas of technical expertise
ships for research for highly qualified new already forming at certain land-grant univer-
Ph.D.’s who would need additional expe- sities. Such a system would allow a specialist
rience. Such a program would provide incen- in pest management at one university or Fed-
tives for outstanding young scientists to enter eral unit to spend 6 months to 1 year at
the field and, at the same time, make opportu- another university with a different set of
nities for creative developments in the field of problems and expertise in pest management.
pest management.
Adequate clinical components are a crit- Reducing Manpower Requirements
ical need in any of these pest management
Another approach to the problem of lack of
training programs. Universities should be en-
appropriately trained manpower is to reduce
couraged to require a pest management in-
the labor required for pest management pro-
ternship. This would require the development
grams. The major portion of man-hours in-
of a strong certification program and a com-
vested is in scouting and monitoring pest
mitment on the part of certified practitioners
populations, crop development, and ecologi-
as well as university administrators and
cal factors that influence pest problems. Two
approaches to reduce labor intensity have
Congress could help by providing support been identified:
to the universities for administering the in-
Areawide pest monitoring and popula-
ternship program, to the certified practi-
tion prediction on the basis of computer
tioners, and to the students during field in-
models will allow scouts to cut their time
ternship. Advantage should be taken of the
in the fields to the critical days of pest
opportunities offered by the USDA-sponsored
activity. Scouts could then cover a larger
pest management pilot programs. Pilot proj-
ect funds could be used to provide training
Develop and use automatic mechanical
and subsistence for the pest management
devices for monitoring pests and ecologi-
degree candidate. It could be required that
cal factors influencing them. Most of the
every Extension Service action program in-
technology exists to design remote sen-
clude an internship component. The net re-
sors tuned to different pheromones and
sult of this approach is a self-renewing supply
sound frequencies to monitor for insect
of qualified scout supervisors and expe-
pests and provide rough estimates of
rienced pest managers available to public
population levels. Monitoring devices for
and private pest management organizations
vertebrate pests are also possible. Some
and the pesticide industry.
devices are available for monitoring
The Federal Government could also pro temperature, humidity, r a i n f a l l , a n d
vide funds to support degree candidates for length of leaf wetness periods. These
internships with private consultants, grower can be connected to minicomputers that
Ch. VI—Actions Needed to Improve Crop Protection in the United States ● 11?

can signal dangers of plant disease in- Establish Regional Pest Management
fections. The development and tech- Study Centers
niques for use of such monitoring equip-
ment involve research by both the pri- The establishment of regional pest man-
vate and public sector. Many segments agement study centers is discussed in detail
of private industry, from the manufac- in the section “Improve Cooperation and Co-
turers who build them to the growers ordination. Regional centers could help
who save on their own time and scouting train and update crop protection personnel in
costs by using them, are interested in the latest developments in the field. Regional
such monitoring systems. Congressional centers would be appropriate for workshops
interest in pursuing this approach will and training for professional pest manage-
depend on the level of private sector sup- ment personnel but not for scouts or scout
port and the desire to use pest manage- supervisors.
ment as a means to provide jobs to rural


Growers are the key to the adoption of pest option. Low-cost Federal crop insurance is
management programs. Three approaches to one way to cover losses to pests and help
obtain increased grower involvement have overcome skepticism. There are major prob-
been identified: through education, by pro- lems involved in establishing and operating
viding incentives, and by regulation. such a program. Also, well-conceived and val-
idated pest management programs should not
Education be riskier than other control approaches.
Education has been the traditional method
of bringing new developments and technology
to growers. This approach to grower involve-
ment in pest management has the advantage Regulating Grower Involvement
of grower acceptance and an existing coop-
erative extension system to teach growers. Regulating grower involvement is a sen-
The only missing element for many situations sitive area because of current attitudes
is the availability of feasible, economically toward Federal regulatory efforts. Restric-
sound validated pest management programs. tions imposed on a national level would be
Congress will play a critical role in determin- met with strong opposition by growers. There
ing the rate at which such programs are de- is some interest in the use of locally enacted
veloped. pest management districts to regulate grower
participation. These districts can be estab-
Providing Incentives lished by a State enabling law and then con-
firmed by local grower referenda. In Texas,
Providing incentives to increase grower enabling legislation has been passed but no
participation in pest management is another districts have yet been established.


