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Liberal Party platform document: “Your Family. Your Future, Your Canada.

Page Excerpt
29 EDUCATION: First Nations University in Saskatchewan, an important institution, will be re-
financed under a Liberal government.
29 A Liberal government will also create an Office of the First Nations Auditor General to
monitor progress, identify best practices, and ensure accountability for public funds.
28 EDUCATION: Aboriginal Learning
The Kelowna Accord broke new ground in building relationships among federal, provincial
and Aboriginal leadership based on respect and shared commitment to fairness and
results. ......
28 EDUCATION: A Liberal Government will invest an additional $200 million in its first two
years to lift the cap on post-secondary education funding.
29 EDUCATION: Addressing the challenges in K-12 education is even more fundamental. A
Liberal government will work with Aboriginal leadership to address inadequate funding over
the medium term, starting with $300 million in new investment in its second year.
37 HEALTH: $40 million over four years to implement a new Healthy Start program to help
250,000 children from low-income families access healthy, home-grown foods, in partnership
with the provinces, territories and non-governmental organizations. A Liberal government will
also commit to ongoing support for the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) and
Aboriginal Head Start Program (AHSP)
54 Canadians cherish equality – equality of individuals, of women and men, Aboriginal and non-
Aboriginal people, of North and South, rural and urban, and people with disabilities and their
fellow citizens.
57 HOUSING: The new Framework will promote progress on the particular needs of people with
disabilities, as well as Northern and Aboriginal communities.
60 WOMEN: Dealing with Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women
Violence against women persists in all Canadian communities. Aboriginal women are
particularly affected. ......

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