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COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS HOA Approved Plant Species List - DRAFT The flowing plant materials are recommended approved for use on the property of grounds of Country Club Heights, 1500 W. 8" Street Mesa, AZ. This list is subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The list of plants has been selected from the low water use plant list approved by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR). The list also includes native plant materials of the desert southwest. Additional plant materials may be suggested and approved by the Board on a case by case basis. Existing plant materials not on this list are subject to review and do not grant approval for use within the HOA common areas. The basis for plant selection is low maintenance and low water use. No annual or perennial plantings are allowed in common areas. The goal of the select list of compatible plants below Is to create a unified aesthetic design for the community. ‘TREES: Cereidium Hybrid ‘Desert Museum’ - Desert Museum Palo Verde Chilopsis linearis - Desert Willow ‘Warren Jones” Ulmus parvifolia - Evergreen Elm Acacia stenophylia - Shoestring Acacia Cercidium praecox - Palo Brea Prosopis hybrid ‘AZT - Thornless Mesquite Prosopis juliflora - Native Mesquite Quercus virginiana ‘Heritage’ - Heritage Oak Acacia aneura - Mulga Chitalpa tashkinensis hybrid - Chitalpa hybrid Pithecellobium flexicaule - Texas Ebony SHRUBS: Calliandra californica - Baja Red Fairy Duster Calliandra eriophylta - Fairy Duster Leucophyllum laevigatum - Chihuahuan Sage Simmondsia chinensis - Jojoba Ruellia peninsularis ~ Baja Ruellia Leucophyllum langmaniae ‘Lynn's Legacy’ - Lynn’s Legacy Sage Caesalpinia gilliesii - Yellow Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Bird of Paradise Encelia farinose - Britile Bush Salvia clevelandit - Cleveland Sage Tecoma spp. ~ Yellowbells Lantana spp. ‘New Gold’ - New Gold Lantana Lantana sp. - Trailing Lantana Ruellia brittoniana ~ ‘Katie’ Ruellia Convolvulus cneorum — Bush Morning Glory Verbena rigida — Sandpaper verbena ACCENTS: Asclepias subulata - Desert Milkweed Hesperaloe parviflora - Red Hesperaloe Mulhenbergia capillaris ‘Regal Mist' - Regal Mist Deer Grass Muthenbergia rigens - Deer Grass Dasylirion wheeleri - Desert Spoon Agave geminiflora ~ Twin Flowered Agave

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