Problems in cooperation and coordination within the Federal Government, between the
as a constraint to pest management exist Federal Government and the States, and with
112 . Pest Management Strategies

the State and land-grant university com- composed of individuals involved in pest
plexes. The problems and options to reduce management from the Federal, State,
the problems are outlined below. and private sectors. They would know
the grassroots needs for pest manage-
Mechanisms to Coordinate Efforts ment and could bring that perspective to
of Federal Agencies bear while reviewing the Federal ef-
forts. With no control over budgets and
Legislation exists that is designed to cor- staffing, only strong executive support
rect any problems among Federal depart- could make such a group an effective
ments and agencies in the amendment to sec- agent for coordinating Federal efforts. It
tion 401(h) of the National Science and Tech- could be most useful in an advisory
nology Policy, Organization, and Priority Act capacity.
of 1976 (90 Stat, 471, 42 U.S.C. 6651(h) pro- To ensure that groups with program re-
vialed by section 1406 of Public Law 95-113, sponsibility become involved, an inter-
91 Stat. 986). Nevertheless, we address here agency review group on pest manage-
specifically the problem as related to pest ment could be formed. To be an effective
management. The problem of unclear and
policymaking body, it would have to con-
sometimes conflicting goals being pursued by
sist of individuals at the assistant
different agencies has severely hampered the
secretary level from agencies with pro-
Federal effort in pest management. Lack of a
grams related to pest management. It
mandated responsibility for pest manage-
would examine the current structure of
ment support activities or a plan on which to
Federal initiatives in pest management
organize agency programs is at the heart of
and suggest means to streamline them. It
this problem.
would also serve as a forum for the de-
Two basic premises should be included in velopment of a national pest manage-
any deliberations on a Federal pest manage- ment plan, including program goals and
ment strategy: 1) that USDA, with its exten- agency responsibilities. The drawback
sive research and extension network, should here is that such groups are often inef-
have the primary responsibility for pest man- fective. Starting with the intentions of
agement programs, and 2) that EPA, with its making policy, they frequently evolve
responsibility for protecting the environment, into forums for technical exchange,
has a valuable role in supporting the develop- rather than for policy discussions.
ment of innovative tactics for and approaches Congress could intervene and clarify the
to pest management. Other agencies, such as roles and responsibilities of the agencies
the National Science Foundation (NSF) and involved in pest management. The aim
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), also would be to start with the functions of
interact with 1PM development and imple- USDA and EPA outlined at the beginning
mentation. These roles and interactions are of the discussion, include FDA, the Coun-
taken into account in the following discus- cil on Environmental Quality (CEQ), and
sion. the Department of Defense (DOD), and
other appropriate agencies, and assign
Four different mechanisms to ensure bet-
specific program responsibilities and
ter cooperation and coordination in the Fed-
areas of interagency cooperation within
eral pest management program are outlined.
pest management. The effect would not
While they are presented separately, they
be to consolidate responsibility in o n e
would have the strongest effect if combined.
agency but to provide support and direc-
● A representative group from outside the tion for intra-agency and interagency ef-
Federal Government could be estab- forts. Existing areas of interagency co-
lished as an oversight group for pest operation could be given formal recogni-
management. Such a group would be tion, and other areas for future coopera-
Ch. Vi—Actions Needed to Improve Crop Protection in the United States ● 113

