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Axia College Material

Appendix I

Building a Medical Vocabulary Ch. 8, 9, & 10

Complete activities A, B, & C, and post to the Individual forum.

A. Use the word bank below to build the medical word that corresponds to each definition in problems 1-
13. Word parts may be used more than once. Click the grey box to begin typing.

epi- ab- thalam/o- -oid sacr/o-

oste/o- gustat/o- -al duct/o- pronat/o-
-or -cyte perone/o- dur/o- -delt/o-
hypo- -ic -ion -ory appendicul/o-
cost/o- xiph/o- -ar -cervic/o recept/o-

1. Pertaining to a limb Appendicular

2. Cartilage resembling a sword Xiphoid

3. Pertaining to a rib Costal

4. Pertaining to the neck Cervical

5. Pertaining to the sacrum Sacral

6. Action of moving (a body part) away (from body) Abduction

7. Resembling a triangle Deltoid

8. Action of lying face-down Pronation

9. Pertaining to the fibula Peroneal

10. Having a sense of taste Gustatory

11. Pertaining to below the thalamus Thalamic

12. Pertaining to above the dura mater Epidural

13. A thing (person) that receives Receptor

HCA 220
B. Define the following words or word parts.

-eal Pertaining to -clast Cell that breaks down

-aris Pertaining to -ent Pertaining to

-ature System composed of -ite Thing that pertains to

-ure System; result of -logy The study of

hemi- One half -ory Having the function of

C. In this activity, break the medical word into its word parts. Using the word parts, create a definition of
the word. Write a sentence using the word in a medical context. Use the table to record your answers.

Combining Combining
Medical Word Prefix form form or suffix Suffix Definition
Intervertebral Inter Vertebr/o -al Pertaining to between the vertebra
Sentence: Between the vertebra are the intervertebral disks.

Periosteal Peri Oste/o -Al Pertaining to around the bone

Sentence: The outside surface of a bone is covered by periosteal.

Ossification Ossificat/o Ion Condition of changing into bone

Sentence: During childhood, this cartilaginous tissue is gradually replaced by boney tissue in a process known as
Brachioradialis Brachi/o Radi/o -alis Pertaining to the radius of the arm.
Sentence: Brahicradialis bends the lower arm toward the upperarm.

Neuromuscular Neur/o Muscul/o -ar Pertaining to the nerve muscle.

Sentence: The nervous system is also known as the neurpmuscular syste, because many nerve impulses initiate
movement of muscles.
Subarachnoid sub Arachn/o -Oid Resembling below the spider web
Sentence: Below the arachnoid is the subarachnoid space, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid and contains
fibers from the arachnoid that connect to the pia mater beneath it.

HCA 220

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