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Afirol cal, judgenu

I .' .1'L-.4 ._E. -tJ·:

I . \r\'hcrci n i~ (_lcli10nfl ra ted I~~I


, Inconlp~lrablc Secrets according

to the beft Rules in AI til


, .

: Firft how to find out or. difcover Theft·· .. ["i:1l.1

or Thceves , tob much ufed in this Nati-

, on-to the: grc'at damage of many People': MWCP<tJC

-Sccondly to d ifcovcr Fugitives au

j Beans Lotl or Srravcd &c_

i COll1pc[~dl011~y,,~t forth [or the good

: o~all people ,,_(pcciall,: t~ rhote rhat . .;.:~

I 'Ire not enermcs to this Noble Arr. :.' ,'0''_.'_

i .

• t ._. ~ _.,___. __ - --- --- . -. . - -' -- - - .... :-;

i. j.: 11l('Urc,-c~~nR".Pt1Jre Ecct ant , ':;,

t'II,"1t.tT - ~ !. 1.) ; ~:.-:- -~,

I By ~" ')onJ"Gr~fji", S1,ud .. in l\Ctrology;'


Ex A Ilr;] opt im e eft h.~!Jrier..d~ ~ci~n1f4~ ..

~- ---- ----- . ,

London; Printed by ret;;' LlllicT_tlp,:

: ~ ~ i I I 6 6 5..· ",.

----"!""'--- --.


7n'~f 1';) (- ~\H,~·..a~iL~_' .. - - --------- 'n


1." 0

His much Honoured' Friend' j

. .

Mr. C H Jot\. R L E S. CHI P,

TIle Author wisheth all happi .. ' nefs in this world, and Eternal fe- . licity in the world to come.


Made bold to Dedicate. this fmalI piece toyou, , though fomewhaz. 'a · ftranger to you at; preCent, 'yet being deiired by a faithfull friend of

yours : who informed me of'thegreae rcfpeCt: you owe to Art; I could' do

·A2 : ... no

. ',

. . .

7h~Epiflle. "' no lefs~ therefore good Sir, let me Crave your pardon in this my prefumption, and let me defire you to pafs by my .imbccilicles, which I do not fear but that you will, when you have feri-

'. "o~~y contider ~¥ Minority, and how hard a" matter It IS to cOlnprehend the ~fuQdity of this moft fublinle Science c and 110\\7 to let you underfiand what moved mehere to make my felf publique~ isthe true - love that I O\VC

. to my- 'Countrey , and I 'hope rnoft will receive benefit by thofe Illy weak indeavours, and upon this account onely~Ihave make known to ~be,,;,orl d this little traCt of Aftrolog y 1xn.rehingTheft;' knowing it rnuft pafs the; Cenfirre of various capacities, and from .the unskilf~l I expeCt blots, but

"'from'the Judiciousa,friendly CorreCtion~-:'-and, if .at :lafi: it may 'be crowned wrth your 'Protection, Illy ex~1?eecation is fully unfwered r who faithfully

The Epiflle •.

faithfully defires to' fubfcribe himfelf,

Sir, Jour devoted flrvant '

for ever to Commdna3 Anthony' Griffin.