tion could be outlined. If combined with Several potential problems face the re-
the formation of an interagency review gional and national planning approach that is
group charged with overseeing the suc- being put in place. One is the potential dif-
cess of the cooperation, the effect of any ficulty of fitting AR programs of national
congressional effort could be greatly focus into the regional priorities. A second
enhanced. The major drawback to this problem is adopting the State organization of
approach would be the interest required the extension services to a regional structure.
in Congress to undertake such a task. Related to this is the fact that States will be
● A Federal unit without present or future wary of another layer of administrators ap-
funding interests could be given a coor- parently prepared to dictate regional prior-
dinating role for the national effort in ities in extension to them. A final problem is
1PM, CEQ has already been acting to that by assigning priorities on both a national
some extent in this role. To be effective, and regional basis even less funds will be go-
its coordinating and oversight role must ing to work on critical local needs.
be clearly delineated and adequate
staffing provided. The staff should be
supplemented by an outside advisory Coordination and Cooperation Within
group as outlined previously. The advan-
the Land-Grant Universities
tages of this option would be to place a
noncompetitive Federal unit with ready Traditionally, pest management teaching,
access to the executive branch and all research, and extension have been ap-
Federal agencies involved in 1PM in a proached from separate disciplines. 1PM re-
position to monitor and develop policy quires consideration of more than one disci-
for the Federal effort. This option cannot pline and their interactions. This necessi-
function effectively without a clear man- tates, as previously mentioned, not only even
date, a modest staff knowledgeable in stronger discipline teaching and research but
the subject matter, and an appropriate interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teach-
advisory group. ing, research, and extension considerations.
Present funding is simply not adequate to
Cooperation and Coordination even approach this job.
Between Federal and State Agencies
Providing additional funding at the Federal
Of primary concern is the relationship be- level is essential for the development of new
tween USDA and the land-grant universities initiatives in 1PM in teaching and research
with teaching, research, and extension re- just as it has been in the extension pilot pro-
sponsibilities. The main problems are in the grams. Congress can contribute the most to
areas of program development, priorities improved cooperation and coordination
establishment, and budget development. De- among the disciplines, especially in research,
velopment of the planning and coordination by providing significant additional funding.
mechanisms called for in title XIV of Public This additional funding will be more produc-
Law 95-I33 and the subsequent reorganiza- tive and effective if provided to States
tion within USDA to form the Science and through the regular funding under the Hatch
Education Administration and the organiza- and Regional Research Acts by USDA’s
tion of Interregional Project 6 should make SEA/CR. This provides stable funding that
coordination and cooperation easier. How- enables the development of scientists in a
ever, it must be encouraged at every level. tenure track of teaching and research. It also
Congress can contribute by ensuring that the allows priorities to be set at the local level to
intent of Public Law 95-113 is fully im- develop programs that address the major
plemented and funded. 1PM problems in the local producer areas,
114 . Pest Management Strategies

Establish Regional Pest Management terms of location, facilities, administration,

Study Centers funding, missions, and philosophy. The cen-
ters should be located at land-grant universi-
A major limiting factor in the advancement ties that have evolved as leaders in pest man-
of pest management is a space/time problem. agement and where facilities already exist or
The study, comprehension, and application of can be constructed. Congress could authorize
the pest management concept has been done and fund establishment of the centers. Funds
largely on a personal or institutional basis. could be allocated to the respective institu-
Until recently, few institutions had even a for- tions to include hiring directors and perma-
mal course or seminar in pest management. nent support personnel.
The few pest management specialists that ex-
While the option of creating regional study
ist are scattered over the country and the
centers promises to improve cooperation and
world, with inadequate opportunity in time,
coordination as well as to assist in training
facility, or support for mutual discussion of
personnel, there are potential problems that
ideas and strategies.
must be considered. The problems and lack of
One option suggested to reduce this limit- success experienced with regional centers in
ing factor is to establish regional pest man- other fields suggest that the concept may not
agement study centers. Such centers would be as useful in practice as in theory. The pre-
have facilities for students, professors, re- cise role of the centers in accomplishing their
searchers, extension specialists, and others goals must be carefully evaluated to deter-
to work, study, and train in pest management. mine the probability of success. Administra-
They would combine a “think-tank” at- tive costs could become excessive and detract
mosphere with research, education, and im- from the programs. In addition, linking the
plementation programs and would provide a centers to institutions identified as leaders
place for the different groups in crop protec- could increase the gap and the jealousies be-
tion to discuss and attempt to unify ap- tween the have and the have-nets in pest
proaches to pest management. management. Such an occurrence could make
This approach would use the centers of regional cooperation extremely difficult.
technical strength in pest management that
are developing across the country. At several Competitive Study Leave Grants
land-grant universities advanced work is al-
This option was presented under the train-
ready being done in pest management. The
ing section. In addition to its merits for train-
base existing in these universities could be
ing, this option would help improve coopera-
used to form a network of regional centers for
tion and coordination among Federal agen-
pest management, education, research, and
cies, between the Federal agencies and the
implementation. These centers could combine
States, and among the States. The inter-
the think-tank atmosphere with work directed
change of personnel on study leaves would
toward the needs of pest management pro-
improve communication, understanding, and
grams in their regions.
the flow of information. Properly adminis-
Careful consideration should go into the tered, this option could be a very positive
design of each of the regional centers in force in furthering pest management.


