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In ͚What͛s Eating Gilbert Grape?͛ directed by Lasse Hallstrom an important event is when
Gilbert and Arnie leave Endora with Becky in the last scene. The event is much different in
comparison to previous scenes where Gilbert is confined at Endora, ͚the end of the line. This
is shown by the lighting, camera angles, dialogue and music.

The last scene where they wait to see Becky is in many ways similar to the first scene of the
film. Gilbert and Arnie are waiting for the caravans. In comparison to the first scene Gilbert
is happier. When Arnie announces that he can see the caravans their faces are lit up by
luminous light and smiles lit up their face. The effect is to show how joyful and free they are.
The importance in this event is that Gilbert is getting freedom from his dysfunctional family
and stifling small town environment. Also a low angle shot is taken of them. We see Gilbert
and Arnie. This conveys the image of them looking large, big and important

In the last scene a voice over is said by Gilbert. Instead of sounding depressed he speaks in
an excited voice changing pitch. He says, ͞We can go anywhere͟. We feel that Gilbert is in a
much different mood than before such compared to the first scene. In the first scene he
does voice over where he says, ͞They͛re doing the right thing just passing through͟. In the
first scene he sounds like he has given up and has accepted the fact that he probably be
trapped here for the rest of his life. Previously Gilbert always has many responsibilities with
Arnie and providing for the rest of his family. This event is important because it leads to
Gilbert gaining his own life, independence and freedom; not just looking after the family.

When Gilbert and Arnie are leaving in Becky͛s car the music is joyful and louder in pitch than
in the first scene or any other part of the movie . This is different to music when Becky says
she is going to leave. At that time only the sound of cicadas and nature is heard humming
softly in the background. The loudness of the music conveys the importance of the scene.

In ͚What͛s Eating Gilbert Grape͛ an important event is when Arnie and Gilbert leave with
Becky. This event is about Gilbert gaining his freedom and leaving Endora and is shown by
the lighting, camera angles and music.

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