To the J lldiciotls



~~~~·e.Hen I did foriollfl.J conftd~,. ~ vv ~ 'what 1llifchieJ' 1$ done by ~~~.~~'!i: . '1 bieue s IInd.Cheater, I could

'""i5i""' .... ,,~ ~

do 110 Lefs but tna4_e pZJ!J,.

;iciJte' tbis Little Treati[e t~uchil1~ 7beft, &c. JVberein AJlr·olog1ca1ly 1'S

.. ppl"tll/y'laid d otvn fOIJ'C VC11 excellent J1"1lles of Art Expcril11cl1L·zlly 'lIJJPlyjiecl, eaJie to be Ifncll1jhod by the 1JIe.meft ttJp.1pify, «nd cert ainly will be of nJllcf., adVll11ttlge, not ol1e~y to tboj« wbo are ri?~II virfcd in f bi.~ 1J1fJj futti me science:

JJitt It) 1Jl0jt otbers tlset are deJ;'·oIIS to be


. .r.

.,c:.· .. ··c.,./····.:fTothe Reader·

.' .

/Je inJirlJUed therein: a1'Jd fOr the 1Je:t ... :

t-er NnderJianding I have bere fhnvca 10'1 .whet~er ~lJe F ig~/rc at rbe t ilne "J the quejtlon IS Radic ail or 110t: ·tJaa.l

JOlt ma,J not deceiue J'ollr [eiues n01· t.he qnerent : . but certain y dired bi1n how to find th~ 7heifor goodsflolen, .&-c.ll1:td fl1J~etliJJeI it doth fo happen that malry th111gs Are fJliflaid) and not .ont of-

the querent s bou] e, but be j'1idg-eliJ 1:t jloJe bectlilfe theft is fo nJlu·h praOifcd . h J' firvant s :>C"c. ·1 hcrcfDre J beucdemonflrated to thyviclV, whether itbe

jlole or retsrai n in the hOIlJe (if fo Yin 2!hat part thereof it }'Hay prob .. 1blj be fonnd, Bitt if the gouds lire flo/en 1 have .(hewed thee ·the heft Rilles how:>to .. '

defcribe tb~ Thief or :l bicues ; 2rbiclJ·;~<··,·t ... :7}~.'·

WA1J t hClI I »_fi'.J. .. ..'''~';~ _c.··_, __ .~

~ .J ./ l~e') ==s« s or faI'JllI1ar~;.:~;.< J

&c. Ll~wife cOl1cernil1g Bea/is, i~~!,~~~r· .. Ji'I· ~.~

t bcv are If I ft I l 'J' r.J_".'-'.'

•. :/ J40 e or rtlyec, an« j Ifgitive,i;-·p'ii\·, .

WI tb nl a,:y' ~t her 111 att e rs vet y ItjeJ:;,Jj'iill ": . r lind beuificial, to all that alit jiJIC/lt:IJIS.....·




To the Rea er~·~;·"

;,0'" __ -;

in Ibis AFt, viz."_ Judicial Afrrology: " i

. So C;0NrtiolU Reader ~ tetlHe dejrc I tbee t8 pardon IIJy issbecilit ies ; and if Goa permit me with Life.~andhealthl

I Jhllil furnifb thee with another Piece 7rcating of the judgenzellts of all horary qllejlions, more perticular the1z any .Je~ extJlNt: dnd to all carping Critic4! antl"

.fantaflicall Jencerers 1 tbu» lJlalte tbes« t·

411 41Jjwer, ". j


Vt Ignanz cnoes

Omnihus i gnati.!', ./lliatrant ita. barbari 5 ~icquid non intelligunt

" CdTpNnl al d!l1JJnant. -,


Anthony Griffin.




.. • -. It


~'i~~~a~~.'i ••• *

. . '. . "

~ . c .......

A·' N· ". ~-"

_ i "

AJir%gical. 1 "t/gment .. -;

."" Touchin.g·. -. .: .~

T. H EF··~T· :&~:~~

. .. .

~ ,.

:_~'~:.~~ J

... . ... ~. '. . ..


.r . 1


1 j

{J ~ Firft to ~n!Jw_·whether the FigHre.'~e·jtii:'

~\ dical or-not. •.. '. : .:' - ... :. ..'.: r .': .",

~~" . t :, ~ . .' .,~_, . '. .', -;:-., ~, .". T.· -,~} i ~ ;_j_ .; "J: ~

, F~the Lord.of.the Af~~pda~t

'~"I.· and the Lqrd .of;!th~h~r :be·- both ,,?f _tlQe " 'triplici9' ::;;;iiiiiii., the. .Figure- ;ia - radical.1liid . Judgement may.- (af~ly .be gi~eJl."~ _,-r:, ".,!,

f -

• -. - ~ • _r- ,,- _

."' .. " . I.,:

I • ': ., of ...... _ " • - ... r ;a 1 -;; ~ ,. <

~ . . .. ~... -

. ,,: . .. .: Ex aN/pie ~ .. ~: . ~ .: .:

If Aries afcends and Mars be LQrd. or .the ,hoar .the Pigure .is radical; the .

: B fame

• Aw.Ajlr61gg;cAI HJge-g ....... ·

f~~~ if c dn.ce~ Scorpio or Pi[cI!S afce~ds

. ~I a.ov~fnMg I,hat Tripiicity,: jf

that Sagitlfri1f1 <?[ l'ifoes afcends and lupitel: be Lord of the hour, the Figure ' I~ Lu.4~1,~ aDa thus obferve of all the

. rea"':-' \vhktlby your own difcrerion you may eafilytimd out.

Wile!"! . t!te-~,l~~e[ degrees of a fign

. :1fcertd.S It IS riot afe to give Judgement ,u~llefs the Age Corprature and Com'plexj~nof the .Q!;lercnt doth agree _W~~~~,d:cgrets a,~ding.

Alfo wheuthe Second Third Fourth

or ~ift~ ~~grcc.~ . of a fign afcend.s)~hieft,iJAi tigll5 'f)r-(bOtt -afccnfioo, It JS not

flffe.l.~ :g~ve,~. Judgement uDle~ the

. ~~t ~~Dg. and (}roJt pf (tature., LJ .. ;:L~ tf:the·MoClR be 111 the6rll

degre6S~it'ftgh'dff:lre :ilJl1he Latrcr, giveno Judgement, for the Q_uerent com~s to try t~t::md 11.kewife for dc:-

Mt.-: " .' '~',~' .' .' " "

~)lltiJ.\c~~iif·rhc ~q. ~ IMforU1dt\~


~' [" . .; LlL':'

',', TOl«bittgTIJeft· ' i

or ~e v~id. of courfe.or i~ scorp;o~do af. cendor lftheDrngon.l .. milbe in thefi!ft or fcventh houfe, eriC that the fortunes and,infortDn"es be of equall ~~ih~all' thefedo fig~Jfie errourein Judgemeot~ and an unlucky endofthequefiion. '

Narrowly obferve whether thefe. venrh ~o~fe or his Lard be 'aflicted, ~ortben It JS a~ArgumentthattheA ... till fhall not galn Credit by, the quefti- .. on,.for. the fevenrh Houfefignifiesthc'"

Artdl hlmfdf: ' ' . ~.' ',\

NoR' I fl411 hegin' cOfIceTlling TlHft ;;;: .....

Il1tJ "'her Ihillg loft. , ,~' ':' ",

Whe~ a Q_uefiion is propounded'·

. concernmg .Theft~ !t is very conven.i-' ent to e?,amli1~ the Figure andfeewhether the tlfingenquired afeeebe Oolefi; or' not~ or 'whether it be in the Que- ' rents boufe or not, which may be die.

cemcdfeveral ways s as thus: .

B 2 . clJ.~,



, ·h·· ' h;~ - .......

7'OHC 1,ng~~ t.J.t.~',> ·,;,h, S:)

Iedond the feventh, 'or: i,n~t4eiigti~ of the eight) .nt a.sextileiJi)T:riat:lO' . the MODI! ~ then, the t~ing< enquii " ~ed after is not Itolen, but taken·~w.ay ~

'In Jell.· ~" .. ., .... ~.'

Ill. '. ~ ~ ~. £....."'- .. ~ ", ....

If that. the, Moon be,·;·ilj.~the,';f~{ venth , in the' .fign 'of,;theJ~ :Db the Hour, the. Lord of. the, nmur ~ be-r i~g,Lerd of'the.Ievenrh,' rhe.Goodsase! not taken awayj~ :b.ufJ,awr :Jeakf:aad'{

·ft k '., ...

.. . -,:"'h. . _ . .- 1.

ml a en •. : . " . ,,~ '} ;' .. t'l'1 :JJr .. 1'I f~ "'Ii..)

, If that the Lord.of.rhe: .. 1\feead'lnt '

and rheLordofzhchour bejiniCCtm.J-j.,- .:

C1io1tj '. the 'thing. enquired '.afie!!is ~".

0:1 . r f

.. ,.' _' , ;-1' - .

oen.,~· ,: !..-o'J ..• ,./T_'?'. )l1df}!'t).

If the Lord of the hour·,.theUdrdiD~':. :'.

the fourth~al1d;Planetin·the(~ur~~¢ ... ';. Moon' Of.' .her 'difpoftter,'anyhoftWe- '.~'<, Iignificators .being joynoo!· ~edtc.tchge..f· ,:'. ther, doth argue that the good'S!areJl0t ','

rrole~ b~tt neav;tb~ ~eredt •. :" j"!.\\li~': '

'H~~_ing' -found ; whether ·~tP~:·:· be in, . the" houfe -,l,or_'oot, now-Lfhall,

._ '. ': ~ B 3 {bow

6. .An .If ftroliigicMl J-dgcment .. " ' .. : ..... . ~·-· ~ in what part of the haufe, yo1lllliay difc~verthenl in? Firrt 1 {b~U lliDvl M't-.t places every ~ 19n doth re-

. 1'~,-. . '. . ~

Aries:> a place where ~nall b~afi are

.' hept,·:.lllirSheep .~ttd ~ch like. In ~o\'lfes ···dIe Iboafe, .Plal{tenng or coveong.of ~:'f: tbe~ ha.1f¢, _ Kitching ilaughfer-houfes

• or lJM:k..ilmW:s .Jnoufes of _ottice Chimneys ,! . filc.FlaCesa diftilling houfe,brew~bou[c

. or a place where Iron is wrought . on.

, .':' ~ ...... ,\aStable of:grea-t beafls and .. ~:.'~.*~re I mp1ements Ctf Carrel are . " .. bid u~JOw ,grounds and Cellars, and

gro~d _newly taken in, pattures and

"lOwed linds. '

'_ : 6_." uper R.ooms Cherts T 'runks

waJl$ and plafieringsof the hou~e Rorf!~·lb3,-lofts· .and Barns Hillsand

. , Mountains. . '. , '.'

,c."ttr-:J.WdlsCcllars T!~hes CifterUs~'a j~ where ·wat~Js .. ~ept, or ,dom ftaod great waters,' It.VCJs:

Marfhy- ,

. .

, . C

rIJNf!Jint· 7 &ft· t

Marfh y groundsjd itches \vithR. ulht$ and all kind ofmoifi and flabby pJ.~oes.:

LCII, Fire places as Chimneys' StOves Furnaces Ovens, many times a place' where a dog is kept, a Srable, - a Park: or F orrefr or ground new ly taken in:. " .

, Yirgtl, studdies, Clofets CofFerS· r;.._let.

ChcUs ~rrunk~ Cupboards oaytj~7; . houfes J a . rcfiuJg place for women; Ware-houles, a place of great Ca~tle as Horfes Oxen Calves &c.· .. " ., :"1';:': ,,"

, :3. ", ..

Libr4, Grounds near Witldmilraqt

houfes fides of Hills topS ofMou,~t~ a p'lace ~f Hawkingqr, ~unriD~J~tf-a. houfes Illgh Chatnbersg~ts ',' ~uti~~ Chamber within another.' .. :' . <,' .

~ 't.". - ~ .. ".-

SClI'1'io,> Sinks Kitching' W aftriiUr~" I '.

a place of creeping ve'nOlnobs Se.JJts., qtlaggy and fiinking grounds, R.~i~s.-' houfesCavcs and Prirons~ and.liite\9ife' GardensOrchardsand Vihe-'ar4~.~::;~r;

8ag~ttt~htJ!) ASt3b~~ t?f;~te~t:~~m~_ as Horfes' Cows Oxen, and m ~

B 4' .... ,~p-

~.. All .Afl.r..ologlcaI1,~dge_I1Je

up~r.~~opt.llS wherefire is or harbbeen

{{eot •. IHi.:-:; _. '.". . .

..rL-' ', ... - ~ .• ~ .

'" 'i~.~ 1R_~F4jJi-i~o_rn~s,A pl~cewhere old tools

~~ (Qr.h~sb~~~~y are laid ~P:J .dark places st: ig:p'vp1es"n~~r ~bt;,groulld or rhrelhold, !:.'::!. .. - #' 4q~a~ies, Roofs . or Eves-in houfes

. ' , l?~11y g~puo9s newly digged, a place of r_uJl~.\9g waters ;~l~.~qf pits,~p~grounds

. wlit;j;~ .np houfe ~s nlgh them. ~ e • • .

. ~\[;~ijCf!' Wa,t.t;ygJ;~~nds .Springs Rivers, w ater-mills moats about houfea

WFl)~' ~l:1~p.~:~Jij~r.~s Cunduits, an? , P'flf.~~!! where, ~~~fr: IS kept. ~ot~l~ ihe.J400n.'~e Jignlfi~ator. and 10 Pifes

1;ll~·the~hing.ishidden in a.Well .. ,

_.- ~ J"___" ~....... - • _-

.. .


a fj


. Touching Theft.' :,' .' ~,;

ly the .. fign of the fourth, and' the .·fign the Lord of the fourth is in, and the Planet in the fourth, fourthly the fign_ . the Moon is in, fifthly the fign where .. -:.", the part of fotrune is, Iixrly the fign the • Lord of the hour is in, and Collect all thefe teftimonies together,' and according to the Major tel1:imony fo Ju·dge •

. ... ~ - "


If that the Major part of thefe Teftimonies be Aiery figns; it is in .fome Chamber Garret- or Eves ofthehoufe or in ,(o~e Hay-lofr, and fo Judge of

all the refr. '. '. '. ' ..

. If~ that the princi pal fignificator· of the Major part of .: thcfe be drop' betwixt two fig~s,.~h~ thing-IT i~ng is fallen, down berwixr two Rooms OJ.' between the W~i9f~oai: and walls~Ot dropt.betweenIome flit or holeorthe

l·k ~ -_ . ,. _, '. '.,. ,

1 e.. . ''- ,.. ;.'

. .. \



so An Jlj1ro[ogictfI111a..f{ellle_;',.

- Note that earthy Signs flgnifie Deer

the Earth, low },tH:es In houtes, Cellars low mo01S fion:-houfes for Corn and Hay, places where old tools for hufbandrv are laid up, dark places or the glound~llear the rhrefhold or the like.

In tiery Signs wherefire is kerr. Jf·~.).tley Signs where water is kept a flnke or f~ln~llloi{t place, or a place mear' fome Cillern ; Or' where water

datIl confi: ,.t nt 1 y l ta nd. .

"r Jr.aft.

IS' s .. b:.· E.. Table doth fhow

:. .:IT W.: by,~. what ~part every fign - doth

s· ~r.h. fignifie, and. by it )'0\1 may . ~ E. by N. know in what part of the . - 'ttl. w. houfe the Goods are' in,. ~.w(ft.,.~'. like-..yife it may direet the nL .N. •. i!Y E.' Q!lerent. to what parr

"- ""I'" ~~.~: the Thief is ~ne" . which

~ .. ,. c. .. afrerwards \vtll· be' de-

...... w. by.,N. -r: ibed . 1"

)('N .··by w: . le!'J . lDore at urge.: .

, .

~. .. , .

i }.




f. I"

• I •

i· {'

fr , t

~ 1 \


That IheGolJds : ".reflolcll.

If the Lord of the Houfe ofthe Moon, or the Lord of rhe secorrddo Ieparate from any Planet it is flolen. '.

If a Pcrigrine Planet give virtue -to the MoOll~ or the Moo" to him it is . fiolen.

.If the Lord of the Afcendantdo give VIrtue to the figllificator of the Thiefit is Ilolen,

I f that the Significator of the True€- .

be Perigrine it i's frolen. - ., .'.

If the fignificator of the Thicfbe in cQ.IIjunl/ztm, .or A(pea:~the Lord.of'the ~~cendant by £!_l4rti/c or ·opp"Ji~#"!'; .:

