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ESCOLA: ________________________________________________________DATA: _______/________/_________

ALUNO(A): _______________________________________SÉRIE:_________ TURNO: _______ TURMA: ________


1 – Passe as frases abaixo para o tempo passado:

a – He speak to me in Germany. _______________________________________________
c – I study in the morning. ___________________________________________________
d – She buy apples yesterday. _________________________________________________
e – I see Mary every day. ____________________________________________________
f – My mother get up at 5. ____________________________________________________
g – They are in the living room. _______________________________________________
h – She likes to dance with your friends. ________________________________________
i – John works in an office. ____________________________________________________
2 – Passe os verbos irregulares abaixo para o tempo passado:
a - To see ________________________ c – To eat _______________________________
b - To go _____________________ d – To speak _____________________________
3 – Complete a cruzada com o passado dos verbos abaixo:
9 10

1. to paint
2. to walk 12

3. to observe
4. to work 2

5. to call 3

6. to march
7. to cook 8

8. to watch 4

9. to close 14
10. to answer 11
11. to dance 5 13
12. to rest
13. to like
14. to love 7

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