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Are You Having Trouble Falling Asleep or Staying Asleep?

Have You Tried all the prescription medicines ?

Are You Thinking about Using Herbs, Supplements or other kinds of treatment?

If this description fits you then you might want to consider this information:

Kava-Latin Name Piper methysticum. This plant is native to the islands of the South Pacific and
is a member of the pepper family. Kava has been used in the past to help people fall asleep but
according to the NCCAM it is not a proven therapy for this use. It has proven beneficial in some
studies for relief of anxiety, but it also has been associated with dystonia which is a condition
involving abnormal muscle spasm or involuntary muscle movements. The FDA has issued a
warning that Kava supplements have been linked to a risk of severe liver damage which can be
fatal. Because of this warning NCCAM funded studies into this plant have been stopped.
Additional information on this plant can be found at

Valerian - Latin name Valeriana officinalis . This plant native to Europe and Asia has long been
used for sleep disorders. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (NCCAM) the scientific research that has been done on this plant so far indicates that
it may be helpful for insomnia . NCCAM is funding additional research on its effects both on
healthy older adults and on people with Parkinson's. Valerian is generally considered safe for
short term use and has mild side effects such as headache, dizziness, and upset stomach . The
Mayo Clinic says that Valerian increases the effect of drugs such as alcohol and Valium, and this
should be taken into consideration when evaluating this product for personal use. Additonal
information on this plant can be found at
Drawing of Valerian Plant

Melatonin - This is a substance produced in the brain. Melatonin supplements have been used for
a variety of medical conditions especially disorders related to sleep. The Mayo Clinic says that
there is good scientific evidence that melatonin given to elderly people with insomnia decreases
the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and leads to improved sleep quality and morning
alertness. There is also good evidence that children with various behavioral, developmental, and
intellectual disorders have reduced time to fall asleep and increased sleep duration when given
melatonin. Finally, there is good evidence that melatonin given to healthy people also enhances
sleep by decreasing the time it takes to fall asleep increasing the feeling of sleepiness, and
increasing the duration of sleep. The Mayo Clinic does caution that most of these have been
short studies and so long term effects are not known.

Additional information on melatonin can be found at
The NCCAM says studies suggest some forms of relaxation such as meditation may help
people with insomnia. Preliminary studies also suggest that yoga may improve sleep quality.
Lasting improvements in sleep have been observed when these forms of relaxation are combined
with stimulus control. Stimulus control when applied to insomnia requires that the patient avoid
naps, arise at the same time every morning, go to bed only when sleepy, get out of bed when
unable to sleep and use the bed only for sleep or sex. The NCCAM sees meditation and yoga as
fruitful areas for additional research.There are many different types of meditation and yoga for
individuals to choose from and it is not known currently whether the effect on insomnia would
vary with the particular type of meditation or yoga chosen.

It can be difficult to figure out if a health source is reputable or not. The following tips
can be helpful in that regard.
-Who runs the website? - A reliable site will give you this information very clearly.
-Who pays for the site? - Does it sell advertising? How might the source of funding
affect what content is presented on the site and how it is presented?
-What is the purpose of the site? A clear statement of purpose can help you evaluate the
trustworthiness of the site.
-Is the source of information on the site clearly labeled?
-What is the evidence for the advice given on the website? Scientific research is more
reliable than personal testimonials, stories, and opinion.
-How is information on the site selected and reviewed? People with professional and
scientific degrees should review material before it is posted. An editorial board
would be evidence that material has to go through a process before it is
-Is the information on the site current? This is especially important for medical sites
because outdated information can be misleading or even dangerous.

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