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Dear Professor Rieman,

All of your comments were very helpful in helping me to understand what I need to work on and

what works well in a paper. At first I was not sure of the requirements or the set up that was needed for

the paper, your comments helped me to figure out what the layout and format should look like. I also

had a lot of grammar mistakes, which helped that you pointed them out. I believe that most of those

mistakes were careless, so next time I need to pay more attention to the little details. I did not

understand the comment “I’m curious about why you are so removed from the conversation here”, I’m

not sure exactly what you mean by that. I also had a hard time writing this paper because it wasn’t

particularly interesting to me and I ran out of topics and examples to talk about. So we find that my

paper does not flow very well or transition from paragraph to paragraph well. A couple of students also

recognized the flow of the paper during our workshop. All of your comments overall were very helpful in

my understanding of the general guidelines.

Thank You,

Taylor Richards

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