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Sarah Woodall

Professor Jan Rieman

English 1103-002

March 25, 2011

Writing Personified

Writing and I haven’t always been best friends. I use to hate Writing or I thought I did at

least. When I was upset or angry, I would used Writing to vent to, even if it was only one

sentence. I didn’t realize Writing had always been there for me. Writing pushes me to be

creative and allows me to say things that I normally wouldn’t say to anyone else. Writing also

relieves my stress and frustration. I can tell Writing anything.

Now, before you get the idea that Writing and I have the perfect relationship, we don’t.

We have our ups and downs just like every other relationship. We don’t always agree with what

I say or what I want to say. Sometimes I have to tell Writing things I don’t want to, but Writing

makes me say them. Writing can be very controlling and restrictive. Sometimes I don’t want to

spend time with Writing, and believe me, Writing can get clingy. Sometimes I want to spend

time with some of my other friends, and Writing begs for us to hang out. Writing guilt trips me

and makes me feel like talking to Writing is a duty instead of a want to.

Even though, Writing and I don’t always get along, Writing is a very good part of my life.

I should probably spend more time with Writing doing creative activities. I love the aspect of

being able to tell Writing anything. I wouldn’t trade Writing for the world…. well, maybe

Reading. ;)

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