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Radhe Radhe

Varun : Gopashtami is usually celeberated in the month of

Karthigai. This marks the the Govardhanaleela of Lord Krishna
where he protected the Vraja vasis from the anger of Lord Indra
for 7 days. Today the children from our satsang are going to enact
this play from Srimad Bhagavatham.

Arvind : The Entire village of Gokul was so worried by the attacks

of demons. They felt Gokul isno more a safer place to Live and
they all had a meeting and decided to move to Vrindhavan.

Varun : At Vrindhavan the cow boys used to take their cattle to

the pastures for Grazing.As our little Krishna has grown up little
more he started to go with the cow boys to gaze his father’s cows.
There were still demons like vatasura,vakasura ,aghasura
dhenukasura who were slained by Krishna and attained mukthi.
Krishna did the Kalinga Narthanam on the banks of river Yamuna .
In the meanwhile, The Vrindhavan was getting ready for a
festival. Since Ancient times, Indra has been worshipped for
timely rains. They do a big pooja for lord indra…

Scene 1;

Arvind : One day our little Krishna saw Nanda Gopar and Yashoda
ma busily preparing for a puja and preparing varieties of delicious

Krishna : Mom,Dad What is the special occasion? Why are you

all so busy?

Yashoda : Krishna, we are going to perform a pooja for Lord

Krishna : Why do u worship Indra dad?

Nanda Gopar : Because he is the one providing us with good rain.

Krishna : Dad, isn’t it Indra's responsibility to take care of

nature and bring timely rains. It is really the Govardhana hill that
we need to worship—it provides us with grass for our cattle, gives
us shade and fruits, and brings down the rain by stopping the

Varun : All Gopas and Gopis agreed with Krishna, because they knew he was
always right! They all happily carried the food and other offerings to the
Govardhana hill. It was a great celebration during which Krishna himself assumed
a huge form and consumed half of the offerings, thus showing that Govardhan
Maharaj was none other than Himself. At the end of the celebration, all the food
was distributed to everyone in Vrindavan, even the animals and birds.

Arvind : Indra was furious at the Gopas’ action. His pride blinded
his eyes to Krishna’s real identity and Indra viewed him as a mere
cowherd boy. At Indra’s command, storm clouds gathered over
Vrindavan and the rain began to pour with a vengeance, flooding
the entire region and destroying homes. The gopas and gopis
knew that their only refuge was Krishna. They ran to him and fell
at His feet, surrendering themselves to Him.

Gopas & Gopis : Help ! Save us Krishna….

Krishna : Follow me, dear ones. Our Govardhan will

protect us.

Varun : He simply walked up to the huge mountain and lifted it with ease, like he
was lifting a pot of butter. The Gopas and Gopis were both stunned and thrilled.
Their little blue boy was carrying a mountain on his pinky! The rain lashed for
seven days and seven nights. But the people and cows of Vrindavan were
undeterred. Safe under the wings of their own little Lord, they enjoyed their break
from the routine daily work. It was vacation time for them!

Arvind : This act of Krishna crushed Indra's pride, made him realize his mistake
and surrender to the Lord.
Indra :Krishna, I am very sorry. You are Mahavishnu.I made a mistake. Pls forgive
Varun : Kamadhenu who had come along with indra was very
happy because Krishna saved all the cattle of Vraj.

Kamadhenu : Krishna you have protected all the cattle. Kindly

pls accept my milk as well from today on wards you will be called

Gopas & Gopis : Govinda Govinda Govinda

Arvind : She did the pattabhishekam for Krishna with her own milk and crowned
“Govinda”, the king and savior of the cows.

Varun : This day where Indira’s pride was settled was the ashtami
day after the Diwali. That’s why we celebrate this day as
Gopashtami where we are thankful for all the cows,mountains and
the forests which still protect this world.

Arvind : In this lila, the Lord demonstrated that when we have complete faith and
walk the path of the Lord, He with (literally) move mountains to protect us when
we are in trouble.

Radhe Radhe.

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