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Since the Han Dynasty, technically, Chinese men could have only one wife.

However, throughout the

thousands of years of Chinese history, it was common for rich Chinese men to have a wife and
various concubines. Polygamy is a by-product of the tradition of emphasis on procreation and the
continuity of the father's family name.[citation needed] Before the establishment of the Republic of China,
it was lawful to have a wife and multiple concubines within Chinese marriage. Even though before
the Communist Revolution, taking concubines were legal, very few men in the Chinese society could
afford to have more than one wife. Even for those who are wealthy and powerful enough to do so,
taking too many wives was considered immoral. In Confucianism, taking concubines was allowed,
but a man must have a just reason for it. For example, if his wife is not able to give birth to a son, he
would be allowed to take a concubine. If a man wants more wives for sexual indulgence, it would be
unacceptable. It is illegal in modern China to have more than one spouse. Polygamy are seen and
tolerated in south west China among Chinese minorities such as Tibetans etc.

I disagree that

Letters written to forum criticizing jack neo

men were innately and naturally promiscuous

It remains somewhat that way still today. In a survey two sinologists carried out in the mid-
1990s in Taipei, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, most respondents felt that the wronged
party - usually the wife, of course - ought to remain patient and do her utmost to persuade the
wayward spouse to return.

Whether it is the wife who is responsible for the domestic conditions that impel her man to
play the field or just that the other woman had set out to seduce a married man, it is still
women who are really at fault. The real enemy of the woman with an unfaithful husband can
never be her man - even if she were to catch him in flagrante delicto. It is always the other
woman, all feminist notions of sisterhood being moot. We are still as Confucianist as ever.

This is because jealousy overwhelms anger

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