If Congress decides that reducing the use should be evaluated. As noted in chapter V,
of chemical pesticides whenever possible is the high-quality standards for certain fruits
one of the goals of Federal pest management and vegetable crops necessitate the extensive
efforts, existing food quality standards use of chemical pesticides. The safety or nu-
Ch. V/—Actions Needed to Improve Crop Protection in the United States ● 115

tritional value of the produce may or may not pare the benefits from present DALs and
be improved by these quality standards and those that would accrue from less-strict
must be judged on a case-by-case evaluation. levels, It would allow a responsible decision
to be made on the proper levels of defects
Congressional efforts in this area could
allowed while protecting human health.
have two approaches. One would be aimed at
the standards it has under direct control, The second part of the congressional effort
such as the defect action levels (DALs) ad- would be aimed at the broader issue of con-
ministered by FDA. An assessment of the ef- sumer and processor acceptance of damaged
fect of DALs on pesticide use, pesticide resi- produce. Studies should be conducted on
dues, human health, and market value similar market elasticity and consumer willingness to
to an environmental impact statement should accept blemished but safe food in order to re-
be conducted. Such an analysis would com- duce pesticide use,

.> - {–{
Chapter VII

Transfer of North American

Crop Protection Technology
to the Developing World
Chapter VII

Transfer of North American

Crop Protection Technology
to the Developing World

The combination of control tactics in an ecologically oriented integrated

system, known in the United States as “integrated pest management” (1PM), is
being applied in the development of i&proved stable crop protection systems for
U.S. agriculture and is widely accepted internationally; the term “integrated
pest control” is used in most other countries for this holistic approach to pest
control. The two terms are often used synonymously.
Considerable progress has been made in transferring the basic philosophy
of 1PM to the developing world. This has been fostered by the Food and Agricul-
ture Organization (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), and certain bilat-
eral assistance programs (especially those of Canada, France, the United King-
dom, and the United States). The Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), the United Nations Environment Program, the World
Bank, and the International Agriculture Research and Training Network of the
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) have
become involved in recent years.
The problem of actually implementing pest management systems in the de-
veloping world is not simply the transfer of the total 1PM concept, although cer-
tain components of the system have great potential for transfer. Much adaptive
research on the potential component tactics of pest management and the devel-
opment of entirely new systems adapted to local socioeconomic and ecological
conditions will be required. Each candidate component to be considered for pos-
sible transfer will need to be evaluated separately in terms of its potential for
use under the conditions that will be encountered. It must be compatible with
and become part of the entire crop production process. Because production
practices and environmental conditions vary widely within and between coun-
tries, the transfer of crop protection technology is most complicated. By applying
the concept and the scientific methods by which crop protection technology is
developed, in-country crop protectionists can produce a pest control procedure
that is well-adapted ecologically to the local agroecosystem and is socially and
economically acceptable as well.


