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Niels Delestinne 2TIND

Most notorious hackers

 Jonathan James (c0mrade)
 Adrian Lamo (Homeless Hacker)
 Kevin Poulsen (Dark Dante)
Jonathan James (c0mrade)
 15 years old
 $1.7 million
 ‘Crappy code’
Jonathan James (c0mrade)
 Defense Threat Reduction Agency
 Department of Defense
 Reduce threats
 Backdoor
 6 months of jail
 Died in 2008
Adrian Lamo (Homeless Hacker)
 Internet cafes or libraries
 Microsoft, Bank of America, Yahoo!
 Security flaws
 Notified
Adrian Lamo (Homeless Hacker)
 FBI tracked him
 The New York Times
 $65.000
 2 years of probation
Kevin Poulsen (Dark Dante)
 Porsche (€50.000)
 Radio station price
 102nd caller
 Station’s telephone line
Kevin Poulsen (Dark Dante)
 Supermarket
 Federal computer systems
 $56.000
 5 years of jail
 Senior editor for
Wired News
Thank you for your attention

Most notorious hackers

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