It Ii Itolen, -, -', . - "

. Jf the fignificaror of the Thi~f: b~: h~ld ~h~ Moon by !J(!larti/j: orCo.nj""-: ;"

/Jlon It IS Irolen. _. .'.'

. If any Planet be in the Afcendant'~' and give virtue to the fignificarorof .

the Thiefit is Itolen. If


J'2 .An Ajrrol~gicall1idiement

If a JLJcrigrine Planet be in the Af.. cendant 'or Second Houfe it isItolen.

If that the part of forrune or his

Lord be unfortunate it is Itolen.: .

:lfnone of thefe 'aforcfaid Tefrimo-

nies be it is not Itolen. ,... . .

Brit neverthelefS in your Figu'retexa~Iy obferve and compare the tefi:in~tihles,

. for not Irolen, and there. teO:illioJiies ' for Irolen andlee which is mofrweigh- , . treft and according give· J ud:geiTIent.

.. - ~. ..

. .

• • .. - ,. 1-

How toflnd (Jltt ~~~ ftgniflt~~~:r.of the

_, '. . . Th i ef-' . - , , : .

_.... ..

. '.

:> trhe 'figrilficrtto~ of the 'Theif, is a~ Planet perigi°i'nc' in any o.fthe four Angles or fecond houfe, If r~o~ take th.e Lord ofthefeventh for he 15 the figOl-,

nelli'ot- oft-he 'Thief, '

.. .

'. { . ,. .

Aa~:ft·r.iP~;iQ~ of 't be ~ ~~ef by. Sa~u.~ri ~n

. . r4P.J oj the I ~ S~g.ns.. '.:'.

~ ..... ~ ..,- .. .

:. Saturn in Aries. I

'1 . •. . " ~ ~ ~",; - .

. " '.' f

• <' ..... ~._ -

.,. •• r ..

The Theif hath "it' 'hoarfe voice,

high forehead, g~~~~ ,a!1~ .full face ~lmoll: black eyes, [mall haIr on hIS ChID

but thickon .. his head ..

-' ~ ~


Saturn - in 'Tall·,.ui •.

-. _ J.:... •

A large fOJ;~h~ad:;) an ill favoured countenance, and' looking downwards very fad and M~Janch.91~y!)~nd an inconftanr perfon having a rhick

nofc. - . ::.":'". ,

: __ • _ _ ....... ~ l' c- •

Sdlllyn In Gemini; ..,

, • J .. ~. , .~

The Thief is moderate in his man .. ners, betwixt \vickc'C1nels and g~t1tlencfs to them : that are itt his comp.anY2

" ..' -. ( ". one

( \.

S4tHr" 10 C41ICer. .

Black eyes a finall face 3 broad great forehead a great fpace betwixt his eyes and one that is an unconllant perfon,

If SIItHrll in Leo.

" 'A lean face hollow eyes, a. thick neck great Armes broad fhoulders and looking downwards, one that is very forgetful).

~~ A zreat head, and his hands very

L. , , • hairy

f r

7Mft. I,'

hairy one of a profound ludgcmcut yet unconfrant in mind. ,

Gat"rn in Li/', ••

A great and a large forehea~ long neck, black hair.his note fuetcbcth OIK ~. and ofren the nails of his bands goesdf and he is one well dcfcended.

- - '

A long and narrow forehead, fowl

great fhoulders and feet, a high Wife neck) the whole body in general but" mean, generally in the fign he hath much hair upon his head. .


An indifferent great body' and, firaight, a great. nofe, an~ a' greae Countenance, neck, thick, and '

00· .. ,

try: '

Saturn in Scorpio :

SAlllrn in 9,,~arilll.

, {

,~14 An AjlrilogHaijililgement .

one of a fair voice and a ve~y wellfpo- '.

. 'ken perfon, and -':gives g~d" Counciil and he efteems much ofhimfelfbroad fhoulders a finull waft his beard of the Common Elfhion and he hath but little hair onhis head.

. "

16 A» Ajlro/iigical'1ttJgcment

hairy, likewife a greatmocker.

s aur» in Capric(Jrn~s.

. .

A long face and yellowiili, a {harp voyce;a. .firaight~forehead thick feet . and. hands,. and· likewife very' 'rough and hairy and a fialnmering. 0" in . his

freech. "

saturn in Aqnaries-


A great head, round eyes a thine face towards his.Chin, and his imployment .moft. in moiftne.:ls ,\ ZtS -a; Dyer,

Shipwright or a,6fhe.rman~·8{c~. J

, . -. "

l . ~ .' .: ~j -: ! : - -

. S tdur It .iu . pifc~.r .,. .:

Being Itrong jlndfortunateby good AfpeCts, he is a man of a goo,d defcent:) and.a noble Gentleman. born,~though Sat"r~ beevil of·hlmfelf, ~his~figo~' he hath:iliefimilitudeof good 01annerS!J

' .. : ; ::,:+ . great

• •

, ~ . . ,_ ..... " :"1:' _ . - { c ~ ~', -: i : ~'] _ -7.: .']

Jf J~(Jrt de.fcription-Df theot.IJ~r; plRnets "JupiJ:er :>Mars, SoLV~ntis and 'M~r~qrY·

_ • l' ,.. ~ ~ .~ i ... . _. .. \,.... : ,; ( ~~ ,_

Furthermore i(· the . fignificaror . be, pf,.s~tll~~~it ~~oth6gni6e a \vbitemifl',t ,,,,,ii¥~.~!<;l~ ~ he hatli;~:r,Q~~~J}~9,:ilfelther. man or' W()nla~. t.heY;;~~y~~t,?me: darker fight then ordinary ,.~ne offome Geeeility, . "~; . ': ' . .. \ ~

If MArs be Iigniticator iIJ.the .. place' of1!1piter, the .Thief Ihallbe ofa yel-' Iowilh complexion drawing to rednefj

" a round face, a long and a {harp enin l'.

bi~ brows bent. a bo~~~·qo.m~ .. the Mop*:J whore. end doth !~~~h to bi~f;\.~ .

llqfe, a thin beard,' light atid'fwiftof'

~glOiDg about his own. matt(J'~,r~one qf a

... C," C 11-'


. , j~ .. An .Afl,.iJogtc"U,~i:lge1llen . fb~ip" wit~{ln~ very bold~, a~(:onfi-

d" eue, :, :; ,. - ,,~ : . _ ',' : . i, •

_' ,!,. _ i"'_ • _.:.

T I - ..

. lEthe su;,: be'Ggnific:ator'and in the place of Mars, the Thief is ofa wbitifu br.o.~D.) a ,v_ery, round face, a finger,«

'. Taylor or a~boCi:her,·: ',.,:' . o_', :'1 '{':,,~, -:. •

, '. 'ff-J7'JW,}~ be figniffdrt'ot_ in .·tQe .plu~J;! o~tbe SNit, he or {he is white, and ydia:)of~'al1~ blots, -oi< marks, nnd hath ah~onett~:and ':1 . COl1'l:ety -CoUIl1;enlif\ee~

,:; and ~ttfi~comely--\ty,lI!d~ ",,,ndetfull

.: . gentle lovbig aiid-te8d~t. - i'. : .:; .

. If '!t:le~c1Iry be ih ttte place' of- YiHII¥. &: fignificator ,it '6gnifies u thin b'~~td,lictle b~it, ofa fandy co~ple~ion.,fo·nl<!what , fQnS'~fag~, fullot';fpeech aml:<5Hat.. _ rering;' without: r~ 'or di{tret~9r)l bu~. very i~gepioli~ nil~ wi tty.' :. } l: , ' ,

.... !- •• -.. ,,'" • . ~ ~~, ... , ',. •

, f'~~~~~:;$;:#::t{~ ~;:!>~~n

__ ' )., • -r '_ .,~'.. • _ .' i. ;,", . • . ..'

1:~The:)~on:figflificnor of .rhe j"heif .

: ~ :: f. " ; , ~:. and

\: _.

C .Q'


"_ "

~ ~ " '-.'

22 - ,'An Aflr .. 4.Ie.8HaI;lH.(!.gwenf thF~\Qwl rW-lligq; :;~t: qlfq~hadlJwl~' b~OO Jtl~ijt;'·~Jldl:YI L .; T~ -i~' .' ~ t;! .. 2~c 1 ~ ,'-: . .'~'_.~. • .

. ~~:I~~·~~;i~Qlm~. fifO :balf flfl.'ifu"", 1 gJ..ytifL)P1)m~Q: fRl.\\1"~:(OW~~~Qft", hmj~~b~ ~Jj.PJf ~~n,; 3-_gRe80lie~d; ~ r~ti\" ffiY~~:) ~:tt)~~~1·;gr~a t flol~. : . _' '

• ; • ~ "~ 1." t~! ..:~' -:

......... I ~ ~ --; _ • '. _- _ t " - i ~ -. ~ , , ., ":

'" l '- 7 _ . ~ ~.. :- _- .;.~ ~ •• - _-

,·.~.~r:~···- f -.

, .

• , ~: _ -.. .' • • ~ - _ 'l' ,_ .. - '. -_ • "

...... i ~ . ..." r ". ~;..-,

: . .~;-~ ~. ~.

.. "

• '.~' i, .. - ~ • ~ • J J l" i· . ... . ti ~ i - .

. - '_LQQk' to. :th~:- "~90n, ~p(\! if {be be

: .~, fig!l~t:~~9:r, and 1~ .'$~OI7P'''~' f!~g inf9r-. . 'tl}~~f!YY.- '~~~J1r ._A.f'lr:$_tJl3~<l.:.~e,#!".f' have nny A.fpea by the Moon, the Bar:- ~

ty: ~~ .. hurt h~, ,th~p~ivY;p~r.~s;_by .fome ~?9WP~~lf~.'!CAiJ1~r:Qiloje~·~~erally lf~t,\i~t .the, MOOIfl~ ,b~hold :t~~;-6gnl11c~-

, . t~p(tq'~-Thie(qr .-liavt;· apy 4igQ~i~

_ where.he .. -l·s· •. , _ " .. "!. - ' • {''"',': ~ .. -,"". ;

",". • .-~ t. f, _ J. -. -( .. _._ - ~ t - .' • T ,

.~ 'If:th~,:·l\1po.n 'lWrfig~~~or-~of-[lb~

_. >. - .. ' .. - .. ,..:. r '.. • • 'Thief.

• , ~" ,_! ';. . - • - .~_ _ J ~

~... .. .'':' 'J. __. ~ t: _. .

,,- :,' - --'


• •

.;.. . ,!l't!.iI_c6.ktg, . ::,' 2 ~ Thief, and fbe '\l.~~r~una~e!) i~ .'hows fome defect in t~~ parries: ·~y~~fi.ght; cheifly if {he ,,\.J,t;. intt!w~ 4!F~~aq~. at,;flietcd by Sa~ur~,Ma~s ;O,r. ~P.-~ ~-M; ,._

If ~Jqrc~r.J be. ~gnjfi~~~q~, .and ' in ~artile or opp_oji!~t1. ,9~':'" 411TII, it, notes the Thief to have fome impedi-

ment in his fpe~~h! ~ 'J I" • .

-If VenHS be fign~ficato~ ~,~~. .inany the figns of MAr s. it notes a ~wioma~ infamous for whoredom, Yf1l1l6. ligni6c~tor and in 1f_I!Arl.i!e or opefttion to

Mar s fignifies the like. .: , " ..:

l/enHi figoifir:at,or of the Thief,and in Leoi; or with the 1?~agons-:tlfil; denotes the Th_ief to have a .. Copper qQfe~ .: ' .

SAtNT-n or· .,;Mar.r . in . iJpp'O]i.li_IJfJ '

to. rbe 'fignj~~~tor of ·.the· ,'-:-fhief fhows that the Thief is fick Or will be

Ih QJ:t 1 y.~ .' " , .: :' ":' , " .

Velzus fignificat~r and void of,cQPr(t!igivcs}~ Mark in. ,he face,_or ~ ~~~~'ey'e :~r:3 WCl{t):bullffio\v 'of 1l)~10p', ~heJl .

," , -' C' '4· - . • 11 " - "Ilie

. j

240 .A~ AflrDlogi'~lltl'~udgement

{h~'gives aliolldw:MO'111d.' ""', '

,~ If th1t"tbe.Moori ·\lave any dignities where' ~(retigrineP.Ja'net is" then there is a .Mark where th~'Moon is,or where 'that 'Per-¢gme; iPlanet is, the fign \\1 ill '·d,ifcbverjn~~'wmat piart"',of the body it

_ • • T <!,:, . t - '%

"15 In. <", ";....~' '~-

] f .rhat the Moon' QC in Q!!ltrtile~ or 'oppofiiion to" the ·fignificator of the -Thi¢f' in' ·the fecond houfe, it notes a 'Ma:rk I in the' neck, if in the third houfe

in the', Arms and' {boulders and :fo in

order Sec. ' !'

; ·:5 If' th~t the . Moon be weak. or . in

. ~drlileor oppoJitiolt to Sat.llr1J.~' or .;'it denotes a mark to be in the

,',tigh: Vv~b~+re the Moon is. . " ... -, ': .. >_.

. "Tf that 'the Lord of the fixthbe in'fottutia:te. there is ~ Mark in" rhefign where he is, and likewife in rhefign of

the c·ufpe'of the Iixth; '" ~ ,2',~ :1\ j ~

, ~Alf(j .obferve the fame" Method by r;th~ flg' 'nLAfcending;and bytbe6gri that .. < i -:,' the

• •

,r, , .. ~. ~ 7\oNfh_*~~,~beJ;t,_. >~ .~~, ~ S.

the Lord ofthe -AfcendantiaiD.l£tbe

~ " .._' ,- ~ - _' ~ ~ - .,. _ ... _. ...r .. .- j

Lord of the Afcendant be infortUoate, then it ,isct'rtain.: ,,' ~ r: • .. ~ e ~:' ,'_.

___ . ._"..... . ~ - J -., l. . .1' . ~

.: IfSAtllr'n be infQ~~Q.~a~ ~.~~~ cendanr, .. gives a \:>r;ui_fe or. ;~;,~.Jike io. the head or face, ,Mdr. s infortwlate: in the Afc¢ndant ,,6g~i~esac,~~: I'~Ij;~ head .. of. fa,ce,er'elCe, d~~~. by.

Iron, , ::'._. . " , . . -:, 'c .:

. If.rhat tpeSllnbe.figni~c:.~i~ i~ fiery figns and infortunate,it~~~~ a bald head and {hurt curledb3ir ·.~:But unfortl~nate in watry fig~1s!!l :~t~~ the Thief to have ,c.}: (c~l' d head: ~ -',


//':26 An Aftrjilog')alJ-"~ement

t- .-.·It • r ., -, -. , .. ". ,. •

the' ~~t'irObbedlbyjrhis0Wn coun ..

':i u"'~ .... &._ r '

" 11""":'·f11:f:J'i.T r : " _-,';-: ". •

ce ~"'~ ... - ',.'> ~" '" ., J .J, • - .....

. ~f a be in :rhefitll: hoofe,- and, th.atr.tafJ~tsRg~;~e·oll: the t11i'rd· houfe, 3nd~Haf':IJgn ,. be ferbininc, '_fay'he wus rol.Jb~~~by his 'Qfte~or fOiTlf!Kinfwoin~h{9rJ-:6me nergnli0ur nearhim, and. fo in erder/of tllt:~·'l·ef\:-ot rhe houfes,

, I f that both the Lumi n.iries behold

~'" ~i

i:he!;Afc~hdant~:I1:ht Tl?iefis Oi1~ of the

fatnily} .: ~ '" . ,-!, .. . .... "1 " l., . ,

. :. Th~:Lord of the" kventh;' in the A[-

tenditirt1the-[allle/' - :

I f tha~the Sltn·.and· M.oon; be·brith in,

their own houfes, it is one of the fa-

• J miiy; ," :'.'. . ~. ;-~'. ' ', .. .: .: . '. .. . : ,

But ,~~ only ·oii~;' of. the lights .dC)t~l :behdld; the1,Afceridaot,. the, ThIef IS,

-one t\1at· is a f:,1ni·l1ar· in the houfe but ,·dotnnot'dwel;l·there. '

.~, If~he'_l-:or:~ of the Afcendaut be joy'nedwieh ~1 Planet nenrthe'Afceridant:> fotenhe · Thiefi:6\be,:!,priv;lte '1' hief

~n\the houfc, IF .

.. ~ .


. ..' , "', ~;r(i'ti;Jlj/(& ,- .7Iiep. ':. ".~ ij .' If eheLotd-ef the: Afccndmt,Beini t:_b~ [econa:' or ftxth" dt is oDC'of-ehe

houlhould f¢~yants.:. .: '.' '_ ~ ..'.- ',,;

If the Lord of the fixth bein:th~'~ g)nd;oif in the Afc(!pda_utJt is a ferV;ant belonging rothe houle, " _',' .. ,. _. .r. .: .' .. , \.

