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Functions of Communication

 To meet needs
 Enhance and maintain a sense of self
 Develop relationships

 Fulfill social obligations

 Exchange information

 Influence others
Nature of Communication
 Dynamic
 Systemic
– Contextual, has interrelated parts, in
synergy, has constraints which affect

Model of Communication
Nature of Communication
 Involves communicators
 Irreversible
 Proactive

 Symbolic interaction
 Personal

 GroupReport/Presentation on Models
of Communication
– Group 1: Lasswell
– Group 2: Shannon-Weaver
– Group 3: Schramm
– Group 4: Berlo
– Group 5: White
Models of Communication
 Organizing value
 Investigative feature
Models of Communication
 Aristotle – art of rhetoric
– Speaker, message, audience
– Ethos, logos, pathos
 Lasswell – sociologist
– Who says What in what Channel with
what Effect
– Channel and effect
Models of Communication
 Shannon-Weaver
– Telephone model
– Noise
 Schramm
– Fields of experience
 Berlo
– SMCR Model
Models of Communication
 White
– Monitoring
– Circular
 Dance – helix
– A model or not a model?
 Wood
– Language and Time
Misconceptions about
 What we need is more
 Speakers bear the burden of
effective communication
 Meanings are in words

 Effective communicators are born

Levels of Communication
 Intrapersonal

 Interpersonal
 Public

 Mass
 Organizational

 Intercultural
Modes of Communication
 Verbal
– Spoken, written
 Nonverbal
– Gestures, facial expressions

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