d. _ - “1
120 . Pest Management Strategies


Pest control technologies are used uneven- they are needed. Finally, few developing
ly in the developing world. Within any one countries have adequate equipment to apply
area the ecological environment, social cus- pesticides, and even fewer have a pest-moni-
toms, political events, and economic milieu all toring system to detect pest infestations while
interact to set the magnitude of a particular they are still at manageable levels.
pest problem and further to constrain feasi-
ble solutions. Therefore, every situation must In developing countries, the large estate
be evaluated and developed on a case-by-case crops such as rubber, cotton, and sugar cane
basis. tend to get a heavier use of pesticides than do
the plots of small farmers. In many cotton-
In a similar way, the level of dependence producing countries in the developing world,
on pesticides varies from country to country. two-thirds or more of pesticide use is on this
In general, the more developed the country, single crop. In some developing countries, use
the greater the use of pesticides, but there of insecticides to protect stored products is
are often large differences between crops in also of considerable importance. Overall,
the same country. Surveys by FAO a few there is a slight trend for increased use of
years ago indicated that the entire developing pesticides in these countries, but the percent-
world used only about 7 percent of the global age of the world’s total use is not increasing.
consumption of pesticides. Lack of financial
resources to purchase pesticides is only one In the developed world, insecticides have
reason for this low use of pesticides. The declined in relative position among pesticides
agricultural infrastructure taken for granted from being the dominant class of pesticide
in developed countries may be only partially before 1960 to representing currently only
developed or entirely lacking in developing about one-third of total pesticide use. This
countries. The present marketing system change primarily resulted from the rapid
stresses certain crops in certain countries growth in the use of herbicides, which now
and, thus, produces an uneven supply situa- represent the major portion of pesticides
tion. In times of serious pest problems, used on a global basis. 1n the developing
pesticides often are not available, are in the world, insecticides remain the dominant class
wrong place, or arrive in the right place at of pesticides used, and their use is increasing
the wrong time. Furthermore, an inadequate at a rate that would appear to maintain their
transportation network in many countries dominant position for some time. Herbicides
does not provide a way for pesticides to move use, however, is increasing as appropriate
from the capital city to the rural areas where and economically feasible uses are found.


1PM systems are developed through the search on field problems can be extremely
careful ecological analysis of pest problems complicated as it must deal with establishing
that exist in the growing crops. Research pro- the complex relationships that exist in the
grams for 1PM systems must relate to the en- agroecosystem, such as those between the
tire pest problem and the full complexity of pest and the crop, among certain pests and
the field situation. No amount of sophis- noncrop plants, between the pest and its
ticated laboratory research will produce an natural enemies and plant diversity, and
1PM system. It is important to realize that re- among all of these considered together with
Ch. V/l— Transfer of North American Crop Protect/on Technology to the Developing World ● 121

other crops and the climate and economic undesirable side effects on people, important
and political aspects. These are often over- natural enemies, and the general environ-
whelmingly complex problems facing the iso- ment, and the long-term effects of pesticide
lated crop-protection specialist in a develop- use.
ing country, and the obstacles to their solu-
tions seem insurmountable. Furthermore, In spite of the difficult odds, sound 1PM
there is often a lack of extension personnel or systems have been developed under such cir-
other paraprofessionals to train and encour- cumstances. Indeed, every operational 1PM
system in developing countries has had a rel-
age farmers to adopt new practices, The spe-
cialist may also find that farmers are often in- atively simple beginning. The first step in
capable of or unwilling to adopt a new prac- these programs was to develop an ecological
tice because they lack the financial resources perspective and then to design the best possi-
or proper motivation. The specialist may also ble action based on available knowledge. This
have difficulties communicating with the design, at best, approximated an ideal system
farmer because of language barriers or il- which was then tested in the field. Where dif-
literacy or even reaching the farmer because ficulties were encountered they were posed
of inadequate roads or transport, as questions for parallel solution-seeking
research. In this way, even where resources
It is not surprising, then, that the isolated may be limited, an effective 1PM system can
and frustrated pest control specialist may often be developed and adapted to the local
recommend an easy short-term solution such situation. This has been accomplished in
as the use of some pesticide. The recommen- Peru, Nicaragua, Malaysia, and certain other
dation may be made with little or no opportu- countries with modest financial inputs for the
nity for consideration of the complications of development of the programs.



Pest management systems developed for ticides over a period of time not only fails to
the temperate part of the world, as stressed control the pests in question but may actually
earlier in this discussion, may be completely aggravate pest problems and endanger hu-
inappropriate to tropical and subtropical man health and environmental quality. Pesti-
conditions of the developing world. This is cides misuse also imposes an additional cost
because of not only the greatly contrasting on production.
physical and biotic conditions but also the
The developing world must deal with an ar-
contrasting problems of modern intensive ray of crops and pests that is not generally
high-energy agriculture and those of tradi-
grown in temperate countries. These crops
tional subsistence agriculture involving multi- include avocados, bananas, breadfruit, ca-
ple cropping and mixed cropping. cao, cassava, coconuts, coffee, guava, mango,
In the absence of adequate crop protection papaya, pineapple, plantains, sugarcane,
programs in many developing nations, there tare, and yams. Many of these crops are of
is an over-reliance on the reactive use of great importance in world commerce and
pesticides for pest control. There are numer- contribute much to the world’s food supply.
ous well-documented examples of the inade- Because a bank of technological knowledge
quacy of this approach in both developed and on their culture and the management of their
developing countries. Unless pest manage- pests is not available in temperate countries,
ment or integrated pest control programs are it must be developed in-place in the tropical
initiated, additional “pesticide abuse” situa- developing world. Nevertheless, some compo-
tions will occur. Complete dependence on pes- nent tactics from temperate 1PM systems can
122 . Pest Management Strategies