.' .Ifrhe Lord.ef rhe feveath bein-the' Oxth or· eight-from his own ~hoHfe itjs; a fervanr, but Ifin his own houfe, ~hett.: [olDe Jolly fellow of great name and"

fame in the houfe, '" ",

~ . ~ . - ~.... ~ .....

u:hich 6f th~ hOltJe maybe f~fpeJiedf;r:

. . . : -, ~ . ~ tpc· rllJift - ~ ", ~ _ , :

. ~. ~

. If the Su,,, b~ fig~i6c~~t~r,,: it (ig{li6~;,: .. the Father, Llncle , Gi';l.n_d~fath~r· ;'cJ?d :. -'

Mafter 1':,' '. : , - .' '; . . . ~ >.. .

_ • ~. ~ ..... ,_" Ii" r .

. ,~be ·,lf1q(in .the Mothcr.g. slneto.i'~ NUl"[~, or. orhcrw i1c CUl}lC. .. d beater;, ora Water:-\v.o~na~.;~IJtCk~r~

woman or " ~; .. ':r~~ ,!,.,tl~.:}

. IfFel1#.f,the Vlifc or Mifrrefs, chi~fly.j ~"

~ .

't. III


~a An <:4jf'itilogicd.l.,.*age'1JJent •

.... U .. h _',.. ~. . H' h -e fi " "

In::-1ue[tent ,:iuf levent t;: ott e..: ,Ii

~~.dBlltllr.#)in the fourth,,'~ccufeth tht!

Father, or fome old:',-ferving ·mal).-:ot!

-- " ,~ , J! _; -t , " .. "- : -. f " • l " " .':

woman •. ," 1 u . .',' .,' ..... .lL .. ': , .. ' _ !;,

-,;-; Jupiter: :{'igl\lficator~!\a~o\h[eth' >fome Gentleman of a good ~~mily~ tl;ra:to·t~athI ltained-J thel ooputation~gf-~bis 'khid red, 3. great: wanderer, and is'lricitfl\fpea~d: and' prob!.1Hly' '111ay . be-a ~gUG1l:' 'in' tn~ houfe,'and ut}:fS:lllgui~e'-,€orijp\~xion~,l

Mars Signific3tor denotes a 'B·roth¢t:!

or a. Prentice, _n Son or a Daughter of

, Q ' ", .' "

rhe " " 1 iere n', 't '. 't'", . . '. , ",' " '" ' , ' ,~, ,\',

rl . ~". . j .. ,_ .',

If iJer;z;ry -itisfoIriefillniliar' friend, ifhe be in the eleventh honfe, otherwifefome- runner of Errands, or {b\T~

by:fervant of the houfe.'.':\ J r I. . :;" '_:t rf '

Whether the Thief be of the Jkioi.,:'-

J;~ed '?-f tl~e~erent, " or - f'Om~ne)gb- . bQurft.tend or i tranger. " , ;', -", , " ',' _" .. ; ~

~ ;]f tHe.81tl1.'be in opp oftt ion to the,A£. 1

cendant L it "is an overthWhrt: nejgh~>'

." bd · . ~..,. ; ,'. .. .: _. . _ "~,' '"f.., _. ~ ,", I

, ~ Ii'" '\ " .• \; , ., ~ ) '~ ..

nr. .. ..... .. . .... .. - .. ,.. ... ~ ~ & ," • _t ,I -: . -. ~ •. " '"

- ~



~ :. ': : 7_O!!cb;ftg,,'I1!if,h~\3" \ .. ,",-_ ~.

If the Lord .of the,rev.enth·~bebgla

~!p.~f~fC¢lJdant by Tri"e.rii~i.xtili,-at is

~n nc-tgbbour '.: - ~ \, .: . ~''''';'1

..,\ • ;: ; 1 " ~. j :. : ',~;. J ~,~ , 1

.: ~ ~ _f ~h&~Sun ai1d~ M9;on bliibQtl1 in t:lieir .J l~.i; i~ is_;.1 neigbbctl,"'!i1 ";.! ~~ ;:':)*:0~:.1

'; •• z If th~figoificatQr,of tneiT~!efbe:ih the houfe Q£;~D.{~ltatiori 0fr~h~lr.or{i6f .. th~ I}.('f~:ndinti~ ~hel Thief js.oftibeliin.~dfg<it()f)the.~Qu¢tcnt.: - ~ rr:.n ~_I:; ~ .: :;;.,.

" )uThc LOfd!()fttheA[c~n.dji1tb~eingjn . the houfe or exaltation of the Thi~i~ ~aqnqtf' ._ ..'. .. t; ':Jd1 1 r~:'~; ~.} 1

.'-: -~ ;fhe {,8ft 1} .and. Jt.{~"1l: ~ ;,~hblding each .othcr. by ~.i . T'rin.-e; A(pj:Ai.itid~notc'S

ki d d"' , r -- . '

•• ~< n : re .'"~-·r ,'''' _ .. ,. :. ~ .'". ,~ifLi • ...;£1.1) 1S·;fJ'S

_, ..." ,-' ~ • "~ ,l. ,i . .

-The Lord of the third or fifth in'fhd

~Ar.ct;nd~nt~·9r;applying{ tfJ)~h<ellotil of · .. ;th(.!~_Af~I.)punt 'denQtekindfe~~ ~.;! '1i} The ~1t.n and Moon ~ b9Ulr 1ili'l their .faces, the Xpiefdoth c;an~JJj~ ~etcnt '

_ C.~2;~Q~ ~ ,.,:' ',' ;.' . :, . i 1: ,~~ ': .;!. rr

.. The/Lord. of the AfcenQ3Pl .in.ehe

. .,.' .' . ~ .. ;". .." ,._ , .

,feco~~l or fixth, the. Thief. ~~ one'of

;~ the

,'~/' An Ajirif!tlgrc;F'jitd!JoJtllt

- /~ tHe- ~hufiiold. serVants. -!', t ')..~ .i. <:»

,:;; ~,Th'e figaificator ,of: the Thie(ln-the

ninth houfeit is a Irranzer. ' -:.,-: iH~

, , £! ~ - ..

_~ ',_tIthe fignificattlf :,oIi_~the<' ',T~e;f: jr)_.a

moveable ftgn ~f pc·cred.:of the tlJiiiJfj Or ilferc1lYy, their 'fidUftfs!)0J:- 'in a~y of '·their- diglititin it is; a:ftrdi'Jger.' - ,;.~ .: '; ~ -'L: If tbatthe~,figriifich.~Q~~lbe~i!iab titi-

gle in t~e . ~er":s of jIlJiii .. e'drf~h~8rjN

,th~ -Thu~Elsmore noblethenthe Qt1~-

.. ~ ." .

rent, . ,_;_~jll: ... , >_!< -' c _. ", - '_ : -},"

If tl1at the sl!p~3nd MoolI.-be bc?~h'in libe fecond ~tfiitd.,·fGurth:t ·fift~~ ninth, ;teDth, or :eJ~venth houfe , it i~'fig~i6~~ ~ that one of the houCe committed=the

c...,n '.;:,-:' .. ,' " .' -', -.'.

x-"u:-.- . ... - . ,1 ~ .' j,. ,. ...",.. ~ i . - -'

.:" .; :t Whm-yotf filld.' the Thief to beone of the hou{htlld:>beh'o!d.the figgir~;ttdr 13Ddf~'}rtdee ;~~s:.f-aercfr~b~~~'~~fot~.. _.

~: ~i :,-Note :tl1llt'·, the figtuficator of th~

'Thief, is a Planer J'f;rjgrine, in aj;lY',of .rhe -four-; A"'gJ~s:> but -i,f o9ne'be there,

. - :th€n' talteihe Lord ofthe Ievenrh, he


~),' " 15

- ..

-,'~ ~·,'rbll.JJ~lJg\ 911JdJ~. ,:;~.1\.

'is the .figlli6c3torQf~heithl~£. . y,- ..

;32.# !!" 4'~~g,c}j~~)j~~IJ1ent venth hOufc'sL (0 many:' "Theeves there

:lie. .

If.tb*t ·tne,,6gnUictltor:et. tlie'·1"hief

be in. ,.a .~~ ,fign it fign\fies~"but one

.Thlefand'rlo li1bre~ >Li.~' .: L. i ~ - '.

;.1~1, Ifthilt-,theMooti -be in u'o}f:A!1g1e in .a ~lte4 ~gn:t i~ notes onely one Thi7f:

:: ~ 51fitlnitthe '~oo/'an~:" M!tc1tfj be 111 ,un~aU, ·figmi .t~eii therelsonel y one

:ThiJ.l :l D ~ .. -. ,>.i r ~._ ~') ,:,. "'.: .~- ",,;:s; ,. ,

.. :-. fl- : ! "~ .. ' L .: ,>" i'l,~ : ~ . . . . ;I - i,' tJ/.IcthiY" ihi:: ihtrj bl: a:"tlm. or' r

" . ,"2 r.;':-' ,-" '. -'. c .0. rf -~ .. ..-- .r : ' , .' 1~

\ ..... ,0 ::J,"_-"";;' ~ ,_ ,,' i. -'··'Jf)()m4n~ . - - <

'. ':.:" JFthat the ·Afcendul1i: bea Mafouline ngn~n~ the Lord, o~:~~ehou~a Maf'cu"'tte ~ftnc;tthetfnlef IS atna?.· ~ "

. .'.l£~Otlierwife· 'tlley:,be fe1111~1.~,e it

not~a woman' . J >." • 2.

i . .'. ~Ifth'tone-be ·Mafculine ' an-d; the 0- 'thef7(eiDiDllle, it':iliew~ two~Theevcs3'

visr,. a man and a woman. ~ -/~::_,. . ,,_.

'Altjl1fthat'tht,,' figll1ficator 'of the, Thief:_& a Mafculine fignand the

." .'_ Moon

'0'0 ....', '"rdllthitig Thift .. ~·", '33 "M~on in a . MafcuUD'e . fign it denotes a

mall •. ' .. ~"i: ._ ~ ..... ' , ••• :. ':. :

"fin fa:milriine 6goit then a womaoAccording to the mawr part7oftcfii~

monies give judgement. . .' . ,

HDW to k!ztJifJ the Age'ofthe Thief·'_ If that the Sun bc' {ignifita~or'of the Theif and he betwixt. the. ACcen-

dant and the tenth houle but cheifty 10 Aries, TaHrlH or Gel1n.n;!t it notc_~·~be 7 hiej'yery YOVing almoft in Childhoode

From the tenth houfe, to, the feventh houfe, but cheifly in CA_nc~f',;..te:" or Virgo, it fignifieth youthfull years.

From the feventh to the fourth houfe .~heiflr in Libra~ ,!~~rpit1 or sdgitar.t';; It fi~n16~ th.e Thief 15 of a middleage; .

I f the figolficator of the Theif bebe- . tween the fourth houfe and the Af-

cendant itfignifiei old ag~. ". "

If that the fignifitator of the Thief

D be

. .

~-~""4 .An 4r.Qlog~.c; "It l.,,~tlgelllelJ t .

~~!:r'::e'1~::~r:r:g~!s ~:

.~ it Ggoi6es age.': !.:> "', '. ;. . . .

- : If that: th~ fignlfitator of .the, .Theif

be direct and a heavy planet~or lQyned with. a heavy Planet, it fignifies good Age~ but ifl\etr<?grade then old, . If 'that the Ggnificator of .the ThIef . be lo~ned tl~. a:-.:Planet rhat is B.eero- age.. . .: .

. . Mars notes middle age,' but .not Co

'm\1~bajJupiter, nor Jupiterfo much

#3s·SatiUrn.· . ! •. . ,

. -The.:; Moon , ora Perlgrlue Planet 10

the fitft ·.degreesof a 6gn, .notes }'ou.~h _ mthe middle of a .figo, R1.per ye~t:s In the~latter degreesof the MOQoold age. . If-that .Mars,·Venus or.M<:rcu~y~. fignificators of the Thief~accordlDg as pOuted i~ the;: fuurquatters .of th.~ figns, fo g1ve Judgement as befotedt

reCted.· ..' ,~, ~ ~ ..: · · '.~ . The Moonincreafing .rhe . T:hl~f 1S

.. '. . young

.~ " X:01(ch;"g,7b.if,i.~. . ... _ 95~'·.

young,the Moon decreafing . the-Thief

. is old. _ . _ . ,. ... .;

The Moon .in th~" begipning of the raoneth notes young, in the middle of the moneth middle . the. end of the moneth it fignifies old age.. ,'.

. Two Perigrine Planets that are figtnificators in Quartile or Oppofition bf one another) efpecially from - the··flrft· to the feventh houfe, .. it . figni6es;that one Thiefwill accufe another, .. p,v,IJA- ,

tHm eft. .. . i r .


, . .' ....

TIJ /tnow whether t~_e :Thief he ill. 7'0.,.,"

01• not . ..." .. , .P"'l •

. . . .';:.' \ .: ;

. T':~

Behold the fignificator of the Thief, . and if that .you find him in the end ofa fign direct or feparating from combuilion, 01' applying to a Planeein a Cadenr houfe.fay that he is gone Or goibg

out of town. . .'

. Alfo if ·the Lord of the A~endant .

D ~ be

.. ,.

~ ~ An AJl~oiogicIl11"dgemen' . '

bein one quarter; and the Moo~ with : the fignificatoi: of the Thiefbe In aootberabove 90'degrees~ afunder. Itdenotes the Thief is out' of Town a pretty large diftance from the querente '.

But if they be in 'Angles and apply-

ing to~la~et$ in.Angle~ . then [a,Y rhat the Thief 15 ,no large d.lfian~e from the Q!lerent!) more efpecla!ly . If rhat the

Sun and Moon be both m one quarter of heaven.:.', -

If that you find the fignific3:tor of the Thief going out of one fign Into another the Thief is 'either gone or go) .

Ing out of town.~ " .

say the fame If YOll find t~e fiS.Olfi:-

cater of the Thief departIng from

, the .. S un beams. " .

. And accor4ingto t~e; place and

quarter. 'hatth~ fi&OIficator of the Thief IS In, and likewife the fign that he is in, judge that way he i~ gone. ' .

.' tlfthat the 6gnificator of the ThIef,

. or

" .

,ToHGhing Tlpift· !7'

or one of ' them be in Angles, he is not ; gone out of Town as 'yet but isnear

the Querent, .

. ffin fuccedant houfes not far from him, and chieflyif rhar the Lord of the Afcendant and the Moon be both in

one quarter. ',,' . ,. ' I

", If the fignificator of the Theif 'be in a Cadent houfe then .he is 'gone far,' efpecially if that the Lord, the Afcendant and the Moon) be . more, . rhen.

90 degrees' afunder.. r : .:':

If that the Lord oftbe in Angles with the Lord of the fecond, the Thiefis not out of the Town andr

Parifh of the ~erent.' : ' ~ ; ',~ .


;- .': ..

... I ..... •• -- • ;.. - ;;,.. _.

IVhether tbe.goods he /11';111: or neArtbe:

!2.!!_erent. ' . .' ~ :::'_l


, "

.1.-....... ._

, The Lord of the ·Afcendant in: an Aagle, the goods are in his hands • .-:, ' , '~<;-:lfthat;the Lord of, theAfcendant

',' D~ and

i"_' ."

, :

3Q· ~" Aflro'~08:ic~Z Judgement

and- the' Lord of ehe houI:lbe·both·iil·i ' ~i1g1es, the gOt;lGS arc in the querents

bands probAINI» eft· .' ~

J u,Jf}tbat the' Lord 'of the Afcendant and -the Lord.ofthe houfe of the Moon kCbothinAnglea~ the goods are in the ql.lerents hands and are moveable.

S" i! Ifinat any of rhefe Lordsbe in Angles, and.' in ~Trine. or Sextile to the' Lord! of the .t\fcendant, the goods fhall

be.~had·agaiD.: . .

If that the Lore! of tlae Afcendant,· andl the LOrd of the houre·be both in (rlccedanthouf~~ the goods are about

the .owner, ' . -

If that the Lord of the 'fecond be inthe Afccndaot, they·thall befound ana ': ·,.not ·:·k&lWn ,from' whence they

come. . .

If that the Lord of the houfeofthe·

Moon be moveable, they are about the

owner •.. , . ~ - . : :. . "; . ", '; .' ,,;'; /',

. ,::~' '; If tbatthe :LOId of the ·tearm~of the

. i .r: .. Moon


: ,.' :·.,.70Mchiilg7:!Jtft·;:·, ~\'.. 3,. ">,

Mooo or the Lo~d of the fecondiboufe,' l be in fuccedant houfes, they areaotJar;'

from·theowncr •. : ..... : '";; ..


... .io ~

To !tnori1 »>hich wily the ~ Thief rlsfJ.sll.l

from tbe 0!_erent. . . .: , .

