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Key Concepts & Terms-Chapter 1

1. What is Marketed: Goods, Services, Events, Experiences, Persons,

Places, Properties, Organizations, Information, Ideas

2. Demand States: Negative, Nonexistent, Latent, Declining, Irregular,

Unwholesome, Full, Overfull

3. Marketplaces, Marketspaces & Metamarkets

4. Changes in Marketplace: Changing technology, Globalization,

Deregulation, Privatization, Empowerment, Customization, Convergence,

5. Company Orientations-Production, Product, Selling, Marketing

6. Four Ps : Product, Price, Place, Promotion,

7. Four Cs: Customer solution, Customer cost, Convenience,


8. Marketing Management Tasks: Developing marketing strategies,

Capturing marketing insights, Connecting with customers, Building strong
brands, Shaping market offerings, Delivering value, Communicating value,
Creating long-term growth

9. 5 Types of Needs- Stated needs, Real needs, Unstated needs, Delight

needs, Secret needs

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