be adapted to these tropical and subtropical able reeducation will be necessary and new
crops. approaches to communicate with the deci-
sionmakers will be required to achieve satis-
In any attempt to transfer the latest devel- factory results. In addition, different social
opments in pest control technology to the de- and economic values placed on the impor-
veloping world it will be important to reach tance of food, environment, human life, indi-
the decisionmakers in these countries, many vidual rights, etc., in developing countries re-
of whom received their technological training quire considerable adaptations of pest man-
prior to the resurrection of the ecological ap- agement systems to accommodate these
proach to pest control. As a result, consider- values.


The losses of food crops to pests in the de- premium on selecting methods that are suited
veloping world are enormous. Although de- for adoption by small farmers. Over the long
tailed documentation is lacking, estimates of term, however, the economy of the country as
losses run between 25 and 50 percent of the a whole and the general welfare of the people
food produced. Conservative estimates in- will be improved.
dicate that at least 50 percent of the losses
can be recovered, At the same time, the need Increases in yield are important, but in-
for enhanced protection from crop pests is creased production stability from year to
further emphasized by the fact that other year with improved pest control practices
methods of crop improvement that result in can be equally important. Without a sense of
an increased production of food will require stability, investments in agriculture are not
additional pest protection for the high yields likely to be made that require more than one
to be fully realized. For example, new, low- growing season for amortization.
growing wheats and rice require consider-
The differential effects of successful in-
ably more weed control than long-stemmed novation in pest control on different economic
varieties to prevent intolerable economic pro-
classes of agricultural people are the most
duction losses.
difficult and yet perhaps the most important
However, it is difficult to translate the sav- to analyze, New pesticides are likely to be
ings in crop yields that would result from im- adopted only by the wealthier and more pro-
proved pest control into economic terms that gressive farmers because they have better
reflect the probable distribution of that sav- access to credit for purchasing the necessary
ings to the population of the country. If the materials and machinery. If the new prac-
supply of a particular commodity is increased tices require more labor to be successful,
in an area as the result of the adoption of im- wealthy, capitalized farmers may be at a dis-
proved pest control practices, the price of advantage compared to poorer farmers using
that commodity may fall, and the effect of the labor-intensive methods. On the other hand, if
lower price on small farmers may be severe. the new practices require the purchase of
For example, nonadopters and late adopters new machinery or the acquisition of new
of improved practices are particularly vul- skills, the wealthier farmers may be at a rela-
nerable because their production costs and tive advantage. Biological control, the breed-
yields will remain the same while the price ing of resistant varieties, and other genetic
they receive for their produce will decline. methods of control usually will be operations
Unless additional concomitant measures are performed with a high degree of public sector
taken, the incomes and nutritional status of effort, and each will require the farmer to
such farmers are likely to deteriorate over contribute little in purchases above and
the short term. This prospect puts a special beyond that which is normal for the crop he is
Ch VII—Transfer of North American Crop Protect/on Technology to the Developing World ● 123