'. Look in what fign. and quarter the fignificator of the Thief and the Moon is. ill, and accoedingly ,:.j\ldge: :Wbi~h "Yay the . Thief dwells £(001 /the.Qpe-

rent. .! . : ( . '>

. ~'! ~ :.. ~. ~ -

" .'"" \

4 ~ ~ -{; ~: _ _ -~ -.~ • } ~ ~ )

Toltens of the Thief$ho"fe~ j ~: ~:.: ;'~:,,~.

'J .. _" '": ,,' ... -~' .

,l.ftbat theMQol)'Qe:i~ Q:;~.~~n . ~artile or oppofi~i~, of ~a~Jl'iP.,r·d.;l~~ door or ·gateof :the TW~.f \stb~~' or

black. " ~: . . . .. 'j' ::. ~ " : f! ~ r r .'") -; r

. . ~ .! 1 _ ~ . .1 -~ ... _

In Trine or Sextile t(); S~$Qmw~·

ded again. '. ,

The Moon in Oppofition Q!lartUc

, or Oppotition of Mars, .the door or .

. 0 4- « gate


40' An Aflf8IJ~caI11"J~etJjen'

gate of the ·Thieves houfeis' burnt .or

da.Dloified by IrOd. . '.' . ." .

. In Trine or Sextile to Mars,mended


If that the Moon is un fortunate the

Door is either Crackt or broken.

If that the Moon be mcreafing in light-or in a fixedIign, his gate or door is part under the earth, or the houfe

frandeth under a banck fide. " .

. The: ·Moon', in fixed or.moveable

(lgns he hath but one door.

The. M~OR in common figns more

then oD~·door. ..' . .' ': .

The Moon in a moveable fign the ga.teor;dopr is{\bc;>ve tbe earth, 1J;Z. a fiep.o~;two,to·go.upto it. . ' . #. ." Note 'in what R~rt of heaven the Moonini3,and in ~maeart of t~ehouf~

the door opelieth~ '. '. . 1. ..

_ f ~ .... .--1 .

... -'... ',.::


i ~ __ r '''1

.. "" _ - :' i :>: ~ ~ J (.; ~ ~ -


" \.. i i -


~ .

- _,_. - : ~.~,' . -'---'III _'r .!


i ..

<. ;

Touchi1Jg Thefl. 41.

Of the diJIance ()/llace.

~ehold ho~v many degrees are betwrxt the figotficato[ of the Thief and the Moon, and narrowly obferve whether the figns are fixt moveable or Common.

. If in ~xed figns account for every degree a mile, ifin moveable figns fo

many Rods. '.

~fin Common figns, [0 many tens of miles.

. Or look what difiance there i5 betwixt the. Afcendant and his Lord fuch is the diftance between the thing

loft and the place. •

. . Orloo~ ~ow~many degrcesthcfignificator IS In hIS fign, fo many' miles are the cattle loft. or Ilrayed, and the" place where the Lord of the fourthis .there is the place fignified. " .,

. ._~~kew!fe note how many degrees .are betwixt the Lord of the hour and

~ ..


4.' An Aflr.~logicitI1Hdge1lJent

:.~ .be Lord of'the feventh houfe, fo rna~' miles-the rtl}iefis gone~" ,

1f that the Moon be within 30 degr~s C?f the Lord of the Afcendattt the ThleflS near' the loafer of the goods.

. If the fignificator of the 'Thief or the MoO~l be within' 70 degrees of the Lord, of the Afcendant"\ then - he .is within. the town or Patilb of him that

~frt;be goods-. '., - ,-'

If 90 degrees frolll rhe Lord·ofthe Afcendant, then the Thief is out of

1lown~· _.'

. If that the Lord of the (t!venth be in:

3.l ftrbng Angle, he is not out of the town. where the Theft was done- ::

Whether',lJeThie! Jball be 1,,!t9wn or not.

-' -

Mafi: Planets in Cadene houfe~;the

'Thieffilall be openly known.. . ,; , -

The Su~ in ~artile or oppo(ition. . :~:~e fignificator of the 1:01hiefopenly

kaown-> '..-The

: ;:.;,: :-~




• -1" •..


. TOII_ching 7heft. 4""

The Sun in Q!lartile or Trine, thea - hidden or cloak'r,

u/betber the Thief betb thegoodsi.b. ,~', " ~wn ~epi"g or t() '#holll he bal6 de-'. .

livered them. . .: r ,

If the Moon behold thefIgtlificator of the Thief by Trine or Sextile, the' goods are in the Thiefes hands.

If the Lord of the houfe of- the Moon doth behold the fignificator of th~ Thief, I:>y _f2!1artile or Oppofition~ then the Thief fhall loofe them again; ~

_ If the Lord of· the terme of "thci Moon doth fobebold him?- the fame. .. If the fignificator of the lTbiefltives virtue to no Planer, then: heharh the goods frill in his own keeping, .. - .. ',_ -.'.-

. If·That any Planet be in €onjunttien with the fignificator of the T.hi~ . or behold 'him by any' Afpe£t, anti that Planet hath more dignities in the .. 6go

~ ,. 0 where.


44 An.AJlrologic411udgement.

where the 6gnificato~ of the Thief is then the fignificator of the Thief, then the Thief hath delivered- them to a-


. , .

If that the.Lord of the houfe of the Moon.or the Moon be .with the fignificator of the Thief, then he hath the goods fiil.lin his own hands.

Bat by Quartile or 9ppofition ,the goods,are.fidpped frem.the Thief..

, If that the Lord of theterme of the Moon, or Lord of the fecond be with t~e ~gDifi~t~r:> of the Thief or AfpeCt" hIm by Sexttle or Trine.then theThief hath rhemIrill, but with Q!Iartiie or OppofitioD they are Itopped from him,

_ If that the Moon give vertue to the fignificator of the Thiefithen one Thief fieals from another.

, If tbatthe Lord of the Afcenda~t or any'Planet in the - AfcendanJ; do give vertue, to the' fignificator of the Thief, Then the ' .. owner of the goods'

.. - hath

\.:' .~

. I

TOHching Th.eft.·.

hath Voluntary given them to

fufpefied Thief.' '.'

. Ift~atthe fignificator of the Thief keep hIS own vertue to himfelf he hath \ the goods in his own hand, !)

But if the fignificator of the Thief part with his vertue to any other Planet he hath 'delivered them out of

his poffeffion. ~

. If the fignificator of'the Thief give hIS vertue to . the Lord of the Arceodant he !iill g}ve them again to' the owner either 10 part or the whole according to the dignity or vertue h~ gives to the Lord of the Afceadant,

If to the Lord of the third to a brother kindred or neighbo~r of the

owner Sec. . . ' ..

And fo of all the twelve houfes you mayeafily know to whom he hath

delivered them. .

, ..... '"--~ .. ----~----~~~~--

An Aflrol(JgicaI1;,JgellJenl T01l,~p;ng" . Theft. ' .

fufpefr the Thief, , as many ',Planctsaii'",

whether i":ie Thieffhall !Ie ,al<!n or,no# be in the .fignefo many. Thieves dOlia

the querent"fufpeet. ' ,". .'. "

~ .. If the Lord of the Afcend~nt fuilow If ~hat the C~ip of the 4 A,ngles be

after the fignificator of the. Thief he all fi,x t I~ fig!nfies that thePan,y

fttall be taken. ' ' fufpceted rs gutlty,. Jf the Moon he

~,If~h~ ,ijgnificator of the Thief be joyned to an evill Planet orin:311

~nfurt~~t~ by Marl! hefhall be taken. . .: evill6gn the partyfufpefted is guilty..

( If the lord of the Afcendant be in If the Moon be evilly afpe&d dx:'

his OWfl houfe the Thief (ball be taken. party fufpefredis guiLty. '" .

. , :r::theJignificator of the Thief'. be in If the Lord of the hour be in 0Pilli-

, • twelfth houfe heIhall be Comitted tion, to Scorpio, or Cap.rkoinlls" . .rl1e

topmon-... fufpelted party ill guilty. '. ..'.

...• funfortunate lye long.or dye there. If that the Lord of the hour be in .a

I Ifthefignificatorof the Thiefbe South fign, and a night hu\\fe ilie.tU-·

unfonunatC' )the Thief ihall be taken. . (petted is guilty. . . '. .•

But if he be 'in an Occidental .fign· ,;

Gemini, Libra, AquaIies~,: or ",in' Cente~ or the earth, the ,{_itrpe~.ed is no Thief, but rheThief dwells in·the

~OWl1 where the: .goods al=e 1".((.· : ~ ., , ~,

- ~ .

"WIJether the fliPel1ed Part7 be" gu;ll~

~ or not. '

I .If'rhat; the figni6cator of the 'Thief be in.fl..Hartile or oppDjition,to the Lord Q~ the Afcendant the querent doth

~o fufpeet



" , ,

. ,

An Aflrl11lJgical1Hdgem~tit

. , That the par'~fofPelJ~4 is not gNilty. :

If, the' Moon bejoyned to jupirer, Venus or the Part of FOItune, the pat-

ty fufpected is not guilty. .

If the Lord of the Afcendant be m a

. . Cadent houfe, and not joyoed ~o a Planet in an Angle that tecelveth him,

the fufpeCl:ed is not guilty •

If that the Afcendantbe a moveable

fign as Aries) Cancer) Libra, or Capri ... corn~-and fo much the more if that Sa- ' mrn or Mars have any Afpe8: to t:h~ Afcendaftt, or- if that the Dragons ... tall 'be in the Afcendant~ the party fufpeCted is not ~ui1ty and the repoIt is .. falfe.

Ifthe'Moon be _ joyned t.O a ~lanet ill a- Cadent houfe, the party 15 not

guilty. ' ·

If the Lord of the Afcendant be In

anAngle and joyned toaPlanetCadenr the party fufpeaed:> hath ~n

'. ' . evill


" ',' - TONillii/jf1!1i.~r \' : 49 .',

evil report undeferved-.' ~ ,;' ~

_ If the Moon be impedited in an.Angle the party f~fp~cted 'is not guilty.

If the Lord -ot the eighth be in the fifth ,or the eleventh houfe , or'if-tJ'le' Moon be. void_o~ courfeg the party

fl1fpe~e~;l~ not gUIlty. - ,-.'. -'.' j • - .' ,

. ' : ... _- , : : ,- , ~ ~

TQk...efl~1 that '~he goodJ" -loft fh~lJ be re-

, . : cevered., -- _ ' -

, -If the :fignificator of the" T,tlief, do'

~ , apply t,o the Lord of the Afcendant,:' , I by Trine or Sextile they filall-be bad '

• ~ .... +

agatr'. - -, .

·l_f the Moon apply to the Lord of the fecond houfc by Trine or Sextile, the goods fiole~ Ihall berecovered,

: , If rhe Lord of the Afcel1dant be in' his-own houfe, the owcel:._{halrrecover:

the goodS himfelf. ,-'~~ ~, . -'

- If,the_.Lord of the rerrnc 'of the Moon be in Trine or Sexeile to the

1 --,' E Lord


- -




• <




.r - -- ~!


"e~rzent ',To,llchz, ·h~,", ."..::

. 0 .... : . ..:.~~ v , .._ J

Lord of the . . . , dant:>~he owner £J;tall fi:rong, and behold, thei\.rcendant~ and

have tht:rg~.~;tgain. Lord thereof by Trine or .Sextile, .t~e

If th~Lor~ of the fecond apply. to ' goods {ball be had a gain. " "' .

the Lord 9£ the Afcelldant it denotes If the Lord of the fecond houfe.. be

recovery- , in the fecond houle, or b~hol(rtbe,fe.,..,

, Jfth~N.loo~ apply to :1Oy l'.l~net .b¥ cond by Trine Ol" §,ritile; parr of the

'Trine or, Sextilc, and theappllcatl.on ' goods lnay be had again, according to ,

be in moveable figtls, look how!llari.y the ftrengrh or weaknefs of the Lord '

degrees it is till,they' ~Q1ne\to their of the fecond give Judgement;

perfett Afpefr, and, .l!l, fo many days If the Lord of the Afcendant be

it Ihall be recovered, and If the Sun be fprrunatejn the Diamiter of the 6~~a~

in the .Af~endant be l1l~~'wi(e rakes the menr, then the Thieffhall bringag~~

Thief. . ..; .: . the thing from whence he fl:ole i1;. ~. '

: If the Lord of the A[cend~lntaEplY If the Lord of the Afcendanr and

to the Lord of .the feventh, or he b-e 1Iil fourth houfe, be in the firO: houfe, and

the'~venth houfethe.y {hall be had a- the Lord ofthe firir, and Lord ofthe

........ gain by the care and diligence vf~the hour, be in the fourth houfe.the goods

. qllerent. . .' ,'. . ., Holen {ball be had again.· . ..

. If the Lord of the A(ce~~'p~~ln " If the Lord of the Aicendant,and

the rcnth houCe, it denotes: JlffioX~~Y t ' the Lord of the hour be both ln the

but with a great deal of care ,~lld.l!l-·; Afcendanr, it fhall be found near or, a·

bour of the querent. " . :" ': ,"; ',... , bout him that' itole,it. ~

If the Lord of. rl.e fecond hou, If tho-!Lord<ofthe Afcend:nt,and

firon~~ E.. ~ Lord



2':" An A}lrologicd'11udgement .

, Lord of, the -hour,' .or one; of, them .be: ; in the Ieventh houfej it fhall be found t_

in few days.

.. If .the. Lord of the Afceudant, or .

. Lord .of the tfour,have a goodAfpeCt to the .Sun the thing, loft lnall be had a- , ,

. '

gaIn. .' . .',

, " rlfthe Moon behold the Suo byOppofition~,thc Thieffllall be fouod'~,but the goods net to ~e had by any mea~s.

If the Lord of, the fecond be bodil y joyn~'" 'rorhe Lord of the eighth or ,by . AfpeCt, . toe querent ~1~11. have. .his goods again, or fatisfactlon fO'r them of

the thief. ..." " ~ ,

