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A. Work in pairs. Choose one of the topics in te he box. Discuss possible questions for a
quiz on the topic using superlative adjectives.

Which is the biggest feline of the world?

what station of the year does deer lose his horns?

who is the principal predador of the giraffes?

The groups of lions are composed generally for …

how much last the gestation of the elephants?

The scorpions belong to the same family that …?

What animal is protected in the islands Tortoise?

Lesson 6.- Speed dating

“Cualities for Girlfriend

Height average
Don’t shy
Make Happy
Normal Physicist
Question in the date
4.- Speaking

How are you?

What do you do in your free moments?

What do you like to do?

Do you like the sports?

Where do you live?

Do you like to go out in the nights?

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