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Effective Today September 02, 2008, the following Chatroom

Guidelines must be strictly observed;

1. For Chat Owners and moderators. Make Member only those you
know or those who wish to be Members;
2. Respect for other Chatters is necessary; please be guided with
some “netiquette”.
3. Any concern against a chatter must be coursed thru Private
Message, not in the main Chatroom.
4. Tagalog and English language only. Using other languages may
be a barrier to good communication.
5. The following violations with definitions will have the following

Violation Definition Sanction

Impersonation Using other person’s 1st: Kick
name 2nd: Ban
Invites/ Posting Inviting other 1st: Warning
chatters to other 2nd: Ban
blogs/sites or posting
links not related to
Cursing/ Destroying and/or 1st: Warning
Defaming use of foul words 2nd: Kick
against any chatter; 3rd: Ban
personal attacks
against a chatter
All CAPS Netiquette defines it 1st: Warning
as SHOUTING and as 2nd: Kick
it is disturbing to 3rd: Ban
other chatters

6. Moderators can ban for a maximum of 6 hours. Banning hours

depends on the gravity of offense committed by a chatter.
7. Co-owners can ban for a maximum of 24 hours. Banning hours
depends on the gravity of the offense committed by a chatter.
8. Only the Main Owner can ban FOREVER.
9. These guidelines apply to all chatters; Guest, Members,
Moderators, Owners.

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