, .. lfthe Lord of the, fee on d) .doth ap- <

pl¥lu~l~ily to th~.rart ~ffortnne"and

. the part of fortune be 10. tllClfi~f(, :fecond; feventh or tenth houfcscie ~l':CS .. knowledge of the g<?otlS:Jari~ .rheT hicf ·thatH:ole. them. -. < .. ' ,~: . \ t: ;:; - , .• _ ...•

The lord 'of .tbel,fec~nd :alldjth~,~ Lord.of ihe·tebtb,; h() .Qne·hotJt~.,

. ~ ~ It

.. '

• - r ... .~

~ _- -.,_ ._ .. -

. .. ,,-_ '. ., TOltehing' ,Thij"".~" ~n~': -rj3

.. It} neres difcovery!) and:do~h give'f!<:loa hopes of .flhdlngit" ~run ... .: ',' rr.. .,E '1;.)

If tbe: Ilord- o~·-t~·itecond ~qe: fjoyned ',by ~ext~le or ~rlnel t6a·ny.'pldrl~ ifi1t~ ~feCdnd'ttl'notesl tee·~fy.; .,)~. ;~~ :.'f.-:'Jlf

If the Lord of the hour'il:ie~':Lfdr-

tUl~ately!\pJac:tt~l1.d, ~ttongly ~(pea~ng -rhe.Lord of the fltll 'or fecond, it note's

recove~y. . ','.~ .. ' 7

.' : If the' Lord of :-rbe fecond be!M-tu .. ' nate in the firft, OJ;' the Lord ofrhefirlt fortunate 'in 'the feeond, it Iignifies recovery ~: ~:,. ~ ': ... 0, ~. d

. ~ I F. the .Moon Jupiter or Venus; be forrunate In the fecond or firlt it fhews

I ' ,

gaol hopes of recovery, if theMoon

applies to her difporer;, or to. the Lord ofrhc tcrme fhe is in by Conjunction ":!'rino orScxtile, it ~otes re~ov~ry. :: . ;)

1 ' If the Moon gives virtue to. the

. Lord of, the fifth, or Lord of ·rli~· tle~ v~nt_h:lhoufe~ it not{_~s recovcr y.> ~J': l ., . . If.ohe .L01"d of the (ccoudtp.-iin'fhei

. E 3 fccond

I ._

'5-4 .All Aflroiog~l1udip1lent

,(e(:~n4;:,or behQ}d·-~the Sun .by Trine or Sextile, it .no~,,

If th~Lord of_t~~(econdand Mer-

cury 1;>~ ira ConjupCl:ion, ~t notes recovery, b~t with ,3 gr(;3t deal of grief and

contention. '

If theMQOll - be' in the' -ACcendant.

wit\l any of the forrunes, it, notes reco-

very ..

Yet neverthelefs you, muJl'in:, gi-

ving Judgement go by the major part of Teftil~onies whether the goods {ball be had or not, and info doing

yo~ cannot erre.

- -

'Ihcti"le_whclZ the goods flolen or mif-

JingJbdil be fOIt/td•

The ¥'oon beholding her own houfe ~y Trine or Sextile, it {ball be had

~itbin three dllYS. . ..

If the Lord of the.Afcenclant and

the Moon, be both in the Afcendant

-" . and



. . ..,

.. . r(lu~liHg~hefl~' " . s-s

and ~he .SUD behold' thi:uubJ Trine or Sextlle, itIhall be fOUBd1ftlic:fame day it was loft,but ifthotJ·luiJbeh·Jld them by a ~arti1e it fignifi~$ ~week~ ifl~y OppnfUIOrl a tDoneth. '.. ::, ,--·i.,

The 3pp\ic~tion:oftheJdn~to any Pl~ne~ by Tr~ile or Sexttle,' If,the ap,plication be In moveable ~figns;' look how many 'degrees they want.of their Afpefr, and fo Inan:y·.days·:it :fiiall!be

o before it thrill be·recov.erci4\. ;-,; " . ._- _ And ifthat.the Sun the Afcendant it dlf£oversthethi(;:f.~I: ',(rd ,'7'-

i ,.iLikcwife; 'behold the -,t·wo Pla~~ts that be apptying and y.ou may know ~ by their a pplication, the recovery of the goods ttolen, and 'ntunber bow many degrees· thev are-one from the' .

_others- AfpeCt, and- fo judgeofhours .-

-da ys weeks ormonethe- r- •

, . .If that the tWO applying Planets be-'\ .'.

In tTIove:tble figQs; the (degrees be- - . twixt them \viil fignifie \veeks or ' .-

E 4 111 onetbe

~Q:~' An A~&1g~cAl'" }Htlge.eltt

, 'mon,eths)jeD~~'bi,I'lletimes,l days:,- Judge ~hat ~cdmipg_t!Ot}re f\Viftnef$~r Ilow-:

netS o£ tkeirinWtiori •. ~ , '

"{ulf ~ri'jfixed frghs",~then' mOl:)ethSQr:

years. .', . ~ : ~ ~', r ; !: : ,,' ,. :; : ; , r "

"~n If.\I1.h~~*fe (figni6.ea~p_x; be ·in (ja ... ~trIilanf~;~ then "it dQthJigt11fi~ they

~nI9ui~lyJbe fe,covered. . . . J f~clftihc:two ~gndicat~rsbe: In,Angles idfliaillbe l~~glhrl~.: ::t -1 ',,', _ . ••

Look to~c.;Stln-and Moon~ and If :-thai .~theyr tljej;parted froID rbe'parr of fortune, or:be both or either ofthellJ ~JoyneQ ,too,theip:trt:offdrtune, if not

,\f~c~ then ;njgbC;,{t __ the par~ of -,ifor~une:>th.c Sun orfvloon, and he,;that ";li~",nigh(;{lthe part of fortune; either by '-;a~ppl iC3tion 7or- fepar.iiion,-. iliall figJ;lifi~ ~,the.tit1lfe,;.#iai. how~.lnany-,degrees the

. .." nearelt is to bim., If that tbe.part 'of .' :..:ft'ttUllt! bt;i lif .un Angle, it {hall be Co . t '. :n1any· :days orW"!eks as is degrees be-

" tween them; ~ .

.. ' .

,.. t


I "I'ollchitlg vhe.ft.,.,. 'j,!

: lftlJepartof fortune hein.a,· fucce~ da?ihoufc" .. then fo ~~ny ~-Qr

moneths, '. ' " . f , • "', t .

• _ . ' . 1 t ~ ,rJ" ... ,. -., ..

If the part of fOt;t\'r~.~~~~i~·';~ltt(llt houfe thenfo ~ny mpHh~~:()J."8~~ , Notc, t,~at the findl~ 'of tljtr: tbi~~ bM, y the SPD is foone~ :~~by~ ~e . oon.

.; (' '.',,; j~ !, ~. ( , r: ': ,,)-t',/~

; .... 1. . ~ .....&. ..

: • ' , ,.' ~ .t, i ,[ '~ j _.' ", ,-~ .•

choice to4!"s th~, t~~qO~dsJlDk-fo.~1!. no_l be recfJ~er~4· . ,.,' _.~ "!~l~ '~~

. -, -' ....... ;

If the Lord, of '(bed ... A(c~nd;mt ~'in'. . Quartile or-p~pci~~~o~ !o: '~~ei~4,:~f the Ieventh, thell the goods WlU- lie

ll9_p~d froll1.~he owner. r .: •. ,',! ," .

_ , : ~~ the Moon be ia Quartil~ or Op.P9Cit~on : to the Lord ,of ~he fe\(eQth~ it

.. fjgni~~.s_ rhe f~n,e. ;( .: - <.1. - "" - 'c '. ,~~

If the Lord'ofthe terme 6f'the,Mooll be . in Q.!,laftile or 0 ppqfttion .,to fiie

Lord of the Af~end~lnt, li1.c~~.. . , J

. If that Satri[n,M~rs .or thcDr:lgo~,':taii

..." f, .' be

. ~-. ~


•• ,:: .. .JIJ

'5& . .A~- j)1,,'t,logicailildgemcl1t . be m~'~the eigheh. or Iecond hop[es it

fuows~-fmall hC:liPes of recovery.. '

If the Lord of the fecond be Re~o~. g~3de or- Com-butt .. Ide»l.

If the' Moon be Combuft or' under the-beams of ' the S'\.1'0 :thefaOl(!;;',~'

, . If the Lord' of the rearme "of the Mo'on, and the Lord of the' hctd:t of nhe M:qon,oe both diffijnHhing rriot ion andl DumbelHlt'ldt inf6rttlnes_:beho\ding nhem both;.1t is notto be l\:ecover-ed.

, )fthe Lord.of ,tl.le, eighth be ~n.the $fCendant; and-the' Lord .()f th~ Afccn'~artb . in.'·~~' is::. not to·b~·

Recovcl:ed.> '. ~ > ,': • .i;' , .• , ,j ,

If the Sun~l1d'Moonbe going to tl ~0n;unaiol1~ under the earth 31: the t:inle of rhe Loofing the goo¢S; neithel~ geQds. not: ,!Thief, filail ever be

heard of •. , '. ' ~ ,

'If\rhat th'e Sun and' Moon \~egoin'g,

roo a" C'nhj\~ltrai~q: or- Oppofiti'on,. the goods loff will not by. 3rlY me;\O~ be fCcovcred. Like-

. .


" Toucbitlg 7heft. 59

Likewife if both the Lum\naries be under the earth, the goods 100: will hardly ever be heard of again •

Alfo the Lord of the fecond in the .

eighth houfe no recovery'.

of friend/hip and hatred between the _ qHerent and the thief.

. ;

If that the Lord of the' Afcendant and fignificator of the Thief, do ~e:'" hold each other by Trine or Sexttl~, then is friendfuip between them, ~nd [0 muchthe more if there, be receptl0n~

But if they do beho\deach other by ~::utile or OppofitiOll~ then do they bate.oneanother •.

But;if there be 00 Afp~a: between

them, then' they' do. nei~ner .love ~'?~

hareone another.' . .. "'.:'


.... ~,., ~...~ ')" ~ 10 I: -, : : ... -. ... ~ ,

:~~'helbcr tht;. Thicfi be. beloved of hk

. ' ; .n.el-.ghboitrs'_or not .: :

. _i' _ ;;. -r : .i •

If that' the _,difpoft:r of the Moon doth. be~oI? _ the Moon' by Trine' or Sexrile, It 1S' one', that a~l.['ghbours l0v.~s.\w·el~\ and he.iswery pleaCant to them, .

·t"ffr:th·~u:· the difpofci ofthe iMoon d~~h ~e~(j](tth.e~losn by a. ~~lartile~ he IS'~lleltherml!~c~"loved,: nor much hat~a,folne men [pc,~k well.of him but .the moft, pprt {peaks j It of him. d ; ~ ; ...

•• ,I If that >the ~dirpofer' .of-the Moon ~~h behold', theMoon -'by' Oppofirion; rt IS one that ;,11 men.Ipeaksvevill. of and-all 'liisN~ighhours d'cth &itttdiim. .J f·.that :tHe ~tifpafeG'o£fthe Moonbe. In Conjunctiorr with the.. Moon .eirher above or under the earth the Thief is a buify tello\v in :'11I matters and troubled in mind, yet cannot have his wil l, 7hat


~ r l' - ". t' .. J

7/hft the Q!!ercllt is 7bi~fhi1J1filj"~

. ..

.. .. .... .

1 f that It,JarJ be fignificator and in the tenth houfe the!' querel1t is the .

Thiefhimfelf. I ~ ...~ .

tf rharrbe fignlfic~tor cf'the T~iei bcin the Afcendant :th~ Q!leltenttisl Thief ; the more fure it is if the .fign ~ Afcending and the fignificator of the Qucrent doth ~gree w ith his Com-

plecrion, .

. That the '(!Jet! and qJllerent be both in one bo;ifC

If'that the Lord of the Iixthhoufe and the Lord .of the Afcendent be both together in an An~le, .or if that the. Lord of the houfe be \vlth the Lord of the' Afccnd;'lnt in all angle: then the owner and the Thief be both in one hcufe and the goods ready for the


An ogi~a~lHdg~1Jent

owner : proved d1any times.

. f?he,her the Thiefbe married or 110t.


~ If tbe,Lord of the feventh houfe .be

joan Angle he is married, if in a fuccedanthoufe towards 'marraige, If in a <!adent then nether married nor like

. to be. . ~/I ~ ~ ~

/ jfiift.··· .:' e"~~v7:;J

11'~1 ',L- ~' '*~

A (.-9; ~

L · --_.-~ ---....::-~~..;---

• ~


... '.-


.• -.' ...... '1"' .. ' . . '

A.~chea[n e rected concer .. lling a houfe Robbed in the '_ ~. Mino)".ic.f of thirty pou[l.ds.\v~ll '

of Clothes the '2Qth of·self-' ',.

tenJ her 1663'. _ .. :.

.# ._ .

I •

. ,

t •

. ..

, •• '.... J • - ~_ .....


• • .. J _.:\ I :I..

-, II

. _m, Ajlrological j"dgellltnt

.. ·1uJginent lipOtJ theforeg;,;ng

. '_. . ... :.. - ' .. ' .' .Ii gure • ....

~ ~ . " ... , : ~is -"Ie is Inore difficult" then ." ~inarJ' in giving ,Judgment by rea· fun. 't~t all the four quarters are con .. . \ ~~m~ B!it~thc:reforc I Ihall according ... t~"my Jtidgmc.p,t .give you the perfeCt

. di[cov~ ofit.'· . .

Fj~ I.~ the ·fign of the Ieventh •

. ~Q,o~'~wefterri fign. . ".

.~fO~J Macury Lord of the feventh ~ .11oi)th:'and Lord of the . hour in "a •.. ·1 ~ DOrtbemfigo, but in the fouth quarter. . ::.';,' -:' .. lfiicdly ·the part of fortune in a

." ': :~f!a{{t:rly figtJ,yct ina northern quarter. .;. F~urthly' Mars Lord of the fourth

'" ' and difpoter of the pclr_t of fortune in

; ..... an norrheren figllJ but in the weft:el'n·

qu3Jter. ", . "

-FI(thly ~ Moon being in {"1-SJartile

with the . Sun he being in a wefterly

. fiKtt:~":"<.::.: i__ ~ •• Sixthly

TOllchingTheft. 6~

Sixthl y, the Dragons ... tail being in a Weiler!y flgu, but in the l\lorth quar-

ter, the which doth fignifie the de- ' ..

voiding, ~nd. the fale of the goods to I •

b~ north-wet] from the querenr, noe- ." "vlthftanding the greaten: part of the' goods wtmt to the South-e~lfr, but yet: w here after that they were devoided;

Becaufe that that the Moon was in a South figo, but in the Eaft quarter next qpplying to Venus, {he enrring an Eaft: fign, and in an Eafterly quarter!) but

.• this I fhall defcribe more at large here .. ' after. Therefore according to the a-

• forefaid reftirnonies, I Cent the querent to COW-CI"oJs, or about the lower end of LOl1g-llllte London, which it did fo· ~ppe3r after difcovery that they were ., devoided in an Alley near cow-crofs ;

and by this means did I difcover it. .~

Firft, I find the Moon in the firfi -)

• houfe, and {be applying to Venus, Ihe. having exaltation in the third, and eo-

F . tring a

66 : An Aftr~1J)g!c"111uJgeI11e';t tring the fign afcending, {he being Lady of the tenth houfe, which is the

houfe of difcovery •

Alfo Venus being a feminine Planet

, and the fign of the third a ~elninine fign where Venus hath exaltatIon, and the part of fortunebeiog in the third; I told the querent that the goods would be difcovered, and that by a