raising. Hence these technologies, which de- donment after several years, is the tradi-
pend on enlightened levels of government sup- tional agricultural practice on small plots in
port, have less chance of favoring one class of the jungle.
farmer over another.
Herbicides can be used not only to replace
When any proposed new technology is as- cultivation for weed removal but also to re-
sessed, a crucial question is its effect on the place plowing for crops such as corn. In addi-
labor requirements for agriculture. This is tion to savings in labor and energy, the “no-
particularly important in the nonindustrial- till” practice reduces erosion and increases
ized market economies in which unemploy- soil organic matter, The technology of “no-
ment and underemployment are frequently till” agriculture may be widely applicable in
endemic and in which no alternative indus- the developing world where problems of ero-
trial employment possibilities exist. sion are severe.
The use of certain pesticides has had an
The emergence of resistance to insecti-
cides dramatizes the point that new technol- adverse effect on the environment when the
pesticides have entered the food chains of
ogies are not necessarily permanent addi-
ecosystems or when they had direct toxic ef-
tions to options in crop protection. There are
fects on nontarget organisms—e.g., birds and
no theoretical reasons why resistance will
fish. Integrated pest control, because it
not emerge eventually for any control prac-
depends on chemical pesticides only as a
tices directed against any pest or any crop.
supplement to other means of control, is likely
Thus, a high premium should be given to im-
to have smaller adverse effects on the en-
proved technologies that offer the potential of
longer use before resistance develops.
The developing world is on the threshold of
Innovations in biological control, breeding a large increase in the use of pesticides. If
for resistant varieties, and other genetic con- these pesticide inputs are made unwisely,
trols are not likely to create any direct ad- pest problems can be greatly exacerbated
verse environmental impacts. Elimination of a and there can be adverse effects on the envi-
pest like the tsetse fly from Central Africa ronment and on agricultural workers. Prop-
might create indirect environmental effects erly developed pest management systems
by opening up areas to crop agriculture or to using pesticides as only one component of
grazing that until now have been unused. many can help avoid these problems.
Cultural control will, in general, have little Agromedical teams can play an important
adverse effect on the environment unless the role in encouraging the safe and efficient use
particular practices involve cultivation. In of pesticides. Timely education on safe han-
such cases, soil may be lost through wind or dling of pesticides, monitoring of worker and
water erosion. Substituting herbicides for environmental safety, and the training of
tillage may markedly reduce soil losses dur- medical personnel in developing countries to
ing crop production. In Kenya, herbicides cope with pesticide-related health problems
may allow continued crop production in areas can greatly reduce the adverse impacts of
where “slash and burn, ” followed by aban- pesticides.


Education and training must be a core ele- Fundamental training will be required in all
ment in any program to develop improved aspects of pest management and at all levels
pest management in developing countries. to create and strengthen an adequate infra-
124 ● Pest Management Strategies

structure to receive and adapt pest manage- pest management in the developing world.
ment technology. This should involve the deci- These involve multilateral international agen-
sionmaking administrators as well as the cies such as FAO, WHO, OECD, bilateral de-
lower level technicians. Research, training, velopment assistance programs of many na-
and extension, particularly adaptive re- tions, and a number of other institutions. At
search and on-the-farm demonstration, will times there has been an unfortunate lack of
be required at a significant level to develop coordination and collaboration among these
the required knowledge base and to imple- bodies. Recently steps have been taken by
ment pest management systems successfully FAO and OECD to assure more coordination,
in the developing world. and this should be reinforced and encour-
A large number of agencies and institu-
tions are involved in developing improved

The U.S. Agency for International Develop- ● to train competent LDC personnel to de-
ment (AID), or its predecessors, have over the velop scientific skills and pest manage-
years had extensive and varied programs ment expertise,
aimed at strengthening plant protection pro- ● to assist AID in developing networks of
grams in developing countries. Many of these institutions relating to pest management
programs are developed in cooperation with expertise, and
U.S. universities, experiment stations, the ● to assist in the development of a series of
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and coordinated pest management research
other U.S. institutions. Most of these pro- projects.
grams are directed toward individual coun-
tries and are supported directly by the local In this project, the University of California
U.S. AID missions. AID also provides more is cooperating with Oregon State University,
than 25 percent of the funding for the CGIAR University of Hawaii, Texas A&M University,
Agricultural Research and Training Network, University of Florida, University of Miami,
whose programs contain considerable plant Cornell University, University of Minnesota,
protection research. and North Carolina State University to pro-
vide these services.
Since 1971 AID has had a contract with the
University of California (UC) for a global proj-
ect in pest management and related environ- Oregon State University has had a re-
mental protection. This is a general technical search project on weed control in developing
services contract intended to develop im- countries supported by AID since 1966. Much
proved pest management in the developing of their research has been carried out in de-
countries. The objectives of the project are: veloping countries of Latin America, with
backup research in Oregon and Hawaii. They
● to provide r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n i c a l have done outstanding work in producing and
assistance in AID’s involvement with disseminating information of value not only to
pesticides, weed scientists but also to other pest control
● to improve less developed countries’ disciplines.
(LDC) regulation and pesticide-monitor-
ing capabilities, The 1975 title XII amendment to the For-
● to develop country- and international- eign Assistance Act established a Board for
based 1PM and environmental protection International Food and Agricultural Develop-
systems, ment (BIFAD). One of the basic objectives of
Ch. VII— Transfer of North American Crop Protect/on Technology to the Developing World ● 125

