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Jason is the son of Aeson king because of his brave he need to fight beast like dragons
and stuff to get peace for his country so he decided on a quest to get his father rights to
be the king so he sail off to fight the dragon and get the golden fleece

What I have been up to in my spare time.

In my spare time I have been learning skill for myself so in battles I can fight, not like
other people ran off because they are scared I will stand in front of a beast and I will
fight him so this why I have to train more so I won¶t be scared of beast even the big
ones so because of that I started to train myself so I will be better at it soon I have
decided in that every day from now on I and my friends will train together so we are all
strong and very talented

ahe story that was never told

After we all have known that Jason have defeat the dragon and also he has got the
Golden Fleece so he decided to go back to the kingdom and his father have become
the king again, but still no one knows that there was something still happening. One day
in the kingdom the ground is suddenly shaking very little than after while it start to shake
very hard the whole village is starting to think liked ³ What is happening!´ Soon
someone run across the village and shouted, ³It is an earthquake!´ ³It is an earthquake!´
keep repeating again and again. All people were frightened after 5 hours later the earth
quack is finally over many people passed away but luckily some survivals and one of
them is Jason.

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