. fifier of hers, or fome kin[woman that dwelt .that way, and fo it was for i~ was difcovered by her own Iifter after

this manner. · ·

.. One of the Thiefs rent a woman to

fell the Clothes at the querents fitters c .i. houfe,and her fi{l:er knew the goods by which means they were all taken.. .

The querent had fome part of fatIf faCtion but not all, as the Dragons-tall

- ,

in the-fecond doth {how. ·

. But there was grand teftimony ?f difcovery, becaule the Moon was 10 •

the firfi houfe.


TOfJ c bing . Th,ift • .. '67

Secondly Saturn Lord of the fecond in the afccndant 'with Jupiter Lord


Thirdly the Moon in application to

Venus, {he being a fortune, -md Lord < of the tenth, which notes difcovcry.



Concerning the dijlal1ceI thus jltdged.

Finding the Sun and Moon cafting .their AfpeCts· to the part of fortune, and within 5 degrees of the true Afpect and both of them newly feparated and

" in moveable figns, I did judge.' it to be forne five or fix furlongs North-well,

and fo it W~lS.

Likewife I found three theeves by the figure, t\VO worncn and one man.

Firtt I find Mercury Lord of the fe ... venth, in the tenth a fign feminine and likewife . the houfe feminine ~ which

· doth fignifie one woman.

Secondly, the Moon in Capricorn a

F 2 ferni-

". ." _',

. An Aftrologi~4l1'ldge'l1ent' feminine fign perigrine!l sud applyiog to Venus a feminine Planet, I did difcover another woman.

Alfo finding the Sun in Oppofition

to the part of fortune, I did difcover another which was a rnan and this was

. true, for the roan made his efcape, the two women was taken and COlnitted to New-gate and both of them were ~ondemned to dye yet one was Repreved and the other was hanged. .

\ Concerning bcafi s or allY li- 'j

ving thing 1011 or ftrayed-

Fitfl the beafl are not flolen but flrayed

Firfi of all if that the Lord of the fecond, or Lord of the Iixth, . or Lord of the houfe of the Moon, do f~parate fron1 any Planet then ftrayed, but if ·

. rhat .any Planet feparate trom them

then lcdaway. . If

TOIJching . Thift· 69

If'rhat the Moon give virtue to Sat~ 1'0 or rvt.1rs,· C!I" to the Lord of the clghth, or to any \;lanet in a Cadent houfe, elpecially by Trine or Sextile the bean .lr,,·ftr;:yca ofthemfelve9.· ;)

I:1<~t~ rnar the fepararion herein na" med , IS that when ont.:_~!:lanet feparates froln another by d and no orherwife,

If that the Lord of the houfe of the Moon, or the Lord of the fecond, do feparate from any Planet or from their own houfcs,7 if the fign~ be fixt then (tolen, but if moveable Hed' of ·them-

. felves. . the Cattle are driven aW'lt:J or flolen.

. If that any planet doth fe~e:a;e f~om the, Lord. of the houfe of the Moon , they are driven 'away 01'

fiolen. . - F

If that any Planet doth 'reperate

F 3 ~ from

· 10 An A}lrological Judge1Dent

from the Lord of the fecond houfe they are froleu or driven away, 1f that none of there things be rhebcaft are not far from the place they firfi went from.

u/here {he Beafls are.

If that the Lord of the fixth be in fiery fignes they are Eaftward in woods where are bullies or brambles or hath been.

But if in Angles in fiery fignes then

in a clofe pound or under a lock.

If in earthly {ignes then fouth in.


But .if -. ,in an Angle .clofc poun-

ded in fuccedant hordes, in Clofes on the Right hand of the ~erent.

.If inCadcnt houfeson the left hand

of the qu¢r.ent.

If in .. :A,iery tignes then are they

wefrward in rnarfhy Grounds.

In an Angle tIle beans are houfed

o:r pounded. In

TOHching~Theft. 7-I

.. In ··fuc.cedant houfes we·ll: OR- the

fIght hand of the querente _- .- .... ~ ,

I f in Cadent houfes on the left hand of the qnerent in a Common going

away.· .

If that the Lord of in watry figns North, in a low place,' '.

J f in an Angle, in a. clofe or pound northward.

If in a Cadent. -houfe, on the left

hand of the qucrent northward goiag

3\Vny\vard. - -

If that the Lord of the Iixth bein moveable figns, they are in hilly

ground~ .

If the Lord of the fixrh be in fixed

figns,they are in mrrlhygrounds ~vlleIe new buildings are. . '. ':: :- :

I fin COll11non figns, then they are

in grcunds where ditches and water is,

and .where Ruilles grow. .

If that the. Lord of the terme of the Moon, be in fixed figos, they be in

F 4 places

'i •

,I .•

.12 .AI: Ajirological111tdgement

'places newly taken in, or near fome new. buildings- _... ".

- 'lfin Inoveablefigns, if} a place full

.of-bills. . .

Ifin COmlTIOn figns in watry places

or .. Marfhy groun~s nigh ditches or


PItS.' . -. '.

1'!"hether the ."Reafls be in the pound · or no.

If the Lord of the fixrlrbe in the rwelfth houfe, then are the Beaft in

thepound. . .'_ . '-1

If the Lord of the fixth, or the Moon I be unf(;rtunate,they 111al1 be pounded. I

If the Lord of the Iixth or twelfth be in the tenth or nincth, they are in 'the cuflody of fome jufrice or Officer, or und~r lock.- . - .-

If the Lord of the twelfth do-apply

to the- Lord of the Afccndanr, or the Afcendant unto rhe Lord of the r z th, and

.~ _o ..,\




rOHchi101g ·,Thefl. 73

and either one or both of them be unfortuna te the beafls will be pounded.

I f the fignificator of the beaft be unfortunate in the eighth houfe the beaft

will die in the pound... .

- If Mars doth Afpect the Moon in the twelfth by Conjunction Quartile or Oppofition, they will be killed in the pound.

fJ7hether the beaft be dead or It live.

If the Moon doth apply to the Lord. of the eighth houfe dead.

If the Moon doth apply to the eighth houfe or the difpo(cr of the Moon doth apply to the eighth houfe .or his Lord, dead or will be fpecdily.

If the Moon doth apply to the Lord'of the eighth h oufe.frorn the place where fhe iSJ then dead.

- To


. .

. ~

.An A_ftro!ogical]1Jdgement

" -

To Itnow if'the bea}ls he loft.

If the Lord of the fixth be unfortu .. nate by Saturn or Mars, then the beafts are Iof],

Chiefly if the Lord of a Cadent

houfe. _

If that the Lord of the fixth doth behold ~he Lord of the A[cendant by Q!1arttle or Oppolition.they are like to

be {topt from the o\vner. ,

Ifthe Lord of the Iixrh doth. fa behold the Lord of the Terrne of the

Moon the [Io1e. ~ ,

]f the Moon and the Lord of the houfe of the Moon, doth behold one another, by Quartile or Oppofitioc, they will be Itopt frOLTI the owner ,

If?hether the bcafls Jball be ba6l again

or not.

_ If the fignificator of the Iixth houfe be

I i

~ ;

Touching Theft. be fortunated by Jupiter or Venus, and they or either of them be in the fecond fifth or eleventh houfes, the beans [hall be had again.

If the Lord of the 'Terme of the

Moon, or the Lord of the fourth houfe be wrth the Lord of the Afcendant, or with his Almuten, the owner Ihall have

his goods again.

The Moon in Trine or Sextile to the

Lord of the Afcendant they will be


The Moon in Trine or Sextile to

the Sun, then they may be found.

The sun in the Afcendant except

in Libra or Aqtsaries the goods will be


The Lord of the Afcendanr, or the

Lord of the fecond houlc, in the houfe of the fignificator fortunate, they {ball

be found.

As you have the explanation of

{mall beaits by the fixth houfe and his

<! . Lord





. " .. - .

76 An Aflro logic a I Judge!;lent.

Lord, after the fame manner Judge by the twelfth houfe and his Lord for great beafts.

COl1Cernillg Fugitives.

HO'W to fl11d 0111 tbe _{ignificdlor of a Fltgitivt;.


I f'rhat a queftion be propofed concerning one that dwelt in the houfe 'with the Qjrcrcnt then takcthe Planet in the Afceildan; not being the Lord

. thereo£ But if none be there then take the 1'lanet'thJt 13 in the ugn or houfe where the Lord of the A[ccndant is, if .that none be there, then take the

, 1\1'0011, {he {hall be the fignificator of

the Fugitive. _ ..

But if that he enquIres for his fc:- .

vant then take the [ixth houfe and hIS Lord, if for hi, brother or finer then the


n'oucbing Theft. 77,

the rhird houfc, if for his child then the fifth houfe.

If for his acquaintance his puhliquc

encm y or for his wife or Iweer heart, then take the Ieventh houle, if for his friend rhcn take the eleventh houfe, and rC: be fure to take the right fignifi-




l-riJct her the FlIgiti'l)e wil! be fo!,na or


come agal?J.

If the ficfnjficator of the Fugitive be . in the Af~cndant he comes ot his own

i: accI~!~e Moon be feparatcd from the , Lord of the A1ccndant~ and then Immcdiatelv ,1oth,;'i.IFpl y to the fignificator of the _Fugitive,you {ball hear l1e~s uf the party tied, for forne or other will

tell you where he is. ~ .

If the fignificator <:>fthe FUgltl\'~ be

11, Combuft, or enrring Into combufhon, the


7 An A jfrologicai 1udgement

t~e F':1gitive {ball be found though he hIde himfelf'Iecretly, this hath been often proved.

Iftha~ the Moon doth feparate from

the fignlficator of the Fugitive, and then doth imrnediately apply to the ! Lord of the Afcendant, then the Fugitive is fOl ry that he went away and will [t:J1d. one to treat that he 'may come again.

If that the Moon be joy ned to ill \

Planets" as Saturn or IViars;> or the Dra- I gons tail, or to a Planet Retrograde he i Ihall be found, or come again of his I own accord.

If that the Lord of the Afccndant .,1 ..

doth behold an evil Planet from the houfe fignifying the Fugitive, the que.. I rent fhall then find the party fled. I

If that the Moon do feparatefr0111 Jupiter or Venus, he Ihall come back I again, or a thing Ion fi1all bequickly I

found. . \


T011ching Theft.

If that the Moon doth behold her own boufe, by Sextile or Trine the Fugitive fhall return in three


. The Moon being in Virgo, he that

flycth Ihall foon return. \

If that rhe Lord of the Afcendant be ;~yned to t~e fignificator of the Fugitrve or applying to them, the Fugitive or applying to it, taken.

The Lord of the Afcendant in his own houfe, he Ihall be taken.

The fignificator of the Fugitive unfortunate by Saturn or MJfS then taken.

1. ... he 1\'1000 in the Afcendant with

Jupiter or Venus he comes again.

The"Lord of rhe Afcendantand the Moon applying to the Lord of the tenth, or to the Lord of the houfe of rheMoon, the Fugitive {ball be found .the Moon unfortunate he {hall be taken, but chiefly when {he is unfortunate




.An A flroj~gical J~dgelJle~t nate in the tenth houfe.

The l\tl0011 and Lord of the Afcendant in the Afcendant, aud the Sun ~eholding then) by a Trine or Sextl~e, the Fugitive fhall be f?und the f~me day but with a Quartile AfpeCt 10 a

. wC;;c'k, with an Oppofition in a monet~;

When the fignificator~ of the FugIrive comes into the houfe of the Lord of the Afcendanr, then comes the Fugitive into the hands of the querent.

J f that the Moon be in evill tcrmcs, and with Saturn or Mars, or either of, them be in the houfe where the Moon is he is with Iorne poor Itrange people

, ..

who will bring hun agaIn.

,.''1 .

Ivbere t he Fugitive h.

. .

- ,

If that the Moon give virtue to S~turn or Mars or be in any of their houfes, then he is with fome kinfinan as evill as himfelf,


· G 3

. - .: { - - ..-. ~.,. I' _ ~-:T

-;":." - r ~I~IN8th. J'~~(lrt."'~f~;>

co' .t. I. t..,.r ~ J,.J U #~;)-.,... __'-"---.~ .......

__ ' • _'_ ., ---.I' , -, •

. -,

~H jj :_:,_)

t .-



. .


,..' 1. J

.~. ~