BIFAD was to involve the U.S. universities In the past 3 or 4 years a large number of
with AID in sound long-term programs. Re- documents have been developed by the U.S.
cently the Joint Research Committee of BIFAD National Academy of Sciences, U.S. AID,
identified “crop protection” as a priority OECD, and others which give valuable back-
area for a planning grant to develop plans for ground information on the subjects discussed
a collaborative research support program. in this report.



Support Education and Training of The two most serious problems encoun-
LDC Crop Protection Scientists tered in educating and training foreign per-
sonnel are: 1) the reluctance of some people
U.S. experience over the past 35 years in to return home and 2) learning to do research
international efforts to increase food produc- in sophisticated, well-equipped laboratories.
tion in LDCs clearly indicates that short-term Both of these problems are alleviated when
technical assistance is not productive. The scientists are permitted to carry out their
key to success in agriculture is to support ad- thesis research at home or in a comparable
vanced education to those who will return to situation under the direction of appropriate
staff the universities, research institutes, and faculty advisors. This procedure has the ad-
agricultural ministries in their own countries. vantage of training under realistic conditions,
Without such in-country scientists and spe- helping to solve local problems, and starting
cialists, few long-term improvements can be scientists on research that can be continued
achieved. after completion of their advanced degree.
To maintain trained staffs in universities
and research institutions in LDCs, continuing Agromedical Training for
efforts are required because of the attrition In-Country Personnel
to administration, industry, and international
organizations. Because advanced-degree Pesticides, especially insecticides, can be
training in LDCs is variable and tends very hazardous to man, animals, and the envi-
towards inbreeding, it is important that ronment. Some very unfortunate experiences
overseas advanced educational programs be have occurred in some LDCs as a result of
continued. misuse of pesticides. There is need for educa-
tion in pesticide management, including their
Congress should ensure that AID in coop- proper use, monitoring for residues in food
eration with USDA and the land-grant univer- and the environment, and the recognition and
sities supports a program of graduate train- treatment of pesticide poisoning. The UC/AID
ing adequate to meet the needs of developing pest management project has sponsored some
countries. This program should be coordi- successful pesticide management workshops
nated with those of other nations and institu- in several parts of the developing world. This
tions to provide optimum results with avail- is an effective approach to reducing the
able resources. hazards of pesticide use in LDCs.
In addition to degree training, middle-
career scientists need opportunities to have Integrated Pest Management
updating educational or work experience at Workshop
an institution where advanced work in pest
management is underway. Congress could en- In addition to the education and training of
sure that there are adequate fellowships to top-level scientists in the philosophy and
fulfill these needs. methodology of pest management, there is a
126 . Pest Management Strategies

great need to provide practical short-term signed to develop practical pest management
training for agriculturalists who are working systems for local and regional situations.
directly with farmers in an advisory capacity. These projects could involve local scientists
Six- to eight-week training workshops spon- with cooperative inputs from U.S. scientists.
sored jointly by in-country institutions and Some projects might be designed for a local
AID with instruction by both local and foreign problem; others could involve scientists on a
experts have proven to be very effective. regional or even global basis, Care must be
exercised to ensure that such projects are
Provide the Less-Developed complementary with ongoing research in
Countries With Pest crop protection.
Management Information
Provide Support for Crop Protection
An almost universal problem for crop pro- in the Title XII Program
tection scientists in LDCs is lack of adequate
libraries and up-to-date information. One A most important option is to develop a vig-
solution may be to provide foreign literature orous effective program in crop protection
or to subsidize the preparation and publica- under the title XII amendment to the Foreign
tion of books and bulletins by local scientists. Assistance Act. The reduction of pest-in-
duced losses provides one of the most promis-
Establish Research Projects and ing approaches to increasing the world’s food
Develop Pest Management Systems supply.

The United States has the option of estab-

lishing appropriate research projects de-

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