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I don't think I could ever express how deeply sorry I am for the way I reacted.

I allowed my own stress,

my own exhaustion after long work days, coupled with my pigheaded and otherwise stubborn nature to
get in the way, and I lost sight of what was truly important. You deserve so much better. You are an
amazing woman going through a rough time, and I should have been there for you, and I wasn't. I wasn't
a very good boyfriend, and I guess I'm an even worse friend.
Words will never express to you how much you mean to me, how much you will always mean to me, but
I guess my actions fail to show you that as well. The idea that I could continually leave you disappointed
and heartbroken, and bring even a single tear to your eye absolutely crushes me. I hate that I've let you
down time and time again. You are a truly beautiful and wonderful woman with an incredible heart. You
deserve to be treated so much better.

With all my heart, I do hope your brother improves quickly and gets out of the hospital very soon. I also
hope your mother's health improves as well. But, most importantly, I hope you don't wear yourself too
thin. I know you are where you need to be, caring for your brother, but I hope the stress isn't too much
for you. Your health and happiness will always mean the world to me, even if I have a shitty way of
showing it. I am truly sorry I couldn't be the man you needed.

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