~~~ . :.

' ... ' - - ," 'Tn~~~&.len.~t . "


". - s . ..

, . 4 JJ1Bl'lla"~' . _.. p. 3 2.

.... '_, _ ~-.) ';:, .. "'t_ • ..\ ... • ~

=-~~;t rl1.rJ .. f~·_~ ... : ~ \ -r~. ",.~' -i.. ,; :. ~ :,~. t, .'._. ~ .~ • . .._

~. ~·l<!to'irJ the tf;,,~ if the t~~Pf:'~~,H ~

. ':(f!.~ 1fkp!.p~.,,~~~~ .'lfJiif;bf( in~To~" I

_ _, 1. .... } .. ~ "'.I- .,_, .. '" .... _' . 1 : .." ~. ~

.. t ...... l!f n~~:-. ',' /" . L :;:_; ~ '5" .,;'p.!'. 3·~·

'... ! '" . .'"' 0: J--" .... • _..... 1

• . ~ I-

. The>ConkntS~\'

wh~tlit,. tIJe-T!JiejLfo..,llbe'·t41:# .,.

. ""ol~ -:-~ .... '~p" ~.~~ .....

. . . ~ __ ,~'. ...,.V~l

Jf~hether · the~ flJptl1ep,pit~tl" bc;gtlu",:"

• or not: , ~. p." 46~ , ,

. ~ .... .: .. _ .. ....;. _" .. ' . • ,j 't ; __ ~. 0- ••• ! .\ ... : - .' 'r ~

Thill the pa,.'Y 'fMfptl1ed' is ·,"'Of,~·"glliltj.· . '.

" . . P·48 •

. T(J~ns ~tha' the gOlids~JDfl Jb"JJ. •. h'lttA~

- ceoered. . .' ~ P~"49:-_ .

'. . •...• \.;' •.. ~ .• ''':~ •. -- •.• , -, : + ;: ;','.

-rhe time. when th~g~ods .ft(/le;'·~~ ~ifl' y Jingfo .. ll be fIlNllcJ •. ~'. _. ~ '.\·~- ... ·P~~f!.<·· ••

. . .... - ...- ~ '_ .

._ • • ". ", "., e-. _'''\ __ .0:: '. -.:

Ch"ice to~1tS that the GooJsfloi~;;'jhldl' "flt'he recovered, .. ::· ': ...... ~ '.~~ ': .:'. '~·P,·S:7~- ~~_. • ' ..

• ~ .~ o.

j ,

. • { • ~! .. " e- ~ ~w' •••. "

Of frieNdfhip ana h4trtdl heiiDee.:~'he . ,';' . . ': "'l"_ere1l' aNd; the.1"iej'., -, ; .'~ ·~~~\,L.:P.~)'V~~·- . :;: ...

~~'6t~r:. tbe Thief ·he be~tI~4.ofi.iif..,:·)·

. (.IUl,ghb8~rs or 1tf!t. \ .. r~,·.:\R~9P,.;;···

" ~ha_1 tbe querent is thief himfolf. -'Pt':6~ ~), .. '

• _.. ~? . '1hlll/

. .'v.:~':.·" •

. ; ~ .. _"-

. - . ~ . .

, . 'The 'Coni:ents:~~",'7,".:-,'-'.

whethe~' ,he B~aft be"J~ilJ,:Or:~'~" '.'

. - ,,·P·,7:.·.··

To 1t!t1l'W ifth'e~beafls be loft P.7~,:,: .


. .

~: ...

Whether, 'he beafts foall he had.-lI:gat. .. ····

or not. 'J . p. '7·S.· .


. : - -

z., . . ~ . :..

How to. !iHt:!_ out "the jigniJicator of",,:,·

, FHgttt'Ve. .' .p •. '''l~6i.~p ,

I . .

. ~- .

will bef(J~1l4' C,' .••.

p. 7 ' .

Whethe.b~ . Fugitive . L com~ln. ,,~

c,, . t- \.

1vhere tbe FJI,gitive is.

I .

To (1I:.(J'W tbe diflance, h-e twce'~ tlJ,~~ .d~~i:;~

. rein and thtf-FNgiti've. . :~~' .p~

. • I •. ~., • ~ • .:; ~ ~. ~ ••

~",,\- .. ~~..,.

I .. \.... ••• ... ..... : ~.,. :::11' . . L

.A Table o.f tl;e 'Efltntial~ 4igniti~s~ .• '}~

planets.' .' . . " -'i'., '""

.... ""!:- f .

. ' . :.'

.. ~ . .

,. .

L I •.

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